NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a Build Challenge in Minecraft

Today I’m doing a build challenge against my friends except what they don’t know is that I have a cheat that lets me spawn in any build check it out a giant Mickey Mouse just spawned in right there oh my gosh it is literally gigantic but quickly I need to make this

Thing go away before my friends find out oh guys are you ready for this Build Challenge I’m ready to destroy you manga oh yeah woodo for the first round we’re going to be building a modern house hey I’m going to come help you on your side I heard you were

Cheating wait what axie you heard me that’s not good but I’m glad you’re on my side so I can show off my cheats to you look all I need to do is a simple command and then I just need to go over here in this area and I can spawn in my

House just like this at axi look at this modern house doesn’t it look super duper awesome wo there’s this weird fancy bookshelf and this glass table it’s so cool yeah actually but this house looks like it wasn’t built by me so what we need to do is customize it because if

Voodo gets suspicious he’s going to think we’re cheating come on I’m going to start out by replacing this couch with these red sofas because red is my favorite color of all time time I’m going to replace the carpets and beds too wo are you replacing the carpets to

Be red axie uh-huh that way woodo won’t be suspicious and that bed doesn’t look like what I thought it would oh gosh axie how about we just go with the safe option and use red beds okay that’s fine too come on axie look at this kitchen over here right now it looks terrible

How about we replace this kitchen to look way better that way whenever woodo comes to our side he’s going to be super jealous all I need to do is just grab these fridges then I need to grab some counters along with some stoves and also some sinks and some cakes oh yeah ax

That’s a great idea we definitely need some cakes inside of the kitchen so let me just add these counters at the top along with the stoves and now we have a bunch of cake we can eat here too this building is awesome yeah I’m even going to replace

These weird purple slabs with red ones okay you go ahead and do that I’m going to replace those stairs to be chairs and wait a second axi I just realized there’s a second floor to our modern house too wo this looks awesome wait there is yeah there is axie and we can

Build our own little bedrooms inside of here too hey wudo does your modern house have different bedrooms oh yeah as a matter of fact it has different floors I bet your modern house doesn’t oh you’re right wudo my modern house is super duper small and it’s built out of

Dirt that’s right mango you’re such a bad Builder do you think he really believes that I don’t know axi but I’m tricking him into thinking I have a bad build so as soon as he comes to our side he’s going to see how awesome the build is

And he’s going to cry look I’m going to make this room over here my own all I need to do is just grab this desk and replace it with this one just like this there you go and then I also just need to place down a chair and I really like

This red one over here so let me place this down over here and wo my room also comes with a balcony okay you know what I need to have some sort of beach chair that I can have over here so let me just look over here and let me just add these

Over here that way I can look out into the Sun and just relax wait where should I make my room come over here axie there’s a free room over here you can customize it to your liking yay what is this weird ketchup and mustard rck I’m going to make it so much cooler

That’s just yellow and red carpet silly while you work on this room what I’m going to do is add a pool a pool can it be a huge full of sharks and axel and stuff wait a second axie I just realized there’s already a pool here so we can

Just add those things in without even having to build one this house is so modern I’m going to replace the pool blocks to be this modern looking quartz blocks that way it looks way better there you go that looks really cool and to make this pool even better what I’m

Going to do is add a diving board axi a diving board can it be 10 million feet tall yep that’s exactly what I’m doing right now I’m making this build super duper tall and I’m just going to grab some slabs real quick and this is going

To be the actual part of the diving board that you di from wee oh my gosh axi that was such a huge Splash what’s all that Ruck is going on over there oh gosh woodo I’m just admiring how cool my build is I bet your build is even bigger

Than 10 blocks I thought you said your build was lame and it definitely is lame you’re probably just hyping yourself up for no reason why in the world would my build be lame wudo come on now you know I’m the best builder in Minecraft no you’re not mango your builds are like 50%

Always lame oh my gosh axie I don’t like how wudo is talking so much trash how about we do something about it like dive wait what diving isn’t going to do anything actually how about we go and prank wudo oh that’s an even better idea look I’m going to Splash this

Invisibility potion and now we’re invisible woo W I’m going to step on your to wait what don’t step on my toes come on let’s go to woodo side before we continue our building wait a second this is his modern house what in the world is this

It does look very abstract wow my house looks so amazing I know for a fact doesn’t look as good as mine is he serious right now he’s really comparing this blob to my amazing modern mansion okay axi come on let’s take a look inside and look this room is empty at

