How JJ and Mikey Survived 100 Days ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE in BLOOD RAIN ? – Minecraft (Maizen)

Well then let’s get started tonight a swarm of zombies will rise up and attack so we’re going to reinforce this house with anti-zombie security measures a swarm of zombies we need a security system hi JJ today our plan is to protect this house by using 10 different security systems 10 security systems to

Kick things off we’re going to use lava lava is super useful it’s the simplest most effective security system there is we just have to dig a mode around the house like this then fill it up all right it’s digging time oh I see okay nice let’s split up to dig faster

Yeah sure just like this great wow protective lava is a really good idea yep simple and effective that’s lava for you pig rocks amazing there that looks good woo there we go all right that does it for the digging now all we need to do is

Pour in the lava okay go go go it’s pretty simple simple but powerful no one can get close right no one will be able to reach us we’re ready for anything wow impressive nice that should take care of most of the zombies you’ll be driven off yeah this is

Perfect okay okay that’s probably good good enough awesome it’s good enough we’re all done protective lavas complete next are the snow golem turrets Snow Golem turrets what are those you’ll see Mikey you’ll see first we need to build a few Towers to hold our snow golems in maybe we can build them with

Stone bricks like these now then we just need to add some trap doors trap doors next we’ll add in some snow and finally a carb pumpkin now it’s time to put everything together there’s a specific way to put on the trap doors like this nice and some more

Trap doors will go up here oh then you just carve out the middle of your Tower H that looks strong now you can summon tons of snow gos that’s awesome see this interesting I want to try it too h it can buol quite a few Golems finished our snow goem turret now

You try sure I think that’s right like this oh I get it and now yeah lay down the blocks like that oh okay it’s hard to place the blocks in the air so try to crouch when you do it that’ll make it easier all right the impressive thing about

Snow golem turrets is that they throw snowballs when they see enemies awesome so with this many snow golems they’ll bombard the zombies with their snowballs unfortunately snowballs don’t do any damage they’re going to fight for us though yep they fight for you so it’s really powerful he can hold off anything

I guess that means our snow golem turrets are finished now then Mikey number three a secret entrance secret entrance yep basically it’s just like a basement h check it out wa H if we want to fight the zombies we’ll need to use this basement effectively I’d like to be able

To go straight into the basement from the outside that’s why we’re installing a secret entrance it’s probably a good idea to build it outside of the M this area looks good let’s start building our secret entrance around here I think that maybe altern this section here into a

Staircase keep on digging oh can I’ll help this should be deep enough enough nice I’ll keep going ahead all right now for the actual Stairs awesome nice this passage here yeah let’s connect it to the basement hook it up over here if I count it correctly it should line up perfectly Bo check it out it worked amazing perfect now then we haven’t made this entrance a secret yet that’s true we haven’t hidden it yet

Let’s do that right now the most important things we need are sticky pistons then we need some redstone dust and repeaters I’ll just clear this out that’s perfect now we can put these in here awesome there we go what’s next oh yeah now we need to attach some repeaters to

The sticky pistons here’s the first one the second one goes on the second slot oh great next up interesting that’s how you set it up they’re here uh-oh it looks like a lot of zombies spawned so many this isn’t good oh no let’s go back I think

You see me hurry hello will the snow golems fight hang on there’s a swarm of baby zombies chasing me run bring it on Snow Golems stop the baby zombies for me cross the Lava Moat come on JJ right the lava nice are we safe why aren’t the snow bems fighting they’re definitely fighting

They’re knocking the zombies in great security it’s time to run come on get inside oh this is really bad I’m opening it see secret entrance four nice let’s go hurry shut it uh-oh some of them got in they’re inside here they come let’s try this out this is that fire charges it’s so

Strong that worked pretty well wow super powerful yeah I can’t believe it so effective are there more breaking in I think you might be right the fire charges won’t last there are way more zombies getting inside it’ll be fine what how we still have more security oh yeah okay let’s see

Here click yes me too it’s my turn now do it it’s my turn now I’m eating the golden apple oh nice transformation Mikey close one wao netherite armor is the best Mikey do you think it’s about time we tried out the zombie capture device oh I forgot about that one quick

Pull the lever will this even work okay 3 2 1 oh so many that’s amazing great trap wo there’s too many let’s take them out JJ wow incredible all riled up well it is Zombie h day today yes finished awesome he did it good job our security rocks uh

