I Built a Secret Room To Survive CATNAP!

Wow Gooby what an amazing birthday party we’re having for you I know this is amazing thank you so much you guys wait Gooby how old are you turning o I’m turning um let see 1 2 three four five seven I’m telling seven what uh Gooby that doesn’t make sense because uh I

Think you’re older than seven well uh I just can’t count higher than seven so well that doesn’t help us Gooby cuz now we actually don’t know how old you’re turning K uh how old am I to is turning 10 this year 10 yeah 10 is your 10th birthday party wow that’s pretty

Awesome woo trouble digits okay Gooby blow your birthday candles wait wait wait don’t blow them out yet you forgot to open all your birthday presents up oh yeah I want some presents okay well I’m going to give you my birthday present to you all right Gooby all right just go

Over here all right check it out Gooby I got you a bazooka you got him what what yep I got you a bazooka this is amazing thank you so much don’t you dare shoot that in this house you we put it away okay I I’ll save her for little my Go

Daddy he just got it let him play with it go no he’s not going to play with it cuz you know what happens when you blow up with a bazooka everything blows up a o me next I want to give Gooby his gift now all right let’s you you got Gooby

Daisy it’s the best gift ever it’s not going be better than mine mine was pretty good right Gooby yeah it was really good okay Gooby are you ready to open your present yes o get what it get a CH what a chair I got a CH you

Guys my favorite sing in the whole world it’s a blue chair oh my gosh that’s so stupid oops Gooby really Gooby uh thank you gooby you were already sitting in a perfectly made wood chair no this one’s blue and it’s so cool and pretty okay I

Guess that’s kind of cool but my gift was better than Daisy’s no it wasn’t mine’s so much better whatever Daisy um daddy would you get for his 10th birthday uh uh oh yeah what did I get you gooby uh let me go get my present

Real quick I can’t wait to see what it is where you going Daddy I’m I’m getting the present just give me a second okay I got to think of something uh o I got an idea okay I got your present Gooby let me see what is it it’s going to be a

Nice firm handshake here you go put it there yeah what nice handshake that’s not even a thing daddy money what was the best handshake I ever did thank you so much what no problem go no no no Daddy you can’t just get Gooby nothing for his birthday I didn’t get him

Nothing I gave him a nice handshake it’s not real what do you mean it’s not real I reached out we grabbed our hands and then we shook it Daddy I got Gooby a bazooka Daisy got Gooby a chair and you got him nothing I didn’t get him nothing

I got him all these balloons like I had to blow up all these balloons individually with my air so technically I did give him something oh whatever Daddy Let’s just eat some cake all right Gooby blow out the candles okay here I go wait wait wo wo wo before you do that

You have to make a wish everybody gets one wish and it be it comes true a wish any wish I want D that’s not true that’s fake no it’s true but don’t make it a dumb wish okay I got the bestest wish ever all right well here you

Go oh God you’re spinning on me um Gooby what was your wish o I wish for a giant whale oh whale that’s so stupid yeah it would be so cool if I just have my own giant my gosh Gooby look behind you it’s a giant whale what the wa it’s a whale

It’s wheel wait what the heck why did you wish for this my wish came true now I have a whale to swim with my favorite is Pets wait how did that actually happen daddy they’re fake you can’t actually get what you wish for no they’re real they’re 100% real except

Last year when I uh when I blew mine out I asked for hair and I didn’t get it maybe the impossible can’t happen daddy you probably got it but it just fell out of your head really quickly again okay okay you’re probably right but what

Are we supposed to do this whale uh I think he just leaveing me he’s our new pets I think I’ll name him uh wh guys don’t you think the pool’s a little bit small for Mr wh to be living in well let’s just shoot it with the Bazooka and

It’ll get bigger what the pool of the whale the pool oh I was about to say the whale’s already pretty big true I could just break this pool a little bit I wouldn’t do that don’t break my pool but daddy look we got to set Mr wh free into

The ocean go Mr wh go okay no will there he goes daddy will come back bye look now he’s with the other whales oh is got whale friends is that his girlfriend probably well I guess it’s for the best it’s okay Gooby no I can’t believe well is

