How To Build The GAME OF LIFE in Minecraft

This is The Game of Life in Minecraft can we make it around without going bankrupt and what happens when Milo goes down the wrong path I want to stop playing but there’s no game board we have to build it ourselves Milo and we’ve only got 20 minutes 20 minutes we

Better get started chip we totally do if we build this game board right we’ll be able to actually play the game of life and figure out who wins at life and who’s totally going to fail that is going to be so crazy because I’m going to win we are going to build extra

Special Steps where something random will happen to whoever lands on the Square it could either be something really really good or something really really bad I really hope good things happen to me when I land on this special spot me too Milo that’s why we need to

Dig out a hole and place a command block inside yeah command blocks are too confusing for me no way Milo they’re really really easy if we just type slame of life into this command block and we put the top on and add a pressure plate

I think we can add a warped one cuz it’s nice and blue it should activate whenever we land on it that’s really cool I am so excited to play this game once it’s done or we could play it right now if you want to see how this pressure

Flate works like the video in 3 2 1 wow you did great let’s show them exactly how this works Milo can I please step on it first no way it’s my turn and I won the lottery Milo what oh my gosh you won the lottery with a million dollar wow I

Can’t believe I now actually have a million dollars in The Game of Life that’s going to be really helpful for later on W I hope I get something good next time I hope you get something good right now because I got to step on it so

Do you Milo really yeah let’s go what’s Milo going to get ouch unlucky what could that mean and oh no Milo you were squished by a falling Anvil I can’t believe that just happened that is so unfair and I’m really grumpy well mil Lord the game of life is not over yet we

Still have so much more to build and maybe you’ll have better luck from now on yeah let’s keep building and see what we get I can’t wait to find out this next section of the game of life is my favorite Milo because you’re kind of

Broke now you are $10,000 in debt and I think you definitely need a job what I don’t want to work at a job I think you totally will Milo because this is not going to be a boring old job this job is going to be one of the coolest jobs ever

What is it chip you get to work at McDonald’s Milo McDonald’s oh no don’t worry Milo you’re going to learn how to make cheeseburgers and fries all over here while we build this massive McDonald’s for you to work in well I guess I do really love cheeseburgers and

Fries so maybe it’s good that I learn how to make them I’m so excited to see you working at this McDonald’s Milo because once I visit you’ll be able to give me all the cheeseburgers in the world no white chip I’m going to charge you extra for the cheeseburgers since

You’re already a millionaire yeah I am a millionaire and that means I can leave a pretty big tip but only if I get really good service from you Milo yeah boy you let me build the McDonald’s am okay Milo just make sure you don’t accidentally write some other letter I know spelling

Is not your strongest ability so as as long as you get it right you can totally build the McDonald’s M well don’t worry m is my best letter because it’s also the first letter of my name oh that’s so true you must be an expert in the letter

M then Milo yeah I pretty much am the biggest expert while you build that Big M I’m going to start working on the inside we need to make sure that this McDonald’s can actually properly be cooked in it’s not going to be just a boring old plane building we need to add

A kitchen area with a bunch of furnaces barrels smokers as well is some cauldrons that we will fill with boiling hot water and some lava as well just to get the really crispy french fries yum I’m really feeling like some french fries right about now yeah me too Milo

It’s a good thing you’ll be working here pretty soon and we’ll be able to have the best french fries ever I’m also going to grab some deep slate and I think I’ll also grab a reinforced deep slate this will help me make the nice heating vent to make sure this

McDonald’s does not get totally burned down oh my gosh if I accidentally burn the MC Donald’s down you have to help me afford to rebuild it chip yeah I guess I can cuz I’m a millionaire but I don’t know Milo I think that would be a real

Bad decision if you burn it down well it wouldn’t be on purpose because I love working here true I guess I would love working here too if I got to eat McDonald’s all day yum this kitchen already looks so good now we need to start adding in some windows let’s use

Light gray stained glass over here and on the other side to make sure that nobody can just just walk in here the only way in is going to be here at the front counter yeah because if someone walks in and steals my cheese bget I’m

Going to go crazy on them you can go crazy on them while admiring the amazing decorations I will build so that everyone can come here I’ll build a nice walkway out the front just to make sure that any customer can totally just show up and walk right on up to the counter

I’m also going to add some nice leaves to the side to really blend this in with the environment this is a really fancy McDonald’s I agree Milo it might be one of the fanciest McDonald’s ever we’re totally winning the game of life right now yeah you have a million dollars and

I have an epic job it is an epic job but I think it could be even better Milo what if I told you I know a very very cool trick what’s the trick chip I know how to make your big McDonald’s sign totally spin what you can make it spin a

Around yep I definitely can would you like me to show you how Milo yeah I pretty much would now that I’ve added in these glass panes as a support I need to quickly get rid of this concrete po Milo and place down something called the

Creative motor I now need to add a big pole going right upwards wow that looks very complicated it’s pretty complicated all right and now I need to add a mechanical bearing wo it already looks really good but I need to do a little more first if I grab this superglue and

Make this entire M stuck together watch what happens when I put this block back Milo chip it’s spinning that is crazy Yep this is the most advanced McDonald’s I have ever seen and it’s going to really complete your job experience I really like it thank you for building it

You’re welcome Milo but that’s not all we’re going to be building in The Game of Life there is so much more that we can build and play in okay what’s next next right next to the McDonalds we are going to have another blue tile if you