Mikey this is bad the zombie hor is getting in this is terrible how could there be this many of them oh well at least we’re still safe for the time being uh-oh this one’s out of fire charges no way hang on Mikey hurry come over here quick here they’re breaking in get in

The hatch they’re coming for us that isn’t good uh-oh Mikey what now we have to run for it I’m pulling the lever get in hurry hurry oh no come on W I think I hear the explosions crazy w What the we’re on the Escape mine cart so we should be Safe you hear that the explosions well we’re in our Ultra secure underwater shelter now so we’ll just have to wait it out until morning sounds good yep I’m glad we made it yeah me too the most powerful tornado in history is on its way it’s estimated to last for an entire

Month please take shelter everyone that’s what it said what really the wind is getting pretty strong out there let’s get to shelter I’d like for us to hide in a tornado shelter but this Village doesn’t have one so what do we do we don’t have a choice Mikey the most

Powerful tornado in history is going to hit us for an entire month we need to build a shelter before it hits let’s go where should we build it let’s do it here wo it’s bad out here it’s really bad Mikey let’s build our shelter beneath this house sounds good

Okay we don’t want the tornado to blow the house away so let’s build our shelter out of stone and put it down here watch what I do let’s build it fast yeah hurry I’m hurrying we’ll build it down here we definitely want to build it underground nice hurry we don’t have

Much time the tornado can’t blow it away if we build it underground it’s going to be tough to dig it all out do we have time you’re right we don’t have much time let’s hurry it’s too hard to dig stop let’s use this instead H use what

TNT good idea if we set off TNT it should be easy W to clear a space underground that worked another one blow it out of pieces and another wo wo nice it’s getting wider not too shabby a little more over on this side I want to

Open up a big space make a big space down here and more okay this is pretty good I think we’ll do okay with this much space at least for a tornado shelter sweet it looks good nice blow that up listen to the thunder outside it’s crazy all right we can work with this

Let’s clear this up and turn it into a nice shelter we should finish it yep before the tornado gets here we’ll be in trouble if we can’t finish it on time big trouble the most powerful tornado in history and it’ll last for a whole month this needs to be more than an ordinary

Shelter we need to stay for an entire month it won’t be easy we’ve got to hurry let’s go let’s clear this place up we need to replace all this dirt with proper stone blocks I doubt the tornado can blow away Stone all right this is looking good

It’s turned into a pretty nice space yeah I should make a proper entrance to the shelter something like this that’s about right now let’s cap off the entrance with This yeah looking good that’s a sturdy entrance I tried to make it as sturdy as possible so now wow check out how good this place looks it looks really nice history’s most powerful tornado is supposed to last for an entire month and since we won’t be able to go outside we

Need to design our shelter with everything we’ll possibly need to survive for example what do we need I’m going to start with one of the essentials let’s build a bathroom we’d get pretty gross if we couldn’t clean up and that wouldn’t be pleasant so that should go over here

Then over here how about a toilet yeah could you imagine if we didn’t have a toilet ah the shower could go over there good thinking that’s the shower stall oh let’s have our bathtub next to it all right got to fill up the tub this has running Waters wow now we

Can take showers doing well so far let’s see another sink now we need to separate the bathroom from the rest of the shelter right all right then okay yeah that’s the bathroom that’s all there is to it yep it has a toilet and a bathing area it’s reallying

Not bad now the next thing yeah if there is anything we absolutely have to do over the next month it’s eat so we better make a kitchen of course where should we build it let’s build the kitchen over here yeah for our kitchen we’ll need a few different things

Let’s start with cabinets how’s that Good and a dishwasher and then an oven oh a fridge as well after that we need some of This W almost oh how’s that maybe this not Quite wa that looks good so elegant we’ll put the fan right here fantastic great is that it for the kitchen I think so we still need one of these let’s make a kitchen table right here good idea we can sit together at the kitchen table to eat our

Meals wow what a nice kitchen oh right he forgot something we still need furnaces all right furnaces are important what else what else do we need how about a chest in the corner right there okay are we done nope not yet the wind is going to be pretty cold outside

So cold so let’s make a fireplace do you want one I want one now where should we put it where H let’s put it here sounds good we’ll start with this first it needs to be lit wow I’m warmer already and then we’ll get some bricks ready oh

You got it oh whoops like that more like this yeah that’s good keep doing that maybe more like this nice it looks pretty good our fireplace is complete now when the tornado strike breaks we won’t freeze to death if we get cold we can warm up by the fireplace

