So I Turned Terraria Bosses into Town NPCs…

In this video we are checking out a terraria mod that adds in a npc for each boss in the game let’s go ahead and check out what they do all right so we’re here we got the mpc boss mod installed oh don’t worry about this boom

Bosses as npcs and as you can see there’s a good bit here even includes some mini bosses yeah let’s go ahead let’s go through let’s start with the king slime there’s my boy right there oh my boy is looking dapper so let’s see what he sells here i am the king of

Slime i’m i mean i’m not gonna say that you’re not we got shop one as you can see he sells all his goodies here he also sells not just all his goodies but he’s got gel slime stuff he’s got the certain head piece that he’s wearing he’s got the gloves he’s

Got the alternate costume shoot let me take some of these he also has a second shop nothing in it so i’m assuming maybe in the future there’s mod plans to add more unique items yeah let me go ahead and get naked okay not exactly naked but

Let’s just put on this fit you know what are we working it with oh so that makes like the tips of my fingers blue you know you know like how you get like cheeto dust on your fingers that’s like this but instead of cheeto dust i

Got slime all right what about this okay it’s just full-on gloves a low-key looking like walter white when he had the hazmat suit on here all right i do want to see how this npc is in terms of fighting so let’s go ahead let’s bring in none other than the king slime

Himself and let’s see the damage okay don’t die let me i just want to see what you do man don’t don’t die fighting yourself so it looks like he throws out a little like blue dagger little gel dagger something like that cool he doesn’t do

Crazy damage i mean this is a npc versus a boss i don’t expect too much but as we get later on with the harder bosses i do expect a little bit more from them like if i spawn in a moonlord town npc but i expect that moonlord town npc to be able

To kill some bosses pretty fast oh shout out my boy red in the background the creator terraria all right next up let us bring in the ayah cthulhu npc here looking he’s not looking dapper i’m not gonna say that looking uh he looks like the eye that’s that’s really it there

He’s selling all his goodies plus his outfit and i always gotta check shop too you never know um all right let’s put on his outfit let’s see how we’re looking with this outfit he looked just like me he stole my swag all right let’s go ahead let’s bring in an enemy here

See how the eye does against some enemies oh okay i see that was a penetrating weapon he was able to kill multiple at once there it looks like he throws out a little eyeball that’s cool next up let’s go ahead let’s bring in the eater of worlds here now he looks

Really cool he’s actually got like a tail and everything look at that go ahead talk to him get that tail off of him i’ll be taking this oh i didn’t mean to buy a worm tooth boom we got our fit here let’s go ahead let’s see him in action against some enemies

I’m interested to see what he throws out what you got for us oh okay so he throws out the little scourge attack corruption scourge scourge of corruption something like that that’s the name of the weapon cool i do kind of want to see him against the

Boss let’s see what you got for king slime we might as well throw the i cthulu npc in here too uh boom there he is these two combined low-key can probably take on this boss no problem they’re really not doing that bad all right we got the brain of

Cthulhu npc here and he’s pretty cool i like his little tentacles he has he walks very funny i like him it’s my favorite one so far the shop obviously he’s got the goods in his shop but uh let’s see him in action in terms of a fighting ability what you got man

Ew that’s kind of nasty my boy he pee peeing on him i don’t know man great damage though because it is icore all right next up queen b this has got to be like the widest npc look how wide she is go ahead and cough up your

Suit here your outfit was a hat boom she sells a good bit of items here i guess the queen bee does have a very big uh loot pool oh got to see a little bit of her attack okay it looks like she shoots out stingers that’s what it looks like she

Does honestly expected wait how come i don’t get the wings i got to buy the wings separate oh i got scammed i got to get the wings separately all right we got skeletron here next let’s go ahead and see what my boy has a he’s selling chippy’s couch so if y’all been looking

For that you’re not having troubles getting the drops perfect yeah let’s see what type of taxi does oh okay i was expecting him to throw out like a bone glove attack now he’s got some heat seeking skulls that he shoots out and they do around like the same damage it seems

