What Is The Terra Blade’s MAX DAMAGE In Terraria?

The terrablade is one of the best swords in Terraria and in this video I’m going to make it deal as much damage as possible using everything vanilla has to offer then I’m going to make a little mod that may or may not break it first we’re going to check out the base damage

Of the terrablade I set up 19 Target dummies for the most potential damage so let’s get right into it all right this is the base teror Blade no armor no accessories DPS looks to be about 2,000 not bad but it could be better the ter blade can technically Pierce

Infinitely but the damage drops by 25% for each enemy it goes through and you can see here that when the damage reaches zero it stops so the terrablade does around 2,000 damage per second but most players will more than likely have armor and accessories that boost that number significantly for the most melee

Damage we’ll have to use a mixed armor set the Shinobi infiltrators helmet solar flare breastplate and hallowed Greaves will increase our melee damage by 56% which is already a lot but we can increase it even more by stacking these accessories and reforging them all to menacing we can also reforge the Terra

Blade to ruthless bringing our total increased damage to 168% the base damage of the teror blade is 265 with our damage increase and since I have it set to nighttime the celestial shell will give us the werewolf debuff all right let’s check out the DPS wa okay I mean it’s reaching 10,000

Now the average seems to be about 9,500 to 10,000 we’re getting somewhere now that’s some good damage but can make it even higher our current Loadout mainly increases melee damage but what if we tried to maximize our Critical Strike chance instead to do that we’re going to

Need to switch to a full set of solar flare armor and replace the putrid scent with the eye of the Golem we also need to reforge the Terra Blade to Legendary and all but one of our accessories to Lucky this brings our total Critical Strike chance to 81% it’s good to have

One menacing accessory in the mix because our Critical Strike chance is already so high it won’t matter that much if we lose one lucky now before we test this out comment what you think is going to be better Max damage or Max Critical Strike chance with our Critical

Strike chance load out the base damage for the teror blade is 204 so let’s see how the DPS looks wa that’s so much better 13,000 to 14,000 I think we have a clear winner here so Critical Strike chance is definitely the way to go if you want the

Most damage per second but there’s still a lot more we can do to increase it luck can actually influence your average damage and the more luck you have the more damage you’ll deal to increase our luck we’re going to need to place a biome torch in the cavern layer place a

Garden gnome toss one platinum coin in the Shimmer activate the lantern nights event and use a Galaxy Pearl we can also use Buffs to increase not only our luck but our damage and critical strike chance and for that we’re going to need a greater luck potion a rage potion a

Wrath potion a golden delight sake and a flask of Venom but that’s not all we can also use the cute fishron Mount while submerged in water to boost our damage with a mix of luck damage and critical strike chance the base damage for the teror blade is 249 so let’s check out the

DPS 21,000 well boys it looks like we’ve made the teror blade truly legendary we started out with about 1,900 damage per second but now we’re at 21,000 but there’s one small problem we haven’t tested it on any enemies yet so we’re going to try to beat the moonl Lord in

Master mode with some minor adjustments to our setup first we’re going to have to use flasks and a sharpening station to get through his defense we also need it to be raining for the cute fish Ron Mount to be effective we can’t get luck from torches or garden gnomes anymore cuz

We’ll be in the sky so we’ll need to touch a golden ladybug to get it all back all right let’s get our ladybug luck come here and buff up and spawn in the moon Lord all right he’s here all right let’s see our damage okay look at that look how fast

That’s going down this is going to be incredibly easy this left eye is is almost dead already yep it’s out try and Dodge this taking a lot of unnecessary hits I haven’t fought them in Lord in forever oh this ey is almost out too the damage

Is insane oh my god oh that’s bad ooh did you see that Pro Terraria gamer right here come on please there it is oh my God look at that oh I’m going to die no please this is it he’s almost dead there it is Moon Lord has been taken out super

Easily with our legendary terrablade and our golden ladybug there we have it now that we’ve seen how overpowered the teror blade can get in vanilla Terraria I’m going to showcase the mod I made that definitely fixes the balancing all right prepare to see the most balanced version of the teror blade

Yeah perfectly balanced I just the size and speed just a little bit and the Damage yeah um I probably could have made it do a little bit more damage I don’t think this is balanced enough but even as it is now I think it would fit perfectly in vanilla Terraria so yeah I

Mean okay we should probably test it on a boss just to see how it does it might be a little bit too weak but we’ll see let’s spawn in Golem yeah all right 3 2 1 yep I think that’s perfectly balanced Moon Lord oh oh oh oh Rel logic hit me

Up thank you all so much for watching this video If you enjoyed this one then you’ll definitely like this video I made on terraria’s yo-yo progression also be sure to subscribe if you want to see more videos from me well that’s it see you

The Terra Blade is one of the most iconic swords in Terraria, and it’s pretty powerful. But how strong can it actually get in vanilla? Find out in this epic video.

Credit to @sockrteez for the max melee damage build 🙂


  1. 1:15 werewolf debuff?

    Personally when comparing the two damage amounts (being damage vs luck) i’d show both on screen

    5:11 should’ve done a Charles “MoistCr1tikal” White outro

  2. Isn't it odd how tord never showed any aggression towards edd and the others. Other than a few times when they fight over things, but not anything personal. Yet he tried to kill them.

  3. Terraria 1.4.4 gave a lot of love to the zenith component swords. I wish the non zenith swords get some love in 1.4.5… but not really hopeful. 😢

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