Returning to Sunny Hills Farm! [1] – Stardew Valley Expanded

Hello hello hello hello hello welcome back welcome back to Friendly NE Noob of course I’m friendly we’re back we’re back with stardew Valley once again I haven’t really played this since the start of my YouTube Journey so it’s actually really cool to be back although we’re back with a moded stardo Valley

Stardo Valley expanded and I’m super excited to get into it I hope you are too and if you are don’t forget to like subscribe share with all your friends don’t forget to eat spaghetti and let’s begin this stard Dew Valley Journey let’s see if I actually learned anything

Let’s go here we are here we are selecting a character now I’m pretty basic with this I I kind of like the uh the Bas basic stuff got nice brown hair actually I want to change the hair let’s do a darker brown this time is that okay

Oh that that like removes this oh saturation oh that’s kind of cool the saturation what’s this oh that’s just the color color Okay eye color oo I always do blue even though I actually have um brown eyes I always do blue I’ve never understood why maybe I

Really like blue eyes but yes so we’re going to choose the immersive Farm to remaster a huge pot of land with gated progression featur till features tillable grass and secrets to discover which is kind of cool um and I’m going to go with friendly we’re going to call

It sunny View you I’ve always called it like Sunny something cuz of um Buffy the Vampire Slayer I don’t know why and spaghetti cuz guys you cannot forget to eat your spaghetti I would be very upset if you do we also replace cats in the mods with uh foxes and I love foxes

They’re my favorite animal so we’re going to keep that going here we go our first day oh okay so we’re going to work here oh why why am I wearing a blue outfit wearing the wrong outfit what the hell pass Snips yeah cool we got some pass Snips my my

Outfit is oh what the hell is it is it do you have like oh it’s comfy outfit oh that’s so cute so when you come in here I have my little blue out little like a blue sky kind of outfit soone I can go

To sleep and stuff oh I even have a cup of tea oh it’s a decorative bowl a that’s so cute wait wait oh whoops can I can I actually like rotate that in any way no damn it oh well I’ll figure out that out later put over here but that’s so

Cute I have a little comfy outfit okay what’s this I’ve heard knew was uh someone new was moving into the valley and thought it after a housewarming gift I’ve included my old hand mirror with a letter which should help you go with your fashion scents if you ever lose it

You can buy one from the pier shop okay cool we got a fashion mirror wonderful we also got getting started cultivate and harvest the par Snips and meet people that’s fine right let’s start clearing our space for our pnps uh uh we should also go buy some more seeds it’s

The seed we definitely need the seed uh I need as many seeds as I possibly can get so sometimes you can get random seeds when you’re actually when you’re when you’re knocking things down and by that I mean slicing with your Scythe Scyther CER take this one remove that one yes I

Know it’s not ready yet and we’ll remove this one which is going to take a lot of my energy to destroy now why I want to buy so many seeds is because I want profit as quickly as possible the faster you get profit the faster you kind of

Get well you kind of get better at the game faster but uh I i’ I’ve learned preserves is the best thing and I cannot remember if preserves you can get from farming or foraging uh so I want to get as much experience in farming as possible and that that means more seeds

I have heard potatoes are the best for uh for spring and I think we’re currently in Spring it is our first day after all so I might look into that just have a little bit of a looky in a peek uh but I’m pretty sure it’s potatoes because it’s uh the highest profit

Margin but you know it’s not the best it takes like six days so it’s it’s not the best but it’s pretty good so let’s go into town and buy some seeds oo is there any like plants for energy nope Noone around here also because we’re playing expanded which is a modded version of

Stardew Valley there are lots of things that have been added including this look at the farm behind there there’s also some buildings been added I believe there’s new characters all kinds of stuff nothing posted today oh I watered it for some reason water it water it

What is this oh jeez okay well I’ll look into that and hopefully we can afford it one day let’s get as many as we can let’s completely buy out the stock completely buy out the at the start wait can I sell stuff to him only sap well

Let’s sell some sap shall we let’s sell some sap the other thing I need I needed to learn when I first start starting out is if you don’t need to take certain tools with you don’t so if you’re going exploring um I wouldn’t take any tools

With me just because I don’t need to take the tools with me I would take the hoe though the hoe just in case you see some worms in the ground cuz then you want to instantly like get them up they they like they have special stuff where

Whether it be stuff for the museum or sometimes the library oh okay no no we’re going okay we’re doing this there we go I don’t know I don’t know why I did that way but now let’s water them and then we can go down to the beach

