If I Take Damage, Minecraft Gets More Scary

Rumors say that this Minecraft world gets scarier and scarier and somehow even more terrifying every time you take damage whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no come on game seriously Minecraft spawning me on top of a tree the game the game knows the game knows the game

Literally is trying to make me take fall damage and honestly Gamers I don’t know should I I mean how scary can we really get Minecraft dude I’m recording this late at night right now I don’t know if I want to do but you know what for the views

Boom yo did you guys just see that no something happened to my screen it was like a damaged blood on my screen okay is that is that it just some blood on my screen that’s so dumb wait yo these mobs oh my God no way I just got chills

I just got chills shut up dude I I barely even took damage I barely even took damage you guys saw that I took like I I don’t even know how much TS I took I I regen um all these mobs are just staring at me all menacingly are

They are they good dude they’re following me every single move I make the cows the chicken the frogs actually I don’t see any frogs dude okay okay okay this is uh a little freaky it’s okay though this is just we took a little bit of fall damage this can’t be

That bad they’re not going to attack me right or anything I really don’t like how they’re literally watching me right now but whatever let’s grab some tools boom dude no man I honestly hate that feeling of just being watched oh my okay okay okay okay I’m

Sorry I’m sorry that pig I didn’t even see him right there bro I didn’t did he just spawn okay hold on now for the moment of the truth it can’t be that scary right he doesn’t even run away no way that works for all the mobs are they

Seriously just going to let me kill them oh that is creepy bro that is freaking creepy okay I don’t know why the sheeps are actually so much more terrifying than all the other mobs I got to get out of here bro mean I wonder if it’s every single mob dude no way

No no oh my God I just took more damage I just took some more damage bro it didn’t seem like anything happened wait yo look at my XP bar guys I swear yo yo yo yo mine does that say mine okay that says mine wait mine what is is the

Game saying I’m it’s property or or what’s going on here or is it telling me to go down in the mines oh my gosh and it says that right as there as there’s there’s a cave you got to be kidding me bro okay okay um yo I’m not tripping right that be

What is wrong with it okay okay okay okay okay you know what fine game fine there’s no way I just did that there’s no just I’m I’m cringing I’m cringing I’m sorry I’m sorry Gamers I’m honestly just scared I’m honestly just scared I’m honestly just scared it’s okay it’s okay

Cave looks friendly there’s there’s a zombie we just got our first advancement let’s go poggers dude at least the zombie looks normal the zombie actually looks so normal and I’m I’ve never been happier the cave also looks like pretty sus I don’t know what is so weird about

It um just in case I get like blinded or something yeah let’s 100% get some torches oh my gosh I just took some more damage oh my gosh bro fall damage is actually going to be the death of me okay okay okay there has to be a reason why the

Game is telling me to mine and then it literally takes me to a cave no no all right no more damage bro I’m actually taking no more damage no that is not a redstone torch is it dude holy crap wait a second where are we right now this cave is actually

Insane oh my god oh no no no no no no no no oh dude poison would actually be so bad right now poison would to actually be so freaking oh my God there’s a skeleton oh my God there’s a skeleton we got to be so careful right now I do not

Want to okay I didn’t take damage bro I barely got any blocks can I even make that no I can’t okay okay okay just be careful dude the second I hear any spider I got to run I really wish you guys were here right now just to hold my

Hand bro all right here goes nothing oh dude there’s a spider okay okay okay okay okay okay there you go I’m good is it coming to me yo yo oh no no oh okay okay okay that’s that’s good that’s good that’s what I thought bro a redstone torch nah that only spawns when

Herobrine’s around that actually only spawns when yo is that blood yo is that blood oh my God what is that what is that what is that wait it’s not alive dude I thought that thing was going to jump on me and just kill me what is that what actually is that hold

On a second no no no no no no no no no no no it’s ahead it’s AE it doesn’t look like Herobrine though right it has four four wait yeah four eyes decapitated head save me save yourself bro wait is that what it’s saying to me what is it I’m so confused

Is it saying to save it cuz I’m pretty sure whatever it is it’s dead this thing is dead or is it saying to save it for the end of the video like later on I don’t know okay um we got a head guys let’s go oh I love that I’m also going

To break this torch what was that I’m on single player right yo I better be yo I better be fam what you mean who’s out there you think I’m afraid of you I got decapitated [Applause] head what was that wait did that thing just talk to me I