Gone this is the worst sport ever a gooby is really sad well it’s not my problem the way I left them hey Daddy don’t be mean you got Gooby nothing for his birthday how about this how you make it up to Gooby and uh you give him

Something well what do you want me to give him or daddy better yet what if you take us somewhere okay I don’t have that much money to take you guys somewhere like Disneyland hey Gooby for your birthday you want to go to Disneyland oh yes yes thank you Mar so much yeah my

Daddy’s going to pay for it and drive us there right now wow you’re the best smarty uh Disney yeah okay yeah we we can figure out Disney trip uh okay everybody uh follow me follow me this way yay it’s Disneyland timey this is going to be awesome Mickey Mouse up House

Com this going to be the best place ever can you guys stop it can you stop singing these stupid songs you’re not going to meet Mickey Mouse a we’re not going to meet Mickey Mouse guys we are not going to Disneyland you guys are not meeting Mickey Mouse oh no Daddy come on

Marty please guys we’re going to go somewhere way way better okay you guys are going to be able to make toys wait make toys I love toys making our own toys that would be so cool I want to go to the toy factory Daddy yeah maybe we’ll even meet some

Friends over there all right daddy that’s way better than Disneyland all right yeah let’s go let’s go have some fun and here we are poppy play times Toy Factory wow daddy this place looks awesome yeah it’s pretty cool they have a lot of cool colors where’s everyone at

Uh I don’t know I don’t know where they went I think maybe they’re all on vacation or something look it’s a Creo plusy right here it’s so cute D this place seems a little abandoned there’s no one here what are you talking about this place is popping right now yeah you

Can hear the music and stuff music Gooby I’m trying to trying to make you guys excited it’s not walking well Daddy are we supposed to buy tickets or something oh yeah let me see if anyone’s working here hello hello is anyone working here um Daddy what I think they’re dead what

Do you mean they’re dead there’s a head okay everyone relax it’s probably just a toy prop you know we’re in a toy factory so they got stuff like that in here oh okay that makes sense what about this Blood on the floor no it’s not blood I

Think that’s like uh fructose corn serum it just died I want to lick it Daddy it’s fruit punch don’t lick it don’t lick it like a Caan or something no no it’s not I don’t even know what you just said oh look there’s some keys right

Here okay Gooby I would not touch those guys we shouldn’t be back here I’m going to snag those all right oh my goodness so last time I was here I just had to break through some of this this foliage to get to the back what’s over here Gooby where you going there’s another

Womb right here Gooby don’t leave us you don’t know where we’re at wao this is amazing Gooby what are you doing be careful get off there get him down disy worlds this is not Disney World Danny can I go on the roller coaster next no it’s not meant to be a

Roller coaster Gooby stop it uh oh I’m getting little gzy guys Marty can I get one of these shirts no you can’t get any of the shirts I don’t got money for that we get off it’s my turn very dizy get offy get off e e goodness he so

Cool daddy you want to go next no I don’t want to go next a just get down from there okay I get it’s your birthday and stuff Gooby but you can’t be going on roller coasters and causing problems oops sorry let’s just go and try to make

Some toys all right daddy we’ll follow you since you’ve been here before all right let’s just make the right hit the button woohoo I got through all right everyone hit the button and go through come on goopy here we go guys let’s go look for those toys oh yeah I can’t wait

To make some toys look at these toys wa these stuffed animals are huge Daddy yeah they’re pretty pretty cool I think they’re animatronics though they’re kind of moving a little bit I want the bunny Daddy can you buy them for us uh I don’t think I can buy these why because

They’re too big they look like they’re going to they’re going to cost me a lot of money where can we make our own choice uh I think we need we need to look around for that let’s go down this Hall way okay D what’s down here Oh

Daddy snacks oh nice we got some snacks you guys can grab them I want some snacks oh yeah I want this one I want that one since no one’s here can we just steal them uh yeah sure what I kind of found a weird room over here what is