It’s so warm is that everything we’re still forgetting one very important thing we are what could we have missed a place to sleep silly of course otherwise we’ have to sleep on the floor we’re starting to run out of space so let’s extend it this way

Sure oh we got to hurry the tornado is coming all right Master good the tornado will be on us before we know it let’s go hurry we use TNT to blast open some more space that’s good got to hurry we need this bedroom we’ll be in trouble if we

Don’t do this fast it’ll be over for us if the tornado hits right now Mikey hurry a go all right the room is done let’s make this our bedroom okay we need to do is start placing beds a bunch of beds see this more like this yep we’ll make a

Couple of bunk beds like this one oh like This oh nice job that’s how you make bunk beds let’s get started today we’re playing Minecraft we sure are this time it’s going to be different though and it might be a little tough once per minute I’ll transform into a random mob a random mob every minute that’s crazy

Yeah if I transform into something strong it could be helpful but if I turn into something wimpy huhuh already I might be in trouble what are you I’m a fish what a pufferfish are you okay as long as I’m in the water I should be fine sorry but I’ll have to stay here

For now it’s cool I got this I’ll get some wood good idea I’ll leave the trees up to you thanks Mikey I guess I’ll just splash around and swim laps for now have fun I can be on land for just a little bit check it out I think we’re starting

This on a high note I’m here huh right here oh I see you here oh wow Mikey this is for me thanks no problem yeah I’ll take the wood you gathered and I’ll start making something I made a crafting table so oh I turned into another fish a I guess I

Can’t leave the water just yet first I want to make a pickaxe good idea next maybe I’ll craft an axe I made one okay what should I do next H I’ll go look for some Stone I’ll probably transform again pretty soon though no I just changed again wao look what you mighty look

Behind you now look up I’m flying oh wow a parrot wo there’s all all kinds of stuff down there since I can fly I’ll go down and get started I’ll come soon I’ll mine some Stone how do I get there I only have 1 minute so don’t worry about

It are you okay did you fall close now I’ll make a stone pickaxe and go mine a bunch of iron ore yeah I’ll slide down and get everything quickly I’ll mine as much as I can with the time I have left before I transform again so far so good

Okay that’s a lot of iron next up is coal definitely need this come on come on time is running out I can feel it oh no Mikey I changed again to what now I’m a bunny oh I see you JJ I may be a rabbit but I should still try to mine

More how on Earth am I going to get back up what are you up to Mikey I’m close by trying to reach you awesome yeah so so far so good what I took fall damage a short drop off this Cliff was too much for the rabbit to handle my

Health bar is way too small careful no kidding one fall and it’s all over for me hey I found the bridge you made Mikey a step in the wrong direction and I’ll fall right off oh hey look I’m a chicken now I can jump off and be just fine I

Want to come I can gently Glide down do your best to keep up Mikey okay I need a crafting table and I need to smelt the iron this is really important because I want a bucket if I turn into a fish in a bad place then you can use the water to

Save me Mikey you’re right good thinking okay it’s melting down I’ll get some more coal oh no this is exactly what I was talking about I’m in trouble Mikey I got to keep going this might be the end for me no I can’t give up now oh right I think

I saw some water around here oh please make a bucket for me Mikey there should be some iron nearby okay I’ll handle it otherwise turning into a fish is a death sentence Ah that’s better wao hold the phone this is crazy huh what happened wow I’ve turned into something amazing

Mikey what look up I’m not alone oh no it’s okay I’m a Wither wow I’ll fly on over to scoop up some water sure take this thanks pie of cake flying is fun I should take a quick look around while I can yo hold up there’s a village nearby

Really I’m going to check out the desert I wonder if there’s anything over here uh-oh this is bad that was a close one seriously I was up in the sky when I transformed but thanks to the bucket of water I did didn’t take any fall damage uh I’m over

Here Mikey let’s go to the Village it’s by the mountains sure I’ll give the bucket to you oh woohoo all right come on uh-oh I turned into a puffer fish but I’ll be okay keep going Mikey all right aren’t I fast for a fish you’re speeding

Wait up oh I found water are you good okay nice let’s explore the village it’s kind of hard as a fish though hang on here that was a close one thanks I can breathe like this for a sec we’re running low on food oh watermelons my

Favorite nice what a lucky find now I can fill up on watermelon oh yummy wao I turned into a zlin uh-oh the villagers they’re scar run away zins are scary normally this would be super dangerous but I wouldn’t hurt a fly seeing the villagers run away makes me

