Can you Beat Terraria Calamity INFERNUM Mod while using Spell Tomes Only? Part 2/2

I don’t even know what’s happening no no way that happened no all right hello everybody how you doing let’s start with the treasure bag I get a lot of stuff I get a [ __ ] ton of luminite and I also got the lunar flare which is a spell so that’s great also

Get the celestial onion so starting with the armor set which I’m not going to ch until I defeat dog most probably but first end game skeleton look at this you’re kind of quiet or is it just my phone oh crap it doesn’t let me change

The mic I think uh it’s the mic from the laptop I might have to restart the stream yeah I’m sorry like I forgot to set up my mic I need a spell to and for that I need this eldrid toone five of these five of these and

Five of these good I already killed one um Summoner whatever Goblin I think it’s warlock right now it’s not Summoner anymore where is it yo okay I got it orur of the elements okay cool here we go so we got like four spells and uh we’re ready to go so I

Just get 25 of these and we are going for the Guardians I’m going to have such a hard time with them so from what I’ve heard this Rog slash weapon is really good against Providence but we’re going to see we’re going to check every single

Weapon that I I have boom it’s time to suffer uh who we placing in here I’m going to place the cool slime okay good we’re ready to go let’s uh let’s see how this goes I totally forgot how this fight is I know it starts just like

Flappy Bird but yeah here we go first attempt I don’t even know what weapon should I use I think I’m going to stick with the nuclear Fury at first now I just use this oh this this is okay this is far better than it was when I was

Playing Rogue and now they’re going to cause Mayhem and oh God how did I dodge that and this is laggy that guy is dead and now the chaos is going to start they starting with a car accident oh no crap what is happening what the [ __ ] oh No heal what the [ __ ] is that I don’t even know what’s happening I totally forgot how this fight is all right here we go here we go that’s great okay that was good we are at the last one Already oh no almost got damaged by the sun oh God what is even happening I feel like my game will crash because of lag Oh let’s not die to him he’s so low wait oh oh no let’s use rage and I think that’s it wait hold on oh yeah that’s it and look who’s here okay he’s not anymore we are going straight for Providence not wasting any second somehow I cannot set up my spawn point

In here but yeah here we go I don’t know what to expect from this one but we will see it’s going to be laggy now it’s going to spawn that thing that really annoys me crystal yeah I remember this I remember this being extremely painful and I think I think I just lost

Adrenaline no I hate the Fireballs crap Pirates [ __ ] off so my plan will be to defeat Providence uh get some better gear get a bate and then uh maybe try to defeat dog I don’t know if I should do poter gas and the Sentinels

I’ll just try to go for dog cuz like I’m going to do dog with a bate that’s going to be it that’s a spell tone that I’m going to use against dog so yeah oh crap oh no the explosions are uh really annoying and I might be dead Y come on

Oh not this thing no no no let’s focus on dodging lag kind of helps me right now no for how many times it’s doing this cuz it’s so annoying like this is the thing that I hate the most during Providence fight when if faum okay now it’s going

To do the cross thing again oh what the [ __ ] probably is back wait what the [ __ ] is even happening I don’t even know oh should not stay close I think I killed it yeah St with me chat bomb Boot GG now let’s go back home and oh God Pirates and let’s go to the jungle and get the Willie Bloom let’s go to the goblin get some reforges as well so this is jacked weing lucky okay brilliant to the Jungle we go I want more life Roots where are all the

Life Roots why did they disappear where is the fruit there we go let’s also get the pickaxe and um get one spell to go back home and craft the weapon for dog there we have it 40 of this oh crap 40 of this and 10 of

This I guess we’re going to the dungeon guys I’ll have to remove all the floating islands I think good okay 26 of that I still need some more and I might summon pure guest in the process we got a prohibited item guys the dog summoning item fasm use the sea

Locket from vessel you can tank dog mostly with it oh my God I I sold it I’ll have to get a treasure bag 3 2 1 wait what it shows that he killed me but I recalled and somehow I’m still alive I’ve seen one of those things in fire

