We play STARDEW VALLEY: THE BOARD GAME for the first time!

Hello everybody and welcome to stardew Valley the board game this is my first time and maybe Tyler’s first time you like I said you might play it with Mike might have been a digital playthrough like during Co a long time ago yeah so let’s uh talk about what our goals are

On this pretty pretty board so we need to solve all four of Grandpa’s goals and we need to complete all six rooms in the community all six bundles in the community center we don’t know what the bundles are yet we’re going to see as they go um but we have to raise four

Animals so we need to have two animals per player we need to have six friends three per player this also doesn’t need to be even like I could have four you could have two we just need six between us we need to build two buildings and we

Need to have 20 gold between us I imagine um we need to have it by the end of the game so it this one actually will be like probably the last one we do sell everything and get the money yes yeah um other than that that I am the forager

With a watering can Tyler’s The Miner with a pickaxe which is nice and I think we just uh we’ll walk through the first turn together where we reveal our season card which is first we uh turn AC crop to Quality so this one becomes better then we water all crops so this moves

Over here then the pet wanders so congratulations you’re now the first player oh I got a kiddy then we move the fish track which I’m just going to remind myself exactly what that does but I’m pretty sure we just move them all to the right discard the two most rightmost

Fish so as I told was telling Tyler there’s going to be a lot of small rules that pop up fish are discarded and remove from the game unless they’re legendary they go back into the bag so this guy’s a Legend So this guys come over here this

Guy’s going to go back into the bag and then we’re going to replace those fish return the bag all right so this just makes our fish flow and we have a catfish and a Shad down in the river okay and then we may play trade and sell resources but we don’t have

Anything to trade so now in the second phase the planning phase we can kind of talk about what we want to do so I think um I’m probably going to water a crop get this guy and maybe do you want to buy some more crops yeah I could move in

Here and do this I don’t think that’s a bad idea I can also sell this crop to them M I can maybe load up a parsnip and a potato in here mhm cuz we’ve only got three gold yeah I could sell this first though we

Can go up to six yeah so we could also buy like a like a we could buy like a strawberry and a parsnip but I like parsnip and potato too leave us with a gold what do you think are you going to go into the Min yeah I’m going to go I get

I get advantage in the mines once I get upgrading so I just I need some ores in order to do that so so and we’re going to have to go to the community center to reveal a bundle at some point yeah we’re going to need Hearts from that luckily we reset each

Round so we can go we can go where we want to um so I’m going to go here cuz I I’ll do the water the crops move and buy some stuff I think that’s a nice place to start and then you’re going to start here oh so it’s just a start we don’t

Have to go from exactly yeah we start here and then when we resolve it we can oh here you actually have to go first cuz you have the cat token oh it right cuz it it moved for things okay so I will would you like to explore the mine

I will explore the mine so I roll two of these dice uh yes you do let’s see what you got so you have got a heart and a uh whatever little green apple bug thing yeah what are they called they actually have names they’re all over the rule

Book I know there there’s one of these in there let okay so that’s a star drop but what’s this other I just need to know their names cuz I know you can read keep um anyway so I can either go for nothing or a stone um I will just take a stone uh

Notably stone hearts and gold are the only resources that are not limited by component so if you gain more Stone like if we need to gain more Stone than this we can represent with something else everything else is limited though aumo thank you Dragon God jumo okay so but I

Can still only have six of them six items yeah six items um what can I do with stone though so we can use it to build a oh we need it to build stuff yes yeah that is one of the things right now you can’t trade Stone and I think that’s

The big thing did you want to oh you can use two Stone to build a ladder down right right right so I might as well go mining again seems all right make the to see if I can get down yeah deeper in the mine heart heart so I get a skull which

I resolve my mine which skull here which is gain of stone nice and then uh when you resolved your actions you return back to the farm and you get to resolve one of these effects you can either build stairs pet animals remove a joa token or upgrade a starting tool O I could build this I’m going to build the stairs sweet so how that works then is that this card is then discarded this card is discarded so now we have some green slimes so now the skull is just nothing happens and we get a new one of these cards oh there’s a

Lot of stairs on that card there is there’s also some treasure interesting okay I’ll Water some crops so we’ll come over here and then I’m going to move cuz you can either take two actions on your space or you can take an action move then take action so I’m going to move in

Here and I think I’m going to grab this one and that is a horse rattish interesting okay well um I’ll do that thing where I’ll sell the parsnip so I’ll give us three gold uh and then I will spend five of it two to get us ourselves a parsnip and a

Potato and we’ll run with that I think what I might do is I might try to make a friend next turn so we can see if we can start getting some hearts we’ll see what happens I’ll come over here but I actually can’t do any of

These things all right level 12 in the mine you get an epic item I just kind of just just incentive me to go mining the whole game all right we are in another spring of course so first as we make a crop equality um so I kind of want to

Use the parsnip to give to a friend potentially mhm so maybe we upgrade the potato get a better potato nice okay uh then we have a for we have an event bubbly spot draw and keep one tile from the fishing B because your first player this is actually you so you do so

This actually could be a potential good way to make a friend m i could I got fishy what I get I got a regular Pike nice okay and then we get a JoJo tile so these are bad tiles cuz JoJo’s not good um no fishing allowed in the ocean

Oh no um we can remove it for five gold or a heart toxic algae bloom okay and then we may trade and sell items but I think I’m okay all right what are you thinking uh so when we go try to make a friend does that card always stay up until we

Make them a friend no do you have the chance if you if you cannot it’s discard I mean I’m not I’m not opposed to us both trying to make a friend cuz then we can move and do something else yeah like maybe you know what here what

Am I what about if I try to make a friend go water a crop okay I’m going to go try to make a friend and go and then go to the mines we have we we have what we need to do right okay um I go first

Cuz I got the cat so you can reveal that it is the wizard he actually doesn’t love or hate anything he doesn’t give you bonus but he will give you a heart when you do it winter birth winter birthday so that means that if you befriend him in the winter you get heart

So it’s just got a three he just doesn’t do there’s a little Tech flavor text here wizard studies the spirit world from his Tower in Cinder snap Forest that’s it so he what this guy does is he’ll still give you a heart if you do

Want to get if you want to befriend him with the fish but he doesn’t give you a passive oh he doesn’t get passive stuff yeah uh we do need to make friends we do need Hearts yeah and you got that fish for free so I will that could be our

Fish pile over there okay right it just doesn’t say what he wants but yeah he doesn’t he doesn’t want any sorry it’s just I’m just wrapping my head around the Villager stuff any item can befriend them their favorite gets you an extra heart and they hate you if you give them

A bad item he doesn’t have bad item yeah you can’t befriend them anything but the bad items be friend okay yeah well I’m going to I’m going to give him a fish here you go he’s your new friend and then I get a friend we get a heart

And then you have your if you would like to move and and then I will move I get to resolve one of these I will take this one I got a horseradish nice and and I will go to the mine hell yeah what I get

A heart and a purple flower so I can take the stairs or get bug meat ooh I’m going to take the stairs hell yeah I think so I think that’s a great idea level three I get a bug meat ni if I get a skull there’s a lot of stone in that one

Hey Steph how’s it going 9 months the golden table thank you for your support what the hell is going on with my hair I need a haircut I need a haircut for sure but thank you so much hope you’re having a good one and I’m excited for you to

Make it make it weird and then I go home um I don’t think there’s anything you and there’s I could upgrade my starting tool but it costs me a copper ore which I don’t have which we haven’t gotten yeah but you’re able to if you hit or

Which is this one mhm yeah do I get to oh right and then the card tells me what kind of ore I get all right I’m also going to try to make a friend I have haly does not want foraging she doesn’t want foraging so cuz she doesn’t

Want the mushroom so I’m not able to befriend her all right all right Haley let’s see how it is all right I’ll move over here do I want do you think I should grab some wood to potentially so we can start um is we’re going to have to get

Buildings going yeah and we probably want to start producing animals to get also get some of that so yeah I’ll I’ll grab the wood uh but isn’t it oh no it’s in the zone it’s in the zone it’s the Zone okay yeah at least I I’ll check let

Me check at least that’s how I gathered it from when you explained it was adjacent to the path you moved um let me take from the area that chairs a border air okay yeah yeah right take this and then I’ll Water the crops and we’ll go like that okay

