I Fooled My Friend as ALEX.EXE in Minecraft

This is alex.exe a rogue virus with a broken jaw and blood dripping down but my friend Ethan thinks she’s just fake quick fit skin check brand new name tag also check I am officially Alex vxe and is Ethan still up to what I think he is bro I’ve been looking for this stupid

Alex.exe dude for the last like hour and a bit bro been grabbing his spy glass going can I see can I see oh well you want to see Alex ex Ean well I’ve got a fun little spy glass for you like literally look it it is a Barren

Wasteland out here there is no such thing as alex.exe and while it looks exactly the same it certainly ain’t because Ethan’s out here using his bare eyes he’s going to see nothing but when he uses that spy glass alex.exe will magically appear you one boy it’s time

For you to cough up the cash then I’m going to use my admin commands on the server to open up Ethan’s inventory and oh there’s his spy glass let’s just uh quick disappear again go go go now when he looks through there alex.exe will magically appear then he’ll take the spy

Glass away and he won’t see us well I guess I recorded this for nothing like there’s just there’s just literally nothing here wait what is that oh hold up hold on hold on hold up hold on hold up what did you guys see that wait Ain’t

No Way ain’t no way what do you mean wait wait where’d it go where’d it go I think he’s us it I think he’s seen her there there there right there right there right there what was that wait it it’s gone no no hold up wait oh oh oh

Where’s he going he’s must have seen her over there or something but again it’s literally all Just an Illusion they probably ran behind a tree or something Ain no way if we go ahead and open up his inventory once again and just switch the spy glasses cuz now he’ll think that

He just made it up all in his mind wasn’t it like right here huh wait I saw IEX I saw her I saw her wait but when I use this it was right there what okay no no no this thing ain’t real the funniest part about all of this is how I actually

Learned about this entity cuz yeah I didn’t know about it until well this happened because it was only a couple of hours ago when Heathen stormed into my room o you bozo what are you doing in my room bro I could have been recording a video you would have interrupted no it

Doesn’t even matter I want the live reaction from you right now you see this tier right here what is this video dude oh okay there’s a face Alex ex’s grave and what what was that y there so many of them dude what is this she’s like spewing blood and he’s

Sinking through the sand there is a quick sand in Minecraft and they just died all right now hear me out yay or nay that was fake right what this was my chance what if I tricked Ethan into believing this video is actually real no wait what are you talking about I

Literally did a video on this yesterday researching alex.exe I saw her in my world this is real it was obviously fake right comment comment fake video yeah okay fine you think it’s fake prove it to me I bet you $1,000 that you’ll see Alex on exit in your world by the end of

Today $1,000 to not find the fake entity W $1,000 easiest $1,000 my life thanks for the paycheck see you later buddy and if I remember correctly the sign of everything going horribly wrong was alex. exe’s face being carved onto the tree literally no one here not even a

Player hiding behind a tree or something yeah that that ain’t exactly you know making me quake in my boots and it’s not going to scare Ethan am I going mad am I going crazy maybe perhaps we can carve something into his house oh yo decorated pots that’s the perfect thing they

Already have carvings on them just double check I mean I’m not seeing anything we should just be able to replace the texture I mean that makes perfect sense right all right let’s let’s head on back I just want to double check if I look through the spy glass

From the same spot again I might see where the player was okay hide behind the house he’s coming back he’s coming back we got to move quick we’re going to to grab ourselves an Alex exe head and I need to use that crafting table but Ethan’s over there that all right let’s

Jump across got to be so careful he on that side of the house we’re going to break through here open this up we’re going to grab that head and we need to combine it with a decorated pot stop this is going to be cutting in real close still

Nothing all right or I can buy that two oh we’ve got the Alex exe pot close that up and then we’re going to break these from the other side okay quick quick quick quick quick before he can see that okay still nothing oh I see his name tag

I see his name tag we got to move no that’s the crafting table no no no okay place it place it disappear maybe I just hallucinated bro I don’t even know all right well let’s just head back upstairs and oh yeah it it didn’t even flin yeah e why

Don’t you take a look at those pods do you see who that is huh what are those faces wait that looks s to what do you believe she’s real now yet Ethan where’s my $1,000 that’s what I’m asking no no no that’s not real that’s not real it’s

Not a real thing Alex is not real wait is that an archaeology brush what is he doing I will show you that you cannot get those shirts those pots are fake are those Trail ruins is this bot not scared of the pots he doesn’t believe they’re

Real is he trying to find some like shirs for the alex.exe okay that might actually be a problem since the shirts don’t exist I’m going to go find shirts right now and show you that it doesn’t exist I’m going to prove it all right fine you know what Mr Smarty Pants let’s

