I Played Minecraft’s MOST EXPENSIVE Mod

Mr Beast paid $50,000 for this mod called the first city and I just had to play it I made it to an ancient city and beat the warden which dropped this weird looking key the warden’s key okay guess I got to put it in here and oh there’s

The portal dude oh gosh what is that what is that oh no oh no I don’t like that it’s got me no stay off me tentacle freaks it’s pulling me in oh my goodness I’m so excited about this dude wo this is terrifying dude the first city this

Is incredible I don’t totally love that I’m stuck in a terrifying Dimension but here we are oh this is gorgeous dude the architecture fantastic we’re going to forget that I’m stuck in a terrifying Dimension I do have a sneaking suspicion that I’m in a considerable amount of

Danger right now oh it’s a whole cut scene what the terrifying teeth the teeth of Doom oh it’s an eyeball etal dimensional devour what is it turnus it’s like a turnip that Lees forever oh my go how am I supposed to defeat a giant eyeball oh goodness gracious oh

The ground is falling that’s great okay is it something that I stepped on or is he just breaking me parkour that would have been a terrifying drop let’s just not address that oh gosh the world is shaking just keep running crafty oh no where am I ah Warden oh that’s very bad

Oh that’s very bad oh no oh he’s going to see me dude uh just pretend I’m um I don’t know what to pretend I am should I run oh gosh he’s right next to me this was a bad day to not wear deodorant uh hello good man what am I supposed to do

In this situation I’m just going to slowly walk away all right we’re just going to walk away hopefully that hopefully that was the only Warden I got to deal with gosh dang it man go away go sniff somebody your own size there’s the eyeball over there I’m just going to

Keep making my way forward I still hear him sniffing it’s giving me PTSD dude there’s a waypoint over there I’m just going to make my way that way I’m sprinting a little bit I probably shouldn’t but I really want to get away from that Warden okay okay I think we’re

Safe for now just keep moving crafty keep moving those legs we have to find a way to defeat a turnis uh there is this Waypoint over here I can go towards so I’m just going to keep making my way downtown I’m going to walk fast oh oh I

Just dropped my sword I got so scared I almost lost it in the void okay I got to be careful those Pentacles dude this is so cool and I’m terrified run run oh snap why why is there another Warden my whole screen’s getting dark come on man

I hear the sniffy sniffs the worst sound you want to hear in Minecraft how am I supposed to go fast while also sneaking and avoiding the wardens yeah come on interdimensional parkour so far so good I got to move fast those tentacles are breaking my path by the second I just

Hope I’m going the right way no another Warden dude come on I’ve got to hurry is it a bad I do the Sprint right now oh gosh it’s fine it’s fine oh he’s angry run run run run run run run run run and squat run run run run squat gosh dang it

I can’t see anything dude wa looks like we are oh gosh we are getting closer though just a few more bridges and we made it to our first objective oh that is so cool it is very dangerous I definitely will die but that is awesome there it is I’m hoping that’s what we

Need is it like a cannon oh heck yeah take this eternis you’re go going down destroy the tower blocking my view of a turnis yeah I want to get a good look at you dude how do I control this um oh it literally says it’s charging up and fire

Boom yes was that what I was supposed to do oh oh no I don’t know how to move the cannon there we go there we go yeah my bad my bad oh gosh this thing is very heavy it’s very hard to control charge up and fire

Kaboom yes what’s up big eyeball in the sky hopefully you’re a bad guy oh charge up this is so cool there’s full-blown no shoot eternus he stopped my attack oh and he’s dismantling my whole my whole Cannon well I didn’t know what I was expecting he just grabs me too I’m just

Chilling though I’m just like hanging out arms aren’t flailing or anything he he is he taking me into his eyeball oh goodness we’re going into a dimension inside the Dimension oh man this is very bad hey guys if I don’t make it can you

Call my mom and I don’t know tell her I left the stove on or something oh inside the eye there’s um Hey Hey My My hey my dude there’s a bunch of structures inside your eyeball I bet that’s very irritating well no wonder he’s angry man

I hate it when I get an eyelash in my eye this guy’s got full-blown structures missing three parts retrieve the broken Doom breaker pieces I see I got to find the the Canon pieces and then take out the eyeball once and for all oh snap

What is this what if tnt were mobs my team made loads of new TNT mobs and you can add them to any new world custom explosions and new items TNT mobs DX linked down below we already found one uh yeah what is this um is it a portal

Of some kind do I go in this oh that takes me to the different Islands this is so cool there’s my first piece I’m heading up to the top uh can you take me up yeah the steam Takes Me Away oh gosh oh gosh nether Ghasts well I guess all

Ghasts are nether gas but they look extra epic oh no he’s shooting Fireballs hey take that I know how to defeat you nether gas I don’t know those Fireballs are so cool ah there’s more of them okay okay okay do I have time to take these

