Terraria, But Damaging Enemies UPGRADE My Magic Weapons…

In this video I tried beating Terraria using magic weapons only but here’s the twist I installed the mod that allows my weapons to gain experience for hitting enemies with each level increases the damage Critical Strike chance size attack speed and the best part additional projectiles things about to

Get insane so stay tuned to find out all right let’s get this thing started there are a few options to get for my first magic weapon the wand of sparking which can be turned into the wand of frosting any of the gem staves so topaz Emerald Ruby Etc the Thunder

Zapper or the vilethorn because it’s going to take a while to collect enough gems to make a gem staff I’m going to skip over that the Thunder zapper is going to be too hard to find and there are a lot of monsters in the underground desert that could mess me up so cross

That out as well that leaves the wand of sparking and the V Thorn I’ll be searching for for the W of sparking first but if I end up finding some explosives I’m going to go and try to get the vorne okay that should be enough wood

For now okay there’s an ice chest right here oh my god oh it has armor too this is going to save me a lot of time there’s a life Crystal down here as well there we go a gold chest okay I was about to open it

But I just found out this is a dead men’s chest so let’s block ourselves off from the traps oh my God the cloud in a bottle what a great start okay this might be enough topaz actually for the topaz staff yeah all I need is just eight and I have

10 so I need 10 10 bars now okay this is a lot of 10 that should be enough actually you know what just because I found more topaz I’m just going to turn them into the topaz hook instead and follow with my original plan cuz I know

For a fact that the vilethorn is going to be infinitely better I also have a crazy amount of bombs now so it shouldn’t be a problem getting the vorn okay well the corruption is not on the right side of the world so let’s go explore the left it’s night

Time as well so I’m going to make use of this time to collect as many fallen stars as possible to raise my Max Mana okay got the one of sparking but I’m not going to be using this weapon at all cuz I am going straight for the VOR now but with every

Attack I gain five points of experience ooh found the egglet if I can get my hand on the anklet of the wind I can make myself some lightning boots okay finally found the corruption now hopefully I can get the vilethorn within two Shadow orbs cuz I

Do not want the E of Worlds to spawn okay first one the musket second one come on no the ball hurts well it looks like I’m going to have to summon the eat of Worlds and then run away immediately and that’s going to be a big waste of experience unfortunately okay third one

Please no give me that at least come on and then teleport okay let’s go store all of my stuff away before I head back all right inventory is cleaned out let’s first make the silver pickaxe and then the topaz hook okay made it back to the corruption let’s try this again fourth

Shadow orb come on beautiful it has Mystic on it okay goodbye to the wand of sparking hello vow Thorn now this weapon is going to be extremely good because it can pass through blocks and clicking just once with this weapon can hit multiple times with which means gaining experience is

Going to be very fast okay now let’s actually test this weapon out so right now it has 336 points of experience so after clicking just once it now has 396 points so yeah I’m going to level this weapon up in no time let’s head into the jungle now to

Try to find some more Life Crystals and assess accessories as well as mine some more materials to craft some armor oh wait was that oh my God it is I just got a gravitation potion looks like I’ll be going up to some sky islands for even more accessories and I believe my

Vorn should now be at level one yes it has so it gained two magic damage and 1% Critical Strike chance it also has the chance to shoot out two bow Thorns that’s doubled the damage which means doubled the experience and there’s the anklet of the wind as well as the suspicious looking

Eye okay so I can make lightning boots then and once I get enough Life Crystals I’ll summon the I of cthulu as my first boss ooh Some rubies okay a ruby that means I am going to summon the King Slime cuz that boss is a really good source of

Experience okay now that is a lot of rubies oh my God looks like I’ll be taking on the king’s slime multiple times depending on how many platinum crowns I can craft okay that’s 300 health just five more until Max Health what is that I’ve never seen that before three Life Crystals all just

