Minecraft but From PIRATE to CAPTAIN…

This is Minecraft but from Pirates to Captain today we’re a pirates and this is my boat but not for long because we’ll be getting our own crew and massive ship from being a cannon boy to earning first mate to even becoming the pirate king M also reach School Island

And find Mystery treasure but being a pirate isn’t so easy so how do I go up the pirate ranks and can I fight other pirate ships stay tuned to find out so these are all the pirate ships in Minecraft where we have level two level three in a giant level four ship where

With level four we can go to the Skull Island at the X so without further Ado let’s start our journey to get to the X on the map and verse get a job right click you let’s set sail here we go and we made it the commercial ship is ahead

Where we will be getting our first pirate job again I’m a little bit broke but I’m not going to be swimming through there manually those waves are very high that’s why I came prepared we have our fancy sword and Axe and pickaxe can’t forget about the lucky shell very

Important to me and of course some stale bread cuz cuz again I don’t have much money to my name and a boat so without further Ado let’s get to the ship and sneak in in to get a job luckily I think we can get in actually right there oh

Gosh okay these waves are crazy okay let’s park the boat Right Here and Now pirate Nester let’s real quick just swim right here okay let me close that there we go oh and I think we’re in this right spot a chef maybe I can get a cooking

Job okay Chef cook a soup for the crew let me taste it first oh gosh that’s the crew right there they’re definitely hungry okay so we have ingredients for the soup tasty soup and special soup let’s be simple and just make a normal soup okay so we have beetroot and raw

Rabbit all right how do I do this oh what are these things okay so wait so I just like throw this in ear never done this do I put the raw rabbit and then the beetroot do I make anything oh yo we got pirate soup okay yeah I kind of know

What I’m doing all right CHF how about this oh he’s eating it does he like it dot dot dot that’s not a good sign uh come on I can make it again disgusting try again oh my goodness okay being a pirate Noob is tough okay what about the

Tasty soup I don’t I don’t trust the special soup but we’ll just go tasty soup it sounds safe so we get cooked rabbit oh my gosh that’s a lot of ingredients I’m going to keep some of that carrot and potato so real quick let’s put in the rabbit then the carrot

And now finally the potato is this going to work oh there we go a brand new pirate soup how is this one Mr Chef come on also you should probably chew with your mouth closed but it’s all good okay what do you like it this time again disgusting tough crowd my goodness I

Guess that leaves us just one option and that’s the special soup what’s in here uh seagrass and Cobblestone huh I’m supposed to cook with this okay I guess let’s put in Cobblestone and then seagrass does that even make soup oh my gosh I made soup what is this all right

Mr Chef what about this come on tell tell me it’s good please please please please he liked it apparently okay and so now we got to feed the crew with 10 of them okay I guess we’re using more Cass and Cobblestone all right let’s just keep making some of this then don’t

Mind me I’m just going to do this over and over again call me a pro Chef there we go that should be enough all right without further Ado let me go out the soup’s ready all right food is ready crew here you go one for you oh he

Dropped it to balloon wait do we actually get money now yes $20 for one soup it’s pretty good job give me the money thank you this is how we get closer to the big ship guys $100 already done perfect 120 and that’s everyone down here done what about up here okay

We have some more what about you thank you where’s the last guy do he at the end of the ship there you go and that’s test done now we’re $200 Rich amazing are there any other jobs we can do is there stuff up here oh what the heck is

This it says mop required oh and this guy sells it all right maybe this is a new job well we just spent $5 so do I what it oh okay so I’m supposed to clean the ink spots I can do that all right time for our first battle against

Dirtiness all right that’s one thing clean and wait is this the exit okay you know what I’m not going to even think about this right now let’s just keep cleaning clean the Ink Spot there we go and what is this up here oh it this what’s causing the mess hey yo get away

Out of here oh that gave me money nice let’s get you too come on enough of that there we go and the last guy right here come on buddy need to get the money oh my deons went over there but now that’s 275 okay so we can exit any point but

Let’s get the max amount of money we need and so before we exit we have one more job right here which is to patch the sails do I like right click this oh nice oh oh wait that’s an issue is there stuff in here oh yly okay wait let me

Grab a good bit of that can I have to do all this I don’t know if this is going to be worth the money okay there’s a ladder here let’s maybe just start it from here okay what we can do is real quick break all the coas here and I’m

