The Manbear: Escaping the Deep Dweller In Minecraft…

Picture yourself in the forest you get everything you need to survive but eventually you’re going to want to go into the caves now our trouble does not start here it’s only until you get to a certain point such as searching for diamonds well then let me introduce to you the

Deeper unlike the man bear which is highly intelligent and cautious the deepta is a very aggressive creature but you might ask how is this any different from the other dwellers well instead of me explaining this question how about you take a look for yourself I I don’t even know if the Deep

D still down there by the way but oh he definitely who who W Oh this video not going to be bothered by the man bear at all I’m just going to do my thing okay I’m not I’m not even going to like stare at him if he’s behind me he’s behind me whatever so today what are you going to do I have no

Clue so we got a boiler here uh but I had I had a plan right guys so I added I added new mods so there’s a new you guys probably know it the Deep dweller I mean he not really the Deep dweller but maybe maybe he does deserve that title The

Deep lurker the deep deep Walker whatever man this man bear got me paranoid won’t lie he’s actually kind of like built like that the thing is right now is I want to get I don’t really know to be honest I just want to go into the

Caves and this time I’m I’m going to sleep so I’m going to sleep for ton night I don’t want to like want to be bothered by the mamb at all so uh I don’t want to waste more time let’s just get to the cooking phas so let’s make a

Wind no that’s a crafting table how is a window again I keep forgetting these things ow bloody hell how do you guys like that I think that’s pretty nice right I wish the man beer wasn’t this like annoying I’m not feeling it today guys I’m just not feeling it I actually

Developed a trauma for this guy it’s kind of insane but I think we’ll be okay especially underground I uh what done underground I other worries to be honest so by the way I I I forgot to tell you guys I did say it in the comments right

But last video I was going to sleep and it said like there are monsters nearby and I looked at his window but I was confused but there was like a claw here and it was actually the manar’s claw so I don’t know if you guys caught caught

On that but that definitely happened so also it is night now I don’t think remember there’s anyone here all right new day Brad I’m going to keep on me oh this can all go to be honest Woods blah blah blah snowballs why do I have so many [ __ ] snowballs man why are this

Why there so many snowballs okay um I’m not prepared because I need a boiler as well that’s definitely a thing you see the thing is with the boiler do I have actually I think I have enough for this again I don’t remember what it was though boiler I think it’s the other the

Way around do I take this with me I mean I have enough food okay let’s go let’s go let’s go on the journey honestly should I replant this okay let’s replant this really quick I’m just replanting everything because might might take a while before I’m back again now I did say that food

Is going to be more scarce over time I didn’t actually figure out the much yet to like increase the food difficulty but it’s going to come why is it already getting knif there’s no way right okay house take a chill pill okay like don’t burn down I’m back I’m going to be back

Later I’m going to follow the the river over here and I’m going to stumble upon a village again oh it’s a rabbit I need your food you know what I can’t be H I can’t be H doing this again bloody rabbits last time I did a rabbit I I went into

Like a b CP that’s crazy what’s good villagers where’s the villagers it’s getting annoyed by the way why so quiet over that’s what I’m trying to figure out I mean I do I do hear like animals but it’s about it to be oh it’s night okay lovely there’s a house over there I

Haven’t checked that right it’s a bit strange that there’s no uh villagers yeah I was here before by the way guys like in my last video and I found villagers so I’m kind of confused why there’s no villagers right now is there okay there’s house up here let me go in

A little bit exploration you know this kind of like freaked me out because I uh didn’t do anything here I just went I I just went past it this area and now there’s nothing here like where the hell did the Villager go that’s strange bro I don’t think that’s even Mambi related

Because I’ve never I’ve never even like had that implemented okay there were definitely some like prospering villagers in this area before I like barrels though well what does a barrel cost ah it’s too expensive for me so I’m taking these oh what’s good man there’s one of

Them you can’t tell me what happened there I want to talk to you I want to talk to you man I don’t know how you’re like resisting this call to be honest but why am I not heating up eat me up man eat me up uhoh do I need more Hello eat me

Up oh [ __ ] I’m actually dying I’m dying but I’m not sure what to do I’m kind of like freezing can your bloody heat up man maybe it’s really cold it might be really cold in here it might be because of the eag what if I go to a different house

