I became an EXPLOSIVE menace in Terraria! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.14)

Hey hey how’s it going everybody welcome back to another episode here of the Terraria Master Ranger playthrough today my friends it’s finally time to start going through the jungle temple I’d like to take down golum but before doing that what I’d actually like to do is to take

Down the full solar eclipse I want to try and get the nail gun because I want to see if the specialist shite helmet helps to buff it up a whole bunch only if so then we’re going to use the nail gun to defeat not only gollem but also

Duke fish run a bunch of times until we get the fish run wings so yeah lots of action to be had in today’s episode folks so if all of that sounds like your cup of tea then head down beneath the video and continue supporting the series with a big old like rating consider

Subscribing of course if you don’t want to miss out on my future content and don’t forget my friends if you do want to go one further with your support you can head on over to python gb.com PC to check out my range of gaming PCs or if

You’re more in the market for some Terraria merch head on over to ferrari. shop and use code python for whopping 15% off unfortunately this angry Trapper took away 100% of my life just said so um you know that’s great and all eh we’re going to get into this Temple if

It’s the last thing I do except it’s not going to be the last thing I do it’s going to be like one of the first things I do so uh yeah that saying doesn’t really work here I guess so somewhere around here should be the entrance to

This thing and in fact there it is so got to be super super careful and keep a look out for the traps that reside in this place cuz oh man are there usually quite a lot of them what isn’t helping our cuse right now is this godforsaken

Water there we are when the water dissipate I can see what’s on the floor a little bit better all right so check it out there it is there’s the solar tablet should we just go ahead and grind the solar eclipse like now I mean why

Not right the sooner we get the nail gun the better things are going to be do we go complete and utter crazy mode with this upcoming solo Eclipse as in should we grab ourselves a water candle and get ourselves a battle potion and go at it that way for grinding purposes I think

That would be a mighty dang fine idea so uh yeah this is going to be one of those great risk great reward dealios isn’t it do you know what as well why don’t we go ahead and go for maximized money from this upcoming event as well I mean we’re

Probably going to need it should we want to reforge this stuff maybe get some lucky maybe a bit of warding if and when we need to you know three two one buff and Eclipse Snappers right the good news is I’m pretty sure we’ve got ourselves a

Bunch of banners down already so that is going to help us enormously hell yeah we’ve got the majority of banners already we just need to grind out a few more and then we will be doing maximize damage against all of these folks so yeah my friends the only

Thing I’m really looking for from this event is indeed the nail gun are we going to get it nice and quickly I’ll be honest I’ve got no idea I’m not holding out much hope I’ll be honest with you I think what I should do is maybe switch a

Little bit maybe do a little bit of this is that the way to go or is our flamethrower the way to go the only thing is I don’t a great deal of ammo for my flamethrower left so uh yeah it’s not going well folks in terms

Of our gel Supply oh all right this guy’s nearly done and make that present tense did he drop a nail gun no he did not that is unfortunate the quicker we kill the nail guys the more chance we have of them respawning in and thus the more chances we have of actually getting

The nail gun oh God I forgot about this guy what to aest folks that’s all I can promise really oh God it’s happening the invasion of the baby mothods hey a broken hero sword unfortunately we don’t have any usage for that like whatsoever except maybe the terror toilet but what

Kind of crazy person would ever make that looks at himself in the previous main let’s play series keep a decent distance away from the nail guys and we pretty much p them yeah I wonder if we could get lucky enough to get the moth one Wings how

Amazing would that be are they like comparable to the fish run Wings in terms of its movement abilities I can’t remember I think the fish run wings are still the best pre Moon Lord but the moom wings surely must give it a run for its money to a certain extent surely oh

No way I just got it as well that’s actually going to be a massive upgrade compared to our harpy wings so there we are we’re going to put those on St away because why would I not now if we could just get that all elusive nail gun I would be a very very

Happy bunny ah more banners for you boy we just got a possessed Banner that should help quite nicely wow why didn’t I think of this before when you get a whole bunch of them in a row oh wait wait wait wait wait can’t do it against the mo on though keeps on

Dashing into me less than ideal needless to say and now there’s 50 million guys on me we could just keep our distance here we might not be looking too bad hey folks all righty folks about 2 minutes remaining on the event I still don’t see any sign of a nail gun unless I’ve

Picked one up already I have not that is unfortunate right let’s see if we can’t just thin out the herd a little bit here there we are yeah this is are the professionals well folks oh yeah yeah wait a minute make sure we get rid of the trash then we can

Maybe focus on this guy just a little bit then we have to take out this piece of trash then we can get back on focusing on this guy for a bit etc etc so on and so forth It’s a RSE and repeat cycle folks we are running out of time