Land on this one you will have to step on another PR plate that will do something totally random I don’t like these blue tiles last time I stepped on it something bad happened yeah I don’t think you should step on this one again you have really bad luck when it comes

To these tiles Milo but when we play the official game of life soon you will have to step on it again okay so I might get something really good exactly it’ll be totally random depending on what life choices you make before you reach it that sounds good to me because Milo

Always makes the best life decision ision yeah that is not true Milo I really hope you manag to make some good ones I will I will I promise we’ll need to make sure we curve this next section around because we’re about to run out of space Milo that would be really bad so

Luckily I am not going to let that happen Milo we’re going to curve this around and eventually we’re going to reach the next section where we will get to build a police station oh yeah boy we’re going to have a police station in this game we totally will but H I can’t

Help but feel like something is missing from the road yeah something is missing because it’s really not looking good hey it looks great Milo what can I possibly add to make it look better well if you’re asking my professional opinion I think we should put wet Stripes around

The side that’s actually a really good idea Milo luckily I have white concrete right on hand so we can totally add white stripes on the side oh yeah let’s do it right now let’s make sure we add them all the way to the very start so we

Don’t miss a single spot all the best games of Life have all the best designs so by adding these everywhere we really help make sure that this is the best game of life ever yeah I really agree because we do not want to play a rain

Game of Life no that would totally suck I need to make these Corners a little bit thicker I totally messed up they need to have the same design on both sides otherwise it would look really really messy and very embarrassing hey this is working real good ch yeah that

Already looks so much better I really like this design but now that we’ve added this white border we can actually make the police station Milo and I think we should totally make it right over here this is the perfect spot for a police station because they can look over everything and make sure

Everything’s okay and it’s also really good for them to be right next to the McDonald’s in case any people come try to break in yeah and because police get hungry too sometimes the only bad thing is that McDonald’s does not sell Donuts so they might have to think of something

Else to order there don’t worry I’ll cook the police some donuts really Milo that’s so nice of you I’m sure they will totally love you over there yeah we’re going to be best friends and I will never be a criminal no way not unless you pick a really bad path in the game

Of life that would make you a criminal Milo because only criminals pick the bad path well I really hope I don’t get a bad PA because I don’t want to be arested yeah that would totally suck Milo and and if you’re working at McDonald’s next to the police station

And you choose the bad crime path you will totally get arrested if you break the law oh boy that’s bad yeah it is really bad luckily I’ll help make sure you don’t break the law I’ll guide you down the best path to pick that is if

You decide to go down there yourself as well if you keep making bad choices Milo I will not be able to save you I think I’m a black might actually be my favorite board game really Milo why is that well because there so many fun choices to make and pretty much it’s

Nice colors yeah the colors are really really pretty especially when it’s being built by awesome Builders like us yeah I’m actually the best builder hey what no you’re not I’m the best builder here yeah but I just did the floor really quickly I guess you did but I’m going to

Do the roof really really fast as well I’ve even thought of a very cool design for it Milo really I can’t wait to say and I can’t wait to show you I just just have to build a great concrete Ring Around The Edge just like I did for the

McDonald’s as well all of these buildings are part of the same board game so they’re going to look similar I also now need to place white and black Concrete in a bit of a chest pattern around the side it’s not going to only look like chess though this is part of

The official uniform that police wear it’s also the pattern that is on the side of police cars in big cities like New York New York s wow that’s really cool and now that this pattern is done we just have to make one more layer of it on top above every single white block

I will be placing a black concrete and above every single black concrete I’ll place a white one this way it makes a nice checkerboard pattern just like this it looks good and it’s really confusing as well yeah that way criminals might get stunned when they see it now there’s

One final layer to add this gray concrete on the top will make it look way nicer and it’ll really tie in the whole design together we can’t forget the roof Milo this is a board game so people might be looking at it from the top down and if they see right into the

Police station they could learn secrets about how the police make sure that everyone follows the law and they could work around them to totally break it and that would ruin the Game of Life y I’ve got a really big question what’s your question Milo well what are we going to

Put inside the police station that is a really good question Milo we need to make sure that it can actually properly work as a police station that’s why over here we will need to build a big stone brick jail with a big iron bar ring

Around it this is to help make sure that the police have a spot where they can store the prisoners before they get sent to jail that is yeah this is one place I wouldn’t be visiting very often I hope so Milo there is always a chance that

You could pick a really bad path and become a criminal As Long as You Follow the law and behave really really well in The Game of Life you will not have to go here oh yeah boy Milo and the are going to be best friends yeah totally but not

As good friends as you and I are right Milo well I guess we’re pretty good friends but if you betray me in the game of life we won’t be friends anymore okay Milo I won’t betray you I promise I will only do my best to protect you in this

Game that’s why I also need to make sure we build this roof if I do not build the police station’s roof properly then the prisoners might be able to escape which would put you in danger and I would break my promise of trying to protect you yeah that’s so true rofes are very

Important they are so important if a roof is not strong enough it could fall down or be broken through at least if there’s a real Criminal on the loose sh we need a room where they stole all the police records oh yeah that’s a great

Idea Milo we can build a big shelf of it over here we can have some levels with barrels and some levels with bookshelves just like these ones some of them will be chiseled bookshelves and some of them will just be regular this way the police can put in their official books yeah

That’s really smart and we also need a help help to ask for when people come in and need help from the police that’s a really good point Milo if people come in and can’t find where to ask for help they won’t be able to ask the police for

