We Didn’t Survive The Scariest Minecraft Seed…

This is our last night there’s something hunting us waiting to strike at the right moment help isn’t arriving at all and my friend is still missing will we survive the scary seed guys we’re not going to survive our last night like it literally says here on the sign you will

Not survive this is your last night this is not looking good people and I think the sun’s already going down guys I don’t know what we do we we’re rep person down I think the main thing is we need to figure out where barck is I mean

If it’s our last night I we we have zero Clues hasn’t I mean we’ve been running everywhere whoa wait what what if he put all these signs here what happened you guys we I think we’re idiots Why did no one check behind his bed oh my uh what

Is that there’s a book it says say oh my it says help me I’m trapped with no Escape it’s baric I need rescuing I’m in a desert graveyard and he gives me the cords but towards the end it kind of trails off like he was abducted maybe

I’m not too sure there’s no way that was there oh guys it’s called a ritual dagger what the heck what is dude don’t get near me with that thing no I think this might I can see why we never saw it it was behind the bed we’re actual

Idiots okay first of all before it turns night we have to go save baric I guess we have to go to a desert where is the closest desert KN now PE now people are going to be afterwards they want to stop us from reaching him but this could also be a

Trap cuz whatever was inside our base might have pled that evidence yeah I feel like that was definitely not Bic who left that there yeah we could be going into a trap but I think at this point we have to go I guess we just go

To where the cords are let’s yeah let’s go to the desert okay I think we need to head past there which again I don’t know this is this is bad what is this we witness this whole back story that me and quip already went through okay just

Don’t ask questions it’s how we saved you oh yeah it’s literally how we save watch out watch out there’s yeah there was like quick sand last time it was it was scary okay s okay guys the Sun is going down rapidly I don’t know how much

Longer we have to St bonic that’s all I’m saying because this is our last night we might not survive the scariest Minecraft SE that’s all I’m saying yeah we need to go faster then man where’s the desert it should be around here somewhere all right let’s go we got to

Turn on the Jets I could literally see the sunset over there this is not good I think I see the desert the cords trilled off here like we don’t know the exact z Oh wait there’s signs guys there’s litchy signs there’s a sign this we I be

Honest I don’t know exactly what to pinpoint but what does it say it says bad lands it’s not a desert not a desert what is this wait guys I think I might see it we are idiots we are literally idiots did we I get it wait is that it that must be it

Oh his bed his bed’s there the one that we’re missing yo wait blue bionic bed what is this bionic bionic wake up buddy I hope not is that like a pressure plate or what is that what is it just what is it a door is this a door ohing it they

Do not want us getting in here that’s what I’m talking about is there a lever somewhere anything around here secret lever secret base type Vibes maybe we could sneak through the roof maybe oh wait I see like a little wait I have an idea door oh pepp oh my God Peppa with

TNT yeah wait wait wait what’s going on that kind of works oh it’s dogy guys it’s very dark light up oh no okay hold up I got I got the flashlight I got the flashlight oh my yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo who is this guy not bionic bro that is

Not bionic fight him fight him fight him fight him pull out the giant sword beat him up get him yo he does damage careful ow ow I’m going to die I’m going to die keep running keep running keep running keep running he’s he’s dead gosh yo that was close oh

If that’s only one thing guarding bonic that explains why he couldn’t escape yeah maybe he also died I don’t know how he could have beaten that guy by himself it took four of us I like bro what is that what guys 5 minutes wait we can’t leave oh

We’re locked in we’re locked in oh no I didn’t do anything I didn’t step on anything I swear guys this looks endless and weird survive from what what did we walk into to rescue Bic look at that giant oh my gosh is there anything else around here that looks creepy or anyone

Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo W there’s a lot of stuff SP com for me guys we need to run we need to run and find a good spot what is this nice oh my God something to of our screen oh oh watch out watch out

Watch out guys oh my I’m hearing a lot of noises just play very careful guys bonic must be very close to us oh sorry friendly fire watch out watch out watch out with eyes I’m just going to back away from you guys you know you guys can survive over there what the heck

Qui oh we got him we got him hold on I got to do something look at this thing Ching you good luck Qui come on what do you mean good luck this is not fair why are they chasing me hold on I you what is all

This yo put him in the spider webs put him in the spider webs over here yeah fight him fight him fight him fight him put him in the spider way too much going on right now oh oh put him in the spider webs I’m coming wait hide behind this oh

