MIKEY vs JJ Family NOOB vs PRO: BUS HOUSE Build Challenge Minecraft (Maizen)

Today we are building bus houses to keep our friends Mikey and JJ and their family safe can we build them in time before the sun goes down and an army of skeletons attack the skeletons will be here in 10 minutes we have to Hur I’m

Going to build the best bus I can to save JJ’s family using Pro blocks well I’m going to build the best bus to save Mike’s family using dad what D Milo that’s a terrible idea you need to use Pro blocks like iron see no way I think

That looks pretty ugly ion is not ugly Milo it’s one of the strongest blocks in the entire game it’s what I’m going to be using to protect JJ’s entire family from the skeleton army which is coming really really soon Milo yeah but M’s a turtle so he will feel way more

Comfortable in the dirt BS what turtles don’t live in the dirt they live in the ocean and the sand Milo yeah but I’ve can’t buil with the ocean can I chill no I guess you can’t but dirt is not a good option Milo dirt will be easy for

The skeleton army to attack and break through which could cause you and Mikey’s family to fall to your doom CH you’re stressing out way too much buddy I don’t think so Milo it’s important to make sure that you survive any attack from a skeleton army that’s why not only

Am I using iron I’m also using concrete and I’ll be using white concrete and orange concrete which are my two favorite colors wow that’s pretty good but it’s not as good as blue blue Milo DT isn’t blue DT’s like a brown color I didn’t say the DT was blue just some

Other things wait Milo where are you going to put your wheels this dirt is right on the ground how are you even going to steer this thing he my your business chip my bus is going to go so fast it’s pretty much going to be zooming around everywhere okay Milo I

Really hope you do find a way to make your bus actually go even if your wheels are right into the ground yeah they might be but that’s just my design because I’m a really good designer me too I’m making an awesome orange design on the side here we’re going to survive

The skeleton army but we’re going to do it in style that’s why I’m using orange concrete as well not just white iron and white concrete that would probably be easier and it would save some time which we’re running a little bit low on but I think it’s important to do this in a

Cool way if we’re going to survive we need to make sure everybody knows how cool we are and and how Pro the design of my bus is yep I’m really thinking about a song right now a song what’s your song Milo well it goes like this

The wheels on the bus go round and round oh I know that one Milo and yeah the wheels on my bus are going to go round and round the only question is will your wheels do the same of course they will chip I’m really good at buses I used to

Drive a bus back in the day what Milo how did you drive a bus with was this a toy bus I just pressed the accelerator Milo that’s terrible did you crash no never except one time when I drive off a little bit of a cliff Milo if you drive

Off a cliff with Mikey’s family inside your bus you won’t just have to worry about the skeleton army you’ll have to worry about driving off a cliff y That’s a little bit scary but luckily I’m way better at driving now okay I really hope that’s true Milo it’s to take a pretty

Good driver to operate a bus where the bottom of it touches the road I’m just doing that so it can glide everywhere Glide everywhere okay that’s actually not a bad idea Milo if your bus really can glide everywhere then I’ll be impressed my bus isn’t going to need to

Glide anywhere because it’s going to have really really good wheels and some really aerodynamic Windows which will allow the bus to absolutely fly down the road even though it won’t really be flying we’ll just be driving like a regular bus yeah I have a question what’s your question Milo what does

Aerodynamic mean it means the shape is built really really well so it can go as quickly as possible that’s why race cars are built really really flat so they can go through as much air as possible and that’s why most buses are really weird looking and totally Square they are not

Very aerodynamic at all but my bus is going to be a little bit different and that’s really going to help us survive the skeleton army Milo really I don’t think that’s very smart actually what you don’t think it’s smart to survive the skeleton army well that’s not what I

Mean chip I just think it’s not very smart to build your bus so bright and colorful why do you think it’s not a good idea Milo because the skeletons are going to be able to see it from a mile away true and I guess skeletons do have