I’ll come here I got nothing I can do and we’ll go to another top of the round a okay so we got some crows uh discarded Green Field fielded crop so they’re going to they have to eat one of these probably the the potatoes more money potato is more

Money I think we do the parsnip right parsnip is easy pip can’t get another pnip but that’s life uh we trigger gift abilities you only have the wizard don’t have gift ability we get an event The Oasis all right Tyler you get to draw three items and keep one of them oh my

Goodness all right Pet Bowl I can spend in action place a heart on this card when a pet moves discard this card and claim All Hearts here um energy tonic discard to take two free Mine actions while at the mines or a bomb discard while at the mine Trigger

Or to trigger two mine grid spaces on a single map card oh oh interesting interesting well I think I’m going to go with the mine ones for sure hell yeah uh discard trigger two mine grid spaces on a single Map Card do I it say just says trigger it

Doesn’t say roll or anything it just says trigger and then this one take two free Mine actions did discard them to do it yes yeah so get rid of it’s a one time use card oh those seems sick both of them good just to trigger two grid spaces on a single Map

Card like I it sounds like I get to choose which grid slots I take I think so yeah yeah well I’ll take that one I get to choose nice Okay um and then we may sell do you want to sell your horse R horse radish or do you want

To try to befriend someone with it um cuz yours is a premium one so maybe we just maybe you want to sell that for money we’ll sell yeah we’ll keep have the good one for money yeah so I will I’ll sell the horseradish so that’s three nice uh that’s just going to get

Discarded cuz it’s oh cuz it was a special tile yeah okay what do we do what are you thinking it’s almost the end of spring I think we probably got to do you think I should try for another heart try another heart we need six

Hearts yeah and we also need to like get Hearts to reveal oh right right right so we really need Hearts I don’t have anything to give anybody no I so know I I think what you I I think what you should do is explore

The mine and if you hit a geode move and try and open one I think that’s a pretty I’ve got my bomb I can just get the just I can get the double geode yeah uh cuz it says trigger two M grid space on

A single map card so I can go or and double GE upgrade my pickaxe and I think what you also do is you also get to like resolve Your Role I think so because because this is a special it just says while at the mind so it doesn’t say instead

Of uh if you ever get an ore would you like another if you get two coppers would you give me one so I can upgrade my thing oh you need one too yeah yeah yeah I think that’s a great plan Tyler I think that’s that’s a winning move for

Yeah this is our first time playing mhm well maybe to we don’t know yeah it’s like Vaguely Familiar so Al I just have to flip over the thing to get the Geo then yeah you get the geode and then you can go crack the geode open oh right and

I have to roll for the geode yes and I think you can resolve as many geodes as you want honestly I was skeptical too but it’s it seems neat and you roll for each geode okay but I can roll for all my goess yes you can do it all at

Once yeah I just mine if I get a well I am going to get geod y so what I’m thinking is I I kind of I kind of want to do something um losing that turn up to that Crow really sucked mhm do I maybe water and

Then go and try to make a friend still just kind of keep you’ve got a couple of resources yeah I mean I have to hit with the horseradish the other thing I was thinking was maybe try to fish but I would need to roll two yeah which kind of sucks a bit

Um but I mean like if you bust some stuff open I could get something yeah you could even like continue mining especially if your things upgraded and you could give me the stuff and I could try to befriend people with it but I think that’s not terrible we need

Another heart and this is the way to do it yeah all right you got to resolve your stuff first I do okay so I’m going to the mine I am in the mine and I’m going to trigger my bomb nice which ones do you like to resolve I will resolve a double geode

Nice so I will get two geod nice um then I will also oh what the heck is that guy oh that’s a mine event oh that’s a mine event um I’m just going to go straight for an an ore I think that’s a good idea

So I’m here my ore is copper Beauty and then you get a roll and now I’ll roll for my mine maybe you’ll get the mine event and you’ll get like the best of everything I got the M event all right gain two heart tokens you found that’s actually

Huge okay so here’s what I’m thinking it’s a bit of a risk but I want to know what you think okay what I’m thinking is maybe I visit this to reveal this one mhm and then do I try to make a friend or do I go and water the crop to try to

Get some rain on this we’re we’re like second season we got to get those oh you have a second action too should was your second action second yeah I think we said I got a going down here crack some geod I’ll reveal this I got a daffodil cute little

Flower okay and then I’m going to roll one dice for the geode all right you can do your top left one first let’s see what that cracks into CRA into a stone stone I hear the sound in my head floats out two stones I mean that’s a ladder downstairs right

Yeah not Terri I mean that’s kind of be expected from those ones right cuz I’m pretty sure there are three hearts two of the little guys and then one of the purple oh yeah so 50/50 essentially 50% to get a stone yeah and then yeah all the different 2/3 and one/ thir

Yeah all right and then you go back here go back I’m going to upgrade my pickaxe hell yeah so there goes a or copper ore nice to upgrade my pickaxe level one so if my mining roll is not a skull I may shift the result by one in the direction

Shown above so I can go up on the card by one square if I do not hit a skull sweet which is good is this skull this card doesn’t have skulls on it uh I’m gonna use two hearts to reveal this one I’m going to visit the community center

Winter forage so we don’t need to worry about this one until winter winter all right cool uh I think I’m also going to try to I kind of want to try to befriend somebody so let’s see let’s go Alex the hunk is in the building oh he wants I’ll give you a

Horse radish cuz he doesn’t not doesn’t care about Forge but we we don’t have animals so we can’t get an extra heart but um but yeah I do get a heart you get to keep him and he’s got a passive yes which is gain one random fish tile oh

Nice which is nice okay all right um I gave him my thing where did I put it it’s right here so this going to go up there okay uh and then I’m going to come back here but I unfortunately cannot Tri I mean I could we could actually don’t think there’s a

Reason to spend that right now right to get rid of this I don’t think so we need to build our economy and see our goal before we start going okay um then did you you moved no you were I didn’t move I stayed here twice oh you stayed there twice

Okay oh that’s huge two waters it’s raining oh and that’s cuz I’m first player I got the things that’s how it works yeah okay all right what are we thinking uh do all right we need one more wood mhm one more so wood but we need a bunch more

Gold yeah so we need crops so we can sell things yeah notably crop okay what if okay here’s my thought oh the problem is we’ve eaten all of these those up yeah and crops don’t wither between Seasons I’ve got I could sell my potato that’s four coins that would put us up

To eight yep um we have one I I kind of want to go fishing all right you go first you should I like that sell the pot sell the potato and maybe buy like oh did we we spent too much money on those I spent five on these right I

Think so why how much all of them just cost one oh right they all cost right seeds all cost one so we should have $3 more so we okay right cuz seed cost I was about to say we bought them for their sell cost where’s the profit in

That we are terrible farmers and we keep doing that we’re not we’re not economists yeah fishing is worth it not so much for our game plan but what I’m thinking okay you go first you buy some stuff I’ll fish here see what happens I only need to roll one green to get this

Guy and then I’ll move up here and I’ll Water the crops grab some wood as I do mhm I think that’s not terrible do I and then and so my second one do I try to flip a community center card I think yeah Pantry probably ain’t terrible and

Yeah you know you should not go mining yeah not go mining this turn cuz you can upgrade no matter what you can take us down a level you could do this one first see if we need crops from the spring then we can buy those crops right cuz we

Can only buy in season right yes yeah what do you me upgrade I have that is iron or I need I don’t have that yeah we don’t even have access to that right now yeah so anyway yeah so I’ll do that all right so I’ll go there I’ll start

Here buy and cell do you like this idea of me just trying to fish sure cool yeah then you can get some more get some more stuff there so sell a potato for four nice oh no you should do the community center first right we were doing the

Community center first I forgot that okay so that’s two hearts we’ll flip the pantry um any quality of any quality crop or quantity forageable okay so you actually can now give the potato but it says it wants one is that two per player one per

Player so we just need to do it twice so I’ve got so instead of selling the potato we could do that I could I could get that bundled gone uh no cuz you only have one quality right it says any quality crop or forage or quality forageable or quality forageable so but