Beach beach gets get away say say what they going to say come back okay so and we also don’t have any Spar like seeds from slash hacking and slashing which is a little sad uh should I build a oh how many do I need for a chest I need 50 I need 50

Pieces of wood for a chest all right let’s uh let’s knock down this tree let’s see if it’s going to give us enough I do not think it does but let’s give it a go you know let’s give it a go and see if we have enough energy to

Actually get all all 50 pieces oh that’s fit 17 and that is not enough it’s kind of sad okay maybe we should do it along the way uh cuz we’re definitely going to need a chest we’re definitely going to need a chest four five six seven and we

Need two more one two here we are so we build a chest oh there and probably going to put it over here with the dog livs just for now oh that’s right I forgot I have the big chest uh I’m sure someone will be angry with me in the

Comments and say isn’t that cheating how do you lose be like so much space I wanted to kind of have as much space as possible mainly because I always have the issue of not having enough space in the chest to fit everything from a certain category so I made them bigger

Fire mods it is a modded version I already tell I’m telling you guys I’m being honest about that is the modded version it’s probably going to be easier but I just want to have more fun cuz last time I just didn’t have as much fun

As I could have had oo what’s this oh yeah the bridge you have to get 300 pieces of wood I’m not going to get 300 pieces of wood it’s a lot of wood and I only had enough for one chest that is a fact o CL

It’s a clam one clam that’s all that was there today oh that’s sad it’s almost painful to find One Singular clam feeling a bit clammy guys oh she’s new oh Blue Moon Vineyard interesting haven’t seen that before I think that might be a new addition uh let’s find

Some stuff because I believe that there’s things around here could sell oh what’s down there what’s down there what’s down this what’s this what’s this are there shellock spring onions spring onion and that’s a dandelion yeah I was about to say daffodil a daffodil o bottles so long logo on the bottle there

So much disgustingness here what the hell what the hell this is Fair Haven Farm there is like heaps of farms are we all competing with each other I am the best and brightest of all the farm O someone had a little bit of a party

There damn why wasn’t I invited I am a party animal okay maybe I’m not a party animal anymore but I was a party animal I was I was cool once don’t know if I was ever cool but I I liked stuff I liked doing things wait

Where am I oh I’m in the forest the Skellington what’s this what’s this there’s magic everywhere what’s this Rud rudra r rudra Vineyard oh this one’s been abandoned for a little while oh my oh an ancient doll okay you found an artifact the curat local Museum will like this uh I also got some soggy newspaper what’s that R Vineyard bang

Corrupt due to market crash stardo Valley the efficiency I mean I you could tell the first bit expired many will follow that’s sad JoJo’s logo I wonder I wonder what happened to this place godamn JoJo they do this to everyone soggy moving boxes barrels are empty wait what’s this this not something oh

Well that’s sad this used to be the perfect place to go and hang until they had to run well until they had to leave had to run away oh another finding a decent amount in here maybe this is the place for foraging I’m a forager now I’m

A forager friendly oh another wild wait can I get through here I feel like I should be able to get through here to grab that no no no I want the mushroom give me the godamn mushroom who knows this might be a waste of time but at the

End of the day we got a whole bunch of uh of this stuff which might be helpful later so Al you could sell it too which will give you a little bit of money to then go out of your way to go get a whole bunch more seeds so there is that

Option there is that option oh you can shake trees you can shake trees shake shake shake shake shake shake shake your branches honestly most these would probably be only worth like 25 coins to 10 to 25 coins but with the amount we have we might be able to go buy another

Like five potato seeds which is going to be worth it in the end so there’s definitely a consideration that better head home though it’s getting late it’s getting cold and scary ah oh all I need is my nice warm bed ah day two day two ah beautiful day and we got six 700

Coins damn uh just got back for my fishing trip you should come down to the beach sometime I’ve got something for you I think he’s more of like a piratey sort of person uh okay so today we’re going to have to do a lot of watering

But we’re going to do some more plant placing cuz we can go get another I think it’s 12 potato the more the merrier in my opinion the more the merer and it’s it’s oh archaeology visit gun through the museum ah yes cuz we found something and go to the beach uh was

After 5:00 p.m. or before 5:00 p.m. let’s check that he says here something visit the Beast before 5:00 p.m. okay so we’ll go there after we’ll do some watering we’ll go collect the plants we go see Gunther and then we’ll go get a fishing rod see I have I have got a plan

I’ve got a schedule and very few deadlines oh yeah how where is the water it got to be it’s got to be around here somewhere water water oh there’s some never mind water fun fun so if I just go up to here and do this be fine nope okay

