My Friends Had A FIGHT In Our Minecraft World!

Today we’re back on splid island with jelly and Craner look at my new outfit boys look at my new blanket scared of me now you scared of me now Craner huh no I’m not scared why would I be scared of you you should be scared okay look at my market look at

What you did to my market the last time we met up okay this has got energetic Straight Out The Gate what happened to this K can you explain oh my God Kina please come on oh my okay I am G now sick of this guy constantly blowing everything up that he it huh

What do you want to do about it guys guys can we calm down please calm this is between me and crer you do not get okay trainer what’s up if you are man enough all right then except challenging me in a is that my is that my is that is

That bco chicken right there no no it’s not your chicken it’s my own from my restaurant no fish okay so continue continue continue what are we saying jelly yeah uh will you uh sword fight me I never thought you would ask how do we start take off our pants no no no that’s

Not he means like a like a like a swordy sword fight oh you want a fight fight yeah yeah yeah you know you know what to make it even more spicy pants pants go off put your pants on Craner okay okay okay we will have something that we’re

Going to put on as a reward how about okay what’s the reward I like this guys okay we got sake for a piece of land how about that oh wait okay I know exactly I live okay wait wait wait wait hang on hang on

As the uh as the overseer of this I feel like we need to add some restrictions okay um specifically how much land who said you’re the overseer but I’m just overse somehow yeah yeah otherwise I feel left out but um okay well how much land are we talking that you were

Putting on the line here okay how about 20 by 20 20 x 20 blocks that’s a lot of land quick maths Josh how many blocks is that uh 400 okay well that’s quite a lot crer crer let’s go over to jell Jelly’s land this is Community Land so that’s 20

This way and then 20 the other way all right let’s go over to to Jelly’s land then you scared now huh guys follow me follow me me BR beefed up with don’t be beefed up so over here I’ve got a proposed location on where the jewel

Could be what a pretty place you have Josh the pig yeah not well yeah yeah in this area this could be where we set up an arena CR save those where I want it crer go on my land look for a piece that you would want to win I need you to

Actually you need to place the 20 x 20 in the corners okay so select your portion of land yeah look how beautiful my land is oh and houses are not allowed got m i really no hous I really like it from here and then and then like this

Way just says houses are not allowed empty pieces of land what are you thinking okay uh well then I want to live here 20x 20 right in front of your front door I mean I’ll just move the front door then sure all right CR can

You mark the box out please mark it Mark it please by with 20 like a dog just the corners okay that’s a listen to this 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 what the heck is Catherine doing in here I just realized

That J what have you been doing with Catherine jelly what I don’t know what how did cine es Our Lady of the farm someing someone left the gate open so this this is a rather large chunk of land this is where I want to live if I

Win can you imagine it a giant Craner sky SC right here okay all right jelly let’s go over to cran wait by the way can we talk about want can we talk about Jen’s new house no I don’t I don’t want to have any more problems with this houses I

Don’t want to say any more stuff about your buildings just in general though what happened this place looks like a mess excuse me I’m just being hon looks like somebody ate spaghetti meatballs threw them up ate them back down threw them up ate them back down and threw them up again

This house is calculated you see you’re not going to be able to blow it up you’re not going to be able to set it on fire crer that’s not a challenge I just I you make a claim we got to test it mythbusting I mean he’s technically you know

Okay it works ble up the L you blew up the door you blew up the door I’ll just put a new door back huh well anyway you’re not a good house conations was this partially because of my you know that my cannons were defensive I’m not

Sure if you’ve seen it Craner but Josh has like 10 cannons pointed towards my left they are they are defensive like waiting on the border to enter is this because like last time jelly did all that yeah it’s actually fing enough jelly shot TNT at my building I had one

Little innocent TNT which actually put a hole in M ground and and you look completely fine did more damage to himself than you Josh yeah but how’s that my fault just really quick just really quick I I I feel like I want to show you guys the Cannons though still

All right I’ll see if the Fire Hits my land it won’t all right you ready I care a lot about one one wao how cool is that wait you set the fire the forest on fire oh oh my God yeah you did the forest in the distance

Don’t worry that’s not B land oh Craner I by the way you didn’t see but I gave you a gift that’s why I asked if the chicken was yours what what oh that’s restant chicken actually guys guys guys because of that come on into restaurant