Anything I’ll get started on this help desk if you put some books inside the chiseled bookshelves all right I’m going to choose my favorite book that’s a really good idea Milo while you do that I’m going to be building my favorite thing on this help desk a computer for

The helping person to build I’ll need to grab a pressure plate and a Blackstone button these will act as the computer’s keyboard and mouse wao it’s already starting to come together but there’s still some more changes I need to add if I grab a big Birch sign and place it

Right on the back of this pressure plate it should be the next step in the process finally if I just add a painting right here it looks exactly like a computer the only bad thing is it can totally be seen from the window which means that any criminal looking in could

Sneak a peek at what the help desk is doing and try and learn ways they can break their criminal friends out of this jail Kia well I think we should move it maybe H that’s a good point Milo maybe the help desk can wrap around the side

Like this this way they will be right near the entrance so they can help even more people the computer will have to face in this direction so that the criminals can’t just look at it from the side I need to grab another sign to put down I totally broke the one earlier but

Now that I’ve put this here it’s looking a lot better this looks epic chip I can’t wait to see what’s next yeah we totally did an awesome job but we just need to add in Windows first Milo if we left this police station with no windows

On it then the criminals could just walk right in and walk right out which is really really bad oh my gosh I can’t believe I nearly skipped the windows yeah that would have been a real disaster luckily we totally thought about that before it was too late the

Next part of the board is going to be so awesome Milo I can’t wait for you to see what ideas I’ve come up with for it I can’t wait to see it even chip what’s it going to be well it’s not going to be like the earlier parts of the board we

Are going to have a double roll Square it’s going to be pretty crazy and it’s going to be a nice magenta color just like this Double R what does that mean well it means Milo that if either of us land on this Square we will have to roll

Again and whatever number the dice lands on we’ll have to do something for it do something for it what are we going to have to do it will all depend on what side the dice lands on there are six sides of any dice so we just have to

Hope it lands on a nice one for us yeah that’s actually super true I’m going to hope for good numbers every time me too Milo and if you roll a bad number something terrible will happen so you need to make sure you do not roll a low

Number on it once you do roll a high number though you will get to leave the dice rolling section and make your way further along the Game of Life board it’ll lead you right over here to this next section where you really do not want to end up I cannot wait until we’re

Actually playing the game c me too Milo but I just hope we don’t land on any of the bad squares around this part this next part of this game of life is going to be a pretty dodgy area Milo where you don’t want to be oh no what does that

Even mean this next Square will be a hospital Square Milo and if you land on this Square you get very very sick and have to go to the hospital which we will build right next to it oh gosh I really don’t want to go to the hospital neither

Do I Milo but as long as you don’t land on that red square you totally won’t have to well I’m not going to worry about it because I think I’m going to play really good and I W be landing on the Red Square yeah that’s the spirit

Milo I’m also going to play really good and do not want to land on the Red Square anytime soon it can be very expensive to go to the hospital in the game of life so you need to make sure you do not go very many times unless

You’re a millionaire like me it’s going to cost you a lot of money to go to hospital here oh my gosh I do not have enough money money for the hospital no way you already are in debt Milo if you land on any more bad squares you could

Totally lose the game of life and be forced to turn to a life of crime to earn your money back well chip maybe we could just build the hospital to be a little bit cheaper I think we could Milo but that is not the rules of the game of

Life if we build a cheap hospital then that is not like the real game so we have to make it expensive to make our hospital as realistic to The Game of Life as possible all right fine then we can make an expensive hospital it’s going to be a nice hospital at least

Milo we need to give it a really really lovely design so that even though people that will stay here are sick and will have lots of money paid to the hospital it’ll still sort of be a nice place to be yeah maybe we can have a lot of

Animals in the hospital wait Milo do you mean a vet yeah we can have an animal hospital oh Milo this hospital is not for Animals the only animal that’ll get to go in this hospital is you Milo hey I don’t want to be the the only person in

Here what Milo how are you going to get other people in the hospital as well well I’ll just invite them and we can have a hospital party a hospital party Milo that’s a terrible idea what is everyone going to do jump on the hospital beds yeah we’re going to dance

Around in the hallway Milo that could be really dangerous what if someone has a super duper viral disease oh course well maybe they not invited no way although it is a hospital Milo you can’t uninvite people from a hospital yeah remember last time I had a c yeah I do it was

Terrible you sneezed all over me and then I got sick yeah it was actually very funny and then you couldn’t go to your favorite football game no I couldn’t I really wanted to go to that game and we totally won it would have been so awesome to be there it was kind

Of nice when you stayed home and tried to make me chicken noodle soup though even though you forgot the noodles and tried to add worms instead well I thought that’s how you made chicken noodles Sou that’s how my mommy used to make it that’s cuz your mom was a bird

Milo of course she fed you worms well I guess that’s true I didn’t really think about it like that it’s okay Milo don’t worry we learn these things every day that’s just a part of life and it’s something you can totally learn in the game of life too we’re going to add lots

Of very good learning moments here what if you need to learn how to do taxes or something boring like that well I don’t really worry about taxes cuz I’m just a little guy you’re already in a lot of debt Milo and if you don’t worry about

Your taxes you won’t pay them and you could get in trouble with the police all right fine I’ll pay my taxes because I don’t want the police to be mad at me exactly Milo that’s a really good choice and hey we don’t have to build this back

Wheel very far out we can only build it to halfway the hospital isn’t going to be that big Milo okay well I guess that’s good not that bit though we’ll keep this side Milo you’re so crazy are you focusing on the amount of debt you’re in right now yeah I’m actually