It’s getting very cold now oh wait I’m heating up for some reason no idea why oh damn snowing it’s like snowstorm going on yeah guys I I ran through my portions of food to be honest I think it’s going to be fine though I’ll be

Fine but uh I I’m I’m really like for some reason I I don’t have like the bro how do you say that I don’t know like this system of the the cold because I I literally had a campfire but it might be because I was like inside a uh inside a

Iglo oh my God mine is yeah of course I’m freezing to death okay it it was definitely the iglo so I needed more heat and I just wasted all my bloody charcoal or like my my cool on that so uh you see how treacherous this where it can become like immediately I

Literally ran through a lot of food but it’s probably because I was stupid by the way like don’t blame it on me now blame it on me this time you got to blame it on me this time you see how like you see how this like angle looks

Like it’s there’s a man be in the distance might be just me though ah okay thank you okay let’s continue the journey i’ I’ve talked enough to this guy so I’m going to try find a cave so I can get cobblestone well there’s Cobblestone there but I know you guys are going to

Complain about that I I just want more stuff I I need coal as well now probably useless anyway so we either go inward to that area or we go upwards um personally when I get when I went upwards the M was here so I’m not sure that’s even relevant so we might

Want to go Inward and I think there’s a cave there so let’s go inward we so found a cave right yes sir final cave oh my God bro well what’s the what’s the deal with all this weather man I don’t think the m is pretty active today I

Think he’s like chilling like I’m chilling I’m just chilling and we’re both chilling so we’re at like a mutual agree agreement mutual agreement stage you know even though I’m trying to be like calm I’m still pretty unsettled with uh the environment oh we did find a

Proper C this time okay let’s go do you think if the do you think the member can enter enter caves I’ve never seen it before let me clarify something for you right because you guys say why are you scared of your own mod one I didn’t make

The mod I gave a description of the mod and someone made it I did test it on a flat world this is actually the first time ever I’m testing it in like a like a a proper World environment and terrain and whatever man the Deep dweller the

Man beer I I’m not used to playing with that many entities in like one world and each are very special man it I don’t I don’t like I don’t like the fact that the man bear I’ve not seen him in a cave yet but if he might if he enters caves

I’m going to cry I’m literally going to cry it’s not in the description that he should enter caves it’s Minecraft guys it’s it’s literally Minecraft man like come on so he might like be entering caves even though it’s not intentional or like meant to be like that we’ve made

A transition guys look how the shade has just changed man that’s insane oh man I I’m not sure if I can even do do this um in caves I I switch my shaders to something else because the shaders I use are just too light in caves the cave

Shouldn’t be light at all I try to light everything as much as possible though because I am not a fan of the dark how much cool do I realistically like realistically need I don’t want to keep like caving around I should probably make a helmet I’m going to make a helmet

Really quick okay some protection there not a lot though how much coal is there man okay wait you know what I’m I’m ignoring all the coal now yo guys if if torches like if torches start to flicker I’m going to be tweaking okay man that reflection is bothering me that’s creepy as

Well oh God damn it anyway just got scared by my own reflection man I don’t like it any longer man I have bad like I have really bad experiences in caves there still remain one of the unsettling like unsettling areas for me I have know it’s kind of

Weird how how have like not heard anything yet it’s really quiet some more iron here ooh I mean it doesn’t go it does go far down but not sure if I’m feeling it yeah it looks like bro that looks like the entrance to Hell literally man the entry to

H all right let’s do it for some reason the Silence of these creatures is driving me insane like I’m not even kidding the m is not seen one once in this video I mean that might be because I’ve not been been stupid this video I’ve been just chilling doing my thing

Let’s go down further oh man I’m I’m almost drowning M shaft Minecraft M shaft there’s diamonds here though I’m happy about that I’ve been roaming for 10 hours but nothing has encountered me so how far this is okay all right let’s go here why not

Hey look how far this go ghost bro oh man how did I get myself into this man I’m I’m like into the caves you know for for resources but every time I walk like resources I walk past it I walk past the resources such as this man I I I don’t

Need it but still should be good to get it and I walk past it like that I mean I I just can’t be hard to get it you know this is this again a oh my God man this is again like a weird generation guys I’m not cheating this is just like

