They Made A Stardew Valley DATING SIM?

Long ago someone made a tweet a reverse stardew Valley game where you and 11 other young adults you’ve known for your whole life compete for the affections of a mysterious new farmer who never speaks and has somehow become unimaginably wealthy off of vegetables thus a dating

Sim was born I got two endings so you don’t have to This is Love in the valley a dating sim inspired by stard Valley all right let’s start use your character what’s up oh my goodness there’s voice acting yo what’s up yo okay Abigail sounds right to me I think

I’m going to go Abigail so I’m playing as Abigail continue places I’ll go okay there’s the beach it looks like I can only go to the left or the right art is so cute obviously I want to go here it’s my father hello father H the spirits of

The forest feel very active today ah there you are I’ve been expecting you um sorry I think you’ve got me confused with someone else not at all Abigail I am M resm modius I’ve been waiting for you also I’m your father how do you know my name I had a

Vision you would be here today the spirits bring me all the information I need the spirits the energy of the Arcane is all around us surely you felt it Spirits aren’t real I believe in spirits I’m spiritual I know exactly what you’re talking about I feel Spirits

All the time of course you are special Abigail and the spirits have a plan for you the spirits have a plan for me listen the spirits are speaking now they see something in your future can you hear it what are they saying love Adventure I care more about

Adventure than love Adventure I see what kind of Adventure do you desire the love kind I want to fight monsters take risks and explore new places I see there’s a new member of The adventurer’s Guild perhaps your fate is tied to theirs a new member who new Farmer they

Are gifted in strength and combat there’s a new farmer yes I predicted their arrival many years ago unfortunately I cannot tell you more than that there are things you Must Learn by yourself many Secrets left to discover ahuh a new farmer I guess I’d better meet them I hope they’re better

Looking than the old man who used to live there no I wasn’t picky Tuesday 4 days till dance since when is the flower dance so early no I guess I’ve only just now heard about this they’re not very social are they okay I still can’t go

Anywhere cool I want to go to the beach Nicki ma okay let’s go here looks like Maru is headed to the clinic hey Maru wait up morning Abigail how’s it going have you seen Sebastian I thought we were going to hang this weekend but I didn’t hear from him oh

You know him he’s always Hol Up in his room he probably just lost track of time gaming I guess so still it was weird I wonder what’s going on with him maybe someone didn’t choose him as their character now he doesn’t exist well he didn’t hear it from me but he did perk

Up when mom mentioned the new Farmer at dinner last night maybe that has something to do with it jeez has everyone met this farmer except me oh yeah I heard someone who had moved in I haven’t met them yet they’re a little strange I’ll admit they seem pretty

Reserved but anyone knew is exciting in a town this size I wonder if they’ll go to the flower dance this weekend I hope so the flower dance is always so boring it would be nice if someone knew shook things up things have been too quiet around here oh no I like that Pelican

Town is quiet not having many emergencies to deal with at the clinic gives me more time to focus on my projects in fact I have something new in the works I’ve been developing a neural network that can simulate a human consciousness it’s getting closer and closer to passing a touring test and I’m

Boring you aren’t I sorry I didn’t mean to get carried away don’t worry about it Maru kiss me on the mouth I’m glad you have things you’re passionate about yeah it’s important to have passions what about you Abigail what have you been up to in the oh you know I’m exploring I

Stay exploring those mines the children yearn for the mines I’ve actually been exploring the old mines up in the mountains there’s some pretty cool stuff in there Abigail the mines are dangerous last week the farmer went alone and got hurt lus found them inconscious and had to carry them all

The way back to the clinic that’s a skill issue the farmer was up in the mines alone huh sounds like they got an adventurous streak too I could use a buddy I don’t need help I don’t need help Maru I know how to defend myself Marlin gave me a sword to

Practice with I’m getting pretty good with it well okay hey I bet the clinic has some extra muscle remedy if I go grab them will you take them with you next time I just hate for you to get caught unprepared that’ be great Mario thank

You kiss me on the M Wednesday 3 days wait I haven’t even met the farmer what the heck this is a scam um okay definitely go here let me go to the farm F am I just not allowed on there cuz I’m not the farmer I hate logic wow it’s gorgeous

Out here nobody to bother me no chores to do and plenty of space to practice those sword moves Marlin showed me maybe with enough practice I could get into the adventurers Guild someday that would drive mom crazy okay focus deep breath Center yourself oh my God can’t you sneak up on

Someone like that especially not while they’re holding a sword I could have hurt you you think I’m joking I’m already rised up you think I’m joking who are you and what are you doing here wait you’re the new farmer aren’t you this is so embarrassing I’m finally