Very good aim but I have even better aim if I can see the skeletons then they will reveal themselves to me and make themselves bigger targets where I can can stand on the back of my bus and shoot them down with my custom weapons that we will have custom weapons that

Sound a really cool here yeah it’s going to be so cool Milo it’s going to really help make sure that we totally survive the skeleton attack and we are not in any danger at all that’s why my bus is also going to be multiple stories it will help us really really have

Different places to go and build any type of room we might ever need to use that sounds really good what kind of rooms are you going to have on your bus here well of course we’re going to have a driving room so that I can steer this

Bus to safety and we’re also going to have a sitting room where JJ’s entire family gets to relax and comfort as we escape the skeletons jeez those skeletons are going to be so creepy when they come over here exactly especially if it’s night time Milo night time is

One of the scariest times of day especially when you know a giant skeleton army is coming to attack you well now I’m feeling super nervous don’t be nervous Milo in instead be confident that you’ll survive just like I am with my amazing Pro bus so far I think your

Bus is looking uh certainly unique Milo yeah I’ve been working really hard on the design yeah I’m sure you have Milo I’ve been working really hard on my design as well that’s why I’m adding emergency entrance ladders this way we can go in from either side and I can

Actually start building the cool seating area of my bus I’m going to have a different seat for every single member of the crew it’s going to be really well built so that there’s as much space as possible I need to grab some Blackstone slabs to add on to these cool looking

Chairs JJ’s family will be able to lie down in them to ride in absolute style I’m also going to use Acacia doors to build the back of these chairs they’re going to be orange and black colored which is such a cool look it is so amazing that once we totally survive the

Skeleton army I’m probably going to win an award for Designing the most Pro bus ever I’m going to win an award too really Milo what award are you going to win a participation Award of course Milo everybody wins a participation award that’s why you get it for participating

Oh well I didn’t know that I thought it was really special I guess it is special as long as you win it for doing something really really cool like surviving a skeleton army yeah well that’s easy I’m totally going to survive yeah sure Milo what defenses have you

Built in your bus so far well nothing yet I’m just building the Second Story what Milo you built a big bus chamber out of dirt and blue concrete and now you’re not even making defenses to protect it well I’m going to do that later of course but I got to focus on

The structure first oh goodness Milo I’m a little worried if your bus does not make it then I’ll be alone forever being the only one of us that survives this would suck H that would be funny what Milo you think it would be funny if I

Survived and you didn’t oh well now you put it that way I don’t think so oh Milo you’re crazy if your bust is as crazy as your thoughts are then I do not know if you’ll make it what I’m totally going to make it like grav like gravy Milo do you

Mean like crazy yeah that’s what I mean yeah that does make a lot of sense because you totally are crazy Milo just like this next section of my bus is going to be crazy useful I am building a weapons room where we will keep all sorts of weapons to keep ourselves safe

It’s going to be protected by these big orange concrete walls these make sure that even if the skeleton army breaks onto the bus we can still keep them outside of the weapons and armor room I’m not going to use regular doors for this room either that would be crazy I’m

Going to use custom sliding doors that let us in and out as much as we want to go it’s perfect their way easier to open in an emergency than a regular door is and best of all skeletons cannot touch them inside this weapons room we need to

Grab a chest and put them all on this wall as well as the ceiling of this wall perfect this is really really good it means we free up space to add in some Amma stands these Armands will protect us with amazing armor like netherite armor that we can use against the

Skeleton army wow we have so much of it I hope it’s not too heavy and the bus doesn’t work that would suck luckily I have a pretty cool plan for the engine that tells me this bus will totally work and there’s nothing to worry about now I need to grab netherite swords and

Diamond swords and put them inside this really big chest I have no idea how many wagon and so it’s important to prepare for the worst case scenario we also need to grab a bow and a crossbow this means that no matter how we need to fire these

