MythrilGuy – Terraria HARDCORE | Now in Hard Mode

All right we’ll see if this works some reason it’s really loud on the mic sorry about that all right we should be live now um but we’ll see let’s get it let’s get it should be live cool so we’re just going to change this just going to put hardcore um now in hard

Mode not hard mode and boom sweet all right that was loud sweet all there we go cool all right so we just need to launch our character is it bill it is Bill quiet after world I don’t remember if it’s it quiet I just kind of look at it all right

So want to listen to it real quick I don’t remember if it’s it quite I just kind of looked at it all right okay so you can still hear the clicks a good bit sometimes when I’m not talking you can’t hear them but anyways we’re going to be

Going to do a little grinding s want to get some more spider fangs and blinker seeds we got some of those we’re going to place them down we need to grow these there we go and then Harvest oh no it just went away Harvest all this we

Can oh yeah at Sunset so we can Harvest fire Blossom which is pretty good and place more fire Blossom down some more blink rout there we go cool cool and just for the hell of it we’ll place down some more blink R all right cool sh on put away bamboo we don’t need

All righty so turns nighttime we’ll have a few moonglo and there’s another blink route which we always seem to run out of pretty easily so we’re going to grab that one only one seed though that’s a little bummer how much dum do we have we have plenty of

Dum so we don’t need to farm anymore so we’re just going to make sure to farm those other things also I like the planter boxes cuz it helps me separate them pretty easily um but I still haven’t defeated the Kink slime which gives me the day Bloom one

But like I just said I don’t need the day bloom all right so we’re in hard mode um we’re just going to do this I’m going to get like 20 each because to me it just feels better to have oh I had a little uh Spruce spruce up here about that little

Whatever you call this thing right so we’re going to get rid of these actually actually hold on before I do all that do we have seeds for everything because if I don’t have seeds for everything I’m just being a gigantic idiot yeah we don’t have seeds for everything and

That’s corrupt seeds which we don’t need I don’t know why he was even tempting those so we’re just going to put them right above we’ll start with the blink rope just do it oh can’t we got to go like this there we Go and start it right here actually wow that’s 20 I had a lot more bricks or a lot more down then I thought all right fire Blossom I don’t think I need two I think I just need one block in between actually I need two because that’s how they work

Here we go it’s a bunch of Moonglow so this is the blink rout this is Blink root what I just placed down was the fire Blossom which we have to wait for next time put down the Moonglow go ahead and almost fill this up Go that doesn’t make any sense oh it must have skipped a few and there’s the one for some reason I didn’t want to do all of them at the same time that was weird no death weed seeds I don’t think we’ve even planted any but I guess the

Good thing is we can go into the corruption and get some for free because if they’re planted naturally unlike these guys if they’re planted naturally I can go Harvest them I believe for uh for easy easy cheep skates and I forgot to put these down which are in this

Box no cuz this is death weed that’s I didn’t have any shiverthorn ones 1 2 3 4 5 oh right here whoops all there we go there we go all right now we’re good we’re going to get rid of these pixie dust oh man I’m totally dumb ding dong I’m supposed to do

This put all this stuff here not that all right put these away organize this inventory a little bit it’s a little cluttered huh must have never had my mole there I thought I did very well very well cool there we go all right now now we

Can put this stuff up here and we need more so we’re going to go get more which I guess elevator would have been helpful but at this point it’s not because like if I were to make a elevator what would be the point so the next thing I want to

Get besides taking damage like that I guess it will just make it a little bit more streamlined I guess to get down here cuz right now I kind of just have like a bull like a little tury tur approach so as you guys can see this thing is no longer doing The Groovy

Movie damage we need we don’t need anything from him that he drops so we’re just going to avoid him he I cannot farm that but I need to go to the corruption to get some death weed I think I was kind of low and there’s two block need more

More just to keep my eyeballs peeled I don’t have a golden key for you sorry oh right spider fangs is what I was grinding in the midst of all of that oh I might want to place these guys so we can get them to start grinding excuse

Me oh so much better they killed him friends so much easier need more torches down and they have so much cuz they grab on they just like block his ability to like come after me easier so we’re going to open this up blow blow it up with some bombs though

Oh no well that was a bad idea I forgot about the fact that like in between these blocks there could be no walls and it’ll blow up the walls oh I feel like an idiot the only thing I don’t like about this uh be beekeeper is the fact that it auto

Swings in the wrong direction like you can’t keep it the same way all right come on things need to spawn oh my cannot be taking damage like that there’s three spider Fang things two more cool and the web stylist no wonder I’m uh not getting a lot of mobs to

Spawn I think I oh I didn’t spawn my Max could do four I need you know what we’re just going to go after this stuff actually I think this this is a good amount right here too we’ll probably need a little bit more as I say that I found a big

One oh we should have plenty now we’re going to go back up there and farm a few more spidery okay I don’t want to go this way but the game does not want me to go back around the other way except the fact that she’s still here and I don’t I’m assuming she

Doesn’t have a place because I’m pretty sure it was night time when I came down here I want to get her killed here we go I heard it h maybe not thought I heard one taking damage there’s a Wall Creeper too nope nothing all creepers don’t count need these guys black or

Cloes we need quite a bit so we’re just going to keep grinding a little bit although like I said it would be beneficial to get rid of her but I guess we don’t have anywhere for her to spawn go yeah this is all corrupted too we go I think there was one down

There oh I see a blink rout down there that I can go he is not one it’s a wall creeper not a black rru recluse there we go see that’s what I’m talking about I think you just don’t get as much reward from killing those kind of guys versus other ones there

We you’re not very helpful I need these guys to start dropping their fangs I need her to die that would be more beneficial I don’t have like a bucket of lava though guess like the best thing to do would just be I never made a underground pylon house I guess the

Easiest one would be down here but that’s like kind of far away it’s a lot of effort I actually don’t know if that’s nope no we don’t want to do that get over here like this come here kill her no well that’s a bummer all right let’s attack these

Guys or it’s just one guy man why did I even spawn her in I could have just like left for a little bit and came back there was one down here but I guess it despawned and now she’s almost back to full health too Okay how’s it going Looney for DM yeah I’m just playing a normal well I’m just playing hardcore right now so I have no anticipation to play with anyone I do apologize but I guess it wouldn’t have worked out anyways cuz you’re on a different platform this is my like first official

Tempt I’ve never gotten this far but it’s also classic mode so I guess it’s also kind of not necessarily cheating but it’s a lot easier for me cuz I’m not used to oh wow I was going to mine straight through there but I can’t this guy let’s go this way oh

There’s a a pot of Palladium let’s grab it that’s another one wow we definitely have plenty of pum now we’re going to stick with the Summoner until we’re start to have troubles cuz the Summoner is not doing me too bad I just need to upgrade the armor

Now come on I need a few more Fang things cuz I want them the Sentry too come on now I don’t even know the exact amount probably need like a good bit more anyways that’s a myth roll so I guess like the only benefiting thing about this is knowing that there’s

People around or there’s things around here oh no you’re going to come to her there you go kill her or not because my minions damn huh that’s a weird glitch going on right here I’ve never seen that before water just sticking out of a corner like that it’s going up and down

Too all right here’s another black recluse we’re going to kill him and then go up and see what we could get if he gives me spangs give me three spangs spangs fangs hey look you know what I’ll take this the Wizard’s down here um it be beneficial in a bit but we’re

Going to do this here perfect make ourselves this pick excuse my all right blank root seeds place these down perfect I think we already did debloom no we’ll just keep the daybloom down here should be good all right this keep this silt oh yeah we just sell the silt