You guys are getting chased yo why does that guy over here over here wait why is he just watching oh he’s stuck he’s stuck oh no he’s not no he’s not just keep surviving I’ve got whole arm me around me I’m coming I’m coming oh who

Are you I want to see your face are you holding bonic you must be whever this place is oh watch out watch out is anyone going to help me get here get here hurry it’s safe it’s safe safe he doesn’t get the boat I’m here I

Got you I got you I got this man you’re done for son just build up build up build up and survive we have a limited amount of time to keep alive luy no one’s died yet yeah weit we’re no one died the time is going pretty fast though we just got to hold

On guys I see fake villagers I see fake villagers SK yo yo yo I see fake villagers where are you guys oh bro yo Sky Run bro yo I’m turning the Jets you can have fun with that well don’t you may proceed we survived yo guys what did it open I

Don’t know what it opened I see a totem again a to right here yo on to Village ahead Bic yo there bionic how wait how do we get you Bedrock how do we break youe I’m stuck inside of this dumb Bedrock bro please toilet how does one get encased in

Bedrock we can’t break him we can’t break him out guys there’s a right here we’re coming buddy what does the button do I don’t okay it looks like there’s a a villager head right here I will share my riches wait did it just speak to me

Don’t trust him I offer true kindness yo this V just look like a devil my heart is pure gold yo bonic what is this dude I don’t I don’t know is what he mine uphold that’s the Angel and the devil on your shoulder what wait we have to

Choose one it must involve the to guys just get me out of here please man we’re trying bro you don’t understand what we’ve done yo he just lied about his eyes his eyes are green wait yo this guy he’s actually sus is there anything in these chests or these are these trap chests

No I I think that’s where we put the totem the Villager offering yo Danny who do we trust before we proceed I don’t know trust your gut uh yeah what kind of villager put you in I’ll put it in I’ll put him in okay now we should press the button right that that’s

Like you click it I’m not clicking anything if bonic dies it’s your fault this has to be the obvious choice right like logically speaking this guy lied about his eyes just get me out of here bro I don’t care what you guys see yeah we don’t like this guy I’m going to M

His I just stole his hey yo wait a second can’t choose him wait maybe involves a ritual dagger I never explained it to you guys I don’t know it talks about sacrifice summoning maybe we have to sacrifice bionic wait I see you made the correct

Choice wo yo Bon y yo let’s go let’s go we can sacrifice him now M all right just hold still hold still wait how do we know you’re the real bionic bonic how did you survive tell me no he has to be the real one okay listen there’s one thing you should

Know while we were finding you we’ve kind of used up a lot of our look and this is the last night yeah we’re probably going to die all of us together yeah yeah this is say thanks can I have some gear or something you know you guys

Rescue me and just what give me some like nothing here I held on to this for you dang no way no way you still have that in your inventory I don’t know what time it is but we should leave anyone know where the exit is here yeah it’s

This way this way this way all right come with us bnk you missed a lot the base uh looks a bit different the last time we’ve actually safely made it home with the last member meaning we can actually maybe survive anything did upgrade the base so long guys did anyone

Place this just says this is a sign pepper put that oh okay I think someone really handsome placed that earlier oh my but this is now the base it’s been kind of ruined I can’t lie it says you will not survive your last night yeah I don’t really like all these signs here

We should probably take some of these down I don’t like looking at them there’s a lot left we haven’t really checked what was inside your Crypt area your little dungeon dude I would not go back there I don’t want to go back you you kind of got taken going back there

So try be as safe as possible yeah what did you witness dude you don’t want to know okay you know what we have we we’ve been through a lot so I understand um hello did you find something I was just mining the tree that we were standing on

And there’s the trap door right here likely story pepper what the heck you think you think I DED AED Rock and built this beautiful looking uh shaft going down all I’m going if you need help I guess let’s go made for multiple people who’s shooting me no go ahead guys

Ladies first ah not me why do I hear snakes guys there blood you keep shooting arrows there’s blood and skeletons I Dro my ax does anyone have my axe what why is this under our base why is this under our base and how we there tanks these are sweet uh wait

There’s a chest right here direct orders wait there’s a blood trail what does it say we together stand strong marches 2986 in line to conquer realm’s Divine what does that mean is this supposed to be an army to take over the Overworld I mean there’s a lot more too

