Minecraft but I Open a Hotel!

This is Minecraft but I open a hotel today I’m opening the exit story hotel and trying to grow it to be the biggest hotel around from starting as a small shack with beds to getting a pool at employees to even being 50 floors tall Mya gos to own a monopoly of all the

Hotels in Minecraft but the competition is ruthless so who’s my biggest competitor stay tuned to find out so these are all the hotels in Minecraft all the way down there to the dragon Resort and these are the customers I’m trying to get look at them on vacation

But right now we don’t have a hotel luckily though right here there’s a hotel for sale for five emeralds and so because we have $10 all we got to do is go up to it and it’s being built look at it oh my gosh this actually sick yo and

So now we have a hotel where we got to get equipment and of course we have our uniform so real quick let me delete that no longer for sale and so with $5 we got to go to the hotel store where’re Inside the Hotel store we have a lot of things

To get that includes the cash register an open sign definitely important the hotel sign right there and finally the receptionist uniform cuz we need someone on the front Okay we might be broken out but now we can put put the open sign right there the hotel sign which I think

I’m going to put right there oh um one sec there we go X Hotel stoos day today and No Vacancy so we can’t make it open just yet cuz we still got to get our cash register right there and it looks like we also got to put down a room

Board that’s the craft on the screen all right don’t worry customers once I have the room board you guys can come inside and I also got to get an employee so we need paper and ink sacks luckily we got paper right here thank you very much and

These guys right here sorry about that and so now we can go back to the X Hotel story real quick but down a complimentary crafting table and now we can go ahead and make our room board there we go okay one room board and I’m thinking we place it right about there

Where we’re going to be starting with two rooms and zero attactions it’s not much someone outside is looking for a job oh it’s a first unemployed villager and so I think with the receptionist uniform we can right click you and yes we have the receptionist we are ready

For business where I just got to turn on the open sign all right sir please treat all the customers with care and make sure we get lots of money right right now we have $0 so we might be kind of broke oh the Bri we have two rooms and

If you’re wondering about the rooms room one is two emeralds where it’s a simple little small spot we can raise a price later once we get attractions of course the community bathroom and room number two is four emeralds cuz it’s a little bit more spacious look at that nice it’s

Not much but I think we’re ready for business all right everyone get ready for the most affordable option cuz we’re going to go open here we go we’re open and we get to fireworks the customers are coming oh here we go come on come on who’s going to be the first one my

Goodness the competitors are getting so many wait find more customers visit a hotel store oh wait wait we’re getting some people though oh coming in all right come right on in everyone we’re finally getting some business oh and they’re going inside to the rooms all right receptionist how much money have

We made let me right click this oh my gosh we made 37 bucks yo that’s not going to be enough though to make a monopoly we’re taking down all of these hotels they’re all going to be mine so it’s telling me at the top to buy conveyor belts maybe we’re moving them

From there to my place I like that idea all right let’s go to the store oh and we got some conveyor belts right here okay this might be a bad idea but I’m going to use all the money we have build tunnel to steal customers huh okay after

Spending every single dollar we have now we have 18 conveyor belts so we got to build a tunnel from there to there and then take all the customers whatever it takes guys okay we can’t scare the customers for what we’re doing so real quick let me make one of these right

There let’s make a quick trap door and a couple ladders that’ll do and so in the corner over here I’m going to go ahead and put the trapo for where we’re going to steal all those customers in there okay so real quick let me just set this

Up right here perfect and so we’re going to be making a tunnel that goes all the way under them okay so this is originally ours let me che where we are now okay right here please no one see us there we go oh wow the receptions is

Right there Let Me Maybe put it right here oh that’s a great spot okay and so what we can do now is let’s set the compare belts up okay I’ve made this a little bit too short but if we just do this no one will notice I think there we

Go now we have a ton all the way over here let’s just set it up like this and so here’s the plan guys I’m going to be dropping customers down here and then they’re just going to be dragged all the way to our store it’s genius and tip