Meeting the farmer and I’m making a total fool of myself why haven’t they said anything God that’s so odd when they dropped out of college after they majored in yappy oh they really are the strong and Silent type I see what everyone was talking about now um let me

Start over I’m Abigail Pierre and Caroline’s daughter you probably met my dad already he runs the General Store in town he’s the worst it’s the best place to get seeds I mean there’s joim Mar but their stuff isn’t as good as dads their food is like all Frozen and

Mass-produced and I’m not just saying that because he’s my dad everyone tries to avoid joj Mar really the only reason anyone goes there is when Dad has to close shop they stay open Crazy late even though he closes on Wednesday which is completely ridiculous oh wait that’s

Why you’re here isn’t it were you looking for Dad it’s Wednesday so he’s closed I’m sorry it’s super annoying I know why can’t I shut up come on Abby the farmer hasn’t been able to get a single word in Farmer reaches into their pocket and pulls out a bright purple

Amethyst how did you know I was hungry oh my God is that for me that’s gorgeous you you weren’t looking for my dad at all were you you were looking for me they bring me this I can’t tell if this is totally sweet or totally weird that

Gem is huge I can’t imagine how much it’s worth play it cool I w’t play it cool I bet are trying to befriend everyone in town they’re way too hot to be this nice I should play cool um it’s no that’s not what I meant

I didn’t mean to be oh no um it’s a rock what am I supposed to do with this oh crud they look sad crud crud crud double no I’m sorry I’m sorry I mean it’s really pretty sorry I didn’t mean to make you feel rejected or anything to be

Honest I thought I should play hard to get you know I mean you’re like crazy hot and I I did not just say that oh God oh God change the subject Abby you could do this did you know amethysts have healing properties me neither uh yeah they’re like good for anxiety and stuff

This is not currently helping my anxiety let me start over this is a great gift thank you and they disappeared into the Aether that was abrupt probably for the best I can’t believe I tried to play it cool that’s the last time I listened to

Haley I need to try to fix this okay to be fair I just thought that’s kind of presumptuous if I’m just like oh my God for me I love it thanks like what if they winked it away um I’m going to go to town oh how fast was that it’s my

Little kid voice pretty fast buddy but it’s not just about speed you have to know where to look I’m good at looking Ty me again okay Ken we’ve been here all morning to me well well well if it isn’t the egg Festival Queen herself that’s me

Reigning Champion 3 years in a row what are you guys up to we’re practicing for the egg hunt oh yeah you’re coming for my crown that’s right I’m bigger and faster than I was last year and chow and I have been playing lots of ice spy and I’ve been

Watching internet guides on the best route to get at least eight eggs Bring it on I could use some competition I’d say the farmer will be pretty good competition even if vincer isn’t up for it the farmer Farmer is crazy fast I’ve seen them sprinting through the woods like a crypted on all

Fours I just didn’t realize they’d be at the egg Festival they’re so new why not they’re a member of the community now it makes sense they join the festivals festivals are no they’re great that makes sense I love the festivals do you think they’re going to the flower

Dance well well well Abby wants to know if the farmer is going to the flower dance I wonder why knock it off Sam you totally have a crush on the Farmer Sam is a crush on the farmer too he told Sebastian last night he wants to ask him

To the dance Over My Dead bu Vincent I knew you were EES dropping a little twer you were talking so loud I can’t believe you like the farmer too don’t say too you’re revealing yourself all right well who can blame me they’re hot they’re rich they’re mysterious who wouldn’t

That’s some competition Abigail better watch out farmer exists everyone else it’s free real estate the forest 1 2 3 4 oh hey Jazz what are you doing I’m practicing my steps for the flower dance tomorrow I can’t wait that makes one of us what’s wrong Abby aren’t you excited for the

Dance excited more like terrified guess I’m a little nervous I’m nervous too I don’t want to mess up my dance that’s why I’m practicing 1 2 3 I can’t get it right what if everyone laughs at me they will it’s okay to mess up everyone makes mistakes nobody’s going to laugh at you

Everyone even you oh I’m totally going to laugh at you oh I mess up all the time what’s important is that you keep being brave and keep trying are you nervous about dancing too kinda I want to ask someone to the dance tomorrow but I’m not sure they’ll say

Yes after all my competition is Wily that’s okay Abby you just have to keep being brave all right kid if you can be brave I can too oh my goodness gracious today’s the day baby oh I’m looking fire it’s finally here the day of the flower dance you’ve been thinking about this

All week there’s the Farmer they look fantastic now here’s your chance go for it hey farmer I was wondering would you like to dance with me farmer ages they take you in their strong arms and whisk you around the meadow they’re firm but gentle and a surprisingly good