The top how about we make this room haunted axie oh what are we going to put in here oh I have an idea what if I put a white cloth over myself and then I say boo and then he thinks I’m a ghost wait what what are you even talking about

Axie I was thinking about adding some Freddy fazbears oh I’m going to add some ghost lights too W oh look at Freddy he’s moving around then what I’m going to do is add some scary plushies like some Enderman and then also some Ender Dragon plushies oh

My go look at this axie why is it moving it’s taunted oh this room is super duper creepy come on let’s get wo’s reaction to it oh the first floor of my house is looking very very modern to say the least I mean come on who wouldn’t love

These paintings but now let’s go work on the next roomin huh wait what I haven’t builted this room yet why is there a Freddy Fazbear oh God look at hudo he’s freaking out I think we should leave him with one more thing before we go I’m going to put toilets everywhere wait

What that’s so evil a now his house is a giant bathroom come on let’s leave while we can it’s an art statement okay what I’m going to do is drink some milk so we can turn back to normal and now that I’m back to normal axi we need to work on

The bathroom of our house cuz I just completely forgot about it where in the world would the bathroom be I don’t know maybe in the bathroom hold on Ax I’m going to make the bathroom right next to the kitchen over here that way whenever you’re eating food and your tummy hurts

You can just run to the bathroom a that makes sense I think I have to poop right now actually wait what actually please do it at wo’s house not over here nope I’m getting ready oh my gosh you’re getting ready with 10 million toilets oh

No I need to block up this wall so I don’t hear or smell anything now I have to sing my poop song Wait no not the poop song oh my gosh axi is cursing this house but you know what all I need to do is just remove the million toilets and leave one

Of them and then I just need to add a shower over here along with the sink and also a mirror and boom axi our bathroom is done I put a fancier toilet because this is a modern fancy house you’re right axi and a modern fancy house would

Also have some curtains you can open and close just like this check it out and I’m going to put a super fancy golden rug wo great idea axie but is there anything else that we need to customize in this house well I’m getting really hungry and we don’t actually have

Anything in the kitchen so I think we should make a McDonald’s wait what axie how in the world would we make a McDonald’s we have this entire house that we can use I don’t care just cheat one in or something please okay fine axie since it’s you

I’ll cheat in a build come on all I need to do is just do this simple command just like this there you go and now I can just paste it in over here in this area let me just z// past and wo the McDonald’s spawned in but actually it’s

Facing the wrong way of the house so what I’m going to do is just rotate it by wine 0 and then paste it in once again and boom now we have a McDonald’s right across our house this is like a dream come true oh yeah this would be

Such a good life to live you get up in the morning go to McDonald’s poop it out go back to McDonald’s hey yo can we leave out the Poop part come on look at this giant McDonald’s axi it has a kitchen then it has a bunch of tables

Over here for all the customers to eat all the food and wait a second there’s even a second floor with even bigger tables and boots oh my gosh that’s amazing and I’m a there’s also toilet rooms toilet rooms oh what do you think this sign says I bet it says axelos wait

What why are you looking at random signs axi I’m adding in the toilets look at this this is a amazing I’m going to change the sign because it really should say Axel okay you do that I’m going to replace the entire kitchen and the things inside of the McDonald’s to make

It look modern cuz right now it looks a little old let me just do this real quick just like this all I need to do is just get some toilet paper over here just like this and boom now this bathroom is modernized which means all I

Need to do now is just get some chairs and also modernize these booths over here so let me just place down these just like this and wao actually this McDonald’s is starting to look really really fancy and awesome I even fixed the sign this one says axelos with

A smiley face and this one says humans with a sad face humans who in the world are humans axi you know like you and not really woodo cuz he’s a turtle humans oh okay that makes sense actually look I just replaced all the tables over here

And now I can check out the Axel bathroom and wait what there’s nothing different about this bathroom it looks exactly like the human’s bathroom I know but I should change it a little because we don’t really need toilets we can just poop in some mud on the ground wait what

Oh my gosh you Axel are just different look over here actually I’m going to go back to the first floor over here and I’m going to replace all of the chairs cuz right now they’re all slabs and that looks really really ugly let me just do

This real quick just like this oh my gosh whenever wudo comes to our side he’s going to be so jealous because our build is like 10 times better than his right now yep oh I even added that funny crack between the bathroom door that every bathroom has for some reason

Wait what a funny crack what are you talking about you know like where everyone can just peek through the side of the saw door and see you for no reason wait what that’s actually a thing a yeah at like every human bathroom why do they make it like that I don’t know

