TeeVee Ranks SMILING CRITTERS in Minecraft!

Hi it’s TV today we’re going to be ranking brutally ranking The Smiling crits woo dog D you excited I don’t know how I feel about this I don’t want to be brutally ranked yeah cab you’re just going to have a good time right yeah hoppy you

Look so excited I want to I want to get ranked I don’t know what it means but I want to get ranked K chicken are you dancing what are you doing I think he’s I think he’s excited I think all right guys guys all right we’re going to stop we’re going to stop

But before we do that look it’s a channel member hey shout out to skibby bop bop that’s right a channel member called Skiby Bob Bob and you got a shout out if you guys want to shout out all you have to do is click that join button

Down below and you may see your name in a future video but we’re going to hide this up now uh bye skab anyways all right are you guys ready I guess okay I believe also that Bubba crafty and picky you guys are sleeping or you’re lazy so I’m going to

Have to pick you up uh crafty is out okay and and sleepy great all right uh let’s do this all right good luck oh also I’m going to be getting the question reading it and then I’m going to rank you guys and then I’m going to read it out loud so you

Guys AR going to know until after i’ I’ve ranked you guys uh okay okay uh oh no we’re starting off so strong oh gosh um all right so I can pick these guys up so let me pick these guys up there you go there you go there you go

Picky I’m going to pick you up too picky I’m going to pick you first actually is it cuz I’m cool you you’ll find out Pi chicken why don’t you go number two yay I got to go number two I’m going to put Bubba number three B

You go down a little bit there you go that’s a nice number you know what crafty corn you’re going to go eight and then hoppy why don’t you go seven dog day why don’t you go four B hug you go five and then Canam you go six to where I go

Okay all right I think this looks good okay so this is the ugliest Wait what I’m so sorry I’m so sorry ugly I’m so sorry kick a chicken y I’m the ugers yeah you you’re unicorn crafty corn so I thought you’re so beautiful wait so I’m the most beautiful in the world what uh between the others I think don’t don’t get ahead of yourself guys

If I’m wrong please comment down below saying TV that is so wrong and that’s I I’ll I’ll I’ll apologize hold on that is so wrong no no no wait you’re like basic average you’re a dog I I think this is fine what would your dog say about that okay my dog is

Black and white so he’s beautiful right so it should be beautiful fully down there I should be down there you’re Orange what’s wrong with orange orange isn’t my favorite color Fair all right we’re going to carry on all right uh ooh okay um let’s see all right I’m

Going to pick up these guys so I’m going to pick up these guys and crafty corn there you go let’s see hoppy you’re going to go number one ah I’m number one kick and chicken you’re going to eight what no I don’t want to be eight I

I’ve got so much to live for no you don’t know which one this is it could be it could be good okay uh let’s say dog day why don’t you be three oh moving up in the world put I’m going to put picky maybe four uh B

Hug why don’t you go two okay catap you go five and I’m going to Bubba here and then then yeah this this looks right yeah this looks right okay yes so this one is jump on a grenade for TV I love jumping do you even know what

Grenades are what aren’t they the little green the green hoppy hop scotches okay basically this one means like you would sacrifice yourself to save me so I feel like these four people you know cuz picky’s my bestie but like if there’s no food she’s not going to be as motivated

Right and do you’re a loyal you’re a good boy you’re loyal so like I F oh now I’m a good dog now I’m good I never said that you weren’t good oh I’m just not pretty enough yeah and I think you guys would like you guys would save me cuz

You guys are cool so yeah I would save you yeah I would save you I love you and kicking kicking kicking chicken would you agree that you would 100% not save you like sacrifice yourself to save me oh heck no I I’m survival of the fitness

I’m dumb enough up on a grenade crafty card B you guys agree this is this is right nope yeah not at all one save you and one Savor yeah look got got a big brain that that’s right also guys if you enjoy this video don’t forget to click

That subscribe button yeah we’re at 140,000 subscribers we’re killing it good job thanks guys much appreciate it also we’ve been live streaming so if you want to watch me live and say hi to me live in game uh then uh join my join join the live streams okay are you ready