The room gets way bigger oh no what is that what’s that Golem I’m going to shoot it I’m going to shoot it or mans I can’t my arrows are ricocheting off of it that are a lot of Tanks what is that ghost thing over there don’t SP I got

The big sword I’m on it help me I got you I got you I got you stupid mobo God does does no one care about the password enter password go what is the password the password must be 2986 you can be passenger but how do

We how do we put that in the chest the blue ones all of these don’t know wait hold up there’s like there’s a chest in here with a note it says six oh that’s what we need yeah look the different color tanks then I don’t know it must be

The different color tanks marches 2986 guys did you not see guys careful yo what is this bro guys be very careful I’m going to leave a trail of torches what is De dead he drop sorry what the oh that must be a chest up there guys I found another chest what

Is this room I think we need to parkour oh that’s all you buddy the way and I found eight eight okay so we got two two numbers now right yeah nine we have eight and six uh there’s definitely more rooms what’s over this way hello bonic skidy uh there’s two

Doors guys you want right or left oh wait a second I’ll take the other one you don’t want to take this one I I’ll take whatever one you don’t choose I’ll choose it missing two people has anyone not notic well I guess you guys are going that way and that way I

Guess I going to go this way I mean you could come with us as backup oh it’s just L just okay not feel like a one person job anymore I’m coming back yeah as soon as I enter this room said you feel like something’s chasing you I don’t feel

Like anything’s chasing me so kiple kipley is everything all right in here uh yeah there’s swords and things and chests and oh chest plate good loot oh there’s a chest are you guys okay yo gam what did you find I’m a cowboy now baby what the what is

What is he dual wielding right now yo something’s been trapped in here that’s all I’m saying and bro where have they gone found number two oh me we only need one more we’re missing the number n we’re the number yeah let’s just find the last number what room have we not

Looked at I’m placing torches everywhere we go and there’s a chest wait there’s like barriers hello wait but there there’s a pattern on the floor oh this must be it oh of course got it keep folling the puff over here oh smart smart and I can reach this last chest

Which is the number nine it literally says 2986 yeah so if I was Pass 2 9 8 6 29 is this going to open right here oh yeah wait hold on one second no way oh oh don’t worry I did that guys why do they have a password protected door just

Blows up okay be very careful we don’t know what traps could be here yeah there’s a lot of blood I got the big sword I’m going to slash anyone who gets in my way go that’s the first person to die wait there chests wait it’s like a this place

Is nice y yo wait they have stuff in them Yo Diamond yo guys we can get some good loot here yo herob get out of here you don’t get no loot yeah check all the chests here Bri okay I’ve got a bunch of diamond gear who wants some there you go

We could also check inside the tanks me me me me yeah check everything in this room it’s like t t are looted too yo there’s like crazy stuff in the tanks wait really oh yeah there’s like protection for Diamond wait this this is kind of too good there’s nothing that’s

Given us good loot or good this this is perfect for our last last night we’ll definitely survive yeah but why would they put this yeah we should honestly get out of here we have the diamonds we should just leave while we’re ahead okay we should we should leave this place as

Soon as we can cuz we’ve uncovered someone’s base this is where they leading an army what about we got to go before they come home oh my the L the treasure room was for the people the mobs were going to get stacked well they’re not going to get stacked anymore

Y yo yo leave leave leave leave leave is that where we came from yeah we got to go we got to go okay let’s get out wait why was there so much blood down here wait guys what what’s wrong Sor has anyone not notice it’s night what is

This you were down there a while all right I guess this is our last night oh oh my God guys I’m seeing SP good luck guys I got leave our base is here our base is right here yo what what is I see Weir heads at bonic old house no one’s been

There right my gosh we never checked bionic house let’s check out the Bon watch out for these traps was that my gosh pepper mistake wait the same signs dude I can’t see anything wait yeah it’s the same signs what yeah did you uh decorate before you

Got kidnapped or is this uh all new this is kind of all new I assume what do you know that we don’t B huh I don’t know anything bro what is this machine for oh whoa I’m hearing weird noises guys did you not hear R sound

Like a sheep I didn’t I didn’t install that weird did no one hear the ringing I did what ringing that was yo guys you hear I’m definitely hearing things now oh no wait the moon’s moving in a weird direction are you guys safe right yeah we’re fine there’s just what is that are