This like a hospital what the heck kind of a little concerning Oh Daddy I’m sleeping in the bed you’re in the wall what kind of choice are they making heal uh I don’t know but I don’t know why they would have an infirmary in a weird

Toy uh store this weird maybe this is if your stuffy animals get sick oh yep yep yep oh and this is a bathroom Oh Daddy I got to take a pee what what I’m just going to pee in the sink don’t you dare all right Daddy all done that’s

Disgusting Gooby where you going o this is one of those big open natural toilets I think yeah Dad you just take a poop anywhere in here I’m leaving I am leaving don’t go in there Daisy all right I’m going to go look for the toy factory I want to come all right

Everyone follow my daddy let’s go somewhere else in the factory wait a minute what the big toys are gone they’re not gone oh no somebody else bought them before we get them this is isn’t fair Daddy they were right here where’ they go I I don’t know but that’s

That’s kind of weird right guys like who who there’s no one else in here Daddy maybe they’re just hiding somewhere we probably have to find them I don’t know about that that’s kind that’s kind of weird why would they be hiding because they want to play hide and go seek with

Us it’s your favorite game yeah I want to play I want to play guys that is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life toys don’t play hide and go seek they just sit there and look pretty well these toys do they told me they they

Told you they were talking to Johnny uhhuh okay I think you got issues I think you may been eating too much sugar come on Marty I just want to build a toy let’s go okay okay I get it I get it okay uh let’s go this way let’s see if

We can find something ooh this hallway looks really cool and really colorful yeah it looks really scary can’t wa to make the bestest toy ever guys oh my gosh it’s the big scary toy at least we found them ooh we found you we found you gooby come back Gooby

Come back okay it’s all want to be the SE okay he doesn’t look friendly Gooby I think it’s okay hello Little M petsy no let me just pet you uhoh the door you like hey hey let me out of here we’re being chased we’re being chased where we we go through here

Through here get out of here get out of here this thing’s alive I think he’s alive on where we hide find somewhere to hide uhoh uhoh uhoh I can’t go in the Lockers in this ball in this balls right here oh my gosh go go go go go everyone

In everyone in oh my gosh there he is ah oh my goodness I think we’re safe in here guys that was terrifying was he going to eat us I think so he had really scary teeth mon why’ you bring us here just so scary I just wanted you guys you

Know come here make some toys be happy and then I can get out of here Daddy I just pooped my pants I need you to wipe it okay no no John why’d you poop yourself I got scared Gooby almost died I mean he did almost die yeah a giant

Cat almost ate me man my plant didn’t work so I was going to bring you guys to like Chuck-E-Cheese but it was closed and then I saw this place on the internet it looked good it was abandoned I found the key and then I thought you

Know we’d get some free toys but it turns out this place is haunted oh my goodness wait where are we it looks like we’re in like some sort of room it’s an empty room I think it’s a secret room guys that’s a genius idea since we can’t

Go out that way what if we just make a secret room inside of the poppy playtime Factory that’ll be so much fun we make our own toy B place exactly and we’ll be safe and we’ll be able to have a lot of fun and we’ll still be inside the poppy

Playtime Factory I don’t know about that Johnny I kind of want to try to escape I don’t like this place well Daddy let’s just have some fun first and then we’ll Escape okay will this make your birthday better Gooby yes okay then I guess we’re going to make a Cool Secret Base yay

This going to be awesome all right guys if we’re going to do this you guys got to follow my rules so I think rules we split this up we’re going to make what this section over here like our living quarters we put some beds put some food a kitchen all

The fun stuff a TV o yeah we have to have a TV okay yeah we could do all that we could do all that but then I think we make like a little toy factory in this section ooh Toy Factory yep we’ll have some conveyor belts we’ll have like a

Stuffing machine it’ll be fun it’ll be cool ooh I want to build the bedrooms well Daddy I want to make some toys okay so you could be in the toy section Gooby what do you want to do you want to do toys or you want to do bedroom I want

Make toys too okay so you guys are in charge of this section all right daddy if we need help we’ll let you know okay don’t mess it up don’t make a hole don’t make noise because the smiley Critters might come in here Dad look at this I