Right click customers to pick them up all right guys it’s time so we just got to go up here don’t mind me just just chilling oh hello customer and so so apparently if we just right click them oh we get the customer wait can I do

That with the receptionist oh my gosh so I take them with me down here place them down on here and they’re going pretty much makes the business empty all right this should be the last of them right here and so we just complet them right

Here and look at them go go on my customers join the team and that should be customers gain may have cost a jam right there but I think that’s the job all done because we now have a new sabotage step for that’s grabbed on the screen that being said I see a storage

Key B that might be where we get it oh wait hold on is that the boss okay new plan we’re going to sneak around I don’t know why we’re sneaking like this why we looking like that anyways so we’re going to sneak around get inside through the

Back right here and oh gosh are getting customers again so they have a storage room does this have the stuff for the sabotage bedding and food oh wait they have feathers okay I’m going to just take a few of those oh and they do have honey bottles in the food okay let me

Grab all that and some cooked chicken might as well and money all right you know what it is a competition we got to be ruthless guys nine diamonds for USS and before we go we can go ahead and craft with the feathers and the Honey glue and Feathers very very sticky okay

Let’s just craft maybe 25 of them there we go and now we have the mission to throw the Gloom feathers all over Cole Motel all right guys it’s time for sabotage all right exori hotel is the best hotel so let’s start with room number three let’s throw this everywhere

Oh gosh oh yep yep this is going to cause a mess oh man if I buy out the hotel I’m going to have to clean this don’t I all right let’s make a mess there oh gosh it’s kind kind of hard to walk here it’s all sticky oh he’s not

Even noticing oh gosh okay room number one no one stay here and the hots are ruined time to LEAP okay okay we can’t go to the front door let’s just go right here block that off with some dirt and I think that’s the job all done oh oh wait

The hotel owner is coming out oh he is not happy sorry about that oh another coal hotels for sale 100 emeralds all right to increase our size of Hotel then um hopefully we have enough money Mr receptionist did we get enough business please tell me we did oh my gosh we did

129 so without further Ado let’s buy that oh and we got it it’s now part of our store in cleanup time visit Hotel store yep that makes sense we got to buy janitor contracts but look how big the store is and that means more customers for us all right let’s buy a janitor

Contract I think this might be it right here genitor contract uh do I just buy one two and three there we go and now we got to hire janitors to Queen mes easy enough looks like we have an unemployed villager right here and this will be

Employee number two and there we go we got a janitor sorry about the mess another unemployed villager right here there you go and the last one right there you’re hired and that should be mess cleared and we’re ready to expand again with our next competition which is

The iron hotel but first I did notice we got a hotel upgrade which means one thing if we go back inside right now we only have two rooms but now with the addition of that spot right there we have six rooms and that’s Hotel upgraded and more customers are coming time to

Investigate the iron in okay so iron Hotel oh too many guards to visit Hotel store oh they do have too many guards we might need a disguise for this they even have a pool okay we definitely got to sabotage them and buy them all right let’s get to the store and buy some

Stuff before we get there real quick with there six rooms much money are we making now Mr receptionist oh not bad now to buy the sabotage tools okay so these are in red I be what we need so real quick let’s get the masade mask and put that on yeah now they definitely

Won’t know who I am maybe next up purple dye which might come in handy for the pool turns everything purple or the rooms and finally some weight shaped cakes should I buy a few of these maybe they have a gym I don’t have a gym all right and with those done we’re done

With the store but now it says to pick up animals all right we can do that so do I pick up an animal like this oh we at the Cow egg oh maybe we’ll put these inside all right let’s get all the cows

We can oh oh oh we got to grab that cow too there we go get you and you and you can we get a chicken oh we can get a chicken oh we got them let’s make sure we use the master disguise and now it’s

Time to enter the iron in but before we get to that I want to say a huge thank you to luck catchers 2 for sponsoring this video luck catchers 2 is a PC game that offers a vast expansive fantasy world filled with magical artifacts left behind by Guardians in the world of the

