Mikey Family PRISONERS vs JJ Family PRESIDENTS Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

Hello everyone I am glad to welcome you to the court session and I as the president of our village am ready to issue a new law I should have signed this a long time ago but I can’t stand it anymore and this law sounds like this are you listening from this moment on

Everything that has a green skin color is prohibited and the law comes into force from the moment of signing and I am signing this law at this moment so now green skin is banned and what does that even mean what is this supposed to mean what are those sounds don’t move

It’s the police and you’re under arrest due to the new law you are going to jail and you have the right to remain silent so put on the handcuffs but we didn’t do anything wrong why are you doing this to us the president is here so show me

What’s here I hope that all my laws are being enforced and all criminals are in prison yeah I see that the criminals are in in jail but it seems he’s trying to escape guards deal with him so that he no longer has the thought to escape from

Here hey wait it seemed to you I was just looking out the window and that’s it please don’t hit me I didn’t want this to happen and we didn’t break anything so he doesn’t seem to understand so we have to take him to the punishment cell I think that there he

Will finally understand that being green in our village is a crime and after our procedures he will no longer talk to me like that because I am the President and I will not just leave it like that leave me alone what are you doing to me it’s

Against the law please don’t hit me I didn’t do anything wrong and anyway this law is some kind of nonsense oh my god do you do this to all prisoners or what guards don’t stop because we will teach him to live by the laws he and his family are blatantly breaking the law

And still doing some nonsense and now I don’t like it anymore so I won’t stand for it and we’ll teach him life guys let’s do what you can with him as soon as possible we will teach him to live by my rules because I am the President here

Hey guys that’s too much I’m afraid of water do you understand that even though I’m a turtle I can’t stand water please stop I’ve already figured it out please Mr President listen to me I recognize your law you’re right I’m a criminal no I don’t believe him he’s being insincere

And we have to continue the process so we will ensure that he still stops trying to escape and understands that the president’s word is the law and you can’t EES drop on me otherwise it will happen to everyone who contradicts me and so I hope that everything will be

Fine now and no one will try to contradict me please Mr President I told you that I understood and accepted your laws I just don’t want to suffer in these four walls stop bullying me I have a family and they worry about me and my child is in prison I don’t even know

What to tell you anymore should I beg for mercy or what are you trying to get from me no oh my God how painful it is I’ve never experienced this no you will suffer as much as I want do you understand me or not so you just have to

Endure and listen to everything I tell you do you understand me stop what’s going on there hey what are you up to stop I’m order ing you to stop I’m the president and you have to listen to me or don’t you understand me you won’t run away from here because I run everything

In this prison so you have no chance that you will escape oh my God JJ forgive us but we just wanted to be free don’t kill us let’s go back to the prison cell okay now you’re not going anywhere from here I’ve doubled the

Guard so I can now go for a walk around the grounds because this is my my prison I see that you are not as cool as you used to be and it will be the same with everyone now I hope that no one will be

Against me H this is the best moment for me hey what was that who was shooting and I’m more interested in who oh my God it’s Mr President and now he’s been shot and it’s working this means that no one is running the prison now and I can do

Whatever I want so there’s also the key that we need and I think that now the full fun in this prison will definitely begin but first I have to get to a very interesting room and take what I want there I’ve been waiting for this for a

Long time and this is what I call Karma he got what he deserves and now I’m going to be the most important person here and that’s exactly what I wanted so I’ll do whatever I want and no one will tell me because the president is gone now and that’s what I’m completely

Satisfied with and now I’ve become an officer and no one can handcuff me and I will do whatever I want in everything to ensure that my my family is free so now I have to find my family because I don’t quite remember where they can be and I

Hope that it will all end soon because I no longer understand who built this prison at all immediately nothing is clear and I don’t even know what to do and what I am I forgot it here so it seems that I made a mistake with the prison block and they are in another

Place and this is too huge a prison did the president really want to put the whole village in jail because I can’t think of anything else so I’m going to get my family out now and we’ll all be free although I don’t even know maybe

It’s better for us to stay here it seems safer here because there’s some crazy guy sitting on the tower with a rifle and he won’t let us Escape but I don’t have the keys to the prison cell but I’ll find a way to get them out so I