Make sure you regret digging these up this is a folder of every single item you can possibly ever find inside suspicious gravel except I’m deleting them because the next thing I remember happening in the Tik Tok was when the player dug up alex. exe’s grave he found

Her body parts and that’s exactly what Ethan’s going to find when he digs up the trail ruins check it out Alex D X’s bones all right Mr Saucy grav give me some why don’t you dig up some of that gravel all you’re doing that right now I’m sure you’re going to love what

You find okay we just got a bone off the bat there it is Alex D ex his bones right inside he’s just continuing to D he didn’t even check the bone another bone bro I don’t want your stupid wait wait wait wait wait what

Wait a minute oh he’s got it he’s got it he’s got it that doesn’t make any sense no no no no wait wait wait this one’s just a nor bone right oh oh you want to dig for more Ethan oh I wouldn’t be so sure about that because you’re going to

Continue to fill yourself up with bones true Alex exe bones no no no no no no no he just doesn’t believe it okay there’s no way that there’s anything to do with Alex 3 Alex exe bones I can’t believe he’s so persistent he’s he’s still going more bones he’s still brushing for more

Bones no no no no no no no no clearly we haven’t scared him enough to convince him that Alex St EXC is real so what else can we use from that video wait a minute do you remember she like created clones of herself there was multiple of

Her what if we do the same thing and make Ethan think he’s hallucinating this is not real someone’s just messing with me yeah okay I’ve got an idea let’s just quickly jump over here so Ethan can’t see us you can’t fall me I know it’s fake probably let’s whip out the you

Know the trusty old armor stands a little bit of some leather armor but of course we want to combine that here with the alex.exe heads we can just Chuck these absolutely everywhere in the distance and and Ethan will think they’re actually real Alex ex I know

That Alex John is fake you can’t fool me that’s why I’m sending this fool to the bottom of the lava pit wait a minute what’s bro doing out here with the lava pit with the bones you ain’t going to see these bones no more TR tell me he’s

Going to do what I think he’s going to he’s going to burn the bones down you go up you have unleashed the wrath of Alex EXC and now she’s going to be right here watching you all right let’s just Chuck these up over here oh this is so good

Fake clickbait and see you are not real all right now I’ve got invisibility we can go ahead and Chuck on the armor oh that looks so good see nothing’s happening because alex. XT is not real yes I’m recording okay okay this is good this is good oh yes let’s just see

What that looks like from A’s perspective I’m feeling pretty good about wait wait yes the Council of Alex exe has come to curse you from burning her bones e okay I see you are real now I didn’t mean to throw your bones away okay he’s not running he’s he’s not

Running also they are just yeah they are not moving he’s just wait he’s just looking at them hold up why is bro not running away are you not scared no no no no bro whoever is doing this he’s walking up to them wait no no no no no

That wasn’t supposed to happen if he gets too close he’s going to see that their armor stand it it is it’s just an armor stand oh oh this is bad this is bad this is bad we’re about to be busted here y’all die stupid Aran die he’s

Going to think Alex is fake and then I’m going to lose $1,000 I will be beat you I will whoop you we need real players but wait we’re on the ey server I could get you guys to help me out actually you know what why why would I do that you

You definitely would not help me out I know you guys you totally tell Ethan and get me exposed in front of everyone well at least I’m proven it’s fake now take that anyway and we need like fake players do you think those exist so this is Curse Forge it’s a website where

You can download a bunch of crazy different mods and I’m hoping someone has made a mod that you know has fake players also known as NPCs non-playable characters that’s what it stands for so let’s see what do we got custom NPCs ooh this looks good oh but it’s for 1.6.5

Guys we’re currently on the latest version of Minecraft Cosmic NPCs play Al likee NPCs via motion capture 1.20 hold up this might be it this might be what this might be the perfect thing Cosmic NPCs allows you to record your movement and actions and replay them afterwards

As an NPC it also allows its own custom spawning I mean the screenshots aren’t really helpful but I mean this guy looks real enough guess we download it and see if it works y’all I’ve just finished installing the mod to the server now let’s see what kind of stupid thing

Ethan’s up to he’s still looks like a pear needs to go out of there okay I’m just going to get rid of these fools oh bro chill come on man well at least he is busy and distracted doing something so while he does that let’s figure out

How these NPCs work there is someone messing and I’m not about that I’m sorry guys I’m not using you in the video but still if you do want to come play with me the IP is up there why are there so many whoever did this has way too much

