$1 Vs $1,000,000 Lucky Blocks in Minecraft

This is a $1 lucky block and this is the $1 million Lucky Block we have to work our way up unlocking more expensive Lucky Blocks as they give awesome items strange encounters custom structures and even inevitable death well here’s our $1 Lucky Block I’m not really expecting

Much but sure man let’s see okay I got a fish that’s awesome I mean it’s a $1 Lucky Block you can’t do much swordfish what it has attack damage that’s actually incredible is it a sword is it a fish uh yeah so now let’s head into our lucky block shop here almost got

Crushed by the door and look at all the lucky blocks I can buy I’ll be back for you million dooll Lucky Block but first let’s get more of these $1 there’s good and bad things that happen so right now uh oh no that that’s a lot of Po that’s

A lot of stuff okay that’s that’s unhelpful all right as I use one blocks I get curreny EC on the top left of the screen and the more expensive Lucky Blocks I can get the faster I get more currency what uh what came first the

Chicken or the egg I don’t know it’s the same time man I’m not out here counting ticks oh gosh a lot of chickens dude this is not very exciting we’ll grab some more of these I can almost afford you come on give us something cool oh no

Oh no that’s a super unlucky event that’s uh great that’s fantastic oh no I’ve been attacked by bees thankfully my swordfish could do some damage take that Pillager Tower oh no I’m I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die no hide in my shop hide in my shop portal

Disabled oh shoot that is terrible news come on I just got to take out the pillagers on what is this man that’s cursed I I don’t like that at all you’ve heard of the spider jockey have you heard of the Jockey spider spider spider spider come here you’re the last one

Yeah come here yeah that was terrifying that’s all the mobs from The Unlucky event we can go back in the shop now which is good should probably get a little bit of food and iron for armor as well looks like if I open the oh snap if

I open the lucky block in a cave I get super luck I’ll I’ll hail the cat president can I do anything with this oh sick yes please okay okay that’s going to be very useful just enough to try our luckier block shall we um but it might

Be dangerous so I’m just going to wait for all this to smelt for armor here I’m not scared you’re scared that’ll do all right Super Lucky Block what do you got for us oh my goodness what’s up buddy how’s the weather up there please please don’t step on me I very fragile dude

Straight up he could take out a Pillager Outpost by like sneezing on it you know what I mean well if I run into problems he should get me covered is that ender pearls oh my goodness okay well that’s fine it’s fine I didn’t need health anyways come on Lucky Block give us

Something cool here a diamond I don’t mind if I do I got a little chest plate upgrade look look it’s like I’m showing my dad something look Dad look I got a school is that cool it’s so small don’t step on it you’re going to squish it no

No all right so far so good five more luckier blocks and I’m hoping not to die oh wow okay we got more stacked mobs at least these aren’t trying to kill me so that’s good top Pig is having the time of his life bottom pig is struggling

Toss a trench coat on these bad boys they could probably make it to a movie theater I’m just happy nothing’s tried to kill me yet all right we got more diamonds gosh dang it more of these ender pearls ouch I don’t I stop with the ender pearls dude gosh dang it man

Unlucky event old gosh no no no oh no it’s dropping custom TNT that is not this video that is not this video oh good no no goodness gracious please don’t please don’t how long is this going to go dude no thank you no thank you I know what all these TNTs do oh

Gosh Escape in the water is that lava inside water that’s cursed can’t get me in the water now all right I’ve made it through dude that was terrifying all those TNT videos are fighting back against me I guess those are very fun if you haven’t seen those

Videos yet the playlist for that’s in the description all right let’s grab these luckier blocks and now I’ve unlocked it looks like I’ll need to find a Pillager Outpost to unlock the Super Lucky event there’s a nice little Outpost hello boys how you doing just

Going to smack you with a fish here real quick it’s kind of hilarious I’m just going around smacking people with fish it does like three times the damage as a diamond sword H Cod attack Cod stands for Call of Duty nice Pillager Outpost 50,000 people used to live here now it’s

