I Survived 100 Days as a TRILLIONAIRE in HARDCORE Minecraft

On day one I was overlooking Minecraft’s biggest city with my rich dad owning this city has finally made me a trillionaire but now it’s time I pass down the torch and give it all to you really I was brought to my father’s Vault and when it opened I saw nothing

But riches wo I’m a trillionaire now but then I heard the sound of a helicopter before an explosion Rock the entire room revealing a bunch of criminals the trillions are there take it all one of the men walked forward and knocked me down ah and the rest began to

Swarm into the room and take everything we had no my father bravely ran up to defend against them when he was shot dead this money should have never belonged to this Rich snob to begin with it’s time for someone else to take the Reigns of this city now throw

Out the waste the boss signaled his men and two of them came up and threw me out the window ah please leave me alone hand over the stupid purse lady watch out ah I landed on a random robber causing him to drop a purse ouch I’m going to need

Some backup you’ll regret this oh thank you so much dear thanks look ma’am I need help someone just killed my dad they took everything yeah I don’t know what you’re on about but here have this for saving me $5 no I don’t need I’m too

Old for this I great now what as I said this the robber from before came back around the corner that’s the idiot get him now wait no no stop listen but they didn’t and I ran away from them heading through the city streets I have to lose

Them but unfortunately I ran into a dead end stop at once my dad was the owner of this city yeah was maybe if we turn you into IO he’ll fund us like those other criminals and we can help him take this city down sylv what other criminals they

Didn’t answer and ran in to attack but before they could I don’t think so on day three the robbers stopped their attack who does this guy think he is he didn’t answer and instead threw a high-tech grenade right at them that caused the cage to appear and trap them

Wao what you come with me quickly we ran while the robbers were trapped hey this is not over dang it hey who are you are you Sylvio do not say that name around here and keep quiet I did as he said and followed him out of the city into a

Nearby Forest there he hit a secret lever to reveal a hidden entrance what oh inside was a rundown Warehouse that had a planning table with a map of the entire city okay look why did you save me my name is bear and I was your father’s former Butler really but my dad

He’s I know and Sylvio is the one who killed him he stole all your money and is going to use it to bring pure chaos to this city well I have to take it back then to honor my father’s Legacy and stop whatever he’s planning for the city

Good because with your dad gone it’s now your responsibility to look over this city but be warmed it’s not going to be easy on day four We snuck our way through the city until being brought to an active robbery alarms were blaring as criminals ran out of the broken wall and

Got into their cars with bags of money this crime gang where for syo and has the share of your money they took from you so if I follow them I can get it back that’s right Foo good luck I’ll be waiting for you back at the warehouse

There left as I watched the criminals drive off like taking candy from a baby wait how am I even going to do this I don’t have anything wa someone’s looking a steel huh wait what I turned to see a mysterious man standing behind behind me

Uh no it’s all right don’t lie I’ve got you covered I specialize in all kinds of heist gear how much money you got I have five bucks you got to be kidding me here take this crowbar a crowbar this is it yeah you’re poor a great I left the shop

And followed the direction of the cars just in time to see the criminals hopping the fence of an abandoned amusement park this must be their Hideout this city needs need some serious help I saw the criminals bringing the bank money into a secured building inside my money it’s got to be

In there on day five I carefully snuck my way inside the building using rooms as cover to dodge patrolling criminals okay that was close I better be what the there in the room was a criminal counting money Intruder oh no he wasted no time and ran

Into to attack with a knife wait my crowbar I pulled it out and hit him back hitting him on the head he’s knocked out that was close wait is that a key card it must be to the Vault and I’ll be taking that I think I have an idea good

Day good day to you yeah you too pal thanks pal it didn’t take long for me to reach the room where their vault was located okay here goes nothing I quickly scan the C opening the Vault wa that’s a lot of money I collected it all and gained

$5,000 jackpot but as I left the Vault room I was met with a room full of criminals yikes what do you think you’re doing state your name boy uh my name is uh fezy he’s a big fat liar Fey’s been out sick for weeks you’ve got to be

Kidding me without hesitation they began shooting at me I got to get out of here I barely made it outside of the building stumbling back into the park wait fezy is that you no idiot he’s an intruder gunshots then began to shoot at me from behind and the exit was blocked oh no

Where now I ran until I saw a roller coaster well nowhere else to go but here I pushed off and started racing through the coaster track as they continue to try and shoot me but one of the criminals stepped forward with a rocket launcher oh no no