Guys out I don’t know how much time I have oh gosh I just took a fireball to the face that’s fine that’s what I wanted woke up this morning I was like if I don’t have a fireball to the face face I’m going to be kind of upset I

Probably should take these guys out before heading up on the mountain though come on come on dude is it not working ah are they flame resistant I guess that would make sense I assume if you can shoot Fireballs you’re probably flame resistant right oh oh no oh no oh no oh

No oh no golden carrot break please please ah shoot I died but it’s all right I respawned that’s good I don’t know if I can take out these gas dude they’re not taking any damage okay well climbing the mountain it is I guess how

Um best way to get up Peter I don’t know oh I don’t have any blocks to stack up or anything I got to find like a staircase or something to get up there oh there it is I see I see we got a little steam that can shoot me up right

Ouch come down here fight me like a man it’s kind of funny gats are usually really sad but this guy’s just smiling he’s so cute come on launch me up steam all the way up the mountain yes yes okay perfect perfect land in this platform oh

This is cool I can take the steam all the way up I’m hoping that one of the Doom breaker Keys is up there or piece I should say no no no no ah shoot launch me up steam ah that feels funny feels nice and warm on my tokus oh gosh Dodge

That fireball take me all the way up that’s the weirdest escalator I’ve ever used okay can I grab this piece now yes got it all right we’re out of here first piece acquired let’s put this guy right on this cannon nice looking good now two

More parts to go this is the coolest mod I have ever played in my life that guy looks terrifying but beautiful how do we head over there a man the gats are following me to home base even too a new location wa this is so cool looking it’s

Very ominous but I like the green colors almost matches my skin what is that sound I heard like a cracking sound oh wow they are so cute I assume they’re demon robots trying to take me out yep yep yep all right I feel bad though man

I would totally have one of these as a pet oh gosh they hatch out of these eggs over here H take this robot fiend yeah the AI won’t take over me disable the generators to lower the laser barrier I see I can’t go through that laser door I

Can’t swing at it hey yeah what happens if I just walk in I just instantly die crafty was fried to Adams my goodness that’s pretty intense all right we’re looking for laser barriers let’s just keep making our way forward wao what are you oh gosh are you going to explode are

You going to explode at me he looks like somebody that would explode I hope that’s not offensive my good sir I feel so bad they’re so adorable I love the little sound they make too there’s one generator it looks like let’s keep heading forward oh that’s a

Lot of bugs that’s a lot of robot bugs ah nailed it go go go away oh no no all right those red guys explode so that’s good to know I kind of figured a red thing that blinks you know that’s got to explode right hello boys you stand no

Chance against my neite sword yeah take that and they say AI is going to take over eh One sweeping edge sword those those guys are done for gosh this is so pretty man I love these builds hello let’s take them out quickly hit them off the edge ha take that explosive boy yeah

Yeah nailed it I am the king of all um there’s two Pathways to go down we can go left or right I assume right’s just going to send me just into the abyss shall we try it oh no it takes me all the way up oh heck yeah oh gosh oh gosh

Oh gosh take this take this go away go away go away no no no no no no yes I can kind of use those explosive guys my benefit if I just let it explode on me I don’t die but it takes out all the other guys how many little robot guys do we

Have click to disassemble yeah I’ve dissembled the generators that was way too easy man I feel like if you’re a giant interdimensional robot eyeball or something you’d have a better method than just being able to punch your power supply one generator down one to go looks like it’s over this way thankfully

There’s giant squares to tell me where to go yeah go away yeah M yep lasers are still on is it half power though instead of reducing me to atoms it reduces me to particles oh goodness that’s a lot of them I’m just going to run I’m just

Going to run thankfully they’re not very fast yeah go wait go wait go away go away go away yes I’m getting used to this robot hunt and stuff if my smart fridge ever becomes sentient and tries to attack me I know exactly what to do all right got to find some way to

Head up there I don’t see a way on this platform let’s see anything I can jump on no must be a wrong direction let’s head this way more robots no worries they call me professional robot Slayer they call me Pro Robo slay I don’t I don’t know I’m just saying

Words all right is this going to take me there come on now wait what H how the heck um how do I get up there dude took me to the same platform is there something I’m missing here H is there a button I can press can I sit on it take

Me to the sky no what am I missing here besides maybe a girlfriend but that’s irrelevant to the situation we can head back up to this area I don’t see a way up there man um is that the platform I got to do ooh there is like a laser

Bridge maybe that’s it okay let’s head over in that direction this might have been just a misdirection they lied to me um what is this oh God go go oh there we go okay okay I found a way all the way up to this platform and there we go all

Right all right we’ made it got to turn off this barrier and now the laser should be turned off I can get my Doom breaker piece if I can get out of here safely enough come on jump across the edge I love the little platforms man