Time with hand maybe we search NPC oh there it is NPC spawn egg and remote that must be what we used to control it right I’m sick of this the there’s no point I want them to be like in like a ritual circle around Ethan can you imagine he’s just like walking along

Casually and suddenly like 10 Alex exe just appear around him like this in a circle like I look like an idiot now for getting freaked out about a stupid armor except yeah well they’re currently uh stev but that’s okay I’ve got the tutorial here from the website we’ve got

The alexx model on the mode it says you can copy whatever skin you’re currently wearing by using this command SL NPC skin copy oh there we go me oh yeah baby now it also says here that the remote does control it but I think we

Need to lure him over here first we need to get him inside the the circle of Doom why am I photoshopping pwed snow well you see there was the scene in the video where Alex DXE throws up blood and the play just starts sinking through the sand now quick sand doesn’t exist in

Minecraft but p is basically the same thing then I thought well if I’m changing the texture anyway why not actually make it match the bloody look of Alex exe’s blood imagine sinking into this as your last dying breath Ethan’s going to love it well he’s going to hate

It but it is going to force him towards our NPCs bro why am I even wasting my time with this it’s so Jank and it seems like Ethan has just about destroyed every armor set so we need to move fast and get him a new distraction luckily I

Just made one is there any more armor stands left I think I got them all it’s just select over here select over here and change this to our brand new powdered snow or as I like to say blood sand my area I don’t what the what just

Happened why did I sink oh he’s sinking in he’s sinking in deep woo doesn’t seem real nice down there does it Ethan we’ll let him uh cook a little bit here first why did you sink into the ground wait why am I losing hunger let’s bring him

Even deeper down you’re sinking right in is this like blood wait I’m seeking I’m seeking more hi Ethan now while he can’t see anything let’s whip out a sword here guys and we’re going to use this to basically paint a path of blood to our NPCs all right wait it’s blood I’m

Drowning in blood wait why is it like ghosty and pasty down here am I in like a spirit plate so if we use the command SL BR sphere powdered snow 3 that’s going to allow us to paint powdered snow everywhere and then we want to make that

Only effect on our grass block so if we do SLG mask do that and now if we go ahead oh check that out with literally painting so he won’t be able to leave this area wait I literally can’t move I can’t move I can’t move all the way down

To our lovely ritual Circle all right right around the outside and then a super thin path so he has absolutely no option but to come out here I can’t get out of this wait my head can pop out my head can pop out we’re give him this

Tiny little dirt path to go into and now that is perfectly trapped but that tree might be a little bit of an issue wait I have ends I’m an idiot oh my wait did that just did that hurt me more we need to move fast before it escapes okay

We’re Place Birch leaves air gone for wait for throw this okay am I out wait that didn’t work either okay wait I could have just walked out he made it out we don’t exactly want him to die cuz we want him to walk all the way over

Here why is there blood everywhere this isn’t a surgery room yeah that’s right you’re surrounded by S the vomit of Alex ex that stop that stop is cursed take this curs spy glass take everything right through a spy glass and they like no no don’t touch me is this leading me

Somewhere I mean honestly I feel bad for the poor guy cuz he’s probably going to believe everything he sees on the internet now even though most of the stuff on the internet is fake okay Alex is not real oh my gosh what is that those Alex’s yeah look at him look at

Him oh he seen them he seen them hold up did they just try and put armor stands around again I know exactly how Ethan thinks he’s going to walk up think King just beat them up uh well no you can’t hey yo I’m going destroy your armor Dad

Let’s use the remote B boys I think wait wait why are they moving H wait these ones are moving they not OPP I can’t leave okay if we spin around we can make them spin as well can’t leave I can’t leave let me out let me out what are

They doing ritualize him I can go get E1 I can bring him down here I don’t care if I lose $1,000 I only res I got to get you I got to go I got to go get him why is he not moving anymore someone’s coming up the stairs I can hear someone

Coming up the stairs wait Ethan’s about to come up here Ethan’s about to come up here look the other way look the other way in the ground you need to come to my room right now buddy I swear dude this guy hit me up it’s real it’s real she’s

Taking over my computer Alex gotc yes okay wait what I first up I told you to knock first I was in the middle of recording video second off would you what have said she was C she’s not CA she’s not cap she Tak over my computer we got to go that way we’re

Leaving just come I’m coming wa just go okay guys Ethan just left my room we need to go ahead and make him seem like an absolute crazy badman there he is type equals anything but player get rid of those and then we’re going to quickly come down here and we want to replace

All of this that when I go down to Ethan’s room it’s all going to be completely normal there’ll be absolutely nothing there oh and don’t forget we cannot forget the pots as well get rid of those bye-bye bye-bye bye-bye all right quick we better follow Ethan yeah