Do I have to go all the way around cuz I can’t actually I didn’t bring my pickaxe I didn’t think I need it I didn’t think I need it okay why would I need my pickaxe it’s so dumb um there we go and then just walk right up to it and yay

That’s so stupidly far away from my farm but okay but okay it’s like that kid that doesn’t actually agree with you it’s like but okay Mommy I is okay you go have your your happy juice I would be that kid I was that kid

I want a kid like that I want a sassy kid you know the sassy kid that’s on your side though I don’t want the sassy kid who’s against me the one who’s like but Mom we both know I look better in these pants and we go going it’s true

Actually that’s weird why would you say your child looks better at pants okay maybe when they were like a a teenager or an adult then then you can be like yeah sure you look great I think that’s the thing parents are just like yeah sure whatever I will support you in your

Delusions of grander what’s this oh okay uh when do I have to have it by looking for someone to bring me 20 copper ores for inspection Clint sure I don’t know when that will when I’ll have it but sure like there is no way just no way uh

60 and 60 o look at that we got 12 let’s grab some more potatoes I’m a Potato I’m a Potato we have 16 potatoes let’s go excitement oh puppy just say hello to people in my way hi random person who’s this hello oh it’s Penny hi Penny hi Penny uh so where

Is the museum oh this looks like it hello oh it’s open ah oh my look at all them abiso not a single piece in the entire collection poor poor poor man H oh we jumped for Joy what’s this you found something let me see here you go

Have a look remarkable it’s very old I’d love to study this in the greater detail but it is yours H I’ve got a favor to ask you would you consider Dona any new artifacts or minerals you let you find can make a groundbreak and Discover it

Together oh and who knows if you keep doting I might come across some interesting items to send your way okay sounds good think about it will you if you decide to donate just bring the objects to the front desk I’ll donate my little doll thing it’s cute but uh it’s

Also kind of creepy I also like that they’ve expanded the museum to make it even cooler and they gave like a glass casing I don’t think the original one had a glass casing I could be wrong um it’s even over here like look at this design that’s so cool I think this would

Be over here course you can move them later now let’s go down to the beach beach Let’s Get Away hi there hi there hello I I came hi there sonny there were a newcomer in town good to find a mea oh ah I’m sure trying to

Unwind from a month out on the S Seas it was a big Hall I sold a lot of good fish finally saved enough to buy me a new Rod okay here I want you to have my old fishing rod it’s important to me that arter fishing stays alive and hey maybe

You’ll buy something from the shop once in a while um sure of course I will I received a bamboo Bamboo pole bamboo pole okay there’s good water here here in the valley all kinds of fish oh yeah my Shop’s back open now so come by if you need supplies also uh buy anything

You can catch I’ll also buy anything you catch if it smells it sells that’s what the old puppy used to say anyway a who’s puppy he’s just enjoying his afternoon by the Sea by the Sea Side what a wonderful sea now I believe I made fishing a little easier

Cuz i i stardo Fishing is my least favorite fishing of any fishing that exists I hate it I ate it with a fiery passion I have never liked stardo JY fishing so hopefully this will make it easier I don’t believe it made it much easier cuz that was that was fine it was

A sunfish oh I got a sunfish that’s kind of cool I like sunfishes I like fish do you like fish uh We’ve also got to go plant all of the uh 16 potatoes and water them they’re going to be one day behind the rest of the crops but it

Doesn’t really matter that’s still on the 16 we only got 10 in the first batch that’s 26 potatoes we could be selling and hopefully some of them won’t be um uh so oh no supposed to wait till hit um but no hopefully some of them will be a

Better quality and that means we’ll get even more monies that’d be awesome I’m sorry the song suck in my head right now is um the one from to by the Sea Side what a wonderful sea a Seaside wedding would be divine oh I love that song I Like swey

To actually really Doo but I’m not feel feeling the murderous fantasy while fishing so am I supposed to hit it as soon as the exclamation mark comes up is that what I I’m supposed to do remember no it’s not I I don’t remember how to do this

Properly I’m I’m done we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out o 250 oh you guys know I’m about to go buy more potato seeds Okay let’s go buy some more potato seeds sell the shell uh is there anything else is there like some worms poking out really good no no wormies

That sucks as soon as I see any worms in the ground I am ripping them up welcome okay so 1 2 3 four five now we have 21 sell that one sell that one we have 25 25 we have 25 seeds that is awesome that