No no no no no no no no with a loud explosion the track broke causing me to fall ah wait I’m alive thank goodness I quickly swam to dry land as the smoke cleared ah that was close but I got the money at least part

Of it just then I heard a car door slam as Sylvio arrived at the entrance to the park what a disaster look sir I can explain I but before he could finish his sentence Sylvio punched him to the ground I gave you a share of the trillionaires money so you could do one

Job be a distraction in this city and you already failed me please Sylvio give me another he killed him stood over the dead boss and tossed the gun to one of his henchmen burn it all to the ground leave no Trace as he left both of his men went around with flamethrowers

Incinerating the entire park this is awful oh my goodness as they left I saw that the criminal boss dropped a note it was titled Sylvio five crime bosses who are they with my money I safely made it back to the warehouse where bear was waiting for me I looked around at how

Dusty this place was and now that we had some money I think it’s time for some upgrades on day eight with my wealth I began to transform the warehouse into our new base of operations we cleaned up the place and the old map table had been replaced with a high tech computer

Screen I then took the time to build up bar and I our very own rooms and gave myself a new suit ah the money life is nice after that I convinced the weapon salesman from earlier to move into the base as well well well looks like you’ve

Gotten some money huh let me show you something he showed me his display of extravagant items each one more expensive than the last but one thing caught my eye that I could afford a diamond launcher sick I purchased it immediately you have a good eye boss if

You find more money burning a hole in your pocket come to me and I’ll set you right up I then went over to find bear and mentioned the note I found in the park sylvio’s five crime bosses who are they they’re the most dangerous crime bosses in this city Sylvio only recruits

The best to work under him he probably distributed your fortune among them to carry out his plans and you took down the first one the park Bandits the other four are the ghoulish Fighters the modernized Pirates the mechanized men and the possessed sisters they must have

The rest of my money I need to find them and take it back on days 9 to 10 I went into the city at night looking for more leads on sylvio’s five crime bosses but the streets were basically deserted and run down people were afraid to even look

Outside man this needs to change that’s when I spotted a ghoul walking across the street with a briefcase and heading into a train station okay that’s kind of suspicious I hopped onto the train as well and spied on him from my seat and he was meeting with one of sylvio’s men

Ha totally suspicious keep that 50 Grand safe you hear me yeah yeah here’s the info on the island Sylvio can get all the materials he needs there materials for what the train stopped and I followed behind the ghoul as he got off he went directly to a strange grave site

Outside the city and entered a secret entrance I snuck in behind him but as I did I was struck on the back of the head ah my vision began to fade as I saw a larger ghoul walking towards me I knew he’d follow you throw him in with the others on days

11 to 12 I was thrown into an area deep in a ravine ah where in the world am I ghoulish creatures surrounded the area cheering down from their seats kill kill kill and above me on a bridge was their ghoulish fighter boss the former trillion really is trying to

Get his fortune back I’m not trying I will Silvio is already 10 steps ahead of you and by the time you realize that this city will be Beyond saving now let’s make this fight quick shall we he signaled to the crown as ghouls started to jump into the arena and charged at me

Oh no know I pulled out my new diamond launcher and began to fire at the fighters thankfully I took out a few and as the ghoulish boss left I noticed that there was an exit I fired another Diamond at a ghoul but missed and this caused the diamond to fly out into the

Crowd ooh shiny hey he short it at me first this is mine hey I think I have an idea I started firing more d diamonds wildly out which caused all the ghouls to start fighting over them I never like you to make get W yikes this started an allout

Bra between them giving me an opening to escape on days 13 to 14 I exited the tunnel emerging into an open mining operation site various precious ores filled the mines and overloaded in their mine carts huh they must be gathering resources for Sylvio but for what then I

Heard laughing coming from across the mind you actually made it out whatever that’s why there’s always plan B the ghoul boss left up to the top of the mines where my money was hey that doesn’t belong to you what are you going to do about it

H he hit a switch that caused lava to begin pouring into the mines that’s not good on days 15 to 16 I jumped onto a hanging platform avoiding the lava but it just kept filling the area great now what you really think that you have a

Chance to take back your money to th sylvio’s plans make your father proud you are a shoke I had to act fast and leapt onto another platform as the lava continued to rise but the last platform was too high wait the lever okay trusty old launcher don’t let me down I shot it

At the lever causing the last platform to fall and allowing me to jump out of the mines I’m not a joke and I will make my father proud with that I hit him with a diamond sending him flying off the edge I was then able to claim my money