Come come come look look look look look I’m serious I’m serious look at the wait bro what the wait but I don’t know about you but I ain’t seeing much on the screen Ethan there were things like right here circling me and there’s like blood stuff

Right here and I I think you need to go outside Ethan I think you’re losing it a little bit that there’s clearly nothing there that’s just normal Minecraft Bro wait how does this happen bro what is happening what is stop this game I’m going outside you’re right I’m just I’m

Going crazy $1,000 on the line I just needed what is happening all right we’re going to set the camera right about there I’m going to change his wallpaper to alex.exe all right quickly sh uh oh look at that that’s absolutely terrifying guys when Ethan comes back

He’s going to be so so scared all right we need to get out of here go go go go go go go go I’m going to hide right down here in the stairs wait guys he’s coming in he’s coming in chill relax the outside is beautiful now I need to figure out

Because I definitely saw something there’s no way I didn’t see Alex sodia see wait what the wait no no no no no no no my PC my PC what do I do delete everything we’re leaving this thing just let’s just make a a survival world and

And no Alex XE in it and I just won’t look for anymore and she’s not real and we’ll forget about it yeah yeah that’ll work that Ethan’s making a single player world what an idiot doesn’t he realize that I have access to all of his worlds

Which means I think it’s time to upgrade Alex exe to a final form giant Alex Target acquired Ethan won’t know what hit him up I appear to be a very small giant Alex we need to be much bigger okay no back we go back we go all right

Fall into this hole now we just have to wait for Ethan to leave his house ah it’s just me myself and my buddy Luke my diamond ho how you doing buddy luk old buddy old pal yes you’re a replacement for the real Luke all right time to get

Some food cuz I am a hungry and it is actually a very nice yo he sees us dude that cloud kind of look like me except like less awesome and attractive and handsome and cool and gamer and awesome he barely even looked at us he just saw giant Alex and he

Doesn’t seem to get let’s replant these props I will not be ignored all right we’re bringing down the lightning you will pay attention to me I keep my crop game strong what was that what was that Luke was that was that you all right let’s get another

Lightning bot but let’s go even closer to him/ summon lightning bot what was that not I SAR oh my goodness that no no get away get away wait I think he’s oh oh no he’s freaking out now I hate this game what is that thing

That is not a cloud what is that no no no no no get me inside get me inside I got to do this all right let’s shrink down and give ourselves invisibility we’re going to switch into spectator mode and let’s see what he’s up to guys all right

Here we go look at him guys he’s literally just cowering in the corner and fear I’m certain that was giant Alex that the cursed entity Jordan always talks about in his videos but it can’t be she’s fake okay I can’t lose my momentum now it was time for giant Alex

Footprints I want him to actually believe giant Alex was here so I’m going to make his screen Shake as if his world is shaking from her footsteps Bang wao wao wa what is happening to my screen Luke save me please what what is that what is happening to my screen dude what

Is happening oh but we need to actually make the sound of a footstep so he looks outside all right here we go play sound please where are you what is that what is that an noise what is that what is happening why is this game Scary four five and six six footsteps

Exactly it must be giant Alex she must be outside um uh I need to equip this I need to take this all right all right come out and play with giant Alex I am waiting to play play with you I’m going to take R going to take run and and and

Take this you stupid fake loser heya die what about wh Kate Cho he got man what are these holes these are too perfect for a creeper hole dude oh my goodness wait giant Alex was here she made the ground shake why is she here

Why is she coming for me I was a good boy what did I do I don’t deserve Cole what if she’s still watching me she crush me at any moment ah no no no dude I’m out wait what is he doing guys is he just digging straight down going under

The ground she can’t do anything about this I am out what is he what is what does he think he’s going to achieve by doing that I mean eventually he’s going to have to come out or just create a new world honestly I don’t know which one would be

Funny oh shoot I forgot to pee but if he does decide to leave he’s going to be digging for a long long time yo wait Ethan’s moving guys I think he’s back the gamer is back and reack anything after my big boy bathroom trip now ethy

You got to dig up and see this beautiful band of dirt I have left behind for you okay let’s get out of here I’m done with this wait what oh he’s already dug up two blocks surely is already confused uh okay weird wait what he’s going he’s

Going he’s got to be so confused right now why is it going so high how is he not stopping by it surely he’s realized that something sus is going up here I did not think this part down how far does this go oh my God this man is a bot

This man is a bot he’s a sussy impostor what if giant Alex did this what if I’m being punished for not believing in her bro fire is going to keep going up big Alex you big bully I’m going to bully you when I get out of here bro I can’t