Spawning here it’s weird bro this is insane man oh my God bro there’s even more there’s so much more oh there’s a spawn in there yeah I know man no no M shaft where do we go here I can’t see anything it’s so dark I think I can risk going

Down here I’m I’m aiming for that one let’s go I’m I’m sick I’m really sick at this game you guys are that this the first time I’m hearing a sound of anything man melon seeds do I need melon God I wanted I want it as well melon just to try what

It brings I don’t really know what the melon brings but [ __ ] that actually scared me so badly that oh my God that was so bad that was but I I don’t even hear him you think he’s like on the outside I mean to the left there’s also oh my God God oh water water water go go go go go Go oh it’s coming oh he’s coming please go up doing me oh my God no no no no no there’s no way you can get up right man I’m just happy we like I survived this oh man I I should probably go like back up again but maybe I can if I can make my way there if I can make my way

Over there again then it would be pretty insane but um how am I going to go do that I I don’t even know if the Deep thr is still down there by the way but oh he definitely who who W oh oh oh it’s coming what do I do oh my God

Run oh my God he’s me cl don’t let him beat me don’t let him beat me oh my God run run oh my God he’s going oh my God he’s here what the hell run oh my God come on go go go go go get him I don’t want to stay longer man oh what the oh don’t let it be me it it’s making go oh get there we need to get out of R I need to get out of R there’s no way he catched up with me

I can still hear him down there man oh it’s so unpredictable the the Deep to with his laser it does so much damage if you if you get hit by two lasers and you don’t have much armor you will literally die and like you need to eat man you

Need to eat it does so much damage I’m so confused how like how he how he made a path to me I actually thought I like lost him in the water like when I he already found a way by the way like he already found a way like to to block me

I climbed up and then for some reason I jumped down out of panic and then he came to me like he found a way to get to me so I oh my god oh thank God hey he okay wait I’m I’m literally at a village how how did that come to pass a

Village but there’s what bro first of all what the God damn it you stupid little villager man you scared the crap out of me what are these towers and why is there another Village over there that’s a bit weird imagine living here you’re literally going to be safe from the man

Bear forever because you can you can literally see him coming from the ice that’s pretty insane to be honest yo they got a cow they got two cows the the laser beam right it does so much damage but there’s also an easy way to counter

It um you you just got to make as much range as possible and then you will hear it but he won’t reach it like you won’t cost it because you’re not in range so that’s how he likes that’s how you like kind of outsmart him but still it’s really it’s really stressful getting

Like getting out of it like escaping I was see the member once H it’s probably because I’ve been spending two years in in like a mine for no reason because I wanted to get time what is that what am I seeing here all right right

Now right now is the the plan to get back can follow the compass but I’m not sure if that’s accurate so the spawn is that way usually it’s that way so if I go this way then I think I should be able to get to my house we good then nah

Bro I’m really one um okay this is not good because night is falling and I’ve not been home since a year what way is it is it this way I think so I think I remember this tree actually no how can’t even remember that man yo what’s good

Dogs man I I don’t have any bones for you that’s so sad I would I would make like a dog family for them s kind of weird I I just meant I’m going to tame them okay and I better go the right direction there’s a light there where’s

The lava I think there’s lava there’s no way there’s actually light if I if I encounter a village it’s going to be I’m going to be happy cuz I want to sleep through the night man beer I I know you’re like oh did I actually hear him no I I

Thought I heard like a little beep of my voice in the end I don’t know if it’s just me though guys but like might have been my voice just [ __ ] up but it didn’t sound like that it sounded like on repeat oh my God I can’t see anything

Man ow I heard it down here I I don’t see him here so yeah okay we’re chilling sorry guys it might have just been it might have just been me to be honest of course it’s typical it’s typical for me to like get damage from that yeah okay we’re going good we going

Good guys brother nuh not on my watch

Welcome to a new era of Minecraft! Introducing a new mod called the Manbear. I’ve been working hard with my developer to get this entity perfected. A side project that is less finished but already really cool-looking is the Deep Dweller. The Deep Dweller is an advanced, aggressive Minecraft mob. It always attacks you on sight and has the capability to teleport. The Deep Dweller is a mob that lives in the deep dark but can occasionally spawn in different areas. Just know that this creature is found in the depths of Minecraft’s cave system, and you won’t encounter it anywhere else.