Crunching some numbers and it’s not looking good for me don’t worry Milo I’ll try and teach you how to get out of it I am a millionaire after all so I basically know everything about money yeah what were the last numbers you crunched uh well I crunched some pretty

Hot numbers at the gym I always go and it’s a very expensive gym only millionaires go there yeah I left some pretty good weights as well what Milo what are the weights you’re lifting two two what Milo two little cans of soda I don’t know it just said two are you

Lifting two weights or two bird seeds Milo two bird seeds I eat them with my friend Jim Jim who is jym well that’s what I thought you mean when you said you go to the gym Milo gym is a place you go not a person you eat bird seeds

With what the now I’m really confused Milo you might have a head injury right now and if you do you’ll need to go to this Hospital right here unfortunately right now it doesn’t have any rooms inside so we’ll need to make them really quick can we build them really nicely

Yeah of course we can Milo that’s always part of the plan I would never decide to build something badly that’s why this hospital will only have state-of-the-art hospital rooms they will have all the equipment needed to save anyone from anything they could be sick with yeah like if they break their arm or

Something yeah or if they hurt their head from eating bird seeds instead of going to the gym what chip that feels very directed at me uh no it was about some other guy I know who did that exact thing that happened to you earlier what you know another guy like that you

Better tell me who it is cuz we be best friends uh yeah his name is uh Smo Smo wow what a great name yeah I guess that is a great name but what’s a better name is the chip Medical Center I think we should name it after me because being

With me always makes everyone feel better no no way you do not get to name this after you we’re definitely going to call it the Myer m Milo Center the Milo Center that’s a really weird name how is anybody meant to know that it’s a hospital well because I put a little

Sign outside of course okay I guess that works and I take it you’re not going to remove the Big Red Cross on the hospital right Milo no because that’s a really really important symbol exactly it tells everybody that this is a professional hospital and not some random other

Building I also really want to grab some clay blocks to add as the roof it looks so cool and it’s a very clean looking block it looks just like a real hospital and once we do make this roof we’ll need to make rooms for all of the hospital

Patients and why do I hear metal clanging just some anvils I’m putting around why I don’t know I think they look really good Milo this is a hospital not a weapon Smith well maybe you need an anvil in the hospital to sit on Milo people are going to be sitting on chairs

Here or on the hospital beds we’re here treating sick people Milo not sick weapon makers normal anvils then maybe if this was a hospital for diamond swords then we could have anvils yeah maybe we should make one of those no way Milo a diamond sword can’t go to

Hospital this is the game of life and only we can nobody else will be playing this game of life except for us what so it’s just you versus me exactly and I’m winning so far uh-oh wait a minute I should probably add a way for you to get

Down from there right Milo yeah because I’m freaking out you totally trapped me don’t freak out Milo it’s okay okay here I’ll dig a staircase on this side for you oh thanks CH that’s very kind you’re welcome I still need to actually make the stairs though are you okay you just

Jumped off the edge yeah I’m actually fine that’s impressive wow this hospital really does have healing powers that’s so cool but it will have even more healing powers once we add a bunch of these awesome medical rooms inside now that we’ve made the staircase and I’ll

Just patch up the roof real quick we can have a bunch of space to add some cool patient areas I think the room with the hospital beds need to be over here these glass panes are like really futuristic curtains this allows us to have a bunch

Of different rooms and not just one big one if we have one big one all the patients will get sick from having to share a space but this way they have their own room and it can be really nice and clean for them I’m going to put down

Some Hospital bags good idea Milo that’s a really really genius option to add here if we did not add hospital beds all of the poor patients at this Hospital would have nowhere to lie down and they would have to lay on the cold Stony floor I don’t want to do that at all

Because the cold Stony floor hurts my feet and it would definitely hurt if I was lying down exactly imagine how badly it would hurt a poor Hospital patient who’s already very sick and needs treatment perfect now that we’ve done these we need to add a big quartz slab

This way these Hospital curtains or glass panes have a really really secure place to hang off and they’re not just going to float there and what else should I put inside the room inside of every single hospital room we need to build a little Contraption first we need

To grab some end rods and then we will definitely need a brewing stand followed by some potions of instant Health it is very important that we use healing potions Milo and not some other kind yeah that’s very smart we don’t want any poison potions in a hospital exactly

That would be really bad then we need to add healing potions into the brewing stand it looks exactly like an IV drip on the side of the hospital bed this is what hospital patients in real life used when they are sick hey that’s really great thanks Milo I’m really really

Proud of the idea it’s just one thing that we’re doing to make sure that this is the best hospital ever and every patient that is sent here is so safe and healthy yep I have the best idea ever right now what’s your idea Milo I’m going to put little flowers in the worms

Milo that’s going to look like someone’s just died no it’s not it’s to make it look really pretty okay I guess we can have pretty flowers but if we have flowers next to the empty beds we need to have a big flower patch in the middle

So nobody finds it weird that’s a great idea you’re really thinking smart thanks Milo I’m proud of the thinking as well excuse me I just need to place a laab right over there and perfect now we can break these bottom blocks and put down some grass blocks inside the area it’s

Always nice to have flowers when you’re sick exactly it really makes the hospital feel like a much nicer place to be now on top of the flower bed we need to place slabs on this ceiling it needs to match up in the exact spot exactly we will also need to grab some glowberries

