Minecraft, But You Are Elemental

Water Earth fire air today it’s my goal to collect all the elements to become the strongest Elemental being and here’s why stay back stay back Danny don’t get near me don’t get near me it’s happening what what’s happening I don’t see anything are you good it’s happening I

Said to get back Sky there’s nothing here what are you tripping about wa wait wait wait wait wait it’s here it’s here what wait what’s happening Sky I can save you skidy skidy cry is heard through dimensional space what he told me to join way earlier I I I was late I

Was watching I was watching One Piece I’m a bad friend what stole him and how am I supposed to even find him guys what is that hey yo what the what is actually happening right now it looks like something is building it looks like some sort of Temple out of

Elements what the heck bro um okay well I guess I know where I’m going to have I don’t even know how to English anymore after that what is this dude it looks yeah there’s an item right here bro this has to help us some way this is literally like some sort of anime

Protagonist storyline right here what did we just get an elemental Compass an ancient item that gravitates towards the closest Elemental structure oh my goodness it’s it’s a compass Gamers that that has to help us find skidy and whatever took him dude that was like some sort of Shadow element which I

Don’t see here I obviously see blue for water uh brown poop for Earth sorry I love Earth I don’t know why I said that orange for fire and of course white for air dude oh my goodness this Elemental Temple is literally insane and now that we have the compass I assume this is

Going to help us get to the next structure okay skidy I’m going to save you by the end of this video 3 2 1 boom what the oh oh my gosh wait what the heck it’s like some sort of Trail it’s it’s literally showing me that I have to

Go this way I think we can follow it okay we got to keep up w w and so my anime protagonist Adventure began I gathered some materials basic and even suited up and I followed the elemental Temple until I finally reached it we’re so close Gamers but oh my goodness look

At this terrain dude I’ve never seen such beautiful Terrain in Minecraft before okay wait the trail stopped that must mean we’re literally right here let’s go Gamers we’re about to do this and we’re going to save Princess skidy cuz that’s what he is I guess in today’s

Video we’re going to need some elemental powers bro I think our Elemental Compass took us to the Earth Elemental Temple or something I mean it doesn’t really look like a temple whatever it is I am a little bit terrified I don’t have any food to regen we do have a stone sword

But that’s about it hold up let’s make a quick pit stop meow subscribe Chef time it’s Chef time yeah meat oops I accidentally used my Elemental Compass it almost blew up here goes nothing let’s climb this mountain okay guys this is it I’m actually kind of nervous I’m not going

To lie everything looks pretty tame maybe a little too tame and wait is that a just a giant hole in the ground oh my goodness it is okay and yo is that the painting you can’t even get this in vanilla Minecraft dude imagine this is like a new structure yo comment down

Below if you think Mojang should add this but here goes nothing I have no bed so we lowkey got to make this count ooh I see the water though I do see the water so it’s not a trick calabanga running start baby I’m insane oh my gosh

I said it I said I said it therefore for I can never die oh my gosh oh my gosh yo yo we did it and hello ominous hallway okay I’m not going to lie I’m a little creeped out by this I’ve watched way too many dang movies to know that at the end

Of the hallway there’s probably something either super scary or about to kill us or you guys know where I’m going with this okay it’s obvious foreshadowing okay oh uh it looks okay there’s no mobs wow this place is actually beautiful and it looks like there’s something there what what is

That oh my goodness Gamers no way hold on can I even build here oh I can yo bet dude it looks like some sort of fruit yoink oh my gosh okay I don’t know why I thought that was going to kill me or something Boulder burst mango Legend

Says this fruit’s power was once used to split the world in half causing a great reset forbidden Earth Elemental fruit so this must be one of the elemental fruits that we’re going to gain to what give me some Powers apparently this thing cost some a catastrophic event and uh oh

Hello giant boulder right above where I got the fruit from I’m surprised I didn’t just fall down okay well I mean nothing has happened yet maybe I should just eat this thing can I oh okay we can oh my yo wait what just happened oh

My gosh oh my gosh an earthquake I knew something was happening yo everything is happening so quick oh my I can’t even hit these guys oh no wait the roof is breaking we got to go we got to go no get out my way skeletons oh my goodness

I’m going to die I’m going to die oh my gosh go go go go go no no no no no no no oh my goodness go oh bro bro bro these skeletons are literally unkillable but wait a second oh my gosh look at me Gamers I look insane there has to be a

Way I can kill these guys I have new Hearts I look literally insane I gained Elemental earth powers what if I do this um did I just drill through the Earth hold on a second this is insane I can literally just just drilled through everything what okay I almost just died

