Sword Fight Club! | Hermitcraft 10 | Ep.8

Hello everyone hello wait this is not the way we start videos Hello everybody epic music walking down the stairs moving time lapse wow it’s not time lapse really but wow haha welcome to another smallish beans video and another smallish beans intro what quirky think

Is he going to do today he he is he going to lose his mind is he going to talk to himself is he going to ask us to subscribe in some weird way yes of course I am here’s the rules of okay if you haven’t subscribed already I will

Convince you to subscribe I’m going to go undercover in my old Shrek skin and if I talk to more than two people without them noticing you have to subscribe let’s see I wasn’t scared do you guys think I was scared cuz I wasn’t promise I wasn’t

I’ll show you what he called I got up to in a second first the Shrek thing why does that look hey Jam hey what are you doing nothing nothing what you flew over and I nearly like I had to like triple take I was like who’s on the server who is that why

Are you green goodbye Jem shut up shut up shut up you still have to subscribe okay you still have to subscribe for some reason every time I go to eat a carrot my sword does this I don’t know why but anyway I went to hang

Out with iscal for a bit we were looking around my base your base is in insane I’m sorry for interrupting your no it’s fine it’s fine I didn’t say insane to nice I just said insane by the way but you took it as a no it’s nice it’s very

Nice didn’t know why you have to add that you could have just left it without saying that I would have thought it was a nice compliment but apparently it was just an insult okay then also his base is it a container container yeah I built a container today this is just from

My5 it’s in oh it’s 85 it’s in your name it looked like a three it doesn’t look like a three it does it does not look like a three does look like a three and then then he gave me an elyra or elytra oh lovely I will name it’s why is it

Elra it’s named how you pronounce it mate elytra wait how do you pronounce it elytra elytra yeah I don’t know what’s right what’s wrong say this word elite say this word Ellie Ellie Ellie yeah Ellie okay all right well I mean El elra so now I can fly around if I wanted to

Now there’s a couple of projects I want to get started on on today before I make any of my shops in the shopping district I want to make sure I’ve got a few things to sell and my diamond permit as you can see here is honey and slime

Blocks now I’ve not had a chance to mess around with the autoc crafter yet and everyone knows I’m not redster I can’t do redstone I always follow tutorials well not today kind of there isn’t any tutorials for autocrafters yet as there’re still not officially out so I

Have to figure this all out by myself and we’re going to make a honey farm in this little area here so there’s one thing we need before we can get started with honey and the first thing is obviously bees and we’re going to need a lot of bees now while we breed these

Guys up and wait for more honeycomb Etc we once again have to dig a big hole oh gosh not another big hole is there any point in even time lapsing it Joel yeah I guess there isn’t which is why I’m going to cut to one anyway because I

Don’t play by your rules you stupid but at least you get to listen to the sound of my lovely voice while I just chat’s absolute nonsense that has nothing to do with this time lapse and I probably should tell you what I’m doing here when I’m buying random stuff in the shopping

District and crafting random stuff that’s for this Farm later but instead how about I tell you about my day today well I’ve done the laundry and I’ve also had some lunch I had a little bit of dessert for lunch I had some yogurt with some raspberries it’s kind of like a

Little bit healthy I’m kind of like feeling feeling a bit healthy right now did that just say poo I then started editing this video and that’s about it I’m probably going to go make myself a cup of tea in a second and I probably should talk about what we’re doing here

We’re mining or digging I should say lots of sand in fact around 20,000 sand for 20,000 glass which we’re then going to turn into glass bottles and I actually made like a super smelter temporarily which I afked overnight bred up some more bees collected all the beeh

House when I thought they were kind of full and then collected all the glass into some Shuler which I then put into this strange device here which will turn all the glass blocks into glass bottles I left this to go while I was working on

The rest of the farm done and after all that not only have I got all my glass over there I’ve also got so many glow ink sacks look at all this plus I logged back in and I have my mail system amazing I might have to go talk to Pearl