Norice take a seat take a seat uh these are uh guys I feel like we’ve got things to do today you can read the menu up there oh menu no fish okay what do you guys want to eat uh to be honest with you I just want to

Move on and we got got lot to do today all right tell you get chicken Josh you get is it at least cooked I don’t want this I only I only bought Cod chicken sorry well this was a that was restaurant you literally have a restaurant that competes with sloos no

No no no jelly I Supply him he’s my supplier to I manufacturer he sells it’s called officially wait does that make me the only customer like we have we we’re now business partners yeah I’ve always wanted to do business with you can I can I tell you something yeah yeah there’s

Three of us on the server which makes me the only customer I don’t eat chicken what do you eat then fish okay well that’s all of the last D question all right jelly jelly what land are you taking by the way be careful this is Flo’s habitat so jump over J jelly

Nice listen crer I’ve been looking at a piece of land very very oh no not this one to the water this piece of land has a piece of History it even still has it down here look oh what I kept the history alive we don’t need to mark this out so

You’re basically saying that you would take the island here yeah I would take the island plus all the water making it 20 by 20 in total I don’t know much water that is but I guess it’s about five blocks in each Direction so this is the land all right this is interesting

Okay guys let’s head over to the um to the arena let’s get it built not been built yeah I’ll tell you what guys what I want you what you want you to do is you two you go to your own houses and prepare I would say that we need a full

Set of diamond unenchanted armor and a I have such a good sword dude we call it a we are we allowing Shields or not no Shields no it’s a sword fight not a shield manly combat Okay cool so you guys go to your get going okay all right I’ll see you guys

At the arena okay the arena is ready Fighters return return I’m ready for this battle welcome to the arena sponsored by Bor biger sponsored by Bor Co all right where’s the guy spor you build it out a sandstone and that’s what you give to the community D this looks

Good can you stop complaining for one second in your life look how good this looks man this is the arena I like it Josh good job thank Youk you for sponsoring my restaurant that’s good too yeah love the choice of four really good okay all right so welcome to

The the crina versus jelly Jewel sponsored by bco so um are you guys all ready is your armor all already weapons ready I got uh my fish ready hey come on Jelly are you kidding me all right I’m officially going to lock you guys in please get officially I get it that was

A good one hey you got your sword ready trer please get into your Corners listen up peasants welcome into your corners please say yes to being a peasant just go with a just get in your corner like it’s not that difficult get in the other corner it’s green Okay so

Welcome welcome to the squid Island Jus can you be quiet for one second in your life can you can you just do like a stronger British accent just makes it that much better no welcome welcome to the squid Island crina versus jelly beef match today no it’s a sword fight we’re

Not say in my side of the corner and then introduce no why don’t I just talk okay let him talk we are going to be settling the argument of Jelly versus Craner on the line we have a plot of land in jelly land we have a random

Square in front of his house in CR land we have his Island wait no woo um the rules are you can only fight with your sword do not leave the arena and remember guys it’s about the taking part that counts I thought you were about to say hit that like And subscribe

Button I know you just I also want to who the heck is that Catherine Catherine I think it’s time Catherine dies come here back here dude this is a brutal death this is our this is our pre fight there you go all right oh my God

Now we’re not going to have I want to take this moment to say thank you to our sponsor B Co it’s you number one provider for iron chicken and stone on Squid Island y okay now freak me now in the yellow Corner we have the Danish Viking is

Craner time and in the green Corner he’s actually not a dessert he’s just got the body of a seven-year-old boy it’s jelly wait are you saying the body of a seven-year-old boy looks like dessert Josh that’s totally messed up totally uncalled for what anyway I want to say

One last thank you to our sponsor bco this is not a real company people are going to think this is an actually sponsored video yeah actually YouTube might be flagging this is not a sponsored video the company doesn’t exist okay and anyway 5 4 3 2 1 let the

Fight begin what’s up JY what’s up huh You’ been talking all that smack onine okay we’ we’ve had a couple hits there from the green corner it looks like we’re trading hits at the moment we’re getting a lot of grunting noises from J take my appears to be I was trying to glitch

