How powerful is the Mighty Wind of Terraria?

How hard does the Mighty Wind push you? We all know that the Mighty Wind slowly   pushes you left or right depending on wind  direction in a Sandstorm, but how fast is   this movement exactly, and what does it depend on? This video is all about the Mighty Wind mechanic,  

And while small, there’s  actually plenty to talk about.  By default, if you’re just  standing still on the ground,   the Mighty Wind will constantly push you with  an acceleration of 0.06 pixels per tick-squared,   or roughly 8.23 meters per second-squared  / 18.408 miles per hour per second. This is  

Equal to exactly 75% of the base acceleration of  a Terraria player, so this is pretty powerful.  Note, though, that this is purely acceleration,  not velocity. The Mighty Wind does nothing to   affect your top running speed – walking either  against or with the wind eventually gets you  

To the same top speed – but the time to  get to that speed is what changes. That   is its acceleration working against or with you. However, despite that, the Mighty Wind itself   still has a top speed. After all, if  you are standing still, the Mighty  

Wind won’t just keep accelerating you in one  direction. So, if you aren’t doing anything,   the wind alone will never accelerate you past 0.06  pixels per tick, or 0.3 miles per hour. This “top   wind speed” is the same speed that you would reach  after 1 tick of being accelerated by it, and it is  

What you experience when just idle in the wind. That is just the Mighty Wind’s base power though;   it can be further strengthened or  weakened by three factors – wind speed,   movement status, and vertical mobility. If the weather wind speed is greater than  

25 miles per hour, the Mighty Wind becomes  37% stronger. This is obviously to replicate   the power of a stronger, faster wind. Then, if you are moving yourself – that is,   holding left or right on your keyboard or  controller – the wind becomes 20% weaker.  

This is to make moving through the Mighty Wind  slightly less painful, and possibly to replicate   the effect of “fighting” against the wind. Lastly, if you’re moving vertically – that is,   either airborne or climbing a slope  – the Mighty Wind becomes a whopping  

50% stronger. This effect was likely added to  simulate how much stronger the wind would feel   if you were in the air or running up a cliff. All of these effects combine multiplicatively,   affecting both the wind’s acceleration  and the wind’s own “max speed”. Here is a  

Chart if you want it for some reason. Looking at all these possibilities,   you’ll notice that if you’re airborne and the wind  speed is greater than 25mph, the acceleration of   the wind is actually greater than your player’s  base acceleration. That means without accessories  

Or buffs, the wind should actually push you  backwards, even if you’re running against it.  Luckily, this doesn’t happen, due to a change in  the Mighty Wind made in 1.4. If you’re holding   down A or D, the Mighty Wind’s acceleration  is hard capped at 0.072 pixels/tick^2, or 90%  

Of your player’s base acceleration. This makes  being pushed back while running against the wind   basically impossible unless you have some slowness  debuff, making it a whole lot less frustrating.  This change was definitely welcome  considering how frustrating the Mighty  

Wind was back during the days of 1.3. Back in 1.3, not only was the Mighty   Wind stronger – having a base acceleration of  0.07 pixels per tick^2 versus 0.06 – it also   was not capped as mentioned previously.  This meant that it was almost impossible  

To accelerate against the wind if it was  stronger than 25mph (even when grounded),   and if you were airborne the wind would always  push you backwards unless you had movement buffs.  If you remember getting hung up on jumps  like this during Sandstorms in 1.3,  

This is why. The acceleration while  airborne was simply that powerful back then.  Let’s just say that I’m thankful  that this is no longer an issue.  So, that is the power of the Mighty Wind.  Numerically, it’s actually a relatively strong  

Force, though it’s still not enough to stop the  player after 1.4. It’s noticeable, but not really   a nuisance, especially once you get movement gear  like the Magiluminescence or Lightning Boots.   Overall, i think it’s a solid 4/10. Hello! If you found this enjoyable,  

Consider subscribing, as just a fourth of you  are. Similar videos aught to be on the left or   right. Either way though, thank you for watching,  and good day and good bye. See you next week!

How powerful is the Mighty Wind of Terraria?
for a wind it is fairly mighty
99.6% pointless discord:


0:00 Introduction
0:20 The base acceleration of the Mighty Wind
0:57 The Mighty Wind’s max speed (how fast it can push you alone)
1:23 Mighty Wind speed modifiers
2:20 Mighty Wind acceleration cap (when trying to move)
2:57 The Mighty Wind… borked 1.3 edition
3:38 Conclusion & Closer

Terraria – Sandstorm

Sand, Wind and Camel by HD footage

Mods and Packs:
Foundry & Alchemy (Pack) –
Fancy Lighting [Ultra Preset] (Mod) –
Stanberry Font (Pack) –
Stormdark UI (Pack) –
DragonLens (Cheat Mod) –
Better Zoom (QoL) –
Character Stats (QoL) –

How powerful is the Mighty Wind of Terraria?


  1. not only was mighty wind a lot stronger in 1.3 but i remember sandstorms being a lot more frequent; idk if this was actually the case or i just got really unlucky for like, a year straight but it felt like there was constantly a sandstorm, and any time it stopped it would start a few minutes later. made exploring like, half the overworld basically impossible without any movement accessories :/

  2. Can you please expand the topic and explain what force it has? For calculation use an inventory full of thrones (made out of gold) and a full gold armor in all 3 sets including a gold watch each we now one gold ore is 1 tile big and we can use gold to meassure how heavy the terrarian is and then we can see how strong the wind is if we only calculate the simple surface for the terrarian as impact surface

  3. I also remember back in 1.3 that mighty wind seemed a lot more common. You never got a sandstorm when you wanted it, but it always found a way to start whenever you wanted to travel through the desert, make a build, fight a boss…

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