Stardew Valley Food Crisis: Chat Saves the Day!

Where am I going apparently to the hospital it’s 2: a.m. I’m dead I’ve build you 50 gold to cover your medical expenses 10% this is the American Healthcare System today is stard do Valley cuz I’ve never ever played it before and people were demanding it bear

With me for just a second I’m changing something here pause my game too how do I pause how do I literally how do you literally how do you do anything in this game clean up that debris see you say that but now chat’s going to have a different opinion

Why am I exhausted I need to eat in this game can I eat the seaweed there’s I have a problem I don’t know how to replenish my Energy so many suggestions I can check the trash for food that’s what I’m reduced to rumaging for food in the trash grandpa said come down here for a new life I’m half tempted to just try to get this go down by Leah’s house to go pick up

Onions to eat who the heck is Leah so how was your first night in the old Cottage don’t ask old man oh look it’s Fabio hello jaker are you well as a matter of fact Elliot I’m not okay I’m going to go to the left K

I’m going to trust you to get me through this sell the shells in the dock house I don’t think that’ll get me energy listen to me go to the forest if you’re just joining this game is stardew Valley which I’ve never played before and boy is everyone being helpful so I’m going

Left wait till I have to look for lisis underwater no no I’m going to let him look I’m going to let him die okay who are you are you Leah I found Leah there’s actually a lot of wild food in this area if I know where to look well funny you mentioned

That Leah I am starving Roger that go into the bridge I’m in a very very nice area is this food keep going down oh that’s a sewer guys there’s too much good art I don’t know what’s interactable and what’s not go up okay this This did I just destroy it am I in the right place go up now up tired up there’s only one onion the dirt patch oh oh oh this this this better be this found a spring on we did it guys we did it I’m going to Feast on This are you kidding me all that toil for that much energy if I go back up there’s three dandelion and I’m I’m eating flowers now is this food are you food it’s a wild horseradish give me that right in my mouth I don’t care if it’s really really spicy

Okay so this started out as me owning a farm and now it’s basically a fight for survival Hunter Gathering minus the hunting Tik Tok please guys he’s on day four of his first ever play through RL yeah he can’t go to the spa he can’t go

To the mines he should just be planting clearing his farm fishing foraging spring onions and getting wood rocks Etc fish right there I’m going to gamble my energy on fishing right here no not right there I’m about to hear everyone say but I got to

Try I knew it just go to sleep and reset my energy well I mean now I have to it’s the end of the day I spent my whole day figuring out how to find a wild onion no this is not the wrong way to the farm it

Might not be the most efficient way to the farm but it is a way to get to the farm that stupid fiber is still there taunting me I’m calling this day a lost cause I’m just going to write off this day as has a bad dream and we’re going to start over

Tomorrow water the plants okay I’ll water the plants now I hope it’s not too late bird bird it ate one of my plants I’m now that much poorer of course I need a scarecrow I’m not stressing you out you’re stressing you out I am just doing

The best I can as a brand new player clear the rocks by my plants or they will spread onto them okay there now you have 1% less stress 1% less stress look at this I’m going to give you some catharsis right now yeah everyone breathe deep this is a

Learning experience for all of us I’m learning how to play stardo Valley and you’re learning how to accept the things that you can’t change I’ve played video games before just not this one I’m not going to ask for patience because I’m not a patient person myself in fact I’m

Not going to ask for anything this is in fact entertaining me probably more than it’s entertaining you you okay I’m going to go learn to talk to people you know why I’ve been avoiding talking to people I’m role playing as an antisocial farmer named jaker what the heck is this a cut scene

Lewis oh hi there there was food by the there’s always food I’m going to be missing food left and right I I’ve learned to accept it what an eyesore it’s your town dude this is the Pelican town community center or what’s left of it anyway Louis is the eyesore that’s so

Rude oh it used to be the pride and joy of the Town always bustling with activity I have eyes so keep eyes open for food dude look all these Sprites are so beautiful I don’t know what’s food and what isn’t now just look at it it’s shameful these days the young folk would