You sure what is that that where hello kly that’s not player um I don’t even know what just happened what is what is happening what was that wait was that not you I saw something no there was like a ghost and Herobrine and I want to go inside I want to go

Inside yo quick are you good where’d you go dude no I went to the base cuz I I hit something wait we’re stupid our base is so easy to get into If people could leave signs yeah but this with the little door here wait I got this problem

Solved yeah oh no we got who what is That Yo shoot him bro shoot him yo friendly fight he’s deflecting stop he’s deflecting your explosions onto the base stop shooting him we should leave we should leave our area right now if if he summoned a bunch of mobs we will get

Surrounded I agree let’s get out let’s get out Qui lightning was like a freaking giant for whoo wao W I see purple I see pink you see that that that’s the thing that scared me don’t go to it wait it’s whistling whistling just just run away G no it’s gone it’s

Gone mine was blue so maybe that one’s not as scary oh wait yeah I I think it’s fine it was whistling which was weird expl I just walked through it guys I see light I see light I see light wait this is a normal village righted what does

That mean I sure hope so uh guys when does a shipwreck spawn in a village yo everyone into the V into the Shipwreck into the Shipwreck yo yo we got to go we got to go go inside into the ship into the ship guys everyone into the ship yo what

The what what just happened the ship was not this big on the outside was it wait hello there’s a dead pirate here if we was to go back outside if we was to go back out guys come here wait what are you all right uh guys that’s weird no go through this

Door huh wo wa what the heck yo I feel like we’re missing somebody where is skidy yeah it smells a little too good oh there oh there he is what the is inside ow there’s dead bodies the these must have been the crew the’re Sailors the people who couldn’t survived the

Last night wait the one piece might be real they didn’t find it yo what is going on in here they might have been close quiff wait there is another door here maybe we try going this way it’s just o gold treasure yo wait careful there’s a lot of chests one of them

Could be trapped there’s not much inside of here I’m not going to lie oh yeah you guys check the chest I I’ll be over here if you need me wait what’s wait wait wait before we open this all the cheese oh there’s a lot of diamonds in here

There that one secret door behind these paintings we got cheda we got pesan we got summer summer but guys they were stacked and they got wiped I don’t think our armor is going to be helping us yeah there’s no way we can’t take on whatever it’s coming why do I feel like there’s

Something inside here that we’re not knowing that’s what I’m saying the painting of pain I thought we Che behind them boom should I start shooting them what you y right here man is trigger happy yeah guys I I want to leave this place ASAP we have the loot what the oh

Yeah the bodies are freaking me out man I’m not going to set down any more paintings ever again wait what what the heck what on Earth yo The Crepe what isn’t that a food I like yo this is the dessert I’m shooting take it out good work Tango neutralized

Let’s go what it’s yo this is weird one but but it’s morning we’ve survived the first we’ve survived the night oh wait the night’s over you’re right we found a dup glitch yeah everything is super calm now yeah which is weird right not a single mob it’s like they all

Disappeared I’m telling there’s something not real about this world yo look at this door it looks normal to me wait yeah wait that’s not normal blacksmith door yo these Villages yo don’t trust this blacksmith bro yeah no he’s so y he just ran y yo he just run

In shut up shut up kill him careful guys careful I’m shooting the front door all right that seem to do Ste stuff let’s go wait what’s in there oh three diamonds dude what the heck okay wao whoo wo whoo wo wo wo guys I want to leave get inside get inside get

Inside there’s like a Herobine villager you’re done you’re done everyone inside a ra yo everyone inside everyone inside torch it up torch it up torch it up Tor it up I think okay this is kind of cramped we should we should leave right let’s go

Outside wait guys get out of the way wao whoo whoo wo guys this is the normal um this was not the village we were just in what in the cookie cutter is this dude I mean it it’s still Village at least like a villager simulation or something man what is going On it’s as soon as we heard this noise was that I don’t know I don’t go okay we should make like exit we should we should Mark where we are okay this is mud brick wait if there’s infinite houses one of them must be an exit we’ve

All we all know the Paradox one of the houses we go inside will be the exit how do we know what house it is is I don’t know it’s it’s literally poop with hair on it bro where did the chicken go guys that was a chicken hear it I’m losing my

Brain pepper Y what whoa the there’s more chickens I just walked inside the house and it 10 night time I got lost it’s literally a maze in here I know right later I’m hearing weird s wa wao wao guys hey yo y my God giant noodle bro happened guys guys guys run

