Your Bizarre Ideas Nearly Destroyed Minecraft

When I press this button I drop a player egg and when this egg hatches the entire world is doomed you told us to code your ideas into Minecraft and well here we are oh oh best friends forever this is my minion wait wait come back is your son punch the tree help me

Punch this tree what do we name him oh where’s he going he does not he’s not help going to help you do not have a help hang on maybe I need another one I need another one let me me get a couple more this is an idea by Grizzly cheese

Who just asked for player eggs gzz chees I love the little pop oh oh they’re like little popcorn wait come here get him boy no How much damage do they do wait oh oh okay that’s not too bad that’s not too bad wait okay hold on hold on okay hold

On wait oh oh good job guys I’m so proud of you can I how high can I go how high can I go wait oh no I’m stuck wait I can’t get out help help n are you guys going to save your father uhoh uhoh oh one died oh no what

Have you done oh that’s so sad narie I forgot to mention the best idea gets the big dum A Trophy award oh yeah the B big okay very excited about that all right let me show you how to do this press the G button G oh oh it works so that’s now

Your minion hatch I got to I got to incubate it first yeah Crouch yeah oh there you go where is hech I can’t find him okay yeah you got to make okay there there oh no all of yours are taking me wait wait yours turned on you yours

Turned on you now he’s helping me wait no run oh hey oh look at him it’s your little guy you it’s my little guy he’s like oh look at him he’s there and then there’s you in a in a sea of tiny Steves he looks just like you like identical to

You are you oh oh he’s tired of your he’s tired of your shenanigans there’s something really weird narie about just hatching eggs it’s so true into into tiny humans too like the bills for taking care of this many kids the bills I’m thinking the tax right off dependency so many dependence dude I’m

Literally like I’m not even oh never mind I fell no oh no oh they’re teleporting back to you oh that’s oh God all right boys it’s time to beat Minecraft I’m sorry Jackson oh no everyone this minion did not follow orders get him get him

No oh that’s sad they can turn on each other take them out my gosh you could do like full scale this minion is even worse get him oh yeah the sea There Is No Escape The Sea of sling after me no please oh guys stop stop Steve was

Killed oh it’s so good it’s oh yep rest in peace oh narie what we’re the nether but that’s okay because I’ve got my gold pants we’ll be fine wow they shiny they’re so nice I found them in a chest somewhere hopefully they’re not what are we going to do we’re stuck in

The middle of the the the lava sea what are you why are you holding a wooden boat what do you think fire suggested that we add Enchanted boats and this boat has hot boat and speed three so I’m just going to oh dang that’s a pretty

Hot boat oh no that really is a hot boat I’m look it’s a boat that actually works in lava isn’t that awesome and it’s got speed I love it you’re just constantly on fire and it’s just hilarious looking I’m in Endless agony wait hang on really but oh oh oh here here take

That incredible that is an enchanted boat by Finch fire I’ve always thought that we need Enchanted boats in Minecraft and the ability to ride boats on lava yes I agreed oh oh hey an enchanted boat let me grab uh narie it thought oh no oh no it’s because I don’t

Have hot boat here grab the get it okay he that actually worked really that was wow all right you should be able to be good now it’s like dude it’s so hard to control I’m going to be honest it’s very nauseating but it’s so fun you can drift

H what’s in here oh there can’t even keep up with you can’t even get wait no I’ll get to it first wait this is actually annoying me right now this feels like when you’re on jet skis oh my gosh when you spin it’s so no excessive it’s so disorienting help I’m

Going to take off it’s just disorienting the particles look like a tornado above me too old for this I think I’m going to get sick Oh Come Back where’d you go hello behind you he how are you oh oh oh here we go we have to go and check out the next

Idea I’ll see you there okay oh wow look at that mountain so nice it’s a good thing I’ve got a mountain splitter what the heck what it’s just my Mountain splitter sword oh well what could that possibly do N I have an experiment here you take

That I want we’re going to have a duel okay well they say Size Doesn’t Matter but I’m starting to doubt that saying today I feel like this is fair look Eternal Aura wanted us to add a mountain splitter in Minecraft what I want to do

You have a sword right yeah mhm so you can’t say this isn’t fair I want to I want to see who would win in a duel okay go charge hurry oh oh oh it like it like stopped for a second and I was like where am I and then I

