Let’s play Stardew Valley EXPANDED for the first time! (ep 5)

A M H Nah Hi hi everybody happy Tuesday New Start value comes out on March 19th yeah a lot of uh exciting gaming things happening in my life around there cuz not only does the new starter valy update come out on the 19th on the 18th the new MLB the Show game comes

Out which as I already said once I figure out how to capture my PS5 we will be playing at least for a little because of how much that game makes me happy um I’ve got a couple chicken melts here I don’t know if youall ever had I first

Found at Costco they’re called chicken melts they’re from this company called sandwich Bros there these little Frozen things it it’s like it’s like the texture of like a pea pocket it’s like pea bread and inside is just like a McDonald’s esque slab of like breaded chicken and this like shitty slice of

Cheese so good I love it so much so I have two of those that I’ll be working on brain update likely no but who knows okay thank you for your patience team I got my dog sleeping next to me let me actually see if my room is really

Messy right now s my face cam it’s like face down on something hold on let me see if I can point my camera at my sleeping dog because he’s just like sleeping next to me like leaning against my PS5 headset okay let’s see there he is he’s asleep and the camera won’t

Focus wait hold on oh he woke up good morning he’s going to go right back to yeah he doesn’t even close his eyes when he sleeps anymore they just like roll into the back of his head anyway his name is Taff he’s a Wells Springer Spaniel he’s 14 he’s so old

Uh the life expectancy for welsher spaniels is 12 so he is defying defying death himself all right well I guess that’s all for me that’s all for dog cam okay now I got to like wrap my wire I like yanked the wire out to be able to reach for that I got to

Figure out how to fit it back into the okay here why don’t I say hello let me get a fix to my computer I’m in my really messy uh childhood bedroom for the week because of spring break the lighting is bad and I and there’s [ __ ] everywhere it’s mostly just closed on the

Ground blue eyes walls you bet that’s what I wanted when I painted them well I didn’t paint them but TV on the floor wish it worked but it’s broken it’s broken new haircut I got it yesterday what do we think she lined me up okay sorry for wasting everyone’s time

Okay I’m just going to leave it on face cam while I slowly boot up start Valley uh here you go open I’m keep working on these are the chicken melts I was talking about it’s like slice of chicken in like a little pea pocket thing so good so

Good he’s using my like PlayStation headset as a pillow so open you can tell cuz my whole deal is white now now my now the lighting is good there it goes now I’m Blue okay yep let’s get to work like chicken m from C around trying chicken bakes I’ve always wanted to try

Chicken bake I’ve never had one look like just a bab I almost choked that would have just bolstered your clay I’m not a baby I’m going to be able to drink legally in May so how about that this is what I’ve been telling all my friends my 21st birthday is May 11th

Most folks 21st birthday this the celebration is uh I can drink for me I’m already not used into just any kind of alcoholic beverage I’m not huge into like any beverages at all except water I just drink a lot of water I’m just not big on like fruity drinks

And fizzy and smoothies and all that kind of jazz coffee tea all off limits for me so um I’m already not that into like alcohol as a whole so just for the taste but what I am excited about about turning 21 in May so I you can only

Drink 21 in the US it is pretty wild but it makes you feel better uh nobody cares um that being said what I am excited for for my 21st birthday is sports betting I am going to throw away my whole life like I already know I just

Have a very addictive personality and I love sports so it’s going to be a slippery slope and I can’t wait to get started okay anyway don’t Sports bet it’s bad I don’t want a clip of me out there endorsing sports betting well it’s not bad if you do it responsibly it’s very if

Then um I I have a feeling I’ll be I’ll be okay about it because greater than my love of gambling is my intense fear and guilt of spending money so I think it’ll be fine they should cancel out only better on the Bears I’m good I’m just going to

Be every year picking the Red Sox to win the World Series and then when it finally happens I’ll win like $5,000 okay ickle kckl mccr let’s get back in there I upload a video I don’t know if saw newest uh Papa Perfection I think I don’t know if this is the

Funniest of the papa videos when was the last the One World Series 2018 so pretty recent they’ve had a good amount of success in recent years um but yeah I don’t know if it’s the funniest this is my the the the scooperia one is my fourth PO is video I

Don’t know if it’s the funniest I don’t think it is the funniest it might be it’s pretty funny it’s pretty long narratively though my favorite video on the channel for just perfect everything tied up at the very end the periodic cuts to the we stream from a week prior

Huge fan huge fan of that video uh please watch if you haven’t ooh this is a new symbol oh twitch recap 2023 it’s Miss how do you pronounce it it’s Miss it’s Missy it’s miss the little symbol next to your name has a lot of Allure and clout to it so I

Had to go check what that was okay uh what to do what to do I’m thinking this is kind of where okay music is going to be turned down slightly that’s better um last stream was all about Min maxing profits today’s stream is going to be all about Min

Maxing Missy thank you Min maxing Aesthetics all right bet on Detroit dude I don’t know that’s that’s basically throwing your money into the sewer okay um it’s we’re going to be focusing on aesthetic stuff today I would like to get to level six forging as soon as

Possible so I think we do that today I think we do a good bit of forging let’s um run by the community center and drop off any Donata bles which I think we’ve got all of them here and we’ll bring any artifacts and geodes Gunther I already have this that sucks there you

Go that’s it probably yeah okay so let’s do that we’re going to go to the community center drop out everything we have we’re going to run to Pierre’s let me check for fores I think we went forging yesterday actually if I remember correctly I think we went forging yesterday

So there’s probably like nothing left so maybe we don’t maybe we don’t do foraging today uh let’s do wood cutting instead as much as we can handle cuz I I I really want to get my forging to level six so I can make a lightning rod try to

Get those uh mine carts it’s Jazz’s birthday who is Martin dude is this a self-insert of like whoever made this mod cuz this person does not exist Martin is not real I forgot I was going to the community center that was like the whole point bot is still dead what happened to that

Is there something I need to do to fix that I’m sorry if there is but yeah I don’t know don’t spring break yet I am I’m in it right now uh tomorrow though tomorrow morning I’m leaving to go skiing for a few days so no stream on Friday I’ve never been

Skiing and I’m going with my friend who’s been skiing many times so it’s I’m going to get my ass kicked but uh I’m excited at I don’t have a game Carr um and I’m really excited to give it a try but no stream on Friday as a result so

No uh no Sonic 06 yet it’s going to have to wait one more week um but then uh I’ll be back on Sunday for another Spirit Fair stream before shipping up back to school that night uh these are on the ground excit excitedly we have our melons I never

Fertilized my melons hey hey hey hey hey remember that remember how we need the quality ones God damn it I forgot to fertilize that’s just a bummer we could also make a couple uh preserve shars today there’s nothing here uh going to Black Diamond or whatever

That is my goal I’ve never been skiing before we leave after 3 days of skiing I want to go on a black diamond so uh oh yeah Crab Pot bundle I can I’ve got a couple four there are now I just need a crab from the mines and then I

Will never have to make a crab pot or I can start hitting the cart I suppose I should have uh brought my axe to upgrade to Steel because we have just enough money but I also want to go wood cutting today there’s a lot of things we could do there’s a lot of

Um intertwining possibilities at the moment where’s field research there we go okay I think that’s it correct for stuff yeah now we just run by the the Gunther world and the air world yeah there’s a lot we could be doing um it’s kind of overwhelming honestly Morris I never see you out and

About how many customers Jo game this year Family grows larger every season can I can I be the dog I told you about that right about how my cousins always made me be the dog when we played the house it’s fine in about a month I’ll be a furry so

And if that confuses you you’ll see ooh most of these look delicious that one’s literally called lemon Stone right I said that give it to Me what is like all the [ __ ] I just said we should do it’s gone cuz I want I want to upgrade my axe we should make some money today somehow wood cutting I definitely want to do to get to level six that’s probably what we’re going to do today

Entirely possible there’s be natural skiing you never know with that kind of thing because I do consider myself to be a very like naturally athle I’m not going to say very Jesus I do consider myself to be naturally athletic person I I’ve said this many times but the thing

That I thank my my parents most for in my upbringing is putting me in sports at a young age because going through life being like pretty naturally athletic and coordinated from just growing up playing sports gets you out of so much embarrassment in school it’s crazy

Like man I’m so grateful that they put me in sports cuz like I I hated school and I loved gym class and the thought of like hating school and gym class isn’t like a fun break is is pretty sad favorite sport to play baseball love it but it’s

Hard to play baseball just like on a whim so I play basketball maybe three Jesus like 3,000 times more often so uh basketball I have a lot more experience playing but baseball is my favorite hell of a collection we’re getting here oh my God that’s five rewards I

Think yeah we got a flute block we got a drum block obsidian vase nine pumpkin seeds our first rare Crow that’s super handy okay we’re going to run back home and then I guess we’ll just go to that southern forest and cut trees for a good long while I’m just

Going to bend the summer seeds honestly nah I’m going to plant them with my uh extra normal quality sprinklers I think that’s smarter that’s that’ll get me more forging experience which is what I’m looking for right now and uh energy as well but yeah I love baseball um

Um but yeah I’m like pretty naturally coordinated and athletic so in stuff where I got to throw and catch and stuff like that I’m squared I’m good at catching I’m good at throwing I’m a good runner but I have a terrible balance I already never had a great Center of

Balance and I’ve got this like pots chronic condition now that like totally handicaps my balance anyway so I really can’t tell if I’m going to be good or bad at it cuz I’m like terrible at ice skating but I feel like this is a completely different ball

Game cuz it’s a lot more phys physical so I really have that was bothering me I really have no idea man um okay let’s let’s see we’re going to put the obsidian vase over there just going to throw these down Jungle Beat okay this is going away these are getting planted right this

Second so let me um let me sell all these extra things I don’t want my best friend has pots it’s a uh for those of you don’t know postural orthostatic tacac cardia syndrome basically my body doesn’t circulate blood very well uh it has and like it’s one of those things where it

Varies so widely based on like how bad you have it like some people who have it real bad like actually can’t like stand up and walk obviously I’m not at that level but I do have I have a it basically means I have I basically have

Headaches all the time um so I’m pretty much always having a headache uh I get very dizzy I’m very sensitive to temperature get laded easily and I have trouble with balance so especially the balance thing so even standing up I I fall over sometimes cuz I just have a

Hard time with balance so ice skating was an absolute no for me like I just sucked at it um so I’m scared skiing is going to be similar but we’ll see but yeah there are a bunch of other things with pots but those are the ones I experienced the

Most okay now it also sucks that when you try to explain it a lot of people assume they have it because they get a headache once every week someone will have like a headache be like oh yeah I might have that too I’m like a little laded I’ll ring your neck

Out though if you really do think you might I should have brought my axe doy if you really do think you might have Pots if you like look up all the symptoms for it uh and it and it feels familiar uh don’t be afraid to bring it

Up to a medical professional if you’re having a checkup and to request a uh tilt table test unfortunately I it’s somewhat expensive to get one done which is an awful shame so that is a very real barrier but like it really depends on where you get

It done and it might take a while but that’s like that’s kind of the be end all for figuring out if you have pots is they basically have you they strap you to to a table and you lie down um trying to read chat and play at the same time

And you lie down for about 20 minutes and they just have like an IV hooked up to you and something checking your your your pulse and and and whatnot um and also to make it clear whether or not you pass out is only Loosely related to it