Arrows will totally be able to get these skeletons I also will grab arrows of instant damage and arrows of weakness not to mention we also definitely need some arrows of slowness although not total Master slowness that would give resistance to the skeletons which could really help them out and it would make

Them way harder to defeat we need to make sure that anything we add to these emergency weapon systems do not give the skeletons an easier time attacking us that would be really really bad Milo and I would never let it happen inside these top chests we’ll just have regular

Arrows as well as spectral arrows that allow us to make the skeletons glow so we can see them easier and they can’t sneak up on us we also need to grab some enchanted golden apples and some golden carrots too to keep us healthy healed and not hungry at all on our massive

Journey I also will need to grab some supplies like water and Flint and steel we also should grab some fireworks in case we need to Signal some flares for help these will allow us to survive in case the bus breaks down like if a skeleton shoots the arrow into one of

The tires that would be really really bad that’s why on top of the tires I will need to add some quartz slabs these will help protect them from any stray arrows not just arrows from stray skeleton fire but actual stray arrows Strays are a type of skeleton that use

Slowness arrows to shoot down players and and if they’re a part of the army Milo I hate to break it to you but we might not make it out of this without being touched Strays are pretty powerful so we’ll need to work extra hard to make

Sure we do not get attacked by them I see a stray I might cry no Milo don’t cry if you cry it’ll make it way easier for them to attack you you won’t be able to focus on running away and building an awesome bus crying is the last thing we

Should be doing instead we should be focusing on totally surviving this thing I’m really try not to cry them good idea Milo I’ll be rooting for you we will also need to grab some glass panes and put them on the sides of the bus these aren’t just going to be regular panes

Though because these will be mirrors that allow us to see in any direction and make sure the skeletons aren’t just sneaking up from behind that would be a really sneaky trick for those skeletons to play and it could be the Doom of us if we don’t catch it before they can do

It luckily I’m going to be keeping a very keen eye out to make sure they can’t do it by surprise and all right this bus design is totally coming together I’m really really excited about what new additions I can add just like amazing headlights that allow us to see

Anything that could come before us I will need to grab glowing item frames as well as some glowstone by putting these down right over here we help make sure that this bus cannot be snuck up on in the night time the skeletons will be here when it’s dark so we have to make

Sure that these bus headlights light the way really well I also need to add indicators so if we need to turn a particular direction we can totally let all the other drivers know this means we probably won’t crash which is another very important way we are staying safe

From those skeletons how are you going to stay safe from the skeletons Milo I’m going to play some epic music what music Milo skeletons aren’t afraid of music what iard they are no way Milo that is not true maybe the skeletons want you to believe that because the music will lead

Them to you and Mikey’s family oh my gosh that’s really scary but I still need to play My Epic Milo playlist oh Milo you’re so crazy I really hope you survive speaking of crazy I’m going to place a crazy steering wheel right over here we’ll also add some quartz stairs

To act as a driving seat this way we can sit down here and really steer this bus in the direction we want we’ll also need to add a go pedal and a brake pedal this is to make sure we can stop the bus if we need to and activate it to go even

Quicker if we do need on the sides I will have some emergency p we’ll grabb some buttons and make sure that it’s aaca buttons so that they fit the orange color I will add copper doors on the sides of this bus wow they fold inwards like real bus doors that’s amazing and

One of the buttons will totally activate the doors maybe this one totally can wow it really does work I really like this bus so far and we can even change this button to totally activate the other door let’s also add some iron trap doors up the top of this section this way

There is now storage space for J A J’s entire family to keep all their things here it helps make sure that they will not have to leave anything behind it can be really difficult saying goodbye to your things to survive an Army attack especially a skeleton army attack but

This way they don’t have to say goodbye to anything at all other than those pesky skeletons of course but they won’t have to think about it for too long I am going to be making a bed section where me and JJ’s entire family can stay safe it’s important that we get some good