Look down narfi I don’t know if you realized what just happened oh I didn’t look that direction we I they don’t call it Mountain splitter for nothing oh oh my dude wait I feel like we just made the far lands no kidding this is I feel like we’re in the farlands wow now

That’s what I call mining for the record I took no damage so yeah it’s not really the most efficient sword I’ll be honest it’s not really the greatest sword but they didn’t say a human splitter true I was kind of hoping this would break Minecraft but it really

Didn’t you know it’s pretty close though oh oh oh oh oh W dude that is actually insane looking right now so cool no way you want to try it I do want to try it you want to try the sword I really want to

Try it oh my God it matches so well it does it actually it was made for me wait wait wait just pick it up again oh my God that is the weirdest thing ever okay narie be careful with that I only designed it to work with my Insanity oh

Oh it goes uh it go it uh it uh see you oh oh oh God I had you know what this reminds me of narie huh oh hang on let me you know what this reminds me of hey yeah this is like that crazy Shadow axe that like creates a dimensional

Portal and you’re missing out if you haven’t seen that video I highly recommend you go watch that it’s pretty cool it’s a pretty good one H NY how many swings does it take to complet get rid of a woodland Mansion let’s find out here’s one oh it didn’t do anything hang on all

Right took a dude it just it goes forever it just keep it doesn’t end that’s so wild okay wait be strategic be strategic okay okay I’m going to do one get rid of the most Mansion you can in one swing there oh that’s pretty good

Okay yeah okay wait okay okay I got one so that’s two so far that’s two okay here we go and boom that was good that was a lot that was that was solid that felt good okay that’s three swings that was three that was three that okay yeah okay not bad not we’re

Really just like taking chunks out of the world right now we got all sorts of columns left got yeah we got to think of like how we can do this in eliminate okay this feels good hang on oh yeah oh yeah that’s pretty good yeah that felt good okay let’s go here

That was pretty good oh good that took out a good chunk yeah okay I’m going to I’m going to do this cuz there’s oh oh yeah yeah yeah that was good and then I think we just need oh just these two there’s like a little bit left right

There too okay ready go ahead and do it boom there we go there we go it takes eight swings it’s it’s like I feel like we’re golfing right now this is like golf how’s it going it looks like you’re squeezing my cheeks you’re like squeezing my face together you’re like

Who’s your little guy who’s your little guy little guy we don’t have time for this we must go come with me even beond We Must Fall NY NY hey oh hey uh stay right there I’m coming to you hang on okay I don’t have much Choice oh oh God I really want to

Know who who made such a wreck you know like yeah how inconsiderate look at this pig was it you was it you pig did you make this wreck oh no oh no he’s he’s looking at me like what have you done to me what have you done

Movie girl said add the balloon of death wait wait wait hang on we need this gu pig fly we need this guy come on hello ston son he and there he goes it just to of his oh oh that’s unfortunate I just had an idea I’m just going to do this guy that

Guy that guy that guy that guy guy dude there’s something so amazing about this they’re so beautiful this is like the most efficient way to get food ever this is so beautiful this is incredible it really is just spectacular look at them oh it’s like a

Little parade so I you know I really I was saying I would love pork chops pork chops the best food you can really eat good right now naria help me we got to keep this experiment running how much food can we get in a amount of time much

All the food I like that we have the little minion here he’s just helping all right Ballo sooner or later we’re going to hit a certain threshold a variable in which we start seeing mobs fall instead of fly oh okay a certain oh my oh no it started we’ve reached the threshold the

It is the beginning of the end oh the pigs man it’s really raining cats and dogs except pigs it it really is raining oh this guy he keeps coming down and then going back up he’s like he’s having a it’s it’s honestly a really sad thing

To watch but I you know oh one of them made it the top of the cliff oh they did look at them very talented people pig people like you think a balloon could hold this guy oh it totally can oh no look at them go the first to ever go to

Space there will be frogs at the sun we want Toasted Frog Legs and we want them now look at them wait dude I look like I’m looking at a bullseye all right minion I don’t know if this is going to work but I’m going to use your father

For an experiment listen oh boy listen Josh win suggested offhand items you know the totem of undying right mhm yeah yeah yeah of course whenever you die with it it brings you back as long as you’re holding it in your offhand why do more items not work that way this is a