Cuz I I had never fainted my whole life and and I have pots and there are pling people who faint often and don’t have it so that might not necessarily be an indicator just cuz I don’t want a bun of people dropping a rack on tilt tables

Because some YouTuber was like get it done and then it’s like oh inconclusive but like I they stra you a table for about 20 minutes and then they like I was feeling like whatever and then they just like slowly bring you 90° until you’re like in an upright position but you’re

Not like standing you’re like still strapped to a table but you’re not 90° and the the marker for like the kind of be all end all marker is if your heart rate changes like more than a set value than you have pots like if your heart rate like really skyrockets just

From standing up from lying down then um that’s like an indicator so even if you so like instead of saying a tilt table a much cheaper and easier thing to do is ask them to just take your standing vitals and and people can do that um and he basically said the doctor was

Like all right so what’s going to happen is you’re going to be tilted up we’re going to check your heartbeat we’re immediately going to know whether you have pots or not or at least get an idea um uh vaguely if you might and then he said and we’re also going to just

Kind of Leave You upright for a while because there’s a chance if you have some other underlying condition that like 20 minutes in you might pass out I was like I doubt it I’ve never passed out it’s exactly what happened I was just upright for a while feeling a

Little like like a little dizzy and then like right at the 20-minute Mark all of a sudden I was like it was like a self-reporting thing so I was like but I was so anxious about looking over dramatic which you should never be so I was like I think I’m a little nauseous

And they were like yeah and I was like yeah I don’t know and then I woke up and they were like you are unresponsive I like oh so there’s also that um okay I thought I did it wrong for a moment but only for a moment but yeah so that’s kind of the

The the gist is it’s it’s a lot about like the heartbeat type type beat um but yeah that was enough for them to be like okay yeah we are certain you have pots and I was like really they were like yeah the fact that you showed like the response that you did when

There’s this chemical that they that they give you this like nitrogen compound that’s supposed to make the results a lot more likely to be visible that I couldn’t take because if people for people who are at risk of migraines it might trigger a migraine so I couldn’t take it cuz I get migraines

And so they were like unfortunately that means that the results might be like harder to spot and they’re like okay not only were the results incredibly easy to spot but you also didn’t have the nitrogen thing in you which means you very have pots like okay cool thanks

Crew anyway I’m excited to go skiing but I might be bad at it because I have a lot of heart and balance Issues okay well I’m absolutely not going to get to do any wood cutting so that’s exciting all right well that’s all of them right nice I also didn’t need to do that many I like zoned out why did I do that many what is wrong with me I’m stupid I’m such a

Dingus oh my God so stupid can I craft summer seeds yet I can okay then we’re going to go foraging and we’re going to turn everything we can find into seeds so we can try and fill the rest that up oh wait let me set this

Up yeah that is my uh that is a Cliffs notes of my my pots Journey it’s the best we can do doesn’t get all of them but odds are we should be fine okay well another pretty much wasted day and hey remember how I was going to stop by

Pierre’s Jesus Christ I did like I got so sucked up in my tangent I didn’t actually do any of the [ __ ] that I wanted to do well that’s embarrassing okay I have bad acid reflux I also have acid reflux I I and like those two are very similar in that they’re like

Uh I need more grapes they’re they’re like the kind of like conditions you can have that have symptoms that sound common enough that if you try to explain it everyone’s going to think they have it too and it’s hard just be like I promise you it’s worse than what you’re imagining

Okay um I’m going to go look for grapes I don’t have much time so OD Zar we’re not going to find anything but I’m out of energy anyway it’s better than just going to bed right away hello am my am I wasting my time nope there’s that grape I need okay now

I need a another sweet pee and another grape before I can make another seed there’s another grape dude holy [ __ ] give me a twofer nope cuz I have that I have that perk now that I haven’t seen pop off even a single time it’s a 50% chance right so I’m just

Getting really unlucky I’ve had this perk for like a little while and it hasn’t proed even once there it is there’s like our first one okay now I’m squared on grapes I got four grapes Four Spice berries now it’s all sweet pee that’s going to be the problem come on come on sweet

PE zooming out there’s one did not get the double the double would have been huge but that’s fine tough to complain we found the thing we needed okay we’re going to we’re going to start looping back and we’re just going to take like the lower path cuz I don’t think I’ve I

Think this is technically all like newish this is this clearing is quite nice I don’t know if something’s eventually going to be here or happens here maybe a cut scene nice picnic swe PE sweet PE seeing no sweet peas see another goddamn sword yeah no dice okay good though that’s 20 more seeds

And if we happen to chance upon a sweet PE on our way home that’s even more but it’s looking Grim we’ll take like a mini loop around the forest on the way back I’ve got the time I think we should just go straight back okay 20 more seeds not through

B Fair Haven Farm is quite lovely and I do like it hear that Andy I like your farm it’s getting late okay leave me alone all right let’s see if I have the time to get these 20 seeds in the ground I think I

Do I like how much uh shter oh Jesus I like how much shorter this Farm is I guess yeah yeah like in height like it’s just going from bottom to top is so much easier than the other one it’s like right by there okay so those will

Grow and in a little over a week we’ll get a hefty bunch of forging XP as long as we hit level six forging before like the 26 which is like a scripted thunderstorm day it’s it’s fine love you sweetie okay no nothing much nothing much I need some more money so maybe we

Go fishing at some point soon uh so I can afford like some upgrades I could I could get an axe upgrade today honestly uh my well is done huh dude outstanding all right so we have a well well well well I’m going to go by Pier for certain let’s get our axe

Upgrade started today I I like that um I really do yeah I do have enough oh no I don’t because I have no coal Haram okay we need coal like desperately so maybe oh God I don’t want to grind for coal that [ __ ] sucks PP dude okay let’s

Uh I could also always use more Stone so I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to multitask here by going to the mines there were two sweet peas in the chest so how about them apples um we’re going to go to the mines I’m going to go to floor

20 I’m going to bust up all the gray rocks which will give me more Stone a little more coal potentially and we can grab any any bushes we pass by to get more fiber to get more grass starter and for a tree fertilizer once we can make that which I

Don’t think we can yet no okay let’s go plant extra summer seeds I’m probably going to need to rehost some spots let my help um and then yeah we’ll do that so no no axe upgrade just yet most of them stayed out actually that’s lovely it’s just this one that’s

It okay I have like way too many left over all right I’ve got 10 so we can just hold on to those I’ll just B them it’s fine okay no let’s hold on we can do more batches if need be okay let’s I should bring some kind of edible thing I have

One field snack but I kind of want to hold on to that um yeah is the best we can do it’s like pretty much nothing but can make some bug steak no I can’t no I literally can’t I don’t even have the recipe I don’t think we

Okay let’s do it f it right nope wrong way no cuz we’re going to pierce first holy [ __ ] hang in there man it’s not hard hi Claire I love you whoops no I’ll hang in there this it give me some time to think okay really really would

Love a Ste axe start getting some hardwood for for some decorative things in our farm grass daughter is going to be the biggest thing for making our farm look nice I’d also like just some vague decorative stuff so we’re going to go to the we should gone to the flower n no we

We were strapped for cash at the time anyway so yeah we can’t really do much in terms of farm decorating right now unfortunately okay Pierre yep we wouldn’t have been able to afford an next upgrade anyway so that’s okay um I also would hear me out I’m probably going to

Get a lot of heat for that cuz that’s 4K down the drain and now we’re nowhere close to Steel ax upgrade not only are do I want to have some time to get coal before we do that anyway but also we’re going to need apples for the community center and and looks pretty

I like how it looks and I have a lovely little spot for it apple tree I would like more but they like they are so freaking picky about like that can’t grow there no I’m sure I could download some mod I don’t think people would dab said if I download a

Mod that was like hey let me plant a fruit tree right there or like right there okay super duper all right now we’re going to go do the coal and fiber thing probably for the rest of the whole day I’m feeling a little lucky today it doesn’t matter but it’s

Fine tree farms come along we have uh we’re going to hold off on all the the the like mass produced Tapper thing until they’re all big and strong we also could make our secondary Tree Farm to the bottom left of it uh let’s see just going to grab like everything I passed

By oh there it is it’s a third page there’s a third page I didn’t notice I had a third page recipe sorry everyone I do have the bug steak recipe I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for those wondering why I’m getting

Fiber nice uh I want grass on my farm and I can now make uh I can now make grass starter with 10 [Applause] fiber and we’ll grab copper here too this is a great like multi-purpose thing stone coal fiber and copper cuz we’re about to need a lot of tappers

Whoops oops there’s still some gray rock it’s fine just grab this one yeah this is good this is a good multi-purpose outing I like it going to zoom in a little bit because I even though I usually zoom out in the mines now it’s like I’m not looking for

Ladders or anything doesn’t really matter how lovely is this huh my dog is still asleep next to me living life a bug just came from nothing over there that’s not it’s kind of screwing with my like Zen thing I’ve got going on here it’s enough okay it’s fine

Okay this is good look at all the stone we already have and like a little coal so that’s cool lot of tool switching this is a good practice that’s what I thought oops all good uh Drop a crab hey drop a crab okay Cherry Bomb isn’t too bad this is a very inefficient way of gathering coal but it’s okay hey drop a crab what an awful shame there’s a couple coal there we go oh an ingame song just started because the Ambient sound went away abruptly another two

Coal holy smokes I’m enjoying this um play style that I have slipped into of just playing like my ass is on fire absolutely minmax grinding my way toward whatever goal is most important to me at the moment which ironically right now is just making my farm pretty but I’m approaching this as if

This was like a speedrun is what I’m now Realizing whoops little low on energy but who actually cares I have a couple spice berries I can Munch if needed another two coal yeah I don’t know why I did that that was actual torture I tortured that thing okay um let’s leave the big rocks alone we’ve got plenty of stone now and

They’re destroying my energy we’re going to keep going for the gray rocks because the coal is is kind of like the main goal here above everything okay it’s Fine I’m going need so much coal for the Tapper thing I just realized cuz of how much copper I’m going to be smelting that is bad news after our first harvest of blueberries we should have enough excess cash that we can just buy a bunch cuz it’s not too

Expensive I got hello I’ll eat the hit it’s fine doesn’t matter that sound sucks by the way I hate it wow that was lovely I enjoyed that greatly thought that was a cave carrot that would have been nice 700 p.m. this has been a lovely day in the mines I’d

Say so where we’re in here with four separate materials we’re going for my God Please I your three stop playing I don’t enoy Ginger Island at all yeah I’m not huge into Ginger Island either CU I once you do it once the most exciting and alluring part of Ginger island is the kind of scavenger hunt Vibe for the walnuts once you know where they are it’s like

Okay this is kind of mat chure now nothing against the game cuz it was great time the first time around but then it’s like okay uh 16 15 what is delicious I’ve heard I’ve heard that mentioned so many times online I have no idea what it is I don’t

Know what it looks like I don’t know what kind of media it even is I’ve just visibly seen the title a bunch of times and I have no idea what I’m looking at give me that is a show think Farm space though yes that is definitely

True it’s a very fun anime on Netflix there’s a manga but I haven’t read it I see 17 Whatever okay uh it’s 10 p.m. I’m low on energy I got good bit of coal plenty of stone some Fiber some copper we’ll do a couple more proud of us though I care more this is this is this is the um approach I’m going to take in

This file I care more about this number than this number I don’t care about amassing wealth that’s a different kind of greed I care about just this number I want to make as much money as I can and I know I’m not doing this in the theoretical maximum whatever whatever

