Brutally Rating YOUR Minecraft Bases

It’s that time of the year again it’s time for me to rate your bases so I asked my fans on my Discord server to send me clips or pictures of their survival bases in Minecraft I will be raing these bases from 1 to 10 one meaning it’s horrendous disgusting

Garbage five meaning it’s okay and 10 meaning it’s the best most perfect base like my base it’s perfect what is that this time I also got my villager friend Gilbert who will help me rate some of the bases say hi Gilbert before we start I just wanted to

Let you know that these ratings are all my opinion so if you think a base should be rated differently comment what rating it should have in the comments also please like the video and subscribe now let’s get to rating okay so the first base is from Cheetah May let’s see it oh

Okay it’s a simple base there’s a lot of different blocks used in it oh the basement’s pretty cool too you know what I’ll give this base a five it’s Unique but I don’t like some of the blocks they chose but overall it’s decent okay next base this one’s actually from one of my

Mods bro are you serious you can see the Instagram tag of the person who actually built this n this guy needs a punishment you know what he was acting like this recently so I’m going to give him the bot roll okay this base actually has a very nice view the base has everything

It should have and it also has a garden but to be honest it does look unfinished so I’m going to give it a four guys please put me in a video please this is crazy you built a whole village and multiple castles in survival and they’re

All perfect I think this has to be the first 10 of the video congrats basketball but we have to continue our journey of raiding bases what’s this A it’s just a sheep a what a cute little sheep we’re just going to ignore that video um next one please okay so this

Player has a lot of stuff in their world like a sheep shaped building where they keep wall that’s kind of cool but every building is just placed so randomly I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing oh wait is that a recreation

Of the first pixel art in Minecraft oh and here’s the base itself it looks really good I really like the style and the idea I’m going to give this base a solid six it’s better than average C if I spent a more billion years building

This oh no I already know this is going to be Oho my ears 12 seconds later what what what is this I don’t even know what you’re saying waffles it’s so muffled this is torture I don’t want to watch this what was this recorded on on a microwave also

Why do you have a computer setup in Minecraft this this doesn’t make any sense oh my ears I’m skipping a little okay we’re going to skip again wait is that a villager torture device why they hang oh no okay sorry that’s okay I don’t know what he’s saying but

I’m pretty sure he’s done touring his base what and he has an outro n that’s a zero you know what that’s A4 okay next base please be good okay so it’s a dirt Hut wait what if it’s one of those where the inside is super beautiful let’s

See 20 minutes later okay how long are they going to fall for there we go okay let’s see how it looks uh what is this huh dirt Shrine what I’m so confused okay maybe they’re going to explain it the the you spelled dirt wrong how is that even possible I’m spping this base

We’re going to ignore that and look at this next base oh wow that’s a humongous wheat farm and the base itself is actually really good I really like the big map on the side of the wall I’m going to give this base a seven I actually got the map download for the

Next base so let’s check it out in game and Thanks Max for the base download okay so here’s the base and Gilbert’s going to help me raate it again Gilbert where are you going you’re supposed to help me rate the base I want to say hi

To my family oh that’s why who cares about your family your only job is to help me rate the bases no why did you kill them not it’s just your family let’s WR the base sorry about that guys let’s see the base now hold up why is there so many furnaces and crafting

Tables there’s more crafting tables than storage in this place let’s see how the upstairs looks like it actually looks pretty nice oh there’s Gilbert Gilbert what do you rate this base get away from me you monster bro I killed your family for a good cause come back here wait

What’s this it’s a secret room let’s check it out wait how is all of this hallway made out of diamonds this bace had to be built in Creative oh yeah now I know it for sure it was I can’t even rate this base because it wasn’t built

In survival I just finished this base I made it all in Survival Let’s see it bro I didn’t even crop it properly I could see the name of the video I can’t with you guys shout out to disruptive builds though his building tutorials are topnotch wait is this the Canadian

Parliament building built in Creative I can’t rate this but it’s pretty epic he is going to become my dinner firstly this is a base and secondly why the heck is the Crave plush in the freezer you know what whatever what is this why is

He in the oven now my a base okay let’s see it and I can’t really see it wait what happened to the ground did like three creepers explode I feel bad oh the base itself is actually very good it’s very unique and detailed I’m going to

Give this base a I’m going to give it a eight it’s a very solid base wait there’s a creeper move out the way no don’t go in the menu it doesn’t pause oh crap that’s another hole no that’s not going to do anything okay next base next

Base what what is this why is every block different in this base can you even call this a base it’s a bunch of blocks and why is there a furnace up there 9 out of 10 I like it let’s see this one you’re supposed to take a

Picture of the base why are you on the base taking a picture of the farm you can’t even see the B I’m sorry guys I don’t know what’s happening with me today I’m just going to take some deep breaths in and I’m going to enjoy reading the beautiful bases oh here’s

One let’s see it now this is what I’m talking about a good picture of a good base I like how organized it is I like the pool I’m giving this base a seven okay what’s next hold up let me just search something up where is it where is

It oh there it is you took it straight from Google Images my base oh wow this one looks insane it is simple and modern and I love the blocks they chose and look it says sub to Crave that means I’m giving it an automatic 10 congrats a

Wait this bace also looks very good I know the shaders are making it look better but it’s still very impressive I also love the grass roof I’ll rate this base a nine it’s almost perfect oh no it’s cyron this guy hates me let’s see his base my survival house huh wait one