Glad I don’t take fall damage cuz that would be a tough fall I would go from having toe bones to having a lot of pieces of toe bones look at this laser oh the laser Bridge wait have I turned off the power why is the laser Bridge

Still on not going to question it but I’m a little nervous yeah okay okay it supports my weight my skin is made of diamonds so I am kind of heavy there’s my my Doom breaker piece number two we can put that on our back yeah like a

Strong boy oh gosh it is kind of heavy though shouldn’t Skip Leg Day and we’re back at our laser hey um place that on there oh it’s looking good one more piece to go you can’t stop me now uh you probably can W this is so beautiful dude

Oh my goodness that doesn’t look good that looks like a boss or or maybe just a statue welcome me kindly with a kiss on the cheek um probably should prepare for battle uh hello good sir I see you have a doom breaker piece uh you mind if

I borrow that to make a giant laser no is that is that not cool oh my gosh U for some reason I feel like I’m being watched I don’t know why that’s so that’s so creepy dude okay oh gosh yep yep there he is he looks so

Cool oh goodness it’s a wizard it’s a wizard oh goodness he shoots out these magical spikes he’s got these minions oh you guys look so cool and then I got to avoid whenever he makes these magical circles on the ground as well cuz those explode and if

I’m not careful I’ll be exploding here soon too hold on hold on let me munch on some valuable gold real quick all right all right time in ouch ouch ouch not too bad I think I’ve got his mechanics down oh goodness uh unless he has a second wave

Coming yeah does have a melee attack I got to try to avoid more minions no go away my good man uh oh goodness where do you keep all these dudes yeah are you summoning them or you just giving birth oh I don’t want to think about it it’s

Like a mother spider just giving birth to spiderlings ouch he does have this melee attack that launches me backwards but I can get in a couple of swings in the meantime yes take that Crystal Mage ouch okay okay okay he does get more powerful the more damage I do to

Him and I have to be careful cuz he might have a second form oh ouch oh that one does damage I got to be very careful about those um floor lasers is that fine do you prefer a different word than floor lasers like a magical death carpet

Maybe watch out watch out I do have to be careful of his ground pound cuz if he oh no I do have to be careful about his ground pound cuz if he hits me off of The Edge and I fall into the void I’m very scared he’s going to heal all the

Way back up ouch go away dude you guys are annoying he he running so many minions no no no I’m going to die I’m going to die be careful be careful be careful come on crafty you can do this you’ve taken out worse enemies come on

Yeah come on oh he’s got such low Health come on we can do this oh my gosh oh my gosh it’s getting intense it’s getting intense oh my gosh the oh no run these guys shoot knives it is so difficult there’s so many of them come on looks

Like the circle’s getting larger come on man let me smack you yeah just dodge the minions keep going in circles yes we’ve done it take that you Mage sometimes I even aage myself we’ve done it that was hard man did you guys believe in me did you think

I would die uh straight up be honest don’t lie there it is our last piece we need for our Doom breaker and hopefully now we can destroy the eye once and for all um wait we’re inside the eyeball what is this inside of it it’s like a GI

Giant Dimension the black hole I see do I have to destroy the black hole inside of the eyeball destroy the core aim for the center you got it text on the screen Lock and Load boys Target locked charge up our giant Doom laser and attack boom

Did I miss did I did I do it I thought I aimed for the center let’s try this again H take two and caroom oh my gosh wait a second um I’m inside this Dimension oh gosh the eyeball is gone am I just going to die now maybe I shouldn’t have defeated the

Core of the black hole in the dimension I’m currently in am I alive oh that was so cool you guys did incredible this was the coolest mod I have ever played except maybe the ones that our team made on the Minecraft Marketplace return to the Overworld oh nice back to the real

World glad I made it out alive that was so awesome if you enjoyed this video let me know it’s a different one than we usually do download the mod down below to try it for yourself and we’ll see you in the next one bye

✅ PLAY My NEW Marketplace Game TNT Mobs [DX]! ➡️ https://cutt.ly/TNT_Mobs_DX

✅ BECOME Craftee! My latest Skinpack ➡️ https://cutt.ly/Craftee_Season_5

👕 Get some *OFFICIAL* Craftee Merch! ➡️ http://craftee.store/

The First City Mod: https://modrinth.com/mod/the-first-city

#Minecraft #But #Craftee

I Played Minecraft’s MOST EXPENSIVE Mod

🗣️ Voice Over Artist: Parker Coppins
🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
📜 All music used with permission from its creator.


  1. What a beautiful day when Carftee play Minecraft most expensive mob and the video was so cool to see and have a happy Tuesday 😊😊😊😊😮😮🎉🎉❤❤😃😃🤑🤑=÷=

  2. Heh, i am surely he’ll beat Doctor4t and co’s modded minecraft they made, alas, that Fortnite Minecraft mod, NOT fan of it due someone JUST rage it out on actual fortnite, nope, ain’t playing that one. 😢

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