Whatever whatever whatever shut up I get another ancient that’s my third one Jesus um yeah I just so like most of the time when I earn money I’ll be immediately spending it all but that’s fine cuz I just this is it this is the only number that matters to me literally at all

Spending not a hoarder damn straight all right I’m going to run back on foot like a peasant because I’m this sucks this really sucks this one the fact that we got this just sucks like absolutely getting this one AR cuz like the battery pack is going to be too

Tough getting the one aridium ore could either be really easy if we just get lucky with an omni geode or something or it could just suck and I feel like it might be the ladder no clue what the favorite thing in character creatures for but I put a

Person so I hope it’s not weird well you’ll see whatever whatever I forgot I got be watering my ancient oh my God I probably haven’t been doing that shoes man okay hold on let’s do that right now if two okay let me I gotta eat one of these unfortunately because I want to

Get this third one in the ground eight days until this one’s ready very cool and then we’ll just all the fruit we get from that we save up for seed makers okay good day lucky lucky day now I’m getting all the lucky days now that I’m like permanently done in the dungeon

Dungeon mines okay um and not permanently Jesus okay grass starter bang 33 is all I can manage it’s fine let’s just get this stuff growing now can trees grow if there’s grass around them yeah okay few uh I think just fiber affects it so if I put grass around this tree we’ll

See that’s it okay that’s all I’ve got I can just pepper it it’ll spread with time and that’ll look that’s going to make that area look a thousand times nicer than it does right now once it’s all spread around and then we’re also going to want some here some

Up there some in there pretty much everywhere I want this to end up being a very grassy Farm I would just wait well no I it says 27 days sure I’ll check tomorrow we’ll see if it says 27 26 or what okay Saturday the 6th uh step one

We’re going to we’re going to sell these I don’t need them that one empty spot where is there an empty spot Uhoh I probably missed something it’s okay um anyway the blueberry died I got to be honestly I didn’t even notice this thing died it was bound to happen anyway lightning storms so I’m not too crushed okay um let’s build more Tree Farm space this one’s going to be only Oak and maple

Unfortunately got none of those so oops we can also try to start working on this little park zone hello goof I don’t know what’s up that way but I’m curious so we’re going to check it out oh it’s like a Warp Zone look at all this fiber to be had brilliant

I’m going to leave the logs cuz I kind of like it um cool so right now we have one of each row and then over here ahuh it’s going to be there’s going to be a bridge here this is a fact so probably just like a row up here these need to go

Man um cuz I don’t know I don’t know how much of the space the bridge is going to take you know what I I’m gonna I’m G to slide everything down to give myself a little more room we’re going to do that and then the other seeds can be up up there

Abouts and that’ll be it for the tree farm see I I this is the kind of tree I need to break cuz I need more Oaks well no these are oak I need more Maple like I really love these trees there just aren’t that many trees anywhere else in

The valley that are not Pine but I do what I must that was that was waste that was senseless killing I didn’t even get a seed out of it raar darn it I love it it’s so pretty I don’t want to break these damn trees

It’s the first time I think ever in my life I’ve said darn it I don’t know what POS possessed me to do that just there tree drops us you shake them only extremely rarely in my experience so I guess we might as well but odds are not good that one will actually [Applause]

Drop okay um is this enough room for a tree to grow with this bush here suppose only time will tell huh okay um I need to break these Stones so I can put one like back here yeah I need I want one right there son God damn it okay that’s

Fine everybody is saying no so break it um okay huh need some water I like these trees being here but we’ll replant later when we have the ability I I suppose there is that region down south that has maple trees that are on my farm we’re going to go down there oh what’s

What willo why are you here you don’t belong here I’m returning from a fishing trip deep in cindersap Forest this River filled with king salmon this time of year take a Gainer at this beauty whoa it’s pretty cool quite the mighty catch so from good coin on the market

Good to know Willie if you’re feeling the angland spear try catching one of these Beauties all right well well we’re down here chopping trees deep in Cinder sou Forest it’s probably in that area that’s like way to the left bottom left um here we go this is a change I know it

And I love it this is I think a change in this mod that now these Um trees that aren’t just like pine trees will grow in this Forest which which I love cuz I I need other seeds uh four okay okay any like edible things would be huge thank you now how many do I need is the question I think I need about four or

Five maple seeds and another like three Oak seeds on top of what I already have so like one more Maple seed three more Oak seeds I think if I remember like the shape of my area correctly okay we’re good on maple seeds probably that weirdly risky for no good reason um yeah

Whatever I got to figure out why my like mic delay that already existed is like even larger now than it used to be um let’s go investigate for that King salmon I just want to see it uh but yeah it’s even larger now than it used to

Be and I got to figure out why cuz I was watching back my like expanded stream from yesterday this’s one part where I’m like humming along to the music and it’s like a huge delay like there was always a delay but it’s like even bigger so I

Got to figure out how to fix that okay I I kind of already know what he’s probably talking about I’m assuming it’s that River that’s like all the way to the bottom left but I’m going to go check to make sure I need to be sure

Man you really have to go the distance for this dude Jesus I don’t know if it’ll be worth it it’s a long way to go uh yeah there they are lots of king salmon that’s a new fish that’s a new fish just lots of new

Fish in this River so any fishing we do I would like to do down there it’s a long way to go so I don’t actually know if it’s worth worth it given the time it takes for the commute but just to experience some new content

I I feel like we got to do that next time we go fishing okay well I screwed myself fiber yes I go straight up straight up oh yeah it’s probably just another way into the secret Woods okay take another bite of my little chicken melting it’s ice cold by this point it doesn’t

Matter godam I over overshot it okay let’s get these fellas in the ground okay here’s what I’m imagining these are oak so then I want Maple like that and then more Oak yeah and then I want one right there but there’s a stone blocking it for now okay good I like That okay I don’t know if that came through the stream but I mind just all my audio left me for a moment okay let’s go Spruce it up real nice what do y’all say we go Spruce it up all nice and good oh I can’t do that I’m assuming I

Can’t build a fence like with in this this guy’s little area no I totally can cuz cuz they grew with uh fences next to them in my on my old Farm or no maybe they they need no no no cuz I yeah on the on the Perfection one

I put seeds like adjacent to my fence and they grew I think I got no clue y’all I got to be honest Um we’re going to see we’re going to see we’re going to try it out and see okay see if we can do this before it’s too late really real stupid um yeah I got to just hit the sack we’ll figure this out tomorrow whatever okay I am going to check my phone

Your Apple Tree wasn’t able to grow [ __ ] you fragile little [ __ ] all right well in that case can’t have [ __ ] that’s right all right got to sequester this grass so it doesn’t spread into the Apple tre’s delicate little area stupid [ __ ] no worries all right let’s sort out the messy business over

Here ah man okay we got to widen this we just have to I just didn’t want to cut off this like dirt path with any of the fence but it’s fine we’re just going to drown it with grass anyway it’s whatever okay um and then we’ll have a little path

That kind of like runs through yeah let’s go ahe and make that well let me go grab any well here’s what’s going to happen we’re about to make our little city square right here I’m not going to start using all my time and energy on every individual day uh just decorating

[ __ ] which is definitely something I should wait to do until winter time so I’m totally totally screwing myself right now uh but I can’t wait I literally can’t so this is going to be our like Town Square area so there’s no point in having our camping Zone there camping Zone should

Be elsewhere I don’t know where you know what I do Bingo Hilltop how bad it huh how about that tell me that doesn’t look like such a nice little place to to to be in the world okay now how precious okay and then uh we can kind

Of can you put Pat that’s stupid that’s stupid that you can do that ugly sin sinful oops didn’t mean to didn’t mean to do that also didn’t mean to do that and also oh wait no that is a stepping stone okay there there we are okay yeah yep okay

Now that’s all squared away we have another tree that grew heyo um hey team I’m like pretty sure that I remember seeing a couple messages including someone saying and I quote I am 99 percent sure a tree can’t grow next to a big rock and yet nature finds a way huh how about

That I’m flipping you off I’m like putting a middle finger up to the chat window right now but you can’t see so big doesn’t stop tree go but grass does no I think it’s that I think it’s I truly do think it’s that these trees

Pine Tree Maple Tree and oak tree uh can grow fine when obstructed within a 3X3 as long as it’s not by another tree it’s just fruit trees that are touchy fruit trees need to have a completely clear 3×3 square around them these trees don’t should just

Trusted my gut this is what happens when I listen to Y get owned I bet y’all feel real stupid now not % sure Tre can’t grow there well we just nailed that 1% huh I’m sorry if being such a dick right now it’s just so rare that I actually am right about

Things this is a delightful song there we go so now a bridge will go here a small Bridge what is up there it’s a pretty Cottage whoa oh my God I found a secret I don’t know where I am I don’t know where I am that was a pure accident hold

On I got to investigate oh I might be one of the smarter ones on this platform and here I am Holy Smokes how get up here oh tell me it’s a oneway trip why I cut through right there all right well it’s a oneway deal I guess I go

Around okay cool I just torched a huge chunk of oh my God Martin I sometimes take the buzz here to check out books from the library the guy with the goatee doesn’t talk much who are you do you like horse radishes you’re boring okay oh YY okay back to work looking at them

All okay so in theory I could actually cut this fence in and I’m might it might look bad I want to at least try it cuz I like I I think it looks nicer when this dirt path is like completely freed up and doesn’t have anything it’s not what I wanted to

Do yeah cuz I kind of would rather cut in on the tree farm then cut in on the dirt path cuz I really like having that full path exposed so we’re going to do that now that I know that that can grow like that awesome proud of myself all right well I’m really

Intrigued by that little cottage off to the left hold on okay so this is the shortcut but huh okay well we’re going to get there eventually I don’t know how the bridge gets built maybe it’s a community center thing Greenhouse craft rooms Bridge repair maybe it’s both Bridges mine carts bu repair friendship

Cuz nor the bridge repair is for the Quarry but maybe in this mod it does the Quarry and this one or maybe not maybe I’m just stupid maybe I’m just a big [ __ ] all right well anyway uh I’m going to work on this this beautiful Pond

Region oh my God please okay there we go that’s what I was after um let’s see so I want to leave like see 1 2 3 4 5 6 by 1 2 3 4 5 I want to leave a little grass thank God they let you put pass in

Here I don’t know what I would have done if they didn’t I want to I want to leave a grasscid here I it would be better if I just did this I want to leave a grasscid area exposed and that can be filled with grass as you might suspect

Um I 100% recognize this song this is absolutely from a Mario game this is like the the tropical world I’m enjoying it um this is going to be like the general shape of it I feel and then let’s just keep widening it for now cuz I want it to look like an actual

Like like it if this Pond was where like a fountain would be so the base is going to be all of this like Stone path that’s too much I shouldn’t have done that just wasted a ton of um and there’s going to be benches there’s going to be

Lamps maybe like some rows of flowers some and the middle is going to be grass yes like this kind of thing so right now it looks really like badly industrial you know what I mean but it’s because it just needs a little time okay time out I [ __ ] something

Here hold on uh one two 3 four diagonal the corner one two three four yeah I just missed one here there we go um and then maybe like and we can make this uh like the same Gap that that one has which I think is this yeah huh okay uh this general idea

Intrigues me it’s just going to need a lot of trees everywhere and and and benches and various dressings um no no no no no no no cuz that cuts off all my path and I kind of just want to leave that I honestly might it’s it’s a little bit too Square so I

