Let’s play Stardew Valley EXPANDED for the first time! (ep 4)

Oh N N La Hello okay uh the streams don’t usually happen today so apologies if this caught you off guard and you are displeased about it but I’m home for the weekend not weekend I’m home for the week for spring break and I love streaming streaming from not only do I

Not have class going on so I have more time but also I love streaming from this room so much more than loving than I love okay we’re going to go we’re going to go again I love streaming from my room at home much more than than I enjoy

Streaming from my room at school I like my room at school the room itself more I think it looks nicer but I like my desk much more at home it’s something about streaming in the basement from a carpeted floor I don’t know I enjoy it uh but yeah we’re back

Where it all started this is the the I I conceived I conce you know what I’m going to say I was about to stop myself I conceived my channel baby within my within my mind mind uterus in this room uh so it it’s special to me I enjoy

It um and yeah we’re going to play started Valley today and tomorrow two days back to back how exciting is that I’ve had a big morning because I thought I had a dentist appointment tomorrow and my plan was going to was to get my haircut this morning uh my C I didn’t

Bring my camera home so unfortunately I can’t show you my haircut which is good because it always looks terrible for the first couple weeks before it starts growing back um but I woke up at 11:10 I rolled like I rolled over at 11:10 picked up my phone my eyes were

Like all squinty cuz I got to bed really late and I check it and it’s like all right looking forward to seeing you today at 11:40 for your dentist appointment and I was like oh my god um so I had and it was it’s about a

16-minute drive away so at that point I calculated that I had approximately 15 minutes um and I’m so freaking sensitive like with all the pot stuff my body is so sensitive like I really have to go through a specific morning routine or I will just shut down for the day so like

I have to shower I have to eat breakfast and I have to take a pill with breakfast and and a sizable breakfast that all has to happen in the morning right after I wake up so I was like okay all these things need to happen

So I I sprung up I took like a one minute long hypers shower got dressed ran upstairs or I brushed my teeth cuz I obviously do anyway but also like I have Den appointment so it’s especially important so I brushed my teeth I I did

I like quote did my hair I just like and then I ran upstairs grabbed like a bunch of different scattered things I could have for breakfast put threw them all into my car and then just like V and like that definitely broke a lot of laws

Uh to get to the dentist got there on time somehow over the course of that 60-minute drive within my car I made and ate a peanut butter sandwich ate a banana ate like a one of those little applesauce pouches the goo squeeze ones that are absolute money or delicious I

Have like one of those a day they’re great um took my pill and I ran inside had my dentist appointment and then I went straight from there to get my haircut and then got my haircut and then came right back here about 15 minutes ago and now I’m going to live stream so

Spring break isn’t much of a break so far but who cares I’m enjoying it very much I also swung through McDonald’s cuz I was hungry I already I already champed my burger and my 10 piece nug so now I’m working on my fries delicious Okay so playing starter Valley let me go and

Boot It Up actually before I do does anyone have any mod requests I’ve like added one or two new mods every stream and that’s not a trend I want to keep up but I don’t know if there’s like any mods someone really wants me to add that

I can investigate before we get started if not I’m just going to go ahead and launch it but yeah big day so far man so yeah I’ll be live again this time tomorrow for more stardew Valley do you have half don’t mess up hair I do and it doesn’t work for

Me okay I’m going to go and launch the game it’s launching okay now the game audio has been far too quiet I watched back all the stard valley expanded of the past and I think the the game audio is too quiet so we’re going to BU we’re going to bump that

Up it’s cuz it was Sonic the Hedgehog like really screwed me okay there we are iel all right iel let’s move you and me now I don’t know what you’re were doing I I don’t know what to do truthfully I am lost uh but yeah happy to get my haircut

Even though everyone in my life tells me that I look better with the long hair uh because it’s not worth it there’s the whole beauty is pain argument but like dude the discomfort of having hair touch my forehead is not something that I will stand for ever I got to take my pills

I almost forgot thank God I’m I’ve become so freaking sensitive that I can just kind of feel an imbalance in my gut I just like launched I was like something’s off like I got to take my pills man but yeah so unfortunately as the folks in my life tell

Me I’ve become marginally less hot for now but it’ll it’ll it’ll come back and also I just I cannot handle hair touch on my face ever in any context so I I I got to cut it as short as I can handle okay I dropped it one of them on the floor

Okay checking your shipping bin pier and Sophia had a large number of products to ship this morning okay am I supposed to care very happy you’re getting situated here in started Valley and you’re making great progress on M crutz Farm thanks boo uh why are you

Trying to like like light of fire under me cuz I’ve i’ I’ve I’ve got plenty of fire there already going to work oh lost some frames there lost some frames there that’s fine okay I need to keep working on the gold as often as I can smelt it cuz I want to

Get as many um whatever sprinklers as I can manage uh before the first day of summer that’s the goal here uh I could sell that I’ll keep it it’s fine I don’t know what this song is from it’s kind of bizarre but that’s fine or am I supposed to care are we

Missing any Community Center things I can goad and put in like a community center chest there you go purple mushroom um and then yeah Fire Quartz Community Center normal quartz Earth crystal and and Frozen tier there we are um I already had one and then what were

The other ones it was the solar Essence and 10 bat wings there we are so that’s uh two bundles done in the Boiler Room Ventures bundle finished correct yes uh geologist is done this sucks man fi fine quartz one aridium ore One battery pack that really blows okay let me take a take

Stock of everything I’ve got here for Quality sprinklers I’ve got a lot of gold ore I should make some more furnaces Honestly I’m missing the stone okay well we’re going to go gather some Stone found some oh I got to turn animation cancelling on it’s going to take me like what half an hour to get myself SED like it always does so please let half an hour before I

Understand what’s going on and we can get back to like playing the video game okay three more furnaces thought you’d be dumb with started after Perfection well I finished that playthrough about two calendar years ago so short answer is yes I was but it it was long enough that it like

Reset okay I’m going to keep working on my gold uh copper axe pickup needs to happen I’m going to start making chopping the hardwood stumps on my farm a daily routine uh because I need to get to foraging level six as soon as I can manage uh to get a

Lightning rod before summer comes so I can get a battery pack for the community center and then I just need to worry about finding it one already already more somehow okay let me water my straggle plants and then we kind of have a full day today let me crunch some numbers on the

Ore I think 50 quality sprinklers is a good Target to aim for uh 21 iron uh so I would need about 30 bars is what 150 ore um so yeah we need some more iron and then um I think we’re actually squared on gold if we go for 50 So eventually we

Can to hit the mines and get some more iron um yeah I don’t want to have to use these shitty ones cuz they make me upset okay well then we can take today to go pick up our Axe and then we’ll do some foraging and wood cutting will be

The focus today try and get first of all some more wood to work on sprucing up our farm and second of all uh forging experience so let’s put those away Um okay we’re going straight to Clint straight there okay no Lolly gagging none what a LLY gag what did I Jesus Christ you guys are so insufferable trash neat all right Clint give me the goods I should have brought my uh geod and donatable stuff and Community Center a

Lot of stuff I should have done instead of just leaving my house like a like an O we’ll probably have extra time at the end of the day I don’t care what you think about me look this is how little I well now I can’t even give it to you

Where do you live Clint I thought you just yeah you do live here then where the freak were you yeah what do you think this makes me depressed good I’m glad yay copper axe thanks Clint you’re good for something I suppose okay we’re going to take the

Loop up north wrap back around and go back to our farm so we can grab all our stuff for the community center okay for the community center and then we’ll donate and then go south to the beach and then hit all that forested area to the

Left this area getting a makeover is so so huge cuz this this area was just sad I also left the Pelican statue it’s just like a yellow dirt in the game there’s just like nothing here star valy expanded the main downside of starter Valley expanded is that it’s kind of

Going to ruin this game for me forever because there are just so many things where it’s like why isn’t this just like how the game is with the like life everywhere yeah I from most of the time mods I’m like yeah this is good as like

An external mod that is like not just the game but my two like main takeaways from this one are um what was I lost my train of thought oh yeah the two main out of all these mods I have the two main ones where I’m

Like this should just be how the game is the reflection mod especially is like such a minor thing to like have your guy reflect in the water and like pretty easy to coat in and it just makes it adds like that little bit of polish that is really nice

Uh and then just the the the aspect of expanded that is that like grass and trees just kind of grow everywhere is like very nice okay now how much time is left on these do I I can I can hang around put in some more uh gold okay all of these are getting

Donated hey I mean if I have the time I go ahead and chop the hardwood on my farm like I want to anyway huh how about that oh you I don’t have my pickaxe on me I could just run grab it it’s like literally right there

But it’s fine I don’t care okay here we are this is what it’s all about I’ll check out that little Zone in a moment okay I can’t get down here because of this big big dog um why am I doing that oh oh no what is this this one was it’s now in

Ruins oh it’s the uh Greenhouse dummy well then what’s that thing to the top left there’s like two broken down buildings and there’s only supposed to be one so something new has been added to the video game The Beach Bridge I did so how about them apples okay

Um seems counter intuitive because we’re doing wood cutting later but it’s only four and we’re going to have an inventory slot spe uh freed up before we get to cutting wood so it’s all good all right there’s more we can reach eventually I want to

Get a a steel axe pretty soon as well but yeah it’s all good these stumps aren’t leaving it’s the ones that regenerate every day that I really okay uh let’s sub out son of a [ __ ] okay let me uh okay I’m leaving my luck is awesome

So that’s cool I’m not going to get any use out of it cuz I’m just making today a live off the land kind of day okay uh exotic forging we got this oh cave carrot man we have those [ __ ] all right well we’ll have to get a cave

Carrot sometime soon we’re almost done with that bundle um let’s go and do this while we’re in the neighborhood and then um fall foraging got a plum that’s pretty cool I guess uh summer foraging we’ve got a spice berry winter foraging we’ll get there Pantry spring crops is done animal we

Can’t do Artisan we’ve got a peach so how about them apples um yeah fall crops Sumer crops quality crops no dice no dice no dice um oh yeah what is our summer quality crop oops gold melons we can do that so we’re going to want to plant a half the amount