Mir Clips when he did the devour of Gods Not devour of gods the dungeon guardian in the second night oh [ __ ] why did I sell the sea locket oh my God I should stop selling everything it’s not dead yet what Grant of water force field that dissipates after two hits when the force

Field is up hard hitting hits do 60% less damage overall and you receive 12% damage boost holy crap that’s insane I’m going to use it instead of the Destroyer emblem I suppose oh God this is this is good looking die I hope this and um this this thing

Do be stacking up good let’s do this again where is he oh there he is oh crap I might let him kill me as well no what the [ __ ] here we go no I hate this no way that happened without further Ado let’s try this again we’re

Going to do this right now this attemp this is the winning of them guys if not the next one is going to be I Back crap that was close Good also got adrenaline that’s brilliant that was close Here we Go here we Go Why can’t I teleport it didn’t let me teleport guys that just not fa he might just kill me as well come on just kill me already like I’m failing this so bad I know I’m uh I’m actually surviving no no no no no no no no mother [ __ ] I did

It holy crap oh my god dude here we go 2 hours almost 2 hours after Moon Lord and dog is killed oh my [ __ ] God I did it night attempts that just insane dude oh my [ __ ] god time to get the upgrades oh yeah I have to do the events

Right now oh crap let’s just keep on killing enemies okay there’s the M run got it this is like the best pom you can get at this point like what I’m going to do is that I’m going to get all the items like weapons armor sets accessories ready and then uh I’m going

To end the stream going to go get something to eat do some other stuff like take a break and I’m going to restart the stream in like two or 3 hours from now and going to start rinding on yon primordial worm and maybe exox and tomorrow I might finish this

Thing cuz like s Cal is easy and the exox I played way too many attempts with them and I kind of got what I have to do so I just hope that I have a good spell tone that is going to deal like a lot of damage

So I’ll not have a really hard time with tato or Aris or both let’s just stick to the ground and use this [ __ ] ton of damage oh P gas is back oh my God know what let’s try to defeat it like that I I think we have enough space

I’m saying this cuz I’m cocky I know I don’t have enough face at all I just got hit like crazy oh no oh no fter gu do be doing some [ __ ] that I don’t like and here we go going to get this this going to make the silver armor set

As well and also get the etherial Talisman brilliant this is uh a material I can oh the Silver Wings I need five of these oh my God if I get five of these I can just craft this thing yeah it’s not an ny drain how can I summon that oh I

Got a gly gator I didn’t need that though have you killed the Aquatic Scourge no I didn’t oh yeah I can I can kill the Aquatic Scourge and get an acid Rin to start that’s smart didn’t think of that summon the boy and this is going to take like a few seconds

Yep yep yep yep okay there we go there we have it that’s what I wanted a abisol diving suit we’re done you ready cuz I am here we go you found the Terminus nope oh I think I was supposed to be in the circle Yeah oh no oh crap he do be killing me with those why am I getting so many hits why am I so bad at dodging this okay there we go first attempt really bad hold on there was another spell T that that I could upgrade like this one primordial Earth

Oh this is kind of interesting good I remember this weapon I think I us I think I’ve used this before so let’s use uh The Shield while I’m dodging this thing now he’s doing this thing now he’s going to do the spinning thing Yep no no no why did I Dash oh no he’s doing the thing again oh my God why am I dashing I don’t have any accessory that allows dashing I think I have a ninja potion that allows that and to get rid of it oh my God I’m

Dying whoever said that this part is which broom abusus you were [ __ ] right I good this like seriously just look at this I’m standing still literally okay that’s a good threat that’s okay now it’s doing something else some [ __ ] that I might not like oh he ate me what the

[ __ ] oh yeah he’s doing another thing with rotating he likes to spin it’s a worm what do we expect and uh I think I’m not dealing damage to him at all oh no he’s rotating again oh God he almost had me back there what the [ __ ] the worms weren’t

Lined up as they were supposed to and I’m almost getting up adrenaline oh never mind I [ __ ] up I should shut the [ __ ] up when I’m ready to get adrenaline because like I say that and the next thing that happens I get hit that just sucks oh God not this again what the