This one isn’t quality because it doesn’t have the star oh sorry sorry I just read it as any quality it could be this or that but no no it has the star so it has to be good yeah has to be so we could do the potato but then is that

Do I have to give them both at the same time no we could do it in multiple times we can yeah yeah you can like drop it off and be like we have complete this bundle okay and is that you can still sell the daffodil that’s in the same

Action right it is okay so we want to put that give him that I think it’s not a bad idea cuz we have it right and go towards it yeah halfway there that’s not specifically seasoned so that’s good we also only need to get the fish tank too mhm

Okay I mean we’ve made some progress we still need to build a building but we only need one wood and three more dollars alternatively oh no cuz we can’t buy a building yet we have to do it this I was going to say you could sell the

Potato and we can just get another quality crop somewhere else mhm but I also like don’t know if that’s it’s going to happen right yeah um so just go buy and sell yeah I think so uh I think I want to keep the daffodil to maybe AAS friend to maybe make a

Friend but so we’ll get a parsnip a potato and a strawberry sounds good one of each uh do that hell yeah and then we got get the crops going that was my second action so I get bumped back here um I H the only thing I

Can do with stone is make stairs yeah and we can build buildings with oh but and I can get lots of stone so I’ll I’ll spend two of my stone to go down a level in the mine all right and there’s a lot of empty spaces on that mine card luckily

Though these two just go right up good thing there’s no skull cuz we would lose a gold oh hello look at that but my turn is done all right I’m going to go fishing you got to roll three you don’t even need a quality crop

We need a quality crop for this one any quality crop or quality forgeable yeah so I need a star of of those uh I got this one a green and two purple grab the Shad cuz he costs one green so I can I can I can catch him and

Then once my action is done you can also catch as many as you want so if there was a purple here I could get it but we get a new fish and that fish is none other than a sardine okay so I could get wood but these trees are about to regrow right

Should I try for a forgeable and maybe just try to get a quality one that I can you know do it with next turn potentially well if the trees are going to regrow we want like we could harvest the wood now and later right that is

True yeah I guess cuz we need to build at least two buildings anyway right so we’re going to need yeah you convinced me I will take down this cuz the trees are going to regrow then we might as well stock up on wood and I will water the crops

When I upgrade this to be multiple that’ll be that’ll be really good right so I need I need so I need really need to go mining so we can yeah kick that off I’ll come here um I can’t do anything I’m just still going to let that

Go creas our wood token and what if I told you that the trees also change with the seasons the board doesn’t how cool would that be just press a button okay um this is over end of spring first season in the books so new tree and forage

Tiles and then we’re going to you can draw two from your profession deck and you can choose to keep one of them draw to mining professions all right Neptune’s glaive after resolving a monster’s ability in the mind gain any ore or geode oo oh I’ve got a double one here

Blacksmith or and stone generate plus two gold when you sell them artifacts generate plus two gold when you sell them it’s upside down so I would assume I get to pick one or the other probably but yes that is that is exactly what it is when I resolve a

Monster’s ability is that when I hit a skull yes oh I think I’m keeping that one cuz my pickaxe upgrading if I don’t roll a skull I can move in the direction hopefully there’s a skull there and after I resolve the ability I can gain

An ore or a geode which is good for upgrading because it says any I can specifically pick the geodes we need nice so I’m not going to do that one I will take my uh Neptune’s glaive I go I chose a lightning rod uh which whenever

Rain is on the season card I gained we gained three gold oh nice I don’t have room off the edge of the table here to hide put that so that’s you yeah you can put it over just all that’s the whole side is for yeah okay um it’s just everything over here

Is not visible and then our progress has been saved it says that at the bottom oh nice so if we died here we can reload Y and then this turns into just reload the quick save all right so we got to make a qu a crop quality notably the strawberry

Is going to get eaten cuz it’s in the red oh yep um but we got to turn one of these quality um so if we turn it’s the one we want to give to the collection yeah probably the par snip right cuz they’re both going to be worth three

Yeah cool um and then this comes to me we get to resolve our gifts so I have gain a random fish tile you got fish in that watering can over there I do some carp um and then we may sell things I think I’m good though I will not

Sell okay so what’s our money situation for okay man that damn Crow mhm we need the Scarecrow they’re so easy to build in the game but so hard to get in this yeah I imagine you want to go mining right I’m going to go mining um I’m

Going to try making a friend first though cool cool so I’ll put you there or or do I go mining then make a friend just in case I need to give them something yeah that’s fine too yeah because you also get a forage on before you do that

Right because you’ll get a mine and forage yeah yeah yeah so I’ll mine first then mining resources potentially to make a friend and if not upgrade stuff so I think my plan is I’m also going to try to make a friend um and then I’m going to probably water some crops it’s

Kind of what I’m thinking I got to go first this time though actually maybe I water the crop first I don’t think it matters actually doesz H some stuff oh you could make a friend or if you water the crops and you could do the yeah Community Center I I

Think cuz I have the save I can do that we can get some hearts maybe get some gifts so I’m going to move over here I’m going to grab this one it is oh fiddlehead fern quality so that’s $4 which is good cuz then I can give

This one I can still sell this for four MH and then I’m going to try to make a friend it’s Pam she loves crops oh you have a turnup she hates fish I think I just give her the turn up right give this to them because then we

Can I get two hearts which is one of those um I can’t give her the fish screw you Pam her ability peek at the top card of the village deck is also kind of nice so yeah here’s your parsnip Pam so we get two join the party and we get two hearts two

Hearts and that only happens when that triggers so we can’t just look any time correct yeah okay and that’s me oh I come back over here I still can’t do anything over here though which kind of sucks okay um I’m going to you you done no I

Was just thinking like what what do you think of maybe I was going to say clearing this out but we have the two hearts but I’m confident you’re going to get us another friend but I also don’t know how much we need to do that yet I think we want to

See what the fish tanks like mhm you go though you do your stuff okay uh explore the mine I need uh two of these gold the dice uh heart and a dude I can go nothing or I can get ore nice okay um do

I upgrade do I get an ore for me or do I get an ore for you I think you we should get our CR the crops going or so I will take a copper ore nice cuz I get option here yeah um then I will move into town I get

To I’ll Forge this guy oh that is a uh quity spiceberry and yours is worth less worth three yours is four so mine could be good to sell so I could give mine to the community center I’m not against you also trying to make a friend as well

Yeah I kind of want to make the friend though I I I don’t I don’t think it’s a bad idea no I oh no that was last year never mind never mind never mind never mind never mind I was like Sam was Alex was a summer birthday but I got Pam this turn

Mhm uh winter birthday okay so I want I think that’s the only one we get them in the season right that yes yeah okay uh oh yeah do I make a friend or do I go to the Community Center cuz I could do a lot in the community center I think

You should shoot your shot with a friend with a friend because we can like the the less times we have to visit the community center the better just do more in one okay so we’ll go make friend uh Harvey he wants a turnup or a

For or sorry a forage or a crop I have I got a daffodil he’s going to get a daffodil so you get us two hearts from that huge oh and that’s a pig tow all right and uh his trigger is gain an item nice no offense wizard but

You’re being covered for a reason yeah he does nothing all right well we have four of our six friends that we need so we don’t need to go as hard as friends I think we without and then I get to move back here um I don’t think you can do

Anything when do we TR trade uh we trade uh during discussion when we talk about where we’re going okay so I can’t give this to you to upgrade your stuff yeah all right Tyler no crow no crow okay so uh Turner crop quality I mean that’s money right that’s that’s cash uh first

Player token moves over here the fish goes we lose our treasure this will pay dividends eventually right yeah we got a crayfish okay so crayfish is a bit special this guy uh he is perchased with bug meat so when you come to uh when you come to fish if you have

Bug meat you can spend that before rolling to get him uh then we get another joa tile which is joa Warehouse planning Bund bundles require one additional donation to complete so we we want to get rid of that yeah that’s a that’s a priority uh we can sell some

Stuff I’m thinking I might sell something do I do you want me to sell my four and you keep your three sure cuz they’re both forage yeah I think as well I’m also going to sell what are we at one it says also trade do you it says trade do you want this

Copper now oh no cuz trade is um let me just check cuz I think we get a chance to do this like literally right after this so the trade might be something different players make TR I guess we can but we also can trade during the planning phase let’s do it