Going to do some of it and this better give me some money maybe as I do more it’ll give me more money I have no idea couple more things here let’s place you guys there I mean this is pretty good right here at least oh wait is it

Raining suddenly uh is that expected oh wait why is there lightning is this supposed to happen what is this Ben ship for money okay you know what that sounds like a better job well luckily the piglins are literally over there and wait can I just hit them from here oh oh

Oh oh oh okay okay guys luckily they are all behind this thing come on guys let’s get rid of you guys oh we got some bons for that yes they’re dropping money oh oh oh oh wait wait wait it would be bad if they actually killed me there come on

Guys almost done here save the deons oh my gosh my sword is going to break and we got him that should be all the task done and from all this we ended up with 575 deons that’s a good job he and we managed to save some pigs nice oh and

It’s sty again all right well without all that being done I think we’re done with the level one ship and we can go ahead and exit via Canon is this going to shoot me all right here we goes nothing oh yo oh my gosh wait it’s going

To send me all the way back how long is this Cannonball oh my goodness my computer oh wait is it over there yo and so with that Cannon it’s good to be back so reminder we are trying to get to the level four ship but we need to get to

Level two first with the first mate rank don’t worry guys I’m going to get there very soon because we might be pting right now but now with 300 to balloons we can get the first mate rank we got it and because we have $275 left why don’t

We buy our first talking parrot how’s it going buddy oh we got a Parrot now yo anyways now we got Mr parrot let’s name him in the comments down below and another thing that we could get is let’s buy finally a cutless cuz our sword’s

About to break oh there we go skar I don’t know why it’s called that but that does six attack damage better than Earth stone sword oh and it does a swing beautiful now we should be good to access this area and get onto the level two ship as first mate all right let’s

Walk in here oh and I guess this is my captain hello Captain I’m going to be you one day but what are we doing here for pay oh give me a hug do I need to use the hook oh it can be used as a

Shield oh yo I got a hook now nice oh and I think we got to raise the anchor before we set sail I got you Captain hopefully I get good pay for this all right where is this going to take us then do I just right click this oh I

Think I’m hoisting it oh an anchor retrieved and with the anchor retrieved now we can set sail all right Mr per let’s set sail here we go no I will make you proud Captain s set and where are we going oh and we arrived the unexplored

Island oh yo this place is huge there’s even monkeys all right Captain what are we doing here for money explore the island and find Clues oh okay uh any here no nothing here okay where do I find Clues then oh wait there’s a boat down there and it says don’t come in

Here kind of feel like I should go down there all right Mr per we’re going to go straight down there and I’m going to guess that’s where a clue is whatever we do for money here we go okay don’t mind me just in the water okay should have

Enough breath let’s get inside the ship okay so is there something bad down here or okay we have an air pocket oh yo cave map piece number one oh okay I think I know what we’re going for then that’s grab I just got on the screen there

Where we need four of these pieces let’s go up real quick and I’m glad I went in there let’s actually get to land there are Coconuts on the land and bananas do I need the bananas can I eat them probably should not eat them let me grab

These bananas real quick though and oh it says something up here 10 bananas cave map piece oh okay wait so do I trade with you for the cave map piece oh wait there two of them I need eight more hold on let’s get more banana pieces

Real quick like you and you all the bananas they’re so high up make that four five good thing I have white wool oh my goodness I’m doing so much for these monkeys seven and now for the last one number eight all right this should

Make 10 do you want that how many do you want okay exactly 10 bananas there we go now we have K map piece number four where are the other ones though oh wait this one has a chest oh well that was easy all right we just need one more

Then maybe it’s somewhere around here oh wait I think I found it right by these swing Vines I think there’s an open right there this might be where the last little M piece is okay let’s real quick check this out Mr P come over here oh

And what is that noise don’t worry I got my cutless oh just a zombie get over here buddy do you drop any deons no deons from him it’s all good though oh even more zombies okay you guys better have the map piece my goodness how’ you

Guys get in here all right whatever we got to do to become Captain let’s real quick jump all the way up here and if I fall okay we’re good we’re good wait there’s a door here oh and it opened just like that what the heck okay well

The good news is we have a chest and there it is the final map piece let’s get out of here real quick and now we just need one more thing literally one there we go okay let’s graft this together now if we put all for here oh