But that sounds really really weird come on axie I think I’m done with the McDonald’s and oh gosh I forgot about the kitchen what in the world I need to add these stoves in real quick so all the MC Burgers can be made and the McNuggets there you go let me just do

That and actually I think I’ve decided our McDonald’s ice cream machine is not going to be broken it’s actually going to have ice cream are you sure I don’t know if it’s possible for a McDonald’s ice cream maker to not be broken I know that’s what they’re known for but not

Our McDonalds this one is known for being efficient and super cool if you guys think our build looks really really nice so far hit that subscribe button you have 3 seconds 3 2 1 thank you so much for subscribing but actually see come on to finish off this build what we

Need to do is build a path to the McDonald’s that way it’s super duper easy for us to get to it let me just build this path just like this actually why don’t you spawn in a car or two that way we can just drive to the McDonald’s

Instead of having to walk okay I’m on it I’m going to make one of them a shopping cart wo a shopping cart is a car that’s actually kind of cool look at me rolling around just like this and look I’m already at McDonald’s which means all I

Need to do is just park it back over here and we can go to McDonald’s whenever we want now I’m going to live in McDonald’s wait what you can’t live in McDonald’s axie that might be a little too extreme why did we build this house if you’re going to live in

McDonald’s you can have the house and I can have the McDonald’s does that sound okay um no actually how about we both have both of them come on now the that we’re done with the build let’s go see wo’s Tiny build and then show him our build afterwards let’s go hey you guys

Are coming to my side well I already heard you so I’m prepared and hey axie I’m going to crash wo this is not modern at all you guys I’ll show you what’s modern my modern house doesn’t it look so abstract and fancy yeah it looks looks kind of cool wudo what in the

World is this design it’s modern come on inside as you can see it’s very simple and clean like a modern house should be it has no personality wudo it’s just white stuff a modern house with just a couch nice well you can come up to the second floor where the

Bathroom area is ew everyone outside can look in and see you pooping and also in the bathtub well it’s private see glass axie they can’t see you a bathroom with an open glass concept how amazing I can literally see you Woodle well at least the top floor is really cool it’s the

Simple bedroom see a bedroom with only one bed nice well yeah it’s just a bedroom for me duh well wodo my modern house has three rooms so I’m going to have to give you a score of five out of 10 what my house deserves a way better

Score five out of 10 only well you can come over to our side wudo and I can show you our modern house you just need to come over here and you’ll see the entrance of our house wo this looks pretty modern monco I’m shocked you

Could build this in the time we had well you know that me and ax have been taking so many build lessons recently that’s why we’re such good Builders look over here woodo we’re going to start off with the living room where I have a giant TV

That we can watch all of our videos on interesting MCO interesting this looks very uh pre-made if you ask me yours was literally a white box woodo pre-made what do you mean woodo I added the curtains over here the showers actually added the toilet and then if we go into

The kitchen I added all of these things what do you mean it’s pre-made okay okay I guess so then tell me what’s on the second floor the second floor has axis and mine bedrooms look our heads right here to represent that it’s our house and over here is axis’s

Room it’s super duper pink and cool wow I love my bedroom thanks my girl wait what wudo are you really acting as axi right now that is so not funny what acting as axie I’m not acting I’m axie and I’m wood I love cookies wao whoo wao what’s going on

Guys who’s who I can’t tell I want to see what’s in this room what’s this room no this room is super bad I like my boring modern house more this is my room where I have a bed and a desk and I have a nice view of the outside world look

The sun is out today we need to do some relaxing oh gosh I just realized guys I need to poop really bad up wow hey Exel don’t poop like that why did you just have an explosive fart and just blow up my house okay you know what woodo you

Need to go on the world’s tallest diving board to make up for that what in the world why is this diving board so tall because wudo I was really trying to beat you in this Build Challenge come on buddy dive off if you can all right here goes nothing

Yeah that was bananas okay you know what I guess it’s true your modern house wins this round whoa whoa whoa hold on woodo we’re not done just yet as you can see we have the modern house but if you’re hungry you can come over here to the McDonald’s look how cool and

Modern this McDonald looks wait what you guys even have a McDonald I thought you would already went with the house but a McDonald’s is crazy there’s no way you guys had enough time to build a McDonald’s of course we did wudo look everything is literally customized

There’s a sign that says axelos and axi what does this sign say it says humans but woodo you’re not an axel or a human so you can just poop out here gosh I’m going to poop everywhere wait what voo why are you breaking my McDonald’s do you want some