Back because of this I now had $50,000 ah money I keep getting closer and closer to becoming a trillionaire again and more importantly stopping sylvio’s plans that Rong thought he could get rid of me that easily I better tell Sylvio that kid is done for on days 17 to 18 I

Returned to base with my $50,000 with this increase in our funds I looked even richer than before and spent even more money on fixing up the base and I even laid a foundation for a new mansion on top ah the start of a new Empire and the merchant also had a new

Item for me wait a jetpack wao yeah don’t get too excited rich people I swear Bearer also came over and handed me a smartphone hey what’s this for with this you can wire money directly to us as soon as you get it and I can ship you

A new item within seconds sweet with that I also visited the poor Street I saw a few days ago and using some of my money I was able to hire workers that helped me clean up the place it was now much safer and its citizens started to walk around peacefully perfect a cleaner

Safer City at least a part of it your father would be so proud Foo I sure hope so but Sylvio is still planning something something that that can destroy even places like this we can’t let him suddenly I heard a loud explosion nearby what the wait was that

A cannon on days 19 to 21 I ran to the next Treet over only to find a pair of pirates in business suits it was loaded yeah that makes sense what are you guys doing wait are you two modernized Pirates yes but we didn’t mean to fight he that Cannonball honest

But you guys are bad though right that’s rude we were actually out here looking for you me reluctantly and still confused I followed them to the coast where they showed me their company’s building with a pirate ship on its top floor so literal business Pirates got it inside Pirates were conducting business

As usual filing paperwork and getting into some serious fights seriously who left this stapler empty that was you Peg Leg finally I was brought to the captain in his quarter I I mean office ah just the trillionaire I’ve been dying to see why don’t you work for Silvio yes but we

Want to change that and if you help us we’ll Sage a mutiny on Sylvio and give you back all your money on days 22 to 26 the captain led me onto the deck of the roof pirate ship and there I noticed that its sails were taken this is where

You come in out there on the Seas a forbidden island has the sails of me dear ship with them back in my hands my company can sail the seven seas once again I glanced back and saw two Pirates arguing over a printer when it runs out

Of ink you have to fill it I wouldn’t have to fill it if you didn’t use so much as you can see City life isn’t for us yeah I can see that so that’s it you just want to escape the business life isn’t that what we all want that and

Sylvio’s machine huh what machine R I’ve said too much here take this boat and fetch me sails the captain pointed to a small robo in the water yeah that’s not going to happen I pulled out my trusty smartphone and wired money over for a yacht and it was delivered instantly now

This is more like it blessed show off hey I’m rich one more thing how do I know I can trust a pirates word that’s the fun part you never can on days 27 to 29 I sailed the seas in my luxurious yacht man talk about awesome I looked up and saw that I

Crashed right into the beach of the remote island great far off at the peak of it was the pirat sail oh perfect I instantly activated my new jetpack and soared throughout the island woohoo but as I went I heard a cry for help please what is that I was curious and

Followed the screams to a lab facility hidden on the island inside I saw Sylvio pushing an employee to the edge of the building wait no Sylvio I promise but he didn’t listen and push him over the edge straight to his death what a joke listen up everyone my machine is nearly

Complete make no more mistakes unless you want to end up like him his machine I need to find out more but before I could get any closer no you won’t I tried to spin around but I was struck in the back of the head again oh

No on days 30 to 32 I awoke in a room lined with screens and TVs hey let me out of here what a persistent little cockroach the doors opened as Sylvia walked in let me go no I won’t but I also don’t plan on killing you either wait you

Aren’t you think you intimidate me don’t you oh little rich boy has some money now but you don’t have what I do reason purpose so I kill you when I can make you watch as I destroy the entire city that your father built up in one blow

Destro destroy it how is that the machine you’re making oh enjoy the show no get back here he left locking me in the room all alone this can’t be happening this can’t then I heard a strange buzzing as a section of the ceiling fell into the room one of sylvio’s men then peaked

From above come with me if you want to live wait why are you helping me I joined sylvio’s gang thinking I’d be treated as an but I’ve begun to realize his true intentions he’s going to destroy everything alarms began to blare throughout the entire complex oh no we

Don’t have long this way on days 33 to 35 I began sneaking throughout the facility following the man’s every move so what exactly is Sylvio making he shoved me into a room just as more henchmen came running down the hall search every corner he couldn’t have