Now I don’t really need the silt okay let’s do that first before I forget all right so 8162 so we can make the armor WoW yeah we made the armor an extra minion because this one only gave me two but this one gives me three set bonus increases summon damage by 12%

But each of these so 5 five six 5.56 uh 16 + 12 28 just curious how much of an upgrade it was four four five and then 10 so yeah good bit of an upgrade take that blink group two get rid of you put you up here oh and get this guy

Too I forgot we relaunched into the world all right we’re going to sell this breaker blade we’re going to change this into a Summoner emblem I don’t need any more Palladium going hold on to the spider Fang in case I get more to get the summon would be a smart

Idea don’t need the send staff I rightfully hate it actually we’re going to get rid of all these guys we don’t need them but we need wow my Lord ofm Mighty did I ever make those NPC houses over here I thought it did no it was

Right there so we need to go make some houses real quick L right here actually bad idea because these guys are going to get corrupted soon and not because they’re being blocked by this but because the desert is here and for some reason corruption spreads super fast through the

Desert so we are going to get rid of this armor I’ll put you down make it easier to kill these slimies we’re going to go to our corruption and do that thing get some death weed for some reason but we’re also going to venture I guess to the

Hollow cool thing is these guys when they attack they also inflict Venom which is nice very very nice oh there’s a unicorn one damage I’m not even worried I guess we could kill C SL like this and get those de Bloom planter boxes got to continue to kill

Them they don’t spawn very much over here which is weird weird there pixie dust though it’s almost like I need to flatten this land out a little bit to get true spawns to spawn because I feel like for some reason they’re not spawning cuz there’s not enough flat surface

Around for them to spawn on how about now we get more mummies now yeah there’s one I heard him I hear that one where’s the one off to the left oh there he is finally barely takes any damage from that one thing I need to do is defeat Queen

Slime all right so where does this interject in My Underworld down towards hell okay here’s what I’m goingon do I’m going create some houses up up here actually do it right here right in the sky biome I actually didn’t need to chop down these trees I have to do is place a

Torch and there’s one house we could do this that’s a door just make this into two more houses it’s going to look so awkward Now oh three four one that works you know what screw it if this works this works but I can’t deal with the ground looking like that so we got a we got a block Swap all right walls crack my neck and it’s not working I think we need more actually no

We don’t I just realized excuse me now torches do these work pull him into here right yes cool I don’t care about the slimes put the tavern keep up here then we’ll grab these feathers or something cool this one just spawned from that and do we have another desert biome

Oh that one so we’ll grab the pillar and we’ll just move these guys so you three okay move these two guys put them over there blue slime Banner might well just extend that platform and turn this into a bigger Boss Arena to F around with also I’m going to going to be

Hollowed out soon to spawn that’s okay I ever spawn my extra minion yeah all right so where am I going that was my Biome oh no that’s my two biomes shoot and it goes all the way down like to here so here’s what we’ll do actually yeah put them up

Here put them all up here all right the three of here it’ll be hollowed but because we’re in the desert it’s actually going to be our desert and then we’ll fix it boom boom there we go all right house time oh wait we have walls well we’ll just

Use them until we lose them how about that whoops was trying to just hold click and do that did not me to place extra walls outside the box we just need chairs and two doors right now this is a good Farm desert key look at that got a

Desert key also forgot I need to get rid of this there we go chairs to DOS boom boom boom and boom and then we can place these guys over here cuz that one’s going to get corrupted H we’re going to play some after cooking slime oh and a megaphone I’ll take that

Not that I’ve been trying to go for that 30 damage yeah let’s stick away from him a little bit just kill him put this right there there we go cool ohom well we got a slimy but I don’t really care green slime Banner I’ll put that

Down so it’s night time sweet so that works perfectly so we’re going to put arm dealer nurse and who over there stylist zoologist oh zoologist think I’m an idiot no we’re going to put the die Trader there or excuse me th Trader here and we’ll set this up right there run

Away come back they’re all here and let’s just double check sweet oh and we can buy this one it’s going to be pointless to buy it now but what we need to do actually is go over here to her and do this actually buy a few of These and travel can we travel no we can’t travel yet because we have to get rid of these guys which oh man I’m really not doing so hot with my placement need to figure this out is that a cold squirrel no it’s just a regular squirrel got the desert key though

Desert key gives us the tiger staff oh that’s actually pretty helpful with this character that we’re playing on sweet and we got a light Shard I don’t remember exactly what they’re used for but helpful and let’s go this way and that way actually need to get rid of this armored

String and get some good accessories we need to go to the Shimmer too we going to go over actually I should have gone to the left yeah we going to go back to this pylon go to the left oh wait we can’t go to the Jungle yeah that’s right but we’re going

To go to the left cuz we need to place down this purification powder on my jungle a little bit try to not have it be as contaminated right now least on the surface figured out real quick over here oh and remove her and put her somewhere oh strange plants it’s cool it

Giv me like two and a half gold hard to see I go to where ends and grab this sweet all right this is where it ends So walls are affected too and I think it’s just three blocks but we’re going to go out four blocks and we’re going to do this out a few blocks doesn’t seem like it’s corrupted the blocks or the walls which I thought is weird usually it

Does but I guess not we going to do this then we’re going to do this you know what there’s a lot of more effort than I think I’m going to take oh it just corrupts it I never is that new or am I like tripping it just corrupts the mud

Block has to be new I’ve never seen that before what is going on that’s cool I think I got all of them I got those just make sure we got all of them over here oh there’s one right there I think it was one do this kill this

Guy all right now let’s purify this little section I guess the walls just aren’t purified I mean corrupted now we got the jungle back okay I remember back in the day those things used to corrupt blocks and that was such a pain oh my gosh that was

Insane got to got to make sure to pay attention that’s so weird just gives me a Spore block probably should have bought a lot more of this stuff oh yeah cuz now I had to go in and like do it on the stone block it could be a big one yeah it

Is it’s a huge one oh oh oh don’t want to take too much damage cuz my minions for some reason are not minion all right 1 2 3 4 five I guess this is it yeah six okay so we’ll just place blocks here to prevent the spread a little bit right

There and then we’ll block these off too so bores spikes whatever the hell you call those things don’t spawn in not enough damage but now my minions are finally attacking like jeez is that a jungle key oh my goodness that’s crazy oh we need that water Leaf we’re going to keep

That we’re going to chop this guy down just need a Clint timinator oh it’s like so close because I go right here and it’s a jungle I need to do a little bit more I also need to do this to make sure they don’t fall into a pit I could just

Fix the whole area let’s see if this works better does good damage oh World feeder drop some cursed Flames for me though I don’t know what I need them for exactly but take them oh no no we want that let’s see here actually do this just get rid of these

Blocks so the jungle grass can glow grow back like so there we go and go down here and fix these corrupt uped blocks just mine them all out and it opens up more section for Jungle grass to regrow thank goodness I don’t understand let’s go good on them this is a big spot

I decided to do this never done this in my life usually just wait till I get a claminator um it depends on so I see your question you’re stuck so it just depends on um what you’re using it also to me depends on are you

On a console you on a a PC what controls you’re using depends on what weapons you’re trying to use the class setup you’re going for um cuz new players tend to have a whole set of like random weapons that aren’t specific to a class that they’re using and they don’t really

Understand it so like for example right now I’m using a ranged weapon if you look at it just does 27 range damage but the armor that I’m using is uses summon damage because it gives me more these little minions so it just depends on what your