Is way too awesome this is like this is like way too cool oh God we’re going to have to do some more um Escavating aren’t we Excavating that one that one that one go down this way my major issue is going to be like I need a scarecrow I

Need to get a scarecrow as soon as possible um because crows are little shits crows are evil and little shits and they don’t like it when you plant things cuz they’re like that’s my food now and when you tell them no they come after all of your crops and don’t leave

One single one left they shits they’re little shits sorry crows but you kind of deserve it you have been little shits before um so I can’t just like do this and go one two three oh no oh it’s like you missed one and it goes terribly okay

So three four five just got to water all these yay another place where I can get some water from there are now two places one’s an official place and one’s just a lake hey it’s good enough for me when I was bathing it’s good enough for the

Plants to grow oh didn’t I not tell you guys I was I was bathing in that water that’s embarrassing well there we go we got it all I’m going to sell the fish as well uh why not let’s uh sell the fish now we can put all the stuff away I think the

Rest of it I’m going to spend on wood cuz eventually I’m going to need to get some wood and I’m also going to need to go to the mines at some point and start collecting ores and stuff Stones ores all kinds of things and uh you know got

To get that combat skills up got to get those combat skills up wait what’s this Just Flowers okay it’s the one thing I don’t like about energy is you just lose it so quickly I’m going to go explore for the last couple hours and pick up some foraging stuff cuz that’s pretty

Much all I can do before bedtime ah day three day what’s happening oh than God say day three we’re dead it’s all over okay so we got some stuff oh it’s raining it means I don’t wait where where’s where’s the seed you know what I’m not going to look a gift

Horse in the mouth in the mouth um so I’m going to put that there and that there I found some rice shoots that’s going to be great for later tasty tasty tasty I’m going to put stuff I found over here here Bam Bam um so we’re going

To go towards the mines I don’t know if you can actually get in the mines yet so that that’s going to be something we’re going to work out together we’re going to work out together where we’re actually wanted or not but yeah I really

Want to get into the Min so I can start getting some copper so that I can get a copper pickaxe other such tools other such things and uh remind myself to collect every single forgeable item why is this zero why is a daffodil give you Zero Energy I ate a daffodil

The first time I did this and I was like what happened oh what the hell that’s from family welcome to the valley my name is my name is mar man Da you need a trick call sh there’s no better place than ja M oh God did I just spend more

On seeds when I didn’t have to please tell me potato seeds are that much cheaper if they’re like less than 50 by like a mile I’m going to cry oh it’s closed till 10 damn its times are terrible no wonder it’s cheaper they don’t pay their staff to be there long

Enough hi I have a gem for you donate to the museum a gem isn’t it beautiful H I’m going to put there there we go second donation I’ve donated a gem and a GI and a ugly ass toy and a giant toy I do love the rain in this game it does so

Much for me makes everything just a little bit easier now raining usually means that you don’t have to bother with um with having to water your Bloods it is the best every time I see rain I’m like yes personally I Wish It Would Rain all the time I wish it was non-stop rain

I wish there was only rain but I don’t get that option so today we’re going to look at the mins and see if we can get in if we can’t we’re going to the community center and same thing oh God okay well can I can I break this no no I

Cannot okay looks like something someone’s working working on that so we’ll look into that a little bit later so instead let’s get to the community center we have many communal Co things to check out communic communico and as I said before what is that is that supposed to be grass textures gone weird

But uh yeah collect anything we see so that we can sell it and buy more seeds it’s locked oh no oh no it’s not that’s that’s to CRA guy so we can’t go into either of them no sad it’s actually she really sad maybe we should talk to some people and actually introduce

Ourselves hi I just rocked up to their town and said nothing um three car I don’t even know where a car comes from do they do these have time frames oh they do it say like final day oh well I’m yeah I’m not going to get that one

Where where is C found in stardo Valley I think that should be the next question I don’t have my fishing rod I have to go get my fishing rod and then we’ll go to the mountain area type place cuz I think it’s this Lake hi one of the best parts

About having modded is you can add certain things so currently I have a mod that helps me transport like fast travel to named areas now I can’t fast travel like just teleport to anywhere on the map can only fast travel to named areas but it makes life so much easier it

Really does and what are these um where the hell am I where is this it’s very foggy here I don’t know if I like it where where am I hello where am I mapwise oh I’m over here somehow how am I I’m still on my farm plot but not on

My farm plot that is crazy what’s this one take me no the other one this one where does this take me wait oh it’s over here so then you can go here huh that’s suspicious okay let’s go fish up some carp now all I have to do is

