I Made Minecraft’s Most Satisfying Builds…

Satisfying builds in Minecraft are awesome and Until you realize that all of them are made in creative mode with command blocks and sometimes even using mods so I’m going to make a secret underground mum featuring the most satisfying builds in all of Minecraft and we’re going to do all of this in survival

Mode yes something tells me this isn’t going to be easy but this looks like the perfect spot to dig the entrance to our satisfying Museum so let’s start first by digging an entrance In okay the entrance tunnel has been built out um it’s not very pretty yet that we have to change later now I need to cave out the main part of the museum what did why do I hear a warden and running through all of these items is so satisfying but boom we have

Finally I mean carved out all of the rooms and then we even have one big room for the best satisfying build of them all which um I am hoping is going to be impressive to the other players ow because in 50 hours I’ve invited my friends to come and check out

Our satisfying bills so if I don’t want to get embarrassed this Museum needs to be really satisfying first satisfying build we’re actually going to make is actually kind of useful I mean have you ever seen those secret bookshelves that lead to a secret room cuz I think if we

Can build one of these that leads to a hidden enchantment room not only will it be super useful but it will also be very satisfying which means we need two ingredients to craft all of the books paper which we could get through the use of this sugarcane

Farm is it working oh um okay sugarcan F we do seem to have missed a row uh I guess I’ll do this one on my own then okay that should be all the sugarcane chopped turn those off and O is that It and now we got a bunch of paper we just really need leather um which I think means we just need to kill cows um I’ve just realized I just killed a pig uh definitely not going to get leather from him okay boom we’ve got a perfect stack of leather that makes us

One stack of books basically yeah that was definitely not enough to build the library but if I’m not mistaken actually I believe we can trade for bookshelves am I correct or am I completely wrong let’s go to the trading Hall um oh nine emeralds okay well your price is are

Questionable sir but I do have a fast way to get emeralds yeah I just need to visit this raid Farm which produces thousands upon thousands of emeralds every single hour villager I’m here to buy your books um I don’t know why I did that that is not how trading in Minecraft

Works we are finally making good progress with getting the bookshelves for the library but as it turns out trading with villagers for ages does kind of are you [Applause] Insane okay there we go yeah so the library okay it kind of looks trash at the moment here a little picture of what it’ll look like when we’re done as you can see I’ve blurred it to make it all mysterious but yeah all jok side I want

To work on the actual Redstone mechanics before I decorate the Library since I suck at Redstone I had to reach out to one of my friends who is an absolute genius when it comes to these sorts of things and yeah he showed me the exact way I need to go about building this

Thing if I want it to work I mean think about how cool it would be when this enchantment room is hidden behind a secret bookshelf that uh that will be pretty cool only problem we need a lot of redstone components yeah we’ve got a lot of work to

Do and I mean I’m looking at the list of materials here all we really need that’s hard is these chiseled bookshelves I mean I’ve never actually made them before so I don’t know how hard they are to get chisel bookshelves oh okay wait these are really easy we have all of the

Materials we need for this already and in the bottom right I’ve got a mod that shows me all the other materials I need so I’ll quickly start by getting redstone oh red stone that’s all the red stone and now think about it all the other materials

We could probably go as I was saying we only have a few more materials we need to collect I don’t think I’ve ever made a beehive before but they do say there was a first time for everything and now as you can see the last thing we need is

Sticky pistons but thankfully I do have some in the secure Tower I made in the last video is it through here oh yeah it is I could collect all of the Pistons I need from the piston maze this room is so loud okay uh be honest with me on a

Scale of 1 to 10 was that Montage cool did it make me look smart I mean I would say this looks right but to be honest I have no idea I suck at Redstone uh let’s see if this works I believe I just that doesn’t quite look

Right I’m pretty sure the machine should actually work now but before I try this out I want to turn this Library well into an actual cool Library so while I finished building the library and get ready to test a secret bookshelf the reason I’m doing this is not just because satisfying builds have never been done in survival before but it’s actually because the Builds on the server I’m playing on right now have

Been somewhat decaying ooh I want to try and make like a really natural like wooden support beam for the roof I mean when the world first started incredible builds were popping up left right and center but now as time’s gone on the builds just seem to be well falling

Apart so I’m hoping that by making these satisfying builds we can quite oldfashioned and rusy so now we just need to see if our secret satisfying enchantment table well actually works um I really hope it does because it’s not going to satisfy the other players I show if it doesn’t work

O we just need to put the book in here yes wait no way okay this actually works um purples you are a genius for all the rooms we make our going get more and more satisfying and the next one actually involves a whole new dimension basically have you ever seen the mod

Immersive portals where it basically lets you look through a nether portal and see onto the other side well I want to create that effect but in this room now the obvious problem is figuring out how to actually make this look like the Nether and not just a room full of

Stone E I think the first step will be getting materials from all five of the different biomes in the nether we start with the Soul Sand Valley oh mobs I I hate mobs ooh actually after we’ve done building this we can get some mobs in

Here that will add a cool touch oh we should also get some bone blocks because soulan valleys are usually full of those things next we’ll get the blocks from the basalt Deltas the worst biome in the game not only does this take ages toor but there’s lava literally everywhere

Ooh Crimson Forest we’re definitely going to need some blocks from here I’ve got a bunch of stuff for that really boring biome the never waste and the last materials we need are from the Crimson forest biome wherever that is ow how did you you hit me in midair St away

From that guy he’s way too good warped Forest blocks yes please oh God why do I why am I just always dying but for now let’s begin building our fake nether let’s start by kind of making the terrain of the area okay you guys it is looking pretty good right now our fake