Um setup is with him um a lot of easy things to do with the Destroyer is to just build a big long platform in the sky um a good bit up I don’t remember the exact number but if you go up pretty high and then you also put a solid layer of

Blocks um down to prevent the destroyer from technically per the game actually seeing you um the the lasers that he shoots will not spawn or won’t yeah he won’t shoot you with his lasers and then you have more of a chance at uh survival um

Now oh I think we just fix the Cure here so ah shoot this guy so we just need to kill these guys off sweet that was all we needed we can we fixed our whole jungle biome there we go let’s do this and put this back oh a black lens that’s that’s

Random all right so we’re going to put Witch Doctor back oh Noe don’t want to die going to stay away from that going to put where is she the dryad here and there’s one more that I usually put here Ranger with the frost armor said heard that the dead stormbow is very

Good he the dead stormbow is not just very good it is amazing against him because it does an insane amount of damage with the amount of arrows that bares on top of him so I would recommend getting it if you know how definitely definitely worthwhile purely the

Best is that another black l oh I never picked it up was going to say like it’ be random if there was two and I ran over one and couldn’t pick up the other for some reason so my attempt when I go to um The Destroyer is actually just going to

Be what I need to do next which I’ve been kind of slowly doing uh so it’s not n times nothing’s going to happen with these guys but we’re going to put these Keys away that I’m so lucky to have gotten um just to unclutter my inventory

A little bit cuz I got a lot of stuff going on here oh man we need to Shimmer that and we were all the way over there oh well we’ll go back at some point oh we’re supposed to spr spread hollowed seed oh we got the hollow Pome

Pylon let’s see strange plant where’s my di trador oh no did I move him where did I move him oh is she still there whoops I need to move her who’s up here Tavern keep oh I put him over here wellow I’m a ding dong all right

Let’s put this away we’ll just put this in here for now I think uh yeah I only have the one yeah do that I’m probably going to do that myself at some point um for some healing potions so it would be pretty smart of me but I don’t have any Souls I haven’t

Got a single soul so we’re just going to actually yeah I don’t need money I’m not like dying for money so I need to go farm ores to get a better pick cuz at some point I do plan on upgrading my I don’t need to what am I even thinking I

Do need a mythro Anvil so I should probably go get mythal and then an Adam anti Forge would be beneficial to have for sure so I’m going to go do that really quickly and then I might as well get a titanium repeater to upgrade my bow because

Cuz I need to I can’t just live with this one forever and I might as well be down here I might as well Farm a few more of these guys for some fangs to make the mother mother uh Spider summon whatever it’s called I don’t remember the exact

Terminology I don’t think it’s called the mother spider but should be able to get more to spawn because of the fact that we’re got our stylus to go away oh there was some that’s right it’s a good little pocket only gone for like 10 minutes and there’s so many cobwebs have already

Spawned in it’s crazy all right my little spiders need to go and attack this spider excuse me kill this guy yeah I don’t know how that happened I I I’ve not done a single bit of advertising so it’s not like I’ve put a bunch of stuff out there for it to pop

Up but glad you sto buy to check it out I don’t know how new you are to the game too but I’m also doing a hardcore playthrough so this is a little bit more strategic in a sense that I can’t attempt I don’t want to die basically I don’t want to die as

Much really I I don’t want to die at all actually cuz if I die at all um I’m screwed the game’s the the playthrough is over um and I’ve gone for about 45 minutes right now and I’ve played two streams prior to this for about 2 hours

Roughly a piece so I mean I’m doing okay 4 hours in I’m already in hard mode but hard mode is going to be the longer portion this just going to take me forever to get through man I need some spiders to spawn some black recluses there’s two need more to spawn

Though well at least they’re dropping a decent amount of fangs need 10 but I think we need 24 oh that’s not helpful at all but you know what could be watch this he’s going to be selling a yo-yo oh I even called it but I don’t want

That one I’m going to go to the um the other biome oh did I get did I have aack counterweight I can’t remember if I had a counterweight or not I didn’t but I want a Yo-Yo Yo-Yo would be really beneficial for me to have so we can combine those into the yo-yo

Bag in a bit sweet scare them off oh oh that’s even more better place that down actually we’ll put it in the middle boom right there is there one right here yes sir I hear Mr bone Mr Bones killing one over there or at least attacking two oh and

There’s two here that’s even more better well I had good language terms good English more more two and I don’t know even know what the hell I’m trying to say there another fried egg I’ve got two fried eggs that’s cool all right so we’re at 19 we need a few more if like

Five more right there we go three wow we just need two more I’m pretty sure it’s 24 for actually don’t know I don’t remember specifically off the top of my head there’s one sometimes I drop three maybe he’ll drop three and he’ll be the last one I just really need

Two I got three all right so let’s go get some more mythal would you recommend us use a summon while fing him uh yeah I would put a summon on the side for sure I would have an extra one set up um then use a bewitching table to get you

Another one and if you have potions like a Summoner potion definitely I mean use those if you don’t know what those are you can you can go to the jungle as long as you’re in the underground jungle it has to be the underground specifically you can get um variagated lar fish from

Fishing and you able to use that as um an ingredient with Moonglow it’s like I think something else but but you use those combine them make yourself a good little uh Summoner potion and it makes you uh have an extra summon which is pretty beneficial uh I would rock a main

Class and then use the minions as a side class especially being if you’re like a a pretty new player to the game but if not you could go for a Summoner class need to find a gelatinous Shard I think that’s what it’s called or gelatinous Crystal or whatever it’s called

Actually we have a million crystals now I’m about to show you a glitch here in a moment actually I’ll go ahead and do it now so this is a little glitch that I came across from somebody else I didn’t discover this on my own but basically I’m able to infinitely get Crystal

Shards so the idea is that if you have a block we’ll just place a block here and then you take a platform I such and put it two spaces up over and you put a crystal into it oh that one didn’t work because I’m an idiot you don’t put a crystal you have

To hammer this block the platform at least once and if you place a crystal into it it infinitely gives you crystals and I’m going to take that because it’s a glitch in I mean it’s a glitch in the game but I’m going to keep it because I need Crystal Shards and I

Don’t feel like going around for a bunch the only thing I do need however that I’ll have to look for is a lot in this Crystal or gelatin Crystal whatever it’s called cuz I want to be able to fight Queen slime oh no took a little bit of damage

There we’re going to heal just to be safe so I need to go around this uh I don’t want it’s hard to tell the difference between lava with those things going around I need to get a little bit more mythal though I think I 104 or need to make the

Crystal for the Anvil and that trying to be Master mode Master mode is rough I’ve only ever first I’ve only ever just started trying to play it I mean I’ve played it before but I’ve never completed it so it’s pretty hard I spawn this guy in here to kill him sweet

I am fishing right now for endurance and wraith potions I just saw that yeah that’s that’s a good idea too I need to do the same I fished up a bunch of variagated lardfish earlier or not earlier on this one but on a previous stream from yesterday I fished up a bunch of

Those I forgot what this Crystal looks like oh we don’t want to be attacked by him I mean I don’t really care if I am but I really got to pay attention while I’m out around here I’m looking for this Crystal though and I forget what it specifically ah

Looks like that one kind of looks like it’s got like a I don’t know what you call that a Groove to it or something there we go need one at least I might need two not because if I fail but because if I defeat them and I don’t get what I

Want cuz I want the blade staff actually this is right here I didn’t I just noticed sweet all right and then we’re going to grab this Mythril and we’re going to go up up to the surface should be plenty I think yeah that’s plenty I