Of melons as well as blueberries I don’t have any of these I don’t know why I’m wasting my time okay and the sea urin I don’t even have a bullettin board yet well I’m about to so it’s fine there we go thanks and then um there you

Go five om GS and a small magnet ring the small magnet ring is extremely appreciated okay Vault will’ll do later uh when Money Matters less okay this is huge this is like the most important bundle reveal cuz this could have some really deep cut ones fodder bundle

Normal home Cooks bundle that is new 10 egg 10 milk any that’ll be easy once we get animals going and 100 flower buy forgers bundle 50 salmon berries 50 blackberries 20 Wild plums the 50 salmon berries sucks no cuz we only need two of them all right then we’ll just hit

Forging really hard in the fall and we can get these two super super duper and then field research is uh purple mushroom not shell same same as same as always cool cool I’m assuming the the the Vault bundles don’t get remixed cuz it’s literally just a h have about some cash yeah okay

Nice things will fall into place don’t don’t fret everyone I’m less pressed on finishing the community center for now and more worried about just getting the mine carts that’s the biggest thing Greenhouse also couldn’t hurt hello Victor have any plans today I think I may continue work on a project I’m in

The middle of you are the least cool person around you bore me you’re a chore Victor book some stuff for Crab Pot bundle very cool okay turn music down a little bit here we go did I see correctly that there’s not like a little path you can take over here oh my goodness

Oh I see well cool nonetheless this blue moon Vineyard but like who cares really if we’re being honest uh and now okay game had some trouble there that’s fine we’re about to get to the spot where it all really counts and that is of course the Western whatever the hell Cinder sap

Forest is of course obviously of course what I’m referencing Fair Haven Farm I love that there are competing Farmers your farm is lovely you’re not even home okay your farm is lovely though you’re doing a great job I really like it I’d like to get to know Andy a little better is Andy

Marriable s i don’t I have no idea who that is um no no he’s not that would have been Wild and also would have instantly become a contender for tryer CU I’m just so intrigued what that would look like okay back to work there’s so much Forest uh uh

Inventory full oh yeah uh you are correct about that well I have tons of aidil I just want to pick it up for the experience the stars are about to show up in the water I think I think 850 is when they show up not today no stars today it’s a clear

Night or maybe the days are just getting longer cuz we’re getting closer to Summer who’s to say that’s an aspect of stard valley that I’ve always wondered why it isn’t game I guess just cuz it takes more time to code but I think like the time it gets dark should vary really

Greatly depending on what season you’re in as it does in IRL okay wait can I hold on happens if I sneak no way have nothing to see here wait there’s more hold on look anyone’s home oh that’s where I got the maple syrup isn’t it I think I’ve been there before I

Think it’s fine okay I’m going to pass out I lost track at time here is uh Aurora Vineyard which is extremely abandoned we did not even hit level five foraging let alone six oh I want that okay I’ll risk it oh son of a [ __ ] a fourleaf

Clover so to bring good luck makes a nice gift that’s new I like that I didn’t even know they added new forgeblacksmith cuz the problem was that that we didn’t find enough stuff cuz look at all this stuff I found okay we should we should

Go we should absolutely go I think I I think I took too much time oh [ __ ] okay it’s fine don’t know why I did that just screwing myself thought about killing myself Bing come on now oh my God you bastard uh I have a lot of horseradishes the XP is more valuable

Okay ooh stop oh my God please okay okay we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine I even have time I think to put in a new thing of gold yes outstanding all right all is well Team all is well this is why you never panic

I don’t think I P my dog today okay almost level five forging almost it’s bad luck day so ah okay another green bean um community center this we’ve already donated I suppose okay nothing Community Center so we’ll just uh hoorde it all suppose more claims uh core will be

Sold definitely we have some strawberries to pick today we’ve got uh a fourleaf clover which apparently makes a nice gift so we’ll save it there we go Uh okay well then I guess I’ll sell This all right well let’s have ourselves a great day how about how about that how about let’s get out there and make it a great day my back is just throbbing in pain we leveled up level six tough um I can make preserves jars we

Should make a couple of those nope we we shouldn’t because I don’t have nearly enough Stone like not even even I don’t even have any I have zero Stone all right well we’re going to need some Stone pretty soon here uh I’ll toss those there we are now all right you’ve served your

Purpose it’s time to it’s time to go uh okay now uh let me we’re going to spend the beginning of today doing some fence work we’re also probably close to getting the hardwood fence recipe and we’re be able to make enough hardwood that we can start doing hardwood fences I like how

The wood fences look more but with the Decay it’s just not worth it okay we’re going to do it like that and then here can be some grass and like a lamp post also I’ve been thinking about the path thing and I might just not even do

Paths cuz this Farm already kind of has these like built-in cute like dirt trails and I might just leave it like that cuz I I kind of like the way it looks but I also like this Stone path at least in this little area though this is going to go this is

Going to go or at least it I think it can stay but it at least should uh extend like all the way one I’m literally one short but yeah I I just don’t know there’s a lot of figuring out to do with the paths unfortunately

Um if I have enough I maybe I should spend today Gathering Stone so I’m going to need to gather some iron I have 21 and 71 ore 71 ore is enough for 14 bars so that’s 35 so I need uh 75 more ore so let’s start today by running

Over wo let’s run over to the mines let’s gather 75 iron ore and uh any stone we happen to come across and then I’ll come right back here and spend the rest of the day probably doing some foraging stuff I didn’t bring my hoe so there’s two of them there’s two

Even there’s two even God damn okay how long is it going to take me to get 75 iron ore that’s the question hopefully not too long I’ve got my level five perks that’ll help all okay okay any of the like big rocks we will break go ahead beat me me up shoot me

Down got stop thanks uh let’s zoom out okay I think 50 I think 50 quality sprinklers is a reasonable goal to aim for I do I do okay is that such a crime all right cool already at 36 we’ll be fine cool thanks okay oh oh yeah

Mhm gather them all like the pi Piper come to me babies thank you you’re such good listeners there we go that’s 10 Stone right there 10 maybe I should spend some time today also uh Gathering Stone which I think I think floor 20 is a good spot to do that

And just break all the big rocks and the like gray shiny ones plus I can grab any copper I find that could turn into more furnaces if I find enough Stone okay [ __ ] look at that three localized quartzes there we go yep 79 we’re good okay let’s get some uh

Stone no maybe I should I should get I should get 25 extra iron I should go to an even 100 so I can uh get a steel axe once I have the money to do that I also got to make sure I have enough money to buy the seeds I want cuz

I want mostly blueberries I forget how much blueberries cost I think they’re like 80 a pop I’m going to hope that I’m correct on that front cuz that would be cool if I had it memorized um and if I had 50 sprinklers that would be

400 400 time 80 would be what is that like 3200 I mean 32,000 so I would need to somehow scrap together 32,000 gold which might not be doable at all but I also am going to grow some other crops so yeah I don’t know we’re going to do some fishing probably either tomorrow

Probably the next two days we’ll figure it out hey guys we figured out okay so stop freaking out there we go that should do it not quite but one more node I went to the wrong floor it’s fine I need Stone any that are naturally in my way I’ll just grab

I don’t care if it’s going be item we’re going to find a gillion of them in Winter anyway it’s fine it’s also great energy give me one iron node thanks I ended up actually need to okay now I’ll get some stone I have all the iron that I

Need okay it’s not worth my time it’s not cool am I feeling so bored right now with so much stimulus going on it’s cuz your attention span is cooked it’s all right everybody’s in the same boat whoops 15 uhoh oh wait no it’s fine I I don’t care okay um 106 Stone that’ll

Do no it won’t I want more cuz I want to I need 100 alone for the two preserve jars I want to make plus I want to have enough around for like if I want to make furnace or if I want um paths especially paths cuz I care about I care deeply

About aesthetic in my life okay whatever whatever you’re wasting my time I’m a busy man I should be going to the cart I should be going to the cart no I shouldn’t not right now I forgot how tight we our money uh so that’ll actually wait another little while

122 could be better let’s get to like 150 and then I’ll go home okay I need more more of those uh big rocks eh I mean these also drop coal so I should I should be breaking these yeah okay cool here we go all right and I’m going home okay

That was good got everything I needed I have all the iron I need I have all the wood I need not wood Stone I need I’ll make a couple of preserves jars and those will go in those two whack little spots outside my house think I want to bake some bread

It’s cold in my house today I like it cold I got a window open right now and I’m loving it good night people stter Valley all right we’ll see how much all of our strawberry sell for here hopefully a good amount let me check on my cave cool good stuff okay

Also going to have to prep enough land for 50 sprinklers worth of crops which is certainly easier said than done we’re going to cover like that whole area and we’re probably going to have to clear out this big Zone cuz one of these two fenced in areas is going to be for

Animals and I’m thinking it’s going to be this one up here okay um nope stupid [ __ ] and my Music’s Over I got to pick a new playlist fart hole something other done this one I’ve already done on one of these uh streams so there’s going to be some repeat songs apologies team

Apologies apologies but also quit you’re incessant and insufferable whining let’s see um we’ll finish off gold and then get started on some Iron Coal is a problem I don’t know how I didn’t foresee this coal is absolutely going to be a problem I don’t have nearly as much as I

Need especially for all that quartz I’m going to need to smell ye okay um well then the preserv jws are definitely going to have to wait cuz that’s 16 coal alone damn okay that’s pretty brutal Um jankies all right well could could grind for coal cuz the easiest thing to do would be to buy it um but I don’t think I’m going to have the money we’ll have to make a game plan tomorrow today let’s do some Farm or tonight I should say let’s do some

Let’s do let’s do some clearing wow had some trouble with that let speak dumbass okay I’m putting that away all right I’m going to clear out all this tonight all right Mark my worms let me initiate energy is going to be a problem also definitely not clearing all this

Out what am I talking about there’s literally no reality where I can handle that okay we’re going to start with wood okay um it’s fine bombit I like that idea I’m going to cut down the trees myself for the XP but bombing it is smart I don’t know if I’ll