Nether is coming along really well okay so yeah uh no uh this is only the start okay just let me Cook okay now it’s looking you know a lot more like the jagged terrain of the nether do the floors and roof but yeah I am 100% going have to get some mobs in here I’m thinking Striders magma cubes maybe even Wither Skeleton it might actually look like the real nether okay

Look it doesn’t look like much right now but if you stand here it’s kind of coming along yeah we need to start decorating with the nether biomes and get some mobs in here I mean I guess we’ll start with the worst of the worst being the stupid

Bas Delta it’s quite a spiky biome with annoying to like navigate terrain it probably goes something like this with these little pillars going everywhere yeah that looks cool and then we could probably just go and replace a bunch of this Netherrack with like patches of black stone okay that doesn’t

Look bad we’ve got pockets as well that we’re going to need to fill up with lava and magma I can’t be bothered to get lava yet so let’s do the Soul Sand Valley and uh I don’t know how we’re going to fit a fossil in here maybe like this will this

Work oh okay that looks really bad but I think I might have fixed it okay you know what they are kind of thin like these are the bones of a worm I want to move on to the Crimson biome now and please tell me I can plant a tree

Oh it’s it’s it’s big um hopefully it’s not too big let’s just add some grass to hide the fact that we now have a really big tree going through our roof and of course we cannot miss out the Warped biome is I think to be one of the coolest biomes in the game

First blue biome we have and to be honest I hope it’s not the last Mojang though can we get a pink biome soon please and um oh the lava we’re missing all of the lava that’s what we’re missing there we go Okay lava has all been placed down and and it works

Although actually now I think about it every nether seems to have like you know one of those like lava streams that comes down out of the sky for some reason I think we definitely need to do that ourselves okay and now all that’s left to do is

Fill our nether with Mobs since that will make it all the more satisfying and to be honest I’m not too sure how we going to get the mobs into here I mean do I try and get them through a portal and lead them in is that going to be my

Best option here ah this isn’t going to be easy or safe to do now I think the best way of getting the mobs trapped down here um would probably be by actually building the nether portal above this place so the last thing we want is for the mobs to well come in

Here and then just run out of here in fact to stop them even getting out of the portal we can temporarily put some glass paines here I guess I’ll get the nether portal built right here boom um okay and hopefully we spawn next to some

Mobs oh now the very first mob I want to bring into our fake nether is um one of these guys because I mean we’ve got love in our area and it would feel weird not having it occupied by these weird beasts uh I do need a

Saddle yeah uh there are quite a few bouncing around in here okay um sir you seem to be sinking let’s just get on you and I should be able to direct you with the Warped fungus on a stick not you okay mate we do not need you and we should be on top

Of our nether area in the room um where where are we okay well now we need to make our way up to the nether room since for some strange reason we spawned hundreds of blocks beneath the museum up up and Away this is really slow ah we’ve barely made it up here at all stdy come on go faster put your foot down on the gas sty run run I’m so sorry stry these guys suck they are the worst ow okay we’re alive just about

Get in here in the lava ah there we go that’s much oh the next mob I want to get my hands on is the magma cubes go on get in the boat oh wait you might be too big to get in the boat actually you look

Like you could fit in the boat there are no excuses give him a little nudge forward oh not again go on in the boat in the boat oh we got him in the boat oh the boat’s the wrong way around it’s um oh wait oh you’ve got a you’ve got a kid

In the back with you do you you’re you’re a mother I see oh look she’s let the child drive not anymore I only need one of you all right you oh no you do a lot of damage oh right I might have to slice you in half because that’s just insane

Let’s quickly take away the boat okay he should have gone through oh I want to die I guess we could use this time to give you an inventive name perhaps I can call you Mr q but we know have two out three mobs which is really kind of bringing this

Place alive if you look like this you kind of think you’re got in a mini version of the nether very satisfying already but to maximize the satisfying potential of this room we need to get the final mob which is going to be a wither skeleton uh the most dangerous mob in the nether

Ooh wait okay wait we found the Fortress we might need to quickly Bridge all the way over there we might need to bridge all the way over there oh oh my god get away from from me you monster so we’ll quickly Bridge our way over there oh oh my God he’s bringing a

Friend along okay just you know what just I I’m fine we can bring two of you cuz that means if one of you die I don’t need to worry so much but what you cannot do under any circumstances is knock each other off do not do it I don’t want any

Argu okay well no no ah oh oh oh William oh oh my God William bad William bad naughty he’s there Williams oh and he’s coming up for blood we’ve got him we got William in here and ow oh my goodness okay sorry sorry our nether finally feels alive we’ve got a

Strider somewhere up there we got Mr Cube down here who’s my personal favorite so the final thing we need to do is just make the terrain around the sides of the portal actually look like the Overworld y y yo yo what’s going on in here what was it Mr Cube what were you

Doing in there there we go that looks better in a certain sense this really does look like you’re kind of just looking into a nether which I think is pretty satisfying especially with the fact that we’ve now got three mobs from the nether actually roaming around in here yeah this place pretty satisfying

Which means we can now move on to the final out of the normal level rooms and then after that we can move on to the super satisfying rooms and of course the ultimate awesome Epic and cool satisfying room now The Inspirations for this next satisfying build are from Bry

And Taz with redstone they were able to create these like moving walls which looks really really satisfying I I why did I say it like that well thankfully taso’s tunnel that I just showed you well it’s actually built on this very server which is great news because it means I could go over

There and check it out but the server does have a strict rule against griefing meaning I can just steal all of his blocks and build it myself oh here we are we are in the illusion area now I think it’s over here oh here it is I

Forgot that um mil’s face is at the end of this for some reason now let’s tactically break down into here and try to see what’s really going on with this Redstone okay a lot oh wow what oh my goodness there’s so many observers and observers are absolutely horrible to get