Think it’s 12 to make the Anvil and I think it’s 18 to make the pick might be more actually 15 oh wellow very well excuse me me got like a bad tickle in my throat what am I doing we’re going to combine this that’s what I’m going to do make that yo-yo bag

Pasty yo-yo bag and then we’re also going to do oh no I think we need more souls for that what is it where is it so we need we need this where is it what am I looking for these and we got wood I know it’s Crystal Shards but I

Don’t I think it’s Souls of light too ah man need more excuse me we need more Crystal Shards so we can make the chick put these away this away this away there we go I’ll put these away I was going to use them but I didn’t I didn’t need to use them so

Make let’s see here NPCs there and there we moved all these guys up here she’s still living there the only way I know that this is going to be corrupted is I guess if I look at the mini map I don’t know but we need Oh I thought I put somebody here no

I guess and I didn’t trying I was trying to Think holy arrows yeah it’s a good idea holy arrows are really good I I I should grind for some too um what I need to do to grind I don’t have any oh I got one spunker potion so now my grind is slowly got to be uh titanium I’m going use

This spunker potion now though oh that’s a mimic that’s so random that I just almost realized that I have I’ve never come across mimics so close to the surface like that is that another one it’s just possessed armor I was about to say that was going to be so

Random that I come across two like that oh dual hook I’ll take that I just realized take a dual hook prefer the other access but that’s okay so I know there’s a bit of titanium around where I was farming these guys oh we got I didn’t even make their summon or Sentry I

Mean we’ll do that in a moment somebody’s breaking down a door over there oh I don’t need anything else from these guys I’m good and I spawn a bunch and oh well so there’s a little bit right right here Booyah all right so I don’t remember seeing any more of it

Actually there we go there’s a little bit right there there’s like tidbits right here which is kind of a bummer because it’s not that much there’s a chest over there but I don’t need it I just need this platinum or Platinum titanium here we go is that a no it’s just money I

Thought that was a crystal uh not Crystal Shard what am I saying a Soul of Light guess I ran right by some earlier some literally right here but we’ll kill these guys for Souls possibly Souls there’s a soul actually yeah more guys over here got one we need five more uh but we

Need a good about a good amount more actually especially if we want to make summons for the mechanical bosses that was a dumb idea I almost got myself killed there so I decided to jump weirdly yeah I have no the only thing that I’m going to probably try to get is

The the frost spark or the uh Terrace spark boots but I’m not going to be going for the um mining potion did I just see that what am I tripping I thought I saw a mining potion never mind uh I’m definitely not going to go for the ank Shield just too much

Effort um this is a character that I don’t really care about but it’s it’s hardcore so I’m attempting to at least complete it but I’m not attempting to 100% or like get the greatest things so I’m just trying to do with what I can and not

Just a get by cuz I mean the goal is literally to get by and manage to get through the whole game without wor without dying but so far we’re not doing too bad we need more defense like a lot more but we’re not going to be able to

Get that not going to at least get what I want um especially if I’m playing a Summoner play through I only have 25 defense uh so my fight against the Destroyer is going to be a little a little um calm in a sense as I’m going to try to do my

Best to not get attacked at all so I don’t know sometimes I just start saying things and I forget what I’m talking about oh we need to use this potion just going to go this way oh well that’s cool that these guys are like practically next to each

Other so we have 200 100 titanium wow so I want the repeater um and I want I need I just need the repeater actually or anything else the one thing that I oh it’s just a little worm so the next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to fight Queen

Slime oh I just realized that that was lava that I just walked right into we’ll grab a few Souls of Night continue going around a little slowly looking for um some more souls too souls and I mean titanium but I need to go quickly is not oh it’s a jungle that’s

Not what we want there’s a little bit what is that oh no am I like that close to the underground desert too for some reason oh yeah we are we’re totally next to the desert there’s a Medusa I was half expecting her to give me a mirror um because to plan on killing dread Nautilus for the summon item no um it’s a good one but I would prefer myself to go get the blade staff from Queen slime um I think that’s how you get it

Queen slime’s blade staff is just a little bit more uh useful to me especially if I could do one thing that I’m thinking of I think I think I could do it oh that was a bad idea and do this so what I’m thinking of is I need to

Go oh you know what I realize yeah we could totally fight these guys down here and just farm for Souls at night like this how many Souls at night do we have six we need a few more yeah so I don’t plan on killing dread Nautilus I don’t think I’ve

Ever I’ve used the sanguin staff before um like when it first came out it was like a new item to the game but I never really like saw it after it if that makes sense I’d rather just use the blade staff like I said from Queen slime which

Will probably be my B first boss fight I need a few More um Souls of KN cuz I need I think it’s six but it might just be three I don’t remember exactly if it’s three or six to get the boss summon for the Destroyer or if I’m just tripping I don’t remember exactly but I know need both for both summons

Especially if I don’t get them they don’t drop from mobs sometimes they do find and kill every mob I can cuz good Lord they are not spawning I mean they are but I don’t see them this is where like a mob farm definitely comes into play but I don’t have that

Ability I mean I do have the ability to make one but I don’t want to because that’s too much effort there we go but I don’t want to be too close to this Desert these guys keep spawning that’s a lot of them you’re two mobs in one oh only one of them gives me what I needed Tim what’s up Tim actually we’ll take that I prefer that even though I’m not a wizard I want these though I think I could Shimmer these guys curse Flames

Into ier make some ier arrows but I need a lot more like a lot more there’s my Souls there’s one oh you’re not a take that wow that was a trap and a half got me didn’t even pay attention kill this Clinger too ah keep taking a little too much damage

Right now do not check the lava how’s it going Zen Place welcome welcome doing a uh little as best as I can hardcore attempt just classic mode though cuz I’m a little baby I’m used to playing expert like 24/7 so playing classic is like a breeze

But I wanted to play classic to make it easier for hardcore because why not might as well start start with the easier option instead of doing a bunch of attempts on Expert let’s get these Souls over here I think it’s was just just the one though cuz

I’m blind look at that not even attempting to go for the ank shield and I’m getting the pieces for it oh oops good thing I stood right there there’s one over there a soul I was going to be funny if that was the pocket me oh and the one thing I found out

Recently which I thought was pretty cool is so uh the chance for medusas to spawn is relatively low but even funnier is that only one Medusa is allowed to be spawned at a time so like the one that I just killed if she were to stay on screen and I’m

Like H I just want more to spawn then I kill a few at a time it doesn’t work like that only one is allowed to be on screen at a time so you have to kill it in order for another to spawn which is crazy to think

Like I’ve never heard of that before but it’s a thing it’s pretty cool that they were able to make that a game mechanic oh there’s one right here uh I just heard something oh it’s an imp now whatever I hate this chest guy keeps coming after me I don’t have a

Golden key to save you I’m sorry now we’re getting mobs to spawn and we’re killing them pretty pretty good get these cursed Flames go back this way there’s another Tim oh gives me a soul take that I don’t care about his hat cuz I’ve already got one on what am I

Need there another one you know what screw we’re just going to stay here because we’re getting souls and a potential bucket mirror so maybe I could make some pieces for the ank Shield it’ be pretty beneficial because if I’m down underground I don’t have to worry about

Um getting the uh armor crunch crush or whatever it’s called well that’s like four that I’ve killed so far can’t believe that stupid thing is still over there there another Tim is that a Tim was that oh was a mob from the desert that was crazy excuse me again oh nope don’t want

To die so we’ve got plenty of souls T night actually I think I’m really just kind of sitting around hoping to maybe find a a Medusa that’ll drop a pocket here I don’t know why but I feel like I’m going to be unlucky until it doesn’t happen