To get how this works exactly but I’m very happy that that I have this finally I’m going to send so much spam but it’s about time we got building this Farm now like I said earlier redstone’s not my forte we’ve had to like mess around in

Creative a lot to get this to work it’s not complicated At All by the way I’m just terrible at this now we’re going to start out by building a little u-shaped area here and these Mossy blocks here will be where the bees use these flowers to pollinate and get all that sticky

Honey on their bums don’t know why I say it like that I’m sorry and then we’re going to place a temporary block there and make a hopper chain all the way along this and we’ve placed some doors down as this is obviously the area where

The bees are going to be but we want to be able to access it at some point like so the hive’s going to be on here but I also want to just see the bees you know we need to see how they’re getting on and of course I can’t upset Tango and

Eepo I’ve got some smooth stone for doing my red stone here and it’s very simple how this thing works basically this block here detects The Hive if it’s got honey in it the comparator goes off up this Redstone here into the dispenser where there’ll be bottles and it’ll pick

Up the honey into these Hoppers send it along the chain we’ve just got to build that same design multiple times there we go lovely it is coming together quite nicely obviously we got no Bees yet because we need to sort out this first as you can see I’ve placed an autoc

Crafter in here and some red stone so that it will make a honey block but obviously we need to get the bottles once the honey block is made back into these dispensers which is why over here we’re making literally thousands of bottles so what we’re going to do is

We’re going to filter out these bottles from here send them up across down a water stream into the dispensers which should look like this right here now what we have to do is wait for our glass to finish autocrafting woo that took a long time but we have all these bottles here I

Didn’t show it earlier but look how much sand I’ve mined this is so many glass bottles it’s kind of ridiculous let’s stop putting them in these shulkers so we have 177,000 bottles here and we’re going to start placing them in these dispensers now there’s a reason every

One of these 30 dispensers here has glass bottles in it and that’s because I don’t want to ever have to come and refill these dispensers with bottles if I only put like 16 in each all the bottles would end up in these Hoppers here I would never reach those ones

There and I’d have to refill them manually so instead what we’re doing is we’re putting in 64 and some sticks in here meaning that all the bottles should be filled up all the time and I’m never going to have to touch this Farm ever again I call it weaponized laziness but

We are finally ready to get the beehive in and get this thing going I’m hoping I’m going to be able to do this without the bees going crazy but let’s find out shall we oh it’s messed up already but if we look down here we should yes already have some honey blocks amazing

The Honey Farm is working look at it you can hear it dispensing the bottles back out Joel’s honey Empire begins but unfortunately I’m here once again to tell you that I’m going to leave this like this for now as we have something else we want to work on today and I

Teased that there was a secret door in here well let me reveal it shall I bam this Barrel here any item and look this opens up to nothing do you really think I was going to build it off camera and just do a big reveal like that no no no

No this this is going to take a while and we need a lot of materials which means means it’s time for one of Joel’s famous material Gathering montages and I’ve challenged myself to make the captions as cringe as possible good Luck did you cringe because I sure did anyway look at all this stuff so much stuff however before I actually collected all these materials scar gem cub and EO came over and we chatted for about 2 hours so here’s some highlights so I was streaming and uh I wanted to bring Etho

To you he was he just couldn’t stop talking about you so I thought why don’t I just put you two together it just be a delightful thing that’s fine it’s fine it’s been a while hasn’t it it’s been like what it’s 24 hours not that long I

I was installing your mailbox here the other day and I saw and I just stared at you a while while you were AFK I I I don’t really know how to use it I do know one thing here Joel come here for a second yeah oh no I know you’re going to

Push me down here SC watch your I watch your video Scott I know what happens did you hear the mail sound yet I’ve not had any mail yet so no I’ve not heard the mail sound all right here here’s the mail sound scar you ready for this

You’ve Got Mail oh my gosh that’s amazing I love it that’s so good for some reason we got talking about the dangers of the United States in the UK do people ever break their ankles in the rabbit holes uh no cuz there’s not just rabbit holes everywhere you we’re not

