The Power of Modded Terraria Bosses… Terraria Mod of Redemption #14

All right so good morning everyone welcome back to the mod of redemption today we continue with our big Mega episode Saga yeah that’s right cuz it’s no longer one episode I thought it was just going to be yesterday but no we press onwards we have a lot to do so

Strap in uh we’re starting today’s episode at 5:00 p.m. which is not something I normally do usually what I like to do is I like to have a little snooze a little sleep I like my episodes to start nice and bright but not today that’s because we are on a mission we

Have no time to Slumber no time to sleep um what’s that phrase about the early chicken the early chicken um no never mind all right moving on so we’re starting today’s episode in the ice biome and that’s because and I did not realize this as we were playing

After Skeletron we got a little message that was like oh in the ice biome there’s crystals now so yeah we got a message from uh one of the developers or a comment uh and they were like oh you know you missed it and I’m really glad

You said that and also so many of you pointed out that the reason why I mean there were plenty of reasons why I was having a tough time with that little fight yesterday uh but one of the things I need to do is to break it Shield so

That I can can um then deal proper damage I think and that’s why the grenades were so effective also if you can hear Atari barking in the background don’t even worry about it um it’s been collection day um which it surely happens all around the world I don’t

Know why I was about to go into a well in Britain in Britain anyway uh he can see the the bin service people and uh and yeah it’s um he’s going to be barking for a little while don’t worry about it he’s defending my house okay don’t don’t question his ethics around

Barking it’s fine this is it right you know when you’ve got an open window and a dog that likes to protect what do you do you can’t you can’t say no no no barking all right what what if one of them was an intruder you know then where

Would I be think about that okay that’s what I say to justify it um has he stopped he’s already stopped that’s fine that might mean that the trash has been collected how brilliant um I can’t believe I was about to go on a tangent about oh in Britain this is how they

Pick up bins and what not like surely that’s just how it works you know back in the day in Britain here’s what people used to do sling it out their window not during my lifetime not during any of our lifetimes I’m talking hundreds of years ago wow Britain aren’t we so unique gosh

I love love Britain I don’t know where I’m going with that I do like Britain it’s all right it’s pretty good I mean I’ve lived nowhere else so what can I say right so we got some of these crystals let’s see what they do I’m assuming the upgrades it makes pure iron

Alloy very cool so it’s an upgrade to actual iron uh and this is a gaic cryo Crystal makes the player chilled when held a freezing cold Crystal uh so this is a full set of armor right that’s what that is that’s pretty cool this one needs a little bit of leather I don’t

Think we have any leather or maybe we do leather is one of those things where I always get confused between vanilla recipes and moded leather and vanilla I’m going to say it’s made out of rotten chunks am I right it is made of rotten chunks can you make it out of not rotten

Chunks can you make it out of the the Kon alternative I’m getting a little sidetracked don’t worry about it so there is also weapons as well pure iron battle axe very cool so this is an axe this is a hammer deals quadruple damage to guard

Points this is why we need it um there’s a a staff there’s a pickaxe there’s a sword there’s a crossbow yeah I can see now while you were like go grab the crystals okay it’s all it’s all making sense so um so yeah it’s uh I think atar

Is barking again don’t worry about it I know full well it gets picked up on the microphone because that has happened to me here’s the thing right I like to record um with headphones on okay I mean when I’m playing a game normally not always like I like to have one half

Headphone off I’ve spoken about this in the past I get paranoid that someone’s going to come up behind me and make me jump don’t know why that’s just me right other people relate I know you all relate okay it’s got to be a mutual thing anyway um so I was recording a

News video once and I’m like Ning on as I do and News videos do take me a while to record in the sense of like not in the grand scheme of life you know it’s not like oh gosh there there’s so much effort and whatnot I’m not I’m not I

Don’t mean it like that but like for example like a 10-minute video might take me an hour to record sometimes cuz I Stumble and I like to get it right and I want the you know I like to you know just just get it as as good as I can do