Kind of sad all right back to melons we should be good for food now nice what’s up Mikey red wo you baked this our food supply is massive H want to check out that big house the really big one there’s got to be a chest full of

Treasure in there it’s over this way right there it is the mansion I bet there’s some good stuff in there W I turned into something really weird what did you change into now an armor stand wow okay let’s go transforming looks fun it is even like

This is the house empty oh in here what I found the chest open it 3 2 1 wo there’s a compass and some paper in here cool yep wo look at me the Ender Dragon I’m going to fight some enemies so bra attack how Noe the monsters Mikey same

Me I’ll help you ha JJ I’ve been hit it hurts boom I’ve got your back Mony stop it I’ll save you with my poison get away from me yeah take that ouch that hurts no I just transformed midair oh well run away Mikey the Ender Dragon was

Kind of underwhelming but look at me now I’m a spider I can climb walls this is cool a poor Mikey stop that run I’ll save you ouch got it oh nice thanks JJ I’m a spider so monsters won’t attack me look friends they’re attacking run away we

Need to make a tactical Retreat let’s go check out the desert maybe we can find a pyramid oh I’m a pig now everything is attacking why me a I’m so weak now Mikey help me got to hurry hold on okay I’m here good help I can’t I’m a weak Pig PL

H the hay bedtime yep I’m in here we’ll have to sleep separately uh-oh this form I’m too wide I can’t fit this is really bad thingss are too thick to go through normal doors no okay I got to keep running yes keep going this is a good transfer

What huh how long was I out and where am I this looks like a train and the other passengers they’re asleep too huh oh Mikey’s here too hey Mikey wait what was that noise huh someone just entered the train car am I crazy or is there a monkey on the train he just killed a villager this is bad he’s coming this way we need to get out of here and fast come on Mikey wake

Up he’s not waking up what do I do I don’t have much time I may have to wake him up by Force Mikey come on you have to wake up hey what was that for you’re so mean JJ I was having such a nice dream now’s

Not the time Mikey we have to get out of here what are you talking about look what is that thing let’s get out of here now all right hurry run away oh no the door is sealed off with iron bars there’s nowhere to run seriously what are we going to do uh uh

Oh there’s a chest maybe this will help us oh it’s just some loaves of bread it’s no good Mikey there was nothing useful in there at all uh-oh we’re out of time what the monkey’s caught up it’s all little Hur for us we can’t give up come on think wait

What we’re back in our home this must have been a dream but it felt so real oh no stop it sounds like Mikey’s having a nightmare I’ll wake him up go away Mikey wake up are you okay it was only a dream are you you all right Mikey that sounded like a really

Bad dream oh JJ in my dream we were on a train being attacked by a monkey it was right about to get us I’m glad that wasn’t real a dream where a monkey was attacking us are you sure yeah why well I had the exact same dream huh no way

You’re joking oh no I have a bad feeling about this huh oh what are you talking about hold on let me check Something is this the monkey you saw yeah that’s exactly what I saw oh no he’s called the circus monkey and if he finds you he can kill you in your dreams it looks like we’ve become his next targets so we’re being hunted by an evil monkey what can we do about it well

One thing we could do is never sleep again if we never sleep we’ll never dream so he won’t be able to attack us yeah that could work wait but I like sleeping that’s not going to happen yeah it’s not a very good plan our other option is to beat

The circus monkey in our dreams okay it sounds like we can do that let’s take the circus monkey down I’d love to but it won’t be easy how are we supposed to bring weapons into our dreams all right we could never beat him with our bare hands h there must be a

Way what do we do hey what if yeah this chest I’m sure I saw it on the train huh no way these loaves of bread were in the dream too really maybe just maybe this chest will let us bring items into our dreams you really think so then all we have to

Do is put weapons in there and the circus monkey is toast all right let’s gather the items we’ll need okay let’s do it preparations complete we’ll set up a security system inside the dream train so what are we bringing with us this is everything we’ve managed to gather ooo have some Redstone components

Two sets of netherite gear and two energy launchers awesome all right let’s get the bread out of the way and fill up this chest with our new awesome equipment this is great the circus monkey isn’t going to stand a chance that’s right we have more than enough our preparations are complete let’s get

Some sleep I’ll see you back on the dream train yeah let’s take him down good night oh JJ hey hi we’re back the circus monkey will probably show up really soon you’re right let’s hurry and set up our security system you got it Mikey well let’s take a look inside the