Run oh my God I have slowness I can’t move I can’t move I can’t move I’m running I’m running what’s going on in that house oh my gosh who these see bro that thing just y they just your fans guys do you not hear the music track

That’s playing what is going on no I don’t it’s a Minecraft soundtrack well at least that’s kind of peaceful right kind of wait what is that down there bro is that a gas what do you mean oh that is no gas is not a gas bro okay hit him into the

Lava bonic all your arm broke you’re going to die you guys saved me I’m willing to die wait I have Diamond never mind you go stab it here take this take this take this that what weird okay all right uh Hey guys small option it doesn’t burn oh oh my God yo

Is this like an immortal child we’re witnessing what is this what this green stuff coming out of it yeah put in the void there we go wait why haven’t we just gone down wait wait wait yeah we didn’t even think to mine under us guys what what is water

Jellyfish uhuh is this where raspberry jam comes from don’t go that way don’t go that way don’t go that way what is that oh no who oh okay yo guys leave leave this area watch outy guys this is very scary waa waa guys wait wait the village yo what is

That yo yo we’re back in the village I don’t know how yo that’s freaky that’s so freaky look at that we made it out that we made out of the simulation okay yo we we leave we run into the forest there’s a forest right there guys there

Is literally a forest right there there is a for is Village go go go go go we got to go we got to go fake Village man those trees look kind of weird what has happened this whole area is weird it’s like the Mountain’s been cut in half and

There’s a farm this was another civilization that couldn’t survive the trials oh there’s spawners not doing that whose grave is this yo what is this yeah this grave here needs some maintenance wait what a Bo guys look at this copia how are you going to help us survive the night yeah

Climb up climb up climb up we to figure out what’s on top of this bionic come over here man get how did you get on top of the tree guys this is kind of weird right I call me the only one to think that this was

On top of the village yeah I mean this is like a regular Minecraft biome right no but right next to Plains I don’t think that’s possible and the these trees are kind of big I don’t know normal things have been pretty bad for us so uh guys is no one questioning how

Big that tree is yeah I just see it now it just popped in the rer distance wait that is actually massive that must be the Tree of Life yo man’s got some claws or he’s got eyes what yeah more like tree of death he does not look very friendly Y what

Just happen guys what did tonight guys come by lightning by lightning turn tonight we got to go come on what is this ladder yeah who put this here I wanted to address him at eye level and oh now we can’t even even see him cuz

It’s night time yo he looks weird yo you see herrine he’s at the base of the yeah yeah yeah I see her I’m shoot him I’mma shoot him I missed what’s Herobrine doing yo guys I don’t know if this is kind of creepy this guy is scary looking

Too relax he kind of everyone but me oh yeah as soon as we’re going in it makes a noise what is that noise trees eat good things right like like okay guys I’m going down the sof wa wait there’s actually a place down here

Oh is it smart to go down here I don’t know that’s why I threw pepper down there yeah there’s bodies there’s bodies see on the side um oh there’s there’s there’s Graves loot them no poison my uncle wait what you wait guys guys guys I found a

Staircase it leads even deeper yeah wait down the tree oh look like book Poison sword oh I fell I fell does this do anything ow ow yeah it does okay all right I’m pushing you off yo I fell I fell guys I’m with you bro I fell I fell

I fell the next thing I knew I was falling down a hole oh there’s a demon oh that’s just yo wait what the heck where are we what is this place e yo there’s fungus there’s fungus be careful uh guys there dead cows what what do you mean by dead cows

Like dead corpses right here the Tre eat it how do maybe they’re napping are we in the tree stomach wait are we in the tree stomach got some weird stuff growing in his stomach man wo wo it gives you poison yep yep yep yep I’m mining it I’m breaking it that’s

How he dissolves everyone but guys how where is the escape we got to go we got to go we got to go no one’s Hing you kly jeez it’s the poison oh my God wait guys I see something down there where where where where where the way you’re going

Is there anything up here sky can you let me know if you see dud no it doesn’t look like anything looks like a dead end what about these guys it’s fine yeah are you guys okay here I can put water how deep does this go yo the Villager has a

Chainsaw attached to his body part I know I’m trying to shoot him Square oh watch out oh he’s dead he’s dead yo he dropped the chainsaw you got it let’s go sky sky where did you find the door Miner Miner behind you a miner whoa CH yo oh no y Qui get out of there eat that eat that I’m oh my I think I just I think I just survived in one H I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m going to die I’m going to die on me I’m going to

