Playing as a HELPFUL WARDEN in Minecraft

This is it Milo once we find some diamonds we will be one step closer to beating the game how many times I’m in chip we need three more I’ll look over here Milo okay I’m gonna go over here don’t tell Milo but we just found diamonds this is incredible hopefully he doesn’t

Realize let’s mine him whoa whoa oh no we fell into an ancient city that is not good hopefully no Warden spawn around us that could be really bad make 100 that’s so funny oh my gosh I wonder what else could be here hey there’s a chest Golden

Apple that reminds me there’s a secret compartment in every ancient city that can only be opened by eating one of these look it opened for us this is perfect I wonder what’s inside here oh I think there was a Creeper explosion hopefully there are no creepers around

Still I wonder what could have triggered that wait a minute there’s a sign press to become Warden no way this can’t be real let’s press it now and see whoa suddenly taller and I feel really weird let’s check and see if we really are the

Wooden whoa is this me I think it is ew I’m sniffing oh my goodness find the wooden that means I can prank my looks so good Milo is really scared of wooden so he’s not gonna like this at all I’m also really tall so I can’t just walk

Out normal doors I have to mine them that’s so annoying oh my gosh I wonder what crazy pranks we can do hey what I just took damage I took damage again oh no what’s happening oh no Milo’s being attacked by zombies and for some reason it’s hurting us let’s save him

Now because I am a warden I have supersonic hearing and that means I can hear Milo through walls and I’m pretty sure he’s this way and he’s surrounded by zombies look oh no if Milo’s in trouble let’s try and use a supersonic boom ability to try and

Get rid of these zombies and save Milo hopefully this works whoa that worked really well now they’re coming after me and Milo is saved oh my gosh that Warden just killed those zombies what if he tries to kill me oh they’re caning on me let’s use our Sonic Boom ability one more time

Whoa that worked really well Not the warning it’s me oh boy Milo doesn’t realize it’s actually us he thinks we’re a normal Warden oh he’s so he’s okay I am not ugly okay maybe a little bit how do we let Milo know that we’re friendly don’t move a muscle Miler

Uh oh my back is really itchy can’t hold it much longer wooden I’m just a little buddy oh no how do we convince him that we’re really friendly I have an idea we need to give him something that we know Milo loves and we have the perfect thing let’s give

Him a diamond here you go Milo Yeah he’s getting it let’s nod so he knows he’s not he’s Mr wooden you should you should come with me and help me beat that okay let’s knot at him one more time so that he knows even though he insulted me he’s gonna help you help me

This is the best day ever even though I wanted to prank him with my new Warden Powers I guess we have to help him beat the game because if our hearts are tied together that means that any damage he takes gets onto me we can’t let Milo be

His usual silly self and get hurt let’s try our hottest to keep him safe and help him beat the game okay Mr Warden here’s the plan I’m gonna go mine some stone that we can use in the nether you can go and find us some flowers what I

Don’t want to find flowers that’s way more useless than Stone wait am I wearing a hat hang on a minute no I’m not there’s something in the distance it’s a witch house shaped like a hat this is amazing I wonder if this could help us beat the game in any way maybe

The witch has a potion that can unbind our health bars that way I can start pranking Milo as the warden instead of helping him beat the game now because I am a warden we’re not going to be able to fit inside the door so we’re gonna have to mine our way in the

Old-fashioned way wait a minute I still got front fit past this door we have to break the door down as well oh my gosh I hope the witch isn’t mad at me whoa this is cool I wonder what stuff she has in her chests let’s check all of them what

I don’t see anything in any of these chests uh oh I wonder if there’s something oh no the witch is back oh no she’s throwing potions at me this is not good how do we respond uh please don’t hurt me wait I’m still a warden she can’t understand me either

Um let’s try and use our Warden ability hopefully this works let’s charge up the power whoa she just disappeared she on my head no she’s gone we did it hooray whoa I can’t believe we beat a witch all on our own we have to tell Milo but wait a

Minute oh no Milo just took damage let’s make sure he’s okay Milo oh no he’s being chased by creepers what I can’t luckily we have just the thing to help hey creepers watch this let’s supersonic them oh we got three of them there’s only one left let’s take it down