In as quick of a time as I make them well not anymore they’re not as like um timely anymore it used to be that they to be super timely anyway where I’m going with this is that Atari B for out one of them I had no idea didn’t know

Went to record it ruined it was ruined it’s fine um he’s a vocal dog and we love him for it it’s in his nature it is funny because when I took him to like uh the groomers um it’s a groomers the only deal um with show type spaniels and

I went in it was so loud I was like how are you how are you working through this they were like oh yeah very normal they were like that show um type spaniel feere they’re the most vocal dogs around so that’s good nobody told me that anyway I love being a dog parent

It’s my personality it’s the best part about my life other than now the gym that’s right I did gym this morning I did legs so I’m I’m kind of I’m a little crying inside anyway what a mega episode this is where was it getting um it’s Friday today so uh the weekend’s coming

Up are you all looking forward to the weekend is there anything in particular that you’re going to be doing me I am hanging back tomorrow normally I use the weekends to um spend time with family and well usually how it works is it’s like one weekend or like one day of the

Weekend it’s like a family day and then the other day it’s like dog training or like my body dog thing that I was on about uh and just relaxation but not tomorrow tomorrow I want to work on a video that I have not finished and I really want to finish because it’s going

To become irrelevant pretty quickly and I want to get it done and I want to get it wrapped up so um so yeah that’s what I’m doing tomorrow I’m hanging back uh Courtney’s off home so yeah I’m just going to yeah chill get some work done

I’m really excited for it it feels like old school it feels it feels old school for those who don’t know me and Courtney both work from home uh and it’s been this way since the start of like the chaos and in the world which was 4 years

Ago this month which blows my mind so for 4 years we’ve both worked at home together which is like perfect it’s ideal but sometimes I want to be able to be like um I I I don’t know I I want to lock in a little bit more like it’s a

Real job um it’s really hard to do when you have like you know you could just go in the other room and just go hang out and chill and it’s the same with her I’m sure we distract each other but that’s the way it goes okay that’s working from

Home um but yeah I’m excited to just be like no this is my my working day that’s what I’m doing this is a commitment to myself I should I should just say this is me that’s like you know I want to I want to get this done but I do I do want

To get it done so yeah that’s my Saturday uh Sunday uh I’m going to chill actually I do have I I have dog stuff on Sunday but it’s the steam sale right now now be real I don’t need to be buying any more games I cannot finish a game

For the life of me I I I don’t know I I pick it up I play a little bit I put it down that’s me right the only thing I’m finishing is Terraria and as we know with my trap record on this channel of the past two years sometimes not even

That um but anyway I really want to pick up sea of stars it’s it’s like a it’s like a jrpg inspired I believe I played one jrpg like true jrpg in my life and it was Chrono Trigger and I play played it last year and I loved it I loved it

So much uh but one thing I really liked about it and one reason I don’t play jrpgs I don’t know if you count Pokémon as a jrpg by the way I don’t know I think people have said that to me before I don’t you know forget about it right

Anyway I love that game because it wasn’t super long like I’m pretty sure it took me like 15 hours to work my way through and to get my ended right I do not want to play these jrpgs that go on for 100 hours no I just don’t have the

Time I don’t have the time I didn’t have the time when I was a teenager I don’t have the time now so yeah sea of stars is apparently not that long so it’s it’s I think it’s like between 20 and 30 hours I yeah I just want a nice jrpg

That’s not Eternal that’s me right so that’s what I might be playing cuz it is on sale um steam spring sale you know terrari is on sale as well 50% off can you believe it anybody here not own Terraria all right fess up go on go on

Tell the truth n i I know you all do I know you all do but yeah if you don’t a all right get buying it it’s it’s it’s like I don’t know it’s really cheap in Britain it’s really really cheap I think the price went up I don’t know if I

Should even say that because I don’t know if it’s true and I don’t want the develop developers to be like James we clearly didn’t put the price up shut up I don’t know if they did anyway I don’t remember the price of Terraria because I bought it 13 years ago cuz I’m old

