15 Dwellers in One Minecraft World…

Where oh all right we’re back at it I added 15 dwellers in this one Minecraft world like the Steve dweller mimik dweller bread dweller and 12 other dwellers for once this is going to be continuous world as I’ve done a bunch of horror videos in the past in a new world every

Single time so from now on every time or almost every time we do a new horror video it’ll be on this world but that’s enough talking let’s see what it looks like trying to survive with 15 dweller mods in Minecraft okay here we are 15 dwellers in one world thankfully I don’t

See one like in the last video I made about this is that an igloo what the heck is this spawn I’m so confused what this is oh okay it is actually an igloo wow well I can already take that bed I can take this crafting table and is

There a secret entrance it doesn’t oh there is oh my God I forget what’s down here but hold up now we can actually make this a base this could actually be my base this is crazy okay we have apples golden apples some wheat in here then we have a potion of weakness that’s

Um interesting I guess but I’m going to put all this stuff here for now I’m going to place the bed here I can only sleep at night that’s fine and let’s go ahead and get some wood also I figured I needed a world I’ve done quite a lot of horror mod Videos dude okay I’ve done quite a lot of horror mod videos and I figured I needed a world that I can just come back to every time I add a new horror mod instead of every time we do one of these videos I make a new world and we go

Through this whole process so I think this world is going to be my permanent horror mod world and then every video from now on when we add new mods it’ll be on this world and it’ll just keep going I think that’ll be a lot better than starting from scratch every time

But yeah this time we have 15 dwellers in the same world I can just get this Stone over here by my spawn and hopefully nothing will try to kill me while I do this the oh what is that what is that noise follow me I have something for

You what the hell was that I have never heard that before well we got our stone pickaxe and stone axe so that’s good I’m just going to get this coal here as well dang I wish there was a lot more iron here I feel like a lot of the ambience

Is just to scare you it doesn’t really mean anything but the problem with these mods is that you never know what’s actually Ambience and it doesn’t mean anything versus what’s a noise that signifies like some sort of monster is spawned so I guess you always have to be

Somewhat cautious but all right we got a stack of wood now doing pretty good and there’s another problem with a lot of these dweller mods a lot of these dweller mods they kind of interact with one another if you know what I mean so I wonder if me having 15 dweller mods

Really means I have 15 dweller mods because I have 15 dweller mods installed obviously but I don’t know if they’re all necessarily compatible with each other hey come outside why is it saying come outside I I am outside what is that a man I don’t like this I don’t like this at all

What dude these noises man Jesus yeah that’s the man from the fog building that we saw in palper and I’s play through so I know exactly what that is oh my God I thought those pigs were a person for a second but I need some food so I’m going

To kill all these animals I’m sorry oh shoot my Hunger is so low I actually just ran out of being able to Sprint um nothing come out and get me please I’m just going to head back to my base why is there lightning dude what the hell is that nah bro

Nah what the hell is that it’s starting to get night time I need to make it to my house fast I think it’s just over this what what wait why do I have those things on me what oh my God okay it’s fine it’s all good yeah

Just over here is my house okay going to my house I’m going to close that too I think that’s a good idea to close that and yeah hopefully nothing spawned down here I don’t think it could nice just my zombie villager and my actual villager that’s amazing all

Right I know there’s a furnace up up there I’m not going back up there to get it I’m just going to make a new one and we’re going to cook all of that and we should be pretty good on food I’m also going to make a little chest plate and

Some leggings there we go now we have some armor add some little carpet here in the corners isn’t that nice I got these two little friends here I got two friends I got a nice little house furnished nicely that’s still closed thankfully hey come outside

Okay if you know if you really want me to come outside buddy I’ll come outside let’s see who oh I don’t like that noise whoa uh I hear like footsteps dude I hear footsteps I am not crazy shout out to the people who have watch better call saw I guess I am crazy

What the hell okay one of our plans of oh my God I thought that spider was a cave dweller one of our plans of business in this video we’re going to make a big pillar we’re going to pillar up this area it’s going to look really

Nice but I’m going to need a lot of cobblestone for that so I guess let’s make a mine too oh God damn it I can’t go to sleep cuz of this stupid guy it’s fine we’ll just make our little mine entrance right here no I’m not going to help you buddy

Gigachad music plays no thanks God damn it my pickaxe broke that’s fine we have a stack of cobblestone we can use for our little pillar now you know what let’s make a new pick and then make my little Cobblestone pillar or at least some some

Of it cuz I definitely can’t do it with the stack I at least want to build it so high that I can see over this mountain I’m next to is there anything out here going to kill me oh my God that change in lighting Jesus dude ah

Okay yeah you know you can have fun with that buddy I’m out that I’m out of that I wonder if he can break ice he’s walking around right now I hear him walking I think he just despawned we know your tricks buddy if you haven’t seen my 10 dwellers video

That’s the exact same guy that was giving me trouble in that video so I already kind of know his mechanics but I’m going to make a nice little pillar um yeah to make a pillar though I actually don’t want Cobblestone to be at the roof so I’m going to get rid of all

This snow and then we’re just going to pill her up the mob I’m looking forward to seeing the most is one called The Steve dweller which is a really silly name but that’s his name and I’m not going to make fun of him for it I don’t

Know if the Steve dweller is the guy asking for the help I don’t know who the hell is asking for help but no thanks I will not help you although I don’t like my roof being exposed now it’s kind of scary oh no no that was more terrifying than any

Dweller God damn it just blew up my whole house oh my god dude a way to ruin something nice what is that why do random eyes show up I’m going to get to the bottom of this oh it’s that thing I know what that is wait where’d it go oh no um

