“Lucky Ducky” RIVERLAND Farm Speed Build and Tour | Stardew Valley Farm Tour 1.5

Hey hi howdy and hello friends it’s wiggity here and welcome to my second speed clean build and farm tour this time with the riverlands farm and it is going to be a recreation and improvement because i do have a few farms on my switch like the one you see here and i

Couldn’t really find a way to move my switch save over to pc so we’re going to be recreating it now the farms that i do have on my switch are mostly for my chill time and my down time while i’m hanging out and homeschooling the kids and the riverlands layout is honestly

Probably the last on my list of plays that i like to play so i tried to challenge myself to enjoy it the space is just very hard to work with which is why it’s not really one that i play with all that often still the farm that i have on the switch

Which i call the lucky ducky farm is just one thing away from hitting perfection and that is getting the golden clock so it i put it on pause for a little while maybe i’ll finish it finally i don’t know now one thing that is going to make this

A lot easier is using the stardu planner you can upload a save if you want um import it from a save file or just kind of like choose a different layout and start like building from scratch which can be very helpful i don’t always use

This but sometimes when i want to set up something really nice i will look into this and just kind of get a good overview of everything otherwise i’ll just take a screenshot of the farm that i have and stare at it for like 17 hours

We’re going to go ahead and load up the only riverlands farm that i have on pc and try our best to get it to where it needs to be now this farm is also um pretty early it hasn’t finished the community center or anything so for this

Build what i am going to be doing is using moz just to kind of get it to where it needs to be in relation with my other farm one of the frustrating parts about the stardew planner is you can’t move the greenhouse as much as you want it’ll load up

Wherever it is but you can’t move it um here it’s pretty easy to use you can erase stuff you can place stuff lots of floors you can place some stuff around and just get a good idea i’ve already played around with this and i have a

Picture of what i’m going to be working off of just to kind of get a decent layout this is kind of similar to what i have on my farm but i also i’m going to be making some changes just to be a little bit more enjoyable for myself

I’m gonna add a few different things in and a layout that i think is better that i’ll eventually change my other place too okay loading into this farm my lakeview farm it is in the fall which is my absolute favorite season so right now um there isn’t a whole lot of

Anything going on it’s a very very basic farm i did get a lucky mushroom tree here very basic farm nothing crazy hey hey cat mittens okay with the cjb cheats menu i’m gonna be doing quite a few things um checking infinite stamina popping up my movespeed just a little

Bit we’re gonna be doing instant build which is very important we’re keeping our time paused everywhere and then one of the things that you can do with this is growing your crops and your trees like instantly so trying to get things set up to where i

Want them to be that’s um what i’m going to be doing with that and then cjb cheats menu also they have a an item spawner that i’m going to use to help me uh get all the things the first thing i’ve got to clear everything out and start getting

Everything placed to where i want them to be so i’m going to be clearing up all the trees on the farm yes even the fruit trees because they all gotta go All right and last is the mushroom tree bye mushroom tree all right and the riverlands farm actually has some really nice like bushes and things like that they’re very good for beautification but we are clearing these up because i just don’t have the space for them

I have other things i want to place here All right everything’s cleared up the space is empty we just got to clear clean up these um crops and we should be good all right that’s ready to go perfect next step is um getting the buildings moved to where they need to be and also building a bunch of things too

All right i’m going to go to robin’s and move a bunch of stuff around and see what a better space that i have to work with All right the whole greenhouse thing is throwing me off for a loop i thought i could move it up just a little bit more but i cannot so i’m gonna have to adjust my initial plans now in my planner i planned for some stuff over here but i just gotta see if

I can actually uh till this area specifically this spot nah that spots a no all right originally i had the greenhouse shifted a little bit over but i kind of wanted to throw maybe some uh flowers over here i don’t think i’m gonna do like a whole

Lot of craziness with the honey there’s just not a ton of space for honey here but that’s what we’ll be doing with this area in my my honey house spot So there are a few things that robin sells that i absolutely love to decorate well furniture catalog obviously but the seasonal plants here um she sells some interesting ones they change depending on like she changes what she sells sometimes those i decorate with a lot she also has bake basic log in

Log section i love to use those liberally as much as i can so i’ll probably be using those all throughout and then there are a few different seasonal plants i don’t think you can get that from the catalog here let’s find out seasonal plant house plants so the other seasonal