Rest in the back of the bus otherwise we could stay awake for so long driving that we lose our minds and I might accidentally crash that would be pretty bad and I’m not going to let that happen we can add some windows into the very top of this sleeping room we’ll add them

Right up here which is so perfect I really think if we get just a little amount of sunlight in the morning it could really wake us up hey Mikey why did you say that to me what Milo what did Mikey say m just said that he didn’t

Think my bus was pretty enough oh no wait I’m going to come out out there and investigate more about this Milo I really do not like hearing things like that I guess he might have not been too wrong though what CH that’s so mean I’ve been working so hard to make it look

Pretty I even put glow Ling on all the walls glow liken Milo that just makes the inside of the bus look moldy moldy yuck that’s really gross Milo a moldy bus is not going to drive and wait a minute why are the wheels spread out on

The side this is not going to actually work on the road Milo it looks like it’s lying down on its belly y I know how buses work and this is perfectly fine also if the bus is up too high then how are people going to get inside bzo Milo

The skeletons should not be able to get inside what if the bus is so low that the skeleton army can totally just get in whenever they want well that’s a good point and that is why I am going to put a little gate here uh Milo a gate that

The skeletons could just totally open I guess so maybe I’ll put two of them oh mil Lord that is not going to work I really hope you find a way to make sure your bus can survive the skeleton attack otherwise you could be in serious danger well I hope Mikey finds a better

Attitude maybe he can find a better attitude or you could find a better bus Milo I think there is always time to change the design to make sure you definitely will survive just like how I’m changing the design to add more storage space in the bedroom everyone

Will be getting their own chests as as well as their own bookshelves this makes sure we feel just at home even though we’ll be on the run from the skeleton army speaking of the skeleton army right now I do not have any emergency defenses

That is why at the back of the bus I’m going to be adding a dispenser wall but not just any dispenser these dispensers will shoot out TNT to knock down any skeletons that are right on our tail we will also have Windows on the very sides

Of this room that let us see in each direction to make sure the skeletons aren’t trying to sabotage the TNT room room it’s going to be pretty difficult to get in here luckily we’re going to have a bunch of buttons as well as a secure copper bus door it’s very

Important this room looks awesome so I’m going to be adding chains to the ceiling and to the wall they can hang down like this as well as making sure this room looks cool they add extra stability to make sure the room will not collapse under the weight of all the TNT we’ll

Have in here I will also put down a bunch of chests and fill each one with TNT it’s important that we only use this TNT while the bus is moving if we are not moving fast enough and we press the TNT it’ll shoot out right to the back

And blow up the back pot of the bus that would be really bad it would open up a new entrance for the skeleton army to enter inside that would be the worst thing we could possibly do it might even send us spiraling off the road and crashing into the side where the

Skeleton army would overwhelm us and take over if they do take over though we will need a place to retreat which is why inside the weapons room which is already the most secure part of my bus we will need to add an extra Second Story I’ll break these blocks right over

Here and turn the whole story into white concrete we can make sure that this is a Double Deca bus this adds extra chance that we will have somewhere to run and be safe in case the skeletons attack the second level will be less big than the

First level but it still will not be small we’ll need to make sure that this level has enough space for a balcony where we can shoot our bows and watch as the TNT strikes the skeletons I’m going to add tinted glass to the windows of

This section this way we will be able to see out into all the skeletons coming towards us but the skeletons will not be able to see in that way we can help make sure that the second level of my bus is really really safe and is not under any

Sort of threat from the skeletons finding their way in and trying to attack us while we hide in here this second level will be the emergency evacuation Zone because we can’t exactly jump out of the bus onto the road that would be really really dangerous and put

Me and JJ’s family at a lot of risk I’m not going to let that happen so this bus needs to be really really safe with its own evacuation zone that does not put us in danger just from using it we’ll need to break a couple of these blocks just