There it is the cave map so does this lead us anywhere oh build monkey Army before going in the cave oh wait so if those are the villages the map should lead me to the back of this got it so I got to recruit these guys again I’m

Getting more bananas all right let me test this out one banana do you come to be my Army does he follow me around oh he does all right not only am I going to become the Power King but the Monkey King all right let’s get some bananas

All right you join the team you join the team let’s get this guy into another recruit right here and as it get higher we get some more another there not there and I think we’re getting closer to the hidden cave as we get more of these

People there we go another one and last one should be up there okay we better get a lot of deons for this there we go and now that’s Army recruited and now it’s time to explore the cave okay so if the houses are over here we got to go

Around all the island oh and I just saw guys there’s a skeleton pirate king thing at the top of the screen what are we getting ourselves into you guys better ready Let’s Go Army nope no don’t don’t fall oh oh they’re falling okay okay we’re going to get there soon wait

I think this is literally it it’s say keep out all right gentlemen you know what time it is we go straight into the keep out area got my little sword ready and honestly this looks a little bit dangerous but it’s all good I got I got

My team with me and my parrot okay where is a thing wait is it it’s a giant parate ship oh no are we rating this thing why is my captain not helping me who knows but you know what we’re doing this journey for a reason okay it’s a

Little empty though oh wait is this a skeleton pirate king oh wait no it’s a normal pirate oh he drops the balloons yo oh wait no that’s skeleton crew right there okay monkeys get ready time to battle take him out and let me keep the de balloons oh here he comes I don’t

Have armor go on monkeys oh they’re fighting him yes go on team and my parents attacking him too oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh we are fighting fighting right now okay let me fall back a little bit oh I’m surrounded where’ my monkeys go okay okay more to balloons let me

Fall back eat some stale bread I need I need the monkeys to keep going this is the Battle of the ages right here why are there so many skeleton things oh and we got them oh gosh okay okay okay let me take out the rest of the guys holy

Deons we are getting so much money lot guys right there and I think that’s the job all done 605 deons just from taking them out but it’s your treasure in there let’s collect all we can and also we got to take out the stragglers okay now to

Actually board the ship guys and let’s see what’s inside let’s real quick go in here and I mean we got some more deons is there anything underground though might be more people oh gosh it scared me okay it’s just the pair my goodness okay nothing here oh wait I think it’s

Up here the Skeleton King’s great treasure how much is this going to be uh we we we got like 40 buckss that that that’s it did you steal some of the money par okay but the main thing that catched my eye was the skeleton pirate sword yo okay that’s two more attack

Damage than our current sword what is this to same thing but more damage I like it and with the money that we have now $885 we might be able to buy a pirate hat to go up and rank let’s grab some l deons oh and those guys are there

Too all right well I got the money $1,000 should be good and now what’s this way oh it’s the exit I think we might be done them with chip number two all right without further Ado again my monkey Army it was great working with you guys but let’s go home let’s go oh

Oh oh oh and I think I overshot it oh well this is awkward give me one sec and we’re back so we’ve completed ship number two and next one is this guy right here and so now with $11,000 de Bloons we don’t need first M anymore cuz

We can go ahead and buy the captain’s hat which grants captain rank so if we just go up here we got it we’re now power captain and I can go ahead and put this on and I’m a captain yes and because we have a little bit extra money

Why don’t we also buy a nice spy glass yep I like this now let’s go ahead and and go forward and this is the level three ship so what do I do here oh wow there’s a lot of people hello load the Cannons oh gosh wait that that was a

Medicine Bell okay uh how do I load the Cannons oh there’s cannon balls right here okay so do I just put them in here okay that’s one Cannon loaded let’s load this cannon that’s loaded are we like getting ready for battle or something I just got here oh wait this would be my

Crew then oh I am the captain I keep forgetting that all right crew don’t worry I’m loading the Cannons I got you guys okay and now these guys need a chest plate uh chest plate chest plate they all need chest plates give the crew armor okay got it uh give me one sec

Guys I I got to find the iron chest which I did just now okay let me real quick grab all the iron in the world there we go does anyone have a crafting table I assume you guys don’t have a crafting table okay don’t worry I will

Find something for us oh wait there’s something down there here’s the plan what I can do real quick is just grab this real quick change the foundations of the ship a little bit by making it wool and then with this we can make a craing table beautiful and let’s go Ahad