Have enough ore to do that probably I like the way you think though clever level up let’s level five so we could pass out if we wanted to no cuz that’ll lose money and we are tight on cash never mind damn I really worked myself into a corner here [ __ ]

Dude there we go all right let’s see if I can craft a bomb we’ll find find we’ll find a loving home for you in a second wooden braier um is it braer or braier braier cuz I’ve heard both braier braer I think it’s a dialect thing I’m assuming it’s it’s like UK

Versus American yes um braier braier is American brazer is UK yeah American pronunciation is brazer braer and then britishes braer oh braia you freaks braia braia go out and light the braer please would you mind lighting the braia that’s what you guys sound like do you ever did

You ever stop and realize that that’s what you sound like like that’s actually that’s you making those sounds it’s a bit dim should get out there and like the braia embarrassing I’mma blow up this beautiful field stupendous okay I can only afford one so now we’re going to get back to

Work let’s do stone uh 16 did I blow ups on my path I did not mean to oh nay I fear that I Did all right this coal thing is a travesty I could have two days of fishing so I’m going to have to calculate it all depends on how much money our strawberries make us we need to end with at least 32k after the next two days uh so we’ll see if I’ll have enough

Budget room to buy some coal from Clint cuz I don’t know man Coal’s pricey but also we really need a lot of it and time is equally as valuable as money is L England Ireland on top you guys sound stupid too just so you know

Oops all right we did it I told yall we were going to have it all cleared by the end of the night I told you to mark my worms I hope you marked them okay how much time is left on these 20 minutes we’re going to push it okay

Yeah I think everybody sounds stupid except for people local to me there we go yay hardwood fence hardwood fence cheese press quality sprinkler and I am a gatherer as well We are not even close Dude we’re [ __ ] okay no let’s not circle the wagons just yet um rain tomorrow it has like not rained at all okay okay okay okay let’s see here I I did this to myself I love how I was like I’m going to do it chill this

Time we’re to do a chill play through I couldn’t even make it one season without being like I can’t buy up sprinklers dude I should quit I should delete the file okay coal is an issue here’s here’s what we’re going to do I’m going to go through I’m going to sell everything

That I can manage to part with uh we’ll put that stepping stone back at a later date time is really of the essence right now okay we need like about 50 coal cuz we have eight bars there and then yeah so we need about 50 coal Coal

Sells for 150 gold to my knowledge at Clint that is 7,500 gold so we need to somehow make about 20,000 gold within the next two days I don’t know if that’s possible we’re going to take today to like basically minmax the amount of money we could possibly

Make to I you know actually we won’t cuz I don’t know how to do that does anyone know any fancy schmancy techniques to make more money than it would make me to Just Fish all day it’s fine no no we’ll we’ll replace this when I have like a sell crack I

Don’t know how to okay well let me sell all my fancy schms that’s getting those three are getting sold these six are getting Sold don’t need this as long as I save like one of each I don’t care um sell the diamond sell the emerald screw it I’m really strapped for cash I’ll just take the hit forgea bles can be sold a lot of them can especially the daffodils Those can all be sold all the ones I’m holding right now this can be sold as well um okay all right we’ll see how much that Nets me speed grow could be helpful for later hold on a okay all right spring seeds Saturday forgea bles the thing is I don’t know if that

Would make as much money cuz like fishing all day would make me a real solid amount of money so I don’t know if going forward is going to be a good use my time because how much empty time there is doing that so I think my plan is going

To be I think we save the cocki schemes for tomorrow if they are if they become necessary I think new plan is I’m going to spend literally the whole day as much as I can manage today fishing I don’t know if eight sand berries is going to be enough I’ll bring

My uh five leaks as well just in case uh but yeah we’re going to fish the whole day and then we’re going to see how much money we get from all the fish we fish up and all the [ __ ] I just sold and then we’ll evaluate

Tomorrow cuz I have all of the like resources I need to get the sprinklers it’s just coal and and money that’s it coal to actually smelt them and money we’re even skipping the for rbl I don’t even care and money to uh buy the seeds Tom as rains you can go C catfish

Fishing which is a lot of dollar yes oh no I swallowed at a bad time this is I was about to say this is the out of box thinking that we need oh I burped okay focus up here I don’t know like when I first got

This game like in 2017 this was the best fishing spot for money and I’ve just kind of stuck to that programming forever since then I don’t know if that’s necessarily the case anymore like I don’t know how much catfish are worth if it’s worth taking the hit on the fact

That most of the riverfish are worth a lot less than the uh Lake fish are okay well that’s not going to do it that is a cheapo fish per per damn it I was say perfect catches are way more important now cuz that quality bonus is extra money that we don’t want to

Miss damn could have gotten an aridium one if I stuck around there it is [ __ ] yeah the larg mouth bass is the prize piece they sell for quite a bit so anytime we hook one of those I’m pumped yep look at that this is a great

Start all right this is going to be all day now when I watch Min maxers they go catfishing in the spring oops but I don’t know if that’s only worth it for early game I’ll try it um I’ll do some research actually it depends on we’ll see how much of a dire financial

Situation I’m in come tomorrow morning oh Jesus some treasure some valuable treasure would be great dude if we somehow pull a treasure chest that would be so huge you trust your fishing ability to catch multiple catfish I do honestly I think I’d be able to do it cuz I’m all the way

Up to like level six or whatever so I have that big bar I think I I would be able to I do I don’t know if I’m I’m being too boastful but I do think I’d be able to handle it if I didn’t I’d be embarrassed cuz I

Have like a thousand hours in this game oh I’m going to zoom in keep forting to zoom back in after go oh God damn it after going to the mines dude give me the shake and bake okay we’re going to get that treasure chest cuz it could have something very valuable in it

Whoops there you go let’s see something nice here we go all is well you’re definitely one of the best Fishers I’ve seen of starter creators I refuse to believe that’s true I’m really flattered uh but whatever I appreciate it I hope you’re correct cuz that would make me happy whoops

It’s true I’ve seen shaie and it’s not good love sha he he’s a bit of a travesty at times suck it dude sha confuses me a lot because he alternates between like whenever I watch him I alternate between like Shawn is not that great at video games and then sometimes

I’m like wow Sean’s actually really good at this game so I Sean is a mystery uh with the gaming thing like he he’s he’s basically every game we’ve played together at least in recent memory he’s carried me through so I can’t in good conscious say Sean’s bad

At video games when in both Terraria and Binding of Isaac he was definitely like the better one he’s L almost every single collab he’s done I mean same to be fair Uh most people I know pronounce it squirrel like girl oh we’re talking about squirrel where justes only have one syllable here in the US like squirrel I know some people say like squirrel like kind of with two syllables like squirrel squirrel but yeah I say squirrel I cracked eyes if thought

There’s a fee to come back from Ginger Island squirrel and swirl do rhyme in in American yeah American English squirrel do you say it still has two syllables no squirrel that’s one syllable syllables are counted by vowel clusters and since that last e is not pronounced you you go

Liquid straight from R to L that’s still technically one syllable squirrel it’s how like same with like spice is one syllable spice because it’s one vowel cluster squirrel in some places it’s squirrel that’s two syllables or like squirrel but if you just say squirrel it’s only one

Syllable cuz a syllable has to contain like a a vowel uh morphine or whatever the term is I don’t know I got a C in that class I took study of language a year ago and I got a C so what what even am I talking about Phim I meant phon not

Morim it’s fine that says squirrel that’s awesome that makes me really happy I might start saying that you get degrees yeah and it’s not even like the thing I’m trying to get a degree in I was just taking for credits so I’m all Good it’s more like squirrel sof part oh yeah squirrel that’s yeah I know that’s more of like a UK Type Beat it also just makes more sense it’s like squirrel like looking at how it’s spelled is kind of bizarre damn it damn it this [ __ ] feisty I would like to hook some more

Largemouth bass I think we could do a better job neat just like literally died I got to stop catching these minnows man they’re awful cute but they sell for dirt look at that 500 for that one well no 250 cuz there’s two but only 50 for a minnow even a carp is worth

More level up level seven fishing all already damn it I got startled by the little bubble Noise bang I’m going to lean back I’m farther from my mic now but I’m I’m also comfortable so who cares audio quality is going to be buns but I’m not talking much anyway cuz I got to focus so damn much on my fish bot is dead what happened to the robot oh No thoughts and Prayers misogyny I love when twitch does that come on man someone said thoughts and prayers switch was like misogynist in your chat watch out pron bot Rib okay I got to eat something after this cast there we go got to save time efficient clicks all right I don’t know I have a feeling I’m going to make significantly less money than I thought I would would today damn it getting that perfect would have been

Huge we are just not hooking largemouth bass anymore it’s real sad Damn it damn it nope perfect and we got it we got a large amount of bass and I couldn’t perfect it is there anything sadder in the whole world than that no well I got my haircut as I said at the beginning of the stream this morning

And my hairdresser I’ve going to the same person same person has cut my hair since I was three um so I’m very familiar with her she’s very familiar with me however she like brings up the same few things every time and she has like a street going of

A few topics first of all usually she talks about like do you have a job yet and for a while I was in like eighth grade and I’d say no she’ be like okay it’s like well I’m in eighth grade but now she said and and you have a job

Right and I was like yeah I’ve had the same job for about like 2 and 1/2 years which is true and she said that’s great you make a money I said yes she said that’s great she said like did you buy your own car and I said barely she said that’s great and

Then she started talking about I don’t tell her what I do cuz I don’t want to try to explain it she was like she went on this tangent and she was like all the time people come in here and say oh I work and I say what do you work and

They say I work for my computer and I say loser I was like oh [ __ ] damn it so obviously I’m not going to be like um well so instead I was just like yeah idiot do and then later on we have this street going there’s one fact she knows about

Me uh and we I’ve gone on there so many times we’re so familiar with each other bubbles bubbles I was just thinking to myself we haven’t seen them in a while oh my God anyway there’s one fact she knows about me and that is that my