Okay oh what wow I have something for you I hate this game cuz bro just show your little face man show your little meaty handsome face man and I I actually will follow you I hate how my blocks look like this by the way it’s it’s either cuz of this

Mod or cuz of the Shader I’m running my immersion it’s being ruined also where the H you’re telling me I found emeralds before iron but I will take this coal oh okay um nice never take coal for granted they could be H hiding iron oh wait there’s more iron right here wow thank

You for the one single piece of iron that is so epic oh spoke too soon it was two pieces of iron we’ll cook all this up and then make more armor and a shield a shield is what I really need I always forget to sh I always forget I always

Forget to make a shield every single time that we play this excuse my stutter I’m actually surprised how tame this is I thought this would be a lot crazier like there there would be monsters every single second I’d go like ah oh my God monster but uh that’s not what’s

Happening at all this is actually fairly calm like what is going on here do I have 15 dwellers or 15 babies installed it might be babies anyway I think right here is a pretty good floor like if I build this up to right here and this is

The floor I think this is pretty good cuz then I’m able to see everything around me so yeah let’s make that our goal let’s just build everything up to right here and this can be my door for the bottom I don’t know what all this noise is is Jesus Christ quit being so

Rowdy nice now I have iron helmet iron boots leather pants leather tunic who the hell says tunic is a chest plate and most important of all we have a shield that is really good so now if we see anything um hopefully it’s not so crazy it’s going to break my shield

Instantly oh wow silverfish what ah you trapped your oh my God thank you for exposing that iron for me not all heroes wear caves thank you silverfish wait guys am I crazy did I not just hear somebody breaking a block right next to me I swear to God I

Did I swear to God I heard two block breaks at the exact same time rewind that rewind that and I’m also going to look watch that again in editing I I don’t know if I’m just maybe I’m going insane playing these horror mods but I could have sworn I heard something

Else break at the exact same time I was breaking something all right I’m smelting more iron I’ll put a little bit more coal in here and then I want to make some more torches oh my god dude I never even realized what this place looks like what the hell is that

Nah bro get away from me guys this is not a place for you um I feel like that SpongeBob episode where Patrick is like he’s looking at me and I forget the word he says but uh yeah I’m going to hope that you despawn let’s dig out a room right here right

Next to my little staircase and get a bunch of cobblestone for my little pillar oh my God look at him good luck getting me Noob oh no oh no you can’t reach me now oh no oh my God you’ve been outed skilled by the power of me just placing blocks down

Wait are you like a weeping angel do you only move when I don’t look at you does he have a massive skill issue or am I just a professional Minecraft player I may be a professional Minecraft player I don’t know what does this guy think anyway my guy I’m going to finish

Making my little Tower here I hope you don’t mind oh yeah what are you going to try to do buddy what are you doing genius how is he so bad at the game all right and right here is going to be the floor of our new level nice this will be

Like a lookout tower then um actually no I probably want this entire wall to be glass where is sand at all right nerds your time is why wouldn’t what the hell is there a dweller protecting the zombies dude they need to make an underwater cave dweller

I’ve been saying playing it for like 3 months now and it’s still not happened that’s what we need we need that next diver dweller there you go somebody make it I really don’t oh that’s just a fish whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Jesus [Applause] Christ oh my God someone is so angry

I’ve never heard anybody yell that loud God dang dude chill out life is good man life is good you don’t need to be so upset didn’t know this would turn into a therapy session Jesus maybe we need to make like a little therapy office we need to make a little office

And then have all these guys come in share their problems because Jesus Christ I’ve never heard somebody so angry was that the guy that kept telling me to come outside by the way was that finally him we finally finally found him all right and then we can have our door

Here to go outside this way we can go ahead and make this the floor fix that Creeper explosion and then yeah we can just keep going up this way really and then we can go all along this like outermost area just like putting glass down yeah this

Isn’t really uh even either it’s kind of ugly but that’s fine I make ugly houses bro stop stop stop stop I get it I get it you’re trying to troll me I don’t take uh W man don’t do that just let me get some of this iron what was that

Wait it’s not happening anymore did you guys hear that it’s like everything I did it repeated that was so weird why do I hear fire maybe this means I’m going insane because I actually think I am I think there’s a Pillager Outpost over there so let’s uh

Let’s go explore that oh wait it’s not a Pillager Outpost what the hell is that what random blood structure Jesus Christ let’s explore it this is what I’m talking about huh try a different time is this like another dimension we can explore at some point somebody let me know that’s weird

I really thought that was a Pillager Outpost we can make the chest plate we can make the leggings that’s definitely how you make leggings get rid of that now we have full iron armor plus shield and tools that is pretty crazy where oh H

15 Dwellers in One Minecraft World…



TWITTER | @ Vivillyyy

SNAPCHAT | @ ItsVivilly

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​​​​​​#minecraft #mcyt #horror


  1. To make it MUCH more creepy you should Change shaders to insanity shaders, add absolute darkness, add sound physics, add a customizable fog mod and turn it high up. This will make it creepier, more unique, more interesting, and surprising for you and us (the audience).

  2. 17:10 for that structure you need the "tear of the man". Idk where you can find it, I think it’s in the other structure you found earlier or you can just randomly find it on the ground

  3. Please keep your subtitles on in the game next video. It can interact with all kinds of sounds. Maybe you might find out something unknown 😅.
    Just do it idk.

  4. Bro 1 coal smelts 8 items in the furnace. So you don't need to keep 20 coals to smelt like 13 raw irons.
    Keep subtitles on next time please

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