For the next one yeah ooh okay uh let’s see H dog day you’re going to go number one for this one I’m number one get out of here hoppy I love you I what kiing chicken you’re going to stay last catnap you’re going to go two catnap you’ll go two B hug why

Don’t you go three hoppy why don’t you go o I think BBA actually will go full let me go see that and then piy why don’t you seven okay crafty you go five and then H you go six okay I think this looks right yeah this looks right again

If I’m ever wrong you guys can yell at me in the comments oh also we did this last week with like my friends and it was so funny so if you really like this video at the end of this video is going to be like a

Click on your screen now uh to check the other one so yeah uh go check out the other one after this video uh cuz it was so much fun anyways uh so this one is successfully ask out that Crush oh I see yay I don’t have one yeah see do I think

You would be the best at that cuz everyone wants to like oh I guess you know yeah I don’t have any this looks right yeah yeah I think like if you success if you asked out your crush they would 100% say yes you got that confidence you know oh thank oh thank

You see I’m also making up for you after what happened the last few questions all right so I’m ugly but you know I’m confident enough you’re not ugly you’re like mid I’m mid might as well be ugly round it down okay and then kick and chicken and picky

And hoppy um what I’m like I understand like I’m before I’m after hoppy yeah well hoppy would just kind of scare them with how enthusiastic they are and kicking chicken your um I don’t say it to my face say it to my face okay I don’t think people want to

Date you I’m sorry I’m sorry that’s what I thought okay we’re going to we’re going to move on we’re going to okay uh ooh scare me picky you got to go number one and then I’m going to these guys give me give me don’t worry Bubba all

Right everyone scoot down oh my go number one oh wait no actually picky you’re not going to go number one you’re going to go four crafty C’s going to go number one I was number one Bubba you’re going to go eight K you can move your butt oh

Another even number dog day you’re going to go with seven what what what what if it’s two but this might be a good thing remember there were good and bad ones you don’t know I feel like everything’s been bad down here okay well then maybe

It’s time for a good one down there oh let’s see catnap why don’t you go let’s uh let’s go five go five b hug why don’t you go six all right kick a chicken you go two uhhuh hopp you go three that’s right actually let’s swap Poppy and kick him

What all right so this one is take too long ordering food yay I don’t take too long I’m just very persistent in particular what how do you feel I mean you’re not wrong but rude that I just going to do picky but like honestly p is just going to eat

Anything so I think like that this is kind of good yeah how am I the most picky piy oh I guess a picky Pig you’re not you’re picky piggy so like yeah but like you’re not so that’s why you’re not number one you’re not going to take too

Long because you’re like you know what you want all right fine I that’s fine and these guys you’re like yeah you you you you know what you want you’re not going to take your time yeah you know we have our regular that’s right regulars there you go see you guys get it you

Guys get it I always get a Big Mac uh yeah cuz you’re a big guy like an elephant so that’s a compliment cuz you’re an elephant so you want to be big oh yeah all right Moving On Moving On Let’s see ooh o um uh hoppy you go number one

Yay uh let me grab these guys and then uh there you go okay so canop why don’t you go two uh k a chicken move down I’m going to put crafty corn here okay Bubba I’m going to put you um back to eight oh okay dog day why don’t

You move up to four kiy chicken you’re going to go to five and then what was that it’s the word Condell wow all right I didn’t even know you could you could do that that’s that’s impressive there a lot of things I can do you don’t know

Well okay for that we’re going to swap be hug and kick and chicken and then I’m going to put piggy there this looks right all right so for this one it is best dancer yeah you guys you guys are good dancers look at it why you not dancing crafty why you not

Dancing what I can’t move she she’s sleepy remember I’m tired oh why she get the good dancing cuz once she can dance you’ve you’ve seen it you’ve seen it oh my gosh slay seen it I’m just I’m going I’m going based off personalities and like uh picky and Bubba you guys are

