I Secretly Became Minecraft’s Greatest Hacker

This is me using a Hacked Client to unlock overpowered abilities like x-ray Aimbot and even flight but the reason I’m using these hacks isn’t because I’m a bad person but it’s because of this guy this guy this guy and oh yeah this guy too all of these players use the

Same hack client on a daily basis giving them a huge advantage over other players so I’m going to expose these cheaters all while secretly becoming the best hacker known to man and taking over this entire server and it starts with wait moose how do I install this hit right

Shift the hacks were successfully installed oh my gosh that’s good bro but if at any point I was to get caught using these hacks I would be banned from the server on the spot so if I didn’t want to risk getting caught by the server’s admins I was going to have to

Stick to using three main hacks one being a hack that allows you to see enemies through walls with this little box outline that appears on every player the second being a hack that allows you to see every player’s help which will generally just make it easier to kill

Kill my enemies but the third hack I would have to try to use the least out of them all flight because not only does it send a message in the server’s console when you use it but I also don’t really want to have the most stressful moment in my Minecraft career ever

Happen again so I round froze over oh shoot am I screwed bro now this was probably the worst thing that could have happened to me at this point I mean he literally caught me in 4k obviously fly hacking but somehow I managed to convince froz over that I was using an

Elytra and even though I gotten away with hacking I had still not made any progress on my goal but that’s when moose invited me onto a film server to show me something that could possibly help us out what I can do I can just kill you six times ban you revive you

For free kill you six more times ban you revive you for free and then we get infinite flares I know what he’s saying right now might make absolutely zero sense to you and that’s okay because this server has its own custom plugin that basically allows you to have superpowers in Minecraft now there’s

Five different base Powers you can have all with their own separate abilities and the way you unlock these abilities is by killing other players and gaining what we like to call flare points and what moose was showing me was a way to dupe these points this glitch would help

Our entire team get to five flare points out of the maximum 10 you can have but performing this glitch would be really risky as it would look like we’re just killing each other over and over again in chat so it could take us up to a week

To have a good opportunity to do this but the very next day after getting home from class es for some reason I have a stack of flare points but like I don’t know how that happened oh my God don’t kill me moose no mo

Yes we can we can do you we can do you oh my no way no way that happened moose and Les had gotten caught duping the flare points but due to us having a secret stash of them we were still able to get all three of us to five flare

Points each allowing me to get my first few abilities and these abilities would soon be put to use because not 30 minutes later a mysterious player would show up at our base I’m kiding this would be a great time to test out both my hacks and my new

Abilities in combat something I’d been edging to do for days are we are we jumping are we jumping him should I in after he’s up he’s up guys guys guess what I have bro my dolphin Grace ability allowed me to swim at high speeds in water making it almost

Impossible for pantro to escape this ability would prove to be vital and not just this fight but many to come actually no do not intro do not intro wait why is he Frozen Wait you have freeze yes bro if we just place on Water I can go after he’s getting he’s

Getting people on he’s getting people on he didn’t OBS he definitely went to DM I’m about to accident ENT while trying to turn on my freaking hit boxes dude okay ever’s did nod Sean just told me that ever’s did nod oh my God bro we should oh my I’m getting a boat I’m

Getting a boat hold on the intro of dolphins Grace pant’s teammates would soon arrive and along with them my pain I was getting so much lag that I was forced to stop recording but we had to win this fight all right chat all right chat I

Just got myself mad Loot and I got two extra flare points to take home bro I killed two people I’m not even joking I had gotten 7 out of 10 flare points but the server’s end fight was coming up this weekend and my team still wasn’t

Seen as a server wide power this end fight would be my team’s way of proving ourselves to the entire SMP but to even have the ability to do so we would all need to get to Max flare points knowing that getting these kills would only get

Harder the more we do it me and my team got even more stacked than before with these safety precautions in place me and my team set out to reach Max flare points and with the help of my abilities it wasn’t long until we started getting some kills but real quick if you could

Take a moment to subscribe that would be awesome I’m trying to reach 100,000 subscribers by the end of the year and if you subscribe before we hit this Milestone you can claim your OG ticket proving that you’ve been here since the very start and with the use of flight it