Remember how to fish how do I fish again is that the thing where you like throw a Your Rod into the water actually let’s do a bigger one don’t you have to like do it as soon as the thing pops up no how when when do you do it do oh God no

No not that way this way this way how do I do it how do I do it how do I do it that’s the question so this and you wait wait patiently okay I’m I’m bored now it’s been two seconds I’m bored come on

Come on yeah okay so you have to do it earlier that’s the problem I had oh no I I went too crazy with it that was my fault that was my fault I’m terrible at fishing I’m mainly terrible at the stard valley fishing to say I’m good at most

Other the fishing games especially the Paleo one I’m actually quite decent at the Paleo one I’m not going to lie okay so what is it that’s a largemouth bass that is not a c I need a c I need a giant crap I must admit the name carp is

Terrible though for a fish would you like a side of carp with your fish and chips this is a oh what’s that a bullhead okay I’m getting different types of fish which is nice but I kind of want a car just just just a little

Bit of a c would be nice it said mountain and it also says secret Forest don’t know what the secret Forest is what makes it secretive you know I can’t get the prize yeah this fish is going nowhere near that chest so I’m not going

To get that chest oh well I tried oh carp yay we did it and the carpet’s got a silver on it which I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing like am I going to need these later for the uh the museum as well or the community

Center sorry the community center keep forgetting we’re not playing coral island you don’t need it for the museum I play coral island Pia Dinkum and when that all happens all at once your brain just forgets which game con where oh two silver ones okay so we need one more for

Willie we need one more we can do this I Believe in Us okay we have three cup let’s go go hand them in let’s go get them to him where would Willie be oh where oh where would Willie be he wouldn’t be fishing at this point time

It’s locked but like where’s is he actually here oh that’s right they don’t show up on the map like other games that’s annoying maybe I can get them to him tomorrow I’m going to have to I think oh well we’ll give them to him tomorrow we’ll do it first thing that

Way we can be like hey we got your stuff let’s go put the fish inside the um the sail bin ah ah fishing wise we’ve been very productive anything else wise not so much I’m going to cut down some trees as I said I every time I have some like

I have extra experience at the end of the day I’m cutting down trees to get that 300 so we can reach the other side of that uh broken bridge might seem silly don’t care I want to get across there plus there are so many things that actually need wood like in all honestly

There are heaps of things that need wood so focusing on wood at any point isn’t a bad idea at all I’ve just noticed they like they like section off the areas like this one’s sectioned off as well it’s just like heaps of sectioned off the areas I wish there was like a mini

Map of just what I’m seeing right now ah I probably should I probably should look into that shouldn’t I new mod yay like don’t mind me I’m just cleaning up the area around close the closest area to my house and then just moving out slowly it’s almost time to go to bed

[ __ ] Brand New Day h no it’s not raining though it’s not raining though that’s sad all right uh it’s time to do some more stuff by stuff I mean let’s water it’s going to take us a few trips to the watering uh hole hope we can build a

Well or something or some sprinklers I don’t mind what what we’re doing but it has to be one of those things cuz otherwise it’s going to take way too long I go to the point in Carl Island where I literally was like I’m not doing anything else until I build Sprinklers

And I only Built I only like used the amount of seeds that I have sprinklers like nope no more no more that’s it I’m sure many people will look at my Island as well and say it’s a waste but I don’t care the same with this as soon as I get

Sprinklers I am like doing all the sprinkly work there’ll be so many sprinklers it will be ridiculous actually I have pickaxe this time what am I doing I have a pickaxe this time there we Go I will say the pars are coming along though believe the pars only take like 4 days so tomorrow they think they should be ready or is it the next day maybe it it’s six days I wonder how many days there are in the en entire one year of

Of uh St Valley no wonder anyway let’s go down to the uh the bay so that we can give Willie his fish oyster no no no no no no no no no prefer muscles myself but Moyers are still great so I just prefer muscles sounds like I’m talking about

Something else okay so how do I do a task by the way uh you keep getting the fish good luck Willie so if I talk to Willie there we go hey you succeeded friendly the carpon exciting catch don’t you think one time I caught one the size

Of an encyclopedia set well oh there you go look a little hot well here’s some award congratulations what did I get oh N Gold okay I got a little bit of gold tiny B gold and the experience oh I get to keep them okay so they just want me

To catch it that that’s pretty much it they don’t care about how I do it there long as I catch it well that’s kind of weird oh it’s it’s oh H hey hey how how are you hi how you doing I was just wondering how far down