Dancer you don’t even need to say a word the two of you are perfectly in sync for once you don’t care what anyone else thinks your parents your friends the stress of it all just melts away the dance is magical years later you and the farmer are happily married let’s go

Enjoying Many Adventures Together you did it you won the heart of the farmer easy GG easy I’m talented what can I say I’m going to try Sebastian this time what’s up not much bruh what’s up with you going to town first whoa where is everybody oh you haven’t heard old

Farmer passed away left their Farm to their grandkid in letter the new farmer just moved in at the start of the season and that affects me how I’m edgy the farmer is hot and single and rumor has it absolutely loaded the rumors are wrong how the heck are they loaded if

All they do is sell turn-ups all right I can disrespect the farmer but you can’t no idea nobody knows a lot about them they’re kind of like a crypted rarely in down and keeping to themselves that’s what I said H sounds a lot like me except way cooler cuz I’m edgy sounds a

Lot like you huh oh that’s what I thought too guess this is why Sam’s my best friend and also a psychic I don’t know they can’t be too much like me if they want to work in the fields all day that sounds like a nightmare and who’d willingly move to stardy

Valley no idea but if there’s that socially awkward I bet they haven’t made many friends in town yet you know the flower dance is coming up don’t remind me every year my mom makes me go to that dumb dance it’s so childish I’m edgy frankly it’s just embarrassing now I to

Dress up in front of my mom and do the same steps with people I’ve known since I was in diapers and also edgy you should totally ask the farmer wait what come on you know I love you man but it’s about time you get a life and stop

Hiding away in your room know that’s because I work remotely right come on just consider it wouldn’t you rather have a rich farmer spouse and never work a day in your life no sugar Farber for me I actually find hard work rewarding BL gag me no thanks well that’s what you

Get for taking a job to stack cans all day what would you know about cans hey not all of us can be isolated little Tech Wizards besides I don’t think this mysterious farmer would take too kindly to someone trying to date them just for their turnup funds maybe that’s why they

Got so many funds in the first place to try and woo an eligible stardew bachelor like yourself oh yes because there’s so many people lined up at my door waiting to see me you’ll never know until you go Outdoors they might even give you a present

A present sure they gifted me this green bean not really sure why though that is the strangest gift I have ever seen so why the heck am I feeling jealous also I’m edgy Tuesday four days all right let’s speedrun speedrun I hope no farmer comes out of the bushes and Gifts me

Something can’t believe Sam had work on my one day off capitalism sucks like that and I never really get out here that often huh it’d probably be good to get out more breathe the fresh air ew now I’m sounding like my mother well at least I’m the only one out here to hear

Me talking to myself like some kind of weirdo uh sorry about that I thought I was alone out here not that I own these Woods or anything I don’t think anyone does unless do you own these Woods right yeah sorry D me again I swear I’m

Usually smarter than this s just shut up you’ve already made things painfully weird just cut your losses and go home loes and leave no it all right I’m sorry I guess gr time be 30 people has left me poorly socialized I’m not going to strangers that’s why I spend all my time

Online I don’t know why I told you that it it’s just easier you know it’s like an escape I don’t have to think about my stepdad or feeling lonely or anything really also I get to be edgy do you go online much heck do you even have a

Computer yeah that makes sense uh you’re here to T your farm and be on the land and stuff I get it still I think you’d like parts of it if I had a guess I bet you’d really like recipe blocks okay this feels like I’m assuming a lot they

Do watch the queen of sauce so maybe maybe you love recipe blogs hear me out you’ve got all that fresh produce right I bet you’re wondering what to do with it all queen of yeah only talks about one recipe per day on her show but on

Her blog oh boy you can look up any recipe you can think of you can cook anything if you want you could even come over sometime and use my computer I hope I’m not being too forward think about it okay I’ll see you around farmer it’s Wednesday so they’re not

Going to be in town I’m angry oh my God I had to get out of that house who am I kidding I have to get out of this town I’m sick of this see oh Shane all right start the saxophone music see Shane sitting underneath a large oak

Tree with a beer in hand huh looks like I’m not the only loner out here did you come out here to hide too oh it’s just you yeah I’m hiding from Marney we got into another fight joined Shane and sit beside him in the grass what a

Coincidence I just left from a fight with my stepdad both sit in silence for a moment you going later this week to the dance I mean not with me or anything I’m going with the chicken crap I totally forgot about that stupid thing mom will definitely make me

Go yeah Jazz made me promise to dance with her so I’ll be there too fun and do you ever just get tired of it yeah I mean what’s stopping either of us from just skipping town you know there’s nothing here for me man I mean I