Swear this thing just made a sound you you guys heard it right hold on I’m going to accessibility show subtitles on dude I’m telling you this thing actually just just made a sound bloody whisper bloody whisper what what I think this means save it who’s watching who’s watching no no

No no no no no no no no I can’t do this bro I can’t do this I got to get out of here I got to get out of this cave go go go go go go go go go go go oh my goodness oh my goodness okay we made it

Out we made it out no it’s night time stop dude stop oh what is that are those rainbows or rainbows what bunnies bunnies why did I call a bunny a rainbow I am going insane and I barely have taken damage dude no we got to get out of here we got to get

Out of here what the dogs are even just looking at me oh my gosh and there’s a skeleton run from the skeleton run from the skeleton oh my gosh and the bunnies and the bunnies I got to go I got to go

I got to go I got to go I got to go we need to make a bed I I need to get a bed I can’t I can’t I can’t stay alive during the night no way no way bro oh my gosh no skeleton

Oh my God what is that a fox what what what what they’re actually just still staring at me no no no mobs are lost cost dude I’m standing still why did I just see footsteps is that me I’m honestly tripping I’m honestly tripping the knight’s not moving yo why

Is the night not moving why is it stuck on do I have to sleep there’s no sheep around here there’s literally no sheep oh my gosh okay yeah definitely don’t want to go that way oh my goodness run run run oh my God what is that no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh oh my gosh he missed he missed he missed he missed go go no no what is going on oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m actually scared oh my God

I’m I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared mommy no a baby zombie what is going on what is happening my player wait what I’m not dead it says dying wait I’m not dead oh my gosh I just took more damage I just took more damage I just took more

Damage I just took more damage I just took more damage I just took more damage oh my gosh what is happening right now I’m jumping on this thing yo okay there’s no skeleton dude wait a second oh my God am I dying is this making my game that much scarier right

Now wait that doesn’t count does it what no stop the music I just got a message at the top it it is counting it is counting okay I don’t care I don’t care I don’t care I don’t care kill it kill it what I just damaged myself what

Is going on oh my I can’t quit I can’t quit I can’t quit I got to get out I got to get out of here I got to get out of here I got to get out of here I got to get out of here I got to get out of here

I got to get out I got to get out run what dude stop that is that is not funny this is literally not funny a village oh my gosh a village I have to get to the Village I have to get to the Village I

Have to get to the Village hey guys did you know Gamers I have to get to the freaking Village bro I have to make make a run for it go yo yo yo I made it I made it oh my gosh I feel so much safer here I actually feel so much safe

Here you hear that yo it said can’t sleep should I sleep should I sleep I don’t know what that means I don’t know what that means no sorry buddy give me that yoink no no no no no no no no no no no why is he just

No no no no no no I can’t I can’t I can’t deal with this I can’t deal with this the Golem’s normal bro even the pig in the distance no this makes no sense this actually makes no sense I think I need to just sleep I don’t think it matters where I

Have a bed now though should I just sleep in one of the houses yeah I should okay okay okay it’s doing it again it’s doing it again it’s doing it again all right um I’m sleeping my own bed bro two beds extra comfortable I’m breaking this

One I don’t even know what I’m doing three beds give it boom there you go yo this is literally the most comfortable sleep of my life oh my God yo yo this is not funny anymore this is not funny anymore this is not funny Gamers you saw that you saw

That what do I do what do I do what do I do I have to sleep I have no choice but to play this game’s like game I I have to literally play this game cuz right now if we look at the top of my screen

It just says do what does that mean just taking more damage mean I’m going to uncover like more of some sort of message that looks like something we need to decode and if we want any shot at beating this I’m going to have to do this all right you know what game I’ll

Play into your stupid game I hear footsteps oh my God oh my God wait oh my God oh my God no bro no bruh no bruh no bruh no bro no bruh no bro no no no no no no no no Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft I didn’t

Think it’ be so scary scary SC scary why is it turning red down here what is going on I need help the only thing that’s red should be the Subscribe button or gray I have no idea anymore dude I don’t know what’s going on I’m placing this redstone torch it’s the

Only torch I have no I don’t I lied I literally a liar Gamers hello my name is Bonk and I am a liar Gamers dude dude dude dude D dude no bro that wasn’t me I’m crouching I’m crouching yo footsteps I’m crouching bro I’m crouching you don’t hear footsteps when I’m CR yo

Yo no all right all right he can’t get me down here right I got to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep I have to sleep and if he and if he spawns I got to kill him right dude I need a lava bucket I