Gotten far no one knows only Sylvio does he gives the orders and these people just blindly follow I can tell you more when we get outside okay fair enough finally we found the exit at the end of a long hallway stay close and I’ll let

You get out of here alive he put back on his helmet to blend in and crossed each of the rooms signaling me when the coast was clear we were about to make it out when I saw a room labeled sylvio’s office no don’t I didn’t listen and

Broke open the door with my crowbar okay I got to be quick there has to be something in here about the machine I searched frantically through the office until I found a flash drive labeled Revenge sounds dark good enough for me I grabbed it but as I turned to leave two

Henchmen blocked my path the guards rushed into the office shouting take him down oh no in a panic a I activated my Jetpack and flew above them what the they instantly began shooting as I tried to dodge their gunfire the guy that was with me tackled

Down one of them as I shot the other with my diamond launcher but I can’t control this thing I flew out of the facility and crashed onto the Island’s Peak Landing right next to the pirate sail ah okay I probably shouldn’t use that inside from now on you’re lucky you made it out

Alive yeah yeah but I grabbed the pirate sail hey thanks for helping me out back there don’t mention it now let’s go we boarded My Yacht and returned back to the city to meet the business Pirates our Precious Precious sales at last they were now able to put their ship into the

Water and hoist their sails you know you could have warned me that Sylvia was there hey but you you can never fully trust a pirate can you here take your reward he tossed me down a heavy Pirates chest that was full of gold this alone made me a millionaire awesome now come

On Lads it’s time we set sail again yeah and please don’t ever come back on days 40 to 44 I made it back to base with sylvio’s former henchman are you crazy it’s all right it’s all right he’s a friend I then got to work transforming the underground portion of our base

Making it even more rich and my Mansion got an upgrade too ah nothing shouts money like a money sign with all of my new income I was also able to hire security guards just to keep this place safe sweet from there I distributed some of my money to my friends so that they

Can get some of their own upgrades as well ah it would appear here I have drip yeah drip with that I connected sylvio’s USB to the main computer now it’s just the waiting game marvelous foso just marvelous why do you say that it’s just that you are so much

Like your father he believed the rich should spread their wealth out and share it amongst everyone now you’ve done that too just then I heard a window shatter from my Mansion above hey what’s going on hey any rich people in there I ran up and out of the base to see a homeless

Man was throwing bricks through my house hey what’s the matter with you oh finally I heard you were looking to take down Sylvio and good old dusty here has some things you’ll want to see on days 45 to 47 Dusty led me to a part of the

City I’d never seen the dump District the entire place was a whole neighborhood of cardboard and trash get your cardboard boxes here good to sleep and to eat on this is horrible people live like this this is the real world brother some of us aren’t so lucky as

You suddenly an explosion caused one of the makeshift buildings to collapse what the dusty and I rushed over to investigate and saw two Mech goons in the rubble no I meant that building ah whatever let’s just take the scrap and go those mechs they’re the mechanized

Men one of the criminal gangs but what are they doing this is why I brought you here those large people made of metal came out of nowhere and started ravaging our home take can all the scraps they can but what could they be doing with it

We both followed the mech out of the city to find a large incinerator looks like you found the answer your question on days 48 to 52 I watched as the mechs were dumping scrap into the main conveyor belt that fed the entire incinerator wait why burn all their

Stuff it’s just junk hey watch it oh uh sorry then I noticed at the center of it was a button that’s got to be the switch to turn this all off perfect then go stop it wait what you’re not going to help seriously okay I began to sneak

Closer to the button and started to realize just how many mechs there were oh no what should I do they’ll for sure catch me then I remembered my phone I called the merchant back at my base hello hey Foo I got something back in stock that you love dude quiet down but

It was too late wait one of the mechs spotted me intruder alert intruder alert uh-oh instantly I was shoved into the conveyor belt from behind utilizing all resources for Sylvio burn him in fire okay that’s just dark the conveyor was bringing me closer and closer to the incinerator when the Merchant’s care

Package landed in folding up from it was a full on Diamond mech suit oh yeah now we’re talking I jumped in the suit and deflected some of the mech attacks as I leapt towards the button I hit it successfully shutting down the machine yes that was awesome but in my

Celebration I didn’t see the mech charging in who pushed me right in the center of the incinerator wait I’m alive oh thank goodness who’s this guy I looked around at my new surroundings and saw a factory full of more mechs oh elminate him now

