Everything We Know About Minecraft 1.21 So Far

Minecraft 1.21 release date is getting closer and closer but what are all the new things we know about 1.21 so far first we know that the winner of the 2023 Mo boat the armadillo is getting added the armadillo is a small and neutral mob that gets scared really

Easily by mobs or players that are sprinting it rolls up into looking like a small cube but the coolest part is that you can breed them by using a spider eye and then they drop few armadilla scutes this can be used to craft wolf armor or should I say dog

Armor finally my dogs will have more protection which I really like and they just recently added the option to color dog armors with every dye but what even cooler is that they added eight new types of wolves all having different looks they can be found from different

Biomes for example the black wolf can be found in the old grow Spruce tiger stripe wolf in wooded bad LS and so on these new wolf variants are the most amazing update ever since who doesn’t like Minecraft dogs then the new update is going to add

A ton of new blocks by giving us new block variants first from copper you will be able to craft copper doors copper trap doors copper bulbs copper grate and chisel copper these are making the old blocks more useful and to be honest I really like that since I didn’t

Find that many uses for copper blocks before but these are not the only new block variants we also getting tough stairs tough slabs dff wall chisel stff polish stff and tff Bricks so another block gets a huge upgrade it was another one that I constantly threw away thanks

Mo for doing that but why don’t we still have the smooth Stone stairs H but what we are getting is a whole new structure the Royal chamber this is made out of the new copper and tough blocks and I got to say it looks awesome this new

Structure can be found anywhere in the Overworld which means you should be able to Spot It On The Ground quite often when entering the trial chamber you find beautiful corridors with high ceilings in those corridors you can also find chests barrels and take the pots which all contain some Loot and surprisingly

There’s so many of them in every room it also has many staircases and different sized rooms but even hidden rooms that require some digging to access but in the big rooms you have the next new thing the trial spawners these spawners are unique since they can spawn all

Kinds of different mobs you can identify what mobs are getting spawned by the blocks that are next to the spawner for example MOS block will spawn slimes back dice means it spawns Strays and so on this this is a good way to identify how dangerous this room is but there is also

A new boss mob called Breeze and it spawner can be identified by the Chisel tff being around it the breeze has 15 Full Hearts and Deals 0.5 to 1.5 hearts of damage you will be hit with many wind charges which will bounce you around he’s not too hard to kill though but

Once you start the fight there will not only be a breeze but also waves of mobs because there are many spawners in each room the amount of waves you will have depends on the number of players nearby I feel like this is designed so you and

Your friends can have a lot of fun time fighting here there are also a lot of dispensers on the walls filled with items like arrows Fire charges potions water buckets and so on these are here to help you or they can also work against you it basically depends on your

Luck since the breeze will start clicking to the buttons with its attack during the waves you will have to kill multiple prees and they will drop the wind charge items these are the new items and can be used to throw a wind charge yourself or put them into dispensers and throw them from

There this can be used to bounce away mobs click buttons or bounce yourself up into the air giving you the ability to do pretty cool parkour but going back to the trial chamber once you have completed all the waves with the breezes the spawners will eject different useful

Items or a special new item called the trial key then the spawners go into cool down for 30 minutes but that’s only for these spawners just find the next room in the trial chamber and your next battle can begin instantly but what can you do with those new trial keys in the

Same room verifying the spawners you can also find the new Vault blocks the vaults are very similar to the spawners by the looks and only once you have gotten the trial key you can use it to unlock the Vault and you will get some more loot but this will consume your key

So you will lose it some of the best loot you can get are items like enchanted books diamond axe Diamond chest plate just diamonds or even an enchanted golden apple but I hope that in the official release we will have even more rare items like netherite or

Maybe even a smiting template and in multiplayer each player can open one wall once so you can watch who gets the best loot out of your friends I even made the mcraft 1.21 Snapchat available on my hosting site WIS hosting.com so you can test all the cool unreleased

Features with your friends just host the server on wise hosting then on your game panel select the newest Snapchat and finally enable the experimental features you are done and ready to play I also made a special discount code snapchot so you can say 25% on the first month on

Why hosting but let’s get back to the updates 1.21 will give us one more New Mob called The Bog this is basically a swampy looking skeleton which some more changes it obviously looks different and instead of regular arrows it shoots arrows with the poison effect the B

Naturally spawns in the swamps and Mong gr swamps where I do think it fits in the best but it can also be one of the mobs spawning in a Dron chamber the poison effect is not for long though so the B is not a hard to kill mob what I am even

More excited for in 1.21 is the new block crafter which is for autocrafting items the crafter itself can be crafted like this when opening the crafter it looks exactly like the crafting table but here you can choose what slots you want to block so for example if you want

The autograph chest you will block off the middle slot and now when we input planks through this Hopper it will fill up only these slots and to get a crafting give it a redstone signal like placing down a lever and just flicking it the crafter opens its mouth and

Speeds out a chest it’s pretty cool but simple items like chest I feel like those can be crafted Faster by just doing them manually but I do see a good use for Crafters especially in farms that are producing a lot of items you can compact items by crafting them into

Blocks like in the gold Farms you can make gold blocks iron farms for iron blocks and so on but that is not all with the crafter you can use it to craft any crafting recipe even if it has different items you just got to input the items in the right order which can

Be done with droppers and different Redstone delays just like this as you can see it has a pattern on how the items go into the Crafter or people like R Works have already made simple autoc crafter systems that work with items that have three components or less and

That is actually 99% of all the crafting recipes and that means I finally can automate the crafting of dispensers I don’t think you realize how happy this makes me the grafter will give us a lot of new opportunities in farms and storage rooms when the 1.21 version

Comes out and yes the crafter can be crafted by using the crafter that is a true craft setion I really like the things coming in 1.21 although moang has time to add even more stuff and if you would like to test the Snapchat with your friends then remember to check out

Wise hosting and host a server with your friends by using the discount code Snapchat thank you for watching and see you in the next one

The Minecraft 1.21 Update Is Coming This Summer. Here’s Everything We Know About It, Including New Mobs, Dogs, Blocks, Structures, Boss Mob and much more…
✅ Host a Server On https://wisehosting.com – Use code “SNAPSHOT” to get 25% OFF!

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Business email: shulkercraftyt(at)gmail.com
Music from Epidemicsound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/11jn8r/


  1. I like the update so far but I do hope the eventually add more useful types of loot to make fighting through these labyrinths all worth it. Maybe a new type of weapon or materials for better armour/tools?

  2. I love minecraft man, but these updates are kinda disapointing. This game has the highest potential of all time but I feel like the updates are always so small.

  3. Sadly (or fortunately for some), the new wolf variants, the wolf armor, and the armadillo will be coming in 1.20.5 (which is NOT 1.21). The rest gets added in 1.21.

  4. i am so excited for 1.21 me and my neighbor play a server together and we got manny farms build,its gonna be allota work adding the autocrafters but its gonna be so worth it

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