Now thank you so you’re going to want that for your upgrade um so what I’m thinking is I’m going to sell this Shad to get us to $10 and then you got two wood so I’ll buy a building this turn we got start getting some animals three

Four five six seven eight nine 10 there are 10 yeah yeah joart joj I’m with you Chad big corporations are ruin it for the little guy hell yeah poor Pierre okay so I’m going to buy a building uh I guess I buy a building and water across

Right that seems kind of okay mhm and then you get the got that potato off the board yep and we can sell it and uh I’ll probably just grab I’ll probably grab this one cuz like I’m probably the only one who’s ever going to be taking this

Path MH so that’s where I’m going to go cool uh I figure I just do I hit the mines hard again I think it’s not a bad place to start right cuz regardless um not going to the community center now because it’s y JoJo Mart yeah we’ll

Clear that off I don’t have anything bar said I could try making a friend but we’ve got lots of friends now we can I think our friends are okay right now I think what we should do is we should spend this to like spend the one heart

To get rid of this try to get another heart so we can reveal two more mhm yeah so I think I’ll just I’m just going to go hard in the mines hell yeah okay you’re I’m first I’m first again all right I need two of these

Guys heart flower I could get a geode or I could get an item oo it’s a tough choice so the geod you can get gets you a copper sorry gets you an iron or it could get my orc it could it could potential wow copper or idium

Or an artifact or notably if we donate to the museum we do gain Hearts as well so it’s another way to gain hearts and that what’s that green guy that is going to be a so it’s a it’s a special so you’ll get either like okay yeah you’ll get from this bag I

Just try for an item cuz items are good right items are good but you also get it passively through him oh that’s only if we flip the things though it’s true but my thought is that this also gets you a forage which could give us a whole bunch

Of like just like resources to do more with I don’t think either choice is bad but that’s just what I’m thinking you know I’m I’m just going to do the item what do we get wild seeds spend in action to gain any forgeable tile on the board that is not

Wood at the cost of an action interesting so you got to grab one of these mhm okay um I don’t have Any you know I’m I’m just going to go mining again sure cuz there’s no point for me to travel anywhere no I don’t think so not really I mean unless yeah the only thing I can think was unless I wanted to buy some seeds but um so nothing or an ore

That’s available to me is this one of the silver iron ones which an iron which I will take the ore and then I can upgrade my tool later nice uh you come back here would you like to do that right now and I come back uh don’t have stone a thing yeah

I’ll upgrade my tool at the cost of an iron ore okay so we want to probably buy some of these animals huh we need to buy four animals holy hell we’re going to need a lot of money especially because we also have to get 20 gold on top of all this yeah

Okay um I’m going to buy I think a chicken Coupe just because I do think that um chickens are cheaper they only cost six and there’s also a duck here that cost six so that’s doable mhm is there a wood one no Wood’s part of the trees

Okay uh then I’m going to move over here oh oh you’ve got is that an artifact yeah I get an artifact so let me just remind myself what that is I draw from the bag I know that but I think they’re double-sided an artifact discard the tile and draw the artifact keeping the

Resource like that was specified okay so I get an artifact I found some Elvish jewelry M and it’s a c yeah so I can put it there I mean which is actually not bad because it also means that um we get the heart back for this mhm

Right for this one sorry okay uh then I’ll Water this crop I’ll get this over here and then I’ll come in here and I’m going to upgrade my watering can to now be copper so when I water all crops I move them to spaces and then it doesn’t

End of turn effects you can do any of them or all of them just one of them just one of them yeah okay um that’s that was only the first day of summer right nope that was the second day of summer freck I was like that was

The first day of summer have so much time cow nothing to make quality though I’ll take the first player token but then we each get to resolve a gift is it a gift or all gifts trigger gift abil trigger gift abilities yeah but you only going

To choose one so we choose abilities but you’re only going to choose one of them oh but then why is it plural uh cuz we choose we each like trigger gift abilities cuz you might have some on your like for example the one I discarded you

Resolve all on your items but you only get one friend yeah well I get to gain an item that seems sick I got coffee during my turn oh discard during my turn to repeat your previous action oh that’s mean you like mining oh I think I’m

Going to grab a fish tile as opposed to peeking cuz I don’t think we’re in the that part of the game right now I think we we want more friends but I think we’re happy I found a halib it okay okay so here’s what I’m thinking

I’m going to go to the community center I’m going to reveal two more I’m going to move and donate this to the museum that’s what I’m and then then we get the heart and then we can get rid I guess I can also sell this potato we want $4

Right cuz I don’t think we need crops anymore when when did you sell a potato uh doing it during uh this oh there was a buy sell thing there yeah but what I think we also want maybe if you want to do some mining but also

Come buy a bunch of crops cuz now that I have my watering we need yeah we need stuff that’s what I’m thinking yeah I can go I can go buy and then mine and then I can mine again yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay all right I resolve first uh we’re

Going to go to the community center I am going to spend these to get two oh sorry before we do this you might as well give me your spicy Berry as well so I can deliver the stuff the when we’re doing that when we had that window to do

That all right what do we got oh right cuz you’re going to give stuff yeah I want to do the fish tank so fish tank any lake or legendary fish okay I have one Lake fish that I can give with my carp yeah but no legendary sorry per

Player yes uh and then um I think I want to do give me you know let’s just go across go across bullettin board yeah a heart plus any crop per player a it’s more Hearts it is more Hearts okay and crop okay okay well I’m going to drop this

Here I’m going to drop this here I’m then going to move over here I’m going to grab this one I got a stone interesting uh but then I’ll donate this to the museum which is going to give us a heart and that’s me and then we got to save up

For one of these chickens I’ll just put that on top okay um I’m going to buy some seeds I can only buy from here cuz we’re in summer yeah honestly you should just buy one of each one of uh oh blueberry is the wrong side up sure is uh just that’s just four

These are not in numerical order Justin neither of these ones who set this up it didn’t bother me because we were just looking at the spring roll before there we go okay I feel better now um just four seeds grab one of each yeah I think just grab one of

Each and you’re super soon to be better watering can yep all right and then I was going to go to the mine I got a forge tile nice I got a sweet pee nice um I will explore the mine two these heart and flow I get a geode or an

Item um I’ll take the geode this time nice um and I will actually grab the blue geode will you need yeah I’m going to take a blue geode so that’s yeah one of those nice uh then I’m going to discard my coffee to repeat my previous action nice which was mine

It’s all mine oh I came back here sorry no uh again flower in a heart so geode or an item I’m going to go do another geode and I’ll take the same blue geode sorry sorry sorry out bye Russ we miss you sorry buddy right that was spend in action

Right I can’t get Stone from this cuz I need Stone to like really I I can’t go down from here so I need Stone to to go down in the mine you can only get stone with a hard heart yeah I have one though you have one so we just need

One more so we can get deeper there uh then I move back here can’t build stairs no pets um I remove the JoJo tile yep seems great okay and then we go top of the round last part of so no second one there are five there should be

Four there’s one too many summer cards here this is our last one because there should be four per and there were five an event found a lost book an Old Farmers Jer starting player gains a random farming upgrade interesting that’s kind of fun oh you oh so not just a farming

Upgrade is that a oh yeah there is there’s a farming profession an Old Farmers Journal starting play g a random farming upgrade discard any flish to fish to flip all Planet crops to this quality side oh holy cow seems interesting okay uh we then go to the

Fish move I keep forgetting I have this you’ve like luckily though you’ve actually been like you’ve been hitting the ones that you want it’s been getting good stuff so I haven’t really complaining an oyster and oh God a lot of crab meat uh joa tile water sorage when you take the

Water action only move one crop tile okay we need to get rid of that yesterday yeah and then we may sell stuff we need to buy we need to buy animals so do I sell this for three I think so I think maybe I even sell this halit for

One um be I could discard it turn all these into quality which will get us a lot of money yeah so maybe four extra extra money so let’s get three from that that’s green one we got to get rid of that though mhm how

Do we do this how do we oh oh no we didn’t get a gift I was like I’ll just peek I’ll just peek can’t believe Summer’s already done feel like we’ve done nothing okay do so I think I’m going to discard this right now cuz you can only