This m goes I’m going to take care of some of those monsters in here before they start climbing out into the valley oh Shifty eyes I’ve met a lot of Adventures in my time I recognize that look in your eye old age isn’t right rob

Me of my eyesight or my skill with the sword quite yet take this weapon it may not look like much but it’s imbued with magic with it you’ll be able to battle monsters in here yay we have a sword slicey dicey slicey dicey sword I’ll keep my

Eye on you prove yourself and I might think about making you a member I feel like the next goal for me should be getting 2,000 coins so that I can uh wait what the rocks back what happened I got across and into the mine somehow like came back I don’t know it’s it’s

Glitched it’s glitched it’s fine um but yeah so hopefully I can get 2,000 coins so I’m able to pay for the first bag upgrade because honestly not having a bag kind of sucks kind kind of sucks not having enough in my bag space you know just just not enough just not enough I

Mean look at it look look at like it’s got one line it’s so sad it’s so goddamn oh emo girl excuse me emo girl oh that’s right I heard someone knew moving on to the AL oh hello just oh that’s right there’s a person I forgot about that I

Forgot a human was coming I should also donate the um the Jade and the amethyst as well it’s still locked it’s still locked okay let’s go donate hello I have some items to donate once again got a a jade here and an AM IST here we are what

Do you think doesn’t seem like you have anything to donate better get out there start treasure hunting I’m sorry my stuff isn’t good enough jeez I thought my things were amazing guess not ah I like going to Mon’s Ranch I can’t wait to get animals like I’m it took me a

Decent amount of time to get animals last time so trying to make sure it doesn’t do that this time I don’t like spend an entire year waiting patiently and going no I don’t need them right now no I don’t need them right now said I need them I will always need them

Right I will always need them decided to come back to this mysterious Forest so I can collect a whole bunch of the stuff again cuz I kind of want some more I collected a decent amount last time and it was very good they’re prosperous was

Nice got a whole bunch of things I felt very good about myself and I want to feel good about myself again plus I need money I need money in this game I need 2,000s of the monies and I don’t have enough monies so this is an easy way to

Do it and I I got told a lot um in guides they either said sell everything at the start or sell nothing at the start it was like one or the other I was just like so so so which is it what do I

Do now I just sell stuff you know I keep what I need sell everything else right now all I need is a gas Dan cigarette if none of these are a gsh Dan cigarette I don’t want them that a lady who had way too many cigarettes and has affected her voice

She used to have a nice buttery smooth voice and now she doesn’t H godamn she used to be a looker in her age in her time she was really hot now she sounds like this also serious question does that mean Marge from from The Simpsons used

To smoke when she was younger like I don’t know the Simpson B so I don’t know what happened I do know Patty and Selma’s voices are like that because of cigarettes but even Marge has a bit of a pretty sure that’s what she sounds like all the Marge stands are about to

Attack me and be like how dare you talk about my my baby lover Mar like that she is a wonderful human being and you don’t understand her how beautiful and amazing she is to that I say true I don’t I don’t watch The Simpsons so I don’t know I watched enough Simpsons to

Know who they are and that’s it wandering the forest I could get lost maybe I might even die into the woods and far away I feel not safe and I’m but I’m okay I could die and that’ll make me sad maybe death isn’t that bad it’s almost time to head home it’s

Like 7 7:00 it’s 7:00 on the rocket clock I used to watch play school when I was younger aha was hiding from me that daffodill was hiding from me the daffodil the daffodil was hiding from me yes now I found the daffodil I will have a fun

Time oh God that’s awful okay let’s get out of here day five day five and oh uh hi there good morning um hello I noticed that you’ve been breaking some rocks open and find an or that’s good if you want to get the most out of your ores

You find you’ll need a furnace thank you it’s just happen so happens I have an extra set of blueprints drawing around here I want you to have them thank you I suppose thank you for the blueprints you’ve learned furnace the furnace allows you to smell metal bars the bars

Can be used for crafting constructions and Tool upgrades um when you’ve got smelted a few copper bars consider having me upgrade your tools I can make your work a lot easier well okay I’m heading home take it easy I made him sound like an imbecile great someone who

Actually sounds like that is like hey hi my name is Susan Lewis uh Simon is Susan Lewis told me you’re a new farmer in town I’m trapped on my farm in the mountains so I can’t say hi in person hopefully that mess JoJo made will clear that soon because I’m going a little

Stir Crazy can’t wait to meet you and see the farm and shapen up oh another one to our value JoJo Mark customers our team members have remove the landslide caused by drilling operations near the mountain lake and like to remind you that drilling operations is entirely