And make maybe uh seven chest plates yep that should be good all right my crew there you go one chest plate for you another chest plate for you another one for you and there’s only two more left okay this guy and finally this guy right there can’t forget about me too okay do

We have everything ready everyone oh design my flag oh I think I might know where we can do that so this is an image editor where we’re going to be making the design for my pirate ship where first we’re going to be starting with a couple white circles that are going to

Represent a skull we’re trying to be you know medicine as pirates let’s also give it to dark eyes and a triangle nose to get the skull details in can’t forget the mouth either there we go it’s not going to be the greatest art in the world I’m not the greatest artist but it

Is something and with this area at the bottom we’re going to be making an X that kind of represents the extor logo the X and end by the way there’s merch with this stuff you can go ahead and buy it right now in the description down

Below but now that we have the shape let’s go ahead and do one side as White and the other side as red and we can’t forget the most important them guys because we’re going to probably be going out in the seas and fighting other ships we got to make sure they subscribe so

Let’s write subscribe right there there we go and there we have it I also added a yard cuz why not our pirate flag is now done so let’s go confirm and send this to the admin in 3 2 1 and now we have have it the pirate Nester flag

Which that would complete that and we got it look at it oh man it is not the prettiest thing but now we should be able to set sail all the way up here and do I just right click this and go with my crew all right let’s go crew let’s

See where we’re being taken s sets hopefully we got a lot of De balloons for this cuz we got to get to level four oh wait where are we now oh no we’re under attack oh my goodness what are those things oh wait no and we have a

Health bar guys we are losing Health what stop shooting please oh my gosh we’re losing so much damage all right everyone all in on the Cannons can I shoot them oh gosh we need to fix the ship wait or are these guys no no no no

Stay away let’s real quick take this guy out and this guy there we go oh wait can we fix this ship with this stuff oh we can okay we’re back to full health all right cannons fire we are going to wage war against these guys oh oh no no we

Got we got more ghosts are climbing up oh gosh let me get those deons real quick there we go and I got to keep firing the ship come on come on when we’ve done enough damage we can board the ship with that Canon right there oh

Gosh crew members fight I need to repair the ship oh gosh okay let’s repair that repair that oh there we go any more spots I think we’re good for now let’s fire the Cannons again oh here they come again I’m just going to keep firing oh

Gosh let me use my hook just in case we’re halfway done with the damage oh my goodness we got to win the ship battle guys okay fire I got to say being a captain is a lot harder than I thought oh gosh oh gosh okay let’s fire in some

More cannons there we go eat some bread oh gosh we’re doing good damage here oh no oh gosh oh this is bad this is bad this is bad oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I I got to take cover this is bad this is

Bad this is bad this is bad can my crew please help me this is what happens I didn’t give them any weapons oh my gosh okay I’m hiding in here guys we’re actually losing the battle right now let me just get out we got to go in again oh

No that’s a lot of damage okay we’re back up we got to fix everything and also you need to get out of here you get out and you get out there we go oh gosh all the damage is not good okay block that and that should be good okay let me

Just do the repairs I just got this ship there we go all right one last charge fire the Kens one more time here we go here we go oh gosh here they come again and we did it now it’s time to board the ship my crew we are going to be going

Onto the ship please come with me oh gosh wait they’re still destroying the ship oh gosh oh gosh I got to buy myself enough time I got to take those guys down on those cannons okay okay okay let’s go up here all right here’s a plan

Before we go I’m going to borrow the steering wheel real quick don’t worry I’m not getting rid of it cuz with the steering wheel we’re going to make it into a crafting table and with this crafting table we’re actually going to make armor we need all the armor we can

Get okay let’s put that on and that on there we go and now I am the armored Captain okay here goes nothing in 3 2 1 F me out let’s go oh gosh oh gosh let me get my SW ready here we go oh this is

Sick let’s go okay time to fight good thing I made some extra armor oh gosh and there’s so many of them okay he gets taken down he gets taken down and let’s get to the Cannons quick oh my gosh there’s so many of them down there what

The heck oh gosh oh gosh okay I I’m blocking I’m blocking with the the thing we’re good we’re good shout out the hook oh let’s go okay let’s take them out real quick oh I’m crazy and my Pirates are here yes they’ve showed up come in