Plants you don’t get from this catalog here but if we open up our cheats menu here i can show you where they are all at they’re somewhere just type in seasonal plants and these are plants that you can buy normally from the night market merchant but i love them so

Much so whenever i see the night market happening or robin is selling them here i will pick up a ton of them because they’re usually not that expensive and they’re also super great because they change whatever they change depending on what the season is um some of them i don’t love

In the winter oh i love that one during the fall time the cactus is pretty much always a cactus and that’s mushrooms so these are all the seasonal plants plus the one that we just bought from robin so these are the ones that i use for decorating all over

The place and like i said you can pick them up at the night market you they will sell that every year As for me i’m obviously going to be using spawning them in because it’s not the night market here okay so as for flooring um on this farm i have a few different flooring options i usually like to do cobblestones really nice but um Being that we’re on the riverlands farm i was thinking um wooden floorings around would be lovely that’s what i used on my farm on the switch the rustic plank floor i used but i was thinking of switching it up to the weathered floor although the rustic blank 4 floor does

Look more like a dock or something like that so maybe that’ll be what we need but i’m gonna place a little bit of both down just to see what i like better the weather floor is a floor plan that you can get from the dwarf i really love this flooring

It’s just it’s really nice and rustic but like in a good way not that rustic isn’t a good way but yeah see look at that it looks good but it doesn’t fully match with these bridges so let’s see if this one does any better and then of course there’s the regular wood flooring

Which i think it’s just a little bit too pale yeah i don’t like that one for this so i think i’m going to go with the rustic no yes no yes well look at with the rustic floor sorry it’s such a hard one i just absolutely love the weather floor it’s beautiful

And nice but this is going to fit the look of everything that i’m doing just a little bit more since like i said i think it looks more like a like a fisherman’s duck sort of flooring okay so this farm is very limited on its space so normally i would like to have

Like an area that i grow a bunch of trees so that i can chop them down for various different things we don’t really have that here so what i’m going to be doing instead is um growing hardwood trees and turning those i i turned those into wood when i needed it instead

With the limited amount of space you really got to decide what’s the most with this area what’s the most important stuff for you for me um on this playthrough that i did on my switch is when i started really experimenting before i made that t sapling video of how to

Make a bunch of t saplings and so this area was a complete patch of fiber and i think i might still do that i do kind of like to have like a wide area around my greenhouse and my sheds just for decorative purposes and to kind of mix up

The the pathway and the floorings um i feel like it gives it a little bit more interesting it just makes everything look better it makes everything look interesting now i love the rustic plank floor but for some reason i feel like if you especially when you do it uh two by two

But i feel like when it goes up and down with just a single strip it just doesn’t look as good as if you do a double or if you go from left to right or whatever so sometimes i just gotta play around like i said and choose different floor pieces

I might do a little bit of a stone pathway here i got to think about that one let’s say with right here like stone and like cobblestone just to kind of fill that up so yeah the original plan is to have two barns here and um keep the coop in the shed here

For all the processing and just have this eyelid but i realize when i’m looking at my my layout i have no idea what i’m doing this with this space so i was thinking maybe i’ll move the coop over here just for a little extra space for those poor birds

So usually i put wood for my patio or my little deck but um with this one being that i have so much wood everywhere everywhere else we’re gonna be doing these stone and then once my house is upgraded um we’ll match the colors to make it look really nice

I’ll just get our cobblestone stepping stone stuff here i’m gonna throw some mushroom trees normally i had it over on this side but i’m gonna throw some mushroom trees down here just to kind of like hey this is a mushroom cave in case you didn’t know ah that looks good that looks good

All right starting off we’ll get this little fiber area set up can hold quite a bit over here all right that’ll grow nice and fibery eventually all right this area here is going to be for all of my mahogany trees and all that such now normally with mahogany’s i like to

Let the the seeds spread but um i also like to put paths in between so the seats don’t spread when i have like an end game farm and i don’t need extras anymore now this area over here is where i’m going to be keeping my tappery

Now on my switch i actually have this lime hutch right here and i feel like it just gives you just barely a path barely a path right here to get in there so you can do that if you want i still like the dark side even though