Ah or maybe one of those guys will drop an Uzi that would be pretty cool too to Knight there go down here and get this bunch of worm teeth and it sucks that there’s nothing good that comes out of worm teeth besides you know Unholy arrows I

Think oh that was a helmet I thought that was not a helmet is that a Medusa yes sir yes it is and she’s running away like a little baby okay so I don’t think she’s going to drop a pocket mirror for me which kind of sucks but that’s okay I’m going

To do like two more Medusa kills and if we don’t get one we’ll just say screw it there’s one cuz we’ve got plenty of souls here oh don’t want him to hit me is that one down there that is am I like blind there was not one

There I think I think I’m blind what is this yeah stay in the lava just die shoot attack him follows me and then I just do this till he’s dead I don’t think he drops anything that I could use still going to attempt to kill him though

Obviously he not as fast and hard as the regular one or the expert mode all right drop the putrid scent enemies are less likely to Target you 5% increased damage inre iCal strike chance what I’ve never noticed that before all right one more one more Medusa and only hope for the

Best that’s a lot of Medusa was killed so far that she’s not dropped it maybe I’m just used to the higher chances and expert mode oh there’s one before she gets away nope she a bumer kill this all right I’m going go round up some of these Souls think there’s one in

There I’m not going to try to kill it get it though cuz it’s in the lava that was weird I heard a I heard one oh but she didn’t drop anything to Obama what is this armor ranged just defense cuz I got two helmets but I just think I would need

The pants to make the full set and there’s a helmet I need like a few more of these guys to kill and I could probably get a full set oh how’d you get in the wall That’s that’s weird I wonder what the set bonus is that’s why I’m trying to do this

But never actually used the full Javelin armor set gladi armor set so I don’t know is I am yawning I don’t think we’re going to get lucky enough yeah kill him screw that guy nobody cares and I don’t care about him either that was an easy read to avoid oh

There’s a mimic though we want to kill that that’s for sure and another Medusa die from Lava I want that I’ll take that I don’t think I’ll necessarily need to use it but take it Nonetheless oh no I’m dying oh we’re totally chilling didn’t have to die as quickly as I thought I was going to die breastplate oh you know what I bet you I could do all right one more one more of these I know what I’m doing I need to do it I

Need to go to the Jungle not necessar the jungle but I need to go Shimmer yeah luck potions are used excuse me started yawning luck potions are used by these little fellas uh where are they these little fellas ladybugs we got to catch ladybugs they spawn randomly

Sometimes uh see that they they spawn um at the beginning of the day sometimes if you see one spawn so basically your your luck changes depending on the day uh in the morning they’ll spawn and you’ll know if you have some spawning your luck will be have been increased for the day

Um spawning in so what you do is you just catch one and then as soon as you catch one another one will spawn so you could continuously just like catch them and then more will spawn you just have to keep like going back and forth between

Your base house and you’ll be able to catch them um the only thing is though that you have to go to the desert like for me I have to go to the desert and fish up pearls you need uh there’s three different pearls you can get from I think

Oysters I think oysters are what they are you unlock them from oysters and you can uh use those to help you craft luck potions I need need to do what I was going to say before I keep like lingering basically I’m going to go to the Shimmer biome and Shimmer these things

Ow yep but now it’s finally corrupted that didn’t take long at all actually ow that guy did a lot of damage for no reason all right where’s the last one right here this one I think it was this one that we had to go down cuz I bombed my way to hell with

It almost not really how do you find the Shimmer is there a specific way to find it yes there is so the Shimmer always spawns on the side of the Jungle so whatever side of the world your jungle is on it’s going to be there it’s generally going

To be between the jungle and the ocean um sometimes it could be like this far over sometimes it could be literally like almost looks like it’s like beneath the ocean um but it just depends on where you look like sometimes it could be this close like it could be

About in the middle sometimes it could be closer to the surface sometimes it could be like way down here there’s not I don’t think there’s a chance for it to spawn down where the lava is though so you shouldn’t have to worry about that but he doesn’t he doesn’t do anything

Well that’s a bummer so that was a waste of tossing those in there but these don’t either which is a bummer actually damn it thought I could whoa what the my minions are doing some damage but not enough all right what was I going to

Get oh right Shimmer this until we get a Summoner emblem well that was easy cool go Summoner I don’t like that they’re killing these guys underw water because I can’t tell if he drops anything or not cuz I think all that loot is going somewhere that I want but it’s not here and it’s not floating either think it’s going straight down maybe is it going straight down if

I like toss a mud block down and of course that one is transmuted like this this doesn’t get transmuted no doesn’t fall down any further though it’s weird so I’m going to test this out fall through and see if these this loot goes anywhere it’s been just looting down

Here nope that loot is just non-existent okay so got my Summoner emblem we need we needed more houses oh jeez we keep forgetting we need to make more houses actually I need to do this I’m just going to make a hollow over here cuz that desert biome is going to

Creep up quick if I’m not careful it’s going to take over and it’s going to come over here and it’s going to corrupt me put this right next to it let this grow just let him hash it out so now what we’re going to do is

This forgot I had all this titanium I was just chilling with it all right cool so it’s pointless to make a pick because it doesn’t do anything for me but it’s beneficial to make this repeater that I want where is it uh yeah 43 over 27 but it’s it’s a

Little bit better of course it gives me a weak one but I don’t want the Arma do this all right so sell this I don’t remember which combines actually where is the guide maybe I could do a little quick farming session I can go get Pixies and I think they dropped the fast

Clock oh I need a Nazir though wait a second I think I think the uh megaphone is shimmered into the Nazir watch this let’s see I’m going go to the Shimmer on the Wikipedia and see adhesive bandage turns into a bizor we don’t even have a bizor armor polish

Turns into vitamins blindfold turns into the pocket mirror what is this one called that I’m looking at uh megaphone go to the M’s Mega phone it does so we’ll just kind of I hope I guess that we can get some of those I’m not too worried if I do or

Don’t but yeah and I’m replace this I don’t really care about this honeycomb pointless now we need we need like a legit uh biome um put these in here even though they don’t belong in there what am I looking for oh we’re going to sell this stuff cuz this it

Didn’t transmute and I wasn’t able to pick all that stuff up so I don’t know what I need which is a bummer I’m going to sell this I don’t want this holy 10 gold wow that’s crazy actually what do you combine with craftable I didn’t even notice quiver increase view range for guns

Enemies are less likely to Target you or the flower that’s right automatically use Mana potions 8% reduce Mana cost and enemies are less likely to Target you not too worried because this is classic I probably should be looking for that magic quiver though excuse me we need whoops we going do this

There we go what the heck let’s going on here got it I got regular wooden arrows it wasn’t close enough just going to make a bunch of these the reason why I’m going to do that is cuz these are 17 damage versus seven and you catch all right so now we need to

Go I’m going to hold on to this even though it’s worth 10 gold I don’t need I don’t need the gold I’m chilling for now we’re going to go reforge y see how she fares see if you can do some work yo yo yo yo actually it should be night

Time I I don’t need uh we’re going to do this unclutter my inventory a little bit we don’t want these anymore we don’t need these but we’re going to hold on to them because they could be useful this helmet we’re going to put in here too

Just cuz and we’re going to sell this bat bat and now we’re going to go find Mr Mr Goblin reforge some things real quick please be cheap take deadly I should probably reforge this too at least get some damage some good damage maybe a ruthless one 3 2 1 zero a man I