My crew take him down oh my goodness the crew villager he’s doing incredible okay amazing work and it looks like the the Cannons are done wait wait oh no there’s still more get over here feel like there’s probably a captain somewhere I got to take him out oh wait is he asleep

Right there pirate Captain herob bride let me get to him after destroying these guys I think this might be the last guy let’s real quick Get You overboard there we go and I’m going to take those the balloons for myself 1,130 yeah Adam still bread though maybe

Herobrine will have something for us so this is the power Captain is he just like snoring hold up let me let me maybe grab it stuff oh yo he has so many diamonds okay I’m just going to grab a few of these real quick there we go and

And uh can I wake him up hello buddy oh it’s up oh oh what’s he doing what’s he doing oh wait we got his beard and with the beard we’re down Pate King rank that’s literally all it took wait so do we have a beard now we have a beard

Amazing and this is how we became pirate king let’s go ahead and take off the armor we don’t need it right now and it looks like we have an exit Cannon all right my crew looks like you guys are amazing and now without further Ado let’s get out of here and get launched

Back here we go oh my goodness this will never get old oh gosh wait are we going to get sent into the ocean oh this is awkward oh no no no no uh guys I think I got to go the oldfashioned way give me one sec and we’re back okay so this is

Level three done and guys now that we’re Power King we can go ahead and get to the level four ship this whole time we’re trying to get to where x marks the spot which is Skull Island by the way why is there a squid in the middle there

I I I did not see that the first time well concerning but it’s all good cuz now let’s get to the level four ship I I assume this is my ship now so let’s just get to the very top and let’s see who my crew is oh okay wait there there’s no

One here uh huh oh we got to recruit the crew do I just like go back down and recruit these people oh wait there’s a new person there we have 1,00 deons so low key I mean this guy looks like Jack Sparrow hello Mr pirate come and join my

Crew you’re hired oh nice okay that’s 100 deons down looks like we have a lot of them well that’s P King this is definitely going to be a bit of an upgrade from our previous one oh oh gosh uh he’s already failing at the first task which is walking oh my goodness

What did I spend money on you guys don’t do that all right let’s hire you two guys talking right here let’s get these two guys in our crew too we have 500 more to go and another one’s higher there and here and here and finally the

Last guy right here we have our crew now let’s set sail everyone get to the ship my goodness this is a gigantic ship and we have a set saell thing right here so without further Ado let’s set sail hopefully the crew followed in I didn’t actually check all good though oh wait

What the heck is going on here why is the sky looking weird uh do you guys see anything oh yo what is that we’re on your attack oh my gosh okay okay escape the Kraken all right everyone fire the Cannons okay let’s fire this Cannon and

This cannon over damage all men on Deck fire the Cannons everyone okay we’re actually doing pretty good damage what is this guy doing okay okay the Cannons are doing pretty good launch the nuke what is the nuke what does it mean oh wait it’s over here the emergency nuke

Oh my goodness the last resort to a Calamity okay let’s take this real quick then Kraken this is how you go down let’s fire this and off you go go on nuke oh my goodness this is insane um yeah you guys might want to stand back but uh hopefully this does enough damage

Right oh gosh oh wait it’s down yes we did it oh oh my goodness that was actually insane all right good job everyone you guys didn’t do much but we’ll take that as a w and on to the next thing on our map it looks like up

Next is x marks the spot so let’s set cell again and get out of here quick oh my goodness cell set let’s get to the island oh and we made it okay where is the island oh wait is it right ahead of us oh my gosh is that a giant skull okay

This is a little concerning I’m going to guess I got to go all the way in there well we do have a boat so let’s jump all the way down I’m going to assume my crew is going to meet me there but now let’s swim these oceans and get inside the

Skull thing Skull Island new area unlocked okay looks like we have uh what is that parkour up Ahad of us okay I can do a little bit of Parkour let’s just get to a safe spot right now wa what is this oh wait are those branas hey yo oh

Gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay I did not know there was branas okay um stay away stay away no no no no no oh my gosh there’s so many piranhas there’s so many piranhas what the heck okay we need to get on the parkour areas oh my gosh

There’s so so many what the heck guys I am swarmed right now okay we need to get all the way over there here’s a plan here’s a plan here’s a plan we’re going to just use this bridge right here get to the parkour and oh my goodness this