Like all the npc’s uh or the boss npcs do like around 25 30. i don’t know if that’s capped or if it’s just a coincidence or what who knows all right bringing out the deer clubs next okay i like this one too this dude looks goofy

I like when they look goofy oh it’s because he’s got like hooves pretty much that’s why he walks a little bit weird boom now me and him to blend in we’re not blending in with human beings definitely not doing that but we can blend in with other deer cops oh

He turns purple in attacks that’s a really good attack i like this attack the most so far and i also like that he turns purple can i turn purple too is that an option that’s the best i can do when it comes to purple i don’t

Know maybe let’s try this one does this help out anymore oh now i’m just black deer clubs you think you think i can say that word now last but not least i hope unless i missed something for pretty hard mode that is we have the wall of flesh

Disgusting so we got this headpiece which is the one he’s rocking but i’m actually gonna rock this one he also has a back piece which uh it’s kind of nasty i don’t know oh okay that’s like the tentacles in the back okay that makes sense now i like this

One better i look cuter okay i don’t know if that’s the word to describe it but what type of attacks does he have let’s see hungary’s maybe oh i was close i was close it was the leeches another great attack he’s talking about fish all right now we’re hopping into

Hard mode let’s start with just uh yeah let’s do the queen slime first actually let’s do dreadnought first dread nautilus okay he looks a little goofy i feel like his head should be way bigger but he still looks cool it’s a good kind of goofy i do like the

Uh the moonlord tentacles as their feet is very nice and this boy he sells a lot of goodies here he sells a lot of goodies let’s go ahead let’s put on the fit hey now we looking cool as hell dreadnoughtless loki one of my favorite looking uh mini bosses in terraria i

Don’t know there’s something about all the new blood bosses quote unquote new the 1.4 is a little old at this point but like the blood eel the the blood jellyfish whatever the heck the other thing is they all look cool kind of wish that dread nautilus was a full boss i

Know there’s like some mods and stuff that uh make the dread not a full boss i kind of agree with that i feel like it makes more sense and that way the bosses in 1.4 were more diverse instead of just hollow theme bosses only yeah let’s see

What type of attacks he has what you got man fish tentacles i don’t even remember what he does you dash oh he just spits blood on him okay i kind of want to see you hit it there we go that did a good bit of damage he is a

Hard mod npc so i expect it all right next up queen slime boom i’m a big fan as you can see i was already in my uh my dress up my role play outfit here my cosplay there’s the word i was looking for let’s peeper shop cool she got the

Goodies and if i want to i could switch to the crown it’s kind of funny how her vanilla mask has a crown but the king slime’s vanilla mask doesn’t have a crown so this mod adds in one that doesn’t have one and then it adds one

That does have one for the king slump alright let’s see your attacks what do you have for attacks okay looks like she just throws out this little projectile she has that she shoots around during the boss fight all right let’s go ahead let’s start bringing out the mech bosses here starting with

Retinaser and spazz so i’m assuming both of these dudes i don’t know if they would spawn in at the same time or what no idea how that would work in terms of uh npc spawning if they would come in and duo or not yeah we get two different

Helmets here let’s put them on cool yo i don’t like how they talk how their mouth moves like that yeah we got the retinas and one we got the spazz one cool cool let’s see how they attack we kind of saw a little glimpse of how one of them

Attacked let’s see them really in action okay i like that their head actually changes to their attacks that’s really cool this one also changes to like the cursed fireball opens his mouth and everything that’s really cool i wonder do they include the helmets for that i kind of wish they had a helmet

With just like the laser sticking out and the uh the mouth open that would be kind of cool maybe in the future all right next up let’s bring in the destroyer here my boy also has a tail like his other counterpart cool let’s throw that on and let us see his attack

I’m assuming lasers are probes oh look i was i was pretty much on the money it was literally a probe shooting a laser if i just flipped what i said it was perfect oh and they also explode that’s kind of cool so he’s got like an up close explosion with the probes

And then if he throws the probes like over the enemy shoots a laser that’s really cool all right next up we got skeletron prime let me go ahead copy his fit and let’s see what you got my boy what do you have for us in store lasers