Have to find something for now and I remember that I saw some kind of chest and it seems that this is exactly what I needed so everything will be fine with me so don’t even doubt me and I will be able to cope with this psycho on the

Tower and then my family and I and I will be able to get out of here and then everything will be fine with us well well I came to this place but I can’t get there that’s a problem but there’s a secret chest somewhere one of the

Prisoners told me about it so everything will be fine with me and I will still be able to save my whole family I won’t have any problems I’m sure of it and the main thing is not to give up and believe in Victory because now no one can stop

Me the main enemy for me was this president but now he is gone and I can feel free great I have emeralds and a cat hook and I can do whatever I wanted but I still haven’t found the keys but I have emeralds and I can buy food for my

Family so I think that at least it will be okay and they will be happy with it and as soon as I find a way to free them I will do it but first I have to feed them and then look for a way to get out

Of here and I think I’ve already come up with a plan of action for myself so I will act and I will definitely succeed because no one can stop me great I hope this is enough for my family to eat so I have to run to them and sooner or later

I’ll still find a way to get you out of here and then we’ll hide and no one will know where we live so everything will be fine with us and I hope that everything will be fine with us so it’s not funny anymore and I don’t quite understand

What to do anymore I have so many questions but there are no answers to these questions but first I’ll check how Mr President feels there but to be honest I’m already tired of running around this prison there’s nothing interesting here and I really want to

Get out of here because this is no joke anymore and sooner or later it has to end so I will act and do exactly as I see fit and then I will avenge this President even though he treated me badly and maybe he deserves the state

He’s in but I hope that everything will be fine with me H I can see that he is not very well but he has not died yet so I have a chance to save him and I will do it but first I have to turn to

Someone don’t ask me how I know about this place and who told me about it because I won’t tell tell you exactly that and I hope that you understand the seriousness of this and now the jokes are over and it’s time for me to do something useful find a way to help my

Friend and I’m already tired of all this why am I the only one doing this why is no one helping me so I hope that no one will notice me I would not like to frame this Cellar but I don’t hear any sounds so now I’m going to be fine and now I

Won’t be able to stop me do you understand that right and I have to get into my family’s prison cell and help them get out of here because sooner or later they already see me and everything will be fine with us I will save them and then I will destroy this psycho on

The tower and we will be able to get out of here and now no one will dare to tell me that we are bad wait what is this here is this some kind of joke or what is it what I don’t like is that it seems that President JJ

Is not liked here and this is already amazing and I don’t like this I have to find something useful to get out of here because this is not a joke at all I don’t like the situation in prison and it’s getting more dangerous here it

Seems like there’s been a riot oh no I think I’m right and I really don’t like it we’re all in danger here I do not know what is on the mind of these prisoners or guards or who leaves it on the walls at all however it does not

Matter and I hope that this will all end as soon as possible and we will be able to leave here and be free because I can no longer imagine how you can do anything here at all if there is some kind of conspiracy going on and that

Makes me even more afraid for my family because they don’t deserve this and I’m going to get them out of here no matter what it costs me now I’m digging a tunnel so that my family can get out of here in case of danger because I’m going

To deal with this monster now because I’m already tired of everything and I’m not going to put up with it and this psycho has to be eliminated because I don’t want him to do anything or destroy anyone else and therefore it is up to me to stop him because others do not have

Such an opportunity and I know about it and everyone hopes only for me that I will be able to cope with this and I hope that I will be able to defeat everyone here and save everyone and somehow it turns out that the prisoner is trying to save everyone in prison

Isn’t it so I did everything I wanted the tunnel is ready and now my family can get out and now I’m sure of their safety and now I can go to battle with this psycho on the tower so no one can stop me anymore I’m sure of it and I can

Handle it so let’s get started hey JJ I see that you are healthy and now I will avenge you so look what I’m going to do to him now and now he’s not going to kill you so I destroyed it and thus I suppressed this riot in prison so

Everything will be fine here now and now it’s safe here as before thank you Mikey but what are these inscriptions on the walls am I really such a bad president and pass the wrong laws something I don’t really like I’m disappointed in myself Mikey it seems that I was wrong