Have two um upgrades so I might as well um I’m probably going to get rid of this one anyway oh okay yeah dang and you go first too I go first too so I can’t even like water oh we can only have two items as well there’s only two item slots in our

Board there yeah which I’m I I never did that but okay dude we need crops for this and we only have one more crop season left right oh boy oh boy and we need a lot of money we need a lot of Hearts we need a lot of a lot of

Things or is the best way to get Hearts is to make friends I mean it is that is the best way to get Hearts yeah um and we don’t have anything to give them really no I mean you could go I think you bust some geod op geod open this turn

Right we can’t even fish in the ocean which is where most of our fish are in we have this one fish here mhm so do I go mining and then crack geod or do I crack geodes and go to make a friend it’s a great question the only

Thing is so I I prefer mining than geod just because there’s a thing you can get right but the other one not so much yeah so I think that might be like something that I also try to think is there something I can do that gives me some resources while this is

Happening you should I gain any Fortune tile you should give me your wild seeds while this is happening I think we can trade items too cuz I think I don’t really have a valuable turn this turn mhm trade item cards yeah cuz I can use this

Mhm instead of instead of one of your actions yeah so what I’m thinking is I’m going to try to make a friend I think I’m going to try to make a friend or oh no sorry the I was to say move the water R of the crop but we

Can’t cuz JoJo yeah I mean like I could I could move one of them move one of them this is there’s only one you could move yeah well I can move the blueberry I think here oh you can do that way yeah yeah you choose I choose one to water

And I can move it too right oh I thought it didn’t move because there’s a one in front of it no I just can’t stack cuz we need money we want to buy a chicken mhm cuz that seems like a good way for us to potentially

Get some extra cash but I kind of so my plan is I think I’m going to use this and then try to make a friend it’s kind of like what I’m thinking okay cuz I can’t see I mean I could go fishing to get this one fish I can’t water a heart

We need heart we need Hearts but like that’s the thing right if you open geodes mhm I think you should start with geod even though you might hit a geod just because if you can donate to the museum it can get us a heart for this worst case

Scenario that’s what I’m thinking but once yeah that’s yeah let’s do that I’ll go here all right I will use these wild seeds to gain any forgeable tile on the board it’s a stone that does not bode well for my ability to make a friend so

I’m not going to do that because that would just be stupid instead but we you could also use use it to send us deeper in the mine oh no that’s well I can’t even give this to people no I know I know that’s what I’m going to be doing

That’s what I’m doing um I’m going to move I’m just trying to think to where do we do we want to collect some wood for our other building maybe but I kind of want to get some Forge some of these stuff to maybe get some more goodies

MH but the only one I have is to go buy animals which I can’t even do alternatively I can move up here and just water this one and get the wood yeah I mean like the stones not terrible like cuz like you’re said we can get to

Five yeah I think I’m going to move up here grab this wood and I’m going to water this pepper over over here just get the hot pepper mhm and we’ll we’ll read bigger benefits very soon I mean next I mean if nothing moves like if we don’t get anything we

Could also buy some bok choy right yeah yeah all right I’ll move here um unfortunately I can’t do anything because we need to remove that you could you could build stairs in the M oh sorry yeah I forgot about that one yeah yeah yeah okay um oh skull end your turn yeah

Pretty spooky and there’s two skulls I Kuma there’s also bug meat there is also bug meat so I think we just hope we get you get uh you get uh it’s and there just a bunch of rocks so it’s not it’s not a great floor no but we

Hope that we actually kind of want you to get an artifact or or thing so we can we can get rid of this uh water shortage so I’m going to roll the geod need one of these all right my first geode gets me artifact right we just don’t want a c artifact how

About a b artifact a b art okay here we go uh a roll for my other geode oh purple that is the green you got this one green dud that oh heia tight a b and a G oh get rid of that geod um F we need Hearts I’m going to

Hell yeah donate for two hearts hell yeah and would you like to get rid of this when you come back uh yeah sure would sweet sweet sweet all right okay uh end of summer these all come back and then you get a draw and resolve two upgrades again and we are now

Unfortunately in the fall draw two keep one yeah we just started yeah I know even though we’ve actually been playing for 55 minutes doesn’t feel like it it goes very quick oo after resolving a monster’s ability I may roll again sucks on this floor cuz it ends my

Turn oh if you roll a monster in the mine I may ignore and roll and I must take the second roll Ooh oh interesting yeah I’ll take that one all right thank you far but I’m going to grab this Tapper I can place three gold here whenever I get the gift action and then as an action I can grab three gold um yeah I think I’ll keep

This one just cuz hopefully I can get rid of this m this level five card after I resolve a monster’s ability I get to roll again nice okay um let us see what this fall card is let me just make sure I only have four here perfect some just want it

To be longer longer nights I wish I had longer summers all right oh dear do we get rid of the blueberry it’s Le amount of money yep just a math thing right Kitty goes to you you think it’s ever going to rain again uh these go away move the fish you

Can grab a JoJo tile JoJo oh no not again grumpy villagers heart tokens gained by refriend befriending villagers is limited to one iara I mean it’s not terrible to be honest so we can’t get the double Hearts no we we’ve only hit once I think no Twice

Okay and then buy sell trade stuff yes um honestly I think I’m going to buy an animal this turn so I think I’m going to sell this hot pepper even though we need it we also need an animal it’s one of our B conditions we need a lot of animals we need four

Animals we need four animals holy P halfway oh boy we hit one of them yeah right cuz JoJo Mar’s done so now this one is done done yeah okay uh well I’m going to start here I think I need I need gold I got to I got to delve deeper in

The mine well there’s a lot of stone here I could go mine and get stone and Del mine and then like um you know what you should do probably I can’t do anything Community by cell you should water crops move and explore the mine just cuz if you do hit a skull

Even though it’s very unlikely yeah it does end my turn and then that gets everything up farther if you want to do any watering which I think I might I might go try to fish as well to pick some stuff here cuz we are going to need one more wood

Somewhere you get a resol first though I do so I will water crops goes up by one I’ll travel over I mean this star fruit is a chicken it’s a chicken it is a chicken in Disguise um I’ll take this one because it’s on top um I get a green

Green uh mine ore thing it’s an e which we already oh we don’t have we don’t have an e so I could I could two so it’s not that much no uh we’ll explore the mine a couple of these Double Rock I just need double Rock that’s not a double Rock that’s a

Skull or a skull um if my angr isn’t a skull um after resolving a monster’s ability I gain any geode if after the I may roll again but it ends my turn so I wonder if it just suedes it I imagine that supersedes it so I roll a monster end my

Turn after resolving a monster’s ability in the mine gain gain any ore or geode seems sick so um I will gain this iron ore so you can upgrade your nice watering bucket hell yeah cuz that that’s going to be useful later and then you got to go here um I can’t upgrade I

Can’t pet animals yeah do we want to REM I don’t have anything to upgrade I don’t think we remove that cuz I might pet the chicken that we buy today to get the chicken producing more right so I don’t think there’s anything I can do there

I’m gonna buy an animal let’s buy a chicken chick chick chicken Chicken all right then I’m going to move up here a Blackberry uh and then I think I water the crops and we hope we don’t hit a green Crow yeah yeah hope to God are you cool if I spend this hard to pet the chicken yeah go for it big

Egg big eggs are worth I need to this chicken needs produce four times for us to break even all right well to get a not break get make money all right no crow good all right event uh weather report look at the next season card we got rain coming mhm which is

Huge we can actually probably use that to our advantage actually just kidding because we’re not gonna have any cash so what was the rain thing when the rain is on the I gain three gold gain three gold okay okay but we have no crow coming so we could leave this stuff here protile

Yeah what is that doing uh feed shortage when you collect from animals only roll one dice what the why are they doing this to us cuz we Where Do We Roll to collect for collect from animals so you roll these dice oh yeah the animal dice I I

Didn’t see those so we actually would have got three eggs yeah but it says only roll one die on the joju joa card okay and then oh trade and sell um I’m going to trade you that iron ore nice for your watering bucket I think I’m going to sell a

BlackBerry cuz I think I would like to buy some crops this next turn okay well I can for sure get a heart nice so I’m going to go donate to the museum and then use that to get rid of the joa tile at the end of turn