Dad died of cancer when I was 10 for whatever reason she has decided to Stow this away in her brain in the same place you would put like a favorite color because we have a streak alive I go there like twice a year to get my haircut probably more every time she

Brings it up right as I’m leaving like right when she’s she’s like I’m almost done and she’s like snipping the little edges and sure enough we were so close this time and then at the end I was like standing up after she finished cutting my hair and she was like you’re tall like

Your dad and I was like oh [ __ ] here we go and then she just went too bad he died huh and then cut my hair a few times and I was just like yeah then she was like already I was like okay I think I’m ready to go she

Also know her dad nope I don’t think they ever met um and I don’t know how she even found out and and then she was like Yeah well my mom died when I was 10 so I’ve got no Mom and then come here for a bit and and then she she was like

Well I guess I’ve gotten no dad either and then started laughing I was like what is going on I don’t want to be here anymore it was the most awkward situation I’ve ever been in cuz she was just laughing I was like okay then she was like all done and then

Blasted my ass with a freaking my face I should say I’m used to falling up the words blasted with ass you know actually blast my ass in the hair she blasted my face with a haird dryer I got like my eyelashes melted off and then she was

Like all right $25 it’s like okay maybe you need a different hairdresser ah but she knows how to line up my [ __ ] I got a second of the same artifact that blows these bubbles are putting in severe work that like fish bit before I

Got the rod in there I don’t know if you saw that was so eager jumped out of the water tell like your dad who I have not met yeah she must have or something cuz she also does my mom’s hair so maybe and obviously that takes way longer

Cuz it’s like a longer process and she gets a died and stuff like that so they have a lot of time to talk so I’m assuming that’s how she knows but like man every time it’s actually crazy okay let me let me eat some of these I could

Pass out I don’t know how much money I would lose hold on we’re going to research I need to make sure I’m playing this right star do how much money do you lose if you pass out 1,00 G will be lost you lose 10% of your money caps at a

Th000 okay so I would lose a th000 gold am I confident that I could make a th000 gold worth of fish in the like in the time it would take me no okay okay then we will not be pass out I’ll be leaving at about 12:50 one thing I know about men they

Never switch hairdressers yeah I just I don’t want to cuz I don’t even know how to describe how I want my hair cuz I don’t even know how I want my hair I just let her do whatever and then deal with it I have extremely straight hair

So it doesn’t leave a lot of room for creativity and I mean like like extremely like it’s not even like the kind of straight hair that like like you know like there’s like the lacrosse and the hockey fits where their hair kind of curls if it gets long mine

Can’t do that so I couldn’t even do that if I wanted to it’s just straight so I like have to keep it short or it’s a bull cut it’s like my only choice So I I just keep it short but I don’t I don’t yeah I don’t know should get a perm ah that that’s terrifying to me though Bald I’m not bald okay shut up yeah I just don’t know enough about a hair I just need to like hire also perms are expensive I just need to like a hire somebody like a like a like the way you have like a house consultant but for

Beauty I just need to hire somebody to come like inspect my face and hair and be like here’s what you should be doing to to achieve like maximum hotness here’s the hair I think you should have I think you should start I don’t know doing these teeth whitening

Strips or whatever I need one of those people I’ll just like walk into a modeling agency and be like make me beautiful that is a thing okay direct me to that a stylist oh personal stylist ah it’s expensive though well whatever think about it yeah be like hey

Excuse me can you make me beautiful like well of course te just hurt my teeth so bad yeah I tried once I already have sensitive teeth and it just like turned it up to a thousand can’t do it really really does hurt so yeah no whitening strips for me which

Is a shame because I have pretty yellow teeth which is a major insecurity oh mine so I’d like to do teeth whitening strips but they really hurt so I just can’t decide if I’d rather just deal with the pain or just continue to be insecure about my teeth being yellow CU

All the gay people in your life well truthfully there are not that many like obviously on YouTube it’s pretty much exclusively gay people but like in my IRL life there are not too many I just did not really happen to go around that’s why like a lot of my

Education in queer culture has come like during live streams because just like it just happened that like most of the the people I grew up around in my like circle of friends were straight folks I said War as if they’re dead or converted but are straight folks so uh

Yeah I’ve had to kind of jump into the deep end and do my best with this YouTube thing you start mewing I’m good I think I I like I keep looking up what it is and I’m pretty sure I do it naturally start meu

No just po to make th even more of a furry is meu a furry thing or is that just cuz it’s called Mee but yeah every time I’ve looked up like what is meu and it like it’ss a explain to me wow I have zero energy I

Lost track of my energy and went to exactly zero what a happy accident uh anyway I think I do it naturally cuz isn’t it like pressing your your tongue to your the roof of your mouth hard enough that it like flexes your jaw kind of oops tried bone smash which the real

Thing no but I watched the ctis Connor video on looks maxing so I have heard of it unfortunately uh press tongue to ro your mouth yeah it’s natural it’s just natural I rested anyway and like I don’t know I’m a very fidgety person and as I talked before I’ve talked about before

This sounds bad but you’re going to need to give me a chance to defend myself here a lot of my fidgety nature is kind of circulated around my mouth and has been since I was a baby I always was way into the chewing and the sucking and

That sounds bad but hear me out I stucked on my shirt all the time growing up and like I I grind my teeth I chew on like the inside of my gums so like that I’m very chewy a lot of times like my natural fidget when I’m like anxious I’m

Talking to somebody is I’ll be pretending to chew on something like I just like recently noticed that I do that like as if I have gum in my mouth but I don’t I’ll just be like ghost chewing if I’m like talking to someone and anxious I’ll just be like rotating

My teeth around as if I’m chewing something um yeah also whenever I’m really angry at a game I’ve noticed that like biting down in a blanket immediately dissolves all all rage so my jawline is is okay cuz I like naturally when I was Bor in class would like kind of like press my

Tongue over my mouth and like suck it in like like suction it and it turns out that’s a great way to work on your jawline but like I don’t have a great jawline I feel like I have a very in the like percentile of men’s jawlines I

Think it’s around 50 like it’s not very defined it’s like pretty soft but it’s defined enough where from certain angles I look like I have a great Ching especially there’s this one picture that a friend took of me I have like few pictures of me that I think are good

Pictures um hold on I’m going to email this to myself and pull it up on stream I like have no good pictures of myself like on my phone but then like my I was talking to my friend she’s like well there’s that one picture that of you

That freaking rules I was like what are you talking about she’s like have I never showed you this I was like No And it was my my friend’s friend took it with like a flash disposable camera at a party at the beginning of the semester

And I just never saw it cuz like those pictures were never sent to me and she was like dude this is like the best picture of you that exists I was like really let me uh pull this up okay um let’s see look at this picture I look great

This picture let me Zoom it out this is like the first picture I’ve ever seen where I actually look like good so I was like send that to me and it’s cuz it something about the the angle the camera is thinking from look at my jawline it’s like pretty good this

Is so embarrassing that I’m doing this on a live stream but I don’t know it it’s pertinent to the discussion but yeah like and look this is my own shirt house like this is the most badass picture I own CU not only is it the first time I’ve ever pulled off a not

Smile picture but also I’ve got like my own shirt going on how tough is that look excellent do they look excellent it makes me look tall and Broad shouldered yeah I’m like wire thin something about the angle I don’t know person who took this picture did an amazing job intimidating to talk

To Arf Arf Arf look like a sad puppy if they a Slade a sloppy you should get an you should get an eyebrow piercing I’m good man that sounds painful um album cover I want to change my profile picture for my Spotify to this CU it’s just a picture of my face

Right now but this is like a way better one she do an eyebrow slit is that is that just like you shave a little slit out of your eyebrow not very painful your Earl hurts more yeah I’m not huge into piercings if I did any kind of piercing it would just

Be ear he looks so American okay all right well now I’m looking up eyebrow Slit Uh I don’t know man I feel like you have to have a certain degree of hotness to pull that off whoa nothing against the this person that like stare Jesus hello that is a straight on like wow just staring right at me depth of the stles I was about to say it is

It’s like a Tesla logo okay we’re done we’re done we’re done anyway you be girl boss and eyebrow slit the fade get a low taper fade I’m not getting a low taper fade thank you team for saying slay when I pulled up a picture of Myself how do you have 11,000 unread emails cuz I don’t read them because they’re mostly spam and I keep forgetting to unsubscribe so I don’t Want um wish I could pull off not smiling I can’t that’s why that picture is so special it’s the only time it’s ever happened okay anyway th is a personal stylus and it’s us I don’t know if I trust y’all cuz I feel like we have very different Aesthetics you and I

Plus I don’t trust you on anything anyway so no um yeah piercings is a is a scary concept I would probably not get any though I might have to if I if I really cuz I’m going to have to lean into we’re slowly approaching that 500k Mark and I

Did promise I’d dye my hair purple I’m really dreading it so I might just lean all the way in when I dye my hair purple and just like within that week like also get a tattoo and like also pierce my ears and just end up looking like a trashy little boy figure it

Out with time my friends with time can always take it back no I would lose all respect for myself if I did puffet okay about an hour left until I’m going to want to head back these bubbles stuck around dude so huge all right I’m pulling for a big money day here

Today all right what do we got money God damn it 17 oops too far no we stuck it in there damn it must be fast I was Justus getting a tattoo well I’ve always wanted a tattoo but the problem is here’s my main issue with the tattoo thing

I would want it on my arm I would want it on my upper arm uh like right kind of if you wear so like if I wore a t-shirt it would cover like half of it you know what I mean like I would want it there like kind of like bicep area

Um like halfway up a t-shirt do you feel me probably here’s the problem my arms are so weak and sad my arms are incredibly skinny and I’ve been going to the gym very frequently trying to like get bigger arms and so my fear is that I’d get a tattoo there and like

10 years from now I finally succeed in getting bigger arms and then it would like stretch it out and it would get all warped because my arms are so skinny right now like so would that be a bad idea but like that’s where I want