If you want to see this entity released one day, I’d appreciate it if you became a Patron so I can continue to update the Manbear 🙂

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About Me:
Hey there, I’m Idk Someguy, your go-to source for entertaining Minecraft content! I specialize in crafting hilarious videos with a touch of storytelling magic, bringing you an immersive viewing experience with top-notch sound effects and visuals. My idea vault for Minecraft is extensive, featuring concepts that resonate with fellow YouTubers like Forgelabs, Shadowmech, and Calvin. Occasionally, I might sprinkle in some meme-inspired content for an extra dose of fun. Currently, I’m delving into the world of cinematic thrillers in Minecraft, presenting them in a visually captivating way. Join me on this exciting journey!
#minecraft #idksomeguy #manbear #deepdark #deepdweller #minecraftmystery #minecrafthorror


  1. Please continue with the "surviving the minecraft maze dwellers" series. You left us on a cliff hanger in episode 2. A full series would be greatly appreciated

  2. Disabling other mobs so that you can focus on the entities really enhanced the experience.

    This makes me wish for a modpack where we are in an island with several biomes with each biome having its own dedicated entity/entities to stalk you.

    To escape you would have to go through all the biomes to gather resources or key items to call for help or build a boat or something.

  3. release it bro🆘🎦🆘🔆🆘🗨️❌🇦🇲🗨️🇦🇲🟧🇦🇫🟧💛🔕💛🔆🇦🇴🉑🇦🇫☎️💡🎫🛒🎫🎫🎭☎️🟠☎️🟠🇦🇴🟧

  4. aw man you left the manbear vid on a cliffhanger then start the next vid with something else and THEN remind us how the last vid ended? man, thats some serious cockblocking!

  5. so far the deep dweller feels scarier then the cave dweller because its silent and doesnt make any noise untill it gets agro on the player instead of making constant noises that get irritating over time so good job and the manbear feels very close to what i have in mind/want someone to make

  6. I like how the original cave dweller and the deep dweller when compared feel like different predators adapted to hunt in different environments. One being a stealthy, ambush predator and the other being a walking tank.
    (Long nonsensical lore I came up with inbound!)

    The cave dweller was an ambush predator, having a long spindly form so it could hide itself easier and chase prey with greater efficiency. Its much more frail form however meant that it couldn't often afford to attack prey head on, so it would frequently stalk its prey and wait for the perfect moment to strike, even playing around with prey from time to time. It had retained its eyes because it resided in caves closer to the surface, where natural light could still pour in from the surface. This natural light meant that plants like glowberries could grow and flourish in the caves, and with its acute eyes it could spot them and feast upon them. These eyes were also useful in spotting the torches of more sapient prey that dared to venture into the caves.

    The deep dweller on the other hand lived in the harsher, darker environments of the deep caves. It had long since lost its eyes due to the severe lack of light in the caves, however it did have superb hearing, being able to sense even the slightest vibrations in the air. It faced harsher competition from creatures such as the warden, so it became bulkier and sturdier to compensate. Due to sparse amounts of food and high competition it had to employ much more aggressive hunting tactics, unlike the cave dweller it couldn't afford to play around with its prey since it might not get such a chance again. The creature had even taken a page from its main rival, the warden, and employed a sonic scream that could destroy terrain to make sure prey couldn't get away easily.

  7. @idk_someguy the boiler doesn't heat you up when just standing near it. There's something called waterskin in this mod. If you put it filled up with water to the boiler it will slowly gain temperature. Max temp. is 120°. You right click with it for it to use it.
    Hope that helps!

  8. Dude, me and my friend LOVE making worlds that consist around horror. We’ve been feeling a little meh with it recently, partially with us adding a ton of op weapons to kill dwellers after getting bored with them, but also with the bland and unoriginal dwellers that are just “RAHH WE’RE GONNA GET YOU!” This is the type of horror I want. You encounter the manbear so rarely that you’ll get too comfortable and then realize you’re in danger. And with the deep dweller, it’s not the entirety of caves that you have to worry about, just the deep caverns. Which makes you fear it a lot more. If these mods ever go out to the public for anywhere, I will be making a world IMMEDIATELY. Thank you for making something like this

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