Stardew Valley by Lichatton & blinksee in 16:03 – Frost Fatales 2024

Hi I’m Lee chat uh we’re going to be running seated Boiler Room uh it’s a little unusual than the normal Boiler Room um but you guys were going to find out why uh I got to leave you guys hanging but I’m going to pass you off to

My to my other person blink hello my name is Blinky I am a mom of three and I’ve been speedr running for quite some time I currently speedrun stardew Valley and playup and I’m excited I’m excited to hang out with my homie um Le chat and

TP oh who me oh hello uh uh my name is TP but that was my father you can call me turp um I’m really excited for this run and um honored that leeat and Blinky asked me here today today all right so I’ll get us started

I’m going to be hosting the file and blink’s going to be hopping on uh so we have a couple things to do here first of all I have to make sure I pick Co-op because I’m notorious for not doing that um so we’re going to host a

Farm actually I’m I have a better one for this um all right so my favorite thing is Frost we’re going to be picking the beach Farm because we’re going to be using a little step manipulation to try to get an item for one of the bundles we’re going to be completing I’m also

Going to do separate cabins separate funds to make this run really safe and uh just out of curiosity have we saved the frames or the feet cuz this is where I need to kind of decide that despite a lot of love coming in for saving the feet right at the last second

Save the frames has one all right so we will do remix mins in that case let’s go we we keep our feet free I guess this run um I mean I mean like you know who who actually likes putting on socks let’s be be honest um okay so I have put

In the seed the funny thing is it’s too long to actually copy paste so I had to put a three in there to get everything in um but I’m almost all set up and I get yelled at all the time for doing this because I like to spend a lot of

Time designing my character it’s important we’re going to live with it for a little bit you know you got to look cute so we’re going to do this is that lipstick well yeah of course it is very nice lipstick it matches your bow both of your bows thank

You thank you all right so I’m good to go I’m going to pause my game and uh blink will be joining in onto my file and she’ll let me know when to start Okie doie feet Farm oh not the not the feet Farm that’s amazing fortunately became a

Frame should have been frame Farm we’ll never know kind of uh balances it off you know you got to give the feet some love too sometimes you put Frost yeah all right my favorite thing is fals a my character and I am all set perfect and you’re good to go yep

You’re on a black screen yes all right and I’m going to count us down in 3 2 1 go and they off all right so what I just did is I stepped four times in my bed if I Ste four times on the first and on the fifth

Um I’m should get a muscle on the beach so if I get the muscle we cheer if we don’t I have a backup it’s all good so we have to sleep till day five at the very least in this run because the mines only open on day five we’re

Going to be doing a little bit of mining but we’re only going to go to level 21 all right moment of truth blink’s going to tell us if I stepped right yeah I realized I broke that rule of talking immediately when you said don’t talk on

Day one and I said it’s okay talk it’s all good no you said in the off it’s all good we’ll find out if I got it or not Muses let’s go any muscles and chut we got mus let’s see those arms um so what I’m doing right now is I’m

Making a chest blink is doing some beach forage and in a little while we’re going to be triggering the community center and what that will do is it’ll allow us to donate to the bundle we’re going to be doing which is the Boiler Room ooh what’s in the Boiler Room a

Couple things um mostly some mining items so this is the bundle you would use if you were unlocking the mine carts very important thing that I just did there I put all of my stuff in that chest and I’m going to pick up this geode because we’re going to be picking

Up four geod in total but as you noticed I did get a little bit of a delay there um and also right now is a really good time for donations if you got any I have so many because there is so much love coming in for all of you from the

Community uh but I’ll start with a very special $50 donation from interpreter that says go go Le Chad and blink I love you both and I’m so excited to see you blow this run out of the water honored to be on your couch boil that bundle

Love PS let’s get that b perc run incentive and we did so that’s fantastic thank you thank you so much for that donation uh we also had $50 come in from junimo that says been waiting all week to see stardew on the big stage such a huge fan of all the

Runners let’s make sure we get more of it Dono train for favorite marriage candidate mine is Sebastian so can I hear your favorite marriage candidates o um mine is not a candidate but he is a roommate and his name is kobis and he’s the best roommate because he gives the best

Hugs he does give pretty good hugs um my favorite uh candidate is actually Penny because I really like the decor she gives you at her 14 heart event it’s really pretty you can get strawberries or you can pick other things but I like the strawberries Penny yeah Choice good

Choice I might get a little Flack for this but I’m going to go ahead and say Alex I think he’s misunderstood that’s all I’ll say about that one right here oh nice good one do we have time for one more donation yeah go for it also hop in here