Need a lava bucket okay 3 2 1 wait I can’t even sleep there’s monster nearby no way okay okay I have an idea I’m going to go and just place the bed right here and if he summons right there he’s going to fall into the hole and then he won’t

Be able to like do anything right right okay oh my God he’s right there he’s right there he’s right there he’s right there he’s right in front of me he’s right in front of me he’s right in front of me he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead what I’m so confused wait it’s probably

Daytime it’s probably daytime we did it right yeah I think it’s actually daytime why am I not hearing anything though now like the game is like super silent no right or am I tripping yeah it’s literally just my footsteps okay okay okay I just got to relax bro I got

To relax cuz nothing’s going to good is nothing good is going to come out of me just you know being scared oh my God oh my God it’s chasing me no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no go go go go go go go go go go oh my God can it swim can it swim it can swim oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God yo it’s fast bro yo it’s fast bro yo it’s fast bro yo

It’s it’s going to get me I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead no please please please please please please no oh my gosh how am I not dead how am I not dead oh my God no no no no no no no oh my god oh where am I

Where am I I see some fire I see some fire we got a new we got a new letter it says I’m I’m do I’m do what bro I’m do what huh game yo where’s the can’t sleep mob I think we lost him or it looked

Like no no he hit me and then teleported me okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay you know what not funny not funny anymore can I sleep now dude dude okay I mean at least it’s daytime at least it’s freaking daytime honestly I’m so happy right now there’s

A skeleton there we definitely do not want to interact with yo judging just buy off that villager it looks like wait yeah oh my God the cows dude they’re no longer staring at us the mobs aren’t staring at us anymore okay I need food I

Need food I need food okay I swear there was just a creeper behind me now he’s gone all right that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine what could this message be I’m blank blank do but it looks like a part of a word do do doo no that would that would I would

Like that oh come on nice bro you’re so helpful down there buddy come on Do’s open by the way yo what is that oh no Gamers we have to we were teleported here for a reason and we still have this decapitated head that says save me bloody whisper come on dude what are

You Whispering I don’t speak all right we’re going to need a fln steel I know who that summons though I know who that summons well well well you know what I retract my statement buddy you actually are pretty useful down there dude I broke all my tools just to

Kill this idiot but there you go we got four okay I want to do this before it gets night time where’s what time what time of day is it okay okay okay it’s not even day midday yet we’re good we need to save one for the flint and steel

So that’s fine I have no no weapon I’m 10 3,000% making an iron sword I’m actually determined bro I’m I’m actually determined to beat this let’s get a stone pickaxe there you go I don’t know what we’ll use this decapitated head for I mean is it for this no this is the

Flint and steel come on gang gang Flint please okay of course would not work in a scary video duh yes we got it oh my gosh just like that we got it all right let’s go what what was that welcome to Flower Village where we BW together flower did

You yo I’m not tripping one this sign wasn’t here and two um um um um um I swear just said something no no no I got to screenshot that I got to screenshot that I got to screenshot that I got a I got a screenshot I got a

Screenshot three I missed I missed I missed I guys please try and pause PA the video if you can and and or just re I don’t know whatever you need to do what does that say am I going to regret this am I I’m going to break this I’m

Going to break the sign I actually don’t care bro it what how is this just a normal sign what that actually makes zero sense okay whatever who cares about a dumb creepy sign let’s do this um all right this looks a little different am I tripping okay whatever three 2 one let’s

Do this gamers what wait what I’m watching did that just say I’m watching guys I think that just said I’m watching I don’t see anybody I don’t see anybody do I do this one more time third time’s the charm 3 2 1 um I didn’t didn’t even I didn’t even do

The flame steel why is there a book it’s about to be night time isn’t it oh my God no okay okay what is this bro it’s just an enchantment table but there is no enchantment table there what can I pick this up what did I do what did I do what did

I do oh my God run what what wait it just absorbed a bunch of blocks oh no enchanting table used I didn’t use anything I didn’t use back stop run run run run what is happening what is h yo what the heck is going on what type of

Sorcery is this it’s literally building something there’s books inside of it wait oh my gosh this place looks waa oh my oh okay hello hello what is going on right now this thing just built this bro what there’s heads everywhere there’s pots it’s still not

Done it’s still going I I still hear it going oh no bro oh no it’s night time okay okay it’s gone now what the heck is this um okay I’m so confused I hear a lot of mobs or see a lot of mobs by the subtitles but I’m not seeing any of them