Oh no the Redstone wasn’t too hard to understand but one thing was clearing obvious if we want to make a moving tunnel of Our Own we’re going to need a lot of observers and pistons so let’s first start with getting all of the Pistons we need and

We’re going to need around 200 or so which is a lot but I don’t think Pistons are too hard to make we’re just going to need a ton of cobblestone iron Redstone and wood and thankfully we have Farm set up for all of these we can start with

The Cobblestone by going back down to the massive Cobblestone Factory we accidentally stumbled upon do not not operate under the influence okay well looks like I’ll just be stealing from these chests then the Redstone will also be really easy to get we could just visit our raid Farm now

Our third item you guys might be going oh wo how are you going to get your hands on so much iron oh my goodness wo you’re so cool and handsome all of which are very valid questions and the answers to all of those questions is a good skincare

Routine but more importantly the iron farm which produces is the most ridiculous amount of iron yep once again we’ve been able to get the materials instantly which means the only materials we need now are wood and thankfully using my charm I managed to get some off another player there he is

Hello do you still have any I do I do I do yep that guy to toally in love with me similarly to earlier I’ve used this mod again to basically see what Tazo did with his because we’re essentially going to use his Redstone and completely copy

It for ourselves now as you may be able to see though um right now our tunnel is nowhere near long enough for this so yeah we’ve got some serious mining to do oh oh my goodness I’ve sp there was silverfish there’s more Oh but you know what is satisfying it’s going to be this when it’s done oh okay so we’ve wired up most of the Redstone now but um it’s still not working when I flick this lever the Pistons should be moving um and they’re not okay so I

Think putting that down there might be a step in fixing this but it still doesn’t work yeah I’m so confused why this isn’t working yet uh I’ll quickly go back over to see what taso’s Redstone look like to make sure I haven’t just forgotten anything but um hopefully we can fix

This uh Tazo please don’t be mad that I’m Going Underground here oh I see we haven’t included this little bit of redstone running down here I think everything else is the same apart from that so if I flick the lever oh yes look okay wait I think it’s

Working you can tell cuz it’s kind of like making like a ripple like you know it’s a wave and that’s the same on all of these Corners which is just what we want so what we need to do is fill in the walls of this and then we’ve got

Ourselves a moving tunnel which is going to be pretty satisfying uh why H why is this place being infected by zombies again just get out of here leave get out of here um it’s look looking less like the wzo colors and more along the lines of a

Candy cane I can’t lie I think it looks pretty cool and that should be the tunnel basically finished now um I really hope this thing works otherwise I’m I think I’m going to cry um I haven’t really figured out what I’m going to do with the end of the

Tunnel I’m going to hypnotize you guys to subscribe it doesn’t work yet because I haven’t turned the machine on but since I’m scared the machine is not going to work and it’s not going to be satisfying at all I’m going to grab my pet frog Clyde for some moral support

Who should be over in the frog room of the secure Tower I built in the last video um I think the Frog room’s here do I hear any frogs um I think I do Clyde where are you Clyde wait why have some of these gu

Some of these guys have gone up here I don’t know where he is Clyde Cade where are you oh my goodness okay he’s here oh my goodness he’s next to the button well I’m not going to do the whole button thing again we that stays in last episode and for anyone wondering

What’s happening to the Frog party that I promised everyone at the end of the year it’s basically being delayed it is still happening because I’ve got a really cool idea what I’m going to do for it yeah I need a tiny bit of extra

Time to get all of it sorted but it is still on the Frog party is still happening and if you want an invite to join the Frog party with me and literally hundreds of thousands of other people let subscribe right now to get invited come on Clyde I need you to

Check this out with me and now let’s finally activate the machine I’m actually speechless this looks so satisfying I mean this is only the third build they’re only going to get better and better from here you want to subscribe to wzo you will subscribe

To wzo now we need to move on to the super satisfying levels starting with a room that’s going to be well rather disorienting actually now this room’s inspired by something I saw in a skip the tutorial video and essentially everywhere you looked in this room it

Was just weird you didn’t know which way up you were you didn’t know where up was or down was right or left but unfortunately it looks really ugly that room which is why I want to build one here that looks really beautiful and should hopefully satisfy all of the

Other players the first thing you’ll notice about that room is it’s a perfect Cube our room um it’s wide but it’s not tall enough so we need to start mining the roof okay um we need to get some scaffolding which means we need to get our hands on two materials the first of

Which is string and right next to um the giant Tower of pigs we have a couple of string duplicators that are are broken now okay that will do and now the only other material we need is bamboo which do we have a bamboo Farm anywhere on this

Server I would have thought we had a bamboo Farm there’s bamboo here but um that’s part of the hot tub the really hot tub and I don’t even think there’s a bamboo Farm over here so we might have to go and get the bamboo manually you know what at least Bamboo’s

One of the most satisfying blocks to m in the game there we go inventory full of bamboo and now once we craft all the scaffolding we can start raising the roof uh yo yo Mr Cube stop That now my plans to make this look way cooler than the one you just saw is by making the walls into like a quite a dark color and that’ll allow us to put doors and stairs all around the contrast super nicely and some amethyst crystals

Um because as you guys know I I really like putting Amethyst in all of my builds I mean look I even have an amethyst CDE now but to be honest with you I’m getting distracted so let’s start off by gathering all the Deep slate we’ll need oh dear uh oh wait I

Have another one oh no way more here we can also get ourselves a ton of amethysts that I actually got gifted to me for Christmas and yeah because of that I now have an insane amount of amethyst oh but we are actually going to need to get our hands on some more of

These clusters cuz we don’t have any of those yet well not to worry cuz we’ll move on to our third material that is glow stone which I wish didn’t spawn on these roofs it makes it really hard to get to oh that is a chunky piece of