A ghost town let’s place our unlucky block and oh snap dude turn the whole place into emeralds and it’s giving me nice emeralds too very nice looking gorgeous how much currency is this going to give me 100 okay we take that couple more down here okay okay but can I place

It again go okay well it’s a onetime use lucky event I guess all right now we can afford the Super Lucky Block oh no it looks kind of gross dude it’s like a cactus oh it’s for leaf clovers that makes more sense well here goes nothing

Our oh what the it just gave me a stick well fantastic that’s always what I wanted oh it’s a knockback 10 stick great and here comes crafty on home plate getting ready to smack that ball in comes the fast ball and swing home run it’s not that useful but

I like it stay over there go to your room let’s buy two more of these come on please give us something good oh that’s a terrible thing that just happened what am I supposed to do now dude oh okay okay it was temporary I thought I was

Done I thought it would be a 22-minute video of Bedrock straight up I was waiting for like lava to rain down from the sky or something another stick fantastic just what I needed today the classic fish stick combo it’s fish sticks I love fish sticks that’s so dumb

Come on oh gosh what oh it’s just every ridable mob I could just play Hot Potato oh except I’m riding the cow there’s every ridable mob and I’m here on top of the cow that’s weird okay also llama broke both his legs I don’t think that’s

How you’re supposed to sit there my guy come on give us something okay this again it’s fine I know I’m not going to die yet what’s happening um I heard some scary noises out there dripstone it dropped drip Stone on me can’t get me dripstone I was inside

Of my impenetrable Castle the Bedrock was actually useful that’s awesome we got more ridable mobs we got more ridable mobs we’ve got a stick again I think I’m coming oh my goodness heck yeah dude and that wasn’t even the lucky event all right we take those Super

Lucky Block is hooking us up oh no oh no I don’t who are you no he’s stealing my money he’s stealing my money no no no no no no no stop bro Thief back up no please no no no no we got him we got him

Wow that was fine he only took like $300 from me ah where’s my giant Golem when I need him good thing is that was our lucky event oh gosh that’s not good I probably shouldn’t mine that one right I accidentally placed it back here the whole shop just explodes so that was our

Unlucky event so that means we unlocked our Super Lucky event so let’s go do that I just got to find a village real quick hello Village friends I don’t know what’s going to happen but apparently this is going to be lucky I hope diamonds that’s good are they invisible

Diamonds oh they’re fake diamonds what how is that a lucky event um did I do this wrong how about now is that better oh there it it is there’s our lucky event I already made the well well well joke so I can’t make it here I shall

Give you a gift of a card NOP don’t like that okay do you want more Lucky Blocks no do you want some money some gold yes the gold turns into money we take those I’ve got plenty of that from earlier that’s going to be nice do diamonds

Count I got a bunch of that here’s some diamonds and iron oh that does count heck yeah yes dude I’ve got almost 2,000 already let’s go get our next Lucky Block shall we the am L lucky block has been unlocked what you got immensely

Lucky Block oh my no no no why and the bats are explosion proof I guess that’s the worst, I’ve ever spent in my life let’s try it again will crafty ever learn his lesson no probably not what do we got again bro it’s fine it’s fine we’ll definitely have something good

This time right no why shers 45 shers yeah you guys battle each other no stop back away I Believe I Can Fly thank you Shockers I got to experience what it’s like to fly what a beautiful time and ouch I’m just going to fly away it’s

Been fun oh gosh I’m going to die no thank you look at that mess back there looks like a 1990 screen saver or something ouch that was very rude come on man give me something lucky dude it’s supposed to be an immensely Lucky Block oh interesting okay I’m a little scared

Based on all the bad stuff that’s happened it looks like a normal desert temple so far anything freaky or weird uh no it’s no it’s just a normal desert temple okay sure why not I guess come on shers again stop it you know what if the