McNuggets or do you want a MCD double I can get you whatever you want and oh I forgot to mention our McDonald’s ice cream machine isn’t broken okay fine I’ll take a McDouble with fries I’ll MC double with fries got it let me just get it for you real quick just like

This and here you go sir your MCD double with your fries does this mean I win the Build Challenge since you love my build woodo H well let me go ahead and take a seat and take a bite of this MCD double I see there’s a little bit of

Flavor on the bread here and the beef as well it’s pretty flavorful mango okay I like it and let me try the french fries as well and ooh these are hot let me just take a nice quick bite and stop eating the food and just tell us that we

Won okay fine you guys might have won this round but I’m still sus as to why you guys were able to build a modern house and a McDonald’s I’m going to beat you in this next round B okay voodo we can do another round and for this next

Round we’re going to build a spaceship good luck woodo cuz you’re going to need it I’m going to go to the moon come on axie I have the perfect build we can paste in for this one and all I need to do is just the sl/ paace

Command and wait a second the spaceship is spawned in but it’s replacing all the grass which means I need to just bring it all the way back over here just like this and paste it in while flying a little bit just like this check it out axi now the spaceship actually spawned

In and it looks super duper cool wa this isn’t a rocket ship it’s a massive battle spaceship exactly come on we can go on the inside and see what it looks like too let me just break in just like this and um actually I have really bad news

What’s the bad news the entire build it’s empty oh that’s not a problem no mongle we can fill it with all sorts of fun things like mud piles and trampolines are you sure axie are we going to have enough time to build an interior what if the interior looks

Really really bad compared to the the outerior of the spaceship it’s okay right now I’m going to replace all this boring blue Wool with red wool so that Woodle won’t be suspicious at all oh you’re right red is my favorite color after all these space chairs look super

Duper cool it looks like you can go into space with these controls but actually we don’t have time come on we need to work on this main area of the spaceship so we’re going to do just that okay okay what are we going going to build

First well first of all I’m getting some armor stands and what I’m going to do is also get our space suits just like this check it out axi we’re going to need some astronaut armor if we’re going to go into space so I decided we’re going

To be wearing this armor over here look how cool it looks I don’t want to wear that armor I want to wear this armor wait what why wouldn’t you want to wear the super cool looking space armor and why would you want to wear a chef’s that

It kind of looks like an astronaut’s helmet right oh my gosh what are you even talking about axie it looks like you’re bu that cook up a meal okay fine then I’ll wear these super cool rocket boots wait what some rocket boots and oh my gosh those are actually really cool

Axie wa mango come over here though we need to build our space shuttles wait you’re right axie what do you think our space shuttle should be made of probably something really secure and safe like dirt some dirt what in the world why would we have dirt in our

Spaceship look axie what I think we should do is have a piece of rock from the Moon W can I eat it no you can’t eat it it’s a piece of the Moon and we can just say that we went to the moon to collect it but actually we can’t make it

So people can just look at it and take it what if aliens come in and attack us to take it back we need to make this super duper secure that’s right we’re not letting those aliens anywhere near a piece of the Moon and that’s why I’m

Going to make some dirt wait what what in the world would dirt do against that axi dirt is super duper easy to break and get through you know yeah but the aliens don’t know that because they’re not from Earth so they don’t have any dirt um ax how about instead of dirt we

Use some lasers okay I guess we can use lasers instead all I need to do is just grab these lasers over here and I just need to place them over here and make it go to the other side just like this check it out axie doesn’t this look super duper

Awesome oh but what if the aliens are really really short and they can just jump through or if they’re really really tall and they can just step over it well you won’t be able to do that axi because what I’m going to be doing is adding a

Roof that way they’re going to have to go through the lasers if they want to go to our piece of the moon so let me just add the roof just like this could you help me add it real quick axie yep I am always helpful yep all we need to do is

Just add this roof and we can add another defense to our moon rock let me just do this real quick hey wudo how’s your spaceship looking right now mine’s looking pretty good why do you ask because our one is looking insane wudo and you’re going to be super jealous

When you see it I’m not going to be jealous I’ve never been jealous of one of your garbage trash builds wo you do realize I won the last round right that means if I win this round you’re not going to win the bill challenge well yeah you won because axi

Helped you okay I don’t need any help to win I know I’m going to beat you in this round I guess not wudo come on axie help me out this lava real quick we’re going to be using this lava to be making some Parkour that can go to the Moon Rock

Okay but people can just kind of fly across what in the world everyone can’t fly and just jump across all of the things actually the whole point is that they have to go through this to get the moon rock so come on let’s add some super hard parkour jumps that is going