Got a toy train that’s awesome that is pretty cool Tu chga Choo Cho wa be quiet be quiet we don’t want them knowing that we’re back here a daddy but I want to scream and have fun don’t scream because he might come through that door over

There you do it shush shush stop it don’t scream again all right Daddy but if I see another toy train I got to scream cuz I got to have fun John that’s not how it works yeah mol can I scream a little bit too when when we have fun too

No Gooby no don’t you dare scream I I want to be like woo no Woos you can’t woo woo no wooing no wooing but Daddy it’s googy’s birthday we need to celebrate a little bit okay we did we did at the house we celebrated at the house you can’t do that in here

Otherwise you’re not going to be celebrating your birthday cuz you’re going to be dead maybe if I find like a swam bone on the floor can I like play it really loud no oh you can’t play the drumone no loud noises oh oops you’re going to be quiet like a mouse we can

Play the quiet game all well Daddy stop distracting us we trying to build the toy area okay fine fine me and D we go over here okay joh we got to make the best toy place ever all right Gooby um I don’t really know how to do this y I

Think we got to start with this floor make a difference you don’t like the floor I like the floor Gooby I guess it’s okay but it’s like the ceiling the walls Sal we need to make something more better well check this out it’s a toy

Box boom wa but we need to make it so we can actually create the toy so we need like a conveyor belt and a stuffing machine okay okay so uh like uh like uh a war Co St for the toys yes yes yes exactly yes okay so I’m going to get

Some tracks there we go got some rails and now we need um let’s see all right check this out Gooby all right just going to make something like this and now the roller coaster is going to get pooped out of this machine like this and

Then you’re going to be able to make the toy isn’t that going to be so cool yeah okay so this is where you like pick out which type of toy you want to make yeah yeah yeah exactly Gooby so maybe we need some like little item frames to show

People like what kind of toys you can make ooh good idea Gooby all right Gooby now fill up the item frames with a bunch of different toys oh I found a bunch of toys we could put down all right check this out I got a train I got a toy boat

I got a toy car and a toy helicopter what wow this a gra and we need like some stuffed animals yes we definitely need stuffed animals o like this little creepo this little Chelly bear there we go ooh and elepant I love eleph you’re my favorite and a wolf and even a bunny

O I love bunnies Okay so I’m going to put the elephant right there uh this is a wolf uh this is uh bunny okay why are they facing backwards Gooby uh oops just so you can see their butt okay it doesn’t matter it’s fine all right Gooby

This is looking pretty good now we need to make like a stuffing machine yes do we need this mine cart to go past another big machine so we’re going to do something like this there we go and now we’re going to have it come out this way

Okay okay wait Gooby I just saw have a good idea all right check this out Gooby I made it look like a frog WAOW that’s crazy maybe this should be like pink for his tongue ooh wait a minute that’s actually really smart okay we’ll just do

This and then boom he’s got a tongue wow that’s crazy yep there we go now he’s got a big pink tongue okay so it goes through here puts all the mechanical parts and the stuffings inside of it yep then maybe it has should come out somewhere else right here um yeah we

Need to think of something else that I can go into maybe it has some like adoption papers or something like that what you need to adopt a toy yes to make sure that it’s yours that is so stupid Gooby no what that’s dumb it’s like what

If you put like a little button on it that says like this one’s Johnny or this one’s goobies no that’s terrible I don’t want to get all right this is going to be the machine where you have to collect your toy okay okay o you know what we

Should do we should make like a little place to take pixels with his toys what no I mean oh my goodness Gooby really come on we should make like a little scene right here y I’ll I’ll work on that all right you have some pretty bad

Ideas y I don’t trust you nope I got the bestest ideas ever all right Gooby whatever you say wao Gooby what are you working on over here I’m missing a little area where once CH you can take a picture of it right here all right I like that I guess

It’s starting to look better when I actually see it check this out Gooby uh camera ooh yeah that’s good maybe we put like a little carpet right here ooh yeah that look so amazing it looks like grass there we go that’s looking pretty awesome I think I’m going to make a