Is actually terrifying why are there so many piranas under me oh my goodness stay away stay away stay away stay away I don’t like Squad already I mean it’s for the treasure though I need to know what the treasure is okay so if we make

A run for it we can get to the end right there okay let me get to full health let me also put on my armor would be a good idea here we go in 3 2 1 let’s go ow ow ow oh my gosh oh my gosh guys I’m almost

Dead we just got to chill it’s fine okay okay here’s attp number two I’m going to make a run for it right here here we go here we go oh my gosh okay they’re not biting me yet I’m got to make a weird parkour jump there we go oh my goodness

I can feel that they’re right behind me my lag oh gosh block there we go oh I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy let’s get up here oh here they come oh gosh we got to get up the ladder up on the ladder let’s go oh block that off let’s go he we’re

Safe we’re safe I think I think oh my goodness that was actually way too intense okay what’s on the next level X marks a spot but I assume the x is probably up up here oh wo what what are those glowing things what is this going

To be uh-oh I am a little concerned about this but it’s all good okay what do we have up here wait what is this do I test this out can I put something there what if I do this oh no that’s TNT run what’s going to happen here so I

Just go for it I guess we can just go forward here goes nothing oh wait death run speed four oh wait we don’t have that much time though okay let’s go quick wait I see a ladder over there okay oh my gosh I’m going as fast as I

Can my frames oh my gosh yes okay and we just run out why are there zombie schulls right here what is going on here oh no what are you guys doing here okay here they come Undead Pirates oh more the balloons though oh they give it so

Much okay let’s take out as many as we can oh my frames do not like this I don’t know what’s going on above us but my frames are not happy okay let’s just run through here why are there bones here skeleton pirate bone maybe I need

These go away go away oh they keep coming they keep coming oh wait there’s bones everywhere here I’m missing the skeleton pirate bones maybe these are used for something oh here they come go away go away another one right here here oh there’s ponas here too nope nope nope

Not a fan not a fan okay let’s just keep going I’m just trying to find these bones maybe they’re my way out oh wait what is this maybe this is what I got to do I put the bones in here oh gather all the bones do I just one 2 three o wait

Do I want to be doing this uh you know what let me let me eat some good C before I do this there we go four and five oh hello are you friendly uh sir oh he’s just chilling I think we made a friend yo come with me buddy oh oh may

Maybe take out this guy like if I hit this guy does go after him oh does get him buddy oh he’s insane all right me and my friend now let’s go on to the next level where there’s these red square things are these like enemies or something oh wait they’re Target blocks

Oh yo hold up so do I just like break it like that oh sick so literally we got to go up and break these guys down okay let’s get all these real quick going to guess this opens the entrance maybe to the next area there goes another one and

Another one let’s get that one too wait I just realized if I right click the sword it shoots an arrow so I can literally just do this there we go I tried going all the way up there and then I realized this this should only

Leave us with one more right here and we got it now does that open anything or is that a door right there oh wait it is a door next level does it open now oh it opened nice okay I feel like we’re nearing to the end then maybe the x is

At the very top okay let’s go all the way up here and hopefully this is it unless we got to fight Herobrine captain again but I stole his beard wait defeat the dragon oh yo Dragon beard what is this all right let’s try our new arrows

Oh and that doesn’t do that much damage oh he spawned in in other parts oh this is bad this is actually really hard oh gosh okay okay I’m going to block my sword oh gosh I’m going to play this tactically okay okay okay okay okay okay

If I keep blocking I should be fine stay away stay away stay away stay away I got to fall back I got to fall back oh gosh oh gosh let’s take some cover oh this is so tough go away nice some good hits guys I’m at half a heart I’m literally

Just taking as much cover as I can this is so hard oh gosh oh gosh okay okay I need to eat food again there’s so many okay okay I got to do this quick I got to do this quick come on stay away he’s almost down come on so close and we got

Him oh my gosh I think we got all the deons I got to take out the rest though oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m falling back I’m falling back wait wait wait what’s going on now d won oh wait I won I did it oh my goodness that was so close and

My crew is with me so with that being done guys we have confed our dream of getting to the buried treasure even though I couldn’t loot it in time before I got exploded away but with all these part members let’s go and end off the video with that being done hope you guys

Enjoy have a great one this video just like this one bye Guys

Minecraft but From PIRATE to CAPTAIN…
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🎨 Thumbnail Inspo: @Aphmau @Branzy

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