Might do this yeah that works a little better for me um oops we’re probably going to do one of those so it’s like a peel off uh 3 4 1 2 3 4 yeah um it’s a CU for quality um yeah this is we can do

Like time is it 11 it’s fine 12 it’s the wrong number okay um make this centered so here we go this is really good going to be hard to get this to actually work and look good but I am going to do my best it’s going to it looks really sad

Right now cuz there’s nothing in it but yeah just need to hang in there getting some fruit trees there would be so great I’m going to you know what I’m going to do well first I’m going to go to sleep well first I’m going to check for my

Recipe second I’m going to go to sleep now pause my luck today is astounding I’ve had such a crazy streak of good luck days on days where I really don’t need them here’s what I’m going to do going to starter Valley mods on Nexus we’re going to find some fruit

Tree mods that let fruit see okay fruit tree I’m just going to search fruit tree on mods there’s got to be something that let you like plant them wherever or or transplant them okay here’s a mod it’s called better fruit trees this mod lets fruit trees be placed grow and increase

In quality even if there’s something in the 3X3 area surrounding them yes so fruit Tre can be placed and will grow even if there are things in the 3X3 area around them it make it so the quality of the fruit from your fruit trees increases year after year even if

The area is not kept clear no longer have to worry about spacing when planting your fruit trees also makes a chuno Huts Harvest fruit from trees I I’m not going to have any jimo Huts you can change settings by running smap you once no maybe I will I never buil them

Uh generate the config file and then closing whatever yeah uh we’re downloading that better fruit trees manual download download close game gonna add a mod Midstream this is unprecedented song is cute my mod list is growing EV ever longer okay super duper Des Scoopy poopy po poop open game check my phone

Again let me see how I I had two Perfection videos back to back started Perfection Popa Perfection see how it’s performing h g quite good very exciting okay hooray load eel day eight of Summer year one we’re really making things happen here all right I’m zooming back in all right

Now fruit trees can grow wherever ideally my mining level is almost at eight that’s crazy is that true wow awesome okay um I’m a sodbuster let me go to my mod config menu and see if I have to do anything for the better we have better bee houses

Uh okay it’s not in mod config so we’re just going to have to hope that it works out cuz yeah so what we’re going to do is we’re going to place something here and then when I go to bed tomorrow we’ll see if that message pops

Up and let’s let’s get some use out of our new well oh how lovely is that okay and then I’ll I’ll Place plenty of fruit trees in this like Town Square area there’ll be some flowers there’ll be lots of benches once we get like our furniture catalog I’m I’m liking this like

Beautification Journey we’ve gone on so far I’m thinking this looks quite lovely no it’s stupid it’s excessive enough um yeah I’m liking it this is like the best my Farmers ever looked this oh Audio Oh audio’s giving out uh this is the best my Farmers ever looked this soon into

The game like we’re still in summer so now here’s the thing I want my new goal for summer my goal for spring was acquire as many sprinklers as possible for summer to plant as many blueberries as I could we did a good job with that first week or so of Summer has been

About Aesthetics and we’re going to continue that my new goal the grass is starting to spread hooray um goal for summer next about 20 days in game Acquire as many fruit trees as possible go for fall will probably be all about Kegs and go for winter is

Probably going to be about the animals usually I’m swapping summer and winter usually summer is when I start working on animal stuff and winter is when I do all my farm design we’re swapping those two this time around that’s kind of the general idea I’m getting of of where this this is

Tending so I’m thinking first of all uh we can also we’re going to want to upgrade the axe like as soon as possible so um let’s get our five ones of those we’ll get a quartz in there so we can this is a community center

Thing uh I think five bars dude you tell me no one else is experiencing this audio glitching I also have my headphones on backwards that shouldn’t matter it’s in the wrong ear I hope y’all aren’t experiencing the audio glitch A’s fine that’s weird mine keeps like breaking out and stuttering

And sounding creepy okay super gooper so now that that means I want to get as many fruit trees as I can here cuz I never get fruit trees ever and like how sad is that so I ALS so now I just want to make a bunch

Of money because I also want to buy some coal I also want to upgrade my axxe we’ll get a ton of cash when we get our blueberry Harvest but let’s take uh matters into our own hands here and let’s go fishing for some King Salmon how about it all right how about that

And just like that I am violently back in the throws of this game this game has me only about an hour and a half left I’m sad that once this is over um this stream I’m not no more St for a week very sad cuz now I’m all invested in my Farm just making a beine I don’t know how this is honestly going to save time I grabbed the wrong pole we hadn’t done anything yet so this is just going to save me time all good okay let’s see this one and then oh wait okay now wait let me pick the dog

Oh I got to water of my ancient fruit as well love you and I got to pick my pepper keep zooming in and out y’all sorry for the inconsistency I’m also going to go ahead um what I going to do water myant fruit there we go you know what screw it okay Okay let’s see how much money we can make today off these King Salmon they’re probably going to be tough to catch so I hope we can hang better be worth it cuz it’s it it takes a while to get there and I’m still undecided on if it’s even worth it with

The length of commute cuz that is a a big factor I’m leaving all the forage Ables for now just focus up I should grab ones that would be especially good for energy grape grape is an example see we got two of those from that and that’s 38 energy

Each 76 energy from that one right click Aurora Vineyard dead and sad dilapidated Another grae oh son of a [ __ ] I should brought my Scythe I just wanted to I didn’t want to run out inventory space like I always do on these dang fishing trips oops here we go all right all right let’s do it lots of cool fish whoops oh and largemouth bass are in

Here man this is the spot y’all this is the spot is that it’s a bull trout I’m not getting gold quality stuff I’m getting silver and only gold if I perfect it which is a bummer assuming it has something to do the fact that I’m not getting Max cast

We were like a millisecond away from getting it perfect now damn it I cannot get a single Max cast oh this is like tiger trout AI it’s very shaky whoops God damn it there we go that is a butterfish I’d say that’s apt name that’s good price these are all pretty

Valuable they’re tough to catch but that’s good this is good practice we getting better at fishing perfect Score Red Sox played and I freaking it wasn’t being broadcast so I couldn’t watch it but I was going to keep up my phone and I forgot hold on are there dogs in the river I don’t know man you should take it up with with local office would eat the butterfish in a

Heartbeat yeah well I mean probably just tastes like butter man and butter like by itself to each their own but I don’t know 75 Cardinals God damn what happened okay I gotta catch up on all of it excuse me oh Brian beo got kind of lit up a little bit that’s a

Bummer Trevor story hit a home run though that tear me right up that Che me rder Yeah Brian beo had a rocky outing wow Trevor story home run and a ground roll Double infield singer single and a raphaela Homer I wish I could have seen this but it wasn’t being televised I’m so pissed it’s like such a great game Tanner Haw had some Trouble gave up a bomb all right well that’s cool lots of cool things happened and I couldn’t see any because I didn’t televise it’s fine okay making the trip out here takes a while but I’m thinking it might be worth it cuz these fish are all pretty dang valuable damn

It no excuse not to be getting a perfect catch on that whoops yeah butterf fish is worth a lot damn it how about a king salmon we haven’t hooked one of those yet had cinnamon butter sh [ __ ] I’ve not had cinnamon butter I’m not SE better sorry cool damn

It here we go this is definitely a king salmon and I’m fixing to blow it Jesus yeah damn that was a really just unlucky pattern if I hook that guy again we could totally catch that it’s not unrealistic I just got really screwed over with the rhythm of

That dude how am I not getting Max cast on any of these they’re all like right there another shaky one God damn drown yourself you’re fish oh my God it’s embarrassing butterfish how do you infuse butter with with fun I don’t know oh there’s this guy on

Tik Tok who infuses his butter with fun and cool stuff good for you Tik Tock butter man oh I have seen a butter guy on Tik Tok Treasure Chest yeah take a breather don’t tie yourself out they is this our fourth one of these I’m pretty sure this is our fourth Nautilus Show beginning of Summer year one okay this one’s really quick this has got to be a king salmon oh I called my bluff I was so sure it was going to jump right back up okay it calmed down like really fast maybe it’s not I don’t know what are you it’s a puppy

Fish that’s what you’re saying about how there’s dogs this fish wants nothing but pets and snacks it’s getting sold where even is the puppy oh that’s the puppy fish wow puppy fish got that dog in him for real yeah I guess it’s also put up a hell of a fight

Oh my god when they go to the very bottom there’s literally nothing you can do butterfish these fish are all like very stimulating to catch it’s the most exhausting fishing experience ever cuz there’s just like no which is great we make good money I’m sure but there’s just like no no free catches

Here except this one except this one I just hooked right after saying that rain go rainbow truck almost level 9 Fisher yay a butter love in the chat makes me sick it’s it makes everything better like literally no exception butter is like the greatest weapon of the kitchen behind Salt don’t give me start on salted butter yeah seriously holy smokes any instance where butter is a possible substitute it’s the best option like if something’s like hey you can cook these like scallions or whatever in oil or you can do them in butter the butter is always better if

You’re making a grilled cheese it’s like hey you can just like spray the p with Pam the pan with like Pam spray or you can melt butter in it the butter is going to taste better so freaking good but Rules shaky dude this has got to be a butter fish speak of the butter oh my God now it’s going to do the most Untouchable yeah yeah wow that is the unluckiest string I’ve ever seen That’s crazy dude dude that that was the unluckiest pattern I’ve ever seen in this game was anybody

Watching that I hope so that was like the most unfortunate time like timed pattern I’ve ever seen a fish pull off in this game just like perfectly in sync doing the opposite of whatever I was doing that sucked oh my God this is so annoying yeah and then

Yep [ __ ] and then I’m going to bounce back nope CU then stays up this thing is picking every possible 50/50 that is not what I do getting screwed here we go yeah stay at the bottom you Chump cannot hook a king salmon how did Willie manage to catch one of these he’s not even that good okay this could be it no D start starting to feel exhausted out here my life be like there’s a chance the music’s been too quiet this whole stream I just looked over can I even hear the music never mind it’s fine oh I just put up a little hello oh okay I had a text box open just like Transparent it’s a little quiet but it’s there I’ll turn it up there you Go Bang yay this is a king salmon and I’m not catching it if this thing has the AI that looks like it might I’m effed dude that move is so cruel the hesy that it can pull absurd where it’ll shoot down halfway and then just halt I don’t know if this king salmon

This might be too easy yeah son of a [ __ ] 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. is when K are available dude I can see them all in there swimming around just can’t hook one maybe I need to be a certain level I need to be level 10 cool cool cool cool hate You focus on the fish this thing is quick can we get the treasure chest H Dorado level 9ine fishing though how cool is that two aquarine not too bad good bit of cash I hope that makes my bar a little bigger whoops crossed immediately oh it’s shaking oh my God butterfish damn it come on give me something that’s not one bait that was the worst sound I’ve ever made I’m sorry just angry I want a king salmon apparently they go away at like 6 or eight I already forgot I can’t hook one I think I hooked one

And I lost it the whole day we will be coming back here probably tomorrow if I’m being honest I want a king salmon Man oh you ass hole trying to stay Neutral What another puppy man where are the cameras Oh my God I’m getting pranked Jesus Butter fish out here looking like a loaf of butter I’m going start calling at That 1/2 cup is one Loaf looking for king salmon still yep I think we might have missed the boat though I can’t remember someone told me how long it lasts and I forgot oh my God hold on this thing has life this thing has some serious gumption nope it’s totally a goddamn Butter fish or a