Oh come on oh no what do I do now it was then I heard an AI voice coming from my mech suit high levels of stress detected I would suggest getting some fresh air what you’re seriously misreading the situation how about option two activate stealth mode to avoid social

Confrontation those are the only two options okay yeah option two as I ran around a corner the suit camouflaged me against the wall he must have went this way ah nice one now to see what these mechanized men are really up to I quietly navigated the factory using my

New ability to avoid patrolling mechs until I reached their control room there were screens everywhere displaying information about the scrap and resources they were collecting wait a minute they’re building up giant walls but for what I looked around and found a strange note on the table good work my

Mechanized men keep building up these walls and soon when it’s time they will enclose the entire city and all those people will have no way to escape soon oh no I got to get out of here but where’s my money on days 57 to 9 I entered the Factory’s core room and

There I saw a massive machine that was constantly producing more mechs I need to stop this thing looking around I noticed a master computer above the machine but as I saw it red alert Red Alert the Intruder has made it into the courtroom all of the newly forged mechs

Turned towards me and began to Sprint I quickly ran around to the computer wait I don’t even know how to work this thing overright in progress the arm of my suit shot out into the computer as the mechs began to close in but their programming was overwritten just in time kill

Intruder what what why were we about to kill an innocent person I’m sorry we don’t know what came over us would a hug make you feel better a hug nope thanks for asking though now that I was safe I exited my mech suit and finally spotted the passageway to the Vault there’s my

Money I began to run down the hall until I was suddenly hit from behind ah what the as I turned I saw that there was Dusty wielding one of the mech weapons sorry pal it’s nothing personal on day 60 to 63 Dusty angrily ran forward continuing to fire at me whoa what are

You doing I’m trying to help you no all you trillionaires just enjoy your life in luxury well my people have to sit in filth without a single scent so I’m going to take that money and use it to give them the life they deserve but I want to help please he just kept

Attacking so I had to fight back using my diamond launcher as I tried to fly around with my Jetpack I didn’t want to do this but it’s the only choice he hit hit me head on with a blast that knocked me down to the floor ah if sylvio’s plan

Succeeds my people on the streets will be the first ones gone I promise I won’t let that happen how can I trust you we are on the same side and it’s time everyone in the city benefits from the money together just please let me show you that Dusty put the weapon away and

Began to walk away hey where are you going you seem to understand to care you may just be the trillionaire this city needs wow that was dramatic with him gone I could collect the mechanized men’s money becoming a billionaire score and I think I know just what to do with

This on day 64 to 68 I went back to the dump district and used my new money to transform it in into a rich neighborhood I upgraded their cardboard homes and replaced them with very rich materials and the reprogram mechs were there too helping the entire town out man this guy

Is a great hugger thank you random citizen I’m glad they’re getting along oh yeah sir now we’re homeless with style fall thanks to you but please do whatever you can to stop Sylvia we word it spread that he plans to destroy everything yeah I’ll try after I made it safely back to base

I constructed the final level of my Mansion sweet this thing looks sick now our exterior is shouting rich as well as the inside which was filled with high tech equipment and resources I heard bear call out to me it’s ready ready the flash drive on days 69 to 73 I followed

A be noise into the map room where there was sylvio’s flash drive and it was finished downloading all right here goes nothing I didn’t want to do this you know I didn’t want to kill the very person I grew up so close to this city it should have been mine from the start

But now it’s too late and my plans are complete the walls will soon drop and when I activate my machine the ground will shake and the entire city will collapse no one will escape the ground will shake that machine he’s talking about it’s an earthquake machine if it’s activated

Everything you and your father built will be destroyed wait Sylvia said he grew up close to my father what does that mean suddenly the scanners throughout our base started to go off oh no something’s happening in the city I rushed into the city’s Main Street where civilians were running around

Chaotically and they were fleeing from sylvio’s Men on days 74 to 77 I ran towards the chaos and watched as one of his men were hurting a citizen no I can’t let this happen I rushed up to face the henchmen when a flamethrower burned me out of

Nowhere emerging from the smoke was none other than Sylvio you just can’t seem to quit I gave you your chance to run but now I’m going to kill you just like your father he Unleashed another flamethrower attack as I dodged into the air wa look I know what you’re planning Sylvio you

Want to level the city what’s wrong with you you don’t know any of it this city was robbed from me and given to your stupid father robbed from you he never told you did he I’m your uncle wait you’re my what I was the oldest brother in the family but good old pops