Chorus fruit right they’re putrid little things don’t no no no no slow down there I I don’t know for sure but if I punch you Oh he wasn’t a fan of that was oh oh oh it used the course fruit okay okay a dang it hang on I got the idea here is that we have more oh nice so it uses course FR and has a chance has a chance of teleporting your enemies it doesn’t

Work every time but there’s a chance why isn’t it working interesting hypothesis it doesn’t seem to work every time no hey I’ve created a fortress of minions get him oh yeah you know what I could see it offhand items I like it what do you think narie hello wait okay

No no no no no no no no wait wait I I don’t like this I don’t like this stop no all right imperior eye 568 88 I like that idea spring boots in oh that’s a spring boots in Minecraft wao those actually look really nice oh look at me

Bo so cool wait wait wait wait bo bo bo dude I goofy wait wait wait wait hang on Bo oh that’s I still take damage that’s kind of unfortunate wait hang on here you try them you try them these are spring boots in Minecraft it’s like it’s

Like Buzz Lightyear shoes if I’m being honest oh hi guys what are the sorry it’s 2024 yeah try it try it well you did bounce you did there was there was a bounce did I did bounce Minecraft definitely where are you hello oh my gosh all the Steves all the Steves

Put them on put them on yeah look we’re matching yeah I love it honestly that’s really fun it’s like it’s like the most anticlimactic thing ever like you really don’t get much action but do you remember the popular commercial from the 2000s about Moon shoes I do

Indeed I always wanted those shoes and now I freaking have them are you kidding me dreams becoming reality it really is wow wait your spring boots are so much better than mine that’s not fair oh I take it back I’m fine with these These are good these are safe I like these oh

I don’t like that I don’t like that you’re getting in the sky it makes you feel like a Dragon Ball Z villain right now I’m just going to go right here is uh-huh oh I don’t have a floor to do though hang on here wait here I’m I’m

Building you a floor oh God your minions push me off okay wait I’m going to clutch I I didn’t I bounced I just didn’t clutch okay I did bounce though it does work hang on let me go down there can you try it all right you ready

Go for it you ready yeah I see go for it don’t be afraid it’s just another experiment give a shot oh I did it work no way that’s actually so cool that is a really cool application of the spring boots so cool what do you guys to bounce off the boy

What do you guys all think hey I think it’ll allow you to bounce off the void you should try really yeah got him loser nari scrap meta one wanted me to run another experiment this time on creepers okay that is why I’ve asked you to be in

Survival mode I need you to avoid this guy at all a he picked me he picked me come on darn it okay hang on let me give him some Gunpowder hang on okay it didn’t look like much but hang on let me give him some more oh oh oh no hang on

Here I’m going to I’m going to give you some oh God the screen is shaking right now it is actively shaking when he comes around yeah try yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my gosh oh God oh my God oh my gosh hang hang on okay feed him

Gunpowder yeah don’t let him explode oh that’s awesome gunpowder creepers that is what I’m talking about so legit the idea is that you feed them gunpowder and they get more explosive it makes sense good I need a creeper do you have one in your pocket by chance uh

Yeah right here that’s H I want to see how crazy this can get like how the scre the screen Shake is actually Shake is the best this feels like this feels very deadly right now oh oh my gosh oh my gosh how much more can I give

Him all right naria I think he’s ready okay here we go a try we a try yeah you know that should be in Minecraft I love it it’s like a little Easter egg yeah that’s a good feature I’m a fan of that yeah it’s good good

One good job NY NY hey oh hi welcome why you on the middle of the ocean yeah it’s sweaty out here listen I have another experiment and I need your help we need to find a victim this is an idea from basic Nash I got this this beautiful

Squid staff doesn’t it look really cool it does look really good oh my gosh honestly oh oh oh oh no I’m going to lose it I’m honestly really impressed okay I need a victim I need victim I got some ink sacks which I believe it uses

As fuel so I’m ready I just need to find a Target there’s got to be someone some uh someone uh like a fish or like a yeah no yeah hang stay there oh oh oh oh my God oh my God that was actually crazy I

Don’t even know what to say what did I just witnessed forget the powers of Poseidon that was insane oh my work oh my God where are you you got to come back N I can see you hey stay there can I get you from here I’m on the

Surface hang on don’t worry I’m coming to you peekaboo NY peekaboo uhoh oh I missed hang on good shot peekaboo oh my God sound design too oh my gosh that is actually crazy parkour oh my god did you live I did I survived the squids don’t worked very