Old-fashioned style whoa we must have super Warden strength as well this is amazing amazing Wait he can’t even hear me let’s um let’s not again I’m gonna note right back at you oh it’s working we’re so good at talking with each other let’s continue it tastes like that what oh no you’re not meant to eat the blaze rods what if Milo eats them

And we both die this is not good uh let’s shake our head at him okay I guess I won’t eat them because the warden is shaking his head at me perfect now we just have to kill these blazes that are attacking Milo oh I’m gonna get

Them with bad we need to Warden Sonic Boom them without letting them get Milo um let’s try oh I think that just made them angry at me which way is the right way oh no I’ve totally forgotten which way we came here from we need to find out nether portal

Again I guess wardens have really bad memory I don’t know which way to go can you show me I think whichever way away from those Blaze balls is really good let’s run this is amazing this is awesome Milo’s right let’s try everything we can to get

Milo down safely I can see the whole world from up here oh my gosh I hope this works whoa it did Milo didn’t take any damage but I did uh oh I need to heal let’s have our golden apple whoa that was close let’s not do that again

But now where do we go hang on first let’s get my lower fast shoulders Milo’s trying to hitch a ride get off uh oh how do we put him down oh he fell off that was crazy thanks for letting me go going that was so

This is so cool now how do we get back home um maybe through this patch of Soul Sand wait a minute what why do I get shot there’s a ghost right here and it’s attacking Milo let’s use our Sonic Boom ability to get it with my bow and arrows oh that’s a

Better idea wait a minute I forgot how bad Milo is at aiming oh no how is Milo ever gonna hit the gas we have to use our powers wait a minute what they’re not working this is bad I wonder why they’re suddenly not working maybe it

Has something to do with the Soul Sand it might be sapping away my Powers hey my life we need to get off the Soul Sand right now let’s go oh things is much better whoa I think my powers are back as well let’s give it a

Try oh no the ghost where is it let’s carry Milo over to the gust and use our powers Oh no I got Milo instead I’ve got to be a lot more careful where did the course go I’m scared think we defeated it whoa that’s perfect the ghosts never tried to get us again

Now that they know how strong and powerful Warden chip is now for the rest of the game we just have to make sure that we don’t go anywhere near Soul Sand or else it might make me lose my powers and it gets us both in trouble hey how

Why is Milo still shooting hey Milo you can’t keep doing this you know what I’m gonna pick you up so you can’t hurt yourself anymore the rest of the kids would kill the Ender Dragon we’ll have defeated the whole game you are so right Milo oh my goodness and then maybe

I can prank him again oh no the dragon almost got us we’ve got to be really careful still okay we’ve got to kill these Enderman first that’s not true I don’t think Milo knows what he’s talking about I guess we have to help him along guess we have to save Milo

Don’t let them get you Milo I’ll Sonic Boom them out of the way whoa that worked really well I bet they’re so close to dying oh they’re still attacking him I guess we have to Sonic Boom one more time they’re still alive what these must be really strong special Enderman maybe

They were created just to take care of this is bad I think Milo’s in trouble buddy we did it oh there’s one Enderman left oh no I’m really low oh they finally left me alone this is good now we can help Milo finally take out the end crystals right Mila now that we’ve

Killed till the Enderman it’s time to kill a dragon wait a minute what I don’t think Milo knows what he’s talking about doesn’t he know that you’re meant to kill the end crystals first this is not good where’s the dragon I’m gonna shoot him down Milo

Doesn’t know that you need to kill the end crystals first let’s do it for him one of my Warden Powers is to jump super super high we’re gonna see if that’s high enough to take out these end crystals let’s go whoa It’s really high we did it we’re on the end Crystal level

Now we just have to find a way to break them without getting hurt let’s jump off while we break it whoa is amazing now we just have to do all these other ones uh-oh this Tower is extra tall so what I think we’ll do is John place a block and then jump again

Okay this works whoa it was just enough let’s try and break this one too wow this is amazing let’s jump straight to the next one and luckily it’s covered in iron bars but we have pickaxe to mine it right away and bye and Crystal this is