So long as we don’t die we should be able to still take all of these guys down careful careful careful 5 seconds and then no more solar eclipse dudes will spawn in which is pretty good actually because uh I’m kind of tired of this event oh no never mind we’ve got a

Blood moon in place of it okay like that is it Terraria event after event after event is it that’s how we rolling today okay come on we’re hoping for some good luck from this final nail guy and I’m hoping more to the point to not die

So come on this guy’s nearly done let’s just sort of focus him down just a little bit here nail gun please oh he didn’t give me one oh my word unbelievable Behavior coming in from Terraria there my friends why is it always when I actually need or want

Something the game doesn’t provide it to me like how many nail guns have we been given in series where we’re not allowed to use it right like I’m not the only one right surely it’s just crazy this game knows when I’m going for a certain

Goal and it just doesn’t do it for me do we not have an enchanted sundal on this world ah man really though ah we’re actually going to have to suffer through this thing hey folks all right there’s only one thing to do then I am going to

Do a little bit of Blocky Block action there we are ain’t no one getting in the base now aside from maybe a wraith anyway never mind ladies and gentlemen this is all we managed to get from the solar eclipse unfortunately none of it is what we need except maybe the Neptune

Shell that’s actually kind of good because we need that for the eventual Celestial shell right so then how’s our Platinum Supply looking now 18 Platinum coins wow that’s not too bad all righty folks I think it’s time to get ourselves back to the jungle temple and I think

We’re just going to go for Golem I don’t really see a reason why not we have ourselves a lizard Power Cell obviously we probably going to wind up getting a few more before we get down to the boss room but yeah the fact of the matter is

This we should be able to do this if you could take down plant you can take down Golem that’s usually how it goes all righty friendos let’s do this thing let’s quickly speedrun this Temple and we’re pretty much just going to go straight for Golem I mean if this isn’t

A job for the rocket launcher I don’t know what is 800 plus crit damage I mean come on that’s pretty crazy isn’t it only the second chest we found in here that is some craziness if you ask me Oh no I got they’re coming in thinking fire now

There’s our third one that’s the only thing about chlorified bullets they don’t actually do a great deal of damage you’re basically sacking off damage for a damn near guaranteed ability to hit your Target because of the Homing bullets right that’s just how it is folks so here we are we’re just about

Making our way into Theos room of epicness what we need to do is clear it out maybe put down on platform and then we’ll get on with the uh ponage I guess and ponage I really do hope it is I’m hoping that this will be a nice easy

Time like I say if you could take planta you can usually take down Golem Golem is usually considered a pushover boss right another chest what are we up to now four lizard power cells okay that’s not too bad see the thing is from Gollum more than anything i’ think I’d like to try

And get the Sunstone maybe the eye of the Golem and I don’t know what range of weapons do we even get from this guy I can’t remember to be honest with you campfire heart Lantern Little Gnome dude Amo walks ah buger I forgot the bast

Statue ah okay we’ll see what we can do without it and just to ensure we don’t impale ourselves and take a whole bunch of damage we’re going to get rid of these here spikes as well uh right what else do I think will be a good idea us

Blocking this off so we don’t get like accidentally stuck there we have it right we should be good to go I think folks for once I’m actually going to manually activate my Buffs because I’ve got a whole bunch that I got out of the chest I don’t don’t want to accidentally

Use them when I don’t really need to you know what I mean so come on now hey we got a lizard Banner that’s going to be a big old help around here ladies and Gentlemen let’s do this thing oh yeah this is probably going to take a little

Bit but we’ll try our best okay I would love nothing more right now than to have absolutely no regular dudes in here they keep on spawning and it’s rather annoying to say the very least folks I just realized I don’t think I’ve uh activated the ammo box either all right

I mean so far so good am we going to have just a second there we are little bit of ammo conservation so here’s what I’m thinking folks we continue with the chlorified bullets up until second phase and then we roll in with the crystal bullets perhaps that might be an idea

Let’s do a little bit of a Switcheroo let’s see if we can’t maximize our damage here yeah what do we think folks little bit of a time lapse the here I think so let’s do This oh my God oh my God we did it o one maybe two more hits and we would have been dead there folks holy crap holy all right boom what do we get oh nice that my friends is not a bad start and I’m actually pretty glad that I took

That guy down you may have noticed in the time lapse I was using a variety of different weapons just to see what worked and we wind up using the chlorified shot bow in the finish with the Venom arrows or cursed arrows whatever you want to call they did a

Good amount of damage uh but yeah in terms of the mega Shack the DPS just wasn’t really there the rocket launcher is too inacurate and yeah I mean to be fair maybe I could have tried The Godly sniper rifle could have gone old school like that but I

Mean we took the guy down so you know we got to count our blessings and all that eh all right let’s see if we can get ourselves a decent reforge on this thing and then we’re going to get back down to the temple we’re going to see what kind