Sec what what is he doing oh okay yeah he’s going to switch it to survival as I was saying I made this all survival this is the first room uh cat meme archive it’s full of the highest quality cat mes wait no how did I laugh at that that wasn’t even

Funny okay whatever let’s continue what’s in the Next Room wait what rewind hello those are my close friends why are they test subjects in your prison whatever I give up is that all you wanted to show me oh I guess not you wanted to show me this stair this

Sandstone stair I’m giving this base a -3 not even a z what’s happening what why is there so many cat memes oh now it’s just one sad cat zyron is trying to make me give him a 10 but I’m still giving him A3 anyways let’s move on uh a

Five I don’t know why but five just feels correct oh wow this next bace has a whole volcano it also has multiple beacons and a very cute base I think I have to give this base a 10 it just has everything in it congrats Monsoon this

Next base is a very unique idea it was all built inside an amethyst it’s quite simple but I like it I’ll give this one an eight this next base looks okay from the outside but wow the inside is amazing I love the furniture and I love

The color of it as well I’ll give this base a solid eight this base looks a little weird it’s a little Bland inside and I don’t like the blocks they chose I’ll give this base a four it just needs a little bit of work okay so this base

Is actually from one of my friends so it better be good oh no yep we’re skipping this one wait he says he has two bases how is that even possible no no no no no no no what game is this I give up let’s just continue oh this is a chill little

Starter base looks cozy I’ll give it a seven let’s see this base wait what what is this pay your taxes true that is factual information actually you should pay your taxes I won’t though so don’t do what I do anyways next base oh wow I quite like this one it’s very open and

The inside has everything you need but hold up how are you at half a health how are you not scared to move honestly I respect that I’m giving this base an eight very good let’s see this base 10 out of 10 next base oh interesting mhm M

You have a phantom as your pet very good choice oh yeah very good choice of blocks a very good base indeed it’s way too good to I have to skip it I’m sorry let’s see this one okay first off why are you blocking off the exit oh that’s

Why yeah yeah get him get him no way they go for another one get him no you missed come on you got this let’s go come on let’s go another one this is the best video I’ve seen all day wait wo woah wo I thought you’re only getting

Villagers run Cat Run no don’t kill it no we’re going to ignore that video and see the next base holy moly this is crazy this Castle looks perfect this is for sure a 10 no doubt congrats asiza wait why is my face a block in this base

Wait what everything is my face it looks amazing even the bed has my logo on it what can I say my face looks amazing so I have to give this base a 12 the next base is from frle which is one of my mods and he sent me a map download of

His base so let’s check it out in game so I just spawned in let’s see the B no way the base is my character this is so cool home sweet home let’s check it out villager trading Hall above what okay let’s see it okay where’s the trading

Hall Wait is it this this is perfect die Villers die I had too much fun doing that now let’s see what’s up here what is this daily sacrifice we’re just going to ignore that and see what’s up here sub to Crave amazing work Choice oh and

Here’s the bed let’s see what else there is oh what’s this you should join cra’s awesome Discord server that is actually factual information without the Discord server this whole video wouldn’t be possible so join the Discord server using the link in the description now let’s continue the tour oh now we’re

Inside my head what’s this only way out you know what to do oh no please don’t say fruffles trying to make me do what I think he is I’ll do it if I succeed in this lava MLG I’ll give this base a 10

Out of 10 but if I fail it I’m giving it a zero I got this okay three 2 1 come on okay this base gets zero where’s Gilbert Gilbert what do you rate this base I that character is so ugly okay um 2 out of 10 okay let’s move on what’s

This oh no do I really want to see this why does it look like that who made this base wait but maybe it has potential yep no it’s horrendous one out of 10 next to base let’s see it oh it looks pretty good from the outside let’s see the

Inside it’s actually really nice I really like the carpet and look at that cute little cat a wait what’s this a grave zombie I’m sorry I killed you a rip zombie he didn’t deserve to die yes he did but let’s continue I really like the simple Farm it looks very good what

Else will they show me oh what’s that is that a bed oh iPhone storage is full oh I guess that’s the end of the tour then I like that base I’ll give it a seven this is the next base it looks very cozy hold up I just realized you have so many

Dogs you have four more in this image and one more here that’s nine dogs you know what that’s what I’ll give the base a nine this is my TNT base it is the best creation out of all of them um you’re telling me that this TNT base is

Better than the buildings in the back I agree 7 out of 10 cool simple starter base 6 out of 10 this person made a little Montage of their base the inside pretty cool pretty cool the storage that’s nice I like that the underwater base that’s sick it’s like a little

Roller coaster and here’s the underwater base it looks very good wait what no way I got Rick in 2024 no if that happens again I’m done with this video is that even a base my survival Minecraft base it better be good I’m not in a good mood

Anymore the bedroom looks good I’m not going to lie and the storage looks very organized oh and the base looks very good too I really like the balcony in the window I’ll give this base an 8 out of 10 wait I just realized there’s no more bases to rate finally finally I

Mean thank you so much for submitting your bases guys that really meant a lot please like the video and subscribe if you haven’t already and thank you so much for watching see you later alligator h

In this video I will be brutally and honestly rating some of your survival bases in Minecraft. Some of the bases in this video are actually INSANE, and others are umm…different.

SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE OR I WILL DO NOTHING, I cant really do much. but pls…subscribe and like 🙂


Music used in this video:

Title: funny cat
Artist : Sunha Lee
Genre : Acoustic BGM
Mood : funny, cut, lovely
Music promoted by : your mood is here

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