Glowstone I I want you give me give me the fourth material we need is Tiger Wood and I would just go and use the wood farm for it but we don’t need too much of this so we might as well just get it the oldfashioned way there are

Tons of perfectly good spruce trees here but there’s also a perfectly good villager house to destroy I remember the day well how could I forget everything I’ve ever known ripped away from me I was just a child then but now now is the time for Revenge and yeah the last thing we need is just a lot more of these things because they’re going to really be the finishing touch that makes our well room really satisfying and I was wondering if there would be any way to make a farm to collect these but when I clicked on a

Tutorial the tutorial literally told me that making a farm is a really dumb idea so what we’re going to have to do is find an amethyst geode in the ocean somewhere and mine all of the Clusters manually um amethyst geod I’m not seeing any what where are the geod O there

There we go geod spotted ah but I can swim down there fast cuz there’s a stupid glitch where if you’re using an elytra you swim really slow God and it’s been raided I about to result try to find the amethyst clusters in caves since the ocean tactic wasn’t exactly working oh

Oh ew so now we need to just quickly raid all of the Clusters Um guys oh my goodness this is this is seriously weird but dare I say it’s actually pretty satisfying seeing this room I definitely think it’s a good addition to our Museum I’m excited to move on to the next satisfying room Clyde give me a high five obviously I’m not actually going to

High five you because I don’t want to kill you our satisfying museum is coming along great but it’s worth noting that even though some of the service builds are decaying there are still many inspiring Creations dotted around the place I mean we’ve got a house in the

Shape of a rat surrounded by a cherry Forest we’ve got the four upgraded structures that Tazo made a few months ago and I mean there’s even this secret little room underneath a mountain that kind of reminds me of what our room is going to look like and all of this is

Really inspiring me to make the most satisfying builds possible in our Museum but this next room is going to be completely different from everything else I mean this has not been done in our Museum or even ever on the entire server that’s right I’m going to have to

Channel my inner musician to create one of the most satisfying builds of all time and that is my own Note Block edition of Sweden by C418 I don’t think I’ve ever even crafted a note block before oh oh wait why does that sound so bad now I’ve never tried to ever make

Anything with note blocks before because I suck at just about everything music related there’s no time like the present so I should try to at least make my first ever Minecraft so okay let’s see what this is sounding Like okay so EV idly I’m going to need some help with this now one thing I’ve already discovered is that when you place the Note Blocks on here they sound awful but when you place them on dirt they sound good they actually sound good may I need to make the entire floor of

This room dirt and grass ooh okay I’m learning look I can do doubles oh can I do triples wait did I do doubles well now I’m just confused we don’t have tons of time till all the other players are going to come over and unfortunately I just suck at this so

Instead I’m going to try and follow a tutorial hopefully it works okay so apparently this is the first part of the noteblock song laid out although we haven’t yeah we haven’t actually tuned the Note Blocks yet so we need to do that now if this actually works I’m

Going to be very happy um so great Jupiter please don’t let me down and if I haven’t messed anything up which let’s face it I probably have this should play the start of Sweden oh it does but it plays it really fast uh we have had to expand out onto a

New floor now because we’ve uh kind of reached the end of this Room and that should be the whole song done now which if you ask me is pretty impressive even if I did need some help from Gray Jupiter but before we listen to it to check if it actually works um we quickly need to kind of clean this place up because it looks disgusting

Right now I think since this is a default Minecraft song what we put in front of it should represent Minecraft perhaps a grass block or a slightly bigger grass block Boom and boom our satisfying music room is complete let’s give it a Test we now only have four satisfying builds left and soon the other players are going to log on to check out what we’ve done but the satisfying build we’re making need to get better because the whole point of this is to inspire all of the other players to get creative

Again and stop the server from slowly decaying away oh wow that was that was kind of beautiful did you like it Clyde were you dancing along we still also need to actually decorate the museum at some point soon because we’ve got all the rooms decked out but um the Halles

Are a little bit Stony but this next one is going to be pretty cool because have you seen all of those Factory videos online where hardcore players build Factor one of the cool things that they sometimes do is try to make these conveyor belts I think we can make an

Entire room full of these conveyor bels which have insane items and blocks on them which is going to be pretty satisfying so we can start getting the main materials we’ll need first of which is quartz which I have a bunch of from void trading in the last video I made

We’re also going to need a few prismarine blocks which is quite interesting especially since I don’t really use these blocks too often we also need white concrete which I don’t have unless there sum in one of these shulkers which there isn’t oh but I do have some powder that I guess I could

Quickly turn into concrete nice this is much better oh uh don’t need orange concrete and the last material I need is a block that I believe I’ve only ever collected once before and that was for when I built a house out of every block in the game um where where is it where

Did I put this thing um huh where where is it oh it was this thing aha polished Bol I need a bunch of This and oh no place okay there we go now as for the conveyor belts that are going to be running through our Factory we’re going to need two main materials and one of them is a lot easier to get than the other and I I think this portal

Leads to a Mesa biome I’m 99% sure oh yeah here it oh God there’s a lot of enemies here and for the first material we need we need to get ourselves a bunch of Terra Cotta there we go because now we’ve got this terra cotta all we need to do is

Smelt it into glaze terracotta meaning we have 50% of the materials we need by the way why do they have Nemo on this block is it just me that sees Nemo here y probably because you are an idiot wo but that means we’re left with the other 50% of

The materials which are honey blocks one of the worst blocks to get in the whole game now we’re probably going to need around about 40 to 50 honey blocks which means we’re going to need around 200 honey bottles now we do have a honey

Farm that I made a little while ago if I quickly take a little peek into here yeah it’s a lot uglier on the inside than it is on the outside but yeah in every single one of these beehives there are three bees collecting honey at all