Chest open up yes all of our stuff is here this is great news now let’s get gather it all up we should act fast since we don’t know how much time we have okay let’s get to work what should we build well for starters the circus monkey will attack

From this side so our first security measure will be to put a trap by the door okay what kind of trap will we use well I’ll start by setting up a couple of trip wire hooks I see and then the trip wire itself there when he steps on this it

Will activate the rest of the Trap that’s what I’ll build next what will that be next I’ll set up some blocks on the walls okay then I’ll arrange these Redstone torches and pistons H the Pistons go up here uhhuh now to wire them up with Redstone Dust like So interesting and finally on top of the Pistons four heavy anvils oh so when the circus monkey steps on the trip wire wow he gets flattened like a pancake it’s the perfect trap wow this is awesome I can’t wait to see it in action he doesn’t stand a chance next

I’ll set up a lava trap good idea right here here first I’ll dig out a pit mhm here we go just in case the anvils aren’t enough that looks deep enough nice there and now let’s cover it up what’s that it looks like the carpet at a

Glance but it will break if something heavy steps on it hopefully it’ll trick them oh oh clever thanks I hope it works there let’s get started today I’m going to pull a prank on Mikey without getting caught I’m going to disguise myself as different mobs and secretly help him out

While he attempts to slay the ender dragon all on his own will I be able to help Mikey on his quest without him noticing let’s find out all right what are we doing today JJ well Mikey you’re going to slay the ender dragon all by yourself you won’t

Be getting any help from me this time what I’ve never beaten the ender dragon by myself before it’s going to be tough but I’ll try I’ll show you I can do it all on my own yeah I’m pumped okay well good luck I’ll be hanging around and watching you

Take on the dragon you got this Mikey sounds good first I’ll get wood starting with the basics is a really good idea definitely now is the perfect time to start the prank the question is what should I turn into first well it’s great if you can find a village when you’re just starting

Out so I’ll help Mikey find one nearby oh I found one over there that gives me an idea I’ve decided on turning into a villager first Tada I’ll use this disguise and Lead Mikey to the nearest Village now where is he oh there he is it looks like he’s working

On something I’ll get his attention how’s it going Mikey oh JJ it’s going well I made a wooden axe so cutting down trees is a breeze yep wo you’re making some really good progress yep I’m Speedy mhm I’m eager to fight the Ender Dragon wow you’re taking this so seriously I’m impressed oh

Something just happened wo there’s a villager it’s easier you know what that means right no there’s a village nearby I’m going to follow him oh he’ll gather more wood on the way nice see that’s good news that you found them Mikey I wonder if there’s any treasure in his village or better

Yet food wow this guy is fast oh so you’re following him right now I’m running behind him I hope he’s going the right way do you see a village no not yet but I’ll keep going oh chicken now you’re hunting chickens just a few but this guy is so quick he keeps

Running away oh I see a JJ good for you Mikey thank you Mr villager I’ll go ahead I’m so grateful for his H what are you going to do first I’m hungry it’s F time oh you’re harvesting hay bales that’s a good way to get wheat uhhuh all

According to plan wonder where they keep the TR treasure around here you’ll just have to keep looking around it must be somewhere close by I’ll search later D first okay so far I transformed into a villager and led Mikey all the way to the Village he’s searching around for

Treasure after he’s found some food so let’s give him the best chest of loot that he’s ever found normally small houses and Villages are pretty lame but this tiny house will become a treasure Trope absolutely full of goodies for Mikey I think golden apples will be a good start I need to be

Quick so I don’t get caught what else oh I know a full set of iron tools for him to use pickaxe shovel axe hoe oh and a sword too and a full set of armor he’ll definitely need that in his battle against the Ender Dragon wow what a lucky guy there we

Go oh and how about a bow and arrow too I’ll add some emeralds too just in case I don’t want them getting suspicious villagers would totally keep emeralds around I think he’ll turn into a cat now he won’t suspect a thing what’s up Mikey I haven’t found

Anything yet this Village is kind of crummy what a bummer oh a kitty well Mikey don’t give up yet I’ll keep looking maybe there’s a house somewhere I haven’t checked Yet what about that house I looked it’s empty it was a waste of time this this whole village was a bust really nothing at all woo this Village has a lot of cats is that so oh oh find something I found a bed nice no chests here’s one I’ll open it 3 2