Keep watching this oh my goodness there’s so much dirt please let me out bro guys he’s going to be here for literal days let’s go ahead and get rid of the dirt I’m so sick of seeing dirt this is so daring just let me no bro where did all the dirt go what

The flip fine you kill me now you big ugly butt just go away I’m not scared of you chunky kid well I mean since Ethan has already lost his XP there’s no harm and killing him again right let’s change the timer tonight boom let war in a ton

Of skeletons all right SL summon dude what even happened there I was literally walking I got to get my items true they’re going to Des what what are the skeletons doing what no no no no no yeah Ethan I’d get out of there if I were you they’re absolutely ducking on him right

Now get behind the tree get behind the tree please please please we going to get this one going to get this one oh Ethan versus the many skeleton the skeletons are yourself are you stupid guys focus on Ethan I’m ready to fight come fight me boys get over here

Come here bang B come here you ugly skeletons okay you know what this battle is way too boring for the ground let’s take it to the sky SL effect give at e levitation what is this is this Alex is this giant Alex wait no no no please put my feet back on the

Ground here we go where’re heading to the skies put my feet back on the ground now Alex you seeing these guys you want to scrap huh you butts bro he’s so useless in the sky he can’t even hit them with his sword you know what let’s

Make it a fair fight and take him back down to the ground clear fire line B get over here skall come here no what I will send you back to Giant Alex I will send you packing no let’s confuse him even more guys I’m going to change the time straight back

Today wait why is he running out I get okay he’s getting his items but surely run back to the house now giant you ain’t nothing if that’s all you can do is send minions like that on me I will actually crank on you what what is he

Just chilling out here for he’s not even like scared or anything did I not scare him enough all right let’s grab my armor back on so I feel czy hey Luke how you doing buddy we’re going to smoke this Alex together you know what fine I

Didn’t want to make you p your pants a second time but here we go guys let’s size ourself up all right and SL effect clear hello show yourself you bot where are you huh Show Yourself holy Among Us Minecraft of all things that a holy in the Minecraft Gods

I am giant Alex now run be scared finally you’ve decided to show yourself and challenge me I see you wish to end our confrontation wait is he is he punching my my feet is he trying to attack my feet I will destroy you kid get over here I will smack you bang he’s

Asking for it you know what it’s time to destroy him bang bow wait wait okay okay good we’re going to Chuck them lava down on the ground yeah no please I Surrender I don’t want to fall in lava no I’m sorry giant Alex oh my goodness gu it’s

Really hard to use World esses here while I’m so giant ah I’ve been a good boy this Christmas please I don’t want to die burn him to the ground I’m on my hands and knees see I’m friendly oh not friendly get destroyed that’s right I’m targeting you

Now boy no ST please please Alex stop please let’s get him even deeper guys we’re going to tra him right down of this hole no I’m going to die I may have made that hole a little too big please okay I’m safe I’m free she can’t get me in here destroy this house

All right sorry this house please giant SP me I’m sorry I’m sorry I believe in you I didn’t mean it boom that’s what happens when you mess with giant Alex I didn’t mean any of it please please don’t hurt me we get a few Fireballs

Down here you know just to get him a little bit scared no please stop I’m going to die please Al please going to park him boop boop you’re going to kill me ow hello I believe in you oh no look at the chat fight was sled by me no wait fet

Was slame by ity stream oh no no no I made a huge mistake oh Flip Flip edan’s going to know it’s me ah what do I do he was trolling me oh I’m going to go take that punk out now he’s upstairs and I’m coming Jordan all doesn’t matter I got

To run I got to go yeah Ethan gave me a very painful boot slap but I still have to use my final Alex do exy ability so a week later I secretly joined his world got myself so much loot giant Alex footsteps SH now to get his attention

And shake his world I’m absolutely oh what happened what was that what just happened to my screen whoa what the mother of f knife what just happened bro oh it broke you can’t forget the sound effect my PC is being Su is that a

Glitch but I swear I can hear it in game actually sounds like giant Alex is stomping around what is that sound is that a glitch wait is it from outside yo if I heard this sound just while playing Minecraft I would be terrified hang on

Hang on I got to go check is it out here it’s coming out of his house ha no no no no no no I reckon right now Ethan has got to be shivering in you are not real wait Jordan was trolling me last time giant Alex is absolutely not

Real dude I’m just going to fill it in these holes he’s filling it up with dir he’s filling it up with dir bro does he think they’re just random holes is he not scared at all are you kidding me you know what I’m just going to stick it to

