Minecraft But There’s DISNEY Hearts

Evil Disney character sto my hearts leaving me with nothing oh no no they took everything and where did they go I don’t know Guido I don’t see them anywhere see you look out what in the Multiverse dude that’s Princess Elsa and she’s fighting us not cool come on quo let’s get after her

She’s jumped over the edge she’s trying to freeze the lava well that’s obviously not going to work let’s get our Harest now every time I kill a character I gain their heart and some powerful new items and abilities all right and that is one heart down uh wait Guido did did that lava just move uh I think so get us out of here spe uh okay don’t panic well

You can just use Elsa’s powers to freeze the lava oh come on it didn’t work for why would you think it would work for us no because I’m desperate Guido okay let’s just not panic here we can’t touch the lava so we have to go above it

Woohoo that power was awesome quo but that’s just one of the hearts I need to reclaim what the heck is that thing it’s empal and she’s using well that’s exactly what someone with ice powers doesn’t want to hear this is going to be a battle of the

Elements and the winner keeps the heart let’s try some of Elsa’s other powers like check out this ice Dodge ability which leaves Frozen stanes behind perect for distraction now we’re close and we can use my ice block ability to crush her oh my gosh she’s kind of fast no no

No stay don’t worry Guido no one takes my heart and gets away with it now Guido it looks like every time I get a heart I also get a piece of some larger puzzle never mind that Steve look Fire trail yeah I see that Guido she must be in

This little Valley ah there you are now I believe you have something that belongs to me what is that I don’t know steeve but it’s coming right this way then we must have to jump through the gaps oh gosh we got another one incoming okay let’s just go to the right here and

Duck w Woo is that all you got oh my goshy okay I’m going wo this is getting harder and harder uh yeah you can say that again okay that’s got to be impossible what are you talking about oh gosh okay uh don’t worry I’ve got a plan for this

I’ll just use my ice sash ability and take out ever thank you very much and with the ele mental heart back we now have the water Gem and the Fire Jam do you think we can use powers like only one way to find out yeah hey wait up where are we going

We’re heading straight towards that Beacon Guido because I’m guessing my next heart is waiting for me somewhere nearby now where is that heart over here Steve come check it out huh what’s up buddy wao this is one of my favorite movies we’ve got buddy and was from Toy

Tals they each have one half of the next heart all right let’s pick them up scoop up their insides and find that hot hey I found those dolls fair and square oh steeve we’re just kids fine I’ll ask them nicely hey there guys do you mind giving

Me those toys back you know I’d really appreciate it so oh quido they’re not just kids they’re bullies those are my toys you little jugs oh great they locked themselves inside don’t worry I’ve got a way to force them out oh boy that’s the last time anyone takes my

Toys well I did on you guys now where are my toys uh Ste ow dude what the heck is that the was they’ve turned into their living forms and they’re getting away and they just turned me into a toy as well great a so cute no Guido it is

Not cute because they’ve still got two pieces of my heart okay okay Jee let just go get them if we don’t catch up with them now I’ll never get that toy tails heart which means I’ll never complete whatever this ultimate power is keep going Steve it looks like they’ve

Already done an escap room plan yeah well if they can fit through that pipe then so can I I spoke too soon you’re too big now we’ll never get the toy tails hard unless I use this water Jam I might not be able to fit through the

Pipe but in my water form I’ll be able to catch up with them easily T tails heart Acquired and we also acquired whatever this is ooh imagination G I wonder what this does well Steve use your imagination oh come on Guido it’s not like I can create a

Giant puppy or something wo what in the Multiverse the gun creates whatever you can think of I mean there’s only one way to test that theory let’s try sumon in hyi no no no no no yeah oh sorry quido but it does mean whatever I summon next

Should just belong to me so I’ll just go ahead and think of a super car not cool man yeah oh jeez I missed it’s in the water now hold on a second see you hey look what I found over here what is this thing the princess is going to want to

See this princess they must be talking about Princess Ariel yeah from the tiny mermaid she must have my next time let me handle this Guido uh Hey guys a human stay back land Walker who oh take it easy guys I’m a friend I mean yeah I