Wasn’t long until we started getting some kills want to thr on him yeah you ready go stop this let’s go them oh my intro was happening oh I see I think he saw you oh you did nice you can’t even out it I was now at nine flare points just one away from

Reaching the maximum you can have you want to P us up but after getting my final kill on Harmony we got word that her team was coming to jump us if we didn’t want to make ourselves look like fools we would have to stay and fight he wait go to the

Enchanting table in the corner there’s like a I’m making an escape tunnel and then we’ll literally just use a portal that I’m going to put down here okay so after building an escape tunnel to use that things got sticky moose and I waited for them to arrive oh there’s two

There’s two do we want to wait for one more should we pop they’re definitely waiting for more to pull up okay this’s A P there p over here we can go right now here pop go go go go go oh my God he’s so annoying I’m on him yep yep yep some poison

Him oh he can out got you since one was 18 here bro oh it’s not good bro they’re all here bro what the heck cypro is here I just killed him bro I should have taken his stuff hey go in the water I’m going in the water I’m

Going in the water go I did you’re dead no no way you just died bro the heck are you serious what oh what the heck okay I’m good I’m going in and I’m running and kill you so you get so he keeps the flare or didn’t you get

Out I’m out bro L all they can do all they can do is outnumber I’m out I’m L I had escaped but sadly moose had died also we kind of caught pantro fly hacking in that fight if you don’t mind let me let me just show you a little bit what happened here

Okay oh what is that yeah so someone was actually on my account at the time and with him getting kicked right away I couldn’t help but wonder how long it would be until I got caught hacking and inevitably get kicked from the server as well but right now I couldn’t worry

About that because after after this loss we knew that we had to bounce back against this team and really prove ourselves so the following day after rearing me and my teammate Les headed to spawn for a mystery event that our enemies from yesterday would also be attending this could be our chance to

Actually get back against their team but little did we know that this event would be one of the toughest challenges our team would ever experience on the server so I gathered all of you here over the past week there’s just been constant fighting there’s one team in specifically that has caused way more

Problems they’re ruthless and they do not care I want you to kill Lord Les and sober and whoever let us have chance to talk let have a chance to talk hold on hold on can we can we talk can we talk bro bro yo what the heck is

This bro what’s happening booty holes booty holes bro you’re not singing that right now in this situation me and Les were getting jumped in a literal two 2 versus 12 and upon entering the water I realized that I didn’t have my Dolphins Grace ability anymore because not 30

Minutes ago the plugin to the server literally just broke leaving only me and Les without abilities so to fix this issue the owner decided to update the plug-in which also coincidentally nerfed my abilities making it so that I didn’t have dolphin’s Grace anymore I’m fighting maxic he’s actually like what

Is bro like what do I do in this situation I’m about to get quick drop what the they’re all on me s’s killing me s’s kill’s killing me where are you where are you where are you I’m dead I’m dead go to go to the tunnel go to the tunnel

Go to the tunnel hey you know you see me you see me I see I see I see you go go go go go they’re here bro I’m going down go down go down wait someone else went down here what the heck shoot they broke it they broke the portal they

Broke the portal I’m dead oh oh my God bro no actually don’t die are you stuck they’re all on me they’re all on me there’s like no point ciper on bro now just they shears they Shear what the I just turned around and see 10 people bro I had somehow escaped the

Fight but L was still being attacked so I had to make an escape tunnel and fast SW bro this isn’t good I see you I see you I see you do you see me no okay okay okay come to there’s going to be like a

River kind of thing in the in the river there’s going to be like a cutout you see me you see me you see me they’re going to break it down here down here down here go go down go down go down go down go down come go go go go go go go

Go go oh my god oh he’s in one’s in one’s in one’s in one’s in I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out oh my God oh my gosh oh my god did we just pull that off we had escaped the 2v2 with not even a scratch but soon after returning to our

Base to rear oh Shi they’re here they’re here they put they put it up they put it up they know they know they know they put it up they put it up now we should we should actually do MAIF l l oh my God no way he sharpness is bro