And say uh my favorite is Shane because I can fix him was that it we have uh we also had $1,655 coming in from underscore that says good luck to leeat blinks TP Gabby and mermaid y’all are truly incredible and shout out to the entire stardo speedrunning Community

Both old and new for getting out there and running a ton over this last week to raise money for frost fat towels and the National Women’s Law Center love you nice sorry you’re still good wow underscore thank you so much no we also had a $25 coming from

Odonata 23 that just says go blink and lechat a thank you guys guys are so sweet it’s too much love there’s no such thing yeah no such on the bottom left um so you’ll notice I just deleted one of the items I got that’s because

Blink and I both went for the crate at the same time so we actually dup duplicated that item so we have a rule in the speedr running community that if you duplicate an item it’s considered kind of cheating so I want to make sure if we somehow get a world record that we

Don’t lose it so you never know I’m noticing that y’all are getting ladders pretty fast how is that possible so with the feed oh let’s go any crabs in chat sorry that’s that’s huge that’s like a big time save I’m so sorry no no no no don’t apologize for crab

Ever noted um yes to answer your question TP uh we’re doing seated mindes which means that there’s a way that you can kind of predict where the ladders are there’s a Community member by the name of Blade that has a predictor and he actually helped us out with this run

A lot and he actually pulled out all of the maps from0 to 20 so we have a reference sheet and we’re looking at the the ladders and where they can spawn so we don’t know for sure where they’re going to show up but we have a pretty good idea apparently blink is killing

It let’s go blink I expect no less huh you’re killing it cuz you’re amazing it was a compliment blink this one likes to hide to the right we got we got some weird ladders on this one bottom I have it nice and this is where the boots would

Have been if uh that incentive one so there you go we decided to do remix instead I picked up your sword fun fact you just you know you needed a little bit of extra protection I understand uh this is probably a green Flor probably a green

Lad you think it’s a green oh yeah there’s not a lot of people here okay maybe the crab will give it to us I don’t know about you both but if I you know all the monsters are aren’t that scary but if I saw a grab in the

Mines I’ll be a little terrified there’s another one right there oh my goodness all the crabs um so level 12 is always a guaranteed ladder that’s why we’re just running it out although we do have like three or four spots where a ladder could spawn which it did not this time but that’s

Okay oh I think it’s in the middle yeah I got it nice we both thought it was that one yeah so what exactly in the mines do you need for Boiler Room so we need an Earth crystal and we need a quartz we’re actually going to be getting the oh I

Have it to the left blank oh nice um we’re going to be getting the other two items from Omni geod normally you would have to go to level 50 actually all the way down to level 80 to get the Fire Quartz and you would go to about 50 to

60 to get anything else but in this run we already know that when we open the geod if we open them in a certain order we’re going to get a Fire Quartz and a Earth Earth crystal a crystal tier Frozen tier yeah first time first try

Yeah a middle it’s in the middle link I got it and then it’s a free on the next one let’s go uh can I hop in here real quick cuz we have some big news uh we just hit our $115,000 Milestone and unlocked the bonus game tonight which will be Dark

Souls amazing thank you so much to everybody who’s donated to help us get to this Milestone uh I want to shout out a couple of donations if that’s all right yeah go for it uh we had $1,024 come in from moridan that said it’s been a great ff4 let’s finish

Strong and finishing strong we are indeed thank you so much for that donation wow thank you we also had uh $25 come in from whims that says go Le chat and blink so much love for the stardew community and we also had I need to find it $40 coming from Leisa Tone’s

Dad that say proud smart and beautiful daughter Leisa tone thanks Dad thanks Dad cute uh so what I’m doing right now is I’m resetting the mins to level 21 on level 21 there’s three rocks that can give me an omni geode if a ladder doesn’t spawn so I’m going to hope that

I get one of those very quickly and the fun part about multiplayer is you have to wait for the reset so there’s one and I just need one more and we’ll be good for the run so yeah in multiplayer you have to wait for the 10-minute tick if you were

A single player you could just go up and down as much as you please which is great and I’m going to the beach to collect some uh forage for the crab pop bundle um I couldn’t help but notice um both leat and blink when you all hit

Those rocks or do anything else it’s mighty fast how’s that possible um so we’re using animation cancelling which is something that the developer actually kept in the game um to make speedr running a little bit more fast I guess um but speedrunners use it a lot to just

Get fast times that being said uh you can run vanilla without it and the two categories are separated on leaderboard so if this is scaring you it’s totally normal and um you you’re welcome to learn it but it’s also fine to run without it cuz both boards are split

That way it’s a little bit more equal all right so this Run’s actually going quite well um because we have the crab we don’t have to do do a ton of sleeping which is great um blink and I are going to do a little trade here and then we’re