Bats can spawn nope that that’s a beacon I’m trying to make the bat spawn so they can break the shulkers come on come on no come on break it break it a tiny bad mobs they’re so cute wow this Lucky Block is horrible man I am only getting

B bad news come on you got to give me stop we’re just going to run it back no give me something give me something no I’m losing hope here man oh no oh no that’s a black hole oh that is a terrible event oh no run can I use the

Knockback stick can I knockback myself smack myself in the booty run chickens I’ll use the knockback stick no I was trying to save you keep running use those legs oh yes oh my my goodness that is not what I expected this Lucky Block stinks dude I am very unhappy with you I

Am not happy with my purchase unlike the purchases at crafty do. store which I’m very happy about and you will be too plushies water bottles comic books backpacks and more okay I’m done now what’s our lucky event here oh place on top of a desert pyramid to unlock this

Super lucky thing okay can do is the is the pyramid on fire oh no it’s a tiny gas would you like some fish oh I guess he’s allergic it’s time to redeem yourself what do you got for us now a beautiful little rainbow and a pot at

The end of the rainbow aw I swear if this pot just explodes I’m going to be mad ouch come on please give us something good it’s supposed to be the lucky event emeralds heck yeah that’s a lot of emeralds dude damn dude I got 10,000 emeralds from that don’t mind if

I do I still don’t like you but I like you more than I did so it’s better than nothing I guess it’s time for our extremely lucky block what Mighty Fine Things do I have experience yeah I like this one already you’re my new favorite

Mr rainbow man keep it up bro oh no never mind never mind I don’t like you as much I regret everything a the swordfish doesn’t work on cobwebs no no thank you and this is why I have trust issues n I’m just kidding that’s not why

Three more of these this is going to be a mistake but might as well huh one two and three oh gosh dang it that actually wasn’t as bad as I expected so we got anvils experience uh some o enchanted books well I probably could have Enchanted but your boy just had to place

Down three at the same time for no reason at all we might get another chance NOP more lava great that’s fine I like first-degree burns the enchanting table ha I do have plenty of levels yeah fire protection projectile protection I said projectile protection Infinity knock back too I forgot how enchanting

Works I got fire protection now you can’t do nothing never mind you can still do something it’s fine I probably don’t need it anyway stop give me something good give me something good more levels okay more enchanting if I want to do that more lava if I want to

Just die make roasted marshmallows out of my toes I’m getting pretty tired of this lava but I found out if I stand far enough away oh that almost hit me I don’t fall inside the lava Easy Money Can’t Touch Me Now lava I have a loophole I have gotten four lavas in a

Row take that spider give us something man what the heck where am I now oh gosh this is not what I expected when I said give me something I didn’t think it was going to be jail a lost all my stuff except for my armor here this might be

An escape Mission maybe there’s something under this nothing there can I break through the gates nope can’t break a lever I flick that all right that opened up a little area for a chest oh I’m crushing this dude I am a mega escape artist ha I can swim through this

Little crack in the door okay this shouldn’t be too bad it’s like little puzzles to get out of here I can use this little leaf to make myself um crawl I guess and now when the dripstone leaf comes up I can now crawl crushing it oh

Gosh okay we’ve got a little bow and arrow here I got to shoot my way out PE H what do I got to do targets aha I have escaped get me out of here dude I missed my one blocks exit is locked oh of course it is yeah cuz

Nothing’s easy in this life huh little construction zone there’s a little broken fence over here I can jump into and a convenient little ladder can I squeeze through this little air vent oh snap although it is pretty drafty in here people always crawl through air ducts in movies but air ducts can only

Hold a certain amount of weight I feel like they were just fall through immediately here’s my exit key in the air vent for some reason I’m not going to ask any questions that was the worst security a prison has ever had ha back to the real world okay so how do I