Go go go go back to the surface yo oh I will pierce the Earth go go go oh oh my gosh oh my gosh wa yo this is sick we made it back to the entrance dude I don’t know if I could have taken down those weird skeletons

They took no damage whatsoever hold on a second other than the drill ability which is pretty crazy but might get me killed in a second wait there’s more skeletons perfect I think I have another ability hold on I’m going to try this

Out 3 2 2 1 and ye oh my goodness I can what the dude it looks like dripstone comes from the ground and goes forward no way we can summon dripstone from the ground and literally just shoot it at will okay that is so freaking sick and

It looks like we still have our Boulder burst mango fruit so we can turn Elemental whenever we want in that case Sky don’t worry I’m going to save you why is that pointing upwards and in that direction oh gosh I have a weird feeling about this if I use my big brain because

It’s really big guys I promise don’t you see I assume air or wind or whatever is next and because I’m Earth we’re probably going to need a lot of blocks which in that case that shouldn’t be a problem since I can just drill holy dude

This is insane I have a lot of dirt but I think more Cobblestone would be way better yeah we’re probably going to have to stack up to like above height limit cuz I don’t see a single thing and we’re already pretty high up yeah so let’s drill and get ourselves all the blocks

Oh my goodness woo let’s go I don’t even I even know where I’m going I’m Invincible W oh my goodness okay I just almost fell to my death okay the compass is pointing this way uh wait a second it’s pointing directly up oh oh I see something wait don’t tell me it’s

Invisible okay okay well luckily we grabbed tons of blocks Gamers so it’s time to Stack Up Wait what I’m already at the clouds again and yet oh my goodness how high up is that and what are the I see tornadoes okay something is going on here dude and

I’m a little bit nervous cuz uh we’re already like 200 blocks in the air I’m a little nervous guys I I I think I might need some more blocks or at least I hope I don’t height limit for building is 320 blocks what yeah I’m at I’m at y level

319 I can’t build anymore oh no way hold on I think I know exactly what we need to do I didn’t even know something like this was possible Gamers I mean it’s an air Elemental Temple if it was supposed to be hidden in Minecraft well I guess

This makes sense dude that has to be at least 500 blocks like y level that is insane I’ve never been so high before how am I even supposed to make that jump oh okay it’s that one I’m going to go and make a little platform cuz bro I am

Not trying to fall off right now I’m playing Sky Block now and I don’t want to see anybody in the comments saying Bic you’re cheating n n n I’m just too freaking Smart Bro I’m the smartest man a Al oh bro what okay this is going to

Be a little difficult I would have just died there I guess I have to like time it okay this is tougher than I thought jump oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my God no I was so close is that a tornado that’s a freaking tornado wait oh my gosh

There’s multiple tornadoes I I see what I got to do I got to catch one 2 three four and then hope I make it there um oh my what the yo wait it caught me before I even completed the parkour oh my gosh can I make

It oh my goodness dude dude dude dude did you guys just see that bro bro bro bro I’m actually a g I’m actually a g they call me bnk the G bro G for ground cuz that’s the element I I am right now Earth but also cuz I just clutched up a

Tornado using the drill dude that was just Instinct by the way I didn’t even know if that was going to work but now we know how to nullify some fall damage I totally didn’t fall and cut it out or maybe my edit kept it in whatever okay but I’m kind of terrified we’re

Literally here at the air Elemental Temple and wait I swear I just saw it yo am I blind oh there it is it’s the air fruit oh gosh dude these forbidden fruits are so scary you eat them and you gain some Powers but then you lose

Something you lose a part of your soul n just kidding you just have to fight a demon or something which I hope I got it we don’t have to do right now we got the sky whisper Berry rumors say this fruit’s power was feared by the gods as

Its slicing storm abilities could not be tamed wow that sounds freaking awesome all right well I mean honestly I’m I’m kind of prepared for anything here goes nothing 3 two 1 and I’m num num n num wa we’re literally the Avatar right now bro except I’m actually even cool

Cooler I made out of air or wind or whatever and violent Breeze oh my goodness oh my goodness I didn’t even see that I didn’t even see that I didn’t even see that okay okay luckily he spawned over there dude Gamers I have no idea what my abilities are we got to try

Something uh uh oh gosh I feel like a not knowing how to control his freaking air abilities whoo yo I’m literally like the Avatar I have the air thingy I can literally fly whoa whoa whoa whoaa hands off the keyboard do I take fall damage