Dorado son of a [ __ ] I don’t know I’m getting my ankles snapped and Tak taken from me so you never know OD are high this king salmon I’m going to get so close Dorado oh my God you only need level eight 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. okay so it’s still hook come

On please man please i’ still see them in there they’re everywhere it’s like half the fish in there oh this thing is butterfish God damn it I’m not even going to catch it that was crazy calm Zen G that last drop was so unlucky I just

Like actually had no way to keep up with it physically just bad luck with that yeah anytime I hook something cool like get toasted before I even get a chance to put up a fight cuz it just jumps up and it’s like all right red you’re in

The red and you can’t catch up it’s possible man these are absurdly difficult God I hate it I’m just doing this for like a 0.1% chance of hook in the damn thing and when I finally do I have no shot of catching it I need like a fishing buff or some

But I don’t think I have a way of getting one right now I could go to Willies and buy some but that’s a big time loss to go do that it’s a big distraction puppy puppy fish and I’m feeling exhausted oh cool yeah literally has never done that before one time I’m

Ready to oh my God you’re you’re being so annoying pretend the treasure chest isn’t there there’s no point can we get the treasure chest yeah we got one we got one we got one oh my God that did not seem any harder than the other ones that’s so Weird come on please I’m begging all right we got one half an hour before they go away for the night by the hairs on my chinny chin chin snuck it in there do the Sprites themselves go away once you go past the time of them being available we’ll see 750 they’re all still

There eight you’re still there all right we were out of here all day we caught one we managed one of them whoops it startled me yeah they’re gone okay so yeah it does remove the Sprite when they’re not available anymore that’s nice that they do that all right well then now it’s it’s

Just butterfish in terms of valuable fish that remain it’s really just butterfish the rest are kind of baby level this is a yeah that’s a bream they always jump up to that two and a half mark That’s how you know okay maybe they reused the bream AI for those

CU I know the bream always goes to like two and a half little segments up see like this that’s something a bream would do okay so I guess they do have the same AI this is a bull Trout I’ve got him down now I’ve got him down to a science Stars I don’t know what this one is don’t I feel like for whatever reason I feel this isn’t a bull trout or okay uh three coal is pretty good tough to complain about that when we’re having as much of a crisis as we are right now with the coal

Supply I should go soon I forgot how far away we are from home this is a butterfish this will be our last catch if we can if we can grab this bag this Butter fish come on now all right we’re done now we go home Bend everything

We’ve we’ve caught see what that gets us nope no we’re going to pass out I forgot we leveled up not only did we level up we have such a low amount of cat well no cuz I kind of want to get some of my cash

Today I mean tomorrow and I and and I don’t want to run all the way to Willie we can no we will we’re going to pass out and then tomorrow we’re going to run to Willie right when he opens we’re going to sell it all straight to him and

Then we’re going to go to Pierre holy smokes wow that is not physically catchable um yeah we’re going to buy any fruit trees we can afford from Pier perfect fish for the treasure chest feels pretty good feels pretty good it’s one bait well how much are these bullfish bull

Trading worth 346 is really solid so yeah we’ll Stay also pretty stars that’s true the stars are very nice starting to feel exhausted oh Christ almighty oh my God this keeps happening man yeah like you can’t you actually can’t catch that you’re not able with this fishing rod now with that pattern at least you can probably get lucky with the pattern

Wow I think we got it we did and it’s new Uber goober cool didn’t even know that was an option here Hello cool quantity of trash has risen dramatically Two two energy left supr okay I’m going to what oh what is the least valuable fish I have 858 70 437 121 it’s you so you’re getting eaten this is how it goes that lets be two more casts profit butterfish butterfish alert yep oh my God that little like I’m tired

Bubble just startled me into reeling in my rod God damn It all right I think we have time for probably a couple more casts unless this happens for some reason and just the whole river dies cool we have time for another cast after this one I mean energy if we have the time o it’ll be tight

Ah it sucks I wanted to get a perfect in the treasure chest I was like pixels off I think pixel just in time done done look at that that’s how close it was what a die Level n fishing yep yep it’s really no big deal okay now artifact artifact artifact

This can go away this can go away those that okay now here’s the gist yeah I passed out okay you don’t need rubbing it pet my baby love you boo we got to figure out what’s going here probably just some bee houses and flowers knowing me and I do

Know me actually probably some trees cuz I always like to have trees like right behind my house maybe some more fruit chees we’re going to go for a fruit tree heavy Farm it’s going to be expensive but remember the thing I said about how I’m going for this more this number not

This number they will probably all be Financial losing propositions but who gives a [ __ ] it’s a show of wealth it’s a display of wealth okay here we go um now once we can afford yeah here’s what we’re going to do here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to sell all our fish

Straight to Clint Willie we’re going to sell all our fish straight to Willie run up to Clint’s axe upgrade and then we’re going to go to pier and see if we can afford well if we can for any um for trees which we might not even be able to in the first

Place let’s do it why are the ancient fruit Dingus I have enough coal for two preserve Stars Bing Bong incredibly wasteful preser shars are so expensive look at that and now I can start putting [ __ ] in there if I if I want can you put a fish in it

No I don’t know why that’s fine um give me some [ __ ] Jame we go okay now we have that going let’s put another one over Here forest fire okay now we leave things are coming together on mut’s Farm got to got to break that one gravel path eventually I think I just need to grab a bomb Sinks zoinks okay it’s only it’s 8:30 I’ve got time to check the Eastward Beach word sideward Squidward is that a new fish can’t tell okay it is Tuesday the 9th of Summer Lua is coming up we’re going to want to get them something they really love so if I

Can manage to catch a gold sturgeon for that that would be awesome Willie wiie Willy wiie I have a lot of things hello ohy come and make yourself at home I think I’ve seen this cut scene before hey it’s good stuff there fish go crazy for it just to make sure to watch

Your hands good after dipping them in those juices your R has been known to L for up to seven weeks lad how silly catching a lot of fish yes okay okay okay okay sir what’s wrong buiness has been tough all start at the same time the old community

Center fell a room fish like fish don’t just don’t sell like they used to work double time just to make ends meat time for me own projects things picked back up around here I might have time to show you something she’s back there an old friend that’s seen better

Days yeah okay Jesus someday lad you’ll see what I mean okay anyway uh wow okay so that’s 15K that is 15K just from a an honest day of fishing okay well aridium Rod is super intriguing very pricey though seaweed salad gives you Max Energy extra Max Energy and fishing epicness okay

Honestly I think I’m just going to buy some trout soup not even not even this is a lot of money that I just don’t want to spin right now so I’m just going to bounce I’m just going to go upgrade my ax that I’m about 10K and we can afford like one fruit

Tree maybe two whal and our blueberries once they once we get a harvest of those smoke SM dude I’m lighting this Valley on fire but like in like an economic sense not actually I don’t think it would burn very well there’s a lot of water I’m going to upgrade my axe to Steel

Caliber awesome all right now Pierre Pierre Pierre Pierre you have something I want you have something I want my friend Cherry apricot is only 2,000 Apple pommegranate Peach orange apricot Cherry we could also if we’re going heavy on the fruit trees we should download some mods that give you new fruit

Trees we’ll do that next time uh for now we’re going to focus on these for Our Town Square I want another Cherry sapling we’re just barely short that’s good money we should as as bored as I am of fishing and as bored as y’all probably are of me fishing we’re going Fishing so so shut it okay well before we before we go um let me figure out where these are going to go uh do I line them up like along this back I think so the mod doesn’t Work I’m Investigating it hasn’t been updated since 2019 so doesn’t work anymore better fruit Trees H yeah there’s no notes about it not working oh wait vgs here we go vgs reported yeah no longer compatible no issue here’s an alternative now New Link okay there’s a new link yeah it’s no longer compatible with sted Valley but that’s okay yeah it’s get it’s skipped in the

Mod terminal okay well then we’re going to download a different one it’s called fruit tree tweaks let you plant fruites next to other trees and on any map or tile CH you can let them grow next to objects and crops change their growth rate set max fruit and fruit per day dude that’s

Insane cool uh okay well we’re going to get That all right well I’ll install that after this ingame day so I guess we’ll hold off on throwing these Fellers down for now okay any extra stuff for energy no we’re just going to have to hope we can find some on the way there in the woods or we’ll just have to eat

Some of the more unfortunate fish we catch yeah if y’all are bored of fish fishing uh I get it I totally get it I am as well and I’m sorry that I’ve basically turned this from like a for fun playthrough into basically a job Um no we’re going fishing again want to make money plus you can download new trees now that’s right let me investigate that let me um let’s see let me let me uh capture my Google Chrome so you guys can see as well okay just going look up fruit tree here

We go okay better fruit trees did not work fruit tree tweaks is the one that apparently does work and that’s what we have now uh look you can apparently set max fruit to H which I won’t do okay um fruit trees with signs FR not know what fruit trees I

Planted these are small signs for the fruit trees let you know what you’ve planted that’s awful cute I have UI Suite though so I don’t really need that it’s all good um blossom trees fruit tree recolor I don’t know I kind of like the way they

Are eh maybe yeah maybe it won’t we we’ll see how it looks with the with the star Blue Valley and if it looks especially awkward then I’ll go on the market for recolor um Bridge sides foliage fruit Trees holy [ __ ] holy smokes okay well that’s not a mod I even have installed so no Lemonade Stand machine Farm cave spawns more tree fruit fruit tree honey that’s really interesting we might do that later if I want to uh plant fruit trees anywhere fruit tree Shaker which shakes them automatically

Dude how intriguing is that vanilla fruit trees honey and Mead uh Orchard better fruit trees makes fruit trees is a more effective way of generating profits enables fruit trees to be fertilized and it’s other ways to increase quality no uh fruit trees for vanilla forage fruits that’s cute Artisan fruit trees fruit trees that produce Artisan Goods I’m

Good uh cool fruit trees coal fruit trees not cool hybrid fruit trees fruit tree pudding mathematic Orchards holy smokes fruit tree price change changes the price of fruit trees so the produce pays for itself within an entire season with more profit for more expensive trees see some calculations I realize

The fruit produce of trees doesn’t even pay for itself on its first year or is good supposed to help with this but no I disagree I highly disagree with this being the case that’s a lame makes Greenhouse saplings a dominant strategy without even slight consideration for using the trees outside of the first

Year here I made a Content pure that fixes this the power of math this mod changes the price of fruit produce so their seasonal output is more than their sapling price more expensive trees make more money per season dude download if I can actually make money

Off these fruit trees that would be huge I don’t know if this is cheating to get this mod that basically just will give me money that I wouldn’t have otherwise screw it if we’re putting enough fruit trees everywhere I want to make some money off of it uh yeah we’re good that’s that’s

Good dope all right well let’s play through this day and then once it’s over we’ll we’ll we’ll throw those fruit tree mods on there I might go long today cuz I’m like pretty comfortable right now having a great time and I just want to keep playing this game I have nothing going

On well yes I do I’m having dinner with my mom after this stream so I’m I’m going to text her right now going text her right now there we go there we go this is what I’m after yes please the fruits okay we’re getting to uh the the river down there way way

Later than yesterday so we’re probably going to make just like half of what we did yesterday unless we get luckier and do a better job with the king salmon that would change things I should have brought like a scythe or something just need all the room I can get we’re approaching approaching our