Nice oh dude I don’t know I don’t know how we’re going to do these to be honest oh we should got an item when we restored that room oh when you restore room oh yeah yeah um I’ll just give that to you uh discard your turn to

Gain any Animal product from the supply oh sweet we can just grab some like wool sell it for a bunch of cash okay yeah they even said in the rule book don’t forget that because it’s very good for you to get that it could swing the game in your favor all

Right so I think I’m going to water some crops I’m going to donate and then go to the mine I think I’m going to water some crops move to the center sell a bunch of crops buy some new stuff cuz we don’t have any crows coming so we can go nuts

And then I can water three next turn which is huge so you go first okay um donate to the museum slot e can heart I’ll move here I’ll Forge this tile piece of stone hey that’s not bad help me get out of the mine go mining um

I’ll discard this during my turn to get any Animal product from the supply we’ll take this wool oh yeah uh okay roll the M dice cuz that is all after two hearts I got a stone um if it is not a skull I may move up or to the

Left I can’t but I’ll just take the stone nice all right um monsters ability monsters ability monster ability nope sweet I think that’s me I go back and then do I do I want to get rid of this now or do I want to go deeper in the mine

Now oh I think I think we want a better mine the Mine Card kind of sucks all right we go deeper in the mine gain a stone and end your turn on level six that’s a much better much better most SKS okay I’m going to water these

Crops okay then I’m going to move in here I’m going to grab this one it’s a Wild Plum all right I’m just selling these for $11 and then I’m going to just buy one of each two three four all right just seems like the way to go

Right and then we can’t buy crops in Winter yeah so we have to like get just get going like unfortunately this is like our way to make money so like maybe I I I basically just might just repeat what I’ve done mhm cuz we need a steady

Stream of stuff coming cuz this we need them for that oh I didn’t get rid of my stone when I delved into the mine nice do that okay um and then I come back here I don’t know I think I just I think I just saved the

Heart because we’re not we’re not going to be petting chickens anytime soon no do we have one more fall okay good good good good all right it rains which means I get three gold for us nice water all the crops oh sorry I did want to do something I wanted to upgrade

This yes cuz you had the thing for it yes should not uh disrespect Tyler’s incredible gift for me uh get the cat fish move and then buy sell trade stuff um oh so you haven’t seen trash in here before uh with trash uh if you don’t hit

Anything you can grab the trash um do I keep the wool maybe for something or do we sell it for five that’s a great question actually that’s a great we need the money but we need the money but or do I try making a friend and maybe using the wool

To make a friend maybe I mean we could buy a second building mhm and just like cuz we need dude animals are so we need two two wood though right yeah we do need two wood but I mean like I could water the crops okay what if I water the

Crops and then go buy an animal or go build a building um because you don’t have enough wood for that though oh yeah it has to go this way right or this way yeah I mean I go first oh no because it has to be from your Supply right I mean

We could build the building next turn I think we want to build a building so you might as well wait on it this turn cuz I think that’s the plan I’ll grab some wood and I’ll build a building next turn cuz I can um I can build a building and

Then like come down here and buy crops M I think that’s not a bad plan so I’m going to start here think I just go hard in the mines I think again I know the mines don’t make us a lot of money is the problem too they’re

Making us Hearts which is good but maybe maybe you do a mine and then move in and try to see if you get a friend I don’t think that’s terrible no one heart yeah cuz yeah rest we need hearts need Hearts need everything we need we need it all

Yeah well I’m going to water these crops so I go one two basically it just goes like this mhm which is honestly a huge influx of stuff okay hear me out I’m going to come into the center going grab that wood and I think what we need to

Do is I think I need to do this do the community center so do the chef so that’s halfway there yeah two hearts for that you don’t have lake or Legend you don’t have any fish no we actually haven’t even seen any Lake fish in a while there is a legendary

Fish or Legend yeah legendary but that is a purple and those are one in six per dice yep all right uh go to the mine yeah I can’t do anything look at this dumb chicken C me so much mhm all right uh mine mine mine mine mine heart heart I get a

Stone can’t move anywhere anyway uh no those are Monster abilities mine again green green two Stone um oh or my mining R isn’t a skull I may shift the result by one in the direction shown which is upward to the left I could do a m event or get a geode

Or go with two Stone if I go with two Stone I can definitely go deeper in the mine Mhm which I I don’t know if I can get to the bottom of the Mine by the time we’re done and get the it’s also not one of our objectives so we because it is one of the uh Grandpa quests I think I mean probably a a I

Don’t know a geode has a higher chance of an artifact yep uh an M event could be anything mhm oh it’s too hard of a choice like the cuz the geode it’s either iron or an artifact or green well the green ones are also actually these rows here mhm so that’s

Actually probably a higher chance with a geode that’s a 50/50 shot of getting and it does get us Hearts which is good so I can move on so I will I’ll take the geode which I will take the Frozen geode uh that was my second

Roll so I get to go back um I only have one stone I can’t do anything else there done okay our last autumn hey Cat moves we guys each produce a gift okay I’m going to peek at the top Villager I think oh but I no I can’t get

A fish ti so I’m going to peek uh Shane wants a crop you’ve got a lot of that I could just get to gain an item oh his gift is really good oh secret note discard to Peak at the top card of any deck interesting I

Don’t know oh how valuable that is right now uh you can probably sell your wool now when we’re in this part yeah do we you need it for the money I think we need it for the money and I’m going to sell some stuff I’m going to keep my I

Need to keep um one crop so I’m going to keep the cheapest one I’m going to get us a $9 I think okay we got a lot of money mhm but we have our last influx of crops coming I need to give this oh no I need to keep two of them

cuz Shane wants a crop I mean I can also give Shane this Plum I’m going to peek again because we only get one heart anyway yeah no I give Shane the plum right so we buy as much as we can for crops now yeah so I think I’m going

To do this oh but I wanted to build a build I mean I could build the building next turn what’s the Harmon waiting a turn right well the fact that your actions run out Justin and because you don’t move you actually don’t get additional resources on top of

It so I think so I’m going to go hit a geode for sure yep I think I’m going to buy crops I do want to visit Shane so I think I’m going to do it so I goed but then do I we don’t have anything else to donate

To the museum so I might as well go mining uh I mean if you crack a geode if you if I get the heart yeah because then I can actually oh but I need to buy crops no matter what or if I get something from the geod I could stay

Here and donate yes and get so I think it depends entirely what happens when you bust bust open this geode so I’ll let you do that oh you already peaked at that villager there’s no that’s actually not a bad idea if we do this you then peek

At the next villager so we can see what’s cooking once we get Shane mhm it doesn’t say what it just says discard to Peak I would assume doing it during my turn it’s yeah I I’d say that’s the same actually probably at any time cuz some

Of them said during your turn no this is just discard yeah cuz it says discard during your turn M okay uh crack a geod one dice green I get an artifact nice the bone flute in C oh that is getting sold we already have a c artifact yep so then I can’t

Donate I can always sell later might as well go to the mine the worst thing that happens is I I think our problem is because you’ve uh like looking back we’ve needed like I think someone else besides me to also grab wood cuz then this this awkward thing

You could go and buy buy a bunch of crops that might be good oh right cuz then you’re going to cuz then I can visit Shane and I can get Shane and then I can maybe go and like well if I buy seeds you can water

The crops I could but then you don’t have the board space I don’t have the board space but that’s okay cuz I can do that in the future I could go buy us another animal I don’t think that’s terrible I can get Shane go buy an

Animal so I go here y uh we’re in Fall so that’s just four seeds heck yeah Shane’s ability is also really good for us okay oh yes you can also get one of those oh yeah yeah I’ll take this one uh Wild Plum nice all right uh can’t go down can’t upgrade

Uh Pat removed a heart we don’t have hearts so yeah okay can’t do anything there okay um I’m gonna make a friend it’s Shane I’m GNA give him a Wild Plum to just get us one heart so his uh gift is if you have the coupe gain one chicken otherwise gain an

Egg so that’s $6 right there get a free chicken yeah um and then I think you want want to peek yeah I’m going to discard this to peek uh loves animal products okay we can get some eggs doesn’t like mine stuff you know what I might clear this out this