Little toy area where you can actually see the toys ooh yeah like a little play yep yep exactly that’s a good idea right here I’ll put the toy box and then we’ll put some shelves wao Gooby check out this sign look it’s got a little bear on

It wa that’s so cool it’s like all this bear and toys are this way you on the Shelf yeah this is going to be the toy section so you can kind of pick out what toys you want and then you can make it yes and these are like the buttons that

You got to press yep yep hey what you do my camera Gooby oops uh I had to move it out of the way a little bit so I can put the oh my goodness all right let me just place it down again um here we go like

That there we go there we go is your picture and boom yep then you get your picture taken this room’s coming out pretty good Gooby yeah it’s looking pretty good all right Gooby while you’re still working on this I’m going to go see what Daisy and my daddy are up to oh

Yeah okay guys what are you doing in here wa we’re working oh my goodness why does this look insane because me and Daisy are building it wao Daddy you have a drum set in here wo wo wo wo don’t you dare play it stop making noise stop

Making noise we don’t want the the smiley crats to know we’re here well Daddy Why would you put down a drum set then if I’m not allowed to make noise cuz I thought it looked really cool wait daddy which bed is mine the yellow one obviously all right daddy I’m going to

Take a quick nap all right get out of there we got to show you the kitchen the kitchen yeah Daisy’s working really hard in here wa Daisy you’re going crazy in here doesn’t it look so nice yeah it looks pretty cool we can make literally anything we want this is awesome wait

What is this this room going to be I think I’m going to make it a dining room ooh that’s a good idea yeah we’ve been working really really hard we even got Gooby another cake but don’t tell him Oo we have another surprise for Gooby that’s awesome yeah but be really quiet

About it because if he finds out he’s going to scream and make a lot of noise daddy um the thing is uh I need to go to the bathroom again wait you need you need to go to the bathroom again uhhuh Daddy I’m holding it in we just went but

Daddy I got to go again it just goes through me the food you realize if we go out there catnap might come and get us but Daddy it’s that chocolate cake that we had earlier I got to poop who’s going to go with you you need a buddy Daisy

Could be my buddy I’ll go with him okay well you guys got to be really really quick careful and quiet all right daddy if catnap gets us then uh we’ll scream really loud okay all right I’m going to I’m going to bring you guys to the door

I’m going to see you guys out all right daddy don’t tell Gooby cuz if he goes with you he’s going to make a lot of noise all right Daddy all right Gooby uh they have to go outside for a quick second yeah Gooby we going to go take a

Poop no why would you say that oo I want to see poops no no no okay it’s only going to be John joh and Daisy oh man where can I poop right here in this bush no you’re not pooping in the bush I got a plant right here going that bush no

Stop it fine Gooby go with them go with them I don’t want to smell like poop in here okay okay all right daddy we’ll be back really soon all right okay good luck bye daddy bye all right guys we need to stick together and if we see

Catnap we need to run away back into our vault okay I’m kind of scared all right everyone Crouch down and stay super quiet all right let’s see if they’re out here anyone here no guys I think we’re safe I don’t see them anywhere well let’s run all right come on come on come

On I think the bathrooms were down this hallway come on guys go go go I out for any twit SES no they’re not going to be down this hallway wait guys what I can’t go to the bathroom in there I’m a girl oh my goodness well you need to go find

The girl’s bathroom oh okay well let’s hurry I think I saw it down there just be careful I’m going to hurry really really quick all right come on Gooby let’s go take a poop okay uh o I think we have to go up here and take a poop

Right yeah this is a poop bathroom oh God oh God Gooby what is that thing God I don’t know I don’t know it looks like an elephant Gooby run Gooby run uh oh where’s the girl’s bathroom oh it’s right here oh my gosh scary guy please don’t hurt

Me Daisy are you okay what the heck there’s another one Gooby gooby run where’ the go uhoh uhoh uh this blue one’s still here everyone back in the vault back in the vault go go go go go come on come in here come in here shut

These doors bye see you later keep going keep going go go go go go guys come on that was that was a close one oh my goodness guys what the heck were those things I think they were the smiling Critters what is a smiling Critter they’re super super scary it’s like