Unlock my super lucky event I’ve got to find a desert well oh that’s going to be annoying okay let’s head to the desert I guess after long last the desert well we place our lucky block and oh gosh what just happened oh check that out dude oh it’s magnificent it turned the sad

Desert well into an emerald Fountain yeah keep raining money down on me dude good job Lucky Block You’ve Done good for me today this is a lot of money man heck yeah it just keeps on coming that gives me more than enough to afford our

Luckiest block oh gosh I did not mean to do that oh no that’s fine I can still buy it without breaking it that’s good it’s cool looking man look at it it’s a Lucky Block made of Lucky Blocks that’s awesome I can’t break this one I’m

Afraid I’m going to break the shop so we’re just not going to talk about that okay oh my that’s a piglin attack no no thank you no thank you I’ve already had my death today boys all right fine if you want a battle I’ll give you a battle

Take my fish slaps oh gosh I’m going to die I’m going to die no no no don’t kill me don’t kill me so close please give me something good wow it’s just every mob in Minecraft okay every passive mob I guess oh no the poor ax ladles and all

The fish well welcome to the crafty zoo I guess just got to get two of everybody and it could be crafty in the ark give us something awesome ooh it’s like a a pyramid or something oh no is it like x marks the spot is something bad going to

Happen oh gosh meteor oh no I barely Dodge that dude a Netherrack meteor that’s pretty cool could come back later I guess if I want to upgrade my armor oh all right oh some golden stuff ooh Some armor this is either going to be awesome or terrible oh

Oh dude yes oh my gosh it is a maxed out netherite set sharpness 150 I’m sorry beautiful fish you’ve done me well but it’s time for an upgrade I shall release you back into the water a look he’s already made friends aw he’ll have great stories about being slapped

Against piglins okay well he didn’t live a great life give us something awesome okay another netherite meteor let’s run away from that more awesome AR armor we almost have enough for our million dooll Lucky Block just a couple more of these and then we can finally buy what’s

Happening what is happening oh gosh oh my goodness that is terrible that is three wardens dude oh no well I do have great armor piggy don’t hide behind me dude sharpness 150 come on man come on yes okay not bad not bad take this Warden I’m not afraid of anyone except

Maybe talking to women but we’re not addressing that today he doesn’t see me oh no he definitely sees me oh gosh okay okay just swing just swing yeah take that Warden it’s that easy boys it’s that easy all you need is a a legal sword all right that

Was awesome that would have been literally impossible if I didn’t get this armor so I guess we take those now how do I make it lucky I need a Jungle Pyramid okay let’s go find that I found it just need to place our lucky block and I’m getting showered on from

Emeralds ow ow ow that actually hurts oh no I would not recommend showering with money this is very painful that’s incredible it’s a giant Fountain give me all your emeralds beautiful and there’s a million it’s time my friends after long last the million dooll Lucky Block is mine and

Now that we have the million Lucky Block I guess I can just do this right oh gosh okay yep yep yep I’m leaving I’m leaving come on million dooll Lucky Block give us something incredible please please give us something awesome if it gives me a single piece of dirt I’m going to be

So mad watch out chicken I don’t know what’s about to happen it spawned the dragon are you serious dude okay it’s battle Time come on Dragon just you and I oh it died okay well that was the easiest Dragon Battle I’ve ever had thanks for killing the dragon that you

Spawned well let’s end this video off with a bang shall we oh gosh I can’t even reach all the guys that was less cool than I expect expected to be well now you know what the most expensive lucky block in the world does thanks for watching subscribe for more and I’ll see

You in the next one bye

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#Minecraft #But #Craftee

$1 Vs $1,000,000 Lucky Blocks in Minecraft

🗣️ Voice Over Artist: Parker Coppins
🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
📜 All music used with permission from its creator.


  1. 4:24 The actual term for slapping someone with a fish is 'cornobble'. So you cornobbled the heck out of those pillagers.
    Its also one of my favorite words 😀

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