1 no way really seriously I just found the best treasure ever what really what did you find okay what do we have here an i helmet chest plate leggings boots not just that but an iron sword too and a bow and arrow this chest has everything there are even golden apples

Awesome wo that’s quite the tall Mikey It’s amazing And there’s more a whole stack of emerals that’s wild I know you’re a lot closer to your goal now there’s no way I can lose I like your confidence what’s your plan I’ll find a cave then I’ll build a

Nether portal smart looking for diamonds right yeah you got it all right I’m pretty deep down that’s good any goodies around here oh there’s coal find the bat hanging around the cave he hasn’t noticed yet how’s mining Mikey it’s going well h on what is it no way this is

Great I found a m shaft you found an abandoned mine wow I feel really lucky that’s awesome search the place for Treasure a good feeling about this while he searches I think I’ll give Mikey’s treasure a boost he’s going to be so surprised when he sees it I’ll add

Diamonds emeralds gold maybe some lapis lazle he’s going to love it uh how’s the hunt Mikey it’s okay I guess there’s a lot of coal down here but are you looking for something specific of course I want diamonds and maybe some lapis loley I’m looking for something

Rare nicey I’m tired of finding all this iron all right have you thought about going deeper Mikey I’ll give it a try wo no way what there’s lots of lapis lassle wo W isn’t that what you were hoping for yeah and there’s so much of

It here you know hi I think I’m pretty good at Minecraft I feel like I’ve won already that’s great Mikey woohoo maybe you should keep going good idea go look for gold H I’m not seeing anything huh lava I’m gold oh that was close he

Almost saw me Mikey block it off well oh I found gold wow you did it hooray it’s only one block but that’s enough for me oh Mikey if you found one there’s probably more nearby just keep digging H I thought so too but there’s just the one too bad so

Sad are you sure there’s not any more than that keep looking I will oh right if you still want to find diamonds try going in even deeper okay I’ll try maybe this way gold oh good job Mikey nice it’s my lucky days there’s some natural diamonds

Here but I’ll add some more hey Mikey did you know that you can usually find diamonds near lava oh really that’s good to know I’ll keep that in mind Redstone is this really happening I’m got to get it don’t forget what you came in here for Mikey diamonds I want them but I

Can’t seem to there oh no way did you find some something good Mikey I did but not just a few a whole bunch this is crazy tell me how many Glocks you found okay I’ll count them oh man is this even possible that many huh that was close I

Need to be careful of the lava wo this is amazing wow no way I’ve never seen so Happ in one place before impressive this is the best world yet the only thing that would make it better as if we were playing together wow how many diamonds

Have you found let’s see right now I have 12 seriously that’s a ton I’ve never found that many before in one spot this world is a real winner wow it’s almost too much for one person I wish you were here JJ youd love this awesome in total I found 21 blocks

That’s great yeah I think I found everything next I want to start building a nether portal yeah you should go check out the nether it’s decided then to the surface how’s it going good I’m on my way back this way I found something what is it put no way a zombie

Popped out yikes uhoh okay I want to help Mikey out with this zombie but he can’t know it’s me I’ll change into a skeleton and I’ll save him with my bow are you good Mikey oh no a skeleton W are you okay the skeleton is still there no

There’s more zombies I TR help what do I do oh lucky for me the skeleton hit the zombie I’m still in trouble though oh Mikey are you okay he’s still there but I’m right wow you’re so brave I managed to save Mikey from the zombie boord okay I should start heading

Back up if the coast is clear it sounds like Mikey is on the Move now I should beat him to the surface and try to think of other ways I can help him out let’s go all right I made it outside before Mikey now what can I do up here oh

What’s that a nether portal it’s a little beat up but I think I can fix it he was saying something about heading to the nether after finding diamonds so this is perfect I need to make the repairs quick before he finds me it has to be a surprise and what portal is complete

Without treasure a few stacks of gold will definitely come in handy to finish it off I’ll light the portal for Mikey it’s beautiful he’s going to be so excited now that it’s finished I should hide before he finds me I’ll change myself into a little bird and fly into

The sky we won’t suspect a thing what’s the plan now Mikey I’m heading back up to the surface then it’s nether portal time I’ll find a pool of lava or something first it’ll be tough but I know I can figure it out good luck go beat the Ender Dragon I’ll do my best

Huh no way that’s a NE portal I didn’t know in Ruins wow I was going to find lava to make obsidian and build the portal with that but there’s a perfect one right here I’m so lucky this really is the best world wait wo this chest has