It doesn’t fit as much with the aesthetic of the entire farm that i have but yeah we’re gonna do a little sign for each of them just because i’m weird like that and i like it oh so this farm doesn’t have like a lot of space for solar panels or anything

Like that and usually i would just put my solar panels on island anyways but i am going to build a sort of power grid or i like to have for some reason i like to have the crystal flooring underneath all of my lightning rods and

My solar panels i just feel like um that or or stone flooring i kind of feel like it fits a little bit better i feel like it’s like conductive flooring i know it’s not but it feels like it okay so those sections are done i’m gonna work a

Little bit on this don’t have a whole lot left to do with this spot but being that um being that i don’t have all that much lightning rods i only have a few i like to have a bit more than that we’ll be doing lightning rods instead of

A bales for our grass starter holders okay bunch of lightning rods scattered all over the place that should be just fine we are still going to use a few hay bales just for decorative purposes there that looks nice it looks good that looks okay just mostly just okay

This area needs some love and attention okay so we’re going to decorate this spot right here easiest way to do that is of course with a chair in this area i i have a little bit of trouble kind of figuring out how i’m going to set this up

Being that i’m going to be having um all of my worm bins up with in the shed that i have right here i’m going to probably do just a little recycling center here probably don’t need a lot perfect okay so that’s pretty set up here that looks good

It’s small space next up i’m gonna work on my fields here isn’t a whole lot of space for growing crops here i mean i could have instead of animals and whatnot but i’m gonna just be working on the little bit that i do have on the iridium sprinklers here these three they all

Have the extender so that it can be a square of 48 instead of 24. these could water 22 total more crops but working with the space that i have so get this area taken care of so there’s the fields i know super exciting okay so this ha there’s like this

Awkward little spot back here i can put some crab pots up this way but i’m actually going to plant some trees just because i really like the way that they look back here and some tea bushes too okay so i can throw some fruit trees back here that’s really nice let’s go

Ahead and grow those oh i think i want might want to change the trees that we have now on my farm i had like three maple trees and three oak trees um kind of staggered around here but the fruit trees look good we’ll do that

All right this area is all going to have some mushroom trees this area here so i gotta get them in the right spots ellie’s gonna have a nice little mushroomy area i don’t think i can have a farm without it now there is one seasonal plant that

Would go so perfect with all of this this one right here since they’re already kind of little mushrooms it makes it look like these are like the little harvest baskets which i absolutely love like oh hey we’ve been harvesting mushrooms and here’s where they are only works for the fall time though

I think it’s so cute if i put him right here all of these fields will be covered and then i’ll just need one for right around here so i don’t have to look at it we’re just gonna put it behind put it behind uh oh no let’s move him

Over one away he can creep in through the horse’s window it’s a little creepy i like it all right let’s do a couple of rows of grapes i like the way trellis crops look like on like a little entrance area i really like the way that amaranth looks i think

It’s really pretty and then i absolutely love the way the artichokes look and i personally absolutely love artichokes it’s one of my favorite things to eat favorite vegetables like i said most of my money is made from my um greenhouse and over at ginger island i’ve got a ton of star fruit and

Ancient seeds already set up so this is just for beautification of the farm all right things are starting to shape up pretty nicely i’m liking the way things look let’s throw some grass starters down here i love the way that the grass looks in the fall time

Okay so for this spot right here this is kind of like my central area where i do all of my crafting and whatnot this is going to be for all of my smeltery and stuff i have this weird quirk where i like to sell everything like at the end of a season

So i like to keep a couple of chests here just for that reason where i just kind of offload all this stuff until i’m ready to sell them all at once okay with this farm being that it’s the riverland farm it needs crab pots and there’s a lot of straightaways that we

Can actually put these crab pots on so i’m gonna fill them up as much as i can without it being like too annoying that’s what this area back here is for it’s like the perfect straight spot for crab pots all right 100 total crab pots place

All right let’s do a farm tour of the place i did my best to recreate my farm from the switch with some improvements along the way too where’s right here we have our little patio my mill a bunch of fruit trees hanging out back behind the house our creepy uh

Scarecrow checking out the horse making sure that they’re doing okay looks like we got a giant pumpkin too i did let um my character sleep a little bit so i could get to the tea season for good for a good shot then we have this field here this looks so pretty like the