Am a friend all I have to do is imagine myself looking like a mermaid and with the imagination gun I’ll be transformed oh the princess must have forgotten to tell you guys I’m a new intern starting at the castle today oh silly me yes follow us we will take you to the

Princess uh hold on Steve what about me I can’t touch water remember I am a robot oh yeah sorry dude let me imagine you something up right here awesome so this is what it’s like to be underwater it’s beautiful no Guido what’s beautiful is that castle the next heart has got to

Be inside and these fools are taking me straight to its owner Princess Ariel wow she’s really pretty guo there’s plenty more fish in the sea and stay focused dude we’ve got to figure out some way to take her out but the only problem is there are guards everywhere maybe we can

Use the imagination gun exactly what I was thinking buddy here goes nothing I’m thinking of a giant wallp poool wo look at her girl actually looks kind of fun no Guido do not go into that world poool CU as you can see they are being totally torn apart and hey it

Looks like Ariel got sucked up too actually see wow There She Goes how we didn’t take around she’s too fast yeah I’m going to have to use my imagination gun again oh but there’s too much pressure I can’t really think of anything um uh that could be I don’t

Know I’m imagining a giant sponge to dry up the ocean that was awesome now all we have to do is find princess Ara and get my H wait what the heck is that nice there she is I guess without the water she’s teress indeed Guido now all

We have to do is stand around watching her as she flails uncontrollably slowly suffocating on the oxygen that has been introduced to her area and then we will take the heart and take it for us oh there there we go check it out dude I got this awesome

Trident I don’t think Princess Ariel will be needing this anymore what was that H Guido how long has that door been there it’s dragging me towards it hey I know this place we are completely surrounded by doors which means this must be where the monster cohart is now where are Molly and Psych

And they must have my next heart but don’t worry I’ve got Ariel’s Trident and I’m going to use it to take them down at least I think so okay they’re very fast this is going to be a lot more difficult than I expected but surely at one point

We can actually get them oh come back here son you’re so annoying oh you know what Guido instead of trying to hit them with the Trident I’m just going to follow them through the door instead oh no what is it I think this was all part of that plan we have walked straight

Into that trap W be careful spe we get hit just once and wear toes oh yeah well I’ve got my trid end H but it doesn’t do anything run no no no a that’s so annoying I just don’t know how to beat these guys than for

Weaknesses okay I got it with mouth is the weak spot and it only opens its mouth when it Roars okay I’ve got an idea I’m just going to get somewhere where it can’t reach me like under here and that is going to make it really frustrated and that’s when we

Strike hey we did it we shut it down I’m trying to escape oh yeah well we’re not going to let them oh oh my gosh a you look so funly no Guido I’m scary I’m ferocious hey check it out it looks like by getting that heart we also got this emergency

Door maybe we should use it now nah I don’t think we need to use it right now but I’ll use it when we really need it anyway look let’s just get back to that door room and focus on finding the next hot where are we well look closer at the

Island half of it is full of life and the other half is being consumed by Darkness so then must mean this movie is Moana that’s going to be her coming from that direction that’s great and everything but how do you start in mid Air hey hey can you guys bring me to Moana I just need to speak to her uh wait why do you guys look so worried is there something in my teeth uh guys Steve remember you’re a giant monster oh yeah I you kind of look terrifying come

Back here come on Guido they went down this path a Ste what’s that noise those sound like arrows I’ve got to get to cover well now what are we going to do I’m blocking the path yeah there’s got to be some way I can advance unless wait stay for

Doing come on Guido stay behind find the log for that steeve we’re almost at the village and my next heart has got to be inside oh dude what the heck now they’re throwing coconuts at us just keep the cover stay yeah sorry dude just a little further no oh dude they’ve totally got

Us pinned down now wait is that singing speak much the person that singing is Moana and she has the next heart yeah and we’ve got no way to get to her unless unless what well I do have my monster strength Yik dinner time boys oh hey

Moana H don’t look at me I don’t know that guy oh hey Moana I think I’ve got room for dessert what what the what’s going on what has she done to us dude she’s tripped me in a bubble oh this is so not fair okay you know what this bubble has