The man I’m actually just going to type in chat hey but I know it’s you Jordan you art take that Jordan you bot what’s this hey bot I know it’s you Jordan you in no wait what but how I mean last video I was exposed but how does he know

It’s me this time dude I could controll him back Clash B it’s I was player fire I tried to ban you dude he actually will not know him I just banned Jordan what can he do now oh my okay you know what I’m kind of impressed he’s bald bro he’s

Trying to do all these dumb trolls with me but literally nothing will work anymore cuz I have just banned him bro it’s time to bring back the fear right I’m naming myself giant Alex and guess what we’re going to deop this man that’s what he gets for trying to ban me oh you

Know what who are you trying to ban I hope not me you will regret this finally live a peace in my massive base bro I’m actually so what’s happening this can’t be real dude this cannot be real no no no no no but he was like oh yeah it’s

Jordan for sure and now he’s got to be like oh flip oh flip I reckon he’s going to regret this but I banned Jord so who else could to sent it no this can’t be real no giant Alex is not real there is

No way oh look oh we see be on it the Chien actually be real holy C no shot he wasn’t supposed to see me this ear into the video all right you know what he’s running to the side’s house I’m recking he’s going to be terrified right now no

No no no I need more obsidian I need to fill this base up there is no way she’s out there you can go back to whatever Giant booty land you came from he either saw me or he’s actually scared from the messages honestly I don’t know here guys

Let’s check out what he’s doing okay just take a deep breath yo this dude this dude what does he think a second layer of obsidian is going to do to stop giant Alex I’ll literally just do a wall of obsidian all around my base reinforce it

Bro if she can get through one L she can get through two how can we show him her spirit is haunting this room H crafting table loot yo a banner would be perfect I don’t know how to make a Alex you know what the internet will this is the

Scariest Alex ban I could find we’re going to copy this command dude there is no way absolutely no shots just getting through this layer of obsidian Chuck it in put down our button and boom yo we got ourselves the battle all right in we go make sure Ethan isn’t locking all

Right oh and more obsidian wait wait wait we got to keep this going hello do you think obsidian can stop me wait what yeah who does this fool think he is um wait what is this Banner talking this Banner is a pit out of nowhere it’s like a crying blood

Water Alex yo now the banner is talking you know what I want to kind of make him think that the banner is the what’s cursing him what is this that Banner spoke to me that’s just funny the fact that Ethan would actually believe that yoyoo actually wait we’re going to

Change all of this obsidan just placed down in to Lava all right there perfect slash to walls lava how did it get in here wait no no no stop I’m not ready to kill it either just yet though all right replace lava water I need to live no wait water

Huh oh my God now he’s getting drowned but there was lava before and I was going to die got to be so upset seeing his house literally flooded right now what is happening to me is this giant Alex but but how’d she get in here dude bro you think your obsidian can protect

You now eventually bro almost done I knew the whole time the laa with some sort of Illusion though how could giant Alex kill me giant Alex is supposed to be cursing this base with her spirit which I really do not want him to forget what

Can she actually do to me I’m just too powerful we should be able to give ourselves our head if we do skull odor I’ve never done this before it’s ey stream yo check it out we got ourselves a giant Alex head all right we’re going to replace some of this sponge here with

Her head and boom I just give her the old left right good night she cannot do anything wait what was that all right quickly and replace and replace GI Alex skull wait oh bro he’s going to be terrified right that’s right that’s right giant Alex is here and she is watching

You how is she getting in here it’s too thick obsidian how is she doing this she’s giving her skulls in here there has to be a source wait what is it okay he’s looking at the banner it’s the banner the banner is the source of this evil burn Banner

Burn is he burning the B okay you know what you don’t burn a SC die you ban die I cannot deal with this anymore what in the world I can’t believe is G right out who in the right mind would burn an evil entity’s spirit you know what how dare you will regret

That I’m free these skulls they cannot hurt me how dare you you were made a seriously big mistake right now bro they’re just empty threats now giant Alex can’t touch me in my beautiful base I think it’s time we humble him and make him look like a huge fool obsidian no I

Think oak leaves are better I actually feel real my base now your base can be blown away in a simple Breeze speaking of Braes after all a big booty means a big of f what I what is that no I got to go yo we got a literal tornado on his house go

I got to go I got to go what is that it’s a tornado on my face I didn’t realize how brutal it was going to be oh my goodness Alex you have done it now dude there’s literally a tornado that doesn’t make any sense all right I got to get up here

Bro why did this man stop is he not afraid of the giant tornado that just destroyed his house what do you mean Alex you’re going to pay for this you hear me yo bro hold up that face took me a weake to make I’m going to get my