Bombs bombs or does he have multiple attacks maybe when they get close does he have another attack nah seems like he just throws out the bombs okay i would like if he they got close he whips out like his saw or his vice grip or something all right next up let’s go

Ahead let’s see plant terror damn i like planter so this one has a back piece that’s why it looks so bulky this is cool i like this one i wonder if nah okay i was gonna say like do you think like tentacles shot out if i jumped or something yeah let’s see planetarius

Attacks i’m assuming something with the spike balls right that was what i was not expecting that is the last thing i expected planetary to do was whip out the guitar and start playing some riffs i respect the plantar i really do all right next up here we have the golem

Let’s go ahead let’s see what type of taxi does probably a laser okay a fireball keep it nice and simple i think i would prefer like the lasers he shoots out i feel like that would just be better also do more damage next up after that we’ll go ahead and do

The duke and then we’ll start knocking out some other bosses before we do cultists and moonlord duke i love that he has a tail let’s go ahead and put that on uh why is there two different hats do they look different they look a little different okay the ear is like up on

This one and then this one is down i kind of like the the ear being down what type of attacks do you got mr fisher on let’s see he shoots out was that the typhoon the razer blade typhoon attack that would easily do some damage let’s bring out

The king slime let’s see oh yeah that’s easily doing some good damage you can kill it in no time all right up next we got mothra on here my wings are way brighter that means i’m cooler what do you got in the shop uh pretty much like

Everything that you get from the event cool let’s go ahead let’s see your attacks i have no idea what the attacks would be maybe like she shoots out eggs or something i don’t know let’s see am i on the spot or am i wrong do you even attack can you defend yourself oh

And she threw out eggs and look little baby mothrans come out too oh my god i am a genius all right let’s bring out the uh pumpkin next my boy is dripped out i’m not gonna lie i’m not messing with the fit so that’s the exact

Reason why i’m gonna steal it we got some options here we could have the uh the helmet that glows looks really cool or we could have this one i kind of like both of them they’re both cool this one’s got like a little bit more to it

Kind of shakes when you move around this one just a little bit more tame he’s got a good bit of items in his shop here but yeah let’s go ahead let’s see what type of dent oh he killed something look like he shot out like a pumpkin head

Those pumpkin heads they do good damage all right let’s bring in the next person here which will be yeah i guess the ice queen no sand tank no morning wood no ever scream just straight to the ice queen got it the ice queen got a nice slim physique yeah let

Me go ahead and put on this fit here okay i don’t look as cool as you with mine i’m not gonna lie this is like cosplaying expectations versus reality yeah let’s go ahead let’s see what type of attack she has i expect something crazy something ice

Related go ahead okay and i like how she does it too she kind of like sticks both of her hands out like that seems like it penetrates multiple enemies too next up we got betsy betsy looking big and bulky let me go ahead and steal your outfit

Wings included i gotta include the wings betsy i honestly expect a lot from she only sells the stuff that she drops it looks like no ogre stuff i hope in the future they might as well just add in like legit everything uh mini bosses bosses you know legit is everything

Might as well it’s not gonna hurt anyone the more npcs the better right yeah her attack she shoots out the little fireball she does okay i might have spawned a little too many enemies all right this next one is pretty funny it’s literally the martian saucer as a just

Straight-up npc not like a martian wearing maybe like a like a cosplay of the saucer not straight up just a saucer with legs i like it but i do think the other idea maybe check out like a martian role-playing like wearing a saucer on him that might work yeah let’s go ahead

Let’s see his attacks here look like he just shot off some lasers honestly expected okay he’s got some range on him he’s shooting from deep looking like lebron out here shooting from the three i should have said somebody that shoots three’s better maybe like steph curry

All right let’s bring in the eol empress of light what’s up let’s go ahead steal her whole fit i don’t even know why i’m doing this i feel like you guys can see the fit i don’t really need to steal it but whatever too late we also have a

Different mask we can put on here as you can see we got legit like her head that we just tore off of her body she looks a lot better in this fit i’m not gonna lie let’s see what you got i’m expecting something crazy from the