Love my family but they would be better off without me suking around all day Marney says you can find happiness wherever you are but sh takes a long drink in size I love my family too I just feel like they want to push me to be something I’m not but at the same

Time do I even know who I am like if I leave is that really going to fix anything Shane offers you a drink on a lighter note have you met the hot farmer so you have huh they’re kind of annoying the way they they hang around

But I don’t hate it you know I’m trying this thing where I treat them like garbage and you know hopefully makes them fall in love with me yeah it’s kind of cute I heard they came from a pretty big city I can’t imagine leaving a place like that just to come

Here makes me wonder what they really see in this place Shane stands up and brushes himself off I should probably go find Marie Shane oh there you are Aunt Marne is looking for you everywhere come on let’s go all right all right don’t pull my arm

Off see you around punk yeah see you chicken boy What does the farmer think of this place there has to be something I’m not seeing right but what could I possibly have left here I should get out fast no I’m going stick around maybe I should try to see things the farmer’s

Way who knows I might find something new here first day down down down where’s the farmer I thought I saw them come this way looking for me always Haley always what are you looking for me I just stopped to get some streamers from Pier you know it’s my birthday

Today oh um happy birthday crud I totally forgot it’s the weirdest thing I don’t know how they knew but this morning the new farmer showed up outside my door with a coconut a coconut my favorite thing they knew Haley’s birthday and gifted her a coconut on year one that’s

That of you silly you seem totally distracted yeah sorry I guess I am oh my God I know what’s going on here you totally have a crush on me what sorry I mean what where’d you get that idea you look all nervous and sweaty the flower

Dance is only 2 days away come on sebie admit it you’re totally planning to ask me to dance sorry Haley not this year just as well I’ve got my eye on someone new are you into the the farmer totally not like me right they’re all dirty and it’s like kind of hot oh

My God I can’t make fun of her nah Haley that’s so gross what the farmer really I thought you had better taste than that no I meant to make fun of her not the farmer Sebastian I’m just messing with you you’re so immature Sebastion come on

I bet you have a crush on someone too tell me actually if I’m being honest I think the farm is pretty hot too I don’t know what it is about them that’s crazy it’s like everyone in town is into them I even caught Emily sneaking an extra

Long Peak this morning sounds like we’ve got a little competition I could say good luck but I wouldn’t mean it bye Sebastian oh man half the town is in love with this new farmer already what am I going to do get good all right let’s see flowers

Flowers what are you doing ah what are you I mean nothing are you picking flowers o ooh are you going to ask someone to the dance well maybe Sam wants to ask someone to the dance too what who the farmer what yeah only I don’t think he’s

Really going to do it you better not huh nothing but uh by any chance you happen to know what flowers your brother picked to give to the farmer I don’t know but knowing him he picked all the wrong ones there are wrong flowers uh yeah just look at all you’ve gathered

So far what’s wrong with these those are dandelions they weeds and they’re everywhere and they’re boring okay UN based dandelion enjoyers rise up like go the dandelion um dandelion are cute all right what do you know Vincent yeah who would ever get dandelion I was just

Holding me for a friend but out of curiosity what would you say is the best flower hm well to let and blue Jazz are in season right now and they’re not so bad you won’t find them around here though I’ve only seen them on the farm something tells me robbing the farmer

Isn’t going to be getting me in their good graces anytime soon but my favorite flower is daffodils and they grew all over the place see there’s some right over there wow you sure do know your flowers everybody does you just need to get out of the house more that’s what my mom

Says gee thanks Vince anytime oh looks like Miss penny is calling me remember daffodils don’t forget I won’t daffodils huh yeah I can see the appeal they don’t seem very useful though eh I guess a dance is more about being pretty anyways let’s just hope these work what you need is the

Bouquet oh I look good it’s finally here the day of the flower dance you’ve been thinking about this all week There’s the Farmer they look fantastic now’s your chance go for it hey farmer I um uh would you like to dance with Me uh-oh well crap yikes that stung the farmer rejected you in front of everyone even Sam never without a smile looks worried and Frozen waiting to see if you’re okay you try to hold back the tears but you can’t you Mumble something to excuse yourself and leave the forest

Cursing yourself forgetting your hopes up the farmer remains out of your league better luck next year this is just like monster prom I failed that one like three times I stand by my choices this is why I get zero play thank you for watching do you hope they’ll add more characters would you

Resort to violence to find love before your friends don’t forget to like the video and subscribe until next time

You can DATE the FARMER in Stardew Valley! **❤️️** Fight your romance rivals and get that FLOWER DANCE PARTNER! **🌺**


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