Legal for student and in it J mendance uh responsible stewardship of the local environment is our top priority we apologize for any inconvenience this accident may have caused always as always the Val continued support and patronage Morris George all customer satisfaction representative another words okay I did so much haven’t I you might

Need some more space someday that’s where I can help if you bring me some raw materials and pay a fee I can expand your house first expansion I offer is a kitchen with a kitchen you’ll be able to cook recipes you’ve learned anyway I hope you’re starting to feel at home in

New dream life Valley your local Carpenter Robin there we go and also can I point out POS Snips we got a whole bunch of POS Snips look at all of them we 15 pass Snips that means we finished getting started 100 coins so yeah forging ahead craft a furnace raise

Animals build a coupe and reach level one farming to craft a scarecrow okay first of all let’s see if we can if we have enough to get a scarecrow not a scarecrow a furnace jeez I didn’t know that right okay the furnace is going to take 20 and it’s also going to take

Stone so that ain’t happening right now uh so what I’m going to is I’m going to take the pickaxe and the sword and we’re actually going to go down to the mines first of all though I’m going to go buy if this Pips are going to sell for

Enough some items so I’m going to start what’s this ging toit here could you please bring potatoes I’m studying them as part of my biology research um depending on how long this Quest is yes two days okay hopefully we’ll have one so Demetrius is the wizard I believe so

We’re getting potatoes so we might be able to get that just in time my goal today is actually to get the bag the new backpack upgrade I I want it I need it I must have it and uh at this point I feel like I just don’t have enough space

Inventory wise and it would be really great if I could just get it please so if these pass Snips sell for I don’t know 50 each that would be great might might still not be enough but come on just something please I just I want it I

Want it so bad I do H let’s see if there’s anything down by the ocean that we can sell by the seaside what a wonderful sea before the uh the Market opens up and have a look yay it’s gone thank God it’s gone that’s good and that means we can come all the

Way over here yay to the mines wait what that’s not the mines what’s this what is this where am I Oh that’s oh this is the mines yeah cuz that’s the the the guild guy that’s the mines not used to it being in a separate area but I forget

We’re in expanded right now so of course it’s going to be a separate area what was I thinking so dumb I’m so dumb oh a boat that’s kind of cool will that take me somewhere at some point also what is this un loving Mary Isabelle beloved wife mentor and

Adventurer a that’s really sad let’s sell these turnips they better sell for some like come on no not enough not enough that makes me very sad that makes me a Sad Panda you can’t stop me I’m going to get some more stuff cuz I want that bag I said by the end of

This episode I was getting that bag if that means missing out on going mining I can wait till the next episode oh hello oh interesting she sells stuff what’s the rare seed ah that is quite interesting I was not expecting that also I would like to step into this into

This Tower cuz I want to want to say hello to the wizard for the first time Mr Wizard Mr Wizard oh it’s locked you can hear someone inside though Mr Wizard hello what are you doing in there why do I hear a cat meowing why are there crashing sounds who’s that in the

Background why sound like there’s a frog around here it’s like maybe there is a frog so much fog too that’s a little little crazy yeah here we go again now I only need I only need like a few but I just need enough

For 140 we can do it we can do it I Believe in Us it’s true oh there’s some there this is the best place just to find random forgeable items like straight away I’m hoping that because I’m doing this a lot I’m going to keep leveling at my foraging and that’s

Definitely going to help in future like a lot I also hear that there is a uh a mod coming mod a patch coming for stardew Valley or is it is it a mod I don’t know but last thing I haven’t actually checked into it um but like I

Believe there’s 1.7 or 1.8 coming soon or was mentioned they were saying like this is what we want to do for the next one I don’t know it’s been it’s a bit been all over the place for the for this um game I I feel like someone said to me

There was one developer of this game I don’t know is that true is that true only one person was working on this game I feel like that with like the same with Among Us where there was only a few people working on it and look what happened people got bored people were

Like where’s all the content and the popularity literally died like jumped off a cliff and I felt so bad cuz Among Us is a great game I really enjoyed Among Us I used to do content on Among Us ages ago I deleted all my content on Among Us it’s gone like forever I’m

Never getting that back but like I just I got so annoyed with them not bring anything out in a way I felt like they just didn’t want people to make content on their stuff anymore you know no no more content makers please hey it’s farmer friendly I know right it is me