Bunched up together okay so after this I only need two more then oh my God that was enough for the emerald hook just one more Life Crystal to go and here’s the last life Crystal for Max Health okay it doesn’t seem like I can find the Nature’s gift at the

Moment so I’ll look for that later on let’s head back home for now all right first thing things first the emerald hook then the Platinum pickaxe and I did collect enough materials to craft the full jungle armor sets beautiful this armor set increases maximum Mana magic damage Critical

Strike chance and reduces Mana cost so it’s an overall really good armor set for Mages so my vorn is now at level four with 20 magic damage and a huge uge 26% Critical Strike chance okay so it’s night time now and I don’t want to miss this opportunity to summon the AF cthulu

Because I’m more than ready so let’s just start it up all right there we go oh my what just happened wait that was some insane damage oh my God it basically just gained a whole level wait let’s try that again left side okay 3 2 1

Oh my God that is so fast it’s almost at level six I mean I have one more so might as well that is so satisfying and I bet the eat of Worlds is going to be even more satisfying okay now I’m going to collect as many fallen stars as possible to max

Out my mana and then I’ll drink a gravitation potion to search for some sky islands for some more accessories okay a goblin army is approaching I don’t mind that I guess I’ll take care of them first there we go Goblin Army has been defeated which brings brings my vorn to

Level eight and now it can shoot out three projectiles these things are huge too holy I also collected 31 fallen stars so let’s see if that’s enough for maximum Mana 260 but the armor set gives 80 so I think I’m missing two more then let’s drink a gravitation potion

Now and search for some Sky Islands okay first Sky Island shiny red balloon second Sky Island star Fury I don’t need that and here’s the last one which should have the lucky horeshoe perfect let’s build some NPC houses now and then head into the corruption to fight the Eater of

Worlds oh and I should probably make some Platinum crowns as well so that I can make some slime crowns after and I don’t think I need to build an arena for this fight cuz I am just going to absolutely shred this boss there we go coming from the right side oh

Yeah keep it coming let’s also make it a challenge to not get hits one more hit all done there are some more Shadow orbs left so I think I can summon the eat of worlds two more times okay maybe just one more time cuz I don’t see six Shadow

Orbs all right all done now let’s craft four slime crowns oh wait never mind I can only make two you know what let’s actually save the king slimes for later on when I get my hands on another weapon cuz my vilethorn is already at level 10 but now

With some Demonite bars and Shadow skills I can craft the nightmare Pickaxe let’s go to the dungeon now to take on Skeletron and that should be enough to max out my Mana oh never mind I just needed one 280 and just like with the Eater of

Worlds I really don’t need to build an arena so let’s just start this thing up oh I like that sound wait that had what that hand’s done already that one too okay head oh my God you can just hear all the bones just crunching now that I have access into

The dungeon there are only two things that I’m looking for which are the Cobalt shield and the Water Bolt technically I can also look for the shadow key as well cuz inside Shadow chests there are some more magic weapons but they’re not going to be as good as

The Water Bolt so I don’t think I’m going to go for that oh wait it’s right here okay let’s start leveling up this weapon now all I’m looking for is the Cobalt Shield oh my God the goblin Tinker is right here let’s purchase the rocket boots and the workshop I’m also

Going to reforge this Water Bolt and try to get mythical on It come on I know you want to give it to me masterful you know what I’m going to settle with that for now until I get more gold and there’s the Cobalt Shield all right let’s start combining some

Accessories now first Spectre boots turn that into lightning boots then the cloud and a balloon turn that into the blue horseshoe balloon I’ve got some pretty good Mobility now all right King Slime time let’s also keep track of our Water Bolt it’s at 70% right now with 23 magic

Damage and 16% Critical Strike chance okay 50% Health already that was pretty fast considering this is only at level one okay that’s done one more time all done and that’s going to bring the water ball to level two almost almost level three so now it has a chance to shoot out two