A bunch of gold inside that’s great news you’re on a roll today I really am how can anyone be this lucky I feel good off by out you’re going in already here I go somehow I managed to help Mikey again without insus expecting a thing let’s follow

Him you’re doing a good job I’m lucky I already feel really good about my CL what is it one thing I want to do here is get Eyes of Ender oh so that’s your next goal yep if that’s what Mikey wants then he’ll definitely be searching for

Another Fortress so my plan is to find one and try transform into something special then help them out first I’ll need to find a fortress all right I did it I found a nether fortress Mikey could arrive at any time so I need to transform quick

I’ll be a piglin w if you give a piglin a gold ingot it’ll give you a random item back I’m going to be the piglin with the best stuff I’ll give Mikey the strongest weapons it’ll be awesome before Mikey gets here I want to do some enchanting how about a trident normally piglins

Don’t have Trident but watch this yeah that’s the stuff I’m giving Mikey a trident that comes back to you after you throw it how about some armor too a full set of netherite armor will be exciting plus I could enchant all of it with fire protection that’ll come in

Handy I’ll use Unbreaking too and finally protection enchantments there now that might be a little too good finally Mikey said he wanted Eyes of Ender so I’ll give him some too many and it’ll be suspicious so 16 should be good with that many he should be able to

Reach the Ender Dragon no problem Mikey how’s the nether treating you good I saw Blaze oh I found another Fortress oh I’m Place careful Mikey oh no it burns I’ll get you for this it’s too strong I think I should eat a golden apple all good yep wo I need it

Oh a penguin JJ these guys will trade with you if you have gold really that’s why I’ll put him in a hole he won’t fall in please cooperate piggy yes thank you oh you want to play piglin gotcha yep I’ll throw in gold and grab my prize

Here have some more I’ve got tons I hope I get something good what well Mikey what did you get seriously this can’t be real what is it he’s giving out great stuff I’m putting it on now what is it it’s a full set of netherite armor wao no way did you get

Anything else hey there something seems off about Mikey lately he’s acting weird where is he now oh there he is he’s really been freaking me out huh is that rotten flesh ew that’s disgusting he’s really pigging out on it I’m going to talk to him hey Mikey

Dude hey why are you eating rotten flesh something seems different about you lately is something wrong huh I’m not eating rotten flesh I’m totally fine see uh no way there’s definitely something wrong look at all the rotten flesh that’s it I’m going to figure out what’s going on with

Mikey it’s a steak out I’m going to find out what is deal is where is he oh there he is wow he is actually acting weird he keeps looking over his shoulder but why where is he going I’m going to follow Him all right where are you headed off to Mikey you must be going somewhere go waa he’s really on guard today what for huh Mikey went into that abandoned house it’s been empty and vacant for a while but he walked right in uh what he disappeared I’m sure I saw him go Inside where did Mikey go H oh there’s a button that’s unusual maybe it’s a clue in this big mystery I’m going to push it click whoa what it’s a pit it looks really deep too maybe Mikey went down there I don’t know where it goes but I’m

Going in I have to all right 3 2 1 go W huh what whoa what where am I is this the abandoned house but I just went down the pit I what’s going on I need to focus I’m here to look for Mikey find out what’s wrong and stop it huh this isn’t

Right what everything the whole village is messed up what happened I need to find Mikey maybe he’s in here a skeleton Mikey no another one why hey is that my field oh no the farm it’s ruined I don’t remember planting these here’s my house but that’s messed

Up too should I go in Mikey might be in there it just doesn’t feel safe should I go inside I have to be brave I’m going in the light keeps blinking a skeleton Mikey that’s not Mikey right it can’t be I have to believe he’s safe even if this place feels dangerous I

Have a really bad feeling it’s so creepy oh that’s right I always keep a weapon in the nightstand just in case I should check yes my emergency supplies are still here even my TNT and bread okay I’ll take the weapons with me I feel safer already it certainly seems dangerous around here

Now where’s Mikey he has to be here somewhere H wait is that huh oh wow there’s some kind of tunnel going beneath the house it’s a weird secret area Mikey could be somewhere down there I’ll put a little TNT right here to break the iron bars okay okay wo nice yes it worked

Perfectly I’ll make my Escape Route in advance all right I’m going down there I wonder why there’s a secret passage under the house I don’t remember building it what’s this it looks like there’s a door I have to keep going even if it’s dark and scary I just hope Mike down