No I don’t okay so we just figured out that we could fly not take fall damage dude that is sick I’m not even doing anything it just does it automatically I’m just that epic right now and then what if I go like wao did I just shoot a

Tornado it’s like a breeze okay speaking of breeze it’s time Gamers let’s do this let’s go up here there you go he violent Breeze you think you’re cool what’s up nerd oh my gosh okay okay okay okay what the heck is this yo what what am I

Supposed to do here come on air bubble oh oh okay we’re good we’re good my air hearts are pretty op right now what if I shoot you with Air Breeze attack take my tornado attack attack nerd yeah take that take oh my gosh he’s right on me

Come on come on come on come on come on come on I’m spamming it we’re doing some sort of damage come on come on come on come on fly over here wait what if we knock him off maybe we can push him off yeah yeah yeah yeah there you go he

Takes fall damage somehow that must be the clue oh my goodness oh my goodness we’re battling in the air right now this is crazy oh my goodness wait what did he just summon come on come on come on we got him about oh my goodness okay okay

Okay okay okay okay no air ball go go go go go he’s at half HP Gamers we got this I’m trying to knock him off oh my gosh do so much damage I figured out the Strat Gamers we can fly and use our Shield at the same time yeah okay wait

Never mind that doesn’t block that attack though I should have known go go go go go I’m getting up close and personal Baby Let’s Go Boulder burst mango and use our Earth spikes yeah why are you running yes oh my goodness did he wait did you drop a piece of meat

What the heck maybe I dropped that accidentally I have no idea and now we can still turn back into the air element wait what help Bonk I’m being taken to this fire temple don’t worry skidy I got this we got it hurry Gamers go go go go okay well I’m not obviously worried

About dying here plus I can just use my airball WooHoo airball for the win but it seems like yeah skid is being taken to some sort of fire temple which means okay we got to get there quick and boom okay we’re going this way to the ocean

Oh my goodness it’s safe to say Gamers we’re not at the fire temple but we made it to the water one dude that looks crazy and no way is the fruit just right there bro we can literally just fly ourselves in this is crazy wo yo dude I

Love being Air bnk Guys you got to comment down below which bunk you like the most but here goes nothing we’re about to W whoo wo um okay I have a few questions why is that not the fruit that looks like just some stupid yeah blue

Ice I knew it I don’t want this unless the the fruit’s inside am I dumb hold on I’m genius never mind I’m a genius not a genius okay and this looks like some sort of liquid um should I just go inside ah yes foreign liquids that’s

What you do you just jump inside and hope for the best wo wo wo I’m dead oh I didn’t die I did not I did not I did not oh my goodness I’m a little bit weaker as air Bon so you know what even though

I mean it’s not that I like Earth a little bit less it’s just you know yeah this one’s definitely going to be a better tank so we’ll chill with Earth for now H this is very odd we got to keep our eyes peeled Gamers so that was

Obviously not it dude this place looks so cool okay yeah we can just tank it oh wait the fruit’s probably here um I don’t see it I do see some more of the liquid maybe this has to do with some sort of like puzzle or clue it looks

Like there’s ice and wait when I did go inside of the liquid wo okay it is freezing me okay so the liquid is some sort of freezing cold thing where could that fruit be bro I also don’t have any food so I’m going to have to use my

Forbidden apple a little bit or fruit it’s a mango sorry for calling it an apple I’m trying to look for any clues but I’m not finding anything okay hold on I can use my brain I already think it’s pretty sus that you know there’s a new liquid here and it’s like some sort

Of Glacier Ice liquid there’s ice here too we can’t even see underground wait we can’t see through it so this would be a perfect place to hide something could it be right here in the center I’m clicking no I’m just dying okay cool where else is there liquid though there

Was some over here wasn’t there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe there might be like a cave or something dude we got to watch out though dude I can glitch I can glitch my view yo there there is a cave there is so a cave right there do you

Guys see this I’m not insane am I hold on if I step right here yep no 100% a cave right there okay here goes nothing I really hope we don’t die whatever we do I think we got to just do it fast I think if the fruit’s down there we got

To eat it cuz I’ll probably be able to survive right all right here goes nothing 3 2 1 calabanga oh my gosh oh my gosh okay hurry oh oh dude am I going to make that am I going to make it dude it’s slowing me down it’s literally

Slowing me down I can’t go yo I’m freezing I’m dead I’m actually dead please I’m almost there I got it I got it I got it eat it eat it eat it eat it wao dude you got to be kidding me man I actually did it we became Water Bunk and