Water bolts at the same time I have some more gel now so let’s craft two more slime crowns that’s one and that’s two level four now with 32 magic damage and 20% Critical Strike chance it looks like I’m shooting two 100% of the time now it’s pretty good let’s start mining down to

Hell all right finally made it down to hell I’m going to have to mine some hellstone but not that much cuz I’m only going to craft the molten pickaxe okay that should be enough 123 now I can craft the molten pickaxe and the obsidian skull and with

It let’s combine it with the Cobalt Shield to make the Obsidian Shield all that’s left is to take on the wall of flesh okay made it to the end of the world let’s drink our potions and toss in the guide Voodoo Doll 3 2 1 here we go let’s start spamming our water

Bolts okay I’m a bit too close oh my God wait a minute the wall of flesh is what it’s already dead come on a few more hits oh my God that was so fast so from level four to level six let’s open up this treasure bag and hopefully I can get the sorcerer’s

Emblem as well as a magic weapon and I think the magic weapon is the laser rifle 3 2 1 oh my god there it is okay I got the ranger emblem but that’s okay if I can find the Shimmer pool I can turn it into the sorcerer’s

Emblem but I’m really glad I got the laser rifle cuz this weapon shoots insanely fast and just wait until I reforge it and level it up let’s see there we go mythical and the difference oh yeah you can definitely notice it but now that I’m in hard mode

Let’s go to the corruption and break some Demon altars so we’ve got badium oricalcum and titanium okay that should be enough padium onto the or Calcom oh my God the bound wizard let’s purchase the crystal ball and a bunch of Mana potions that’s enough or Calum lastly the

Titanium all right that should be enough titanium let’s go back home it’s time to craft the full titanium armor sets headgear breastplate and leggings all right I now have 320 mana and 39 defense let’s head up onto a sky island now to farm some wyvern for their Souls of Flight so that

I can craft myself a pair of wings okay that is enough Souls of flights and that is enough Souls of knights now I can craft demon wings before I take on the mechanical bosses I’m going to farm materials to craft the sky fracture so I’m going to

Have to go back into the dungeon and try to find the magic Missile I need to farm two light shards and 16 Souls of light all right that’s enough Souls of light now I’m going to make an art official Hollow desert biome to get the light shards since there isn’t any in this

World okay there’s one light Shard and that’s two and lastly let’s go find the magic Missile and there it is perfect ooh got masterful on it and this is what the attacks look like let’s go reforge this weapon into mythical perfect and now I’m going to go

Level up this weapon I think around level five should be good enough all right it is now at level five with 69 magic damage and 51 Critical Strike chance and this is what the attacks look like yeah that’s a lot of Swords the first bot I’m going to take on are the twins

3 2 1 honestly this is pretty good I was expecting the attack be more widespread but it’s pretty concentrated so I can aim decently okay first one’s done oh my look all those Critical Hits oh okay few more hits and the twins have been defeated so just that boss brings the

Sky fracture to level eight so it gained three levels the next boss that be taking on is the Destroyer but I’m not sure sure if I want to use the sky fracture because it doesn’t penetrate so I’m going to go with the laser rifle 3 2 1 go up to the clumps up

Parts oh yeah oh I took big damage there that was not good let’s pick up the hearts I also really need the Nature’s gift so I can turn that into the manif flower just so that I don’t have to keep pressing G to reso my Mana all right Destroyer has been

Defeated and that boss brings the laser rifle oh whoa whoa whoa whoa wait I’m pretty sure the laser rifle was at level eight so it gained a whole five levels how many lasers can I shoot out oh that’s nasty I think that’s five I still have a bit of time left in the

Night so let’s finish off Skeletron Prime and I’m going to try to defeat all of the arms first to maximize my experience gained but if it seems like it’s a bit too close I’m just going to finish it off with the laser rifle straight to the Head okay Laser’s down Vice is