Edge of the inside out so in this game the world is filled with conflict due to competing settlements aggressive dragons and even minions that’s where you come in with multiple territories for players to explore M resources and cture land there’s a lot to do in this game the

World of L hates 2 contains two main continents and multiple Islands which you can Traverse with a variety of diverse ships and warships or if you want you can just instantly teleport around through the gate my preferred way and you might be wondering can I play with friends well you can embark on

Exciting Adventures alone or with friends allog together boarding ships destroying Caravans even battling against fire breathing dragons and so much more not only that but luck hatchers 2 also offers unlimited opportunities for character development as you grow from your starting settlement you can join Guild that offer unique missions with Merchants outcasts

And even flocks of dragons and once you level up you can take part in the global conflict and engage in Grand Bastion challenges territorial Wars Bounty hunts and even witness seasonal dragon migrations it’s pretty sick and by completing these events you’re going to be earning big rewards so without that

Being said you can download L cess 2 on your PC by clicking on the link in the description down below and use code X Nest to unlock some free in-game items huge thank you again to L catcher St for sponsoring this video and besides that let’s get back into it all right guys

Here goes nothing I got my disguise on so we just got to walk in right uh please please don’t do anything oh gosh looking at me um yep yep yep we’re just walk in okay I think we’re in yes where our first mission is to pour the purple

Dy into the pool okay let me get away from everyone it looks like the weights are right there too but real quick all we got to do then is throw this while the customers are inside all right here goes something and it did it yo we have

Purple water oh oh oh oh I I I am so sorry purple dyed villager yeah you guys might want to get out and now our next mission is to replace the weights with cake weights so I can just break the real weights real quick and then we’re

Just going to place down the fake weights there we go another amenity ruined and finally release the animals in the rooms oh gosh okay the disguise is still working but yeah I’m going to go to my room now let’s just go in here and oh these are the rooms wait yo the

Rooms have multiple floors what is this all right well this one’s going to have a chicken and a cow nice and this is the bathroom all right the chicken lives in the bathroom now let’s real quick keep going another room right here oh with multiple customers already inside all

Right don’t mind me just saying cows are not in the exory h tell if you guys want to go there instead let’s real quick put you guys there some more cow there another cow here hope you guys enjoy the cow and let’s get two more cows right

Here I think that’s the job all done cuz now our mission is to leave the iron in so don’t mind me I’m just going to run this way oh wait am I being chased oh my gosh wait wait wait wait oh no they’re after me gent I’m so sorry here here

Take your conveyor belt oh oh oh he’s stuck at the conveyor belt yes nope never mind take one of these and these oh oh oh oh okay get someone help get someone help please oh what heart let me go go get my St let me get some of these

And actually it might be time we go ahead and use the diamond we got and mega nights diamond sword that’ be great and why not a shield for protection for the hotel manager now we should be ready actually can they even come through the door oh wait we’re good nice oh my gosh

Oh and we did it okay that should be the iron in done does that mean they’re going to go broke oh the H owner it’s another Pillager he doesn’t seem happy again oh he’s gone yes the iron in is down for sale okay we need 500 emeralds

Let’s see if we made enough money oh we did oh my gosh we’re getting so many more customers now and with this Pur right here we expanded again yeah yo and of course the hotel upgrade for iron look at this interior and now to the OG

Spot where we can go ahead and right click this and do we get to attractions now oh we do that’s Hotel upgraded and now we have the gym in outside pool more customers are coming again oh and the D’s already at work infiltrate gold standard to sabotage all right up next

Guys we have the gold and we still have diamond netherite and the dragon up there also welcome to all the new customers we’re going to be making lots of money okay so what do we have going on in the gold standard this is the biggest hotel we’ve seen yet huh no

Guards right there for now and wait what what are they doing here drop anvil on gold employee oh is that a gold employee he’s having a picnic in the middle of the day okay you wait right there should be a blacksmith around here right there