Here I really hope he’s safe why has he been acting so weirdly I’ll keep going I hope he’s down here let’s go open there are freaky creatures down here what are they I’m glad I brought a weapon they look like tentacles just shoot okay one down two to go yes take That TNT well have you had enough pH oh thank goodness I’m glad I brought a weapon I’m starting to think that I fell into a different plane of existence but why did Mikey come here all questions no an I see another door let’s just open it and find my friend Okay Mikey is that you J save me y there’s a Skeleton help I’m going to blow up that freaky summoning Circle wow yes I can’t get out don’t worry I’ll get you out of that that cage oh Mikey oh you seem are you all right Mikey you’re different from earlier I’m just glad you’re okay this impostor

Attacked me and took me to this parallel world he was scary wait an impostor yeah hey wa what’s going on it’s black it’s him it’s the impostor it was this fake Mikey that was acting weird not you you leave him to me wow I can take care of

This why is he so strong what is he yo let’s go JJ wa what’s that let’s make a break for it back to our world go faster JJ I’m in trouble I looked shy guy in the eye what am I going to do are you serious yeah this isad bad looking

At Shy Guy directly in the eye fills him with rage he’ll hunt anyone who dares to the end of the Earth he’s a terrifying creature I hate to say it but you’re doomed Mikey no there must be something we can do oh I’ve got an idea we need to

Enhance our security before Shy Guy shows up looking for you cuz he’s searching for you as we speak and he’s set on Hunting you down then let’s get started well the first issue is we don’t know which direction he’ll be attacking from true that’s why I suggest we put our

Shelter on top of a long staircase it’ll act as a funnel good thinking we’ll set up our first security measure right here what’s it going to be I actually have something really cool in mind first things first we’re going to build a super long hallway yeah that’s It h now check this out wo awesome well guess what this is just the start now for the next part this is our first line of defense uh just this you’re right an empty hallway won’t stop shy guy but a hallway full of lasers might we’ll make a laser Minefield but

We got to set it up so that the two of us can make it through okay I get it so we can jump over this one pretty easily but keep in mind shy guy is a lot taller than us the best strategy is to put a bunch

Of lasers at his height oh that makes sense check it out we can walk underneath them no problem but they’re sure to hit shy guy right in the face woo that’s clever those lasers pack a serious punch M if we scatter a whole bunch of them throughout the hallway

There’s no way you’ll be able to get through here not without getting hit so the more lasers the better yeah check this out these are sure to hit shy guy hit them right in the face nice how’s that looking oo not bad I think it’s great we definitely can’t survive this this one

We jump over and we’re here now to add a vertical laser oo good thinking I’ll put this here and that there you get the idea when the shy guy shows up we’ll Bob and weave our way through while he gets lasered over and over how about a couple more why Not that should do it now once we make it to the end of this hallway we’ll turn here and climb even more stairs awesome that’s a great idea just get things set up for the staircase all right here’s what I’m thinking Mikey this is where we’re going

To set up our second anti- Shy Guy security measure another one huh what’s it going to be we’ve already got stairs and lasers what security feature could we possibly add I’d like to propose a narrow walkway over a pit of lava I’ll show you pit of lava seems

Strong Okay taada lava woo oh oops it’s overflowing wow look at this lake of lava there I fixed it we now have our obstacle but what do we need next uh see this pipe yeah I’m going to lay it down all the way across this is for

Security yep I call this the tight rope block oh we’ll need to keep our balance as we walk along the pipe and cross over the lake of lava I get it I’m making it harder by making the path super windy it is hard Lo your balance and it’s game

Over you end up taking the hottest bath of your life no kidding great plans AJ thanks now this is security W oops my bad okay we’ll go this way and this way how’s that looks good to me Shy Guy is pretty fast on his feet he

Sure is and he’s got stamina true but I think these twists and turns will really slow them down oh yeah I’ll add a few more bends then a shy guy loses his balance he’ll slip off the pipe and fall into the lava what a great plan how

Could it fail and done no way he can make it across it’s a t path but there’s actually a trck to it what is it you and I can just jump over the gaps he simple it is to cross wo yeah it’s a shortcut yep amazing so easy for us but I doubt

Shy guy will take a shortcut true that he’ll probably try to cross here ignoring the shortcut he’ll lose his balance then fall into the lava for sure will be

How JJ and Mikey Survived 100 Days ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE in BLOOD RAIN ? – Minecraft (Maizen)

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!

Maizen –


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