To make sure it’s nice and aerodynamic although it’s looking pretty good so far I am very happy with how it’s turning out I think if we just continue building it like this we’ll have no problem making the best bus ever let’s also add a window at the very front here so we

Can see outwards and make sure there are no skeletons hiding on this top part of the roof that would be a real shock if they were luckily it’s only shocking because we’ve built this bus so well if a bus was made badly then it would not be a surprise if the skeletons found

Their way on board it would be really really expected actually luckily this bus is made so well that I do not expect the skeletons to find their way on board at all we will be way too speedy and way too strong for them to find their way in

Look it already looks crazy like the biggest bus I’ve ever seen before now for this front bit we just need to make a huge viewing platform this window is pretty good but I still think it can be better if we extend the window outwards in this direction and just add a little

Bit of quartz on the very top we can help make sure that we have the ultimate way to see all around us the skeletons will not be able to do the same they can only look from where they’re standing let’s just add some quartz slabs up the

Top here to link around to the front to make sure that it is very very safe and it’s not going to be all wonky as we try to drive it okay this looks pretty good I really like this design so far this looks like the coolest most futuristic

Bus I’ve ever seen hey Milo what are you doing I’m just trying to get some inspiration inspiration hey Milo are you just going to steal the design of my bus well maybe but also maybe I’m judging how bad it is hey it’s not bad at all I have really really good things inside

That will help protect me and JJ’s family from the skeleton mommy well it’s actually pretty good chip you’ve done a great job and I’m an expert on this kind of stuff uh really Milo then why does your bus look so uh different because it’s really different you got to make

Things different if you’re going to survive a skeleton attack Milo you’ve put a painting of a skeleton at the back of the bus yeah I just got to remind myself who the UPS are oh Milo that’s really bad and why is there a bunch of beds on the floor aren’t these going to

Go sliding around when the bus comes to a stop no because I’ve locked them in with the Looms dum dum looms are you guys going to be decorating benners yeah you never know when you’re going to meet them and wait a minute Milo why is there a painting on your windshield well just

In case I get bored I’ve got something to look at Milo if you’re driving a bus shouldn’t you be looking at the road yeah and that’s why I’ve left a little Gap to see the world what if there something on your left and you can’t see it because there’s a painting here well

I don’t really know which way’s left in right anyway so it doesn’t matter oh Milo this is bad even if your bus does somehow go it’s going to be really in danger of crashing speaking of making your bus go where’s your engine an engine I don’t have an engine you don’t

Have an engine Milo that’s how the bus is meant to go wait a minute now that I think about it I don’t have an engine either I really need to make one before the skeleton army arrives yeah I guess I’ll make one too I really don’t think

We have a lot of time Milo the sun is so close to setting once the sun does set the skeleton army will come to attack us and we will have no time left to make out engines that’s so scary we better get going quick Milo from my engines on

My bus I am going to be using ender dragon powered motors this will allow me to totally use the power of the end to go really really fast I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bus used this before so it should hopefully really help me go

Really quick we will also need to place these rotating devices on the sides of the engine to help make sure they go really really quick and they actually spin perfect they all need to spin in the right way to make sure that the bus can go forwards perfect now I just need

To bolt up the engine like this to make sure we can’t accidentally fall into it from the inside of my bus we’ll also need to finish making the top section which will have to be very different to the other ones I know we’ve already built a lot of it but we’ll need to

Break a door out the back like this this will allow us to stand here on the back section of the bus and totally fire off a bunch of arrows into the sea of skeletons let’s add little Tails to the back of the bus like this wao that

Already looks so cool and it makes the bus look really fancy and fast we’ll have to have a big concrete protecting wall to make sure we don’t accidentally fall off the back here that would be a real disaster if we fall off the back we’ll go right into the arms of the

Skeleton army which would totally be the end of me and JJ’s family because if I fall off while protecting J JJ and his family no one else will be able to steer the bus that would be a disaster because then JJ’s family would be stuck with no