We go one good old Anvil right here and so real quick while he’s looking away we can just place this guy right here and there we go put on the employee uniform very nice a gold standard uniform so when I right click this oh gold accessor

Which now we can just go ahead and walk on in and let’s see what our competitor has going on inside oh oh my God this places nice hello receptionist I’m coming in to work don’t mind meat just going to go straight this way and it

Says to go in the kitchen and oh okay these are where the chefs are all right I’m in how’s it going everyone it is me gold exoro ready to uh do whatever job I have to do uh do I got to talk to the chef or what do I do here maybe there’s

Something in the smoker oh there’s steak oh and it’s all cooking oh and I got to put food in microwave to ruin it oh okay so I’m getting the smoker steak right here and we’re microwaving steak don’t do that it makes the steak bad so if we

Just put it in here oh yo we got a microwave of Minecraft do I just grab it wait is it not working with this oh hold up maybe it has to work with a raw steak all right hold up let me keep the beam for myself you guys make good steaks but

Don’t worry Chef I’m going to go ahead and cook you some nice steaks wait so do I just like put these in did I get a new steak oh I did microwave steak the ultimate s and so now with our microwave steak we can go ahead and give them to

The customers and we did it now sneak into the Vault all right chefs I did it here uh you you you can try what I made right there I’m going to keep the normal steak and take my lunch break okay I’m going to guess the vault is somewhere

Around here oh wow this place is big is a vault up there no way I think that’s where the customers go maybe it’s near the receptionist oh hold up there’s a door right here oh uh hi uh there’s actually some food I got to grab downstairs so don’t mind me I’m just

Going to go down over here but I think guys this might be where the vault is okay what the heck is going on here we got to find the golden treasure now and they have mines under here I don’t have this in my hotel this not even safe for

The customers okay don’t mind me we just got to avoid the lasers and the mines okay how do I go under this oh gosh I think I messed up I think I got to go back here okay let’s just make sure we don’t touch the laser and can I jump

Over that oh I don’t want to set off any alarms what if I jump on this one oh oh that was close okay we’re doing good now we just got to walk over here oh and there’s another mine oh gosh can I go under it please please don’t blow up

Please don’t blow up oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay okay how am I supposed to block this what if I put blocks oh wait that worked yo I didn’t even know now let’s just keep going hope nothing happens oh gosh okay honestly they could

Put the mines a little bit better cuz we are getting past all these defenses pretty easily what the heck is going down here oh here go nothing ow all right is this what I think it is please don’t tell me this is TNT run what was

That noise oh wait we got given speed all right let’s go oh my gosh looks like we got done with that and wait golden guard oh my gosh what is this oh no okay all right uh look guys kind of awkward I do work here so I’m just going to pass

By right we don’t need any issues right oh no no no no no they’re not happy okay looks like we’re fighting these guys okay stand back I have my ooto and I’m just doing some research don’t mind me okay let’s take down the first golden guard right there there we go down he

Goes and that should be done and now only one thing left and that’s the pillage the Golden Vault down here holy gold I got to get all this you know what might be time then let’s make real quick one diamond pickaxe and this is going to

Be a bit but let’s get to mining give me a sec I think that’s the job all done we ended up getting this much gold oh my goodness well time to get out all right don’t mind me guys I am just clocking off work right here and we did it gold

Standard is bankrupt oh my goodness oh it’s not for sale nice all right so we need 8,000 emeralds luckily there is a lot of customers and so this shouldn’t be a problem if we just go back real quick and did we get any more money

Let’s grab that and oh my gosh we have over $99,000 let’s go all right don’t mind me everyone I am about to go ahead and acquire the gold standard and there we go it’s now part of our franchise oh and I almost forgot we have our hotel

Upgrade for gold and before we go at it look how big this place is all for us now hello customers hope we guys all are all enjoying our amazing meals here at the story Hotel let’s go add to our room board Mr receptionist we’re going to be