To make sure that we can put them on the ceiling it’s going to look like a really pretty Edition hey that’s really nice thanks Milo this actually might be one of the nicest hospitals ever we’ll also need to make a waiting room and we can make it right over here we’ll add some

Nice stairs over here so all the patients can wait in Comfort it’s going to look like a giant massive comfy couch that they can enjoy sitting on we’ll also need to add some nice clean blue Carpets on the bottom you’re forgetting something really important what is it

Milo we need to make a service desk a service desk oh that’s a really good point Milo I think I know exactly where to put it if we make the waiting room just a little bit smaller we can add the service desk on this wall look how

Awesome that looks and we’ll also need to add some chiseled bookshelves just so that everything is on file hey yeah this looks really awesome I agree Milo let’s add the bookshelves right over here it can even go nicely underneath the stairs and we can even fill them with all the

Books we can possibly add look that looks great it looks so awesome I agree let’s also put down some extra slabs to make sure that it Blends in really well with all the building we’ve done so awesome and what are we going to do upstairs well upstairs is going to be

The doctor’s office it will be a huge room that goes all the way down this Hospital only a couple people will ever play the game of Life at the same time so we only need one doctor here hey here’s the doctor going to be well the

Doctor will be whoever is not the sick patient so it all depends on who is doing better in The Game of Life that’s what we’ll decide who’s the doctor Milo well if it’s going to be me I’ll do a really good job because I know everything yeah sure you do Milo now we

Need to add a bunch of IV bags inside of this room if you add these potions of healing on top of every single one then I can make as many as possible this room needs to be very good because it will be where we perform the surgeries my

What there’s going to be surgeries here yep there definitely will be that’s why all the equipment needs to be very securely stored to the ceiling here and chains are definitely the best way to do it I agree thanks Milo I’m so glad you agree now in a hospital they always have

Really really good lighting that’s why we need to add some lanterns and I think blue lanterns look like a really nice clean color they are not like all the regular lanterns which have actual fire inside that could be dangerous and is not safe to have in a hospital yeah I do

Not want to make anyone sick me too Milo and I also think we need to grab a painting this painting needs to be very nice and soothing so we’ll have to only pick a good one yeah this is a really soothing painting oh wait I think I

Thought of an even better one this painting will definitely be the perfect choice to have in a hospital look Milo it’s a diagram of the human head wow that’s really cool I’m liking this a lot me too Milo this Hospital surgery room is perfect now I think the hospital is

Fully complete and we can build the next part of the game of life I’m very happy with what we’ve done so far me too Milo I’m really really proud of it but it’s only going to get better in this final part of The Game of Life board we’ll

Need to build a really really cool pot that actually goes in a little squiggle don’t place the whites just yet it’s going to be really interesting to get this design right and if we mess it up we could totally ruin the board we have

To make sure we do not wreck this at all Milo okay chip I won’t put the white Parts down yet thanks Milo you’ll be able to do it soon though don’t worry we just need to add this shape first it’s going to be pretty tricky but I know we

Can do it Milo especially if we put our heads to it and work together Hey look it’s really doing a loopy yeah it totally is doing a loopy that’s such a funny way to say it Milo once this loopy is complete you will actually get to

Continue The Game of Life maybe we can even add a way to skip the loop and really get ahead this is all part of the strategy of picking the best Life Choices if you skip this Loop then maybe you will take way less time to beat the

Game of life and you can get some serious serious help I hope that happens for me I hope it happens for me too Milo if it happens for both of us we’ll totally crush it at the game of life it could be so so helpful oh yeah boy now

That the loop goes right over to the other side it then continues into the rest of the game of life it already looks so cool we’ll need to add the final bits of white concrete here but we need to add a special tile that you can

Land on that might skip the entire Loop and I think that tile definitely needs to be a nice lime green color just like this yeah this is really pretty thanks Milo I’m so glad you agree not only will we have a green tile but we will also

Have another blue one right next to it if you land on this blue tile you will have to go somewhere that I know you do not want to go back to oh oh what is it you are going to have to go to school oh

No I do not want to go to school CH Milo school is important and everybody needs to go to school well not me because I’m already a genius I don’t know about that Milo school is a way you go to become a genius it’s a big brick building where

Everybody goes to learn it’s two CL move it back oh sorry Milo that’s a really good point I’ll move it back a couple blocks further away this means that we have plenty more space to make the game of lifeboard a little bit bigger I am not helping you build the school chip

Sorry Milo it’s for your own good school is a very important part of the game of life and if you skip it you could go down a really bad path forever but I already went to PR school why do I have to go again Milo you only went to

Preschool you’re meant to go to primary school and high school well no one told me that are you telling me that you were never a senior or a junior or a freshman or a more I’ve never been any of those things and I don’t even know what they

Mean they’re the different year levels in high school Milo you’re going to need to go through all of them if you want to have the best chances in The Game of Life oh my gosh this is so bad no it’s not bad it’s awesome it’s very important

To learn and you can only do that when your school has a proper roof luckily I’m getting right to it and making sure that this school is the best built school ever oh I think it’s ugly hey it’s not ugly Milo it’s beautiful in its

Own way I need to make sure that each of these walls is nice and made out of brick it’s going to have a huge classroom and hallways inside of this school it’s going to go pretty far back so we’ll need to clear up a bunch of this grassy area no grass is getting

Inside this school it’s not going to have a dirt floor it’s going to have the coolest floor ever let’s just break all these blocks and continue making the bricks the bricks need to go pretty far back so we have enough space to build the entire inside of the school in hey