Got to pop it one point I’m just going to make sure I’m over Moana when it happens here we go And oh man I ruined my dessert anyway I’ll be taking that thank you very much and the Moana heart is mine plus this snazzy outfit now right now usually I’d be able to see where to go to find the next heart but kind of looks like I’m stuck

On this island for now unless an emergency tour that’s right dude wonder where this is going to take us hopefully straight to the next heart where it will be served to us on a silver platter let’s go hey this is the enchanto house and it looks like we can’t leave

Great that means we’re going to have to deal with all of those family members yeah and all of their different powers well let’s see what we’ve got lined up first wa this house is bigger on the inside and I’m guessing that we need to pass through every room and defeat every

Family member if I want to reach my heart but where is the first family member wo wo wo wo you know the only person who’d have the strength to throw that would be Louisa and she’s coming this way okay then let’s just back up here be

Careful Steve don’t let her G closed I’m trying quo but she’s got my scent or something wao oh come on oh this is not good wait the mo heart it’s doing something what in the Multiverse did I just get turned into a COC honestly at this point I have

No idea what’s going on just Crush her already okay here we go oh no she caught me I know she’s doing squats with me yeah but she sounds like she’s struggling oh I see what you mean and by defeating Louisa we have opened the door wait who’s that guy we

Shouldn’t talk about it judging by how many Vines are in this room I’m guessing this belongs to Isabella you know what she’s kind of mean so I’m going to enjoy this what the she’s targeting me oh my gosh let me go right now she’s fing back yeah there’s no way

We can reach her unless there’s four roots hidden around the room and I can use my coconut form to bring them down just make sure your M for poison Cloud se you oh yeah I can see that she’s spraying it all over the room we got to avoid those puddles

That’s two rots down two more to go the vines are breaking she get a and more desperate Guido come on now we’ve just got one more Vine to go and this entire place is going to come crumbling down and now to deal with the root of the problem nice one Steve thanks

Buddy On to the Next Room now Guido this next room belongs to Peppa now one thing about her is that her power is to control the weather using her emotions so we’ve got to keep her calm if she’s happy it’ll be sunny if she’s sad it’ll be rainy that kind of

Thing she doesn’t look very happy huh you killed my family dude she’s out of control there be something we can do okay uh just let me think all I can do is turn into a stupid coconut joh seem think of something hey stay back I’m warning you

No no no no what wait did did I just did I just poop out coconuts wow you must to be really scir wait I love coconuts Guido checked out the weather it’s calm down does that mean we’re not going to die now I think so dude let’s

Just leave her to it now she’s a little bit distracted by those coconuts so let’s just go ahead and break through this door ourselves you can do that all along okay so this must be the last room there aren’t any doors that I can see so the hearts must be here somewhere hey

Welcome to my room Steve I’ve seen the future and you’re not in it it’s Bruno oh you’re an Ana little fella huh what about this oh dude come on Steve just think about what he said he can see into your future yeah he knows exactly

What I’m going to do next but wait he can see what I’m going to do but he can’t see what you’re going to do oh I get it you stay here quido I’m going to keep attacking him drawing his attention oh what am I going to do next Bruno I

Could do anything I could jump back and forth I could stall you and then eventually H didn’t see that coming did you ew dude what the heck is that on my back oh my gosh there’s so many of them guess that’s the price you pay when you

Can see in the future now wait what you’re right I can see into the future I’m seeing that there’s some kind of secret hge hidden beneath the sand that is our way out this looks like the exact same Mound I’ll just break down all of this sand and just like predicted a

Secret hatch hey it looks like the hatch is leading back to the surface uh wao are we in a city uh bless girl thanks for distracting ing the cops for me citizen you must have my next heart but what do you mean cops uh Ste oh no oh no No one in the M time to get out of here wo W she’s way away yep and I’m holding on for dear life okay this is fine let’s just not panic here I’ll just see into the future to find out what happen happens next let’s hope that doesn’t happen soon oh

Oh my nose where did she go H just give me a second to think it looks like she’s heading into a tall building an apartment maybe which looks exactly like that apartment right there Guido mind if I hit your right hop on boom just like that the amazing heart