It also odds are I will never be able to have big arms I think I’m just genetically screwed so I should be fine but I’m really trying it’s very obscure problem I think it’s normal and cool problem Oh I need to leave so we should get buffed now I’m

Trying man it’s a really slow process especially for someone of my genetic pool I know if that’s how it works I’d research it yeah or I’ll just like actually like I’m screwed that I’m going to pass it on the way home or I’m just going to like walk into like a tattoo

Parlor and be like excuse me y’all I’m telling y’all I’m being honest I’m doing it all right now I’m like doing like a very high calorie high protein diet going to the gym I’m doing the right exercises trying I’m trying to specifically bulk because how skinny I

Am not even just like like actually just damn it dude I’m going to pass out that sucks if I can get inside my house I won’t lose the money A son of a [ __ ] hey that’s a good bit of cash no happy birthday Al Gore why are we talking about is it Al Gore’s birthday when was Al Gore born pause Al Gore for vice president United States March 31st almost no I literally lied oh well you got

Me um all right well we’re up to 27k and the issue is this is what crushes me I didn’t have time to actually bend my fish so I can’t tell how dire our money situation is it’s fine I’ll I’ll do it manually all right where’s my calculator I have my TI 84 right Here okay let’s see we’ve got 154 plus 100 plus 935 plus 1,000 plus 504 + 1122 plus 525 anyway Point as I want to tattoo plus 1023 plus 116 plus 92 plus 124 plus 111 plus 980 plus 500 plus 222 plus 279 okay and I’ll sell my no I should

Keep those that is a grand total of 7,787 gold so that plus the 27 248 I have right now but is that the 35 we need the problem is to get all the coal that I need from Clint today that costs 7500 okay so we should be going we

Should be able to just make it I have control over my emotions cator always on desk with the same TI for 18 years oh my God hi algo is that why someone said it’s Al Gore’s birthday I should have guessed thanks for tuning in I’m a number

Cruncher always have been I knew from the second I curb stomped my classmates in the mad minute in third grade that’s not true I always panicked and then sucked and then cried okay now let’s go to work to the left take it back now yo okay 31 so we need

19 iron bars 19 we’ve got eight here so we can go ahead and stock up and that’ll put us at 16 so we’ll just need three more and then the rest will be quartz and then we’ll just need to buy like 50 coal Jesus Lord okay we can do it we can

Do we can do it now no no no no no I’m going to run I’m going to buy all the coal I need okay okay smelting is going to be tough we’re gonna have to do that while we plant tomorrow and we can we have we can like

Lose a day on on the blueberries cuz they they’re not like as strict as the other crops where you got to get them in and watered on day one now the question the question is thus do we risk it and try to do the catfish fishing and trust that that

Might get me more money than just a day of like fishing because can’t trust that a day of lake fishing will get me as much money as that last one did because I had those bubbles the whole day which I probably won’t again R for the biscuit now you’re speaking my language

We’re doing it plus I’ll be in the uh neighborhood of Clint anyway I’ve got my five leaks this is it y’all okay we’re going to go back to what I was talking about earlier I want a tattoo and I want it to be of crows I want two

Crows uh flying about on my right bicep region but again trouble is I’m skinny I’m weak I’m kind of genetically screwed in the gym but I’m going to the gym so frequently and I’m doing a bulking diet I’m doing everything I possibly can to bulk up and

It’s not really working I’m scared that it will work given like 10 years okay let’s just go ahead and start fishing while I wait for Clint to open um I’m scared that it will work in like 10 years and then I’ll have this warped freaking tattoo so I’m going to ask had

Two artists about it catfish already next topic piercing eyebrow piercing scares me nothing truly scares me more than like a tongue piercing or something crazy like that but even just pierced ears I don’t know I don’t know if I could Rock any kind of piercing and if I did get a

Piercing I don’t know what kind of earrings I could Rock what do y’all think what kind of earrings would look good on me here I can pull that picture of me up again so you have a reference two cats to two catfish is awesome how much are catfish worth Hefty bit that’s

Good okay um here we go I’m pulling the I’m pulling it back up that’s me okay I’m going to fish for a little bit while you guys look at me and decide what earrings would look best okay PR normal studs small cubic zirconium Rock holy [ __ ] math ition over here spectacular

Vernacular nothing someone said nothing I respect your opinion some people did say that nose ring looks good on everyone I actually disagree that’s like a personal thing little dangle wow everybody likes Eddie of a nose ring holy [ __ ] I’m going to have to run that by my compatriots

You have the face for a nose ring cool before this day is over I want to perfect catfish I don’t think I’ll be able to but I want to okay I’m going to put the picture away after I catch this catfish bottom line goals I don’t want

To lose a single catfish today I want to catch them All That one was a battle okay putting the picture away getting water and then I’m going to I’m going to go ahead and see what you have to say advice okay uh God a lot lot in chat so much a helix what is a helix I’m looking this up hold on Helix

Earrings oh that those are pretty cool they also look like they hurt uh SOS crunch earrings hoops no simple studs would be good I had a single ear period it wasn’t too bad cleaning was fine and it healed over not too long after I stopped wearing earrings silver studs con nose ring

Looks good on everybody ther get a septum get a septum black studs are the small Hoops little dangle dangle could be cool like those little dagger earrings you could Rock a lip or nose piercing Christ uh nose ring studs black studs on the ears the move nose piercing be awesome

Uh eyebrow piercings on my to-do list you have the face for a nose ring I’m biased I have two nose Rings studs uh what’s the hate against the nose ring you have the face for nose ring don’t do the thing guys do they only get one ear pierce right after death I got

One ear F wear a fake septum before you do cuz I want to try and realize like can I handle the stimuli yeah I couldn’t handle it I can handle anything near my nose I have too many sinus issues I don’t think I’d be able to handle a nose

Ring I’m going to go ahead and say that there’s not a single where I don’t have to blow my nose every 5 seconds and that thought of blowing my nose with a nose ring is one of the most horrific thoughts in my life like I could ever think of ever

Okay there’s a lot to catch up on pain swag is forever Yeah yeah I’m just I’m much I’m I’m I’m a comfort over Beauty kind of guy uh what is a uh what was that K earrings he likes like those little Rings like in the ear oh Christ that’s so scary that was like a h that’s not a good first time piercing

Yeah okay take away his black studs thank you all for your input appreciate you okay back to work see this is why I’m worried about River fishing fishing for catfish is how much trash there is in here is there a better spot to fish maybe okay hold on let’s go buy our coal

And then I’m going to look up the best River spot I don’t know if there’s somewhere you can get the river fishing pool but get deep water okay hold on all right pause Google stardew Valley best River fishing spot best place to go River fishing is south of marne’s

Farm the lake near Marne is great you can reach deep water fish but are there catfish out there okay we’re we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to push it we’re going to go to Mary’s today’s all about risky for the biscuit anywhere we can reach deep

Water thank you all for your time oh wait there’s some deep water here we go can I reach it yes all right that’s huge then this is where we’re going to be fishing anywhere I can reach deep water that’ll give us higher quality less trash all kinds of good juice Boom Oh and that just increased my cast distance so we’re so good now all right do our best today plus now I get to see my own reflection while I’m fishing and I couldn’t at the lake where I was fishing oh my God I’m going to lose a catfish like I said I

Didn’t want to oh he putting me in the baby blender yep I I know what you’re doing before you even do It this the last piece of bait oh [ __ ] I didn’t account for that oh no I have to run home and grab bait I forgot to bring bug meat with me oh God all right yeah it will as annoying as it is that will technically

Save time to do that okay we got to run home grab bug meat come back that might have just kind of sealed the deal unfortunately this works out nicely cuz I can go ahead and uh get some stuff in the cooker so it works out fine okay we’re fine

We’re going to try right here I didn’t get all the way to the water it’s fine yay damn now it’s going to go back up right when I catch up to it you Turd one bait and six rocks thanks pal come on man got to get start getting some valuables in these Chest okay all is well Now I just noticed for some reason the bobber is layered behind that pink tree back there you can see when I cast it for that the bobber like goes behind the tree for some reason it’s like the like laying is done Wrong damn this is the feistiest catfish has ever been we just barely missed out on on losing it job’s not finished though wow I’m so embarrassed I just accidentally quoted Kobe Bryant trying to catch a fish and start a valley Jesus Christ here we go um I was just thinking about something

Or was going to do something oh yeah I was going to check I actually don’t know how valuable Shad are we’ve been catching a lot of Shad like pretty easy to catch they’re not worth that much probably but I’m getting perfect on them every time so they’re definitely all like aridium quality

Ah I thought it was going to go right back down I could use that bounce back okay let me check so catfish obviously um quite good that’s already $1,000 worth of fish Shad aren’t too bad honestly not great but not too bad either plus now that we leveled up we’re

Getting gold instead of silver hey damn it Yeah I should hire a stylist I just don’t know much about like anything style or fashion or anything so for I’ve been autopilot in life for a while and both clothing and all things all things style so I should just get somebody like what should I wear and

What should make my hair look like whatever the least toxic men I have no idea what fashion is hooray some want to tell me how to look exactly I’m too scared to or not scared I’m too lazy to figure out for myself like what I should wear

Andy that guy has no idea anything about fashion look at what he’s wearing so he can’t be toxic yay we should all be more like Andy and wear like shitty overalls actually this is an outfit the outfit Andy wearing this is a great example of an outfit that

Looks like tired and and trashy on like an old Southern Man like shitty overalls where one of the straps isn’t put on all the way but would absolutely be like trendy as [ __ ] for like a like a gay dude my age to wear you know what I’m talking about like that specific like

Pattern of overall like an overall I think i’ I’ve seen multiple like gay dudes wearing that exact outfit in my like physics lab the like like an overall but one of the straps is like not on you know what I mean so I think Andy actually gets it

The Hat kind of ruins it but like yeah Andy’s unaware of his own homosexuality yeah what a shame that we can’t marry him cuz I would love to make him acutely aware of that side of him that was weird it’s a weird thing to say about a

Stranger you know if there’s a mod that that lets me do that there a mod that makes Andy a bachelor Andy is like Apple Jack if she was a human man like the cereal thing the [ __ ] which one the apple or the cinnamon stick the pony