Purple and green i think the grapes really tie it together really nice oh and our mushroom cave slash mushroom grove with the little mushroom baskets they look so great i wish they stayed mushrooms all year long but they don’t unfortunately this area for all of our crafting and

Such we’ll go ahead and switch these out because i did let my character sleep for a little bit we have all of our batteries ready too oh i made a mistake with my fencing oh well i’ll have to fix all that the greenhouse area looks really nice i really do enjoy this whole

Honey area too looks like a couple of wild honeys because something isn’t reaching a flower that’s okay probably a couple over here too yeah for grandpa’s grove i decided to turn it into like a little statue garden with that crystal chair that i really have no idea whatever to do with

Because you only get one and i don’t really know what else to do with it that’ll do of course the area where we keep all of our fiber and our hardwood section which is my main source of wood in the game oh i should let all the animals out

We’ve got so many pigs on this farm and this is an ostrich farm too it’s an ostrich duck and pig farm here so we gotta let everybody out so they can do their thing and destroy all the grass work that i’ve done i should probably honestly switch and

Put the pigs here and put the other ones here so the pigs have more space to gather truffles and whatnot down here we have our they’re just so loud i have the area with uh my two fish ponds and my recycling oh so i don’t really have like a whole bunch of

Space for doing my processors outside like i normally do so i kept them all in here and i decorated this shed i like it i think it’s nice keeping my worm bins in here too [Applause] all with hoppers so i don’t have to worry about um

Doing much with these and then i just grab stuff from my autographers later on i did put the little chicken statue in and put a bunch of wheat in some planters just because i think it i think it looks nice i think it looks good 43 bait which is definitely not going to

Be enough for all of my crab pots so i should probably expand that out a little bit maybe take away some of the other machines inside of there we’ve got our back crab pots here this will be so much better if i was to install the automate mod

Okay down this way we have the sapari or tappari or which whatever you want to call it i like to call it the sapri and all of my warped totems for various different places including the mini obelisk to get back up to my central area i can already see some adjustments that

I want to do with this place but all in all i love this this whole area right here i love this vibe oh let me check out um and show you a little bit of the spot that we have down by oh i can’t go through there with my horse there we go

Oh my little duck area here got a couple of babies too but i put myself i set myself up like a little fishing dock here with the mini shipping bin it kind of looks like a like a tackle box and then through the worm that you give

To willie in that quest on a sign just i like it it’s a cozy cozy little nook so i can hang out and wait for the ducks to jump in the water which i’m sure they’ll do eventually this place looks really good at nighttime too

Cool i’m gonna get a shot and then uh a second one once it’s a little bit darker because this place really shines in the night time all right so here is the overview of what is on my switch called the lucky duck farm because i usually have a whole bunch of

Ducks on it um they’re all hiding right now but with my character named mallardy i changed her name i haven’t changed the farm name yet and i did clone this farm from my previous one just because i did want to recreate what i had already i really like the coloration of everything

It looks pretty good oh let’s get that night shot this looks so good at nighttime look at this they’re still going back to bed i just changed the time real quick just so i could see it i i think i really oh i love the fall

Fall colors i wonder how this looks in the other seasons i’d have to check it out but it’s looking pretty good right now now one of the things i did learn from looking at various different posts on reddit is about putting these lanterns outside these lanterns can go outside as long as

You put them on a table so i just plopped down a little end table and plopped that down there just to give it a really nice ambiance oh my my horse cannot move through this place i might have to do some adjusting oh my gosh i like this area here

I think it looks really good i’m really happy with how it looks it looks similar to what i have let’s see if i have a shot of that okay here is the photo downloaded from my switch of the farm that i have currently and how it is and so

The switch shots are pretty blurry and sad looking but i’d say that the pictures are pretty similar or the general idea is pretty similar yeah i mean it it’s close we did some adjustments i moved the greenhouse over a little bit moved where the mushroom trees are and my

Shed set up added an extra shed and barn this is pretty much the same and same with this area here and then instead of a slime hutch we did a separate the and recreated the uh mahogany area fruit trees and expanded out the power station instead of having

That extra sprinkler but everything else is pretty much yeah it but better i think it turned out pretty good all in all i really like this farm i think it turned out really nice i love the colors in the fall time it is so wonderful and

I think i did pretty good for a river lens farm it’s definitely the farm style that i never use but there’s a couple things that i gotta fix like i cannot get my horse through certain areas so i might have to make some adjustments to a couple of things

All right friends well thank you so much for hanging out on this farm with me the speed clean the speed build i’m wiki and i will see you next time bye

Welcome to the Lucky Duck Farm!