Having a big upgrade of 30 rooms yo next up we have the diamond Caso oh where we got to buy a repairment disguise and hacker tool what exactly is this place anyways so they got a bunch of parking lots even though no customers have cars oh and they have food machines that’s

Why we’re getting a hacker okay so we got to buy the repair minutes guys let’s grab that real quick oh and a hacker which uh we might not have enough money let me go check my store reception it’s I need money come on D do we have any

Thank you buddy 3,000 now we can afford it and now we can get the hacker okay so how do I look as the repairman let’s right click this and now we’re repairman Nester the Builder and so now we’re Tes to hack Diamond casino slot machines all right don’t mind me just walking

Straight in and we’re going to get rid of some machines cuz you guys are better off without them okay so these are the moo food machines okay wait so can I like hack these things oh dangerous security enable disable on second floor oh uh Sor you saw nothing here have a

Free wager to my hotel I think the second floor is all the way up here maybe this is where the rooms are too cuz we got to sabotage the hotel aspect oh what the heck is this is this where I disabled security system maybe on this

Thing no all right let’s jump this and find our way to the security console oh my goodness that min’s here again all right just normal repair man trying to get rid of these machines oh wait this might be some place oh exit dang it how

Did I find the exit all right well let me leave that door open okay where the heck are these things oh wait we found them the security consoles wait so do I like C these what do I do oh wait what what what where have I been taken what

Is going on why is the world broken what is this place wait what r r uh R huh I’m I’m going to go with yes sure what what happens now select the pig oh it’s like a capture okay well we got three cows and a pig let’s go with this guy there

We go this is so weird select the cow oh my gosh that’s a jump scare okay pig pig and I mean we got two cows right here I mean the face has gone from that one so we’re going to go with this guy right here oh authentication oh I I I I I

Think we did it nice all right that was terrifying anyways let’s go into security console number two what do we got going on here what is this antivir software defeat the antivirus oh gosh all right here we go let me get my shield ready we’re going in get over

Here buddy come on virus don’t need you here that’s up irus is on your computer couple more hits and down it goes okay that’s computer number two done now let’s disable computer number three and wait denied huh uh what what I do do I do it again no you know what when in

Doubt let’s punch it a few times come on let’s get you out oh that worked it’s security disabled now hack the machines all right let’s disable these guys with the hacker all right don’t mind me let me just break these chains right here and I think the exit is right over here

All right nice good thing we open up this and looks like we’re right on time so use the hacker thing oh we got them yes they’re throwing out all the meat collect meat and hide it in rooms huh all right might as well grab all of it

Oh wait when I’m placing it down it’s summoning rats yo let’s go upstairs and put these in the room okay okay we got to go all the way up before security gets here oh wait where are the rooms these are the rooms okay so we can just

Go ahead and put these guys right here and we got roaches and rats oh gosh that’s disgusting we’re going to have to clean this up later when I buy this place okay let’s just place these guys all the way here and that’s the job all

Done now to leave we got to do this in style so of course let’s let’s get our water bucket and to all the customers you might want to leave cuz there are lots of rats and cockroaches let’s 360 and water bucket down okay I did that

Little messy and oh my gosh it looks like a lot of them evacuated and I think that’s the job all done oh wait it’s the holder sorry buddy oh he’s crying no I’m sorry dude are you going to put it up for sale at least oh and there he goes

Diamond Casino is now for sale for 40,000 emeralds okay let’s go check our piggy bank our receptionist I need money again oh my gosh we’re making so much money keep goinging in customers oh my goodness we have such a big clientele now and it’s going to grow even bigger

Where we can now buy the Diamond Casino just like this oh my goodness this is getting out of hand and guess what we now also have the hotel upgrade for Diamond we’ll clean up the rats in our own time and let’s see how many rooms we