Chip I have something to give you what is it Milo there you go oh thanks it’s a book I didn’t know you could write books and the title of this book is called Milo why is it in all capital letters because that’s just what I wanted okay

Cool uh hey this is you are dumb Kip that’s not how you spell my name my name has a h in it why is there a h in your name because that’s how you spell chip oh wow you really do need to go to school this is so embarrassing it’s okay

Milo don’t be embarrassed once you learn how to spell you’ll be be able to do it forever that’s just one of the skills you learn in The Game of Life well how do you spell my name well it says m i l o it’s actually right above your head oh

Yeah it’s right there yeah and wait so is mine how come you can’t spell chip well I didn’t really know that spell your name oh Milo you’re so crazy well that’s something you’ll be able to learn when you go to school well since it clearly can’t spell I guess I’ll help

You build the school thanks Milo why don’t you get started on this roof section and I will build the inside SS good to me in this school we will need to build a big whiteboard so that the teachers can teach all the students so many things every student will be able

To see the Whiteboard so we’ll need to add a bunch of chairs over here we can add a bunch of chairs at the back of the class for all the crazy students to sit in and we can have some at the front as well wow this school’s classroom is

Pretty awesome already we’ll need to add some signs to the sides of the chairs to make sure that every student knows exactly where to sit in schools the chair table tables are only on one side so that every student can have a place to put their books and their pens for

Writing on this place is already so cool but we’ll need to add a little more at the very back of the classroom we will add a big brick wall behind this brick wall is going to be the dreaded principal’s office I really hope you do not get sent here Milo the principal can

Be really really mean oh no I do not like the sound of that if the principal shouts at me I’ll probably cry yeah me too luckily I’m a really good student so he probably won’t even shout at me at all yeah I guess so but it would totally

Freak me out yeah I totally understand that Milo it would freak me out too one thing I totally forgot to build was a floor to this school we almost had a school where all the students had to walk on grass that would be crazy and it would be a very distracting classroom

What if ants got all up in the teacher apple on their desk no way anybody would be able to learn then that’s why it’s very important to replace the entire floor with some nice Spruce planks this makes it look just like a real school one that’s very wellb built yeah Spruce

Planks are way better than Gass exactly Milo I’m so glad you agree inside this school we will also need to have some paintings it’s important that the paintings are educational and have so many things for the students to learn on them I think on this painting as well

We’ll need to have another different picture this will teach students how to build the wither wo I really really really hope the students do not pay attention in this class because that could be a disaster we will also need to grab some stained glass panes I think using lime stained glass will really

Really look awesome wo this looks so cool I’m really glad this is a part of the school’s design I really hope you land on the school tile and have to go learn in this High School Milo that would be the best thing ever I’m actually hoping that doesn’t happen

Because it’s making me nervous don’t be nervous Milo there is nothing to worry about unless you get sent to the prin principal’s office but I’m sure that totally weren’t happen but the first day of school sounds really scary yeah it is pretty scary but as long as you pay

Attention in class you’ll be totally fine I’m even going to make it really easy for you to pay attention Milo I’m going to build so many bookshelves that it’s basically a big Library all you have to do is come to class and look at the bookshelves and read something and

That should be a pretty easy task yeah except I don’t really know how to read oh no Milo that means that if you get sent to this school you could be in a lot of trouble I really hope you manage to avoid it otherwise you could be in some serious danger with the

Principal but now the principal and the main classroom area all have their glass walls and the school is complete this means all we have to do is link up this part of the game of life to the beginning do you think we can do that

Milo I think we can totally do it CH this won’t be a regular part of the game of life though this will need to be the home stretch it will be a a lot trickier than the rest of this game and it’ll need to go way way quicker we need to

Think of a way to make sure that this final part goes as quickly and Speedy as possible well we can have race car that’s a great idea Milo inside the home stretch you will eventually land on the racing tile and it’s going to be a cool black and white checkerboard pattern

Just like the beginning of a real race once you land on the racing section though you will actually have to pick the way to go and you will get to go quicker or slower depending on how good or bad your life choices were and how

Much money you can pay for a really good car with oh gosh I’m really hoping I can buy a fancy car like a Lamborghini if you want to buy a fancy car in this racing section Milo you’re going to have to work pretty hard on

Making sure you get a lot of money in The Game of Life and making sure you do not commit crimes I will not commit crimes and I will race my car amazing Milo I like that attitude let’s also add some Road symbols right in the middle

Just to make sure this really does look like a road and so that there’s enough space for both of us to drive on it Milo if you keep building this RAC trck all the way to about here I think would be good I will add some nice decorations

Around to really spruce up this game of life yeah good to me H I think we’ll definitely need some jungle saplings as well as some Oak saplings we’ll need to grab some bone meal to make sure that these properly grow let’s also grab some nice quart slabs to build some really

Beautiful areas that the trees can grow in we’ll build trees right around the edge of the Game of Life we’ll build one right over here I really hope this grows inside the planting zone and wow it totally did that’s a really really pretty tree let’s keep adding as many

More of these as we can maybe because this is The Game of Life and there’s so many different options that you could get either good options or bad options we should have so many different kinds of trees it’ll also make the entire board game area look way more cool maybe

This part can be really nice and jungly just like the jungles that we have in real life wo that also looks so cool this next bit will have a couple oak trees and as you get closer to the hospital we can even add birch trees

Birch trees are so nice to look at and I’m sure the hospital patients will really really appreciate it I’ll also add one right over here perfect this is so cool we need to make sure we properly bone meal these oak trees though if we leave them ungrown they’ll look so silly