Yeah woo we got it okay let’s have let’s have a look let’s have a look Lodge pack okay so we got two lines now that’s so yeah we got two lines that’s that’s all right that’s all right we got we got 391 Co coins left so I I I chock that up

To a win well I’m going to spend the very little time that I have left inside of the mines because why the hell not who’s going to stop me you you with your army of of I know cats knowing me it would be cats Army of foxes oh Army of

Raccoons I would have an Army of raccoons why I’m not sure cuz I want them wait do these guys have like a quest for me yeah they do cool slow okay okay I’ll look into it I also like that they had the all the swords laid out too that’s kind of cool

Let’s go here I am my first level ah so nervous haven’t been in a stard valley mine in so long the only thing I know is that I usually do the uh middle ones first oh that can actually be broken oh no go away don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t not touch

Me just do not touch me that’s it ooh a geod you can break those to get special items yeah we have to take it to blacksmith at some point my aim is to get another nine copper so that I can make a furnace that is the aim that is

The aim oh no come closer so I can get to the crab legs I know you have crab legs give me those crabby legs oh no not even crab legs it’s just a crab just a curb this is nice look at this area it’s very open pretty sure I can take the

Courts to the museum to I don’t think I’ve given uh courts to the museum yet and I’ve gotten three geod o and that too topaz I can take that to the museum quite a few things uh take that one bam bam it it helps that I’ve done this

Before so I know what to look out for and what to do it’s it’s a nice feeling it’s a nice feeling knowing what you’re supposed to be doing uh so now we just break oh oh I hate the bugs the ones that fly at you and just like come out

Of nowhere and then go through walls they’re the annoying they are the ones I want to smash a computer they’re the ones I want to destroy oh that’s good that’s good now we know where it is I’m going to collect all the copper in the area and probably

Kill that slime cuz I actually need the points on the Slime think I have to kill 1,000 slimes that ain’t going to happen anytime soon but it’s nice to you know every little bit counts and we do have enough for the furnace already just right now like we don’t need anym kind

Of so every little bit counts every little little bit helps yay we made to level five reached level 40 it went from level five to level 40 what is that it’s like oh you made it to level five well now make it to level 40

My brain just going oh okay help that is cruel an unusual punishment jeez there’s like five mobs in here I might actually get it in O copper so many coppers oh that’s also I believe this is good yeah that is good I can’t believe it dropped way down out of its out of

Its bum hole it just like pooped it out each bung hole isn’t this oh that was barely anything what about the crab can I eatat the crab no I cannot eat the crab what was I even thinking I don’t think it takes any energy just to kill

Something so I might just kill oh another one well we got a few ladders here just in case I’m killing so many slimes I’m just like see what one kill one cuz at the end of the day why the hell not is there a difference between

The ones with the little hats and ones without the little hats I honestly that’s a genuine question did did the ones with the little hats cooler cuz they have little hats cuz that that isn’t a wrong statement they do kind of look cooler oh my God they poison now oh

Is that something new I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before he that I’ve just not played stardo for so long that that is an actual new thing but not new new like people have been noticing that for a while and people are just like going

Um dude that’s that’s been a thing ah perfect time to go to sleep good night well well well I’m so sorry but we’ve come to the end of the episode that’s right we’ve come to the end of the episode we are done done for today maybe

Tomorrow who knows but I want to say thank you so much for watching thank you so much for being here thank you so muching part of your friendly neighborhood Noob Community it’s been really great being back in STW Valley and especially in a new modded World

Hope you’ve been enjoying as well and if you have don’t forget to comment down below and tell me what you like about it and whether I should check out a different mod or different series or whatever but until next time don’t forget to like subscribe share with all

Your friends don’t forget to eat spaghetti and I’ll see you very soon Bye

Welcome to the Neighbourhood!

After Starting My Channel by recording Stardew Valley and that being the reason for my Cozy Craft Channel, I wanted to go back, but this time I explored the Expanded Modded version!

▬▬ SOCIAL MEDIA ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Friendly: @Friendly_Newb
Friendly Newb: @friendlyNewb
Friendly Farms: @FriendlyNewbCraft

▬▬ CHAPTER LIST ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 – Intro
0:08 – Welcome
0:40 – Creating a World
1:51 – Day One
11:01 – Day Two
20:29 – Day Three
28:23 – Day Four
35:40 – Day Five
47:36 – Goodbye
48:14 – Outro

▬▬ SPECIAL THANKS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Animated Fox – Juicetopher
Intro Background – Andreschneider
#stardewvalley #stardewvalleyexpanded #stardewvalleymods

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