Die on me I’m going to die on me I got you I got you I’m going to kill the miner on me on me I’m dead I’m dying save me from The Miner he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead yeah where is the exit just keep going this way skidy get that

Chainsaw out I think we should call what wait I don’t know what I’m doing wait what in the cave is this uh as long as we’re going back to the stomach it’s fine surface surface surface huh what the heck the trees Roots reach all is that why we came to a

Desert yo we are nowhere near the tree what yeah I don’t even see the tree anymore I knew it was big I wait what oh there’s desert well I’m locked and ready there’s nothing in any those you guys anything wa a there leave a little present for the tree oh no dude

Pepper why do I feel like we’re getting played is any all right bro I’m pushing you in you just got to go dude I got you fam bro I’m telling you these guys just push me in I feel like we’re being led guys we’re being led here like we

We’re being led this is not normal everywhere we Sandy man ooh power fire I’m used to those Wells being useless nice yo let’s go this is weird it’s like a grave grave wait is this a is there look look look look is there a secret

Room there is a secret room ow oh who wait there is a secret room here there’s um I’m hearing random noises and there’s there’s actual tombs here with loot okay wait yeah grab the loot grab the loot I’m hearing lot armor and stuff sh a shovel I’m hearing random sounds in

The surface wait wait wait guys the cracked bricks normally lead to Rooms no should I mine this wait oh my yo this room is yo what is this wait it’s The what the heck is this there’s more loot in here guys there’s more loot wait wait guys if we’re at

Bedrock and that’s the void what is below us wait yeah there’s like end cryst wait we’re at Bedrock level anyone have end pills Ender Pills oh why don’t we just use the water has anyone checked inside these chests there’s some good loot in here oh that’s a lot of diamond

And I and I got I got a tet card that will give us all regen free wait I have a seed of chaos what ises that plant that that’s guys we’re being led something’s taking us into the void this this is the end this is we’re being

Played the final night has yet to come okay does anyone have ender pearls uh I have five I have exactly as much as we need wait you have some too I li special here you go one two wait sh four there you go there you go go no mine fell oh good luck

Sky I’ve I’ve got oh yo guys what is this hello yo KN back two sword I have Ender hello oh K yo no what is this is there anything in the shulkers under us oh wa there’s oh yeah you can open all of them I have curse of binding bye-bye

Oh yep that’s definitely the void though wait there is like parkour no messing around here guys there’s one in this one be very careful in what we’re running don’t fall I don’t like parkouring on Shuler boxes oh this is so scary all right here we go here we go goly I’m

Sorry I got scared dude I don’t know if I can do this you got it you got it we comp place we can’t do anything we can’t do anything to help you guys here he’s over on that platform over there what okay just keep following because I I see a structure

Over there and I think that’s where all this is leading why would you do that okay okay let’s keep going be careful don’t fall don’t fall don’t fall up one take it slow take it slow I got another iender and netherite wait no one punched those oh

Wait yeah if we touch that don’t we blow up oh no I’m not getting near that yeah I’m moving just in case I have yeah wait this is kind of of weird no are we sure we want to follow this all the way I mean we can’t really go back up now can

We yeah we didn’t really think this through yeah IED down here dude yeah I was thinking but I through it a weird looking what different color guys there’s a cool chest plate in theend if anyone wants it guys this is the last jump who’s going to go first who’s going

To test it who’s going got it I got it I got it what if it’s like squid game oh all right guys we we we know it’s safe so yeah it’s super easy you got it yeah easy uh I think I want to get a running start that’s so scary yeah a running

Start no no it’s it’s very it’s very easy no oh that’s easy yeah super easy Peppa you’re the last one come on pepper believeing me come on buddy okay let’s go we did it wait guys what is this end portal is this wait I got fre Eyes of

Ender I got fre Eyes of Ender move move move no wait there’s a problem that there’s four wait oh does anyone else have one have another one can we find one and it must be in this room it must be in this room I thought it found it it’s an item frame

Oh gosh don’t drop it please be careful all I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it oh I’m I’m not put it in guys guys I’m I’m going to put it in no that’s it oh oh my gosh

What the this is dude that doesn’t look like the end the last no it doesn’t look like the end at all the last time we went into the end it was the back rooms what could this be It’s the final night this could be our death it works think are