[ __ ] why is this happening it’s so unfair he’s cheating no no no no no now he’s spawning the Terminus I think yep spawning the Terminus now and oh [ __ ] what am I supposed to do oh god oh he’s almost dead let’s not [ __ ] this up you know good

What a laggy fight Jared defeated I think it’s like my third attempt come on Jared just die bombo CL oops I died oh yeah I forgot to switch these accessory oh not this one this one but hey I did it and I also got the spell toome it’s the illusioners

Rivy the only spell toome you get from uh Inferno mod really curious about this one what does it do what the [ __ ] I did Jared let’s try yaron uh yeah before I do yaron I want to do polterghast so uh to the dungeon we go yeah there we go let’s see let’s see

How this goes guys polter Gest with legs scary polter guas as some of you suggested oh [ __ ] 60% already that’s cool I’ll have to survive the desperation phase that’s going to be the only issue with this crap oh now it’s going to do the asgor thingy is it

Is it going to do anything at all like it’s that’s 12% already oh crap I’m getting I’m getting hit by Pink projectiles oh No all right 0% let’s see the desperation phase guys yo I don’t even know if I if I have to attack during this part what the [ __ ] oh no I’m Dying no let’s not die you know what yeah that was it all right Ecto heart that’s what I wanted I don’t have a proper enough for this but we’ll be fine we will be fine guys oh whoops I didn’t mean to do this like this weapon just melts

G so if I constantly use this and try to dash I should be fine 95 95k oh my goodness that’s just insane okay I remembered how this fight is so I’m good I’m good guys I’m also getting adrenaline ho this is way better than the dream sastic

Holy [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] am I doing in the cave oh no yeah it was dashing seven times I remember that 1 2 3 4 four five this is way better without the lights and shadows Mo holy crap I can see the projectiles and such

Stuff I’m full HP did I get a single hit during this fight oh I just got it and the second one and I don’t even care if I get hit like two more times oh he’s dead what the [ __ ] I mean that’s the most unfair thing that

Happened to a boss in any of my Let’s Plays but do I care about that what I care about is finishing this up so quick so this is probably the most anticlimactic fight you’ve ever seen on my channel I can craft a TV head that’s just amazing so decryption computer there we

Go let’s craft where the [ __ ] is it okay the r part of the DS here we go get the chest plate get the pants and also the helmet there we go we got the best armor in the game now we can craft the next thing which is the advanced

Display okay here we go let’s grab the last piece good good let’s go Okay so tanatos and arys you ready three two one oh yeah I forgot this weapon kind of sucks against BOS [ __ ] wait hold on I remember this is not how I was fighting the exox in my RO

Let’s play I was I was fighting tatos and the twins actually now I remembered yep yep what the [ __ ] okay all Right come on I can do this cuz you know what they saying go and die fores when dogs want oh [ __ ] he’s committing train sounds and he just ate me okay that was not supposed to happen I’m sorry yeah I might die yep there we go that’s it for this hello how you

Doing no he killed me crap no crap no no no no no oh crap I went straight into his stomach if he has one yep here we go I’m [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] no why did I fly up and I’m going to get [ __ ] so bad right now cuz

I canot really Dodge okay here we go don’t even know what to do why are the houses in here use our excavator and destroy your Arena my arena is not the problem the problem is that I have planetoids um floating islands houses and so on so

Yeah and the problem is that I’m also bad at the game and I’m not able to dodge I’m lagging I cannot comprehend what’s happening and such stuff like I’m just brain dead that’s the problem where the [ __ ] is he look at this why did I get I

Dashed now now it’s Justified that hit was justified that one as well need I’m barely dealing any any damage what now I notice that like this was so good against yaron and now it just sucks come on start with a [ __ ] that was uh that was pretty

Bad those purple beams are so annoying oh my God yeah this is just outfir at this point skill issue but it is unfair I dashed how did he hit me like I really Dash come on five four come on good how did I get hit back there how did I get hit there again is that green thingy dealing damage as well like those gases if I could say so I think they might and if that’s true that just sucks yeah I got hit