Great but like you definitely have two left feet I I I’m incredible I don’t have two left feet I’ve got a left and a right okay and then Ki and chicken you’re um what uh you said the chicken dance ain’t good enough that’s all you do Yeah I’m conf I’m confident with this one I’m confident with all right moving on uh-oh um this one’s going to be a tough one for sure H kab you’re going to go number one and then how about we have dog day number two holla and then let’s get hoppies

Number three yeah let’s get Ki a chicken full the hug you’re going to scoot down a little bit okay I’m going to put picky there and then uh my go maybe this is right I’m just all so I’m basing this off based off like the comments of you guys so in the in

Previous videos I’ve mentioned like hey who’s your favorite and this this feels right this this feels right okay so uh this is Fan Favorite yay hey yeah I yeah this this feels right this a man six I’m so sorry Bubba and crafty corn are you serious no I’m just going

Off the comments I’m sorry guys if you’re if you’re a Bubba fan then uh give us an elephant Emoji if is there an elephant Emoji I think there’s an elephant emoji and then if you’re if you’re a unicorn fan a craft unicorn fan uh leave a leave a unicorn Emoji in the comments

Unicorn all right moving on uh uh okay oh um let’s get picky you’re going to be number one as I said Ki chicken you’re going to go two oh yeah poy you’re going to stay there okay bbba you’re going to stay at eight uh O Yay uh dog day you’re

Going to go seven oh no that’s good can why don’t you go five I think this this looks right yeah I think I’m happy with this all right so this one is selfie during a funeral yay no that’s bad oh it’s bad I can no it’s like someone you know love a

Loved one has passed away and you’re just like taking selfies with the coffin like oh my God dead L duh it’s going to turn a sand B into a happy moment got to remember the good times you’re got to get engaged with somehow right get that clout

Yeah guys this is bad is it bad no stop it okay cheese rest in peace no Piggy’s not dead bye what do you mean I’m Excuse me not yet all right you want to go chicken dog day go piggy guys guys guys guys comment down put the camera away dog day are you

Uh are you happy with this yeah of course I I would never do that but but Bubba is more likely’s not do it over you though oh no I’ve never been invited to a funeral it’s not something that you just get like invited to you know it’s not

You have to kind of know the person who passed away oh like a birthday party uh uh we’re going to move on I don’t know how to answer that one sure uh all right let’s see ooh M let’s see Bubba you’re going to go number one I’m going to pick up these guys

Who’s going to go last Kik chicken you’re going to go last what not last you Best For Last you’re going to go last Bubba you’re going to go number one uh can why you go number two B hug why don’t you go three okay dog D you go

Four okay all right all right all right hary why don’t you go seven yay and then we’re going to do picky and then crafty yeah that I think that looks right okay okay so this one is become a millionaire yeah no you you’re you’re the end which means most likely not

Dummy you’re an idiot what’s your business what’s your business strategy to become a millionaire kicking chicken uh clout photos at funerals the carrots I call it drop dead wow that’s smart it’s smart yeah it’s PR cool huh it’s it’s I don’t I don’t know who’s who’s buy that that’s why that’s

Why I’m leaning towards these three and I guess talk day so Baba you’re so smart I feel like you’re going to college you’re going to Harvard you’re going to work in some kind of lab that’s kind of the millionaire side of you oh yeah it also got Bitcoin Farm wait what yeah I

Harvest Bitcoin and I got stops in Tesla and then um a couple other things all right next one let’s see let me pick up these guys um there you go picky we’re going to put you number one yeah craft your coin you got to go two everyone scoot down

Two yeah yeah um Kik Chi you got to go three number three baby oh gosh dog day why don’t we have you at uh eight oh and then I’m going to put Bubba at seven be hug why don’t you be six and then canab you be five all right

And then hoppy you’ll be four y I like this I feel like what I’m noticing is like these four are kind of getting clumped up together and then these four are getting clumped up together from what I’m noticing yeah I’m not really shocked yeah you guys seem like the sane ones