Somebody’s low oh my God way BR Cyro here oh no everyone is on bro can we get out I think so yeah I’m going through this portal I’m going through this portal portal oh no there hun on me bro it’s not good out I don’t know how but we

Managed to escape again and we’re smart enough to restock on materials at a different base this time but this was proof that we had what it took to defeat the entire server on Saturday we were able to escape a 2v2 twice but both my teammates weren’t at 10 flare points yet

And getting them there would be extremely hard especially if every time we fought them our team would be outnumbered so me and moose came up with a new PVP technique that used a special combo of abilities to Quick drop our enemies and the very next day we would

Get a chance to try this strategy in combat when some of the enemies randomly showed up at our base so there’s one right right next to our base are you for real yep let go kill himor oh my God lavender won bro lav L bread B eating bread I don’t think they all

Got lav lavender we’re going to tr out lavender for a bit you freeze and then web everyone else up okay yep good stuff let’s go bro let’s go so good we’re so good I’ll get fishy I’ll get fishy you take yours you take you take you take fish literally dead oh my God

BR no way he outshot that dude darn it dude I think I think honestly he had a chance to getting through that Portal let’s go nice let’s go bro let’s go that’s actually light work for us that’s light work for us this was a huge win for our team not only had we gotten moose to Max flare points but we had somewhat proved our team to the server

And with the end fight being the very next day we were as confident as ever but when I tried to log on in the morning my worst fear became a reality because all this time the server had been Gathering evidence of me hacking to use against me and I was finally banned

For rule breaking Loop poing and you guessed it hacks and if you like this video consider watching the one on screen now where I share my journey joining the slots SMP

I Secretly Became Minecraft’s Greatest Hacker
*DISCLAIMER*: This video is for entertainment purposes only. Every member of this server including myself does not condone hacking of any kind and you should never do it.

Like InfamousJJ and his Infuse SMP Series, he was betrayed on this Minecraft SMP. Like Parrot / ParrotX2 Lifesteal SMP Series where he broke bedrock or blew up 12.240 TNT. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP member. This is a new and original Minecraft idea like HermitCraft or LastLife with Grian and MumboJumbo. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is on. I escaped this Minecraft prison like Omziiscool but not Parrot or Clownpierce or Spoke with 100+ / 2,193 Bedrock and TNT. This stacked player stole my permanent hearts on the Lifesteal SMP. Like Willsion and his Slots SMP series, I permanently lost my inventory slots. Like any other video of mine such as These Illegal Items Shouldn’t Exist, I Killed A Stacked Player Using Only A Snowball, Surviving a Week on 1 Inventory Slot, This Base is 100% Invisible, and Why I Hate Netherite are unscripted videos of mine! In this video, I Kill the entire server using overpowered armor. Just like Render and This Base is Impossible to Find, This Item is Impossible to Find made by Parrot. Will I be able to illegally end this Minecraft SMP with HACKS?

This series is inspired by Wadzee, sandiction and Luke TheNoteable Series, as well as Mumbo Jumbo and Grian on the Hermitcraft server. However, instead of it being Wadzee, Luke, Mumbo Jumbo, Grian, sandiction, it’s actually just Wenzo. I like to make Giant Mega Builds, and this is similar to a Custom Minecraft Challenge video, except the Custom Minecraft Challenge is to survive. This video was inspired by Fantst’s Beating Minecraft with One Slot, and PrinceZam’s I Survived A Week On 1 Heart.

Business Inquiries: slordfighterbusiness315@gmail.com

Follow my socials:
➽ Twitter – @slordfighter
➽ Second Channel – @shlongfighter

Thumbnail Inspiration: @TruOriginal

Get your own server: https://billing.apexminecrafthosting.com/aff.php?aff=8786

A MInecraft video made by SlordFighter. This video was made on the Flair SMP.

#minecraft #smp #lifestealsmp #blisssmp


  1. If you where the best hacker you would have used lambda client combined with future meteor and a port of phobos clean and also server seeker addon and a pingspofer

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