Turn I might clear that out M CU then we if we get a bunch of chickens I’m going to go buy another chicken also could buy the duck you know what I’m going to buy the duck and you get this Forge tile I do and it is a hazelnut for

$3 okay then I’m going to come here and I think I am going to spend oh God there’s so many resources we need yeah five money for the joa tile I think so I think so cuz we’re about to get a bunch of money on these crops

Okay end of fall Place new trees and Forge tiles and we also got to draw two profession upgrades and keep one of them oh and we’re going to have to discard an old profession upgrade yep I don’t think Grand is going to be happy with us No that’s okay I do think that you should probably lose your first play of a co-op game anyway where’s the last mushroom oh this is a tricky one I can ignore the effects of monsters or after resolving the ability of a monster gain a heart mind you there’s no monsters here right

Now oh I should have on this do think it’s going to rain a lot in the winter I it’s probably the snow the snow yeah it’s going to snow usually snows in the winter um yeah I’m going to risk it did you lose we’re going to lose we’re going to lose

But we’re also going to win uh sir did you you could peek at this guy again what does he hate or what does this person hate you should check that or um geod and or okay so like but he loves animals fora bles are fine too those are those are neutral cool forage

And crops are neutral and animals are loved uh oh but then which one do I throw away I’ll keep my hoping I just better not the mine I’m going to roll be able to roll again and then getting heart tokens okay last four turns two JoJo tokens rude uh no fishing

In the river that’s okay um oh we good thing we bought seeds players may not buy more than one seed per action ah so we don’t need to worry about that one luckily yeah okay okay all right me first um we need if you want to do something

You could collect from animals and go and explore the mind if you wanted but we also got to I got to deliver a crop and a heart so I might I might water crops oh no I can’t I don’t have room for that or do I

Or do I make a friend cuz I I collect from animals oh no I can only get one heart yeah you could make a friend and then move and collect from animals I think that’s not terrible I can’t make the friend oh I could give him a plum

Yeah I can give him my Plum cuz we still though we get us another winter forgea bles for this one yeah so I need to move regardless just so we can work on that uh fishing sucks this one’s harden a c you could do that one

With the eggplant yep and then we could finish that one I probably will wait until I get two forgea bles mhm also when I move I may reveal one adjacent forgeable before choosing which to take and I’m also probably going to buy a building it’s going to use all of our

Money but that’s but we’ve got money coming in the crops yep so so yeah so friend and then animals I think I’m going to buy a building and then determine where I go from there and like maybe water or something yeah probably not water oh no

Cuz you don’t have the board space but I’ll probably collect I might go collect from animals I might give that a shot get some resources all right you got to resolve yours okay we’ll go try to make a friend uh uh Marne I will uh give

Marne one of my plums nice wild plums over there um treasure is gain a random Animal product roll the D that’s kind of sick okay U then I’m going to move over here I will take this one hell yeah winter root uh collect from animals yeah so you got to roll these

Three dice we want to see chickens or Ducks chicken Chi one chicken you get a big egg I get one big egg okay and then I’m going then I go there uh can’t build stairs costs to pet animals right yeah a heart heart oh he uh do we nah no we

Need the hearts for other stuff we have all our friends yes we do hey we met we we we met one of the wi and we’re going to win the second one here so we’re going to get two or two of y two of the

Four um I can’t upgrade my tool I think I have to be done all right I’m gonna buy a building I’m gonna spend all of our gold and two wood to build the only one we can build the barn two of them done yeah let’s go I

Mean we are also about to get a bunch of items when we complete these things right okay and then I am going to I think I am going to move over here I’m going to I’m going to reveal this one first I’ll grab the Holly and then I will water crops cuz I

Think I get these two and then these two move over here so what I think I’m going to give you a bunch of stuff mhm so you can complete a bunch of objectives next time so I can get the oh yeah but we’re not at the trade

Trade time yet uh there’s no joa tiles we desperately need to remove this one does nothing this one’s not covering the lake we need okay okay give us something good no crow no crow Kitty animal joa tile visiting the museum to donate now requires two actions okay well we’ve done that we

Have done that and we will never do it again uh we got to resolve gifts I’m going to choose Shane’s and it’s going to give us a chicken do we need animal stuff do we need animal resources uh we might for this other stuff might mhm so I can

Gain an item or I can get a random Animal product I think items have a bigger chance of swinging the game in our favor mhm so I just need to roll the uh roll the animal die and I’m going to give these to you by the way rabbit’s

Foot oh but then my board full so oh okay I’ll wait till after cuz you could sell the bone flute cuz technically we can’t do that until we get to this part anyway yeah so so we do the thing I’ve resolved him uh buy and sell stuff I will sell the bone flute

For three I’ll give you these you got the three money I did yes all right so those two are for that guy this one’s done I don’t have a fish a crop and a heart I could also do that yep we’ll get two items this way we’ll

Get two items oh but then that’ll spend a heart so I can’t flip another one of these I’ll try to make a friend okay cuz I think if we can make a friend we can get another heart we can and you’re first so I’m going to I I want to move

First I think I’m going to how much money do we have I think I’m gonna do like a collect from animals and then move in so if I hit the community center all right or do I try to make a friend get a heart and then go to the

Community center uh well I’m going to try to make a heart I’m trying to make I’m going to try to make a friend because I think you might oh sorry sorry you go first sorry you go first I think it might be better too if you go mine

This turn or even uh buy and sell things and make money depending too we’ll see how this goes all right well the duck produces his feather but that’s okay that’s an animal good which is something that we can work with so I’m going to move in here I’m going to reveal this one

Fiber all right well I’m going to grab this wood instead I think not that I think any of it actually does anything but I can just discard it it’s a it’s a says it’s a building material so there must be something that I could use it requires

That as a building material all right I’m going to try to befriend someone it’s a forageable he got hazelnut I do have a hazelnut we only get one you one anyway but dude this guy discards a joa token from the board oh yes I’m going to give him my least valuable thing I

Think because that’s just a numbers game but I will give us another heart which will get us where we need to go and then I leave the board and I will not do anything all right so I’m hitting the community center uh two winter forgea here’s your

It that gets us an that gets an item card uh rain totem discard to water all crops triggers the lightning rod twice that’s six gold that’s really good does not benefit from the watering can so okay um that seems pretty sick I could just do that now it just

Says discard so um so water all crops yep so I get that guy um and then six money from that that was pretty good yep uh don’t have fish but I’m going to spend a heart and this eggplant to finish that one so I get another item there you

Go uh Prismatic Shard University loved gift may give to any villager for two heart tokens okay but jojamart yes is limited to one okay uh would you like to reveal one of those uh I would uh let’s just just go down the line go to the Vault so

That’s two hearts gone did you grab them already yeah 16 gold 16 gold just to just to complete that one so we need 36 gold I I don’t think that’s going to happen that’s tough um also also cuz we can’t plant any more crops no so we have to rely on our

Animals okay that was your first action though that was first action um I’ve got a for or a crop two animal and a stone resource is it crazy to like just go produce animals collect from animals col from animals uh duck and chicken just just to get the money maybe

I don’t know but you also could go to the mine you also could make a friend you’ll get one but it only gives us one heart you know what um I think we might need to I don’t even know I don’t even know I don’t know there only we only

Need two more Hearts we only need two more hearts two more Hearts to reveal this but then we need oh friends sorry that’s friends friend I just saw the heart token so actually these two here I’ll turn these two these two are actually done we’ve

Done these ones so we need we need more animals and we need more money fish is a good way to get money too in the future mhm but I mean with that said though I also don’t think the mine’s bad because you also get this token yeah I could get

That and then and I think we just sell quite liberally mhm all right so I will go to the mine I will take this token um winner Forge Holly that’s money nope these ones these ones two of them heart heart uh that one more get me

A stone I can you have an action you can do over here all right and I can use my stone to go down in the mine uh oh monster action lose a heart okay okay which we don’t have any hearts to lose correct we don’t but there’s a lot of good stuff on

That one there is um I did my thing that’s that’s the end of what I can do I mean we’ve done half in both of them mhm we’ve done half in both of them I’m not going to say this could have gone it could have gone better but it definitely