Just like it’s not just walking around London rabbit I’ve seen YouTube videos of of the UK and there’s rabbit holes everywhere don’t you guys throw like your poop out the window still there’s like some legal term you have to say before you do it as well like bombs or something yeah be gone

Other gone Satan you throw your poop out the window no I think there is like some legal term like we don’t throw our poop out the window e what are you talking about this is not a thing people do what legal term is this I’ve never heard of

It plus we got talking about stereotypes I do actually drink a lot of tea like I will admit that that stereotype is accurate I have did you grow up in a closet what does that mean oh like Harry Potter I thought you insinuating somewhere else there SC

No then we got some EOL law you hear my beard wait what nothing nothing what was that EO nothing you have a beard did he just just like right now is this EO info we just got a Mor is like this is massive this is like I was playing with

My stubble when you said that and I thought maybe maybe it was coming through the mic no I was you were talking about like yeah I got a big old moose took down my fence and I ate some elk the other day and I’m like this

Man’s a mountain man I bet he has a big mountain man beard and he’s he’s draped in Furs MH he’s draped in Furs next to his mouse and keyboard is just an axe on the side of his desk a big axe he’s going to go

Chop down a tree to put it in the generator to fuel his PC so he can record his video later that’s true it takes it takes a good a good uh a good one tree for every video you’re shockingly not far off Joel what what wait

What you have a generator where are you you just in the wilderness uh I I can’t give out too much information EO probably doesn’t have a phone he’s probably still on like you know using what’s it called you’re not far off there he’s using B Cod everything is not then we overheard some

Music oh God no not that music I thought he was good how is he back wait where’s this coming from that’s not cwo Koo is a slight like one shade darker right who that is oh it’s Pluto there he is I got him boys I

Got hey Jam hey Jam what the J Do you have do you have the horn no I for I go get it that’s all she’s needed for fast yeah I know she’s gone she’s already back at her base nearly that was that was the best gem interaction ever nice and

Short just so mean EO to everybody hey jeim welcome back oh my god there it is you’re so mean by the way I heard that not supposed to be watching the stream that’s cheating so mean at one point age came up and EPO and Scar don’t share their age anywhere online so I

Gave a quick guess I’d say scar is probably I’d guess around 34 and EPO could be anywhere between 40 and 90 40 and say I’d say EO 30 I don’t know he gives off wise Vibes which makes me think 60s but then he also is such a

Child sometime which makes me think 20s so I’m going to go in the middle and say 38 he can’t be too much in his 20s because he started so early yeah that’s true I beat and Scar’s dad apparently were you born in before or after World War

II sometimes it feels like I’m still fighting it Jo so we’ve got no closer to figuring out epo’s age though which is no he’s a mystery man he’s a box and at one point we talked about my lawn Mo which has a tiger sticker on it chat

Says you need to call it call it Tony and it’s now called Tony That’s Tony the Tiger yeah so there we go what are you doing today Jo it’s going to go ride Tony ride Tony all around the Gard those guys those guys also right at

The end gem got really bored and started just flipping a load of my trap doors so if you spot any let me know but I think I’ve got them all at the moment anyway let’s grab our Beacon as we need to start out by digging a big old hole ooh

The time lapse music is playing Joel must be digging a big old hole well I am because we need a big old hole I’ve said big old hole way too many times now but anyway let’s get building the actual thing itself and I’ve not really said

What it is yet am I going to say what it is I might do it it’s a it’s like it’s a fight Arena basically it’s a secret fight Arena so you can see we’re sort of decorating it in this sort of cyber Punk style here which is quite fun and then

In the middle we have the fight cage itself where fights shall take place welcome ladies and gentlemen to Sword Fight Club number one rule of Sword Fight Club we don’t talk about Sword Fight Club number two rule of Sword Fight Club we don’t talk about Sword