Amazing there’s only a few more and then the dragon can finally start taking damage perfect oh I don’t think we met this one let’s try jumping up to it right from the floor again we need to place one more block and jump oh my gosh

Let’s hit it with a blaze rod wow this is crazy and the explosion boosted us all the way over to the next one we jump onto the block placement again hey wait a minute I think we’re already really close to the door oh that’s not good we

Were really close to the top but the Ender Dragon hit us off at the last second we need to stop stalling and do it real this time Dodge the bullet place an iron bar and jump one more time let’s hit it on the landing boom this is

Perfect wow there’s only a couple more to go hey Dragon you have no idea what you’re up against and Milo’s shooting the dragon as well this is perfect I wonder how much it’ll take to kill this thing whoa only a couple Towers left hey

I hit my head on the iron bars that was really painful mind the cage this one there’s only two left this is crazy whoa the dragon keeps trying to Fireball us but we keep dodging it because we’re really good at this game luckily there is only one end

Crystal left after this one oh my goodness let’s try and use this and Crystal to launch us over to the next one as we break it hopefully this works oh no the dragon’s coming over that was so close let’s try again I really think wait a minute Milo got this one good job

Milo I did it I did it this is perfect we’re working together and we make such a good team and Milo doesn’t even know it wait a minute I’ve been taking damage hopefully this doesn’t hurt Milo there’s only two end crystals left this is gonna

Be so good once we beat these last two we can go up to Milo and tell him to beat the Ender Dragon maybe this one will launch us over to the next one let’s give it a try whoa I think it might no we just missed it luckily this

Is a real tall tower bounce place bounce up again oh my goodness I think this is the final end Crystal yeah well we did it three two one this is incredible all the end crystals have now been destroyed and the dragon is now free to be taken down

Just have to take down the dragon with brute strength oh no it’s on the pedestal so Milo’s bullets are shooting right back at him I’ll try hit it with my super water strength oh no I can’t reach it here let’s go under it and boom whoa it’s doing lots of damage

The one what maybe I can use my supersonic ability whoa it launched me up in the air that is not good luckily the warden doesn’t take full damage so we’re all safe oh my gosh this could have gone really bad though where’s the Aim is so bad I wonder if our Sonic Boom ability is any better at taking down this Dragon let’s give it a go oh no I missed two don’t tell Milo I’m just gonna light up my not much like Take them down together we’ll do it super fast the dragon is about to perch again get ready Milo I think he’s touching I better get hey Lila copied me let’s use a boom ability whoa that went crazy good oh no hey hey the Enderman get it then we

Won’t beat the game and maybe I’ll kill it I want to kill it yeah let’s help Milo kill the dragon oh no Milo’s taking a lot of damage if he dies we won’t be able to beat the game either let’s get the dragon quick before Milo takes too much damage and we lose

Forever I think we have to go underneath its belly again not taking damage oh no maybe this is a really strong Dragon I don’t know oh whoa oh no I’ve been throwing off the end Island let’s use a power whoa that that was really close luckily we managed

To end a pill back just in time I’m here Milo don’t worry oh that was that was the edge again oh a fireball oh get out of the way oh my gosh Milo you did it I can’t believe I shot it oh that’s amazing that means that Milo wins the game Wow we really helped Milo win the game as the helpful Warden I can’t believe if I just beat the game with my amazing Warden wooden friend yeah that’s me your amazing wooden friendship what how do you know that it’s me I look like I look

Like chip I thought I look like a warden but I must have turned back right after we beat the game I thought I lost you in the dark cave no Milo we split up but I landed in an ancient city where I found a button that turned me into a warden I

Don’t believe you at all you’re tricky no I’m not what I still have my wooden Powers no way show me just watch oh my God oh my God yeah I am and do you know what that means what my pranks are gonna be powerful too thanks for watching make sure you like

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Chip really wants Milo to win so he decided to become a HELPFUL WARDEN and help his brother out. But what happens when the Mighty Warden needs help?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. Miloooo lett me guess you saw the video when eysteam trolled you with the golden warden 💀 on a video game console and then you play Minecraft you copy aphama

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