Could have gone worse gifts okay oh gifts uh an item or a random Animal product so I can discard a joa token with this guy mhm that might be worth it for this cuz it lets us get two more Hearts to do that cuz you have that thing right yeah I think that’s

Probably worth it right get the hearts to uncover the boiler room cuz we’ve only got a couple of turns left this is we have two turns left so do I go for the animal random it doesn’t rain in in um in the winter in the winter at least I’ve seen um I think

Items gain a random animal item I think items are more swingy so I vote item you vote item I do okay we’ll do item then I would say like 50/50 discard during your turn to move to any space interesting oh so I don’t

Have to travel one line yes I I I do an action here and I can go over there man this lake has been a problem too but we also have we also have just been ignoring fishing right so that’s also kind of on us but we need to at

Least get one more Lake fish am I good to sell this eggplant probably probably yeah let’s get us some cash a little bit more money uh how much of this do I sell and keep well the rabbits foot is four I support selling we need we need a 36 mon yeah

Um well I can get a free friend with this so do I need a crop of forage or an animal product you might for the boiler room we actually can look to see what Boiler Room wants cuz I think they have everything listed uh mine resources oh okay well I

Have none of those okay so then I might as well just here why don’t you give me the item the oh you want the the warp item or or yeah because you’re probably better in the mine yeah yeah if we need to mine stuff it’s

Better if we just kind of like wait that out right so and oh and you’re still going first so you can get the hearts and then flip the tile and then I know what I need to go for in the mine y so I’m probably going to spend all 16 of

Our dollars to also make my trip worthwhile mhm sucks that we haven’t seen one of these fish but I mean like if we had another gift there’s a chance that Alex can give us a random fish tile mhm we also need one more animal but I am going to go here I’m

Going to go there so I just so no but then like do I just sell these then cuz they’re not they’re not used for anything $9 uh $35 $9 so that’s some more cash there um and then just yeah mine mine I can’t go fishing because there’s

No green there’s no there’s no green circles in the fish track um bu okay 10 oh and does it is there it just costs 10 to buy you don’t yeah okay you don’t need those other things it’s just what it is and what it produces

Yeah all right so you buy an so yeah so you’re I’m gonna make a friend yeah okay gonna make a friend Elliot hey Elliot how about you take this Prismatic Shard so pretty we get two hearts okay I have a question for you do

You want me I mean I guess okay now I guess as much as it is probably the right answer to do the community center I was I’m also like but what if I also get cuz we have one last chance to sell it’s going to cost us an action

Otherwise to potentially have a free sell I don’t know but I think this is probably better I’ll visit reveal Boiler Room for us any two just need two or okay uh I am going to spend 16 of our dollars this comes back with four to do this

One which is going to give us an item durard during your turn to execute any end of turn effect once for free o oh for free so you could well not you you don’t want to upgrade your water in cannons that’s useless probably want to pet make one of these guys better

They’re both two no this one’s three I think that all goes up by one yeah I think I’m going to just pet the duck make the duck a bit better and then with that oh no I’ve done my twoo you’re good to go right cuz the second was

Community Center yeah okay yeah so I really uh fish well I can’t go fishing uh so just got to go for the ores where two dice good luck you hit one heart FL oh yeah it’s two oh no sorry um a geode or an item I

Did not hit a skull I could go upper to the left you could go to the skull and Trigger all your stuff right I lose a heart after resolving I can gain a heart yeah and then after resolving ability I can get roll again so I get a free roll

I think that’s not terrible uh isn’t yeah in the direction shown yeah so I could have landed heart flower here I’m going to go in one to hit a skull y the skull resolves lose a heart we don’t have a heart to lose you gain a heart after resolving an monsters ability mine

I gain a heart token after resolving monsters ability in the mine I may roll again that’s a flower green guy so that is these two uh M event or two Stone probably the event right the event probably more could be anything uh trigger any mine grid space on the

Current map card yeah that’s pretty good um I’m going to take two ores yeah I can do the blacksmith um oh it doesn’t matter which ores I take yeah just sure let’s take two ores trigger any M grid space in the current map card yeah sweet do you want to come and deliver

Them and then oh I fre I could you could because that was my first action yeah uh that’s all we need from the mine now right yeah I think so I’ll go here Community Center give you two two or I get an item card uh backpack upgrade you may store

Up to four tiles on this card and treat it like part of owner’s inventory oh that’s pretty good so I just get a I got a backpack that’s pretty good oh sorry I should be here um that was my second I come back here do you want to pet the chicken

Uh what does it cost to doesn’t cost anything to pet the animals oh cost heart gives us more money do we do we need heart no we don’t need we don’t need Hearts I don’t think so need Hearts we need we need to go fishing yeah so I’ll

Pet the pet the chicken all right here’s the game plan you ready for this oh we’re going to get we need how much money do we have right now we have nine so we need 11 we need TW we need n uh $19 cuz we need one more animal yep and

Then 20 gold yep I’m sitting on some cash over here we also got to go fishing but no but Alex is going to give us a fish tile here let’s see what happens there’s no gift oh no but new fish hopefully maybe we can go fishing there is one oh single heart that’s

Cheap okay uh I’m first we get a set so I mean I’m going to sell this stuff right for $5 okay how do we do this okay well I’ve got a I’ve got a Teleport yeah that’s huge but do I go so I’m first like fishing Community Center so hoping I get the

Fish yep I think that’s fair that completes this we’re not going to win but we’re going to try to get as much as we can right that’s the goal mhm I think we still need I think we’re going to miss by one animal mhm because you go second you could buy

An animal Al the comes to an end it just says okay yeah um so if I get the fish it cost I don’t we could either save enough money or get the chick or get a new animal cuz it’s eight for the goat yeah okay you can’t wood hm

Uh no I I think I think we can complete the fish and we can do animals I think we or money we do one of the two yeah um I think we just buy an animal and we do the fish and we say we got everything

Except for this one and I think that’s pretty good so I’m going to buy an animal this turn okay well I’m going to go go fishing good luck uh fish is all three all three and it’s just one heart just one heart for that I got one heart you got it take my

Fish I will travel here I guess I get this fiber yep um I will go to the community center give you Lake fish nice one per player so I get an item card uh discard to cancel the effects of crow on a single season card it’s great

Um I can only have two items I’m going to discard that item yeah all right I’m going to spend uh $8 for oh and then I go back on there’s nothing I can do I’m going to spend $8 for a goat and then I think I move up here and

I collect from animals you get a token thing not that it matters winter rout duck cow bunny just got one duck feather so we went go all right well we did everything except save enough gold I mean I’m not it’s farther than I thought we were going to get I’m not like

Actually that upset cuz like going into winter we had like what two of these and like two of these done so like I think we did a lot I think so I think what the what the difference was is that I think we needed to like I think as you play it

You kind of like have to understand where the focus factors are yeah because it definitely shifts I doubt the oh yeah we would got the Epic item too yeah oh yeah no it wouldn’t but it was take one free action targeting any space so I could have sold these for 10

For $5 we would have been at 11 oh we need a 20 oh no that’s a gift it’s a gift too so well dang do you want to play again now that we got it we can give another shot I had a fun time we can see how it

Goes with some new stuff M um but thanks for watching everybody have a good one and as always GG’s

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Justin and Tyler try to save the valley in this co-op game based on Stardew Valley. Let’s catch fish, explore the mine, and grow some crops!

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  1. The base game difficulty seems especially difficult for what I would consider a more laid back farming game. Especially with the randomness of the end-game-goals vs the randomness of some things like fishing. As tight as the action economy is, the you don't have much room to mitigate poor luck.

    This makes me feel like it was designed not designed around a casual playthrough of stardew valley, but as a speedrun-the-community-center playthrough of Stardew.

    What did yall think about the difficulty and feel of the board game vs the video game?

  2. That was quite a rally!

    You had more Joja tiles than average. For a first play I recommend the starter season cards for a more consistent experience.

    Animals are generally a worse return than most things, so that objective is a tough one. On the last gift phase, you could've gotten a chicken (from Shane, I think). That would have left the heart Joja tile, but might have helped since you wouldn't have had to spend the action to buy the last animal.

    Generally spamming hearts on in Spring is useful to reveal the objectives ASAP.

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