Well on what is happening right now why are they doing this wait they’re actually getting the oh my God he’s breaking through he’s going to get you all right here here I wouldn’t I feel wrong not letting you try but don’t don’t wait till my minion spawns not me

Yeah yeah use my son at I’m sorry son but we oh Jee oh my gosh he’s attacking me crazy wait come down he’s attacking you oh poor guy oh okay narie we have we have some business to to do that’s right catch oh oh I’m

Going to run I can escape I can escape they come here they come I can escape they it’s not that efficient oh my God wait no they at no I don’t like this I don’t like this oh my gosh I R you get it too all right I’ve got my business

Dude you look like you are ready for business I’m ready for some business let’s business up we have isn’t the best idea with the world’s dumbest Trophy this really just let me get it get I got to get it back it’s it takes it’s really it’s a really heavy trophy it takes a

Long time to break it yeah they designed it with like pure plutonium and uranium and titanium it’s it’s it weighs over 3,000 lb that’s a big trophy heavy about as heavy as um you’re a I had a balloon oh you holding the balloon is so nice I wanted

To give him a balloon but he died I couldn’t give it to him in time all right NY the real question is I can’t I literally can’t see you right now there is so much in my face like it looks like it from my perspective too it literally looks like

So much are you standing in front of me yeah yeah I’m right here yeah mhm who do you think is deserving of the world’s dumbest trophy I think the mountain splitter takes I’m not going to lie I kind of agree I think the mountain splitter is kind of amazing mountain

Splitter I hereby nominate you as the world’s dumbest idea well actually the world’s most awesome idea it’s it’s true it’s true I feel like I I I took a day trip to a fair I had a good time at the fair narie I had a really good time at the fair

Where have we been wait hang on what are we doing you know what we what kind of we went to the weirdest C back from got back from Disney yeah we went to Disney World hey subscribe subscribe

SystemZee and Knarfy coded YOUR IDEAS in Minecraft and they nearly destroyed everything! From a World-Splitting Sword to the ominous Balloon o’ Death these are your dumb ideas in Minecraft.


• Starring: @Knarfy & Zee
• Developed By: Marcus
• Assets By: Ash
• Produced By: Surf

Minecraft, but I CODED YOUR IDEAS IN MINECRAFT! If you enjoyed this video, check out I Made Villagers Build Their Own Village… or even I Made Minecraft Oceans Terrifying!

Vlog Channel: @alsosystemzee ​


  1. If you craft 9 coal blocks together, you get a charcoal block. 9 charcoal blocks together make a compressed Charcoal block. 9 compressed charcoal blocks together become a supercompressed charcoal block. 9 Supercompressed charcoal blocks together become a hypercompressed charcoal block. 9 Hypercompressed charcoal blocks together become an omegacompressed charcoal block. 9 Omegacompressed charcoal blocks together become an Omniconpressed charcoal block.

    And if you smelt an Omnicompressed Charcoal block? You get a single piece of coal

  2. "Hey, can I copy your video?"
    "Yeah sure, but don't make it too obvious."
    The video:

    Not sure tho I commented before watching😅

  3. Pot flower eggs minecraft please 🥺 please please please please please please please please 🥺 can you put flower eggs and cheese i am bacon egg flag😊

  4. [This Is No Hate To Systemzee]
    I kind of miss older Systemzee videos, where ideas were more minecraft realistic and not "Giant 3d model sword", and where he doesn't constantly scream, and feel the need to have Knarfy or Fundy always being in his videos. I hope he's able to go back to his roots in the future, as I'm right now getting tired of these kind of videos.

  5. Tysm systemzee for including my idea!! (it was at the start of the video) seeing you guys reactions really made my day 10 times better so i just want to thank you once again 💛

  6. Why is my recommended section recommending this video that I’m currently watching? YOU DONT HAVE TO RECCOMEND IT TO ME, IM ALREADY WATCHING IT!!

  7. I have an idea, and its something that makes sense.

    TnT can be ignited by redstone, fire charges, flint n steel and other explosions, but creepers are ignited by Fire charges, flint n steel and when they get close to a player. Why not make it so you can ignite creepers with redstone? (a creeper can even ignite itself by accident if it walks over redstone ore)

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