Down the Saw’s down one more to go there we go Cannon’s down just ahead and you’re almost done perfect all the mechanical bosses have been defeated let’s now make the pickaxe Axe and the full hollowed armor sets there we go now let’s head into the jungle to mine some chlorop FY and to

Find the planta bulb there’s the planta bulb so I’ll be making the arena right here then okay the arena is all complete let’s go summon planta 3 2 2 1 and I’ll be using the sky fracture for this fight there we go okay second phase drink my potion oh God that

Honey and you are dead yeah the amount of Swords I’m look at that wow I actually didn’t notice until now one click that’s over 10 swords and I just got the magic dagger but not really sure how that’s going to go we can try it out for a bit

Though let’s open our treasure bag and see what we get ooh you know what the nettle burst okay scratch the magic dagger off the list we’re going to use the nettle burst from now on until I get a better weapon cuz this weapon is the upgraded version of the vilethorn

Wait okay a plop just spawned here I guess I’ll be fighting that boss again oh my God wait it’s only level one and I’m doing this much damage what the the number of a hits do you guys hear that wait that might have been faster than my level 13 Sky fracture it’s at

Level five now let’s head into the temple now and I’m going to take on Golem next made it into the temple and it looks like I have a pretty oh wow this is a huge boss room and I’ve managed to collect five power cells so that’s going to be a lot of experience

Without further Ado let’s begin oh yeah God damn this weapon is a shredder wait it’s at level 10 now oh my god look how far this thing goes okay second time time yes now I do want to save some of my power cells for when I get other magic

Weapons I don’t want to use it all on the nettle burst cuz right now it’s insanely strong I won’t lie let’s open up our treasure bag and see if I can get any other magic weapons not that one okay got the masterful staff of Earth let’s see how good this weapon is against

Golem yeah nowhere as near as the nettle burst of course and even if I do level this thing up a bit it’s just never going to compare to the nettle burst it’s just never going to compare to the nettle burst or even the sky fracture okay Golem has been defeated for the

Third time I want to see if I can get the heat ray okay back to the nettle burst oh yeah it just keeps getting faster and faster two more to go still no heat ray last one come on give me the heat ray there it is so defeating all of those Golems

Brought the nettle burst to level 18 and now it looks like this oh yeah those are some thick nettle bursts they reach the ends of my screens too let’s reforge the heat ray and try to get mythical there we go same with the nettle burst there we go oh the attack speed is

So much faster oh my God same with the heat ray now it just turned into daytime so I don’t want to miss this opportunity to summon the solar eclipse cuz this event the spawn rate of monsters goes crazy here we go and I’m going to go level up the heat a

Bit okay hold up I think I might have gotten a Hidden Gem of a weapon the toxic flask this thing is like a nuke okay so I just grabbed a DPS so that I can show you guys just how strong the toxic flas can be look at the damage from just one

Click that’s already over 1,000 damage per second Jesus the poison cloud is huge now oh my God I just blew up that mothron okay but now let’s check out our damage on just an individual Target it 3 2 1 what okay that’s only if I land all of my toxic blasts onto the

Enemy Jesus it just went up to 30,000 damage I never expected this weapon to be so good but now let’s compare it to the other Weapons oh um okay so the toxic flask doesn’t top the nettle burst just yet what about the heat ray no not even close I got the heat rate to level 10 okay the solar eclipse has ended let’s check how much I’ve improved my weapons now so nle burst level 19 heat

Ray level 10 and the toxic flask level 14 but this thing isn’t even reforged yet let’s do that right now Godly no we’re looking for mythical there we go oh that is so much faster oh my frames are lagging that’s how you know things are getting a bit too

Crazy and just for fun let’s just summon out these a culus toxic flask first one shots it yep that’s expected heat ray not too bad and the nettle burst all right let’s head into the dungeon now so that I can Farm myself some ectoplasm to craft the Spectre