Hate this I’ll take that and then a few of these accessories maybe get a good one armored I’ll take that spiked is okay I don’t need melee speed wow we armored I’ll definitely take that this one it’s going to be the rough one because it’s not expensive angry I’ll take that

Hasty you oh perfect menacing I’ll take that cool we need to so our hollowed biome is right here we want to fight the Queen’s slime now I need to plch I need to make some platforms you know what I need to do is chop these two tree down and hope

They give me some acorns yes sir I got two at least two two works I guess Wow first first one that’s funny I’ll take that that’s beautiful oh and I knew it would work I knew this would do this cool so I want to make some bunch of

Platforms what I just do with them accidentally threw them and make ourselves a little bit of an arena here so weird cool it looks so weird hey what’s going on Joshi welcome back man joining back in we are in hard mode doing good we are grinding um things out a little bit

We’re going to try to fight the queen slime here in a moment I don’t know how well I’ll do I’m just hoping that I don’t die it’s like the only thing I need to make sure I have buff stations and potions and then I’m doing just at least

Two platform layers I probably should do a little bit more just to be safe actually I don’t want to get too close to these guys though oh not paying attention then we’ll do another up should be paying attention to get some wings at some point hopefully actually being at this

Level will cause more mobs to spawn because now this the surface is like down there and they can just spawn like right below Me Maybe probably won’t though just my luck seems like got a few Pixies mummies I think these guys would drop what I want if they drop a

Megaphone I don’t remember though few more platforms probably with too many all right cool we’re going to make some campfires just put one here and one on the other end and then we’ll go get some heart lanterns we don’t have any bass statues which is a bummer but that’s

Okay light Shard need the Pix he’s actually dropped the fast clock which I can transmute the fast clock into I already have the trifold map so that doesn’t matter but we’ll drop a fast clock oh there’s one down there and I don’t I need to move up so he’ll despawn all right

So let’s do this yeah I think I it’s pretty late for you isn’t it oh there’s two things I want to do should stayed over there actually two things I want to do we’ll do this we’re going to do that we’re going to do this we need two of those and we’re

Going to do this we going to do come on get closer my goodness how close do I have to be I enough lead what’s going on here oh my goodness I hate this I I didn’t I didn’t prep this out right I hate having a storage room right there 224 I thought

It was wowzers was late I don’t know why you stay up so late it’s crazy kind of absurd actually just crazy to me going to go get some honey we going make ourselves a little honey station and I think we need to do I’m going to grab this

Honey real quickly we’re going to go straight back up to the surface cuz I think cuz it’s hard mode if I’m not mistaken I might be mistaken the witch doctor sells I think oh no I think it’s what am I thinking of let me let me look on

The the the witch doctor n the wiki real quick so she sells Leaf Wings when spoken to an hard mode jungle biome Knight okay oh Leaf Wings require defeating planta oh no no no no that’s just for like the Nintendo 3DS I guess I don’t know what the what does this mean

Um after defeating PLA and then I need a pygm staff okay okay so uh Pig me necklace during night and Hercules beetle after planta and the oh man that’s a bummer okay whatever that’s okay I’m from Philippines we are doing heart in the way I can’t see that for some

Reason doing live playing Call of Duty mobile at Bight grinding huh okay well that’s you know what that sounds like fun I really I mean I be honest I hope you’re enjoying it cuz I’ve played Call of Duty mobile before it’s a you know I mean I don’t

Prefer it but I don’t mind it uh I need to do this here we go now we can do this there we go all right then we needed there one other thing we needed so we’re going to grab our potions first oh we should do wraith potions we

Need to go get some wraith potions so we’re going to get put these back in here or’s a sonar potion and now we need which chest did I put those in here we are we go to the corruption and fish can we fish in the

Corruption do we have a spot we have a spot oh we have a perfect spot right there sweet so we’re going to go get ourselves some uh Evan Koy make some wrath potions the oh it’s it’s just the the difficulty is just classic for the world uh um but

Being it is is Hardcore it makes it a little bit more difficult so cuz I’m not trying to rush into things and just die all the time like that right there like I just ran into those guys and could have just died and killed myself but I made it I’ve never done hardcore

Before so I’ve just been trying to grind out yeah trying to see what I can do I haven’t defeated any bosses I’ve been in hard mode for probably about 2 hours now it’s just a long time but I’m about to attempt Queen slime cuz I want the blade

Staff cuz I’m doing a little bit of a Summoner but I need some potions cuz I keep forgetting that I’m a weak also it be beneficial for me to get a how do I get down here um Whatchamacallit a pair of wings but I don’t have any yet all right

So combine these two for ultimate fishing power yeah just a little bit I like I like Summoner a lot I don’t know it’s just it’s like my favorite class to play as but I do know it’s pretty risky considering this it’s hardcore but I’ve also got I’m also doing like a modified

Range Summoner play play through uh attempt um I don’t plan on doing the old ones Army really um to get that like fancy armor that combines both into one if that makes sense for that armor but who knows maybe I might just to see oh oh oh little skip there

Well first one and it immediately goes away line breaks there’s one I’m going to get at least like you know what I’m not going to get at least I’m going to just fish until my potions run out because otherwise it’s a waste of time be a waste of Potions all

Right oh was just that guy wasn’t anything crazy you know what we’ll grab that we’ll sell it we need more money considering that we just reforged some things and we just lost a bunch of money over like a platinum all right man get some good sleep hey you too I’ll see you

Later hope you enjoyed it wasn’t much but lot of purple clubber fishes oh I see what you mean makes sense now right I just want some more eban Koy there we go oops defiled crate oh that’s cool how would you rank the mech bosses from easiest to

Hardest I feel like skeleton Prime is easiest but everyone says that it’s the hardest I’m going to agree with you there in saying that Skeletron Prime to me is like the easiest boss to fight for some reason out of the mech bosses uh for some reason I mean twins

Are easy too because if you just fly in a proper angle um spazmatism flames um won’t really catch you as long as you have like a a pair of wings and that’s a world feeder long as you have a good pair of wings and a feather fall potion you can

Just kind of like Outlast that for a while um but the easiest one to me for some reason always is Skeletron Prime I don’t know why you is just the easiest the more tricky one is the TW or is the Destroyer because of his probes but with the little lasers and stuff

But I don’t know how it’s how I’m going to Faire I haven’t played classic against uh the destroyer in a while so he’s the first one I want to face because he’ll be the hardest to try to tackle and let’s make sure okay that’s another world feeder don’t want to die

Cool but I try to avoid uh the Destroyer usually he’s like the trickiest one but it’s classic mode so it shouldn’t be too hard for me to manage oh another defiled crate I’ll take that that’s cool I don’t even know what they drop actually getting some good crates right now it’s

Funny um but yeah I think Skeletron perhaps easiest honestly like if you take out a prime laser whatever it’s called he becomes a cakewalk because now he doesn’t shoot you and then all you have to do is just avoid the uh the arms which is easy to

Maneuver even without a dash it’s easy to maneuver cuz he’s kind of slow like the like the twins are pretty quick uh especially when reizer transforms into a second phase he’s a little trickier to avoid but I mean again if you have a good pair of wings in a featherfall

Potion and you can hit it at the right angle you can just avoid his lasers if you go back and forth and just up and down or if you have like a block above you to avoid and you just use like I am minions it can attack them without

Shooting you it can almost make it like super easy Let’s see we have 12 I think we’re doing really good actually and seven armored uh armored fish actually uh can we do this quickly we’ve got plenty of that stuff we’re going to this as quick as we can we’re going to

Go down to the underground Hollow and see if we can find a um pool of water and try to fish real quick for some um what what those things called uh shoot I don’t remember the name of them but the um those fishes that give me extra the