One to protect them and nothing to keep them safe that’s what the bus is for in the first place to make sure they have a really really good chance of survival up here while I make the big balcony area I will also need to make sure to include a

Spare chest with extra arrows to use the more ammo we have the less chance that something will go wrong and it means that we probably won’t run out of ammunition which will definitely help us take out as many skeletons as possible just look at the way we can aim in any

Direction and totally fire arrows and uhoh Milo I see smoke on top of your bus what oh my gosh yeah what’s this from a silly this is just my engine your engine Milo why is your engine smoking and why is it looking at me well because it’s

Alive Milo that’s horrible why is your engine alive because I got these little Blaze boys to drive my bus can these Blaze boys always drive your bus they look like they’re babies they’re not babies they’re just really little places of course Milo are they too small to

Drive your bus oh they’re just powering it from the back and that’s why there’s smoke everywhere oh Milo if your bus keeps smoking it could set on fire which would be a real disaster my bus would never set on fire it’s too well-designed that’s why I’m including an amazing

Chest area with a bunch of bows and arrows to shoot like these ones we’ll put a bow in every single chest to make sure that there is never a time when we run out of ammo I will also add an automatic Arrow filling machine using a hopper and another chest on top these

Hoppers will fill each of these other chests with arrows whenever we run out to make sure that there is never a time when we do not have enough arrows I’ll need to place the quartz blocks a little bit higher in order to do this this way these chests can be opened and the

Arrows can be put inside them look they are already filling into each of these Hoppers that is perfect we can also make sure that these are double chests to make sure that there are so many arrows we can’t possibly run out I will also need to add another Copper Door here to

Make sure that the skeletons can’t just come up here and try to get inside that would be really really bad if they found a way to do that and now that we’ve made these things on the back of the bus and we’ve also made the engines I have a

Feeling the engines will not be enough on their own we’re going to need to place some cool exhaust pipes on the back of the bus this way any smoke and steam that comes out will go shooting backwards causing our bus to go rocketing off in the distance we want

I’ll also Place some more pipes over here to make sure that we have extra extra power wait a second I have an even better idea if we move these slab blocks up by one each time then we can have cool looking pipes that shoot off in this direction just like real fancy

Pipes on real Vehicles wow this should mean that the bus will totally work only a pro bus like this one would ever have something so complex it would normally be really really difficult to make something like this but because I know so much about buses it’s totally going

To work and it’s going to really really help make this thing go so fast let’s also add some copper pipes on the side you can never have too much forward boosting power the more boosting power we have the way quicker this thing will go and it’ll mean we have a much better

Chance of surviving the skeleton army especially since the time is going so quickly and the Sun is about to set a chip the sun is really really long yeah I agree Milo we do not have a lot of time left and wait a minute did you

Write a big Milo sign on the side of your bus of course I did I want everyone to know that I built this beautiful boss Milo won’t the skeletons know that that’s where to find you and go to it even quicker than before oh what the

That’s so true I better break it while you break that Milo I need to test if my bus can really work if this test does not work then my bus will not be able to go and JJ’s family will be doomed forever that is really scary I hope that

Doesn’t happen me too that’s why this testing has to work wait Milo I think I got it working look my bus is really able to leave what the chip that’s insane wow this bus can fully operate that’s amazing Milo now I just need to do some finishing touches before the

Skeleton army arrives help help my steering wheel isn’t turning your steering wheel is not turning Milo that’s a really bad design and this isn’t a steering wheel it’s a factory wheel what I didn’t know that I just thought it was a steering wheel Milo I

Wish I could help you right now but the sun is going down the skeleton army will be here any second we have to get going quickly W my gosh this is horrible come on JJ’s family follow me we need to enter the bus right away so that we can

Escape this skeleton army we don’t have a lot of time so it’s important we do this together all right JJ’s family I think you guys are all safe are you ready for me to start steering the bus through this massive Army of skeletons I can’t believe they’re right here okay