Armor okay that should be enough ectoplasm 47 now I need to mine some more Chlor fight cuz I only farmed 18 of them okay there’s another Pantera ballb let’s do this real quick I feel like I’m just going to onot this thing with the toxic flask let’s find out oh Jesus mother of

God 42,000 damage that can’t be real right ooh the leaf blower okay if the toxic flask is more of a nuke this thing is going to be a complete Shredder of a weapon okay I think I’m good on chlorite let’s craft the Spectre mask robes and pants okay I am insanely strong

Now let’s go take on the lunatic cultist we’ve all seen how good the nettle burst is same with the toxic flask so let’s start leveling up the leaf blower here we go okay 2,000 damage per second not bad so far okay I’m kind of low right now oh my God come

On all right there we go so just from that boss my leaf flower is now at level seven but the damage is nowhere near the toxic flask and the nettle burst so I don’t think I’ll be using it the spread is also way too big so attacking enemies

Accurately yeah that’s not going to happen we’re almost done here let’s go take on the celestial pillars and then the final boss Moon Lord and I am going to take down the nebula pillar first just because I can make two magic weapons okay nebula pillar has been destroyed let’s craft the nebula

Arcanum and the nebula Blaze reforge this to mythical there we go same with this one all right okay now when I said the toxic flask is a nuke the nebula Arcanum is way above that look at how many I can summon out oh look at all of

This and the best part is they can home in I bet Moon Lord is going to get one shot okay solar pillar is down onto the vortex pillar Vortex pillar is done one more to go and there goes the last pillar let’s get ready for Moon Lord let’s just stack it up as

Well oh my God all right here comes Moon Lord oh okay it didn’t one shot but I did take out two oh what I took out both of its hands in one go okay there goes the middle eye and there goes the core oh the last prism wait a

Second how is this weapon going to work let’s summon Moon Lord again and level up this last prism to see what it does there we go am I going to fire out multiple lasers okay not right now oh my God I’m so fragile oh God I’m dead teleport try to heal

Okay that was a close call okay yeah so um I don’t think this weapon actually changes it’s at level eight right now and I don’t see any difference okay that was a let down okay there’s just one more the lunar flare totally forgot about that I have enough luminite bars now for the

Full nebula armor set so I’m going to craft that and then I’m only going to use the lunar flare to do the lunatic cultist pillars and moon Lord again Okay I lied I just needed three more nebula fragments but I’m just going to equip the helmet and breast plate for

Now okay 4,000 damage per second and it’s just getting higher L take C this done and there goes the last pillar let’s go back home and then finish off the nebula armor sets all right everything is complete and from those Celestial pillars the lunaf flare is now at level

11 that’s a lot of projectiles there we go oh my God okay one hand is down forehead is down and there goes the other hand okay just the core now all done okay honestly I was expecting the lunar flare to be the weapon that dealt the most damage but surprisingly not to

End things off I’m going to take on moonl Lord one last time with the toxic flask let’s see how good this weapon is against this boss here we go okay yeah oh my God my frames okay that’s a bit too much there’s just no other weapon I can

Compare to this except the nettle burst you know what real quick let’s use the nettle burst as well oh yeah there we go that is nasty all right that’s going to be it guys thank you all for watching if you’ve enjoyed the video don’t forget to

Leave a like comment down below if you have any other mod or video ideas you want me to try out and of course subscribe to the channel I’ll see you all next time peace

In this video I try beating Terraria using magic weapons only but here’s the twist… I installed a mod that allows my weapons to gain experience for hitting enemies. With each level increases the damage, critical strike chance, size, attack speed, and the best part, additional projectiles. Things are about to get insane so stay tuned to find out!

If you enjoy watching the video then don’t forget to leave a like, comment and also subscribe to the channel!

Mods used:
NPC House Builder
Boss Checklist
Recipe Browser
AlchemistNPC Lite
Vein Miner
Signature Equipment by: Kenflesh
Link For Mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2829442749

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#Terraria #Necr0 #Terrariachallenge


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