Is mine but this suit is it’s really tight anyway there’s got to be some kind of clue as to where the next heart is H wait is that Nemo oh you’ve got to have my next heart isn’t that the movie where the fish turs is the giant monster wait

Guido what are you talking about oh my gosh oh my gosho that guy is massive someone’s got to stop him I guess it’s going to be me no oh wo wo W oh I than the multivers I can transform into stuff like parachutes now where are we we’re in some kind of coral reef but there’s no water thank the Multiverse for that oh what was that that’s the mutant Nemo it’s got to be I can’t tell where he is right now so let

Me try this okay I see yep yep that’s him on the horizon okay uh we could prepare ourselves I think I’ve got just the idea I’m going to go ahead and stretch across this tree and then when he approaches we’ll bring him down just one more heart to go now Guido

We’re so close now dude what the heck is that that sounds like the king of Disney M be red dude this is cleaning me out now what’s going to happen wa ha you stand in the presence of the king of Disney bow down never you’ve got my

Heart Robbie what the heck is that I don’t know Guido he’s got access to some kind of Otherworldly creature whatever it is we should stay away from here he’s blocking off all the sides yeah we’re going to have to go to the right and try squeeze through these things oh they’re

So gross he’s retreating come on we got to get after him this is it I can feel it I got you what the dude he’s like turned into animation form or something I can’t even hit him in this wall this is so annoying he’s practically Invincible this reality belongs to the

Rat oh uh that is a friend of course no no no no no weo they’ve got me pinned down get Ste I don’t think I can wait the Nemo Hearts it’s glowing oh Ruby You Can’t Hide anymore boy please don’t take the heart well without it I’ll be nothing oh yeah well you should have thought about that before you attack me with another worldly tentacle creature ah true and there it is Guido the final Disney heart and my ultimate

Power is finally ready that means this Castle belongs to me those characters belong to me for I am the king of Disney

Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/

This is Minecraft, but there are DISNEY HEARTS! When Steve’s hearts get stolen by evil Disney Characters such as Bruno from Encanto, Buzz and Woody from Toy Story, Ember Lumen from Elemental, Sully and Mike from Monsters Inc, and Mickey mouse himself, he needs to defeat the evil Disney characters and steal the Disney hearts BACK from the Minecraft Disney cartoons! Steve needs to learn how to be and behave like Disney character if he wants to use all the powerful Disney and Mickey Mouse abilities! Can Steve learn all the secrets and abilities of the biggest Disney heroes, get all the Disney hearts, and upgrade himself into the DISNEY CASTLE KING? This is Minecraft but there’s custom Disney hearts!


‣ Check out our WEBSITE and make your own Checkpoint character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/
‣ Buy Checkpoint MERCH: https://creatorink.com/collections/checkpoint
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‣ Join the Adventurer’s Guild on Discord: https://discord.gg/rzXUDvt

~ G.U.I.D.O Animation by: https://www.studiogoblin.co.uk/
~ Music/SFX by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com
~ Minecraft builds by Ambient Creations: https://twitter.com/AmbientTeam

Follow our incredible voice cast:
Carimelle: https://estherchristova.carrd.co/#home
Cyrus Rodas: https://twitter.com/CyrusRodas
Dallis MacKenzie: https://twitter.com/Dallisaur
Corey Wilder: https://twitter.com/WilderCorey
Brooke Johnson: https://brookejohnsonvo.com


‣ GTA 5 DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/35VAw0f
‣ MINECRAFT DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/3mKfUOL
‣ ROBLOX DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/2HquZVz


Minecraft is an open world game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game however, there is an achievement system. The gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is essentially composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—that are arranged in a fixed grid pattern and represent different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, and tree trunks. While players can move freely across the world, objects and items can only be placed at fixed locations relative to the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions.

#Checkpoint #Minecraft


  1. Monday Afternoon Musical
    (Friday Night Funkin)

    Rapboy (Boyfriend)
    Demongirl (Girlfriend)

    Tuesday insanity
    (Wednesday infidelity)
    Robby Rat (Mickey Mouse)
    Devil (Satan)
    Charlie mouse (Julia mouse)
    Cheese (Cheddar)
    Hankby (Hankey)
    Rotby (Mokey)
    Wallie (Oswald)

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