To be really hard for wudo to complete what if we add an Impossible Jump oh that’s a great idea we’ll make this final jump an impossible one just like this look there’s no way anyone’s going to be able to do this jumping wait what

I was able to do it first try bro are you serious hold on I need to move this block back a little bit and now if I try it it’s going to be impossible and wo look it really is impossible Galax see you fall straight into the lava that way

No one will ever be able to steal our moon rock exactly this is literally a genius build but to finish off the build axi what we should do is add some final decorations let me just look over here inside of my blocks and wo there’s so

Many cool different blocks we can use I think we should used these different colored ones just so our build looks extra cool look at this axie oh what are we building with this well we’re just adding these against the walls that way the build looks futuristic oh my gosh

I’m going to quickly put some bunk beds here too so wood doesn’t get suspicious oh yeah if we have sleeping areas he’s definitely not going to get suspicious let me just continue adding these blocks just like this this is making the spaceship look so cool axie yeah it looks super

Futuristic yep and I am basically done placing all of them which means we can just go over to wudo side and say they we’re done with the Build Challenge oh woodo we’re done building you’re done with building already but I’m not even close to being done well the round

Is over wudo so we need to see the spaceships and oh my gosh axi do you see that what in the world is that wait a second that doesn’t look like a spaceship that looks like a flying poop yeah come on let’s go see it all right

I guess I’m ready come and take a look at the wudo ship as you can see it’s a mighty fine space shuttle that will be used to go to space why are there pigs and cows in there yeah is your spaceship taking pigs and cows to

Space woodo no how dare you disrespect our astronauts Captain piggy is the actual captain of this ship and we’re going to go light speed to the moon so Captain piggy is going to make sure you’re secure in space and make it so you don’t hit any planets and survive

Against aliens yep look we even have fire thrusters back here I bet you don’t have any of those oh yeah woodo my bill totally doesn’t have anything cool like that I’m going to have to give your build a score of 9 out of 10 that’s how amazing it is really let’s go I’m

Totally winning this Build Challenge let’s go take a look at your Garbo build and what the heck is this how did you build a giant space shuttle that looks like this well I didn’t just build it actually helped me build it wo that’s how we were able to complete the build

Yeah I did most of the work are you kidding me this is insane there’s no way any of you guys actually built this let me go inside and see if there’s actually stuff in wait what there is yeah voodo of course there’s stuff here we built it

Of course look there’s bunk beds over here then there’s space suits for you to wear come on woodo put on this armor real quick okay manga I’ll try it on let me just put it up like this and I’m ready for space yep now they ready wudo how about you complete this entire

Course and at the end it’s a piece of the Moon oh really all right let me just go through here and yay moon rocks wait that jump was supposed to be impossible you cheated yeah you weren’t supposed to reach the moon rock this isn’t even Moon Rock it’s called tough

Oh my gosh why are you exposing me woodo that doesn’t matter look we even have the captain’s area where we’re going to be flying the spaceship into space like it’s a video game interesting well if you really did build this entire build then tell me exactly how many

Blocks long is your space shuttle oh gosh axi I don’t know that question do you know the answer uh somewhere between 2 and 30 anyway how should we know that you don’t count when you put down blocks yeah ax is right what are you accusing of us wudo well any professional builder

Would know and I know for a fact that you guys aren’t good enough at building to have buildt this entire thing so tell me now how many blocks exactly is this space shuttle 15 it’s like 15 to 20 yeah what she said 15 is wrong and you know

What’s going to happen to people who lie and chea and build challenges oh gosh axi we might as well tell him since he knows already all right wudo we cheated in the Build Challenge are you kidding me you spawned all these builds yeah the McDonald’s the house and the

Spaceship and they were all really good well now I’m going to spawn in a bazooka missile in your face die wait what don’t destroy the spaceship I build thank you guys so much for watching the video if you enjoyed then watch another video on this screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye

Mongo and Wudo do a build challenge except mongo uses cheats! Who makes the wins the Noob Vs Pro Challenge? Does Wudo find out about Mongo cheating? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

Rebuilding an ABANDONED FNAF Pizzeria in Minecraft

MAIZEN FAMILY: NOOB vs PRO: TRAIN HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft

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MIKEY vs JJ Family: NOOB vs PRO: SUBMARINE HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft

Mikey vs JJ Family – Noob vs Pro: Airplane House Build Challenge in Minecraft

I Cheated with //SCARE in FNAF Build Challenge in Minecraft

I Cheated in a FNAF Build Challenge in Minecraft

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


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