Versus the insane ones I’m not insane you’re insane back back to three back to three all right so this one is this one is would steal candy from a baby yeah wait no that’s that’s bad I why why are you I swear I’m surrounded by idiots I mean but okay yeah pigy pigy

Come on yes it is wrong I I mean like but like am I like no like no yeah yeah I would the fact that you don’t even see that as like a wrong thing is so funny big yeah okay uh and then um yeah kick a chicken if if the opportunity came up

You would yeah I would but I don’t go to Parks enough apparently they don’t allow chickens at playgrounds I think they allow chickens they just don’t allow you what what who said that who what okay we’re all right moving on moving on uh o Kik chicka you going to go to number one

For this one uh yeah the best hoppy you’re going to go to Hoppy go to come on you crafty okay uh let’s say this guy will go here there you go kab what do you go for let’s swap Bubba and dog day oh yay back to number eight and then I’m going

To put pigy here that looks right ah I guess this one is go to jail yeah I can’t to go to jail I’m not a a jail bird well the last few videos you’ve been like concerning me with you the things you’ve been saying so what what’s wrong with

Murder you see what I mean you go to jail I you don’t know you didn’t see the body you see the body no body no crime okay uh this feels right crafty C are you happy with three I mean you’re not wrong I would have I would have liked

Happppy three but you’re not wrong and then I feel like catnaps could be like a good cat burglar you know stealing stuff so that’s why cat burglar yeah you guys are too you guys are too innocent you three you guys are too pure you would never I’m a good boy yeah you

Are a good boy you don’t want to be a bad boy you you literally live to not be a bad boy yeah why you go and Rob someone when you can have someone do it for you okay we’re just going to carry on okay uh we’re just going to move on

Interesting this one this one’s I don’t know um Hoy you’re going to go to eight for this one yay uh let’s see I’m going to pick these guys up I don’t I don’t know this one’s a tough one why is it tough let’s put be

Hog why don’t you go number one kick a chicken why don’t you go five okay I guess kind of M crafty cor why don’t we put you as two okay dog day let’s put you at six and then I’m going to put Bubba at seven oh God I haven’t been

This close to kicking chicken it’s right you don’t like me no not at all I was actually going to move kicking chicken why don’t we swap cat K and chicken yeah I’m moving up in the world get out of here loser catnap you go there there you

Go and then uh piggy will be there all right uh do I like this yeah I think this is good all right this is bad Under Pressure huh no you I mean you’re good Under Pressure literally like you just don’t care wait hoppy is good pressure oh 100% 100% what

Yeah no no 100% cuz there’s not a thought in their head they just don’t care I guess but however on these guys be hug Am I Wrong well not not yeah no no you’re not wrong I I freak out really easily it’s like all right I need you to

Go confront Mommy Long Legs oh no no I can’t do that I can’t do that no I can’t see what I mean see what I mean dog day okay okay okay I see I see I see Poppy if if you had to go confront mom

And Long Legs what would you do I would go hug her cuz I love her see see am I wrong I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing though that’s what I’m saying I don’t think they’re that bad under pressure with I think these

Three are all right we’re going to move on you know what pressure is okay uh H uh I’m going to grab my three Bubba pigy and crafty I’m going to put Bubba number one bog why don’t you go two oh okay number one crafting code I’m going to put you at eight

Okay wait kikachu right you go three and then dog day you go four okay uh and then I’m going to can of you go down one more and then I’m going to put piggy here and then ho you go seven okay I think this um can’t be good we’re going to

Swap Dog Day Kicking chicken let’s swap dog day kick and chicken what are the noises sadness okay this one is the strongest ah yeah cuz you guys are a bear and elephant so I feel like you guys are quite strong and then I’m just like who’s strong between a chicken and a dog

I’m like all right you know what dog the chicken no the dog I feel like you’re feisty so that’s why you’re kind of up there and then like sure you’re a pig but you’re kind of lazy and just want to eat so that’s why I feel like you’re not