It’s time to clean and tour another farm, this time I’m tackling my LEAST used farm layout, the Riverland Farm. It’s just such a tight space I find it hard to work with.

I have a farm on my Switch that is 99% on the perfection rating that uses this layout and decided to recreate it on PC and show you the process, as well as go over some of my thoughts and the planning that goes into it. Going in with a much better idea of what I want this time.

*HEADS UP* This is an endgame farm with some items used from the 1.5 update that may be considered SPOILERS.

PS in my shed, the windows are uneven. I didn’t notice it until now, and now I must delete the whole farm.


♦Stardew Valley Planner – https://stardew.info/
♦CJB Cheats Menu – https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/4/
♦CJB Item Spawner – https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/93

Video Directory Timestamps:
0:00 “Lucky Ducky” RIVERLAND Farm Speed Build and Tour

About My Farm – 0:50
Stardew Planner – 1:07
Using a Starter Farm – 2:57
Mods I’m Using and Why – 3:21
Clearing The Space – 4:00
Building Placement – 5:27
Talking Decor – 7:03
Pathing – 9:10
Fiber and Hardwood Section – 13:55
The Sappery and Obelisks – 14:42
Power Management – 15:20
Fish Ponds – 16:47
Crop Fields and Fruit Trees – 17:27
Mushroom Trail – 18:49
Rarecrows and Planting – 19:28
Central Section – 20:38
Crab Pots – 21:05

Farm Tour – 21:30

🔥30 MORE Tips and Tricks: https://youtu.be/fEIL9mdhrRc

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“Lucky Ducky” RIVERLAND Farm Speed Build and Tour | Stardew Valley Farm Tour 1.5

#stardewvalley #wickedychickady


  1. I love watching people's farm tours, and going through your process is so entertaining and inspiring! I find it funny you don't seem to like the limited, zoned spaces of the Riverland Farm, as it is what I find most interesting about it. haha

    Hope we get to see similar videos for the other farm layouts!

  2. So beautiful! The night shot – omg! I have a river lands far for the challenge and this gave me some great ideas!
    Does anyone know if the pigs will spawn truffles in the water? Ive been trying to keep them away from the water, but it’s tough in this farm

  3. I'm playing my first farm and it is this one. I love your layout. I put my fish pond on my mainland as well as my farm animals, but after seeing yours, I might move my animals to the large center island. Right now that is where I have my main crop field. The lower left island is my tree farm and the small island to the right is my rice field/corn crop land. Mid left (where you can see part of the cliff) is where I'm growing my coffee beans and in the winter I plan on growing my wild seeds.

  4. "And stare at it for 17 hours" ah, I see you take the same approach I do. lol ETA: yup, same approach, I have the same quirk of liking to sell everything at the end of the season.

  5. This looks amazing!! 😀 I've been doing an overhaul of my old riverlands file as well and it's def been a challenge coming up with something that takes advantage of the limited space. You definitely made me want to redo the interiors of my sheds, I am obsessed with how that looked!

  6. Have you played much on the hilltop farm? I just started a hilltop playthrough after playing every other farm, and it's by far the hardest for me. Inspiration would be really helpful, as I'm getting ready to give up.

  7. This is gorgeous and something for me to aspire to (being in my second year after a long absence from the game). I like your lantern idea, lighting makes a huge difference to atmosphere that’s for certain. I do wonder how you get through all the work and still have time to explore and mine? I struggle with my 4 pigs, 2 cows and 6 hens, plus a greenhouse and 48 garden plots! 😳

  8. Your farm is so cute. I am not really that creative but I've taken inspiration from you, so that helps. Also, Automate is one of the mods I cannot live without. I don't know how you keep up with all those crab pots without it.

  9. I got perfection on the standard farm and have been doing slime ranching on a Riverland farm for "hard mode" and this is real nice, I love seeing how people handle the odd layout and limited space. I did lots of little sectioned off areas and got three sheds to maximize inside space for processing. Just found your channel so I'm binge watching lol

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