Anyway um it is on sale right so let’s start making some of these upgrades I know I’ve waffled on and I know I said this would be a mega episode listen it’s Mega in spirit because I’m feeling Mega positive right now oh I did want to say something actually real quick let me

Craft these up this is all we have 58 bars okay first off I’ll remember what I’ve got to say in a moment we need leather don’t we um can you make lever out of this I don’t know I actually don’t know so I guess we learn I don’t think you can do

You Shimmer this into rotten chunks and then make lever okay right I’m I’m I’m going on tangent here but where do you get lever from do you buy lever from one of these random people cuz that seems like something that would happen let me quickly go through and just speak to

Everyone and see if anyone sells lever a very modded thing for that to happen for a a random NPC to sell lever do you yeah there you go I knew it I knew it I must have seen it at some point and for some reason it’s stuck in my brain I reckon

If you went back to the episode where they arrived I was like oh they sell lever okay right um so let’s make the chest piece pure iron chest plate uh immunity to most fire related debuffs uh so crafted uh we’ll make the pure iron Greaves crafted uh is there multiple

Helmets no there’s one helmet but you can make atherion Greaves that’s what I think this is what was throwing me off so yeah pure iron helmet right we got the full set here so let’s look at the law a visor helmet used by the Warriors of the iron realm the metal emits a

Constant chill missed and it’s called to the touch however the iron Realms Warriors have been trained to resist such harsh temperatures listen you want to come to Britain in January let’s talk about cold the Warriors of the iron realm are gur Ram’s main military force with units spanning all across the

Domain I am going to go through and I’m going to like piece together the law at the very end and figure out where we’re at with it all uh oh it feels horrible to do that but let’s do it bam Bam Bam so that took us to 27 defense from 23

And our set bonus is uh 20% increased fire Elemental resistance 33% chance for weapons to inflict pure chill 100% chance for All Pure iron weapons to inflict pure chill so I’m going to make the pure iron crossbow bam I did my bam a little bit late thank gosh I am not

Using these little bands as like uh you know audio syns Okay so we’ve done that we’re going to go get some more because we need it um let me get my thoughts out there there are two other things we need to do no right okay thought number one I’ve

Got to go through this in my head I’m going to have to go back to normal in the thumbnail because you can’t let me see if I can actually just show it right if if it’s Auto pause and you go to use camera mode you stop becoming a chicken so I’m not going

To I’m not going to take the time to like um automatically manually you know separate pixel art and blah blah blah right don’t know where I’m going with that basically we’re going back to normal thumnails but it’s because it’s broken all right I don’t want you to be

Disappointed in me um what was Sil thing right this is it okay we’re off back to the ice biome and I am going to remember to talk about this as we go okay here it is not to be you know a little like I don’t know what

The word is I just want to say thank you all so much for watching this series and watching this Channel and supporting it and whatnot because quite literally this would not be my thing if it wasn’t for you taking the time to watch and I want you to know I really

Really appreciate it the thing is with this series is it’s obviously very slow you know I’m just playing a game and I’m chitchatting and it is what it is but I don’t want you to not think I respect your time I really appreciate you watching now listen I’ve been on YouTube

Many a year okay I first found the site in like 2008 so believe me I’ve heard many YouTubers say this and it’s really hard to kind of like wrap your head around you’re like me me I’m just one person yeah you cuz it all adds up so so

Yeah just um what to say thank you just a little moment to say it yeah I appreciate it because none of this works if you don’t click on the video and spend a little bit of your day watching this and I just really appreciate it and

I’m glad that I can even do this because it’s such a weird job like it is it’s a weird job I mean chippy C isn’t my full job but it kind of is in a way I mean it I don’t know it’s hard I want this

Series to be like and I’m open can stick to this we’ll see right I want this series to almost be the warm-up for a great year on this channel like I want to keep the flow going I want to keep playing more mods I want to keep being