That’s maybe a good thing dude we got to avoid some damage then again I need to find out what this stupid code is wait what I just got a book by nobody apparently number 44 why does it say my name is this some sort of sick joke there’s like literally

Hundreds of like books here oh my God I just got number 11 are there just like a ton of them is this what this is yo what no this isn’t funny anymore we know how how how no one knows that bro no one needs to know that no one

Needs to know that no one needs to know that no one needs to know that that’s literally where I live that is literally where I live no no no no I’m about to burn this whole place down dude that was so freaking close Okay no this library

Is sick this library is sick Gamers there’s there’s books that have information about me bro number 13 wait number 13 do I want to open this right now I swear if I open this oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no I’m going up I’m

Going up I’m going up okay I think we’ll be safe up here if I open this book and I I swear there’s something scary I’m burning this place down I’m actually burning this place down okay here goes nothing 3 2 1 boom don’t run what what is this at the top what

Does that mean that looks like some sort of Morse code am I stupid I mean cuz there’s been dots everywhere and don’t run from what oh my God what is that I heard something like right next to me no no you know what I’m burning this place

Down I’m burning this place down I’m burning this place down I’m burning this place down I don’t even care anymore I don’t even care anymore bro yo oh my God the fire the fire yo everything is burn wait what is going on something something is happening everything is burning super fast no no

No no no no I got to get out of here I got to get out of here I got to get out of here oh my God oh my God it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming what was that is the fire coming

To me wait yo oh my gosh yo it is no no what is actually going on what is actually happening right now the message the message I’m side you do what what what are you talking about game yo I’m afraid if I step back on there like the fire is

Going to summon out of nowhere dude dude my heart’s actually about to explode my heart is actually about to explode bro I’m actually I’m genuinely afraid of using this flint and steel right now like if I take any more damage there’s a ship right here do I just go in oh the

Door’s open bro of course why wouldn’t there be a map spelled map but like not spelled ma there’s also bones rotten flesh dude you got to be kidding me man you actually have to be kidding me what is this yo wait what it says youu at the bottom

Left the water’s blue why does it look red on this map why does it look red on this map am I really about to go to that X it doesn’t even render me okay all right whatever dude let’s oh my God what is that it’s all

Red it’s all red everything is red yo y yo okay okay okay I guess we were supposed to get this map all right all right it’s actually it’s actually accurate now cool cool the terrain is also blood red if that is where it says you I think I’m on the island like this

Little sand part right here is yeah yeah yeah except there’s no ship here you see how there’s a ship here there’s also supposed to be one like like right over there an end okay okay that freaked me out it doesn’t matter at this point let’s just we’re literally swimming in

Blood right now we are literally swimming in blood right now okay I actually think we’re getting to the corner of this thing yeah cuz I’m like close to the X on the like the top right what my sign just changed it says closer wait we are going

The right way oh my god dude why is it green what is going on okay okay okay I guess we are going the right way cool bro it says closer it literally just says closer bro all right what is actually happening right now like what

Is this what is this Birch with red bro why does the Birch biome okay I hello Mossy pyramid nice why does the Birch biome actually look so terrifying like what that is not oh yo no even the fire is Red Bro what I actually never seen that I mean I know

Red or fire is red but like like that no no shot yo yo yo yo yo you found me wait um I see the gray biome it’s talking about on the map Yep this is definitely the lake right in front of me the The Blood Lake oh my no what is

That okay okay oh my God the only problem we have now are the mobs they’re lowkey moving a little fast yo yo the mobs are actually faster right now wait we got to get to the shrine though oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God no no

No no no dude what this is a joke this is a joke oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay okay I’m going to have to go beast mode I’m going to have to go beast mode as long as no skeletons spawn we’re good

Yo the message the message the message that is not wait when did it say that I’m blink side your door yo chill chill chill where’s my phone I don’t even care right now bro yo it literally says I’m outside your door bro okay you literally can’t see anything

Yo yo chill chill no bro no bro no I don’t like this at all I don’t like this at all I don’t like this at all okay I got to get I got to get I got to get rid of these zombies I actually got to get rid of these zombies

Wait do I use the head do I use the head hold on I’m going to try the flint and steel first no it did not work it did not work I I think I need to use the head just like this thing has four arms okay I’m ready to

Run bro I’m ready to book it I am ready to book it three two one oh my I’m outside your door I’m outside your door yo no this isn’t funny guys this isn’t funny

If I Take Damage, Minecraft Gets More Scary

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