As strong yeah and then these three you guys are pretty weak like CFT youorn I mean what are you I’m a unicorn I’m at least more powerful than than than happy powerful is that the same as strong I don’t know yeah no I think this is right

Okay we’re moving on we’re moving on uh let’s see oh no Kika chicka you got to go number one yeah girl uh let’s have H kick number one can why don’t you be eight dog day why don’t you be seven okay okay okay okay be you can stay

There um oh okay hoppy why don’t you go three oh yeah uh-oh and then let’s get Bubba here and then here and then here I think this might make sense I think you guys could agree to disagree okay so it is make babies

Cry a man yay wa yes yes no that’s bad I know it’s so fun to make them go away way way be hug you are literally a bear so like I know but I don’t want to make kids cry well I mean it’s just the way you are don’t kids like teddy bears

Though like wait maybe you’re right uh let’s swap okay let’s at least swap uh bear hug and hoppy hop scotch I think you’re like two Randomness will just confuse them and then make them cry yeah but if I like throw carrots at them they’ll be happy

No that will hurt them and make them cry no all right this this looks good I like this I don’t think like any of you guys would like make them cry except maybe the first one yeah of course I would make them cry it’s hilarious all right uh we have one two

Five more to go people five more to go wow ooh all right this one’s going to be kind of easier I’m going to grab my three okay so Bubba you’re going to go number one everyone screw down yay uh hopp you’re going to go eight Kik chicken you’re going to

Go five dou five piggy you’re going to go seven Dog Day movie butt got I’m sorry dog day you’re going to go two oh hug you’re going to go three and then canab you’re going to go four yeah I think this this looks right yeah I think this this looks this looks

Right you guys this is the smartest that’s right yeah I’m pretty smart yeah this this is this is smart you guys are top three for sure and then this this also makes sense picky Am I Wrong smarter than you yeah the chicken really he tries to cook himself hey

Don’t hate baby’s going to hate okay but at least like kick and chicken knows like between right and wrong and chooses to be wrong py you just eat anything even if it’s like poisonous okay but like that’s not like smart like I know it’s poison I just don’t like don’t care

No you don’t yeah I’m like fact that you don’t care makes you put puts you way down pretty dumb yay okay moving on moving on all right uh let’s see ooh um this one’s going to be a choice let me let me have a look

Let me have a look a choice what do that even mean let me I’m thinking okay crafty you going to go number one for this one all right can why don’t you go two everyone scoot down be why you go closer down this way all right what is let’s see these guys uh

Hi k a chicken you’re going to go further down a little bit too hoppy why don’t you go four okay picky you’re going to go five you want to look at me I guess you’re going to go you’re going to go you’re going to go six six is good

And then uh Bubba we’re going to go seven and be you’re going o okay all right so this is fashion best fashion fash oh crafty Corn’s colors and the rainbows this just feels right and then I really like the moon on catnap and then uh I

Like the the patch eye kind of the patch Style on dog day looks really cute and I also kind of like but not Orange though you are orange but you don’t like orange yeah but I like the patched look oh like a on a dog hoppy the green and yellow

I’m a big fan big fan Hi and then picky uh I like the apple and the pink the colors of the pink is cute thank you and then kicken you just yellow but I like the star so that kind of gave you a couple of levels you’re blind what do

You mean it’s a star I clearly have the best style here the feathers the ruffling of the feathers but then um be hug it’s like red on red so I was like eh I don’t even like is that an apple like why why is it an apple what is that

Love hot like I cannot tell it’s a heart but you know I I get it that’s okay then why is there like a a stick in the I don’t get it I I don’t know I don’t know I don’t I don’t know I don’t you like blue I do like blue and I

I like the uh the the light bulb in the middle but I just I don’t know I think I’m I’m I’m kind of like leaning towards everyone else you think uh moving on I mean I could be wrong and the Comins could be yelling at me right now which I’m sorry