Catnaps Army that was crazy guys I was so scared we are not going out there ever again wait guys we got to tell my daddy about it Daddy Daddy what the heck are you doing Daddy get off the drum shat no drum shat hey I was playing that Daddy we have more

Important information we need to tell you we saw something called The Smiling Critters The Smiling whoy whates Daddy it’s a part of the group that catnaps a part of oh so you met his army yes daddy there was like a a scary elephant and a scary chicken again we all saw it right

Guys yep I saw it with my own two eyes yeah I was so scared yeah Daddy well guys that’s kind of an issue because that means we can’t go to the bathroom ever again a I’ll just not build a dining room and I’ll build a bathroom

Ooh Daisy good idea we could turn this bathroom into a bathroom and then we’ll never need to leave this secret room ever again it’ll be so easy well did you guys end up finishing that toy room yeah Daddy check it out me and Gooby will

Give you a tour all right so you walk in here okay it’s cool and the first thing you see is this little toy sign and you see a bunch of toys now can I steal these toys no okay okay I was just asking I didn’t know no you going to

Make your own Mar yeah Dad look at these machines wo this is really cool so how do this work you have to pick which toy you want to make and you just press that button okay so say it’s the bear I want the bear okay so you get this bear and

You go through this oh there it goes Daddy it’s making it just put into this C right here okay nice and it go through there right in here is where it gets all the stuffing and all of these uh internal things nice nice I like it and

It just dumped out right here look in the hopper Daddy no way I got stuff bunny yep Daddy got stuff Bunny and now you can take it with you over here okay and sit in that chil and I’ll take your picture with it y I’m smiling cheese wow

You look so cute SK no you look so ugly Daddy hey I don’t look ugly I was just enjoying my time with the bunny daddy you just broke our camera it literally just shattered because your face was on it okay you know what I’m singing this you know what this room actually came

Out really really good but because you said that I hate it hey I mean this room is it’s a nice room but Gooby did you see this room in here the beds uh only a little bit is this one mine right here yeah you have that nice bed it’s so nice

Thank you you got a gooby bed yep but I even got slippers for you right in here bunny rabbit slippers so cute daddy do I have slippers uh no a but yeah these are our closets we have so much clothes wow this is amazing so we could live here

Forever what about this other womb out here oh there’s the kitchen area ooh a kitchen yep we can make food we can make pizza uh we can make cake in here look see there’s cake being made wow this is going to be so cool then Daisy’s making

The toilet we have a potty and we have a shower wow actually come out really nice this is like the coolest space ever well guys you didn’t build us a gaming room where are we supposed to game uh we didn’t have room for that Daddy I want

To play fortnite oh my gosh you guys can’t be playing fortnite every second of the day maybe you should just make a womb somewhere like I don’t know like right here just punch the wall or something wa check this out guys look I just found a secret room in here okay

Where are the odds of that another secret room wow well this is big I mean this Factory is pretty big so all these rooms are just empty we could turn this into a super awesome gaming room yes and maybe I can make like an aquarium part

Just so that if wh comes back we can just put him in there what no Gooby we’re not making an aquarium CU that whale is way too big to fit in here yeah I think I can make it walk okay well if you’re going to do that then you have

This side of the room I’m making the gaming stuff over here okay okay sounds good all right well have fun making your aquarium and gaming room I’m going to go in here and now I’m going to take a na what really daddy yep I’m fat and I’m

Going to go B cookies ooh yeah make some cookies all right Gooby just keep your aquarium stuff over there all right okay you keep your gaming stuff away from my aquarium all right the first thing I’m going to do is find a desk wo this desk

Looks a awesome all right I’m just going to get rid of a bunch of this carpet don’t need this poop anymore and then I’m going to put my desk over here ooh that looks super good all right now we need a gaming computer ooh there’s a bunch of different options wo check this

Out it’s a gaming laptop and then I’m going to put down a chair ooh chairs I love chairs yes Gooby we know you love chairs um what’s another cool thing I could put on my desk maybe like a little lamp and then finally I’m going to put