Have in 3 2 1 50 yo oh we also have an indoor pool oh that’s sick how do storio has now grown from 1 2 3 4 five buildings where now all that’s left is the Grand netherite Hotel oh man the netherite hotel okay that that’s a big

Crowd I feel like I can walk in with them oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh no no no I’m walking in I’m walking in I’m walking in okay okay okay okay oh my gosh okay okay I got to figure out a better plan okay okay they clearly don’t

Like me new plan yeah okay this should maybe make us a little bit better and okay please netherite people don’t attack me don’t attack me don’t attack me oh oh there’s so many customers coming in and out guys that I think I’m literally fully hidden oh this is crazy

Oh yo we’re going to make it in okay are we good do we we just go all the way up now what’s all the way up here oh these are the rooms okay where do I go here then maybe I got to go back down oh wait new craft unlocked grabby stick use

Grabby stick to steal key ring oh okay let me put that right there and let me real quick get one of these and now we should be good uh do I just like right click oh we got it a netherite key ring uh where exactly do I use this for

Though maybe this drop door oh gosh here we go here we go okay okay let’s close the door behind us and so what do we have going on in here is that a blaze hey yo defeat the blaze CS come on BL take care of you guys oh gosh is this

The nether down here I mean it makes sense with the netherite hotel oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad oh gosh let me real quick block these guys off oh no no no there’s so many they look

Like extreme blazes okay okay come on why do they look like toothpicks let’s real quick take care of you too and that should be good a lot of ancient debris also all right so where exactly are we going through here does it go deeper what does oh we got some Parkour okay

Don’t mind me if we fall in the parkour then we are literally screwed so let’s just make it take safely there there we go oh and is this a mro thing what is going on under the netherite hotel I thought it was just a normal business

Okay let’s go in here oh there we go out out out oh and simple ride was I supposed to get a key oh wait the netherite key ring I I’m so uh forgetful oh no what the heck is this guy hello I am the owner of the exory hotel how’s it

Going um are are you nice maybe we got to get a little bit closer oh oh oh uh sir hello oh okay okay okay he just tried to swing at me okay okay let let let’s take this guy out come on buddy oh gosh okay oh I’m blocking pretty well

Here oh my gosh as long as I keep blocking we should be fine let me get him in a combo oh oh oh my he throws fire he throws fire okay okay let’s keep blocking oh my goodness no damage pleas couple more hits and we got him now

Steal everything oh wait in case of emergency is this how I steal oh my goodness efficiency 100 yes now this is how you steal in fashion guys oh my goodness well this is still going to take a good bit but we are going to have infinite netherite reserves after this

Like look it’s so satisfying we can just walk in yeah all right time for a SpongeBob card one eternity later and now it’s all gone yep we got a lot of netherite like like like way too much now let’s actually get out of here luckily we have the super netherite

Pickaxe where we can just go ahead and mine all the way up and see the result of our work let’s Real Quick Sack up with blocks of netherite nothing bad happened oh and the ne hotel is bankrupt sorry guys don’t worry I’ll hire you oh and now to buy it we need 200,000

Emeralds um I hope we made enough money all right receptionist we’re buying a big one and that’s definitely enough money and then right now we have 50 r the ex hotel storo is going to become insane and now without further Ado let’s get it here we go become the ex story

Hotel there we go for context we now own every single hotel that was here before except the final Dragon Resort and now with our upgrade paper let’s go up to this and we have 100 rooms oh and a small our hotel has become insane guys look how many people in time to

Advertise oh are we not going to Dragon zort yet maybe yeah we need more customers definitely not enough right now so with our 100 Grand how can we advertise right now buy Hotel posters which ones are the posters oh here we go Hotel poster how many do I need to buy I

Guess we’ll get a good bit put this around the Villages just so people know where we are 10 should be good and I got to now buy a T-shirt cannon which is right here let’s get that T-shirt cannon perfect and a TV Camera we are definitely spending a lot of money all