Destination we’ve arrived okay we’re going to go over here this time King Salmon hopefully we hook more today all right we’re not going to make as much money today unfortunately because we got here pretty late with all our errands it’s almost two we got here extremely late we got here like 11:00

A.m. last time okay hold on I text my mommy oops oh my God thing moved and then died Puppy okay let’s lock up son of a [ __ ] I blew it immediately it’s coming a huge burst upward it’s coming it never came it never did come back to back puppies back to back puppies fishing level time might be achievable today too that’s true might I doubt it but we

Could get pretty close by the end of the day that would give me a little boost in fish catchableness power wow King Seamon that fast and it was no problem I told you I was locking in bang perfect Whoops we need something to talk about y’all this is boring bored the song is familiar to me which is weird because I don’t remember that’s another king s I’m a lead where’s this song from this is from Donkey Kong Land never mind it’s never game I’ve played

So I guess I’ve just heard it elsewhere before I got a stretch worst pain you’ve ever experienced migraine it’s weird because like I have broken a bone and it sounds like it would be really painful but it actually was not that bad I like I broke my thumb in

Um eighth grade from shutting it in a car door which I know a couple people who have done that and they say it’s like the most painful thing they’ve ever experienced cuz like I mean I the thought about it like like fracturing your thumb from shutting it in a car

Door so hard that it broke sounds like a really unpleasant experience for whatever reason I think I got really lucky with where the brake lined up or it was just the adrenaline did not hurt that bad like I don’t know why it was just not particularly painful

Um migraines are a thousand times worse than any other pain of ever felt I get really really bad ones like plenty of people get migraines and I have a hard time like expressing how bad mine are without people being like no I get migraines they’re pretty bad and

It’s like I need you to listen to me everybody gets migraines differently mine are like very rare I only get them one or two times a year but I’ve been doing a lot of work with my neurologists and with these neuro feedback people to try and figure out why mine are as bad

As they are because not only is it like easily the worst pain I could ever imagine but I get like all the symptoms I get all the symptoms I vomit I lose feeling uh I get yeah like I get sleep paralysis it’s not good I can’t see

That’s the scariest like I can see but only little bits it’s very frightening it’s a very powerless feeling it’s like I can’t see or feel but I know I’m puking and I know I I can feel but all I can feel is pain it’s like so bad it’s the

Worst so yeah that’s the worst like cheesecake I love cheesecake I uh I kind want get back into baking there was a little bit when I was younger where I was into baking for a little while and then I kind of fell off it for like four or five years

But I like before leaving for a break on Saturday uh my roommate and I we were just like let’s bake something it’s rainy outside we wanted to do some kind of activity before leaving so and we were like let’s try something really hard so we made like little pesu cream puffs with crackling

On them and we actually killed it especially the pastry cream I kind of nailed the pastry cream so I think I might have kind of the gift for baking I got to say so I might sometime soon get back into that cuz I don’t know I kind of crushed it oh Lord

Above come on dude dude dude this playist has devolved into like just eight bit and it’s honestly fine by me well this is like 16 bit that was a Dorado and it gave me that much of a okay it’s embarrassing all right pause I’ve doing so much

Fishing it’s like the bar is like burning into my vision for breather I’m at a very comfortable temperature right now I’m very comfy all around around I just my eyes freaking out I’m going to lean back from the screen for a little while you won’t be able to hear me very well

But it’s comfortable all right it’s already six so we’re not going to make very much money at all today doing this dang fishing business this and we shouldn’t pass out today plus it’s this place is just not that profitable anyway after like 8:00 p.m. once the pink salmon go away cuz most of

The fish go away anyway at that point you’re kind of just hoping for a butter fish two amethysts for selling both of those yay no no we brought it back we brought it back from the ashes come on lock in lock in hello hello called yeah called my bluff that

Was just a guess that you have to take so there’s nothing I could have done there cuz about 75% of the time it does that it immediately shoots right back up so I figured I’d just ride the bounce but I got unlucky that sucks I probably King salmon that is blue cool

I already have it but that’s fine damn It this is a butterfish if I’ve ever seen a butterfish and I Have Hello above please calm Down thanks boo all right no king salmon just the three that we cut hey that’s better than yesterday we only got one Yesterday oh my God cool very cool I loved it all right well butterfish has become like the only profitable fish left out there so and here’s one of them now get excited everybody oops zoning Out puppy fish is still in play I suppose that might be a puppy fish that’s totally a puppy fish come to pop a puppy come on come on Kentucky Wild Cats come on kitty cats no that video is so funny get tooking wild cash no I said I

Would do it I said I would do that’s a good impression of it by the way I said I would every time I mention something pull it up make it make a habit of it Kentucky why I’m Asian I’m Asian I’m Asian and Kentucky Wild Cats come on Kentucky Wild

Cats let’s go kitty cats no I love this video so much no where’s theat where’s the cat cat where are you no I this is one of my favorite videos out there I don’t know what it is about it okay for reference Kentucky um nowhere close to the caliber to make

The selection into the tournament which is like the main Crux of the joke cuz this dude is so out of touch but something about the way he says it man the emphasis on the Canon Kentucky there a lot there’s a lot to like about that video come on Kentucky Wild

Cat let’s go kitty cat no I love that dude so much Tucky wild cash no damn it got juked to hell now I’m embarrassed and I paused my music and forgot to resume it so we’re just going to sit in the Stillness of nature for a little all right Stillness is dead back

To work this should be our last cast got to make sure we get home in time oh but the Stars just came out oh [ __ ] we can stay a little longer this a puppy right a puppy fish puppy puppy I can’t you wild C that’s true Sure that’s going to be so offbeat for y because of the extreme mic that I’m dealing with for some reason F cannot sing along in these conditions all right come on this is our last cast of the day I don’t have it in me to be mad I

Literally can’t even force myself to be angry anymore all right we’re done I’m going to pass out if I stay any Longer uh oh I don’t even know where I am oh [ __ ] I swung all right far too soon okay here we go Lord above Okay 11:30 oh jeez I’m lucky my mom doesn’t know I’m out this late and how are you gentlemen doing good lovely enjoying the star stupendous it’s getting late dude get off my wiener I can’t fit through there what are you talking about whatever it’s fine I didn’t even need

To I got to figure out this map man I have no excuse all right some fruit trees are going to do this little area a world of good I’m telling yall all right if we make 10K I’m happy anything less than that I’m sad I text my Mom that’s fine all right neat so axe is still going to work tomorrow’s the Lu okay we’re going to have to oh God I thought I was I was going to say yesterday’s it for me for fishing but now I got to go see if I can catch a gold sturgeon for the

Leo we’re going to do have first things first today then I will swing by oh wait no first things first install our new Mods okay two new mods mathematic Orchard and fruit tree Tweaks okay first things first fruit tree tweaks there you go fruit tree tweaks is in better fruit trees is deleted and now mathematic Orchards which is a really pretentious title for a mod that basically just says hey we made fruit tree fruit a little more valuable so it’s actually financially

Viable to grow a bunch of fruit trees stupendous all right now I’m booting it up arise we’ll go a little long but not too long maybe until like 5:30 or so those mods do uh one of them lets me plant trees wherever I want one of them

Makes fruits worth more so that they’re more financially viable because I want to blow this [ __ ] up with fruit trees I want to blow up my yard with fruit trees all right dear echle I know I know all right Bingo Bongo now we’re going to catch a sturgeon just one right Now then and only then another tree grew yippee we’re going to catch a gold level sturgeon then we’re going to run down it’s Wednesday and tomorrow’s the luow so no Pierce tomorrow either farts dude man and I really just do not want to go fishing again today but that is

Clearly the move I’m not doing it I’m done I’m very bored of Fishing oh wait I forgot for some reason this is probably a total placebo effect but I can never hook a surgeon down there but it hook a million when I’m casting up here not sure Why yeah I don’t want to do any more fishing cuz we not going to I don’t know what we’re going to do instead today I really don’t we should try to get to level six forging as soon as we can so maybe we do a bunch of wood

Cutting that’s probably smart can try and make some field snacks with whatever we cut down in the Forest okay sturgeon come on come on sturon don’t make me work for it more than I have to okay come on come on I fear that it’s going to make me work for it number five we have now found this artifact five separate times in fishing

Chests and it is the 10th of our first summer God damn It oh Lord above is this going to turn into a dayong activity am I going to spend another day just fishing my life away and I’m not even doing it like the most profitable spot it’s not a sturgeon there not a sturgeon and I didn’t even get a perfect

Score dude I’m 100% going to get a silver quality I need to make sure where I’m casting okay casting from down here gets me really good quality fish even though I have this weird placebo effect with not being able to hook sturgeons down here I got to do it for the quality

Cuz it needs to be gold quality or else I won’t get the max thing I Need sturgeon on our first cast we we cannot lose this we’ve gotten great practice in that River yeah everything seems easy now compared to that it’s gold we’re done pleas smokes all right we’re done Pierre’s closed so no Pier uh we basically have a full free day

Um wood cutting is probably the smartest thing we can do so I suppose we’ll do that we ever finish with I thought it was still in progress but you’re correct it is done uh hold on to this it’s fine um oh it’s not so we can’t go wood

Cutting cuz our ax is gone uh then I guess mining is our only option and I prefer not to drop floors until I get a steel one so we’re just going to grind for something with all of our trees getting ready to oh cool coal let’s just yeah let’s

Just as sad as it is let’s bite the bullet and farm for coal like the whole day love you boo won’t even let me pet you I guess I already did this is the wrong way also going to break these cuz they’re annoying that’s all it took level eight uh let me check

This you bore me okay I should I should pick all that up but whatever it’s too late now okay let’s get as much coal as I can muster All right this is the worst this is the worst but it needs to be done done cuz we need coal and I don’t have the money to buy it one or hear me out you could just sleep and do luau I like the way you think yeah my natural instinct with this game

Is to play it like the 100 days video where it’s like I have to do something notable every day but like man early bedtime nothing nothing sorry about that and the fact that the luau is on the beach means that we actually probably could buy something from here tomorrow

Unless they close all the stores before which I think they do so I don’t even know I don’t know I don’t know I need street lights but I need forging XP for that how are we still at level five dude that’s crazy good night we’re done on WE leveled up today insane

Honestly all right productive day progress has been saved thanks boo boo okay ax is ready which is perfect cuz it’s a holiday so I don’t think we can get it if we want to um look at this look at this man look at it all once this thing is full of grass

And and has a couple trees in it this is going to look way more natural and I actually quite enjoy this man yeah I’m actually really happy with how this looks like all uneven huge fan okay these are still working only one day though perfect that might push us over to level

Six if we’re lucky okay well uh well let me go pick up um there it goes sentence is gone everyone wave goodbye fruit there we go from the from the cave cuz I’ve got some time until the luau starts and I’m not really doing anything I just forget does the Lu is L

One of the ones that starts in like the afternoon or does it start at 9:00 a.m. like all the festivals the other ones I mean all the other ones uh this is yep Plum I thought we already uh donated that oh yeah we need a bunch of salmon berries that’s

Right oops crafts room yeah I already donated a plum I guess I need a plum for something else not fishing dummy forger need 20 of them all right then yeah we’ll start saving up a bunch okay um pet the dog oh yeah really cool there we go this will be a bunch of