Times um let’s see if there’s any honey left over that we could use no there is not okay let’s flick the activation lever this might bring some in Honey bottles please oh there just no honey bottles at all oh no there there’s five this Farm sucks we’ve got five honey

Bottles that that’s nothing but yeah we don’t actually have a ton of time left I mean look here the time is is ticking it’s looking to me like we’re going to have to create an entirely new Honey Farm and the first step to doing this is getting more beehives and they have to

Be beehives with all of the bees in them which means that we have to get them while it’s night time because that’s the only time where the bees are back inside of their hive so let’s fly over to flower Forest where these beeh hives actually spawn oh yes yes yes yes this

Is a flower Forest oh and there’s beeh get in there yes and that means we can just mine all of these with silk touch beehives um where are you oh god spider okay we’ve got beehive here oh and another one here yes I’m just going to

Get as many as I can before it it’s already halfway through night oh no oh so um slightly embarrassing news about the Honey Farm after we built it and turned it on it didn’t work at all oh no no what what which would usually be a

Problem but I just so happened to leave the old Honey Farm running anyways did it even collect any honey oh what wait My My Old Farm My Old Farm works okay now as for the conveyor bels I actually kind of need to figure out um how they work because as always I

Am completely clueless as to how to do red stone uh I’m going to try and make a practice one and see if it works just like this I think um as a little test if I place one of these bad boys down does it create like a cycle

How do I activate one of these oh oh that looks right how do I stop it um stop okay so if I activate this will this start cycling around like a conveyor belt there’s no way I actually build something with redstone and it works first time oh no no okay I’ve definitely

Messed this up okay um I think this is correct now uh let’s see oh it works yes wait we’ve actually made a con about so now we just need to create these uh in the actual Factory and try to make them look a little bit less ugly and you guys know me it’s

Going to be hard not to make this Redstone look absolutely hideous oh man like I’m looking at this and it looks like I’m doing it right but I’m not too sure if I am I want to finish this one off because after that we’re on to our

Three final rooms which are going to be incredibly incredibly satisfying like seriously 10 times more satisfy than anything we’ve done so far yeah let’s quickly see if this works oh no what that that didn’t work at all no oh I know why this hasn’t worked okay wait I might need to put a

Repeater down down here that might be why okay does the machine work now no okay I was being an idiot I think I need to start it here no it’s still not working am I an idiot did I just need start start it here the whole

Time it’s still not working I should not be struggling this much to build a fairly simple Redstone Contraption and time running out fast we need to get this working quickly okay so this Works it could be I am awful At Redstone it is oh my goodness it’s cuz we’re using glass wait why why does glass behave so differently okay okay okay that means I know how to fix it at least okay wait so will this thing work now

Oh oh finally oh my goodness this was the worst thing ever to do but we’ve got the conveyor Bel working and look I think we can all agree that it’s not as pretty as we wanted it to be I mean I could try patch it up with a couple of

Banners as well but the only thing that’s realistically going to make this satisfying is armor stands full of diamond armor cuz what’s more satisfying than a conveyor belt full of diamond armor I’m very excited to see these with the diamond armor uh the only question

Left is how are we going to get all of her diamond Armor or I could just use the diamonds that I’ve spent ages collecting off camera okay okay okay yes here we go um yeah I didn’t go for all diamonds in the end because I’m not that rich but trust me I’ve used a fair amount of my diamonds

So I mean now we just need to see if it works so please please work I forgot that’s not how you activate it oh and in my opinion it’s pretty satisfying we got three more Super insane satisfying rooms to do and I’m very excited also you know how Tazo made

The illusion Museum where we got the tunnel idea from well since he’s a big inspiration for this build I asked him to give me some tips since we’re going to show him the museum once we’re finished but um since we’re now going to show this off to Tazo my big inspiration

For this Museum we need to get back to work and this next satisfying room is going to contain one of the most satisfying things in the whole of Minecraft that’s right we’re going to be killing villagers in painful ways oh man I love killing villages in painful ways the plan is to

Make a fake Village in our room populate it with a bunch of villagers and then just as they think they’re safe we’re going to drop hundreds upon hundreds of anvils on their head because let’s be honest what’s more satisfying than killing villagers in fun and creative ways now we are going to

Need to raise the roof because anvils need to be dropped from a certain height to be able to kill villagers um we should probably find out what that height is um where’s a villager we can test this out on there we go we’ve got one in the pit now Mr villager how high

Do I have to go to be able to kill You oh not very high Apparently oh fish oh why are they they’re dancing wait these guys aren’t even angry they’re just oh we’re grooving you okay well I shouldn’t get too close I guess oh man this is awesome I’ve Got Friends I finally got friends oh careful guys I don’t want to have to

Spliff you let me just carefully do this around you okay oh yeah we’ve red the RO for lot although there’s no point to actually taking down the scaffolding yet even though it would be satisfying because we’re going to need to put the anvils up there anyways what we need to

Do is actually start working on getting the anvils you know what guys I I’m going to leave you in here I hope you’re still here when I’m back and I hope you’ve calmed down because you guys are taking this way too personally yeah Anvil shouldn’t be hard to get we

Already know that we have an insanely op iron farm as expected there’s an insane amount which is good because we’re going to need an insane amount which means now we can put the anvils on here and yeah they just sit on top of the signs oh that’s kind of terrifying to look up

At sorry I’m getting satisfied again now we need to build the actual Village and well inhabit it I think that’s the right word we need to inhabit it with villagers iron golems and cats the two mobs that are native to these V villes so we can start building it now because

After that we only have two more rooms left the last of which I’m so excited to work on now now we’re nearly ready now uh what are the main blocks in villages uh grass actually that’s I guess one of the most main blocks of them all going

To need a load of grass there we go that was a really fun and exciting material to get um and I guess since this Village is I’m pretty sure it’s abandoned oh um yeah I’m pretty sure this Village is abandoned which means we could gather up the materials of these homes without