Life force potions what are they called do you guys remember what they’re called the fish for the life force potions I don’t even remember I need a better uh melee weapon which I have a yo-yo bag and I still haven’t made a yo-yo oh I

Can make a yoyo now I can make the chick but I wanted the actually should get the amarak which is an easier one to use CU it gives you better damage just going to go straight down from here yeah I know if I can defeat the Destroyer without woring without like

Well not NE necessarily wearing but if I can defeat Destroyer decently uh I’ll be I’ll be set actually I think I could do it right here this might be good enough we’ll find out in a moment cuz the background didn’t change but the noise did and the water has changed too so

This might work maybe no I don’t think this is deep enough there’s a pool of water oh yeah no we’re not going to get much from this at all it’s going to give us very low fishing power is that a pool of lava no that is just a cave oh no um there’s

Some water here but that’s no that’s not water that’s walls there’s water oh jeez we’re going to run out of our potion before we even get there let’s go back let’s just get over there as fast as we can without having to mind too much that is not going to be

Enough water for us to get what we need so we got to go carefully through this not attacked by the lava too much uh I should be collecting these Souls but how we going to get there uh we’re we’re going to run out of our potions should have grabbed the other

Ones see if we can get there yeah prismite that’s what it’s called Thank you thank you all righty follow this up high as possible quickly oh we definitely ran out of time oh well that’s a bummer where’s that water we’ll have to just fish and just the hope that we have we

Can just get one or two or maybe just one is all I could hope for I guess because there’s plenty of water here uh we’ll just we’ll just screw it we don’t have time for it we ran out of potions and I don’t feel like going back up to get

Them flood this area down here and make this my pool of water right there all right bomb this whoops I didn’t want that one to drop there but that works one more there was a crystal there all right cool I’ll take that all right fix this up this is plenty of water

Now place down some blocks some platforms make it easy to stand on and let’s fish hopefully we can get a few prismite oh I was running out of time for my potions uh the fishing and the sonar potions because it just makes it easier to you know obviously to to see what you

Need or see what you’re getting when you’re fishing but that’s okay I’ll just sit here and fish until I possibly get like two prismite is all I’m hoping for hopefully I don’t use all my um bait by trying to get just two prismite but we’ll see there’s

One and there’s two wow that was insane actually well if that was that easy we’re going to do like two more maybe we’ll see we’ll take the crates though and then we’ll go back and sell all the stuff and gear up maybe one more actually would just be

Smarter to go for so we don’t take a lot of time cuz I’m not trying to like Smooth sale this in a sense I feel like I’ve just been grinding a lot more than I normally do for uh hard mode which is but it’s better to have a little bit

More prep holy cow 15 mobs around that’s crazy all right princess fish yeah I don’t need princess fish but you know what we’re going to take him cuz I think we can sell them for an okay Penny not much excuse me yeah so it is a little bit more

Beneficial to be a little bit more prepared the normal but I I don’t know personally me I like to like Groove through and just like go through things as quick as possible but when you don’t have to worry about dying and losing everything I guess it makes it it definitely makes

It easier cuz you know if you die you could just get back to it versus if if I were to die now I would die and lose everything I don’t think we’re going to get another one it feels like I’m going to be unlucky oh well there it is and

Then we’ll grab this Divine crate uh there it is grab these crystals might as well and you know what we’ll try to kill this guy ah it would take forever for me to probably get a rotted Discord it’s always worth a chance to kill at least

One of them all right cool let’s sell all this stuff actually we’re going to go sell it for the most benefit special amount that we can get we’ll switch between we’ll see what the arm stealer sells for and then we’ll see what the um Goblin or the mechanic sells

For let see if we could get oh wait is it a it’s a full moon I think I cuz it sounded like a a Werewolf is there a werewolf sounded like one spawn but there’s no enemies spawning over here which I hate about this little section a bummer it’s like no mobs want to spawn in this portion right here so let’s see what you sell for 189 you sell for 178 and you sell for

178 wow what about you how much do you sell for 189 so 189 is going to be the most and 126 for these all right cool open these up vilethorn ew I don’t even know why I even assumed that that would give me anything good but I got

Some other things all 1 2 3 4 5 six an anchor 76 damage never used it won’t use it but that’s cool oh wait we shouldn’t have sold that bait cuz now we can’t get it back mythal crate and this oh we got some Souls I forgot about that let’s see

Here these are actually pretty good everything was everything was good for now until we get more stuff so we’ll put you here as well as these and apparently didn’t have any water Leaf so that’s nice to put that in there and get it back should sell this one probably

Should have sold it over there would have got more for it but that’s okay wood and platforms don’t need princess fish we were going to sell but we didn’t even sell over there could have sold for more but that’s okay and these guys and put you in here so we can

Make the potions boom look at that only can only make one though cuz I realize it’s water Leaf we need we don’t have a lot of water leaf but we can make these only made three wow all right cool and then we don’t need anything else so we got the

Wraths all right so we need one of these I feel like I don’t need this life force potion yeah I didn’t even notice but it’s okay could have got myself a um bandage but I’ll be all Right Summoner potion got the Wrath got the endurance uh let’s get a fell fall and this for sure and then we need to make a regeneration potion as well and a Thorns potion do we not have thorns potion what do we need oh we need blink root I think I think it’s blink

Root we need we need to farm up these blink root there we go why don’t you get an Alchemy Station actually that’s a great question because I haven’t I went into the dungeon and all I did was get the Cobalt Shield um when I was going in there I was taking a

Lot of damage and it was more than I was willing to accept to get uh what I was needing what do I need for Thorns potions am I like tripping out here thought it was blink R but I guess it’s not there’s something else I need death

Weed it was what it was not that oh my goodness I’m an idiot all right man I appreciate you stopping by though hope uh uh you enjoy the rest of your day oops didn’t mean to drink that now we got to wait a few moments we’re going to make a better

Sword we’re going to make a myth we’re going to make a titanium one well we need to do this Savage too that’s cool all right I’m going to go to the bathroom and by the time I come back I can jump right in and hit this boss

Fight up and see how it goes is for For all Right back we’re going to do this thing we’re going to see how it goes actually we’re going to we’re going to make that yo-yo let’s make the yo-yo real quick what the Crystal Shards and light methal Anvil 15 Crystal Shards wooden yo-yo and 10 Souls of

Light oh it’s at the top what right here 42 damage Superior o even better let’s trade these out be good for close but this will be better for yeah the amarak would probably be a lot better but yeah so let’s go do this thing hopefully we hopefully we can do good hopefully we

Don’t die first try on this boss fight I don’t I don’t know how easy she is and or how hard she is with classic mode but we’ll find out here in a moment drink up use our minion and let’s just see the only thing that I don’t like is that I don’t have

Um those things I don’t have icker which sucks 12 damage she’s taking a lot of damage she’s going to die pretty easily actually I feel like she got to avoid her attacks from these guys and I need to step away a little bit now she’s in her second stage

Already I think we’re going to do fine let’s go get some honey regen just avoid your attacks and we should be good and then I think I’m just going to go summon get the Destroyer M summon and fight him at night time oh 66 damage all right that’s not

Good haven’t had to heal though so that’s nice maybe I could do it first try and not have to fight her again shouldn’t drop anything should dro the helmet that’s not what I wanted we have three of them so that’s nice all right let’s do

This oh we forgot to do this this oh we didn’t even get our she takes curse damage so that’s cool oh oh oh oh no wanted to jump at me and take a bunch of damage this thing isn’t doing bad either which is nice my yoyo oh yo-yo is chilling but this does