Empress of light what do you got oh just like a giant like bean all right we’re coming up to the cultists and the moonlord bone there’s the cultists wait is the moonlight even on here am i blind oh there you go cultists he literally looks like exactly what you expect shoot

And i’m gonna have to steal the drip i’m joining the cult baby so he’s got like this one with the long nose that the mod adds in and then he got a short nose one i’ll be a short nose so we can you know tell the difference let’s see some

Attacks from you look like you shot out something fire related go ahead go ahead you don’t have to run go ahead oh does he have a different attack every time or is it the same thing i think it’s the same thing pretty good attack though looks like uh

Well i don’t know it looks a lot bigger than it actually like does the damage to look that big but it can hit multiple enemies it didn’t kill two at once last but not least hopefully i didn’t miss anyone moon lord baby oh yes he’s got the moving tentacles everywhere his

Mouth his face his legs you love to see it let me go ahead and put on everything here now him i definitely expect something crazy in terms of attacks what you got king slime is who i’m bringing out show me that you could defeat him shoot a laser please just shoot laser

Do something anything anything work in progress i don’t know let me see oh here we go he shot at a laser i kind of wish he shot like the giant laser i don’t know that might be too crazy but it’s the moon lord man i expect crazy i do like this attack

Though you see the pose he hits when he attacks i’m gonna really be hitting that pose hey they’re doing great damage but yeah to end off the video here i’m gonna bring in all the npcs and i’m gonna have him kill a boss let’s do it all right we got the whole gang

Here this kind of gave me some terraria npc olympic ideas maybe we have normal npcs versus boss npcs i don’t know i don’t know yeah let me go ahead and bring in a boss here who are we bringing in let’s bring in the queen bee i don’t

Know how much damage they could do but let’s bring in the queen bee oh they got their queen bee down e all right all right i see y’all i got to bring in something crazier our queen slime y’all should have no problem here okay they’re having a little bit more

Problems a lot more health to have to deal with but other than that they’re still doing great damage none of them are like in here fighting they’re all on like one corner all right let me let me mix it up let me bring them over here go ahead queen what are

They about to do when i bring the queen over here are they about to go crazy i don’t know they’re kind of splitting up a little bit oh they’re getting stomped on they started moving a little bit but now they’re back to being like isolated oh there you go spread them out

Spread them out they’re on the run they really look like they’re competing in the olympics now queen bee is the first one to die you hate to see it king swan still hanging in there just barely though i don’t know if he has less health than

The other yeah he does some of these nbc straight up got like 3k 4k up there goes to king slime rest in peace i’m bringing the queen back over here take one more with you before you die oh she took the eater she took the eye the pre hard mode npcs are getting

Murked right now but there you go they were able to defeat her yeah make sure to check out the mod this is really cool it’s honestly a lot more unique than i thought it would be uh there’s still a couple more things that i do

Wish to see i hope that they do add in like custom items that the npcs sell themselves that isn’t just vanity you know as a little bit more of a reason to want to get them and buy stuff from them you know if they sell a little custom

Either pets or weapons i don’t know whatever you want but it is still cool that they do sell like all the drops and stuff very useful if you’re you know when the people that likes to play with quality of life mods and you don’t feel like farming all the time because you

Can only farm so many times interior before you go insane but yeah make sure to check out my twitch gamers101 that’s where i be streaming catch the streams live i’ll be streaming random times of the day check out the second channel though if you missed the

Streams i’ll be trying to post all my streams on there for anyone that misses them make sure to sub to that and also make sure to follow the game rate it’s tick tock i’ll be posting funny clips on there that you guys probably haven’t seen before yeah i hope you enjoyed the

Video i’ll see y’all next time

How would Terraria bosses look as Town NPCs, and what would they sell? With the power of this mod, let’s find out!

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  1. Well… Plantera is literally a reference to the heavy metal band named Pantera, so the fact that the Plantera town NPC uses a Flying V guitar is also a reference to Pantera, as Flying V guitars are the type that Pantera uses.

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