Trees rest assured our whole Farm is going to be a bunch of fruit trees I’ve decided let sell this one it is but one pepper but hey that’s fine okay uh let’s make our way hi we’re going to we’re going we’re going to pick all the [ __ ] up on the way

There cuz level six foraging we’re so close I mean yeah tomorrow we’ll have it and then the day after we can make lightning rods and and and all will be all will be forgiven by Christ CLA you going to the luau can’t I I know too much about

Pelican town do you know there’s a l out today should be going okay well I hope you’re hope to see you at the luau can now all right let’s see if the Lu starts at 9 yep okay I’m assuming I I can’t yeah all right let’s do it let’s become like

Super tight with everybody hey who wants to make friendship bracelets and Spoon that fish holy smokes okay hey everybody what what do we have going on here some some jungle stuff which I really uh don’t like at all okay all right well let me put my sturgeon in

You’re going to love my sturgeon it’s everybody loves it I’ve already met like everyone so Andy you have some glazed ham radish s and bread rolls r all down with handcrafted R quality Grape Wine from Blue Moon Vineyard yum May Lewis has been chatting up the governor’s entire Festival what are

Those two talking about I’m talking about me I got nothing good to say all right what about over here though oh it’s all the that’s fine okay look sharp I’m I’m I’m looking sharp lovely occasion it’s always enjoy to visit starder Valley I’m so glad Governor let’s start I hope you like

My soup it’s not a rum though I bet he’s going to say super isn’t special just wait just wait I hope you’re watching well I’ll be that’s the best soup I’ve ever tasted keep my eyes peeled for an apology you’re right it’s delicious wonderful job everyone now who

Else wants to taste I do that looks I love soup Governor wasn’t kidding soup is out of this world time to head home yay everybody’s everybody loves me now probably yeah look at that Boom everybody loves me okay jelly jam see you okay do I have any other uh things to shove in

There uh that are valuable we’ll do some grape Jam we’ll do some grape grape Jam spiceberry Jam here we are all right good night tomorrow lots of things to do tomorrow we are picking up our axe from Clint tomorrow we are buying fruit trees from Lewis today this is all today

Not tomorrow today we’re doing those things today we are uh uh I don’t know okay oh we’re getting our forgeable seats yay and then tomorrow we can make lightning rod just in time for lightning storm dude I’m so excited level six foraging no do not eat grape there’s one that is still

Working God damn it okay how many do we have 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 no it is five I miscounted so it’s 20 so uh 80 um 80 spaces can I make 80 well 70 cuz I

Have 10 in the chest can super all right well let’s go grab those 10 from the chest come down here playing them all and now we have all this stuff for energy that’s awesome what uh well I only kind of want to save the ones for energy

So these are all getting sold all like 50 of these I’ll save like 10 just in case um okay these are all going to go in get get planted we have a new batch going and we’ll have time for one more after that on the season I want to kill this one so

Bad so I will now they’ll all be right at the same time okay bye all right let’s see let’s let’s make sure to bring anything at all that uh that that we can like multi-rip for example um artifact artifact artifact artifact and we’ll crack these geot uh we’re going to sell these two

Things straight to Clint for some cash extra Jade too we can Pawn that up um that’ll be our Clint trip we don’t have enough stuff to upgrade anything else so we’re just going to take our steel ax be happy about it that’s another thing we can do today um finally

Go to the secret Woods I don’t know if start to expand has changed that looked like I’m assuming it has so Yeah it’s farmer eckle that it is Pier that it is okay I’ve got six 16k we have at home we have two Cherry two OT one Cherry so we’re getting another Cherry so we have two of those couple oranges I suppose and uh we have an Apple down south so we’ve

Got six right now and I’m going to want two peaches once I can afford it which is not right now in a couple days though we’re going to have a big bursting crop of blueberries so Get hyped thanks client that’s helpful unironically thank you I need to see if I can find myself some more Omni gas have more chances at getting an aridium ore out of that uh orint is old alamite is also old so there we go okay uh all done cool ooh that’s chicken

Statue two of them a skeleton and a chicken yes sir okay now we’re going back or let’s go straight to the secret Woods screw it right out of my way kid we’re going back to the secet we’re going not back for the first time going to the secret Woods

We’re going to check it out then we’re going to go back figure out where our trees are going to go and then I’ll continue my largely aimless life um yeah pretty aimless at the at the moment but that’s okay cuz I should fish but I really don’t want

To what do you have for sale this is actually an intriguing opportunity puffer fish whoa you have a portrait now um do we have do we even yeah we don’t have specialty anymore so po fish isn’t even needed so you’re wasting my time um yeah I don’t want any of that okay see

You there we are all right secret Woods whoa it’s huge it’s huge unsurprisingly I don’t need these for yeah I don’t need these for Comm Center anymore do I okay I got to see it all I want to explore this to its fullest there’s probably a bunch of little shortcuts various places whatever

Uh This is my Favorite I okay normally I’m sorry this is mixed messaging CU I talked before about how much I hate when people halt everything to point out a spelling mistake when it doesn’t matter cuz it’s like it’s not that funny but this is an instance where where I truly believe it is very funny

That so for the chat Clint for sure doesn’t believe believe in the clitorus oh my God clitorus is holy [ __ ] can I grab these no oh but there are little treats this way oh [ __ ] I just got jumped Hello whoa sorry um it’s red Baneberry uh it’s probably poisonous

Yeah a delightful snack for Birds but not for humans I’m sure that’s going to be a quest item for something but I am selling all of it clitorus is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my whole life just want to make that clear flash when I join in stream and be

Like I point out for Jed phones that’s right they’re just like for the when when when typos aren’t funny and people Point them out or someone misspeaks and it’s like okay I’m now going to never let you forget about this for the next 20 minutes it’s like that’s frustrating

But like both of those are instances where I’m like okay that’s just like funny Victorious spin-off glorious oh it’s so that’s outstanding great work everybody I’m loving this secret woods dude this is beautiful I’m way into this I love all the like Fallen pillars everywhere good job good job whoever made St Valle

Expanded you’re doing awesome yellow slime see you that keeps happening some Sprite is getting replaced with another Sprite and then like like that’s a potted plant is is what that is that just flew by um it’s like a maze how intriguing okay well I got to see what’s down here

Right there’s more there’s something here I know it I know it ah maybe not okay um I was so sure hello still searching for the sweetest taste yes I know uh it’ll be a while my friend okay ladder dude this is huge this is the best I’m positively Walling in hardwood one

All stupendous all right well that’s it I enjoy that was good that was very good oh ah I see so this is just another path to the so now you can go straight from your Woods to the secret Farm I think I might have said something wrong in that

Sentence I think I might have slipped up anyone’s guess though come on okay there’s the where the greenhouse will be which is a lovely spot by the way perfect spot for it we got 70 hardwood today and eight mahogany SE oops we should work towards upgrading our pickaxe to steal next absolutely so

Um yeah let’s tomorrow we’ll get some iron ore do that H I should keep this shouldn’t I I’m selling it but just thought I would let yall know whoops um yeah I’m selling it it just looks too cool same with these I already have a couple of them and buy a couple I think I mean one I think I have

One it’s fine it’s enough okay uh let me put down the skele skelan man somewhere um chicken and then creepy creepy man uh scary dude I’m just going to hold on to the scary dude okay um let me get my fruit trees and we’re going to throw these freaks

Down let me also check if I now have a mod option for the for the uh fruit trees better bee houses uh fruit tree tweaks here we go mod enabled crops block trees block nothing block blocks plant anywhere Max fruit per tree is really intriguing size variation percent okay there’s a lot of

Uh lot of buttons here huh fruit maxing yeah we’re going to fruit Max y’all how do you want a fruit Max I’ll let y’all pick I’m gonna close my eyes for a while and I’m gonna open them and whichever the first thing I see whichever is the first thing I see for

Like and this could be for any of them for literally any of them just say like what thing you want to change to what number so I’m going to close my eyes for a while okay I’ll give it five more seconds I swear to God if I open my eyes

And it’s just a bunch of numbers I need y’all to tell me like one of the settings and then a number cuz I’m going to do I’m going to do an assortment okay three two one eyes open [ __ ] it’s all numbers Max fruit 10 first one I saw done color variety

100 D return to at this point we’re literally cheating and someone wanted me to crank this up all right I’m cheating it’s literally cheating now I’ll give like a few days and then I’ll probably put it back it’s also sense to just place it like wherever mode so we’re going to do um

Cherry apricot days to mature cherry yeah yeah I want to stagger him apricot and then uh couple orange trees there we go all right good night World uh level six forging I did it lightning rod we’re going to make as many of those as we can right when we wake up [ __ ] that’s what I should have done today I should have actually prepared by getting a bunch of son of a [ __ ] and the spreading weeds have

Caused damage to my farm yeah cuz I need iron don’t I for lightning rods iron and refined quartz and I’ve got neither all right hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on on okay refine quartz I can refine some

I have like no I have no coal no iron no quartz I’ve got nothing we missed the boat on the thunderstorm that’s awful sad just going to leave this in here I don’t really care ancient fruit that’s that’s nice the very least okay we’re going straight to the mines

And I’m going to see how quickly I can uh bring these let me see how quickly all right trees are coming along nicely oh [ __ ] these count as as like trees or did they all just happen to grow at the same time hard to tell okay

I don’t I don’t I think it there was just coincidence [ __ ] man I blew it now I need to get as much iron and corn now a bunch of stuff I might find is going to get struck by lightning I need especially coal I need enough coal to actually smelt all the

Stuff so how much for one lightning R I need one of each I don’t know why in my head it was five of each let’s aim for like five lightning rods or so I have plenty of bat wings this actually shouldn’t take me that long to gather everything I need it’s going to

Be the coal that’s going to be the name of the game I love how foggy it is I actually really do I think it’s super atmospheric okay iron and quartz and coal these guys are all going to die no exception that’s two that’s like one that’s one lightning rod where a

Core right there that’s how we’re going to think about it okay I have enough quartz for six but I have enough coal for only three I don’t have enough I don’t have enough iron for two oh God why not use a Kil to make coal well the

Uh charcoal Kiln not only is it like kind of pricey but also it’s pretty wasteful for wood um ideally you just buy it I just don’t have the money to right now I also yeah I don’t have enough coal to smelt enough copper to make the thing that would make the coal

Unfortunately also I always have a uh I always have a uh wood shortage when I like go for all those kegs this is a good floor Some Coal some quartz and some iron that’s what it’s all About Quartz 2 what is that in reference to him I need a little more context I have no idea what we’re even talking about we’re up to 40 that’s enough iron for eight yeah actually we’re going to be totally fine let’s let’s let’s try to make eight lightning rods cuz right now

We have enough iron for eight we need one more quartz and five more coal let’s do it one more quartz five more coal that’s the main goal grab this we technically don’t need more iron for lightning rods but I want to upgrade my pickaxe soon why he just standing in there

Creep oh my God okay I’m going to start just like coal hopping by going to the like floors with that are multiple of five and maybe I can find a quartz on one of them too here we go here oh my God none of those guys dropped coal that

I just killed what is the drop rate on on coal from these guys I thought it was close to like 50% I’ve only gotten one coal and I’ve killed about nine or 10 of them wow that’s absurd that there were that many of them in here and I only got

One coal from it that’s extremely unlucky but it was also lucky enough that we found them in the first place so it basically cancels out nope okay let me do that ready hear the dingdong like very frequently it’s the worst piercing here we go don’t run please oh my God it’s so