Revenge get over here huh hold up he’s swinging his sword out oh okay he want a five you know what that’s cute let’s remind him how absolutely giant normous we are I got a diamond sword I’m not afraid to use it on you we don’t shoot

Baby arrows no we shoot mega sus arrows yo that thing is huge look at that Ethan turn around Ethan turn around I’m about to fight J look at him he just like frozen he was sing his sword he was so confident and now he’s just Frozen no one told me she

Had giant weapons too what do I do what do I do I need to get my head bro there is no way I’m dealing with this I Surrender that’s it I Surrender wait I Surrender bro how stupid is he oh my good you can’t just surrender to Giant

Alex oh I know I know drop all my stuff take all my loot dude he’s throwing all his stuff onto the ground BR now he’s unarmed this dude you can’t just surrender you must have face judgment must face judgment I don’t want to face judgment I want to face life I want to

Live my life who is this man think he is think he just surrender to Giant Alex you know what this is the perfect time to Chuck down these heads and drop no there’s no way I have to do this what you that is terrifying all

Right wait no we got to have more we got to have more all around him guys no no no no what no no no I honestly would be quitting right I I can’t believe he has it just quit the game right now guys no

I got to run she giant right br oh he’s on the Run he’s on the Run run he is out of this town baby I got why are a head so big no I can’t oh no he just picked one up oh no no no no no he’s going to

See that it’s tiny I just picked up her head what is he doing oh he placed it on the ground that’s not good that’s not good why is it so tiny yo I think I’m BST I need to distract him now ah what can we do you know what we’ll give

Ourselves minions uh what about giant H I need to distract him quick place this down H yes what what is that uh ah no all right come on get another funeral oh really hope that that distracted him no leave me be leave me be actually you know what these are all Illusions too

Aren’t they come at me bro a wait no no I’m going to die yeah that’s right Ean that’s right don’t mess with giant Alex unless you want to get burned no way giant Alex has to be real those HS were massive did you see that I

Think it’s time for a little face to face up close and personal action I just got to keep running there’s no way I’ll just uh be on my way I’ll just uh n n n you’re not going anywhere why don’t you come up and give me a proper hello and

Levitation bom what why am I flying bro no please please just leave me be GI I’m sorry I didn’t mean it oh hello hello hello and goodbye kick for f oy dayses with Ethan out of the picture I needed a new victim oh oh tonight I did some good

Mining yeah I got some iron and some gold and I’m really good tonight yeah yeah I am so tired now go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep my next victim oh you can’t sleep oh yeah that’s right you can now Lucy is pretty new to

Minecraft but she is also live streaming so while she might be totally confused as to who giant Alex is oh her chat is going to be freaking out guys what are you talking about this is just what YouTubers like Jordan make up to get views I’m going to break the bed hey oh

My God why you breaking the bed it ain’t do nothing wrong here sus this I’ll prove it meow H take that chat oh my gosh stop stressing girls apparently she doesn’t care she’s sleeping this is the opportunity to do whatever we want to our house we’re going to add those

Classic giant Alex footsteps honestly if I saw these in my world I would be absolutely terrified day time quick she’s going to be out here at any moment now guys she’s stepping out quick we’re going to have the sound effects boom what was wrong with that no what was

That bro that sounded so menacing oh my goodness girls what is that oh I think she see the footsteps look at that she’s looking at it you think that’s a giant Alex footprint no what did that even come come from that wasn’t there before I didn’t see it earlier yo she’s got to

Be so gullible the chat is probably telling her all typ of crazy things and she’s just straight up believeing okay girls stop scaring me okay yes this is a bit of an odd situation it’s pretty Rogue oh what you going to do honestly it’s just a little hole in the dirt wait

Is that a bucket of is that a bucket of water bro it’s just a cute free little swimming pool do you know what it’s time for my first jump scare all right all right we’re going to go sl/ scammer load Alex tank I prepared this a little bit

Earlier SL pce boom we got our blast fonus but not just any blast fonus I’m just going to make a few Dey tiny modifications of the creep r mutator with giant Alex the giant Alex creeper spawn egg I don’t reckon it’s an Alex footprint or anything I think you guys are lying it’s

Not a real thing oh boy let’s take this dude for a doozy test drive now I got to practice my Dives and everything all right coming up behind L here I got put put it down knock her into it knock her into it perfect wait oh my gosh did you guys hear that

Bro she just got blown what creepers are not it yo that giant Alex creeper was a huge explosion there’s no way they normally blow up that big oh she’s coming out quick quick quick drop a giant Alex head in the mix drop a giant Alex head in the mix okay let me collect