Consistent and build this thing back up again and um and get it to kind of where it used to be not obviously you know during the chaos in the world you know I’m not looking to to bring it to Heights of heights you know everybody’s at home chilling every day that’s fine

Just I want to I don’t know I want to make it part of my life again and properly we are obviously like you know a couple of weeks into this now so it’s going really well nothing’s throwing it off yet but yeah it’s my little commitment to myself I just want to keep

This around because I feel like you know if you run a a big YouTube channel which you know I would say chippy gaming is kind of up there all right not in terms of the grand scheme of YouTube but it’s up there right I think um you forget

About the real heart of YouTube and I think this content is a little bit of the heart of YouTube okay I’m really going off on a tangent now okay I’m going to get these crystals and we’re going to make the rest of it and then we’re going to do that boss fight right

So let’s craft up the uh rest of these Alloys Let’s uh make the final thing and the final thing I want to make is the pure iron Hammer because yeah you lot will like if you’re doing or you need to do Shield damage use grenades or use a

Hammer I’m going to try and use a hammer and see how it goes and just see if I can um adapt to it so yeah should be good this inventory is looking pretty bad but we will sort it so there is a thing here called the antler staff uh

Summons a foret to fight for you I’ll make it I was going to make the I was going to make the pickaxe but I don’t think it matters also because we’ve defeated Skeletron now we can make a the void bag the void bag is really what’s going to take this whole experience here

The next level the void bag is class I love the void bag so much I think the void bag is one of the best things they’ve ever done in Terraria hands down and I’m pretty sure I don’t know if this is right but that might have been line

For’s idea I might be wrong about that but yeah what a sick idea um person honestly they were full of them they were full of them okay right so let’s see I want to make real quick before we go I want to grab I’ve probably got a

Bunch of them where are my frozen torches or do I have them in here or do I not have them in here I always feel so so preed looking for stuff when I’m on camera in the sense of like I’m like oh gosh everyone can see what I’m looking

For and I can’t see it how embarrassing it’s a weird embarrassing it’s a weird thing to be embarrassing St but it it’s true it’s true I’m like oh no they’re going to know that I can’t use my eyes correctly even though I can I’m just I don’t know

I’m blind to the item I want okay bunch of wood and arrows let’s make those um Frozen torches so here’s the thing right the set bonus is you you’ll always inflict that like frost damage thingy buff right what’s it called uh pure chill that’s me right now hell yeah you

Didn’t know I was chill like that but now it’s true anyway um I’m still like well may as well use the Frozen arrows because they’re better potions let’s get archery that’s good enough all right let’s go do the fight let’s go okay here they are cavia so I’m pronounced in that one okay

Right we buff up we begin yes yes yes yes I made the same joke yesterday about me not being able to read it okay so let’s do oh I don’t want to break the the tiles okay uh I don’t know about using a hammer actually I mean I know I’m meant to use

The hammer I think what was it so long as we’re doing purple damage we’ still got Shield to break is that right I honestly cannot remember okay let’s try deal normal damage so I think yeah our damage is being stunted by the fact that we need to

Break the Shield or something like that I tell you what so you can use hammers or grenades I think we should definitely use grenades tell you what I’m going to bail on this um let’s let’s just log out I don’t know if that’s going to break

Things I hope not okay good news I did not break it I was honestly on my way down here thinking oh i’ I butchered this I feel really bad okay let’s make sure we got one of these up and then we’re going to use grenades this time I

Think using a hammer for me which just honestly just a little ambitious I’m going to try and like focus on dodging and whatnot and getting this done but just like keep in mind it is honestly quite tricky to maneuver while it’s like this okay we’re going to break the

Shield keep breaking the shield oh gosh no I’m I’m rubbish at this tell you what I need I I need to put the shield of culu on I need to sort out my accessories and get the shield of culu one so I’m not doing this essentially okay so we’re not doing good