A lot more damage so we’re just going to do this but we’re going to stay away because now we’re taking a bunch of damage second phase is a little easier though so that’s nice missed the honey but we still got like 10 seconds so we’re chilling there’s the honey jumped right into that

One took damage for no reason whatsoever oh there’s some hearts here though grab those taking a lot more damage this time than last time I’m not paying attention but I know we can do it so we’re chilling now want I jumped right into her oh there we go blate staff sweet

Cool annoying too that’s great let’s go reforge it just want ruthless Mystic Works tube um demonic is demonic is pretty good I love these guys I don’t know why and you know what I’m going to see how well these guys fa Fair against their own their own um

Mother just do this again keep those hearts there do crazy work crazy work I don’t know if it’s more I can’t tell but doing pretty good the only thing is though I need to do this forgot so not worry about the slimes and just attack her I need a whip though a

Whip would probably be better easiest one to get is the Cool Whip oh my God I think they’re doing more damage so they have more slime spawn out holy bolies she’s already dead so that’s cool wow that was crazy did we get a slime saddle oh we didn’t get the pink slime

Saddle that’s okay though let’s see can we get anything from the Shimmer from this from these guys what is this the crystal armor maybe not these are items where’s the armor maybe not items that cannot be what am I looking for I guess we can’t I even see the blade staff okay

Well that’s fine so do this go home cuz this is called Crystal armor yeah Crystal I don’t see it in the Shimmer page I don’t even care about that stuff but because we defeated her a couple times we did get some better potions so that’s nice

Use for the Zenith I don’t think I’ll ever even get it but not not a bad thought to have at least the items for it Now let’s do this should I go and should I get the Cool Whip I need a storm though it needs to be storming should get the cool whip yeah but um let’s get this guys let’s get these Farm These real quick then we can put them up here into their own planter box

Cool and the shiverthorn as well I don’t think we use the shiverthorn as for as much blink root need blink Ro nope all right so we are doing decent We need oh this is what we’re going to do so we need to be very cautious we’re going to use the same Boss Arena

Um did we have lens is we do sweet six Souls of light oh no it’s six so we need I think we need more to make skeleton Prime but I don’t even think we have bones I don’t even think we got any bones at all I did get bones but we need more

Souls of light so even if I could triple bang all three of them in one night I don’t have enough time and I don’t want to deal with it so let’s get more potions out wrath potion iron skin swiftness archery and a fried egg actually for the Buffs actually

No save it almost drank it we’re going to do the steak for the major major buff increase but we need um what am I looking for in my brain R right now oh need to make um regen potion feel like I’m missing a potion oh the life

Force oh we used it life force would probably be the best right here but we’re going to get a night owl too just make it a little brighter and Hunter potion so we can see where he’s coming from now we’re just going to do this we’re going to go over here we’re going

To chop down these only one tree spawned oh wow only one Tre spawned because of the fact that a blueberry spawned right next to him interesting whatever well we could trans put these back at the regular wood blocks place this random platform down we just do this have somewhere to

Kind of hide it’s night time for sure from him it’s not going to be high enough I have a feeling and I have a feeling I’m going to need to save and exit the world just to kind of cheap out dude like this place these over here and do another

Block spot to I think this is not high at all we should probably do a lot higher you know what screw it though we’re going to go for it buffed up mechanical worm I got to make sure to do is just kill the probes they’ll be the most painful Problem kind of kind of gliding right through him actually not doing too bad think the yo-yo is a better option here there we go kill the probes don’t get hit by the head that was very close GL I took damage from his body it could have taken a lot more damage from his

Head how much long do we have on this feather fall potion 26 seconds I don’t know if I have any more I might have to go check uh and I don’t want to use all these Hearts because actually he’s about to die so easily okay let’s go see if we have

Another feather fall potion we do oh let’s go watch this about to double this up in one night oh nope that’s not our Arena at all we’re not even close kill Spastische oh he’s about to die so easily spasma tism is he’s screwed and now he should shoot his flames and we can attack him just directly and he’ll Die 3 2 1 dead boom oh my God this is too easy we’re going for it we’re going for

It we’re going for it we’re going for it oh my gosh there’s no way we could do it there’s no way we have enough time there’s no way I think we’ll run out of potions and the only thing we’ll have is the major de major buff we’re going for it we are running

As hard as we can and get those Souls I need three three Souls I should have done it earlier this is why I should have made a hellevator would have been so much more beneficial for me by now come on let’s go let’s go let’s go get me to

The get me to the hollow get me to the hollow we’re almost there we are literally there all right we need three I know there’s one from some one of them that I killed earlier there’s a mimic no it’s not it’s a little sludgy slime bummer boob there’s mobs everywhere not

Really come on I hear them dying where are they dying at though oh no no oh we have three what am I doing go wasting time wasting a lot of time uh where are those bones did I put them in my inventory did I put him back

Put him back and the lead we kept the lead oh no oh there it is cool I didn’t know if I had enough or if I did have enough let’s go send it cool Prime Laser’s down that was super duper easy I’m just going to let my minions do

Their work on the the arms so I can I don’t have to avoid them as much and I could just shoot his head I’m doing pretty good work on his head we’re totally grooving through shoot down this arm actually we so easily got this maybe besides the stupid gastropod it spawned

In Prime saw is going to go down we got this so easy easy in the bag three in one night what did I call it did I said it too I could do 31 night I just didn’t know if I had time to get all those Souls but the souls came

Pretty quickly so that was nice now he’s dead boom now we can go to the Jungle do some work there but sad to say I need to go get some food uh and I got chores to do too um oh I should make the durndell enemies will focus strike enemies strike enemies

To gain whip attack speed the durendal would probably be actually really good to get yeah annoying you kidding me actually we’ll do this right there cool yeah this only increases by one right maybe two for the set bonus not worth this is worth it for me to go figure out upgrading him real

Quickly just while I’m here that was [ __ ] legit three in one night let’s go I I knew it was easy but I didn’t think it was that easy that’s crazy take that that’s some good work I just did there it’s a little too easy if I must

Save save myself let’s go and reforge this guy into legendary or as best as we can because we don’t have a lot of monies question mark perfect oh and he’s he’s quick too does have a big range though which is a bummer but I’ll take that all right the

Yo-yo nine summon tag damage though which is pretty good that’s really that’s really beneficial for these guys for the blade staff um I need to feed the Wall of Flesh again yeah get another uh emblem but we’re going to do that next time yeah I got to go and go get some

Food get some chores done get some stuff going it’s been a good what how long has this been 2 hours again so I think we grooved pretty well through this there’s no minions I need from these I don’t I don’t like the little eyeball twins that

You could make they kind of a suck I don’t even know why I made this I’m never going to use this just going to sell it but smoke block what do you do you me smoke have to place it oh no you just do that interesting all right well uh

Whoever’s watching I hope you guys enjoyed I’ll definitely be coming back maybe tomorrow morning again for a little bit um what whoever it was mentioned lra I think he’s gone now mentioned to get an alchemy table I’m definitely going to go to the dungeon cuz I think the dungeon doesn’t become

Harder until after colum so we should be good actually let me check the chat yeah just the jungle goes Restless all right so we’re going to go to the dungeon and get ourselves an alchemy table to make potions a little bit easier so we can have less chance of everything but yeah

I hope you guys enjoyed and uh subscribe if you want to see the future streams can’t guarantee when the next times I’ll be streaming efficiently but I should be coming back tomorrow uh yeah hope you guys enjoyed

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