Having to feel guilty okay inventory is full let’s see how much we can build of the village with this oh um and by the way we cannot like somehow break this sign if we break this sign uh we’re going to have a couple anvils to deal

With okay that’s the floor built in the village we just raided they kind of had like this like holy tree thing in the middle and I think it would be cool if we have the same thing um we do need to grow it with bone

Meal though okay and here we go boom oh and we can’t forget that this tree had these like poles on it we probably should actually build a house so I guess we are going to have to make them a little bit small okay um this is definitely not how

These houses are supposed to be built this is so ugly but I mean I guess since these Villages are going to to end up dying anyways it probably doesn’t matter too much oh my goodness what has happened to my building skills I have creaded some really nice builds in the

Past and I’ve completely forgotten how to do it there we go this is um a bit of a cramped home but of course villagers don’t really deserve homes so it’s not too bad we’re running out of space for homes so one of the villages is going to

Have to sleep outside but a village is not complete without p Ms and a ridiculous amount of them let’s make a rock to fill the empty space boom Rock we can make it all look nice even though it’s all going to get completely destroyed once we launch the anvils on

The villagers Village oh not complete look how disgusting the walls are we’re definitely going to have to do something about that also by doing a fake sky we will have ticked off one of the things that Tazo told us to focus on which was to make the build colorful boom I mean

This place definitely isn’t like one of the prettier places I’ve ever made it’s not my best work of art but what’s going to be satisfying is the anvils dropping on the heads of all the villages speaking of which we we have none there’s there’s no Villages anywhere or is

There no there isn’t I was just collecting the remaining blocks on the floor I mean we all know that we have three different mobs we need to collect for the village so let’s start with the easiest ones being the Iron Golems Iron Golems require literally about 2 seconds

Of material Gathering especially since I have everything I need in my storage system boom oh um oh my God why is he coming for me straight away the next thing we need to get our hands on is a cat or maybe even two cats to be able to

Actually tame cats though we need to catch some fish first so this is going to be fun come on guys um little fun fact you while we wait I I was the one that built this bridge I built this bridge one week after the service

Started oh oh a fish I need to not scare them here these guys get get scared pretty quick come on cat cat we’ve acquired one cat we need another this one’s got different colored eyes oh that’s awesome oh Bo stop stealing all of it I’ve got cats

Woohoo I don’t think so this is gray cat’s house you need to come over here do you want to stay in the Mansion or the outside house the outside house oh no okay he wants to he wants to go to the mansion yep you know what fair enough meaning the last

Thing we need to do is get villagers here and since we got one Iron Golem and two cats it would make sense to get three villagers I I hate working with villagers these guys are such idiots because they never behave how you want them to right Village oh my goodness

There’s so many villages here it’s insane uh ooh we could do with a librarian in your get rotate and set off wave goodbye to your friends you will never see them ever again you’re going to meet some new friends get out the way no your new friends are very friendly right and they

Purr a lot this is taking little while here we’ve got to kind of cut through the entirety of Spawn okay right Tunnel built oh oh no oh I’m sorry villager I I couldn’t protect you in the end now I’m going to have no choice but to murder

Both of you ah boohoohoo what a shame right o these guys seem to be hidden in the trees a bit creepy but it should do the job I won’t ask what you doing in those bushes Mr villager as long as you don’t ask where you’re you’re going to

Be taken to why did I hear a creeper and I’m not talking about you Mr villager okay we’re back at spawn oh yep we’re nearly there it’s a shame we weren’t able to get the librarian and instead we only got a member of the creepy Bush

Gang but he should be able to do the job just fine CU that is one out of three villagers collected say hello to Clay there we go two villagers collected ooh think there what were you looking at creepy creepy Gary Gary uhoh I could start to see why

This guy was hidden in the bushes now and while you guys do that we can make our move onto the second to last satisfying build and for this one I actually want another useful build you know like the enchanting room we built at the start and actually got you Sal

Off cuz a lot of these builds are satisfying but they don’t really contain much purpose Beyond you know being cool but yeah we’re going to make an ultra satisfying bamboo Farm which will automatically har Harvest itself in a very satisfying way I mean it’s definitely not going to be a massive

Bamboo Farm but it’s going to be a bamboo farm and it’s going to be satisfying uh we also need to have some bamboo to actually start off the bamboo Farm ah hello again hot tub yeah you know I said I wasn’t going to steal from you earlier that was a

Lie boom wow bamboo grows quickly it’s already going which is going to make it all the more satisfying when it all gets knocked down by a machine but before we build a swiper we need to build a collection system since essentially when this bamboo gets chopped down it’s going

To land on the floor and we don’t want to have to run around to collect the bamboo every single time it gets sliced but if you take a look over here out of this stupid door that I’ve still not turned into red stone this sugarcane farm utilizes mine carts with Hoppers

Inside of them to collect all of the items that land on the floor and yeah we can do that for ourselves now as we know rails aren’t going to be an issue since I’ve shown off this trick only a couple times in my videos building this bad boy

Is just so easy though it it’s pretty cool and to be honest it’s actually quite satisfying of a build itself okay that’s enough we’re making way too many rails now let’s just leave that there and now we should be able to go underneath here I think W yep beautiful

Behind the scenes Redstone is definitely one of my specialities look at this building platform I’ve made okay let’s set off the first collection mine cart well that didn’t work it didn’t bounce back it was supposed to bounce back but I think I know why that was a

Problem okay goes one end goes to the other end okay yeah there we go we fixed it finally so let’s place all these down there we go and that is now the collection system complete so now we can start moving on to the slicing device

And I mean we do quickly need to coat this room in glass since otherwise the slicer kind of gets start so now the last thing we need to do is actually build the swiper slicer 74 that’s the name of the machine and the materials we need for it are