In what I was doing and I even it makes me feel ashamed of what I’ve done for everyone okay he got kind of weird after he was shot but I know what to do now I’ll also remove these inscriptions from the wall so that JJ doesn’t get upset

About it but I don’t like that he’s ashamed and that he understands that he’s wrong because that’s exactly what I needed and it seems that he even forgot about his law about the greens so he came to his senses and now I hope he won’t make crazy laws okay but I’m not

Going to stay here I have to find JJ suddenly he wants to tell me something and I think it will be something important oh my God leave me alone I’m the president why are you attacking me Mikey help me because this is already some kind of flawlessness someone staged

A riot in prison and now I don’t like it but thank you for being at the right moment at the right time I couldn’t have done it without you so now I think that everything will be fine with me and no one will offend me well this is the

Second time I’ve saved you and for some reason I’m doing it you have a lot of guards here but for some reason they are inactive and it seems that you made a mistake with your law the prisoners are attacking you the guards don’t care that their president is being killed but now

It’s the one who saves you who you put in prison with your family for nothing just because we are green this is some kind of racism and so as you can see we are the ones you banned turned out to be the nicest and most loyal so I think you

Owe me and my family an apology for what you did to us Mikey I totally agree with you and I apologize to you I was really wrong when passed this law and mocked you so let’s forget about what happened today and hope it doesn’t happen again I

Honestly tell you that I feel very sorry for all of you and now you are free you will not be prisoners so I’m asking you all to get out of jail and you can go home that’s much better I already like you more so let’s get this over with

We’re still here for a reason and we’d like to get away from here as quickly as possible I’ve been tired of being here all day and I’m going to have nightmares about this prison and I hope it all ends very quickly so all this will end soon

And we can go back to our normal lives and then I will say for sure that it’s all over but this day was filled with events here these emeralds are for your moral damage and this will not happen again I can promise you this is the word

Of the president so I think that we will live in peace again but now let’s get out of here and here we are in court so now I will have to make a new law but rather it would be more correct to call the repeal of another law so everyone

Listen to me carefully now I didn’t just come here and I was wrong and I hope you understand the seriousness hooray it’s finally going to happen how my family and I wanted it you are the best president in the world and I will tell it to all my friends so I hope that

Everything will be fine now but okay let me not interrupt you speak your speech thank you for giving me the floor I can finally say something so today we are gathered here here for a reason but in order to repeal one terrible law when I passed this law I didn’t even think what

It might turn out to be I locked up a very good family in prison but they were green and that’s why they went to prison so now I’m repealing this law and everything is back to normal finally we are now legal again and no one will detain us hooray I can’t even believe

That I’m hearing all this because it’s very cool I’ve always said that this law is some kind of racist ISM and now we won’t have it now everyone is equal and everyone will be friends and that’s what we needed most of all I have so many

Emotions that I don’t even know what to say to me right now oh it’s a Pity of course I wouldn’t mind staying like this but okay if it’s necessary then I agree to it and I won’t argue with you because you know better what to do and how to do

It I hope nothing bad happens to me and in general you’re sure that we should do it because suddenly there are still opponents that we will have to fight and I do not know how this happens at all and why to do all this but why shouldn’t

This happen okay that’s it I’m not saying anything anymore I’m not going to argue with you okay Mikey let’s get out of here now so we don’t bother anyone else I hope you understand how to do this okay well JJ don’t pay attention to

This you and I still have a lot of plans you’re not thinking about that at all and I hope you’re not serious so let’s get this over with do you understand me we’ll get out of here and bring Justice back to our village I promise you this I

Won’t let you down okay okay Mikey I trust you even though you don’t deceive me because this world is cruel but I’m sure we’ll succeed because we’re together and no one can quarrel with us so let’s not remember the past let’s just get this over with and go back to

Our real home JJ if you didn’t understand then that’s exactly what I was telling you okay you don’t seem to hear anyone but yourself at all so as I understand it there’s no point in you saying anything at all I’ve already

Mikey Family PRISONERS vs JJ Family PRESIDENTS Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE : The Movie – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLOwcZahsW0

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