Again let’s go Up come On Where’s the okay here we Go yes is the desperation phase for the twins okay I can do this I hope sum of the sun okay I can dodge that I can do this come on just crash already imagine dying right now guys imagine [ __ ] dying the sun is chasing me they’re both chasing me and they’re dead

Okay here we go [ __ ] off I’m emotionless at this point like I don’t even care about what’s happening I just want to finish this and I’m still missing something guys oh yeah the tinker’s workshop yeah that’s what I’m missing get the Traden Forge and I get one Miracle matter and

There we have the sub shiming Vortex yes it has been changed and it’s not laggy oh God this might be good actually yes I love it sup shuming Vortex wait hold on oh yeah we’re going to kill the seure in a few seconds yeah ready wait where is he there he

Is let’s just SP the sub shuming Vortex oh this is great this is homing this deals damage this is [ __ ] amazing too bad I cannot do the thing which I did in the Rog let’s play and just kill it in one second but this is okay as B so

Don’t worry guys this is better than the regular sepulture H 4K 40K that’s not a lot let’s try to use this P let’s heal this is what the [ __ ] now I noticed this is dealing like 500 HP not 500 50,000 I’m sorry and I’m almost dead the [ __ ] I couldn’t see a

[ __ ] fair enough okay okay so we’re going to stick to using the illusioners river e then I might use the sub shaming Vortex as well that’s good that’s good in case you didn’t figure it out I’m killing her I’m full HP I can heal I’m going to do this as well now it’s

Just a matter of time until she’s done I have to dodge this part which I don’t really remember how to do properly oh [ __ ] oh no I’m dying oh crap let’s uh [ __ ] I am a bit screwed up if ask Me yeah okay [ __ ] up oh never mind and I might die again yeah [ __ ] off told you all right okay I’m really sorry but I got to go N Might GL All All Be Here Oh Hey nice there we go y my [ __ ] die here we go that was uh really quick how many attempts did this take H 10 attempts only okay that’s good well I guess yet another run complete um I’m not going to craft anything that’s just the end of the run so yeah as

Always thank you guys for watching don’t forget to like And subscribe and see you in the next one Peace

Terraria is a land of adventure! A land of mystery! A land that’s yours to shape, defend, and enjoy. Your options in Terraria are limitless. Are you an action gamer with an itchy trigger finger? A master builder? A collector? An explorer? There’s something for everyone.

Start by building basic shelter, then dig for ore and other resources. Discover and craft over 500 weapons of magic, ranged, melee and summon varieties, as well as armor, and use them to battle hundreds of different enemies. Soon you’ll be going head-to-head with any of a dozen enormous bosses. Go fishing, ride a mount, find Floating Islands, build houses for helpful NPCs, and much, much more.

The Calamity Mod is a large content mod for Terraria which adds many hours of endgame content and dozens of enemies and bosses dispersed throughout the vanilla game’s progression. The Calamity Mod also features several harder difficulty modes, five new biomes and new structures, a new class, more than forty new songs, over fifty recipes for previously uncraftable vanilla items and other assorted changes to vanilla gameplay.

Infernum Mode is an addon mod for the Calamity Mod which introduces an extra difficulty. This difficulty is intended to be harder than Death mode and can be activated via the Calamity difficulty selection UI. It is balanced around Expert Mode, and thus can only be activated in Expert worlds. The primary focus of the mod is expansive reworking of boss AIs across Terraria and Calamity, along with the addition of other exclusive content including custom achievements, biomes, and weapons.

I said that I will never play Infernum Mod again, but it turns out that I lied, so here I am again, having the time of my life with this mod. I decided to redo the Spell Tomes Only run since the other one I had on my channel was kinda outdated (1.3 Terraria and old Calamity)

This is the second part, which features gameplay starting right after the Moon Lord has been defeated. The Endgame stage is known for the hardest bosses, but, fortunately, it didn’t really take ages to take them down.

The music used is not composed by me. It is from Terraria, Calamity Mod.

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