In these giant giant planting zones with little trees inside we can also adds Spruce saplings in between the hospital and the school this way it looks just like a camping Zone in the woods I don’t think we should be able to Camp here that would be really really distracting

And it would totally ruin the game of life it would turn into a game of hideand-seek and a game of making s’mores around the campfire which actually sounds pretty nice but that’s not important what’s important is winning at the game of life and we’re not going to do that if we get too

Distracted that’s why the next few trees can be back to the simple ones which which is going to be Oak we need to make sure we get at least one really big oak tree big oak trees look so cool and they have so many of them in real life so if

We had one in our Game of Life it’ll look as realistic as possible how’s the racetrack coming along Milo it’s pretty much time wow I’m so impressed why don’t you keep adding the trees around and I will continue the game of lifeboard sounds good to me once you reach this

Section you will eventually lead all the way over to a pressure plate which will decide whether or not you have one at The Game of Life oh my gosh that sounds really crazy it is very crazy and we’ll make it the signature blue color that all the other game of life pressure

Plate squiz are yeah cuz blue is best I guess it is in this game Milo you can totally have this Victory but not the victory of the game of life that one will totally go to me the pressure plate will go in the very middle of this final

Square wow that looks so cool wow it does look cool but what happens when I step on it nothing yet Milo but once we add this white border around the very edge to complete the entire game once you step on the pressure plate it will tell you if you’ve won W that’s crazy

Yeah it totally is now Milo I have a very important question for you what’s the question we need to decide if we are going to play the game of life as well but how are we going to decide I have an idea if you want me and Milo to play a

Round of The Game of Life all you have to do is subscribe in 3 2 1 wo it totally worked wow I’m so excited to stop playing me too I reckon I should go first but chip one thing what is it Milo I am not playing with you unless you res

Set our money back to zero what but Milo I earned that money fair and square no you didn’t I’m not playing fine Milo okay okay we can start from scratch we both now have 0 and it’s out who wins in this round of Game of Life as to who

Will win overall right let’s go I’ll roll first I wonder what number I’m going to get look it’s a five 1 2 3 4 five and I get a good life and I have $110,000 now Milo what the that’s crazy now it’s your turn to roll your dice and

Figure out if you will also get a good life or if you’ll get a bad one all right let’s go wow I got a five as out CH that’s amazing Milo all right make your way to this square and see what happens when you step on the pressure

Plate I really hope it’s something good let’s see Milo went down a bad path but got $100,000 what are you richer than me right now let’s go this is awesome I like the bad parts I think I can’t believe you’re richer than me I’m going

To roll it again and see what I get I got five wow that’s so awesome 1 2 3 four five since I’m so far ahead Milo you can now come as well and wait a minute why are you wearing that W I look like a criminal uh-oh I guess you really

Are going down the bad path Milo I’m not sure if this bad path will be good for you it could end really really badly oh no I better V my DK again do it Milo quick I hope it’s enough to get you off the Bad path and onto the good one what

Number did it land on Milo it landed on three three Milo that’s a five what oh I did know I guess I can’t really count you just have to come to the square that I’m on now Milo we’re both on five together but not for long I’m about to

Roll again I hope I roll a three I really want a chance to become richer than you a six no way one 2 3 4 5 6 okay now it’s your turn Milo ahuh you missed the good one I wonder if you’re going to

Hit the good one W I got a three oh wow I wonder what’s going to happen when you land on the good one Milo let’s go one 2 three Milo has detention uh-oh that is not good what oh no now we have to go all the way to the school and do

Detention I’ll be the Principal since I’m not the one in detention right now now I’m really sad The Game of Life totally stinks please do not speak like that in my class I’m the principal and the teacher at the same time so no one’s allowed to say the word stinks what the

A chip you can’t be an of me yeah I totally can please do not speak to me like that I am your principal after all this is really not working out for me hey quiet in the back of the class and don’t stand on the chair that’s very

Disrespectful H you’re being a very bad student I do not know what to do with you oh CH please give me forgiveness please oh please H I have a better idea than that what do you think we should do to Milo comment below right now should I

Give Milo detention or should Milo be expelled forever vote in the comment section in three two one Milo has been expelled forever what the oh my gosh this is so bad wow I’m totally loving this that was a very good choice just great now that you have totally been

Expelled Milo it is my turn to roll I hope I roll a two I’m still not richer than you are Milo well did you get one yeah I totally did one and two wait a second officer chip reporting a bank rubbery a bank bubly oh no wait a second

I’m a police officer now that’s really cool and is that a bank behind me wao hey it says catch the bank rubber I better do my job wait a minute Milo why are you here W I don’t know I guess I’m rubbing the bank you’re rubbing the bank

No way Milo come back here I will catch you you have been apprehended by the law you can’t catch me I’m the best criminal in the world no way I totally will the police will always catch you Milo why you knocked me down you bzo no way Milo

I will come to get you you can’t hide away under the ground ha I got you Milo you’re the worst oh my gosh and you are now under arrest by Officer chip I’m taking you to jail oh no ever since you caught me I’m really D some money wait a

Minute Milo I I was just promoted to police chief and got $25,000 for catching you yeah great this is so bad and I’m onga 50,000 off to roll my lawyer fees H I guess choosing the bad path in life is not working out for you

So far but maybe there is still time to join the good side Milo well I’m still going to try my best and I think I’m still going to win all right you can only win by Rolling a really good number come on Milo give it a go all right