Out off the my boat it did work if you leave the arena the fight is forfeit yes crer yeah leave in the arena what’s going to happen where go there green is getting a considerable amount of hits in CR you need to stop running and actually fight

No and we have a winner oh I don’t like this at all man okay let’s wait for the the yellow guy to return hang on crina you are the loser what what happens to his items uh they go back to him it was for the land not the items okay guys

Guys guys it’s time we I won CR it’s time we head over to the island Gladiator of Squid Island no come on over let’s go over to craner’s land Jos you need to let us out all sorry my bad H this fish tastes so good on this piece

Of Life can you stop eating fish J moment jelly I’d like you to come over here and right right click on that to put your claim on this land claimed by glad trying to spell gladiator that’s embarrassing J J all right congratulations you know

What what can I say guys I want to I want to propose something okay all right oh who are you going to propose to I’m going to no cran it please just behave okay we’re not creating more beef all right what if we use these skills these

Fighting skills to take on the Wither boss can I use my actual gear this time yeah yeah absolutely I’m down then all right uh I think we can j’s got a another portal we can use right yeah uh no well actually jelly welcome to my land it’s very nice to have you here

This is the best is not your land get off my land no I’m saying welcome to get off my land okay wow he’s really not a nice neighbor so we need to kill the Wither Skeleton three times or how many times uh probably like 100 times yeah

You need a lot of hits J three heads and for Soul Sand don’t you guys have like looting sword we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see come on guys I don’t trust seriously do not trust I really don’t trust you guys here either but you know it’s a new day what

Can I say hey we should have put gold boots on as well I actually forgot all right maybe we need to just oh there’s a chest over there oh what’s in it maybe oh actually two diamond is what I got and a gold chest PL guys more diamonds

Oh you got smithing temp that’s actually really good yeah I know I am really good let’s try to go oh oh diamonds I heard mobs boys no do you guys see any wither skeletons cuz I haven’t met a single I see a wither skeleton all right you get

It we’re going to need to probably get wait jelly you probably shouldn’t kill it yeah it should I have I have so I guess guys come to me come to me come okay we’re coming we’re coming what is jly doing another one’s on me same spot a wait you got one right

No no no no oh was it Cole or something yeah where where jelly where are you jelly stop screaming how do we always hey JY yeah I I don’t have Enchanted Source nothing nothing all right just keep going just keep going keep going we’ll get to one eventually oh I see some

Guys um jelly can you run in on him or something where are you this way dude oh run ahead bring him back to me and I’ll kill him all they after you jelly okay run run I’m fighting some as well oh what they’re behind you gr oh

Wait they’re after me yeah no nothing here sorry guys chill get up I think I why are you sneezing guys I think it finally happened got one our first wither [Applause] skel I’m behind you I’m in behind you okay okay keep killing them guys keep going keep going keep

Going oh my goodness watch out hey he hey guys it’s fine I got it I need the sword guys sword stop shouting I don’t have the Looting sword well we can’t give you our looting sword cuz we’re using oh you good don’t take my looting sword please

Jelly no JY what no no no no no I’m not taking it he he he might have taken it okay Del but but seriously like the pickax stuff then kill that guy and give it back to me dude oh he found a head no that was isn’t that the head that you

Found JY you’re not giving me give it to we we only need one more we only need one more stop complaining these are not Enchanted JY seriously just give my items back to me all right all right here you go no Jelly D you just burned a perfectly good sword dude like what’s

The point of that man seriously what is the point of this wait what just happened why do we settle beef when Jelly’s yes see that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I wanted now it’s my items like they rightfully belong to me jelly I’m going to go find this skull

This is yeah all right guys I’ve got the final skull hey hey hey hey hey hey hey so what do you want dly what’s your we got fin okay can we get the can we just go back yeah let’s go back okay you want need a saddle jelly can we figure this

All out later please um uh my uh my my smithing template okay I’m going I’m going I how did you get it you died guys you died before me D give me the axe I just got another skull uh okay can we leave now it’s not

Enchanted okay okay I’m going okay so we need to decide where we fight it can I please be the holder of the skulls yeah I mean uh I feel like each of us should put one on I mean there’s three of us and there okay fine where do we