Let’s go goodbye everybody I can’t believe we really did it are you happy that we made it Milo uh Milo what is it yeah the skel are trying to get me and my bus isn’t working oh no don’t worry Milo I’ll come back to save you oh goodness some of my

Arm stands were totally destroyed when we crashed through those skeletons but don’t worry Milo I’m going to get all of the supplies I can possibly get and come to save you and Mikey’s family right now do not let the skeleton army get to you

Milo I will be there in a jiffy this is really scary but I’m going to protect them don’t worry Milo I’ll be there to protect them as well just hold on as long as you can okay okay CH I will not let them hurt you even if it means

Putting myself in danger all right Milo I’m coming back on the run through the road just make sure you don’t let the skeletons get you before then okay quickly B shoot at me look I see them up ahead Milo they’re attacking each other but look they’re all coming towards you

And your bus oh my gosh chip please this is a really bad situation quick Milo use some of your defenses to stop them I already am what what are your defenses Milo snowballs and rocks obviously snowballs and rocks Milo you can’t even throw rocks you’re just giving them

Stone what oh no this is so bad oh goodness Milo quick I need to be able to save you from these skeletons but uh-oh there are so many and they just keep coming there are so many arrows on the side of your bus there’s no way it’s

Going to work yeah my bus looks like a porcupine yeah it really does okay Milo we need to think of another plan to get you and Mikey’s family away from this danger area they seem to be attacking the bus Depo where we built the buses in

Yeah maybe we need to run really fast that’s right Milo we need to work together to get you and Mikey’s family all the way back over to my bus okay if you distract them I’ll take Mikey and his family really fast all right I’ll distract them for you Milo just make

Sure you do not let Mikey or his family down they are our best friends in the world remember and we cannot let them be totally destroyed by these skeletons just ch I won’t let them get destroyed I promise me neither Milo I’ll do everything I can to stop these crazy

Skeletons look they’re spawning more and more because it’s night time and all the mobs love coming out at night come on guys we got to go take this skeletons I will not let you attack my brother Milo or our friends Mikey and his family can’t keep distracting them I’m bringing

M’s family through now it’s working Milo come on we just need to keep this up all the way to my bus so that we can escape once and for all to safety oh no Mar baby is really very SL oh goodness we need to find a way to speed him up but

Don’t worry I have just the thing one of my arrows is actually an arrow of swiftness and if I shoot Mikey’s baby with it look he’ll be able to walk even quicker wow I can’t believe that worked come on Mikey’s baby we got to go wow

This is a really good idea now I just need to do the same for Mikey’s wife and Mikey as well come on guys don’t worry about chip Shing you we got a run yeah look the arrows are totally flying yeah myy baby still taking forever oh no the

Arrow of swiftness ran out I need to think of something even better wait a minute if I use an arrow of regeneration I should be able to heal Mikey’s baby enough so that I can totally give him another swiftness arrow and it won’t take too much of his health come on

Everyone we’re nearly at the botom I can see it in the distance okay Milo you keep leading them towards it while I run up and make the bus in Reverse just make sure we do not let Mikey and his family get in the firing zone otherwise they

Could be ran over come on guys all right reversing the bus right now I really hope this works oh no JJ’s about to fly through the windshield this is bad come on JJ hold on for just a little bit longer all right Milo tell me when I’m

Getting near stop stop stop oh goodness okay I really hope I didn’t hurt anybody did I I didn’t well we’re right here now oh goodness all right perfect let’s get everybody on the bus and drive to safety all right everybody’s safe now hold on we’re going to Drive let’s go we saved

The day yeah we totally did woohoo thanks to our Pro buses

Maizen are in BIG TROUBLE and now Milo and Chip must Build Bus Houses to get them to safety! But what happens when Milo’s Bud breaks down?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. Ship you have to teach me how to be so good in Minecraft❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  2. I love❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ you milo and chip❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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