Cheapest chips slime observers levers red stone iron trapo and obsidian and we have everything to create the swipe up so let’s give it a go uh hopefully I don’t mess this up oh yes oh um it was supposed to go back it’s supposed to go like here to

Here and then back to here but instead it’s over here is it if I put it on here oh yes so let’s destroy this and build it in the actual Farm there we go um as you can see it’s got uh a little bit smaller that’s because the swiping machine only

Covers this far wide but it will still be plenty satisfying don’t worry let’s quickly see if this works what happened there uh I must have built it wrong let me try it again okay I’ve um tried rebuilding it again does it work oh oh oh no I accidentally left

A bit of dirt on there oh okay oh we’ve done it oh it’s squashing oh my goodness this this works I can quickly turn it off by flicking this lever just over here so boom that is basically our bamboo Farm complete which means we are now on our final satisfying build of

Them all and as a little hint it’s going to involve a machine that is going to blow the other players away but we do have one well kind of problem I guess and let me show you because we have made some pretty Hightech things here we’ve utilized Illusions to our advantage

We’ve Incorporated some high level Redstone to our builds and we’ve even gotten a little bit musical But Clyde we are missing something in our build you see one thing that’s been in the back of my head while building this is why you know like why have I really been making these

Satisfying runes I mean yeah I want to be able to show it off to the other players and especially Tazo even some of the worst builds or the decaying builds of the server something that our build doesn’t yet have I mean all of these builds have personality something that I

Think is missing from our Museum I mean you we’ve got some incredibly cool things we’ve made here like seriously some of this stuff I didn’t even know that we would be capable of making but without some sort of theme or backstory our build just feels soulless compared

To these my destroyed nether base for example has been on the server for almost an entire year now and it was home to one of the first events ever ran on This Server it was one of the first videos ever on the outcast and it still

Got some of my best memories I’ve ever had so before we move on to this finy room which again is going to be awesome I’m going to take this chance to transform the museum into something amazing and I think I’m going to theme this Museum around the thing that I care

About most in this world Glide and just like earlier all the blocks we need are down in the bottom right yeah we need a lot of blocks we’ll start our way from the top and work our way down to the bottom and let’s start with the orange terra cotta

Since I’ve already got a beacon set up in this place there we go now let’s make our way to go and get the Sandstone Oh wait we’re at one of the red deserts we could instead get red sand and red Sandstone first Now let’s move on to the normal sand and finally let’s use our wood Farm to get the Acacia we are finally about to move on to the last satisfying build and then after that of course we’ll be able to show it off to all of the other players including Tazo but I mean just look at the progress of what we had at the start these what we have now we

We should be pretty proud of Ourselves and there we go look how much better this place looks now it’s officially themed around clay oh I love you Clyde you’re the best but yeah this place looks so much better now obviously there’s still a bunch of shers on the walls and everything and I haven’t done

The roof for this final room either because honestly we might have to raise it for this final satisfying builds which we actually need to get started on now because we have no time left at all now um I am back in the creative world

Since I kind of have no idea how to make a wave machine oh yeah if I haven’t told you already the last satisfying build we’re going to be making is one of those wave machines which um look pretty cool so I’ve been doing some research apparently I want to be setting up the

Area like this uh and I think we’re going to want to place repeaters down like this uh I I hope I’m probably doing it wrong aren’t I now I’ll put the Pistons down like this slime goes down on the Pistons okay and I mean we’ll just test this with normal sand for now

Okay let’s see if it works no no it doesn’t what what the heck happened there I mean don’t get me wrong it’s kind of cool but this isn’t that satisfying but after ages of testing I finally found a new way to do this guys I think I found the design now I want

This wave machine to fill up this entire room I mean I think that’s the only cool way to do this which means I quickly need to count how many blocks it’s going to take 2 3 4 5 6 okay there we go our wave machine is

Going to be 20x 17 blocks that’s 3 140 Pistons 340 you know what let’s start with the Pistons first since they’re a bit of an annoying block to have to craft I mean Pistons require Cobblestone planks iron and Redstone I mean we’ve already had to

Get a bunch of these maybe we have some Pistons left please so um yeah we do need to get some more now the first thing we’ll get our hands on is is Cobblestone since Jaren um is a bit of a weirdo and uh has yeah collected just the most ridiculous

Amount of cobblestone ever like seriously these chests are all filled with Cobblestone iron we can get from the iron farm boom Redstone will collect from The Raid Farm which of course we visited right at the very start of this project it it is crazy to you know see

What we had before we started working on the museum boom there we go Pistons done let’s I mean what next spoiler it was over 600 observers that we needed which I won’t show you me getting them since it was not very fun so the last thing we

Need now is the rainbow colored concrete which means we need concrete of every single color in the game wait how many colors actually are there 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 how are we going to get all of this

En time the first place to check would of course be the concrete duplicator since any concrete that’s left in those chests is basically free game and wait we actually might have all of the concrete here that’s going to be really lucky if we can oh no we might be missing three main colors

Though so we need to hunt for the different dyes starting with yellow dye if we can find ourselves a sunflower Forest somewhere it shouldn’t be too hard oh actually no never mind we don’t need a sunflower Forest we’ve just got these Dand limes so do the job just fine the

Next die is a little harder to get we need to get pink dye do I have any of those two pink flowers left from working on this giant stack of pigs I hope I do oh no but I do have the dye left we’ve got plenty of pink dye that’s great I

Mean in the last d we need is cyan Dy which we can get from the new 1.20 flowers which um aren’t that new at all anymore but to be able to get those new flowers uh we need to find a sniffer and I only know of one sniffer on this