Gave all the family money to the youngest your father and if I can’t have this city then no one can now take him out huh I spun around to see two weirdly glowing armored woman with pleasure what the heck one of the women rushed in and

Slashed at me as she did it teleported us all the way to another rooftop ow wo you guys have powers we are the possessed ssts sylvio’s number one bodyguards you two are the last crime bosses you have the rest of my money the money that’s funding all of this that

Money belongs to Sylvia and when he destroys the city he will build a new one over it and every one will look up to him they came in to attack again but I fired my diamond launcher at one sadly though she instantly teleported away oh

No I got to get out of here but before I could do anything else the other sister hit me again teleporting me I was now in a strange shadowy floor of one of the city Towers H teleportation sucks I think I’m going to be sick but then I saw a horde of money

In in the room the rest of my money this must be their Hideout no this is your end on days 81 to 85 the possessed sisters pushed in as I tried to fight back with my diamond launcher but it was still too slow this clearly isn’t working okay that’s better here goes

Nothing I ran up and grabbed one of their firing it quickly at a charging sister and it actually hit her yes wo wo I had never fired a gun before which caused me to spray fire bullets wildly around the room oh no everything’s on fire stop him but before the sisters

Could attack the roof collapsed on top of them try teleporting out of that I should probably grab the money and go with that I grabbed the remainder of my money finally becoming a trillionaire again I was richer than ever and even my clothes transformed to reflect just that

Oh yeah as I was prepared to leave though there in the distance I saw a machine on top of my dad’s Tower one that looked big on days 86 to 90 I flew back towards my dad’s Tower to see Sylvio was there talking to his men with

My naive nephew out of the picture this city will be ours today began a new era for this wretched city today is finally my day to rule with that Sylvio pressed a button that caused massive Mech walls to form up around the city and the Machine on

Top the tower began to charge up when my machine reaches its peak it will crash down and this city will be Rubble then we will build the most powerful City in the world the ground began to shakee as the machine charged he’s insane how

Do I even stop him I may just have an answer for you sir bear return home Foo there’s something you should see on days 91 to 94 I flew quickly back to my base where I saw bear had turned our warehouse into a luxurious shelter for the city’s citizens nice thinking all in

A days works sir and it seems Sylvio told you yeah he was my uncle and he killed my father his very own brother I’m going to stop him and do whatever it takes to save this town well good thing we have a few people here who are

Wanting to push back against Sylvio 2o that’s right it’s time to take back the city all right everyone let’s end this on days 95 to 99 the armed citizens and I marched towards my father’s town power as more Quakes shook the earth below huh just like your father always choosing to

Support the losing side I’m not scared of you anymore Church the civilians began firing on the henchmen with all the weapons I bought for them wao it was an allout Warfare in the city as I called in my mech suit to fight through the crowd my attacks were

Pushing them back but the earthquake machine is at 90% charge no I started to make my way towards the tower when a goon launched an RPG at me because of this I was thrown out of my Mech and he was about to shoot me again but go on

Foso we can take it from here ah thank goodness that’s when I saw Sylvio running into my father’s Tower oh no you don’t on day 100 I flew up to the roof of the Tower and was now at the foot of the machine there I saw the computer

That was controlling all of this I have to turn it off ah my stupid nephew still think you can defeat me I have to for my dad Sylvio then quickly threw a grenade at my feet I left away from the explosion but as I looked he was gone

You got a lot to learn kid I flew up in a burst of speed with my Jetpack and launched a diamond at the ground yeah pushing Sylvio back with that we began to fight shooting at one another and hiding from each other’s attacks but the machine 100% complete all I have to do

Is click that button you still think you’re going to stop me I will Sylvio shot as he ran for the button and I shot my fire bullets sadly though he hit me knocking me to the ground h no it’s all over kid check again he looked back and

Saw that I completely fried the machine with my attack no no I nearly flew into the air to escape the top of the tower as it exploded with the machine because of this Sylvio was gone and my father’s entire town could now live in peace

Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as a Trillionaire! I had to save my city from the evil crime boss, Silvio! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens!


  1. Fozo thank u for uploading videos it makes my day. my dad ended hjis life last week and ive been sad but this make it all better. mommys new boyfriend is also really nice

  2. I like the video it’s a shame what happened with Silvio? Why is it always the evil uncle anyway can you do 100 as a necromancer please and your goal is to rule the world by building an undead army by gathering, legendary, necromancer artifacts

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