Oh oh yeah okay my fault it’s the pony no the pony you imbecile okay Jesus hello man I’ve seen one episode of My Little Pony and it was while I was sidetracked playing some my laptop who was on the TV I wasn’t paying attention I know there’s the purple one

Spike is the dragon’s name and Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy the Rarity the purple one’s name evades me and then I guess Apple Jack who I forgot was in that show they don’t Market her very much do they oh [ __ ] B balls balls oh my God please no Twilight Sparkle thank you team this

Is why I keep you around uh a book of giod and two copper ore these treasure chests have been farts I got to say you give Spike vibes is that good how does the uh My Little Pony Community pony called cheese sandwich that I am familiar with um what is the

My Little Pony community’s uh outlook on Spike the dragon yay nay he’s a dragon right looks like a little dragon to me he’s cool we love him hell yeah that’s what I’m talking about it’s another 750 he’s a Chad I don’t know man I’ve seen him he’s

Pretty I don’t know if Chad is a good description he’s like 99% head and he’s got a weak chin he gets really Hench at the end that’s a new word Google okay well now I have a lot to Google first of all Hench of a man having a body looks big

Strong and well shaped if he’s done a lot of exercise see it’s basically just like buff heard Hench before I’ve not heard Hench you mean he gets really does does Spike actually like get buff over time is that like a real aspect of the show do they is is that the first

Show time out I just unironically tried to search Spike and searched spank I was like talking at the same time no that just happens right at the end the final episode in all episodes he’s a tiny baby okay uh Spike uh My Little Pony yeah see

Like oh is this him okay yeah this guy this guy lifs damn that’s crazy so that like only happens at the very end or is it like over time how to draw a spike says this person damn he actually yeah he got a chin good for him that’s a really wow

That’s a hell of a jawline all right I respect you spike literally last episode did they do like a Time skip I see okay well cool good for you spike oops I’m I’m not doing that on purpose I promise let’s got to close the test uh yeah good for good for him he

M anyway what are you vision for uh money desperately I need to raise like a lot of cash between today and tomorrow so I’m going for I feel so from overe exertion I wasn’t looking at my that’s fine it actually doesn’t matter that much I’ll eat enough to not get slowed and then

I’ll have an energy penalty tomorrow but it won’t matter I have enough forgeable so I can just get it back it’s fine no sweat team there exists a uh My Little Pony son out there of uh of of not only me there are there exists out there three Pony

Sonas that I know of one of my YouTube character that I’ve seen one of specifically my roox guy yamami boner the the like really really huge dude with the pink Bob uh there’s a My Little Pony Stone of Y momy boner My Little Pony Sona of my YouTube character and

There exists a My Little Pony Sona of just me as a human person because my friend in real life a few months ago or I guess one month ago just about just suddenly we were talking about like that sh because My Little Pony was on so it was a topic of

Discussion and then she just suddenly was like wait and like texted her friend and asked them cuz they’re like a they’re like an artist and asked them to make me a pony Sona and then they did so now I have three I have three My Little

Pony sonas I have three times as many pony sonas as I have watched episodes of My Little Pony I need to see this uh I don’t know where it is but I can I can probably dig up the first two are somewhere in the fan art Discord channel the yamami boner

And the thurm one they’re somewhere somewhere on the oop [ __ ] somewhere on the uh therm Discord thing that’s pretty cool oh [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] that was nice the way the treasure happened Naturally y me give me give me nice dude these treasure chests low important question has you done the furry commission thing yet it’s in progress It’s in progress KES we’re getting there those you here are confused I’m not explaining to you you’ll understand with time please be patient oops

Okay 850 we’ve got time I’m be so proud of myself if I can pull all this together miraculously wow wow oh my god really I think I clicked way sooner than it actually had my guy do that animation whatever cannot afford to lose time like That damn the perfect catfish dream is dead hey remember when y’all said uh but can you trust that you’ll be good enough at fishing to catch catfish reliably have you noticed that we haven’t missed one how about it I’m so much better than everybody else

Out there no one else in the game is doing this oh my god do you think you’ll be able to catch all the catfish though I’m missing one yeah probably I’m only the best to ever do it what time is it 10 p.m. Child’s Play yeah Kenna you always

Trusted me that’s why you’re you’re one of the good eggs Kenna likes Pizza oh [ __ ] oh my God now I’m going to get my I’m going to get put on a stretcher after I went that whole tangent have mercy son of a [ __ ] oh

No there we go now I’m in a flow state yum what happened it just deleted it did anyone see that what the hell where did it go did it actually go into my inventory did it actually just delete it that sucks what the [ __ ] that’s fine there better be like

Generational wealth in this treasure chest to reward me for that honestly yeah that’s huge that is among H humongous almost said among us dude remember that remember do any remember Among Us hey you guys remember Among Us I’m kind of glad that’s that’s dead not the game the game is unironically

Fun the Among Us memes made me want to put a fork in my eye and twist I miss a raid I did thank you so much I’m so sorry I didn’t give that the attention it deserved I was really focused thank you if you’re still around I really

Appreciate it thank you for the raid I’m so sorry usually I uh say hello and thank you when you hop in but I was so focused on my fish uh all right I’ve got more time that you screaming out catfish yeah happens there’s Shane hey y’all how funny would it be if

I I turned around and when when he wasn’t expecting and pushed him into a puddle you guys think that would just make his day he catfish alone sell for 3K holy gosh I think so I would raffle thanks guys it’s getting late yeah Whatever oh my God can we get one more fish before I leave please I know I’m starting to feel exhausted one more fish man not hard been doing it all day come on I’m going to pass out again yeah just like like divine intervention there at the end that is

Absurd the longest cast I’ve literally ever seen with a baited rod and then three St allies cool all right will it be enough that’s the question will it be enough to afford all the seeds I need tomorrow will it be enough my brain is telling me no okay let me bin all

These time pauses when you’re in the bin screen right probably uh I don’t want this sell that sell these all right see y’all tomorrow good night o Walker is that your name o Walker lovely fishing Mo a truth that’s a lot of cash man that’s a lot of cash it’s a lot of

Cash I think we did it I think we pulled it up wow that is I found myself on Friday the 26th of spring needing to somehow both raise 20,000 gold and gather 50 coal in two days and we did it you can talk all you want about Elite

That’s it right there in our time at stardew Valley JoJo has made an effort to become a contributing member of the community we can’t do without your help if you choose to shop a JoJo competitor such as Pierre’s General Store you w have the same Assurance of quality and

Consistency without your business we won’t be able to afford to contribute as much as we’d like to to local charities shop at JoJo Martin keep your community great joj Martin we value your business okay only reason I would ever go there is to see my girl CL

What’s up boo o Walker right o Walker okay lots to do today first things first uh need to get my tools pickaxe axe Scythe hoe and we’ll get a watering can for Giggles get something for energy as well uh we got 14 spring onions that that should do

It here we go 50 we’re going for 50 quality sprinklers here it’s a big ask but I think we can do it I think we can now let’s do it all right let me go ahead and remove these and then we’re going to work on our layout happy summer by the

Way okay here we go now let’s make as many as we can for now 14 I’d like to have a little Gap here for aesthetic reasons so I’m going to do one here and then we’re going to do one down here and then I’ll probably yeah uh nah we’re going to we’re going

To do it we’re going to do it up here cuz I don’t want it to be like an even pattern I kind of like the like uneven Type Beat Can you ho this spot yes stupendous okay then uh yeah one there one there as well all these spots are hoble I

Presume yeah so is that and we could break that tree but I I really don’t want to so we won’t um there we go there we go and this is how we’re going to line it up well no it’s not no it’s not no it’s

Not because I want to we should go right to left I want to slide over here and do it there and then I can put this guy uh uh like right right here yeah that’s good okay um yeah that I like and now here’s the issue it’s not an issue there’s no issue

I’m creating issues for attention we’ll just put this here like I was thinking about doing anyway um Yeah there we go that’s already a bunch and let’s start hoing my chief concern for today is energy cuz I don’t know if we’re going to have enough energy replenishing stuff because of how much we went through fishing no there go okay um and then I like this quite a bit this layout

I’ve got here I like the uneven a lot of people are probably going to think it’s ugly but I like it I actually really do ther you got me saying stupendous in real life let kiss through the mic all right oops I dropped my French fry on the ground okay

Let’s go buy our seeds we have 400 spaces Here timing is going to be tough we’re going to have to get that refined quartz out this second it’s ready every time here’s the thing 400 spaces we already got nine melon seeds I like to plant a good bit of melon so we can try and go

For that five gold we’re going to reserve we need for summer crops tomato hot pepper blueberry we’ll have plenty of Plenty melons um bunch more melons for that we could also plant corn technically but I’m going to wait until fall yeah okay let’s do it so we’re going to do I

Think we’re going to make maybe 40 spaces for melon Fountain is stunning today we’ll watch this cut scene it is stunning isn’t it hello hi eel sorry I’m eating fries weather is astonishing wouldn’t you say it’s fine you know this Fountain is 30 years old it’s maintained and repaired by a

Technician from grampleton okay are you making progress cultivating your farm I haven’t visited since you allowed me to set my experiment in the cave which I’m still thankful for um conru buildings of my farm looking to crafting speakers to automate watering yeah he’d like that that’s a smart idea automating the process should

Save you time it’s true glad you’re doing fine here in starter Valley owning Farm is a lot of work may be overwhelming at times how would you know you [ __ ] speaking of starter Valley do you know where our Valley gets its name Good Start dude I don’t space stuff I don’t

Know you tried to guess at least ickle thanks Bo it’s cuz the star drops thousand years ago a huge meteor shower periodically bombarded this specific area of the fer Gill Republic of course back then their public didn’t exist yet metors were so plentiful that their Trails looked like fibers stretched

Across the sky meteorites looked like tiny drops on the trails like morning de on a spiderweb so our ancestors called these showers the silk do of stars in the f public is first established 50 150 years ago the admission Union L Valley stardew in h of our ancestors have you