Everything in case she missed it guys just in case oh come on come on come on it’s right there yeah she’s picked it up wait chat what do you mean it had a giant Alex head she doesn’t seem that scared though she’s got she walks straight into the debr Bro Lucy be more

Scared why why is she not scared I didn’t see it therefore it just it it didn’t exist all right I really hope she notices that giant Alex IM let me check I’ve got everything wait oh my goodness girls wait she’s staying still oh you’re so

Right oh my goodness no that’s such a no get this out of here it says giant Alex head good idea girls why didn’t I think of that just just drown it what you doing Lucy she trying to cover up giant Alex’s foot says no she’s trying to

Drown her that is so so much worse she doesn’t exist I don’t know what we were stressed about she’s not even a thing you know what we got to avenge my Fallen Brethren guys not interested we don’t talk about BR no no no no this Alex trying to talk to me hey

Why are you sing a song from a c you know why because we’re doing an eye for an eye guys the creeper died for the cause you know what her total Bruno is going to die for the cause all right we’re just going to bring it right on

Exactly where she be giant Alex here no my turtle sltp at e name equals a Bruno to me boom oh no no no he’s a Dr he’s dying in the ground quick teleport him up this is about to be war no one messes with Bruno all talks about no all right

We’re going to go as a name tag real quick right quick name that too I see you get under get under Bruno be here Bruno all right we’re going to rad Turtle oh we did it just a time I’m going to clear this away and hopefully hopefully Bruno my baby Bruno you’re

Here I see you no wait does giant Alex mean that’s right that’s right giant Alex is watching you and by giant Alex I mean me ey stream I don’t know I just know I have to get out of here what why is she taking baby Bruno what you going

To do because I’m watching if giant Alex is massive right I’ve just got to go down to the mind right right she can’t follow me down there bro she’s leaving her Turtle behind what man okay clearly she did not love Bruno that much she’s just way too huge wait she’s heading

Down to a excuse me what is the logic behind that oh wait I know what she’s thinking I know what she’s thinking oh my goodness Chad we’re safe don’t worry at all she’s a spirit she’s everywhere Lucy oh my goodness that was so scary I can’t believe the giant Alex was actually real

We’re going to replace all the Torches with the Redstone torches the lighting is about to get terrifying 3 2 1 bam it was a bit scary oh my goodness Redstone no all right you know what can’t lose the momentum she is Frozen in fear let’s use the jump scare

No bro I wish I could hear her right now sorry giant Alex you’re a very gge girl no you came down here you came down here you’re not getting anywhere that’s right you’re going straight down goodness what I do chat small Cave System that’s huge IQ is she trying to

Run away bro no no no all right quickly find a cave quick clear the effects and then go huge right bang bang here we go size up w we need to keep running girls we can get there look at that she’s literally Frozen in fear right now oh my goodness

It’s Alex she’s real oh my go I’m going to die get a magma ball and we get some bows oh she’s on the Run she’s still trying to run away from me run run run run let’s Chuck down a literal tracking meteor bro that is terrifying and you

Know what we got a little bit of explosion there booom b boom how did this people oh what was that oh my goodness all right oh she’s moving she’s all right we dropped down another one boom literally right there oh run go Lucy oh that was so close to excuse me

She trying to get to that small cave not on my watch oh my goodness ah why are there so many Breaking this is awful you know what I might not be able to fit in there but you know who can my minions Little Giant Alex zombies I made

It but I’m not safe from that follow her my minions she’s actually try oh my God follow her all the way down guys no no this canot be how I die this is tragic oh what you going to do now you know what my intention was never to

Kill Luc here guys we just want to freak out to fight back no die let’s get rid of him bam why did they have wait what girls is this a train we’re going a shrink go down all the way to 0 2 size oh boy do we need to go what should we

Do wait wait why is everything growing what look at that she’s ding is everything growing or am I shrinking what’s happening I may not be able to be the absolutely huge giant Alex in this room but I can be normal size which is a lot bigger than she is right now all

Right guys we’re going to appear in her boom it’s

Trolling Ethan with a Scary Cursed ALEX.EXE Prank in Minecraft! Can you believe the ENDING?

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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


  1. No, the time to do this😢❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I know your time nothing to do, is Sophia rain rain so much in the Sophia room and I know you’re trying to do it. I know you’re trying to get help from people. Sorry take it because I know you are a toy Mr. it but I am in the one who never talking I’m

  2. I don’t think so I think I just need a couple more hours to you to make it to work I just don’t want you guys going you don’t want me going in and 😢I just don’t know how long I feel right

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