Fight Club yes this is my secret little area here where we are going to have some PVP fights my plan is I’ve got this club this is my sword fight club but if someone wants to make a bow fight club or an axe fight club or a shield Fight

Club whatever they can and we can each have an arena in all of our bases obviously secret and hidden and we don’t talk about Fight Club Sword Fight Club as you can see I’ve already placed down one of the kits here we’ve got armor swords we don’t have to use all the

Armor we could do it with no armor and just swords this has all got Unbreaking three on it and nothing else and then we’ve also got the yellow team and I’ve gotone and made some custom banners of course of course I’ve made custom banners lovely and lovely look at it we’

Got some swords obviously cuz this is Sword Fight Club I really went for a sort of you know like indoor arena Vibe and also by the way those smiing tables took so long to make I had to go and actually mine some iron as there’s just

So many of them but I really love how it looks in here and I’ve just had an idea which I want to do also this looks so cool coming into here I I just love it it I think it looks amazing but this wall here is looking pretty empty so if

We put some barrels against the wall here as you can see I’ve put my name and it says Joel’s victories and then we’ve just got to be announced because we don’t have any other members yet it’s just me now when you kill someone in hermitcraft you get their skull so I was

Thinking for every time you kill someone you put their skull in your Barrel so for example let me just think of someone weak from another series like Jimmy if I battle Jimmy killed him I get his skull I keep it in there and then we can stack

Them up as a way to count how many victories we have against said person and speaking of having new members we need to recruit some people and I’m going to start off kind of slow by only recruiting one person and that person is jeem and Jem’s not online right now as

It’s quite early in Canada so I thought of an idea of making this fun so I’ve come into Jim’s house and I’ve placed this sheep armor stand here like so and I’ve got a book called invitation and I’ve said hi gem sorry for being so sheepish but I have an exclusive invite

For you I can’t say much as I don’t want to spoil the surprise meet me at my cyber Punk bar when the cloth oh that’s going to be clock it’s too late now do strike midnight and the Wolves begin to howl obviously that won’t work so

Message me when I’m online next Joel and we’ll hand this to the fella here hopefully she sees that when she comes upstairs by the way all Redstone experts out there for some reason I’ve noticed my honey farm some times the dispensers will just shoot the honey bottles up

Here why is that like it doesn’t get picked up with the Hoppers directly underneath it I don’t know why it’s doing that but apart from that the farm seems to be working very well as you can see we’ve got lots of Honey which is amazing in my next episode I think it’s

Time we build our first shop especially as the inks saac Farm has been working a little too well and I don’t think we’ll ever sell this many in my lifetime of having the shop oh well the honey should hopefully sell though fingers crossed but unfortunately guys that’s all we got

Time for today thank you so much for watching make sure to subscribe and leave a like and I hate you just kidding I love you see you goodbye I don’t actually love you because I only love my wife and like my family and stuff and my

Friends I don’t know you I’m going way too much into this thanks anyway though I appreciate you there we go we’ll say that

Today we build a honey block farm, plus a secret club! Subscribe if you’re new 😀

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Hermitcraft Logo by @DnatorGames


  1. Etho's scamming people, Cleo's planning mail fraud, Scar is already drafting his Disney newsletters and Joel's just sending spam emails… it will be a wonder if any actual mail gets sent at all!

    (Edit for typos)

  2. Shrek 2 is seriously underrated in evoking complex themes of fatherhood and self worth, whilst also expositing insecurity and healthy ways of dealing with it-all encapsulated in a touching animation that uses humour to sidestep the maturity of the film

  3. I'm totally a redstone expert and it's really quite simple! To fix it you gotta. Uh. Ask Mumbo!

    Also Eefo watched Joel while he's AFK how normal and not obsessed he is!

  4. Joel if you ever want to just stereo type scar just tell him Snohomish, King, and pierce counties are the worst to live in. you can also throw in normal places don't have a coffee stand on every street corner. were both from Washington so those are a few things to trigger Washingtonians.

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