Ever wondered why your crops are always healthy why they so easily bear high quality produce it’s because of the meteor shower soil in the valley is extremely fertile has an abundance of nutrients such as nitrogen phosphorus and potassium also a high concentration mineral dude I don’t care

Sorry thanks I’m the bottom is true but happy you know more about the valley and where you live well I know where you live so so oh look at the time didn’t mean to keep you for so long okay thanks though that was cute that was a cute cut scene I liked

It was great I loved it huge fan okay now one pepper one blueberry one tomato anything else I might need for Center wheat for the F’s bundle could do could go ahead and do um we don’t need this for Community Center anymore yeah I think we’re squared I

Think we’ll do the Wheaten fall so now we’re going to do 40 melons I suppose um or let’s do 37 so I 28 there we go okay that leaves us with 360 blueberries that we need and 7K to spare wow I’m awesome right 37 I just want all of my not blueberry

Things to it’s like stupid and specific but I I’d like all my non- blueberry crops to take up like whole sprinkler amounts I want it to be a multiple of eight so it’s 37 plus these three is 40 just so I can have five a little set

Of five sprinklers that is like set aside for my special crops okay um I’m going to put those up here There we go whoops I shouldn’t have done it cuz now I’m going to have to run through a plant to get to my furnaces that is a misstep whoops whoops it’s being stupid okay it’s already 130 we have a lot to do Harvest your quartz I do need to do

That God you’re so smart Okay [ __ ] there’s so much to keep dragging today Jesus I love the asymmetry yeah I hate that I kind of just destroyed it by sliding everything over so I’m probably going to go ahead and reestablish it even though it’s a waste of energy for something so

Pedantic uh but also shut up it’s my farm um how about them apples okay there we are now we’re going to need a little scarecrow for this region alone so I’ll make that right now before I forget see look at that perfect perfect it okay I have the coal on me need some

More wood and fiber okay there you go okay so those are my little special crops and I’m going to add like an extra fence here and then a little path here it’s going to look lovely sorry I popped off a little bit there okay now another 11 sprinklers to work with here

Um that little Gap is where we’re going to put a scarecrow oh we have two gaps now uhoh then I’ll probably yeah yeah hello no I’m not allowed to oh it wasn’t close enough um H I wanted to have like a kind of uneven field cuz I think it looks nice

But I’ve really worked myself into a corner here uhoh okay okay okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine um yeah yeah this is trouble okay then we’re going to that’s fine and then we just won’t have one up there it doesn’t matter oh but I did really like having one here

Okay hold on no we’re going to do it um yeah I’ll just have this whack little Gap here uh oh no okay hold on I need to hold let me hold a sprinkler so I can like see all my lineups so I could if I slid everything

Up then that would go there and then I could slide one in there yeah okay I’m I’m yeah I want it to be uneven down there I really do but it is not in the cards if we want to get Max efficiency out of our sprinklers which I really do okay now here’s

Where honestly I could just not get Max efficiency out of a few sprinklers if I really wanted cuz right now I now I have this whack little area here it can have like a scarecrow there and then like a a light in there um plus now I have the ability to to

Slide some more sprinklers in there okay we’ll have plenty of time um there we go and then I can kind of like and then have like a little path down Here yeah I kind of dig that uh and then I can put in some over here and that’ll kind of like pepper that side yeah that’ll do okay let’s go and start hoing H okay I’m going to have to be really my quartz is

Done if I have to pass out today so be it I have to be really careful about not accidentally hoing spots that can’t hold plants so I don’t end up planting [ __ ] where I don’t yeah I’m just tired of like every starter Valley Farm I’ve ever done I end

Up with uh like a big rectangle here we go uh yeah I end up with a big rectangle and I’m so bored of that okay and then we’ll do the rest later cuz for now I just need to focus on hello I’m [ __ ] not only in a Time sense but especially

In an energy sense because I don’t need to get them all planted we have extra days at the end of summer where we don’t get harvests so I’ll just rill and water any space that don’t stay overnight tomorrow and then plant tomorrow and it’ll work just fine it’s my problem is

More with Just Energy man I like just chewed through all my energy stuff over the last few days okay out of coal that’s it all right well we have all our sprinklers crafted we we succeeded in our primary goal of crafting 50 50 Sprinklers and for that I am

Proud oops okay any spots not water these three okay so that’s that’s our this little cutout is going to drive me freaking crazy cuz we’ll have a scarecrow in there and that’s fine we might throw some trees up as well actually that could totally work just fine

Yep all right now we hoe as many spots as we can before it’s night time well it’s very much night time before it’s like pass out time I think this time I’m just going to do like a casual playthrough I think cuz like I usually like bust my ass every

Time but it’s been since I just like played the play you know what I mean Jesus Christ I exhausted myself read the bar man it’s down there for convenience H all right well uh let me eat my algae We have a little time I can get a few more spots taken care of no that’s a no go 1: a.m. all right well gave it my very best and I’m honestly proud of how much I was able to accomplish almost able to do it all all right and we’ll reho everything tomorrow

That that doesn’t last water anything that didn’t last get our plants in the ground oh man okay um more more remain than I thought would okay yeah I was about to say some probably went away Behind These trees I would’t be able to see just a screw

Me oh God look at my energy man we’re going forging today after I finish my little tasks all right I need to go get something to eat how many sprinklers was I able to make in my uh Perfection one on the first summer probably more cuz I think I also reused

These ones and this time I just don’t want to do that cuz it’s annoying and ugly uh let’s see I could go through some of my horor strategies but they’re so inefficient for energy it’s crazy it’s kind my only Option Wow today’s stream was a grind it’s actually crazy how much grinding there was I’m going check Twitter really fast see if I missing baseball News let’s see nothing Oh Marcel Meer hit a double okay nothing important okay I think we’re good nope no okay you son of a [ __ ] there’s literally two spots left this looks like hell on Earth I really wanted this like uneven look but this giant slice in the middle is making me want to die

But it’s fine I think if we put some trees along there and and and uh uh uh uh scarecrow it’ll look like we’re working around the land which I dig okay let’s check if any hod spots are not hooked up to sprinklers or if any sprinkler spots are not HED nope we

Did it holy smokes okay let’s go hello smoosh Man we’re me raking it in soon enough all right Mark my worms mark them I told y we are fracturing the economy of pelicant town that’s what’s going to happen like it just is hello okay Boom perfect counting oh okay now scarecrows this is tricky those are all covered we were going to have one here that was something that I knew from the start how many can I make none cuz I’m out of coal balls all right I’m going to have

To go find some rocks on my farm and break them and hope for coal son of a biscuit oh oh I have cave carrots two eat both those I’m sure I’ll find one more for the community center pretty easily all right now I am praying for

Some of these rocks to drop coal I need a couple too even just one won’t do it oh Lord please please don’t do it to me please don’t do it to me I just need a couple oh no well that whole game lagged oh no really you’re not going to give me

One oh you got to be kidding me you may me go buy some you turd wow it’s going to make me go buy some that is really just an awful shame there’s one we got one I would I I I need more than one but I suppose one is better than

None you’re a small Rock cave on your farm where where oh wait there’s more rocks right here there’s another one that’s huge and there’s another one that’s actually probably enough okay cuz we’re going to need probably at least two all right we’ve got field Alpha covered field beta which

Is our our our biggest one needs one in the Southern quadrant needs two even okay well this one can go here and then if we can get one that covers both this uncovered portion and yeah there it is um and then last one we got just enough coal you

Bastard dang cuz yeah I want like that is so annoying I want it to go right here cuz I I want to be able to have a path in between it and my crops we’re going to put it here it has there’s one uncovered blueberry that I

Think I can cover by moving this one space to the left yes look at that done every plant’s covered wait are my ancient fruits covered oh this one definitely covers them right yeah barely wow wow wow we did It all right today will now be beautification gathering all my resources all of it my paths everything how do these gravel paths look as just like one strip like if it was lining this area I can’t tell if I like it or not I think I Do I’m probably going to ditch these ones these hard Stone paths I’m probably going to ditch these I don’t know you need something more rustic I think you’re right and I’m going to pass out again this is so annoying I need to like get a hefty amount of for jables here let me

Make some field snakes uh pardon Me also trying to tell if I like it yeah I really can’t it’s too rectang for the field shape that’s that’s what I’m feeling myself um that’s the thing like all the all the paths in this game are so rectangle except these which I’m already using for this like cut

Through and I feel like it would kind of look weird to also use it for These you water of the ancient seeds no do that mixing gravel and dirt I don’t think that would work because one gravel path by itself looks like that Uh you should put a well in that little spot if you can fit one that’s a great shout are wells like a 3X3 rectangle that they need or is it like 3x Two you’re right three I think okay okay y I know I killed a blueberry there’s a lot going on right now in my life uh then I think what I might do honestly cuz I do like the idea of having like a well right here abouts or actually no that’s that’s that’s what

We’re doing a well like kind of a central well that you like have to like that the path like curves around that’s that’s what this needs so I’m imagining like a well like right here and this 3×3 and it kind of the path like goes around it on both sides

And then keeps going down and then we still have this ugly ass strip to figure out that we’re just going to put a bunch of grass in and throw some trees I guess I should go ahead and plant some trees there I need to pet my Dog Uh say it save the like Cobble pads around the thing is though this is what’s killing me is that for the most part I don’t really want to have any of these kind of like more structural paths on this Farm cuz I think like the way

The line like the layout looks it’s like very much natural and it already has these kind of like dirt paths that like lead places so I feel like I was already anyway considering Um just destroying these anyway I P right yeah okay um I already considering any way destroying these like hard Stone ones but then like any kind of path would look bad cuz it would just come from nothing so this is yeah what I might do is just not have any paths in these

Sections and fill it with grass in fact that’s exactly what I’m going to do done okay yeah Final Answer um all right let’s get some more of these I have any more uh no I have to make up more Okay and it’s there going to be more like curvy swerves so like this can have something in it eventually cuz we’re going to have a well here and that’s great this is all going to be grass um I’m going to want a bunch of bee houses eventually