Right got the TV camera and an airplane now how much is an airplane oh my gosh uh I don’t have enough money for this let’s go back to the cash register with this many customers please tell me I got more money there we go that should be some more money and we’re literally

Buying a plane this is so goofy but the planes right here and so what am I going to do with this guy all right let’s play some posters I mean you can never have enough customers so real quick poster right there oh my gosh I messed that up

All right let’s do better with the next one poster right at the well yeah Exel tell storio stay today No Vacancy put one on the tree perfect can’t forget the pic Nick Spot might as well put it even on the farms even in front of the Dragon

Resort we got to make sure they don’t get any of my customers can even put one there and there that’s how it’s done and now shoot villagers with a T-shirt cannon oh good thing I got this thing all right guys let’s shoot you guys with t-shirt cannons everyone’s going to

Become sponsored and now to use the advertisement plane uh do I just buy this right here oh there it is the exor ad plane that’s amazing and finally get interviewed by the news uh where is the news at oh wait I think I’m the news cuz

I have the TV camera so low key I can just place this down right here and so do I just like right click this oh wait wait wait oh oh oh don’t see her coming what is this oh yo we have a recording thing on the top left okay so to

Everyone watching since uh the microphone is right here I just want to say come to the exra hotel the greatest Hotel of all time we have many rooms literally it’s like five buildings and we even have a plane and it’s just right up there three netherite blocks for

Everyone cuz I don’t really have anything to use this for but there you go you can have netherite blocks there and some nether right blocks there and definitely don’t go to the Dragon hotel cuz we are trying to become the biggest hotel of all time all right sounds good

Thank you thank you thank you yeah we’re good here yeah appreciate it and they are out nice I think that’s the job all done the at times in success is now too many customers are coming oh oh oh gosh uh is this going to lag me out I have no

Idea Dragon Resort has opened wait it wasn’t open before uh-oh wait what does that mean huh our customers lost hey yo they’re going over there what is this take it down gear up at hotel store oh my gosh wait they’re actually all going to the Dragon hotel this is insane what

The heck all right guys and it’s time we reset War then let’s go to the store and get our stuff one last time though did we get a lot of money from all those people wait did my own receptionist leave please tell me left the money oh

My gosh yes he did okay half a million dollars that should be good enough to stock up let’s see what we have left here oh this might be perfect the dragon steel sword what even is this shortman s yes don’t mind if I do and a dragon

Steel bow I’m going to need an arrow for this cuz it’s I’m breaking 10 okay they take all my customers let’s go do this oh my gosh they have even suits and ties oh oh oh they don’t seem happy with me all right let’s take care of these

Guards real quick I need to talk to the manager let’s real quick take you down don’t worry I got my sharpness 100 sword and also I kind of skipped out on the arrows but it’s all good let’s real quick take those guys out there we go oh

And the boss are is there all right let’s go take out the boss oh there he is he’s even copying my suit unacceptable let’s go in I want my receptionist back come on let’s real quick get some HS in oh gosh it’s over in the pool what is this let me get out

Okay I got to take out the guards for HS all right that’s one guard down oh gosh I wish I got arrows I wish I got arrows another guard to go there we go oh there’s a third one come on let’s get you out too there we go okay all that’s

Left is now this guy oh gosh I got to be careful and not get hit by him oh gosh okay he almost hit me there wait where’d he go did he go above oh gosh okay let’s go up come on we got the netherite for a

Reason give me my customers back here we go and we got him oh my gosh oh we did it dagg is now ours all right let’s then real quick go to the dragon seat and I think guys we become the ultimate toel Tycoon so with that being done guys all

Enjoyed have a great one this video just like this one bye Guys

I Opened a Hotel in Minecraft!
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🎉 What was your favorite Store/Shop/Restaurant/Hotel moment in todays Minecraft, But Tycoon?

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#Minecraft #But


  1. Nestor? Can u pls start linking the mod packs or worlds in the description pls? People like me really want to play the same mods as you

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