Of other drops we can get we got a lot of money here folks we should be able to get ourselves a fairly all right reforge surely come on now unpleasant Superior there we have it that’s what I was looking for 80 damage 39% crit chance

And with the ammo we do 26 damage and 34% crit chance oh there they are 50 copper each not too bad so let’s go and stock up on these bad boys there we are a few thousand I think should do the job and yeah let’s get back down there let’s

See if we can’t take down Golem a few more times see what kind of other drops we can get I of the Golem and all the Sunstone I mean ideally both but I’d take either to be honest with you oh I just remembered something I wonder if the Stinger counts as specialist damage

Should we give it a go we got 80 damage right now put this on it becomes 92 yeah counts as specialist damage excellent one thing I am thankful for is the fact that the Stinger does not damage you there’s no self-inflicted damage here folks oh I’m so happy I’m so happy to

Have an explosive weapon that doesn’t do damage to me get back to it folks let’s do this thing this should be way the heck easier this time it’s a stinger for God’s sake it’s one of the alltime great weapons in this game and there we go he’s done again okay beautiful what do

We get this time hey Brill okay I’m very happy with that actually because it means we can now take the guy down wherever the hell we please and you know where I do please right here boom don’t even care that he’s going to be enraged we’re going to

Freaking tank this guy Like A Champion all right let’s do this holy crap holy does this guy move quick when he’s outside of his proper habitat okay we got to have our wit about us here folks and ladies and gentlemen there he goes again ah that’s disappointing all right two more

Attempts hey guys how about it trying to get ourselves a moon charm while simultaneously taken down on farming Golem this really is the ultimate in farming seses yeah I mean we got a little bit of Full Moon left here we could use that to try to get ourselves

The moon charm one of the only things left to try and get for the eventual Celestial shell we can get that I’m going be so happy there we go and another one bite the dust hey well I don’t know about you folks but that is a big old win the Sunstone

Right all we need now is the moon charm can we get lucky enough to get that bad boy I feel like we’ve been trying to grind for the moon charm for some time just haven’t had a great deal of luck maybe we need to move this sort of over

This way a little bit I think there we are do a little bit of that and we try to grind out a few more and this guy is the last one and no sign of a moon charm Ah that’s unfortunate my friends we’re going to have to wait quite some time

For another full moon to Roll Along ah jeez all right the only other thing I could think of to do in today’s episode is to try once again to go for the nail gun if I can get that bad boy we’re going to maybe spend next episode

Grinding fishron for his wings so yeah how about we get ourselves a another one of those Eclipse things eh here we go another one let’s let Bop on up and let’s get this thing rolling shall we we’ve still got a whopping 2,000 bits of ammo left for this Stinger I think we’ll be

Okay so if we can get a bunch of naar guys to spawn in that would be beautiful the thing I love most about the Stinger is yeah you can hit an enemy once but it will spew out a whole bunch more projectiles to hit a bunch of guys

Either below or around the enemy so I’m hitting this nail guy over and over and it’s just absolutely wrecking shot I don’t know what else to tell you man I was ganked by a vampire apparently um come on Terraria please oh there it is oh if only I could skip the rest of

The event via the usage of a sun dial oh boy well I guess the good news is we’re going to get ourselves a lot of money aren’t we so you know I can’t be too heartbroken I guess H I say I’m getting money but actually I’m dying a whole bunch

So oh yeah this is where we start doing damage folks the initial damage isn’t great but the explosive damage that ensues oh it’s nasty oh good grief I suck at this ah do you know what I mean at the end of the day we’ve achieved the goals that we wanted

To get done today folks so actually I would feel no amount of remorse in wanting to wrap up the episode here and now thank you so much for watching folks if you have enjoyed today’s episode and of course you’re excited to see more do be sure to head down beneath the video

And drop a like if you haven’t already hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but for now thanks for watching have a great rest of your day my friends and I’ll see you guys in the next episode bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – Today in Terraria, we have some fun with a couple explosive ranger weapons: The Stynger from Golem and the Nail Gun from the Solar Eclipse! Enjoy!
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This is Episode 14 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay #terrariaplaythrough


  1. Hey Python, do you know the creator HCBaily? He has done an amazing job balancing different games on his channel. One thing that he did that went under-appreciated was his side-LPs.

    Once a week he would upload an episode of a lesser known game, they never did as well as his main LPs but it's additional content and who knows what the youtube algorithm will push next. I know you have this channel and the minecraft channel, but if you wanted to play a different game for fun maybe a weekly episode would work best. It might end up being less work than an episode of Terraria or Minecraft because you wouldn't have to cut out portions of the video that involves just you collecting resources.

    Best of luck man. Out of all the content creators I watch I truly believe you are the most deserving of being able to live comfortably off youtube.

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