I’m sorry yeah they’re probably going to say like catnap is first no the color like look at look at crafty cor excuse me yeah but I bet the wait what wow okay all right moving on okay uh this one let’s see I’m going to grab my three

Crafty Conn come with into my pocket uh pigy in my pocket kach Chi stop stealing people every time okay uh let’s see habits habits picky we’re going to put you one why this could be a good thing F hopp hoppy you’re going to go eight yay beug you’re

Going to go seven K chicken why don’t you go two okay okay number two crafty C you’re going to go three and then dog day why don’t you be six all right cool beans cool beans and then we’ll do this and then and catnb you’ll be full I feel

Like this is good maybe perhaps I don’t know maybe I’m too close to Hoppy this one is always late oh my God no you guys this is good hoppy would never be late hoppy would Hoppy’s too fast and just too excited for like just to be there on time I’ve

Been here for seven days see this one video yeah we planned it like 2 days ago why are you I don’t know okay but and then these three yeah this checks out am I wrong no but you know it’s more better to be late so that everyone like looks at you as

You walk in yeah fashionably late yeah you heard of that yeah I don’t I don’t know I’m not leaning towards that I I just I just don’t want to see you wow okay rude wow we’re moving on uh there’s one more in this one so I’ll just do this one uh intro

Let’s see you guys are going to stay there hoppy you’re going to go to three yay and then I’m going to put Bubba here yay back in number eight doct you’re going to go four canab you’re going to go to Six hi don’t talk to

Me why not okay so this one is eat their own homework yeah cuz dog day it’s like the the dogs eat I’m surprised I’m not number one well I mean you’re still kind of like I mean look at the other three y I want eat homework what I would never eat my

Homework I’d burn it you’ll dispose of the homework that’s what I’m saying I need it I do it I I know you would I did and I don’t regret it I’ve done it like four times I have Mr L is not is not happy she doesn’t even give you homework anymore it’s all

Online yeah no she gave up on that okay all right so let’s see how much we have left we have uh one more to go this is the last one interesting this might actually already be okay wait no B hug you’re going to go two kick a chicken everyone going to

Scoot down I’m going to grab crafty be hug uh Bobby you’re good there dog day let’s swap you uh was seven canab why don’t you actually be three D it there you go Kika chicken’s good hoppy why don’t you go six that’s right I am good and I’ll put craft actually uh

Let’s swap crafty corn and kick and chicken no don’t put me next to this idiot which idiot the one I’m looking at oh my gosh hi you’re not even moving are you good hoppy why did you ask him to move all right well this one is the

Laziest yeah what so this this you know cuz Bez hyate it’s picky piggy catnap likes to sleep cuz it’s catnap you know and then uh crafty conscious doesn’t care and then you guys full seems like the most energized yeah yeah that’s pretty true yeah you know actually you know what actually I

Would probably swap Bubba and hoppy hoppy you go last that makes way more sense there you you go hi hi all right and we’re done that’s everybody that’s all the questions do you guys did you guys enjoy watching do you agree or disagree guys what do you

Think which dog day which one was your favorite I think o I don’t know they’re all really good maybe the homework one not not the ugly one definitely not the ugly one all right guys like that one thank you guys for watching make sure you leave a like And subscribe click

Screen now to check out the brutally ranking my friends yes so I did this but with my friends it was super funny and you should see how Bethy reacts it’s it’s hilarious so yeah click your screen now to check out that video and we’ll see you over there thanks for watching

Bye guys see you later bye bye guys bye

TeeVee Ranks SMILING CRITTERS in Minecraft! TeeVee decides to rank the smiling critters in brutally honest topics! Minecraft Smiling Critters Poppy Playtime chapter with Catnap!

📺 The video is inspired by Aphmau, Maizen, Cash, Nico, Ethobot and Slime Block!
TeeVee is a channel rated E for Everyone, making funny Minecraft content such as Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft But, Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Stories, Minecraft animations and more!

📘 My shop! https://teeveenetwork.com/

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#minecraft #teevee #smilingcritters #poppyplaytimechapter3 #catnap


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