Definitely teleporting no this could actually be our death who wants to go first we have another choice we can’t get out of here how about we all go in together as a team okay all right here we go three if we all die we die

Together three hands 2 1 go go uh guys why does this look more like the nether than the end where the heck there’s Herobrine what are these noises I don’t want to be here again man wait are we in the nether I thought we took the no this is guys

This is the Overworld how do you know wait there’s only one way to know for sure there’s only one way to know for sure Place water no yeah that water I got I’m God get away from wait it is the Overworld we why does it like the nether

Oh wait yeah there is a moon there the moon’s not moving night it’s night time and that’s stuck wait what was never morning what if we were in a fake world all along and that was the Escape dude I want to go back to the fake world I

Don’t like this one if this is the real world maybe this has been our last night all along we have no base we have no cover this sounds like the mob’s came from here every mob has come from here oh pepper got him oh my uh Guys these sheep

Are not normal they’re following me wait why guys I’m seeing a lot of mobs we’ve never seen before oh what is that what is that wao no no oh shoot him shoot him siren head oh no guys yo what what the run run run

Away run away I’m end up ping away yo I need some food man you got any food yeah yeah take some take some take take some food there you guys guys what is is this yo we’ve all survived a door what do you mean door what it’s literally just transparent was

I supposed to find this or that what is that it’s a window wait go on the other side go on the other side you oh I just open it’s a sliding glass door I just opened it uh do we go through it I mean I mean it

Just does nothing right all I’m going in when you go through wait where’s he gone he’s disappeared what the wait oh bionic just went through too oh gosh I mean we can’t leave him we got to go right I’m going are you sure you want to go can’t

Do we go I’m seeing two Herobrines right now no go go go I don’t know if I like this go go go go all right come on where did everyone go this is just a door that leads nowhere oh well I’m off yo what is this

Wait guys this and why is there giggling wait the door I can’t break the floor dude what is this where are we bro wait I can’t see anything what’s going on on air all my stuff in my inventory is disappearing what wait guys pepper huh

Wait what the yo you good bro was Alla still fake allit skidy SK my my chain Saw’s gone everything’s gone don’t worry I Bon I just I saw bonic stuff go can’t believe what the heck guys wait no no no no no I have tried to fall on my gear what it

Was never wait huh yeah we should have thrown our stuff out can we just go back to the well that didn’t work do not work how is it no yo we’re going to die of hunger out here we’ve got nothing yeah we have no food yo There Goes My yo my

Clothes they got your clothes man okay yo guys what do we do what is going on do we just run a direction like where are we right now hello this is endless guys what do we what do we at least we can’t die right yo what is that what is that what type

Of um go back in the door go back in the door wait they do look like Angels back the door are they already in the door the door’s not working yo he was he got killed Bon’s officially dead he got killed by the gate by the gate Guardian

Guys they the gates to the real world go back in the door let me go back into the door wait so this this is what all fake it was it was all fake all along so wait must be a away can we kill them I we can

We just go towards them what if they are the gate themselves the gate out of here wait you got no no W this was a puzzle all along we had to pick the right one wait okay yeah clear one Peppa chose that one yo y i call dib oh no one just

Spawned behind you wait um okay there’s more spawning it’s probably not that one or that one sky pick Sky I I trust you okay I’m going with this one the one the corner smart yeah I’m going to name you Henry K it’s only yours no I don’t want

To do it man you’re going to have to go first I trust you I’m not choosing I trust you I’m unlucky when it comes to this stuff believe go don’t do this don’t do this don’t do this okay we do at the same time it should be fine

Right oh my I’m the last one the gate Guardians are all watching me everyone else is dead this world is over but it was never real you are going to be my demise please tell me no

►We Didn’t Survive Minecraft’s Scariest Seed…
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We Didn’t Survive Minecraft’s Scariest Seed… Why I Snuck Into The Scariest Minecraft Server… Testing scary minecraft myths, So I Stole Her Hearts… How i stole max hearts/infinite hearts on this minecraft smp to get revenge, this was using lifestealing every hearts on this smp using traps on your friends in minecraft, this is similar to the Lifesteal SMP in which we do the Why I Burned The World to get over 100 wardens in full netherite and get revenge on our friends by fooling them with a real life netherite wardens in minecraft

#Minecraft #MinecraftSMP


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