Wait what is this tsunami surge kiwi born from the ocean’s heart this fruit wields a force that once drowned ancient Dimensions whole forbidden water mental we freaking got it oh my goodness and I can swim freely through ice cold Waters Waters that would literally kill any other element and player and wait do

We have the conduit as my what was that drowned Neptune I should have known I should have known wait where is this guy I don’t see him I I I actually don’t see him bro where is he oh my gosh he’s right there he’s right there okay okay

He doesn’t see me he doesn’t see me maybe uh what if I use this yo wait it just froze something oh my goodness maybe we can surprise attack and then what if I press this I see some sort of water W the liquid wait it’s disappearing hold on a second I just

Gained strength six infinitely what oh we’re absorbing the water water oh my God strength 10 okay that’s so dumb that’s so dummy amazing o you little rat Neptune you dare not look at me in the eyes oh wait does he think I’m one of him he’s just not attacking me you know

I could try and freeze him real quick but uh what if I just go like that oh my goodness we just did so much damage oh no wait wait is he running for me you can’t run for me you bot wait he just split into a bunch of drown take that

Nerds oh wait what the heck I can just freeze them what dude that looks crazy oh my goodness we’re so powerful oh wait they’re actually scared of me guys oh never mind there you go get one shot dude we’re so op as water Bonk there is

No way we’re not going to be able to save skidy I’m coming for you skidy boom where are we going that way let’s activate air bunk yeah oh no way bro it literally just took us to a portal okay okay okay I just told skidy we’re on our

Way um okay there’s a single obsidian right here yeah we just need one more literally under the gold block this is like the most beautiful portal I’ve ever seen okay anyways I don’t have a diamond pickaxe to mine but we don’t need a diamond pickaxe when we got the Earth

Drill wait did it break the obsidian hello oh it did yo let’s go dude boom there you go we got it and now flint and steel B oh my we got this into The Nether to the fire temple okay wait it’s literally pointing up wait up what I

Mean hey if it’s saying up I guess we’ll just go up oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh dude I forgot I wasn’t airb for a second is that just a hole are are you guys seeing this right there it ain’t just any hole it’s where maybe skidy was

Being led to oh my gosh it’s a hole through bedrock it’s a stron hole that’s what uh you know what I’m not going to finish that I’m put it on my pants though let’s turn into airbn there we go transformation complete and airball are

Way hooped oh oh oh my gosh yo it’s not working it’s not working oh my goodness dude my ability I can’t fly bro what the heck it’s literally just not letting me it’s bugging out all right that’s not good I guess we’re going to have to do

This the oldfashioned way eh I’m going to be smart about this and use Earth there you go yes to just tank these first okay now we know they freaking fire lasers we got to be very careful no new haircut oh my gosh I don’t know how my branches did not actually activate

That these are so loud too Gamers oh I’m so scared I’m so scared but I got this the things I do for you I guess for skidy man okay this one’s definitely going to give me a new cut okay I’m bald now nope JK yo yo yo seriously die idiot

Oh my goodness I had to use my freaking Earth Spike ability the stupid Hogs are trying to get me killed man as if these fire lasers weren’t already enough oh my gosh okay we’re good dude these are getting trickier and trickered by the second but I am laser proo man never

Mind I should just shut up you know maybe the tsunami surge might be a little better I mean I’m water right I should be able to tank it I have no idea don’t you even think about it there you go we got him oh wait I’m a genius look

At that I can make okay never mind that didn’t work I got some food though which is good no no no no no oh that was close no you no don’t even think think about oh wait I am a genius the snow the snow helps me what if I just sack up right

Here come on come on come on does that work kind of at least a nullified this one I could try and Okay jump over and that did not work just sneak right under oh my gosh let’s go okay wao uh things just got a little darker what there’s

Blue ones now okay okay okay just be skinny Bon be skinny come on come on come on oh I did it I did it okay okay there’s another one dang it maybe I can just fit through my copper are made it through final one okay that was so easy all

Right now to just get that fruit wait where’s the fruit it’s missing looking for this wait why what what dragon fruit my favorite why what I I’m so confused what was the point of all of this oh you know what I’m glad you asked Funk time to dive into my

Villain monologue so what was the point of me literally collecting this one this one and this one all these three Elemental fruits oh bionic I can literally see that you don’t have a brain clearly Bonk come here come close what you brought all the fruits right

Into my fat hand okay so what dude you only have the fire element like I literally I’m literally water right now I can turn into air and I’ve mastered the fire El okay watch this does that even mean what what yeah that’s right I on you why why because

I’m going to become the most powerful person to ever exist what no why would you do this sky

Minecraft, But You Are Elemental

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  1. Bionic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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