Damage now because I need to break the shield again right is that right I think or is the shield now broken I don’t know well I’m more alive than yesterday I guess and we’re still dealing damage so it looks all good good uh no leave me alone gosh it’s got honestly it’s got

More mic to it than it should have not to say it’s imbalance I’m trying to say I’m rubbish I’m flustered I’m flustered it’s all right it’s all good that’s it take the knockback get knockback come on hey let’s go I yield I yield she is wishing

To be spared grant me mercy I will I will go on have your mercy you understood so you aren’t a crew no I am a chicken how dare you apologies for the startled reaction I never expected to meet a a thingy here I’m actually in need of some assistance I’ll explain

More by the portal I just do her in the Ed I just snipe her out of nowhere okay cavia you’ve been all right pain again I must apologize for attacking you I asked for your purpose but clearly ye aren’t cathic I should introduce myself I’m cavia a chief Warrior of the iron realm

It is such a pleasure to meet aen here I’ve seen not but rotting crew ever since I got here yeah I came from the portal it was a stop from a snowy uh precipice when I tried going back through however it took me into what I can only assume to be gothar Ram’s

Catacombs back and forth I went yet it was always the same here catacombs here C comes it’s infuriating how these portals work yeah okay um why did you enter our Squadron climbed up a mountain to retrieve the body of a famous warrior and came upon the portal we should have reported it to

The rift watch and carried on our business I don’t know why it’s read it like that but my witness uh witless curiosity said otherwise and chose to take a look see in and out nice and quick I thought needless to say you can see how smart that idea was you want to

Go back precisely I have a a family anticipating my return yet I see this would have been evil if we’ have doer I just want to say yeah I see no way back to where I came from do you know anything at all about portals uh just as

Clueless as you or nothing at all I think nothing at all implying that she’s clueless not that kind how helpful not like I can blame you they magic of a bygone age only the rift watch have knowledge of them speaking of which they must have been one we’ve been here

Before portals don’t appear with a stone ring and Fountain uh pre- erected it’s the rift watch’s job to build those to stabilize them Al so I’ve heard what will you do well I can’t just mope around Forever The Only Way Forward is scramming through the catacombs and

Praying to sarel I find a way back to the surface it’ll be a massive gamble though the catacombs are like a subterrain domain in their own right I’ll Stick Around for now maybe if you can get me a gaic cryo furnace I could offer you some smithin okay anything I can help with

How polite of you to ask after a little squabble my Helm and shield are quite freshed I have nobody to blame but myself anyway if you could give me some Replacements and supplies to Aid me I’ll be most grateful what do you need uh she needs a new pure iron Helm and some

Alloy for remaking the shield that’s all I ask of you uh give me a a furnace I can offer some help back okay right um we do not have enough I was just going to give her everything we had but she doesn’t have enough that’s fine

Right we will we will get this in the next episode now what is this it’s a ghost whoa wait for it there we go what was it we needed to do with this did we need to right click on this there we go a you can see that glass Over Yonder

There’ be something Soulful She carries I can sense it would you out of the goodness of your heart confront her about it for me don’t want to assume nothing but she might be keeping a spirit captive whoa okay awesome awesome awesome uh cool right we are going to come back and we

Are going to deal with the spirit stranger and cavia in the next episode everyone thank you so much for watching a mega episode in its own right I must say um so yeah that’s about it I’ll maybe see you on Sunday if not Monday so just have a great weekend regardless uh

And I’ll see you in the next one peace

Once again we’re checking out the Mod of Redemption for Terraria Tmodloader 1.4.4

This Terraria 1.4.4 mod adds over 1000 new items, 11 bosses, wonderful tiles and 11 mini-bosses!

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  1. Man i remembered when i played the mod of redemption a couple months ago and I accidentally killed the ice woman (forgot her name) from the portal and i was like bruh 🗿

  2. I'm actually doing my own playthrough thanks to Chippy, (THANKS,) and I'm currently up to Eaglecrest. Just watched that episode for strategy. (THANKS AGAIN)

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