Let’s see what a get wow I got a four four that puts you right next to me Milo but you’re not quite catching up to me yet now it is my turn and I have rolled a three wo I’m so close to the roll again section well I guess a three is

Pretty good but watch what I get and it’s a four again hooray hey we’re on the same block again yeah look we’re standing here together and this means I’m really catching up uh-oh I need to get ahead quicker now luckily it’s my

Turn and I hope I roll a two so I can go again and wao I totally did now I get to double roll Milo I wonder what I’m going to roll this time I rolled a three this is so awesome I’m super in the lead now

Milo now you’re way ahead of me let’s see what I can get a six wait a six that puts you ahead of my role Milo yeah boy oh goodness Milo we’re close to the hospital I really hope nothing bad happens to you or me near this Zone I’ll

Be fine don’t worry about it all right I hope I’m fine too and I totally will be because I roll a six as well 1 2 three all the way to six hey you barely going ahead pretty fast oh no it’s my turn and I really don’t want to go in the

Hospital yeah this hospital is called the Milo Milo hopital yeah it says Hospital actually but whatever what does your dice say though Milo it says a three a three wait a second Milo that puts you on the hospital Square oh my gosh oh no this is bad are you ready I’m

Ready Milo you broke your leg by breaking into a house what the what that’s really bad oh now I have to go in here welcome to the hospital sir chip what are you doing here it’s not chip it’s me your doctor now we need to go

Perform a surgery on your leg it’s fully broken oh great you’re really really going to be a bad doctor I just know it no I’m the best doctor ever that’s why I get my own office and we need to shut the door for no reason at all that is

Very suspicious now please stand on this surgery table with the skulls the chains the spooky lanterns and the bag’s full of creepy fluid I’m not feeling so good about this right now well you will feel very good soon because I have some handy surgery tools with me surgery I don’t

Need surgery yes you definitely do now just hold tight Y what are you doing this is hurting me Oh no you’re getting too cold we need to warm you up a little bit what you’re putting fire everywhere doctor a chip you’re the absolute worst this is an important part of the process

Now I need to chop off your arms and your toes the fire did not work but I don’t even have toes yes you do but not for long Milo yeah this is really hot stop it maybe the sword is not wor working I don’t think the axle the shears would

Work but maybe a TNT would be strong enough TNT you’re crazy no I’m not crazy I’m a genius doctor no stop it I have won the biggest brain award that’s so amazing and I even got $150,000 Milo what the that is so unfair and now I’m $500,000 in debt because of all my

Stupid medical bill that must suck Milo my life is way better now that I’m rich oh this is so bad I’m really angry well Milo you don’t have a lot of time to be angry we’re about to enter the final stretch the final stretch oh gosh this better go

Good I wonder what I’m going to get this time hey I got a five that’s a really good score uh-oh it could put you ahead of me if you land on the green square I really hope I get the green let’s see what did you get Milo I got two that’s

Not very much you could still land on the green square but I think you probably wouldn’t I totally just rolled a twoo what I’m rolling such tiny numbers this gives you a really good chance to catch up to me well now I’m rolling a one what is going on with this

Game yeah these numbers are tiny and hey I rolled a five 1 2 3 4 five wao I’m right next to the green square Milo okay well I rolled out two let’s go oh no that means you get to go one Square in that direction you’re now ahead of me no

Way I’m not going to let this last for very long because I’ve just rolled a two we’re on the same square now Milo right back to where we started and let’s see what I get a three hooray but I totally missed the blue square yeah I hope I

Land on the blue square even though I don’t need it cuz I’m already winning this thing a three as well what we’re still tied this is crazy we’re entering the final stretch we’re about to do the racing section I’m hoping I get to race

And beat you because I got all by 1 2 three four five uh-oh I better roll a five otherwise you could get to start the race before I do and luckily I did get a five hey not bad this is not good I wonder what we’re going to race with

Milo well I’m only Rich enough to afford a pick on a stick what well I have really bad news for you but great news for me I am rich enough to afford a mega train Milo what the that is so unfair no way it’s fair and square and now I’m

Winning this race you’re totally beating me yeah I am I’m winning so so much what how did you get this so fast a this game is totally Wiig no way I just won that’s amazing it’s not rigged at all this is such a fair game well that’s it I guess congratul

Or something no Milo that is not the end I have to roll one final Dice and if I land a four I get to finish the game what why this still going to go yes Milo if I do not roll a four I have to go

Back to the very start and it will be a total disaster oh my gosh quickly quickly V okay Milo a four hooray 1 2 3 and four what that’s so unfair I win at life and and get a million dollar this is the best day ever oh this is so bad I

Totally won yeah I guess I shouldn’t have gotten a bad life no Milo that was a bad decision but I feel really bad for you now yeah I’m feeling pretty sad as well H I think I know what we can do if you want to give Milo a break and help

Fix his life like this video to help him in three 2 1 wow okay okay Milo I’m here to take care of you just watch and learn you get your very own dirt house Milo and I’ll even build it for you what oh my gosh chip this has always been my

Dream I’m so glad to hear it Milo I guess you did choose the right life for what you wanted I really love our houses and this one’s beautiful it’s perfect well I’m so glad that you can be happy in your house thank you so much for

Liking the video yeah that was so nice but I win the game of life because I went with the good one

Milo and Chip are Winning at The GAME OF LIFE in Minecraft! But what happens when one of the brothers, stands on the wrong side of life!

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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