Rather sit in front of the TV than engage with the community that’s Louis if you’re the community maybe you should take a closer look at yourself but don’t listen to me I’m an old fool joj Corporation has been hounding me to sell them the land so they can turn into a

Warehouse funny to mention I just quit my job at joa or maybe I’m a plant from joa to try to sweeten everyone up at this town so I can swoop in and steal it and sell it to joa you don’t know you just meant maybe that wasn’t even my

Grandfather who gave me the note maybe I stole the note from him Pelican town could use the money maybe I forged the note you don’t know but there’s something stopping me from selling it guess Old-Timers like me get attached to relics of the past ah well if anyone

Else buys a joa code membership I’m just going to go ahead and sell it does that mean that I should buy a joa CO membership and then he’ll sell me this hope everyone has a great day this guy complains way too much I do this place is even more dilapidated

Than me is that a apple or a mon was that was that like a Vermin what’s the matter are you ill wait he didn’t see it did I hallucinate it you saw something hm I wouldn’t be surprised if this place was full of rats it was green dude it was a green

Rat you’re worrying me jaker Louis’s color blind oh okay that explains it I think I’m going to head home I need some lunch okay you do you Louis I don’t hate the chat I just think the chat has too many good ideas at once hey I’ll keep this place unlocked from

Now on maybe you can help catch that rat if you have some extra time I’ll have to come back and explore this building further that’s my internal monologue why am I talking with my hands I don’t know why am I holding this bush over my head why is anything

Anything oh oh oh I bet people are going to say this is a flower I can pick up right right give me that flower I got it I got it I’m learning I’m learning nobody can tell me I’m not learning I’m learning yeah yeah flowers let’s go I’m learning things

Butter flies catch them no not happening okay I have low energy can I eat a daffodil you’re going to say no the daffodils don’t give you energy okay never mind I don’t want the daffodil that’s disgusting who would need a daffodil I have to spend money to make

Money I have to go get some seeds and plant them nope not that way I’m learning what kind of farm I’m I’m making the kind that keeps me alive give the daffodil away to to whom you don’t just give a DA away to anybody they can start to get ideas to the old

Lady lol okay didn’t somebody say they had a daughter with purple hair oh yeah Abigail Oh shoot no no not happening I have a family member named Abigail it’s not happening she’s a Cheater buy seeds go to the farm plant them today I’m going to run out of energy plant plan in them but it’s what needs to be done okay Roger that I’m going to just keep buying parsnips and we’re going to stick to parsnips because I’m out of room in my inventory for

Other things now if I get robbed 10% of 10 is one so if I get robbed I lose one coin this is what we call a gamer big brain play buy a bag at 10K got I I have 10 gold in my name we’re planting we’re planting we’re

Planting we’re planting I’m not stressed I’m having a great time we’re hoing we’re hoing we’re hoing Put the flower in my selling bin sell the daffodil I guess I have to wait for Chuckles to come collect it check my mailbox oh no to our valued Costco members our team members removed the

Landslide caused by our drilling operation near Mountain Lake they’re literally the devil I’d like to remind you that our drilling operation is entirely legal pursuant to law we apologize for inconvenience as accident may have cause as always we value your continued support and patronage Morris okay I’m writing that name down Morris Morris

Equals jackass I’ve been told the way to Prosperity is to plant seeds and so I’m going to plant some seeds there I planted all my seeds Morris is the bad guy don’t join joa I don’t know why I would I just quit them ooh ooh controversial I’m OV exhausted

But guess what but I’m also right next to my house I can’t water multiple seeds with that can I don’t have to look at me slow and steady wins the race slow and steady wins the race a man come on Wow

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things in this video:

stardew valley
stardew vallery
stardew chaos
Mr mayor plays stardew valley
chat teaches me
no looking at the wiki
community center
joja corporation
flowers and picking them up
mystery seeds
shutting up
building a chest
running out of energy
falling asleep
not getting robbed
getting charged 10% of my money
just like the american healthcare system
food crisis


  1. I feel like someone needs to build a "Gauntlet" mod so that when your health gets to zero an army of Goblins descends on you out of nowhere and a narrator screams "Jakery needs food badly"

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