Drink I I do want to go ahead and start building a well maybe tomorrow in this spot cuz we have a lot of time now while these grow and I’d like to just take some time to get my farm sorted so that’s probably what do cuz then I’m going to did not want

To yes so it can like wrap around like that um and then I’m going to go ahead and make some fences okay and then it’s going to there we go it’ll go to like about that far down um so this is my little crop field

This J out looks bad I want that’s a little too much on the side of the kind of like unevenness okay um I like that and these These are growing on me so we’re going to keep them wait do I have any more just lying around of uh no

Okay on the bright side I have plenty of stone now no F I fill that in um and we’ll put some cute decorative thing over there um or we can I want this back please or we can uh God damn it or we can just fill it in

Which I might just go ahead and do for now at least um I’m also going to put a little row of fences here cuz I think it’s cute I want to connect it to the to the house but we’ve got these ugly ass ancient fruit things gone and I can’t even

Because Robin has to get over there sometimes um this is coming together I think bit by bit I think tomorrow we buy a bunch of grass star with all our remaining cash terrible purchase uh but it’ll look really pretty um and then we can like I don’t know it’ll look awesome I’m go

Ahead and even though technically you don’t need fences down here um I think it’ll look nice yeah and then this will be lined with trees eventually and I like that yeah okay so our our Central little cuz we have this is going to be a well

Now what I want to do with this area I’m really unsure about um this little 3×3 maybe a fruit tree right there you know what we should make more room for fruit trees cuz they need like an open 3×3 area to grow let’s go to bed plans for

Tomorrow lights yeah lights are going to be peppered everywhere but they don’t need like a 3X3 area just need a one by one so there’s going to be a lot of like lights just kind of poked in some ass uh there’s an explosion so heads up I guess um who are you

Susan hello I’m Susan the owner of emerald Farm up at the railroad oh yeah you’re the one who’s stuck been trapped up there alone ever since joa caus the rock slide so I have a bit of C fever happy to finally meet you ichel happy to meet you

Susan stop by and visit Emerald farm when you have the time yeah yay appear grass starter recipe is a th000 and it takes 10 fiber each you got plenty of fiber but not as much as I would like so uh but we will do that cuz fiber

Is easy to grind in the mines um yeah this is nice and then I’m thinking like here you go this is like doggy house this is dogs dog’s house do I really want to like lean into it and do something like that no that’s a little too much that’s too

Much um though I am going to do no no that’s that’s these spaces are no oh well that’s cuz he’s in the world okay yeah oh it’s cuz the house is eventually going to here we are okay yeah and then we’ll work out what we’re going to do at these back areas

Later I can go ahead And work on that um suppose it’ll start kind of so this is this is the tricky sitch cuz I have this nice big grass area I think this is going to be bee houses I think this is going to be a big like alley of beeh

Houses that’s going to like kind of run up so we’re going to do that and then this is going to peel up that way so we’re actually going to delete like all of these eventually yeah we we’ll we’ll work that out later I’m running low on

Stone but yeah I like the idea of this all being bee houses and then uh yeah end of sentence yes this is this can be like be row and then we’ll have like this stuff and I think this this area is where we can start kind of like cutting it out

With the paths and now we just use natural dirt uh I just need to maybe I can make this can be like a nice big town square area that’s like really pathed and then that’s kind of like cuz we need some big like marker that will

Say like all right pths are done no more pths now I got a lot of [ __ ] right now in my inventory let me here I’m going keep this in here cuz it’s just is always like empty let me dump a lot of it this is getting dumped the quartz can be dumped for

Sure geod uh let’s go buy a well I think it’s just Stone and money so we’re going to go to Marne we’re going to get a well then we’re going to swing over to damn it he’s closed I forgot no we’re not going to swing over to Pier to get a grass

Starter our first tree grew though in our tree farm so that’s exciting all right so no grass yet then I guess today we’ll go foraging instead of making some grass on our farm we can also grind for fiber um so we can once we have the grass starter recipe we’ll be ready to

Go it looks so much nicer in here okay construct farm buildings a well is 1,000 G and 75 Stone I’m just going to buy some Stone while I’m here here we go okay that’s it all right so there’s going to be a well there and it’s going to look

Great start working out a well first thing in the morning thanks Robin okay yeah no no uh no gr starter today so we’re actually going to spend the day getting fiber this is this is the weirdest thing is I’m now like fully alternating between saying I’m going to go all in on

Grinding for stuff that gets me money and now I’m going all in on grinding Aesthetics like there are a lot of things we could be doing today that would be better if we wanted money at this moment but like now that all of our awesome crops are in the ground I’m

Taking a breather break from the money cuz now I’m hyperfocused on the aesthetic side of things floor 80 is the spot I don’t have my weapon on me so we might die in here but I’m just in it for the fiber this is a terrible idea okay I

Should not be here without my hammer we’ll come back we see that new Farm yeah let’s do that let’s sck a let’s take a stroll let’s take a stroll by the railroad Farm maybe yeah maybe it is smarter to just go foraging today for both XP

Reasons yeah we’re going to do that uh and also we’ve been having so many energy Problems all right Susan what are you working with up here Emerald Farm well isn’t this just the cutest thing your house is adorable Susan is you have an adorable house and there she is thankful JoJo cleared the rock slide Louis and I went through so much trouble

Getting to remove the Rocks J refuses to apologize oh lots of kegs I like your style Susan you’re cool let me just not marriable okay uh there’s a little recolor glitch up There okay we’re going to go drop stuff off and then Forge today and then if we have time left the end of the day we’ll cut trees Man this is really trouble for me okay see now I’m getting sidetracked cuz I don’t want these Stone pads over here I don’t I want this to be just dirt once you get to this area but I do want Stone pass over this way so I think I think the solution

Is to just we’re going to move that camping thing and to make like a nice big square with benches and lamps and whatever with a peel off that then goes this way and that’s it and that’s it okay I do like what we’re doing though with um

With the other path stuff that we’ve been working on I’m very happy with that I’ll just keep all my like food and stuff in there okay we’re going foraging uh Beach First right level five sooner we get to level six the better cuz I want a lightning rod few of them seriously considered buying a laptop just cuz I want to play Roblox dude Roblox rules guarantee there’s nothing to be worried about mayor but there is Morris Robin’s house

Was struck by several rocks when the landslide was cleared Su was shocked by the blast she wasn’t informed of the operation to everything is under control and will be fine mayor and what if the garbage joa dumps into the river Morris Willie our local fisherman says he’s catching joa CDs and

Cola might I remind you perant to oh my God pursuant might I remind you pursuant to hello e okay just just on my way nice to meet you folks good day Morris no I don’t get to have a say in the issue oh thank goodness joa is Paving a way to

Greatness in stardo Valley it’s only a matter of time until we are all United under Joo sounds good love you all right I’ll see you see you around my friend lots of new cutcenes I’ve noticed far more than I expected and I’m enjoying It hi doesn’t rain much in summer does it you are a sharp one Emily last Name nice nice here comes lame ass Victor explosion last night judg blew up the rocks blocking Susan’s house Victor is so boring it’s crazy I’m sorry for all the like Victor lovers holy smokes what are you trying so actually stepped on a bug I’m sorry um do you want a flower

It’s really nice gift thank you do you feel bad about the bug thing now also can I be the bug next time all right see you he’s a seasoned as flower yeah he’s I don’t know well maybe if I get to know him better it’ll start being a little more

Intriguing yo another new nope it’s not we already had that that’s Fine Sophia do you like flowers cuz I also like you like flower uh he ignoring you she looks sad I’m sorry all right well I hope that flower treat to well what’s uh what’s our highest heart right now Sophia we’re pretty Haley cuz we gave her a birthday gift la la la

Nothing really happening down there SC all right I better find just copious amounts of goodies in here grapes already already grapes and just like that grapes in a mushroom even way okay let me go down here check down here [ __ ] my computer died I’m sorry when’s the Wake am I invited the reception huh dramatic oo I already have like a thousand those are just like everywhere and I don’t I don’t need them which is cruel cuz that was the last artifact that I was really hunting for a while for on the Perfection series that’s kind of unol Co few treats over there I’m a bit disappointed so far by the concentration of goods less than I was hoping for Getting water we’re going go the long way cuz you never know what lovely surprises you might find I’m bored wait spice Berry see remember that Sigma grind set thing I was talking about last week lo and behold it’s 505 at track of time we’re technically over time so I guess this is

Going to be our last day crazy uh Uh yeah a sweet pee a grape it’s another um bundle finished so how about that how about it hey remember how remember how you’re doing this for energy remember how it’s God I just went on autopilot and started selling everything too tired all right cool well whatever um I’m still thinking about

Like yeah yeah this is going to look good with the uh be bee house thing so I guess it’ll just B some flowers and some little Circles of bee houses and uh yeah get some honey be some lovely trees out and about this is kind of the thing that I’m

Most intimidated by the idea of trying to make like a a a a Central Square but hey we’ll figure it out right all right I’m sleepy that was good that was very good that was very very good Robin’s hard at work on our well um have lots of things filling in all

These lots of grass that’s what I’m excited for tomorrow we’re going to play this literally again tomorrow ickle exclamation point thanks Susan um cool so yeah we lot done today made it to Summer did a lot of Designing um I think it looks pretty

Nice at least this area I I I dig I think it look a lot better once there’s a lot of grass and fruit trees and normal person trees everywhere we’ll have this nice little like circle around the pond with some benches and lights I think they look good then we’ll have beehive area

Animals probably more crops down here uh I like that and we have our tree farm up to the north yeah I think this is going to come together I do I don’t know what’s going to go here see fruit trees I guess but yeah I’m liking it I think for a first summer

This is a pretty good looking date I should water these no I shouldn’t cuz I’m logging off all right Boo Bears we got an ounce of Music there for a moment uh be back tomorrow same time so tune in if you please and um take care of your knees don’t forget to

Sneeze peace peace peace peace out

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/thermcantread


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