Find it I think a really good place to fight it would be right in here everybody come on it’s we’re not we’re not putting surrounded by obsidan why don’t we to fight it on Old new Squid Island y it’s it’s going to destroy do you guys realize how much this thing

Destroys yeah but it’ be on the island did nobody notice I wrote jelly socks on the signs here what nobody notices my little fun trolls around I guess no all right let’s go let’s go over there I don’t even have a sword anymore guys I’m not going to be

Able to do any damage now I’ll are you serious I’ll give you a sword well jelly threw my perfectly fine sword into a fire for no reason it had sharpness IV which I don’t even know what means thre back at you and there happen to be a

Everyone everyone place a skull on top okay all right all right wait I’m actually scared dude I’m actually scared my God we should have gotten a bow oh I don’t have AOW I’ve got a bow you guys don’t have a bow you have a bow in your chest I’ll go there guys guys

Guys guys guys guys don’t leave I don’t maybe we do let’s go get a bing this guys leave you stupid keep running around Josh we’re going to get a ball yeah yeah yeah it’s got to be fine buddy give it up I can’t believe you both left like as

Soon as the fight began Josh we’re coming back by all right all right I’m actually you guys might not need to come back I think I got it on my own I’m shooting him Josh I’m shooting him don’t worry about it Josh we’ll do the final bits get him get

Him I don’t think arrows hurt him Josh it doesn’t it’s protect oh no why did it go after me cuz it go like the closest where my stuff please it please kill it please please kill it please just murder that thing already we got to

We got to get close to it now Josh get it get it as hard as you can buddy I have the most beautiful view from a distance you do yeah let’s get him woo I got him you got the Wither star good that was so close came back that was

Amazing guys did you lose all your items cuz he exploded them or something yes didn’t you just get your new cont yes well this time you can’t play place is chaos well hang let’s come back over hang on a second yeah a hi jelly is that funny crer huh it’s on my

Head I look like a unicorn you have an arrow can I shoot you as well dude you have an enchanted bow too you’re really living a good life over there I SAR that hit you oh it did oh hi Jenny hi jeny hi all right uh what did the Wither Skeleton

Drop again guys uh we got a Nether Star all right and this one is a part of the community Island so Josh put it somewhere don’t bring it to stupid co uh put it somewhere in to be fair I think that it should be distributed based on

How much damage we did no d d d listen to me all I heard was you screaming all right I died but that’s all you heard because you couldn’t see anything cuz you were dead okay listen how about we all switch on who could hold on to it and look

After kind of like when you get a rock why can’t we put it on community Island we take it first no I’ll take it first cuz I got it first and then then you can have it second you have to promise you can’t use it on your own land to build a

Beacon well no but how the heck what are we supposed to do with it then hold it put it there come on okay okay okay next we maybe in the next episode we can actually do something proper with it okay yeah yeah I anyone got like a chest

Or something to put down up for voting J I can always make one I always have a crafting table handy you guys know Me I we have he did it well we can improve it next time pretty I just want to hold it for a sec put it back put it back okay all right well that was a great time guys uh yeah crer oh it is pretty I want to remind you one more time

Craner I’ve got a piece of your land now oh I locked off with the nether star you can’t do nothing about me though I’ll go back and put it back I I’ll put it back oh there it is yeah yeah there it is okay it’s it now I feel bad guys sorry

About that all right bye

Tensions have risen in Squid Island, our #minecraft survival series, and the time has come to settle things with a good old fashioned fight. It’s @Jelly vs @MisterCrainer and the winner gets 20×20 of the other’s land!


  1. Did something feel off when Crainer lost? He messed up trying to do that thing with the boat. Seems like he wanted to lose to Jelly

  2. Since Bork Co. is the richest company in this series, maybe sponsor the iron blocks for a beacon placed at the center of Squid City?? that make the city more civilized and show that it is center of the island.❤️❤️❤️ anyway love your vid with those two, always enjoy it❤️

  3. You should add a blue corner instead of a second red so then you can do red and blue corner like in boxing, and also make a beacon to put under the water stream at the community center with blue stained glass going up the water stream.

  4. remember the og days where crainer was struggling in gta and kwebbelkop was here i miss the good old days and this reminds me of bee town remember when we just started the server our first video with crainer again when he came back i really miss the good old days😢

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