Server and that’s a sniffer at my Zoo okay started to think that this won’t work so the other way that we can get our hands on cand die is by getting our hands on lapis oh yes oh lapis and the other material IAL we need is green

Dye which we get from smelting cacti we might actually still have some of it in our furnace from earlier when we needed to smelt green oh please tell me I do I don’t want to smell more cacti no maybe I’ll put it in the chest oh I did yes

Boom San die you know what let’s build the actual mechanism first that seems like the most important thing boom okay first layer of observers done so now let’s build the observers on top oh no you you know you know what I’m just realizing is this would look so much

Cooler if I had hidden The Observers in the ground and by the way Tazo I hope you’re going to like this because this is definitely going to have things moving satisfyingly now we need to place of Pistons ooh we’re going around the other way this time yeah despite all the

Things that have gone wrong in this project like the big obstacles when things just didn’t work out our way we did a really good job of sticking through I’m pretty conf right now that the other players are going to find this place super satisfying which is great

And I think we should be able to complete our goal of inspiring people to build again the thing I’m more worried about right now is really trying to blow Tazo away he’s been a huge inspiration for this project and I want him to be proud of what we’ve done okay Pistons

Placed yes I’m just going to quickly run a quick test to see if it does work in the wave format oh that’s amazing no way that’s so sick oh I cannot wait to put this in a NeverEnding Loop this is going to be insanely satisfying honestly uh placing

Down this concrete alone is quite satisfying and to be fair I think I actually got the colors of the rainbow right for once this thing looks awesome seriously I got wait for this to actually work I mean if we actually want it to work we kind of need to build the

Redstone clock for it oh and a little bit of behind the scenes once I’m done with a project I always place down all of these Sher boxes so I can put all the materials back into their chests this time though we use so many Sher boxes that it had to

Go across here that’s right the other players are logging on as we speak and they’re about to see all of the satisfying builds that we have made her build is awesome I’m so proud of it it looks great and it has personality something that a build was really

Lacking for a while GL are you excited to get some visitors in this Museum which is basically yours I mean it’s all Clyde colored but the only player that makes me nervous is Tazo since he’s been a massive inspiration for this entire project you know what I’ve been uh like

The general gist of the project I’ve been working on right I believe I believe I’ve told you I believe you asked me for advice Ono but before I show Tazo around I first need to show some of the other players you know just to make sure that this is actually

Satisfying o dude this looks cool oh yo this is massive what the hell Clyde oh he’s so cool whoa wait whoa that is so sick actually got William the Wither Skeleton who’s got himself caught in lava yeah what a fool what a fool yeah I think you already probably know how this works

It’s the it’s the spinny thing yeah oh wait and it doesn’t work wait what hang on I’ve broken it I mean I definitely think we’re impressing the other players and satisfying them yeah I know what you mean oh yeah I like this but we do need

To show this to Tazo and I cannot let him or myself down with this so I’m really hoping this satisfies him look it’s do do you spot what the color theme is Clyde oh yeah you got a bang on miles did not get that bang on wait that’s what William he’s taking a

Bath wait okay oh my God I know what this is It’s the uh it’s the guy onzo yo Tazo seems to be enjoying everything we’ve created and we even got joined by well um I wouldn’t necessarily say a friend friend there there’s the OD one out miles he

Nodded these final rooms have to blow Tazo away otherwise this entire museum has essentially failed oh yeah cuz there’s nothing more satisfying in this game than killing villagers you actually that’s so Fire that worked so well okay I’m not even going to lie I know people joke about it I genuinely when I was like a child I would just load up super flat worlds and then just like blow up Villages but Tazo the best one of the lot and if you’ve been having frame

Drops um oh I know what this is I think I might know what this is currently at 250 frames let’s see what we go down To a it looks wait what ah my game ah my Flames oh my god oh my god dude that’s so sick do you want to know the most satisfying thing of of it all even more satisfying than this click the lever Again it’s so sick uh I do need to collect it all back up so it don’t all despawn yeah but I mean Tazo what what you think think of my satisfying Museum obviously largely inspired by your illusion Museum I’m not by any means saying that this is

Supposed to be better or to best it in any way but I just want to know were you satisfied oh so cool actually so cool I think my favorite has got to be the uh the dance floor it’s got to be right the dance FL it’s got to be it’s so sick

Yeah I’d stay on a scale of 1 to 10 of satisfaction I’m at like an 11 right now do you feel inspired perhaps I do actually I feel really inspired yes I was I think I don’t know cuz you could have taken the easy way

Out and just like did like I don’t know more just the visually like um nice looking ones but you also just like I don’t know I just feel like they were all super unique and like well thought out like in terms of the ideas I think

That’s what was like the coolest part of it for Me ow ah stop it you wait you killed him you’ve killed me and if you enjoyed that video then you are going to love the one on your screen so make sure to click it right now and for anyone who actually cares there’s going to be a few changes coming to my channel

Soon especially in the way I make my videos so that’s going to be fun see you in the next one

I Built the Most SATISFYING Builds on this Minecraft SMP, and put them into a museum. This project was MASSIVE, and the REAFCTION was Insane!

Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video, a true Minecraft hardcore server. Not only that, this server has the elements of school SMP and lifesteal SMP, but everything is Hardcore. This is a Hardcore SMP server.

This series is inspired by Wadzee, sandiction and Luke TheNoteable Series, as well as Mumbo Jumbo and Grian on the Hermitcraft server. However, instead of it being Wadzee, Luke, Mumbo Jumbo, Grian, sandiction, it’s actually just Wenzo. I like to make Giant Mega Builds, and this is similar to a Custom Minecraft Challenge video, except the Custom Minecraft Challenge is to survive.

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MAKE YOUR OWN SMP: https://bisecthosting.com/wenzo

Business Inquiries: osowenzbusiness@gmail.com

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