Annoying there’s one coal once we get to 16 I’m happy we’re at 15 there we go will you be the one and there’s the quartz we need wow beautiful how things work out huh oh my God watch I’m going to get are none of them going to drop a

Coal there we go almost got crazy unlucky twice in a row with the drop rape there we go and those guys all drop coal thankfully okay we’re leaving all right back home smelled eight quartz wait for it to finish once it’s done smelt eight iron then once that’s done I didn’t even

Think about if we have enough bat to make a lightning rods it’s fine point is we’ll have enough to hopefully grab some battery packs by the time the day is over I love that I’m just literally cheating with the fruit tree thing like objectively indefensibly cheating this will be our last

Day and then uh we’ll kick off next week with uh blueberry Harvest how exciting is That hey guys wonder if my apple tree is done cuz it was already kind of getting a little bit of work done then I switched to two days okay quartz oh Jesus are you kidding kiding me of every tile on the farm that is unbelievable oh wait no it’s still alive

It’s still alive see it says 20 days it’s still alive it’s still there it must have hit this tile oh my God yeah cuz it’s yeah 74 20 we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good it’s survived yeah oh why is this still

21 I guess I have to I didn’t plant it beforehand so I am going to have to wait 21 days for my apple tree like a peasant okay well let me gather let me put everything else away get all these out how is it 10 bat

Wings per it’s five okay we can make eight perfect barely wow that works out so perfectly all right eight lightning rods coming up I want to give myself the exact count cuz it’s satisfying what oh this one’s still cooking all right well this is exciting where are we going to put

Him we got about two hours to decide um this is this I think this would serve nicely we could have like a nice little arch of trees and then some lightning rods scattered about or we could like line it up along a fence line we could easily just like stripe it right there Let’s just put it back here it’s fine putting the shipping bin in a tizzy Alone CU i w go all your roommates never mind I realize ask you live alone is creepy I’m at home for spring break and I can assure you that my mom is used to it so it’s fine eight Landing rods no more no less there we go all right now strike them strike Them you know what yeah we’re going to we’re going to bust this tree up and playing a new one right behind it the song’s adorable chop a seed convenient thank you there you go okay lightning rod oh wait no cuz I was considering doing like

A oh that’s what I’ll oh really this is off limits this is off limits fruit tree will go here for certain cuz I’m allowed to one will go like I don’t know here probably um damn that blows I wanted to uh do that like funnel path action well here’s what I can

Do there we go um and then well no cuz yeah then there’s like no spaces for my fruit trees cuz I want them there anyway so yeah what we’re going to do instead put this back hello look at them going to work yeah I know what I want to do for

That a little SEC there it might look bad but you never know until you try cuz I want like trees kind of littering around this area there we go and like anywhere there’s a gap here tree fruit tree including here and there and everywhere there’s going to be so many

Fruit trees our whole Farm is going to be fruit trees why switch f flagging girl shut up someone said boy shut up and see if it Flags boy shut up does not flag but girls shut up Flags that’s crazy what is that like reverse misogyny for twitch to be like he you

Can tell a boy to shut up but you can’t tell a girl to shut up why I guess it’s still misogyny it’s like implied that like a girl wouldn’t be able to handle it however you want to slice it all right like mut’s Orchard yo I’m going to stay awake this whole

Time because I want all my rods to get hit Bingo well this is good it’s coming together and we’re going to have some fruit trees tomorrow and I can’t wait until we can afford even more even more food Tes it’s just massaging all around a lot people don’t realize that massagy and

Sexism heavily effects this men too bars I forget what we set the settings to already Max fruit stop to 10 from three D matur and two from 28 color variation and size variation that’s right we cranked both of those to the max I’m so eager to see what that

Looks like uh okay that’s all of them but one I’m going say awake and see if that last one gets hit our Farms really come together at least only this section of it this section this section is coming nicely we just need more lighting stuff do I have any more uh

Bracers I got one I’m going throw another one right there it feels excessive because there’s one just over there but I like some lights okay I can’t tell if by size variation it means the fruits or the tree it’s midnight let’s just go to bed

Okay when do we need to leave for my dinner with Mommy 6:30 reservation leave here around 6 or a little after I might push it and play one more day I can get ready really fast f it we’re doing it last day last day there another thunderstorm tomorrow

Pancakes shut up Pam I don’t care okay let me uh give my tools here we go I guess tool the only tool I really care about all right here we go melons so here’s the deal with the melons uh any gold ones I’m going to save which so

Far is only two there’s four if we get five we’re done and we don’t have to plan anymore screw off all right uh we have to plant more melons but we’re up to four out of the five we need so stupendous now let me tomato Community Center normal melon

Community Center the gold ones Community Center uh these are getting sold all of them the Orange is huge oh really okay wait hold on hold on hold on we’ll get there in a moment I kind of want to save Savor the flavor on this one I’m not going to look

Um five melon seeds we’re going to stop by Pier today anyway we don’t need a fertiliz we’ll get the last gold one easy peasy um so I need let’s see four five oh that works out so nicely so I just need four Springers versus 32 I’ll need to buy 32

Um melon seeds when I go there and however many fruit trees I can afford oh I miscounted the blueberries aren’t ready yet that’s right cuz I didn’t water them damn it I’m going to go to sleep today like straight away let me see this orange though wow that’s hell of an

Orange that is a basketball not on orange nature is so beautiful James and the Giant Orange I’m going straight to bed good night cuz I want to now this is our last day we’re picking our blueberries selling them buy as many fruits as we can afford placing them and then going to

Bed and tomorrow we buy the melons and they should be ready just in Time okay I’ll need to get a hoe I already got plenty so there’s uh spots for him there you go there you go there you go there’s one blueberry seed okay couple couple jelly jams make some blueberry jam screw it right I should have saved that one for

Community Center so I won’t forget later but it’s fine okay um this is a community center item bang the rest will be used probably all on lanterns I’m I’m Min I told you I’m Min maxing Aesthetics this time around okay okay yeah you best believe I’m about to

Level up my poor forming my forming level like hell this is a huge moment and look at my farming level just steadily climb we’re going to get like three more harvests out of these puppies after this one Apple’s going to work oh no it’s a casualty I’m going to leave it

There I don’t want to get rid of it it’ll keep the space H and also it’s respectful but most importantly it keeps the space HED trees are growing right there that’s good there’s one there’s one it’s working on somebody subscribed I saw the little gift play out of my peripheral level eight

Wow where’s the temperature outside I should check at some point cuz I was going to wear my nice sweater for our dinner but if it’s really hot outside I don’t really want to wear my sweater I left you behind behind yeah that is a hell of an orange

I I I haven’t stopped thinking about that since seeing it it’s like do y’ remember those Tik TOS that like took the platform by storm of that dude like cutting open those like really juicy oranges like plucking like a it was like covered in like Dusty white powder that

They spray on there as like a pesticide and you pluck it off the tree cut it open and squeeze and all the juice would come out and no matter what you comment he replies to it with like cuz he doesn’t speak English no matter what you common he replies to

It like a bunch of hearts and heart eyes so a lot of people would be like people would be like cranking cranking my hog whoa holy [ __ ] thought people be like cranking my hog to this you’d respond to it with like heart heart heart that is a hell of an

Orange we’re leaving it there we’re leaving it that’s awesome all right let’s go Pawn off all of our blueberries to Pierre and immediately buy back as many fruit trees as we can afford I found my spark I remember so clearly like getting bored to start a value middle or like early high school

And looking up like something to do and it was like this IGN thing about like different ways to PL was like make an orchard so I decided I was going to make a file where all I did was just have my only profit be fruit trees and tapped

Trees and it was a really boring grind cuz I just put the whole file just farming copper for tappers and saving up for fruit trees that didn’t even make that much money uh I wish I had these mods now cuz now like my my spark is reignited holy [ __ ] 71 almost 72,000

Gold right there we’re going to have three more of those harvests man yep yeah hello um fruit trees please we’re going to buy some peaches five five Peach saplings three two three and another apricot oh my God look at all these fruit trees we just bought I just blew 77,000 gold

On on fruit trees this is not advisable economically at all but it’s fine because we’re going to have a whole another Harvest that’s worth just that much in a week I forgot to buy melon seeds and I now I can’t afford it anyway well how much does a melon seed

Cost um stardew melon seeds 80 oh we’re fine no we’re not no we’re not okay let me go grab something that I can Pawn off got to spend money to make money I’m going to make so little money off of these look at this orange dude that is absurd okay okay okay okay

Um oh why did I put all my melons in there I just need one all right well there’s our financial woes sorted out okay well let me go dump these oranges nope melons and then buy what 32 more seeds I think I need what a day what a day Pierre it’s

Another 6K dude we’re and and just like that we are back in Black oh look I can afford this is the least economic advisable business model I could ever imagine look at all our fruit trees though in only the first summer God damn all right now these are off limits this is not

Though Peach orange Peach Peach each orange no that that’s that’s enough density there yeah we’ll do one there and then we’ll put Peach Tree here Orange these are all summer trees basketball that’s not a basketball that that might be a basketball this that’s a beach ball I mean like

Look at it compared to me that’s a big beach ball at that at that okay hold on Um let me plant the melon seeds yoga balls is is more fitting can they even grow that cloth to stuff nope we are legitimately cheating not only is it a mod that lets that happen we’ve also tweaked the mod that they sure in two

Days can hold up to 10 fruit at a time and the fruit sell for more this is what it’s all about I love that I’m not even organizing it like an orchard I’m literally just okay so the game plan is forming we’re going to now form this whole file around fruit trees

That is going to be the core of what we do um and we’re going to we’re going to download the mod that lets you uh get fruit tree honey with bee houses we’re just going to blast the world especially this is going to be a million as many as

We can fit next from each other fruit trees with bee houses okay the identity of our farm and the identity of our playthrough is forming I got to clear off this one bit of grass I need my sight to do that’s right okay hold on telling

Yall I changed my mind I want it here instead can I like transplant this nope we killed it for nothing that’s fine we just wasted 6,000 gold that’s okay um we’re putting all the fall ones in this square and then I’ve got three more apricot trees and two of them are going

To go that’s apricot that’s Cherry so we’re going to do uh apricot there put an apricot here oh my God and then I’ve got an extra apricot tree that just kind of use for fun oh my God Don Don Don and Don that’s another night in the books sleep holy [ __ ] I’m

Just like totally thrown in the towel on this whole save file going to bed early saying [ __ ] it to everything and just water boarding tree boarding my field I say water boarding and trees but tree boarding will suffice done all right done that was an awesome stream that was an awesome

Stream uh but we’re done thank You’ all for tuning in this Farm has an identity now now I got to figure out how exactly I’m going to like pitch this title and thumbnail of when this is eventually a video um if I want to just keep it simple with

Like a we’re playing start Val expanded trying to make money or if I want to like go all in on like specifically fruit trees we’ll see I’ll have lots of time to think about it all right thanks for tuning in y’all I’ll catch you on the flip I’ll see you

No stream on Friday but I’ll see you on Sunday and I’ll have all my stories for my skiing escapades all right hugs and kisses y’all goodbye

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/thermcantread


  1. i am literally addicted to the series to sleep. Like I can’t sleep without it….. I had to try yesterday to sleep without it cuz I didn’t sleep at home and I couldn’t sleep.

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