Down a little plushy wo there’s so many ooh Pikachu all right I’m going to put down a Pikachu that looks so cool all right we’re just going to add a little bit of carpet in this area all right and over here I’m going to place down another desk maybe for like um Daisy

Yeah cuz she’s really good at fortnite and she’ll carry me ooh maybe there’s a different desk I could place down too ooh this one looks cool this one looks cool oh fck hey don’t curse I just made a mistake real quick uh oops why are you

Cursing I didn’t mean to all right well don’t curse again or my Daddy’s going to come in and yell at you okay never I never course wait Gooby do you want a desk too yes all right are you going to get good at fortnite because I’m not

Playing with you if you’re bad yes I’m the best at fortnite all right whatever you say I’m so good at fortnite I’m going to make another desk view right here and I’m going to put a different plushy on your desk I’m going to put a bunny rabbit because you like bunnies oh

Yeah I love bunnies all right there we go now let’s put some carpet all in here like this this looks awesome wo look at all these posters I could put on the wall these look so cool Jurassic Park poster an alien poster Batman this would look awesome all right

Let’s see what they look like ooh these look pretty good this gaming area is looking so good wait Gooby what are you doing in here I’m making my fish tanks see I made all the glass look super cool wow oh you got a little hole right here

Though yeah that’s how I can get in and out for now oh okay well my gaming setup is looking amazing over here wao I love the posters yeah check this out I might add some cake ooh that’s a big cake yeah there a lot of big cakes o and I like

These plushies mhm they look really awesome it’s looking really good ooh I think I’m going to add in a little couch that would look really good yeah some so you can sit and watch somebody get a victory Royale yes exactly oo okay this looks pretty good all right now I think

Over here I’m going to put a bunch of these shelves with more plushies oh yeah chicken plush plushy uh what this a unicorn that looks really good and then we’ll put another shelf on this section put a squirrel plushy um we need some more plushies I’ll put a plunger there

We go and a Santa plushy yeah that looks really good wo Gooby are adding a lot of water in you better be careful yep I’m fing up super big so I can put my whale in here oh my goodness this is so crazy well while you’re doing that I’m going

To place down some PPS 5S oh yeah I got pps5 ooh and I got Nintendo switch oh um where can I put the Nintendo switches I’m going to make another desk over here literally just for Nintendo switches all right just going to place something like that down and then we’ll place down

Nintendo switches maybe an Xbox um Gooby you got a hole over here yep just how I get in and out oh my goodness now a fish just came out of it oops let me just put my whale in here he’s dying on the floor no don’t put the whale in there what why

Not he’s too big look the fish are coming out Gooby what are you doing okay I just put one one whale in here don’t do it Gooby don’t you do it just put one single whale in he and then it’ll be done it’s not big enough oh gosh I’m

Getting out of this room oh my God uh guys I need help that come here I don’t think he likes this new place goopy put a whale goopy put a whale in here he’s freaking out you do that he died he di oops you just killed a whale I guess we

Just put WG little fishes in here uh yeah oh my goodness Scooby why would you do that look at the fishies looks pretty good though are dumb daddy you like my gaming setup check it out wa this is this is really nice yeah I made it all myself but uh where’s my gaming

Setup where am I going to go pew pew oh well the thing is I didn’t really make one for you cuz you’re kind of like a boomer and you’re old I didn’t think you would like one what you didn’t think I’d like to play some games in here I’m

Going to be I’m going to be so bored uh-uh daddy uh-uh o look at these Nintendo switches hey dadd you can play one of the Nintendo switches while we’re gaming on our PCS okay fine then someone’s got to switch with me then not going to be me it’s going to be Gooby uh

Nope I’m sitting on the CH Sor you know what guys we got to stop wasting our time building fun stuff like this we need to prepare just in case those smiley Critters they find out where we are and they try to kill us wait prepare like that do you should we get more

Snacks to prepare no no I’m talking like weapons armor oh obviously wait do you actually think snacks are going to help us well Daddy I could just get weapons and armor in the games no no no that’s not going to help us in real life when a catnap trying to

Eat You Alive o there a plung here this that’s like a weapon that we going to like suck their face with the plunge like no that’s not going to do anything they’re just going to bite your hand off a they’re going to bite us yes they’re

Going to bite you they’re going to try ripping your your eyes out of your heads it’s going to get disgusting well then I’m grabbing the strongest armor ever all right well me too let’s see what armor there is wa there’s a bunch of different armor guys I’m going netherite

Oo I’m going to get this really shiny gold armor that looks so good all right just going to put that on and now let’s see what swords we have ooh a holy sword that looks so awesome that looks scary all right Daddy I’m ready to fight o I’m

Going to put on this Neptune armor ooh it’s BL just like me and I have a lightning sword wa why do we have really cool armor and swords I got a flame sword hya it’s good thing we were healing this toy actually and we can just take all these things yeah woo I

Feel a lot better right now I feel like I’m really really safe well Daddy since we have a bunch of this armor on why don’t we go outside there’s nothing to be afraid of now wait what you guys think we’re strong enough to go kill some of them yes yes obviously come on

Yeah I want to fight him I’m not going out there come on Daddy stop being a chicken okay fine fine fine well you lead no Daddy you’re going first wait why do you want me to go first cuz you have netherite armor on you have the strongest armor here okay fine all right

Is everyone here yes I’m ready okay open up the Vault three I’m kind of scared two one go out there Daddy get him CL the door close the door I’m not going out there daddy go out there get him okay fine fine I’ll go out there I’ll start

Screaming a a got him got him kill him kill him W they all so crazy oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m on fire I’m sorry why am I on fire who’s doing that it was me it’s me it’s your sword daddy yes my sword has fire powers why is it hurting

Me I guys we killed them all though we oh God there’s more of them oh my gosh oh my gosh oh they’re all coming in uhoh they did not like being toys who’s got lightning it’s me I have electric sword scoy ow you keep hitting me with your

Lightning be careful oops sorry sorry it’s not me it’s not me it it is you ow ow I’m getting struck by lightning they keep smiling at us I don’t like them okay here let me see if I have another sword oops I don’t fine okay great all

Right guys let’s continue into the main part of the building but we got to watch out for the big mutant catnap okay I’ll go first I got a shield all right daddy Shield us here we go oh my gosh oh my gosh this catnap can’t get through he’s

Too big oh no he’s not wounding my say get out of here help me I ran through they hurt they do like a weird effect on you ouch ouch ouch ouch why are they floating I think you have a levitation sword I’m seeing my lightning powers at him just

Let me hit them behind you you have an elephant oh just more quidos more quidos ow I can’t kill this one ow I’ll help you I’ll help you take that K this kill him kill him kill him ha that my lightning swice a stupid smiling Critters take this keep going Gooby keep

Going there’s a lot of them there was a lot of them where are they coming from I don’t know oh my go behind us oh my God oh my God there’s so many no catnaps catnaps ow ow ow there’s so many of them get rid of them they keep jumping on me

And swiping me oh my gosh oh my gosh I need those golden apples guys my sword’s about to break I’m going inside here I’m hiding in the girls bathroom you can’t go in there wait I think this is a fake girls bathroom it’s really small so it’s because we don’t poop we

Don’t need a big bathroom well guys I think we did it and we killed all the catnaps and all the smiling Critters let’s go woohoo oh yeah yes yes we did wait um guys what’s above us what oh my God it’s a giant catnap Rod oh God oh God get out

Of here get out of here shoot shoot R keep wining keep wining if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye

Today, Johnny, Gooby, and Daisy Built a Secret Room To Survive CATNAP! Will they be able to be secret and not get caught!? Watch to find out!

#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod


  1. How are you doing today gooby 😊😊😊😊😊😊☺️😊😊😊☺️☺️😊☺️😊☺️🤠😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇🤠🤠🤠🤠😇😇🤠😇🤠😇😇😇🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤//❤❤❤❤❤❤ yay for gooby 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 you can get to 5000000000👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

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