Going to do all kinds of things I’m going to drop the stuff off that you need in the chest okay oh you’re what path did you take I don’t know where you went oh I didn’t go to my house okay that’s fine yeah I just

Passed that out the beach oh do you need the Earth crystal I think I found an extra one okay I got it and I got six geod okay cool I will grab this that is a lot of geodes holy cow yeah um I’m going to I want to leave I’m

Going to go to cart lady um and I’m going to I’m going to get the guaranteed solar Essence and void Essence that we have there so one of the things about the seed is uh you can actually guarantee the items that will well the the traveling cart items are attached to

The seat of the game so we already know what’s going to be in the traveling cart which is great yeah wow all right see that is mighty convenient it is yeah makes these runs very fast all right so here’s the next part that I’m hoping happens there should be

An iron bar in this trash let’s go how do you know um so there is a slim chance that you don’t have that happen there and then this is the one that everybody is wondering well actually give us what we need uh we’re hoping this one gives us

The gold bar a that’s too bad okay what chance is that what uh percent chance is that 8% wow but we have backup shots to make this Marathon safe thankfully that’s good cuz that is a% that’s for sure I just what are you up to I just

Talked to the wizard um I said Hi and then I said bye and that opened up the Community Center so now I’m going to do some drop offs to complete the spring Forge perfect yeah why do you have to talk to the wizard before getting into the community center that’s a good

Question well see the junimos don’t know how to understand you but for some reason the wizard understands the junimos so when you read the gibberish on the plate the wizard just tells you what they say I have no idea no I I think that’s I think that’s

Right it’s you know speedr running you just click through the text so fast well we don’t actually know oh my gosh but yeah once you talk to him you’re able to open up the community center bundles all right um just double checking you have the quartz and the Earth crystal yes

Perfect all right this is the fun part so we’re going to open two of the these all right are you guys ready yes oh my gosh it’s a fire cour oh the magic oh it’s a frozen tear aming who whoa what is this widget Tre okay um now is another good time for

Donations if you have any I absolutely do uh first off though I do want to highlight that now that we have unlocked that Dark Souls incentive and again thank you to everyone who helped us raise 115,00 ,000 for the National Women’s Law Center that’s absolutely incredible we now have a couple of bid

Wars open for the Dark Souls run including the character name and the ending Choice uh the ending Choice already has $50 towards the dark lord against $0 for link the fire so get those donations in for those and the character name already has a donation in

For it at $5 uh we got a donation from waffles who commented waffles and donated for the name waffle uh so you can support that or you can uh donate something else but uh those those bid Wars are open now uh but on a completely different note uh we have an

Incredible total uh so this came in two donations one donation in $828 and another of $827 for a total of six $1,655 from Christina and implosion that says donating for the stardew valley speedrun community’s vanilla Thon which brought together 49 unique Runners 70 hours of runs and 23 New World Records

10 of which beat the records in the faster quotations glitchless categories all just to support this amazing cause thank you to underscore for organizing this Challenge and many thanks to leeat Blink turp Blackheart and demonic who have all been key in making this such a great Community to be a part of finally

Thanks to frost fatales for giving us this cause to organize around keep it speedy all right and we’re actually coming up to the end of our run as well thank you so much for those donations those are huge thank you shout out to the Valley Community this is absolutely

Incredible and time is going to come up right after the flash here time uh so that was a602 what I have I don’t know what’s on the screen 16 16 you heard me did we just no world record we just beat our PV World marathon world record here let’s

Go that’s amazing what a run what a run all right well I guess that’s it thank you for having us um yeah uh if you’ll give me a moment uh first off I just want to point the estimate on this was 35 minutes and you 16 who are you so we

We before before you do any sign offs or shout outs or go we have so many donations and support from the community that I want to make sure you here do you mind if I just read you some of these donations cuz I don’t want you to leave

Without hearing this we had $500 coming from Anonymous that said go Blinky go we love we chat so excited to support this cause less than three we had $25 from Brook L come in with no comment but thank you so much for the donation we had

$25 from Ocean we said leeat and Blinky are killing it dink d those rocks also TP teach me how to say dink donk in ASL you got it you got I will yeah okay amazing I’m going to hold you to that and you’ll have to follow up with them

To uh to to make sure uh we had $25 from shellfish who said get it lechat and Blinky we also had uh $100 come in from wither Beast who said go Blinky go we had $50 for I like I I’m not exaggerating so much love coming in from the

Community it’s absolutely incredible we had $50 come in from Bran who said two of my favorite speedrunners running the best cozy game heck yes so proud of both of you less than three uh thank you for sitting here and and uh in uh what oh my gosh I can’t even find

The words thank you for listening to all these donations we had $20 from Tula who said go leat go watching with baby Ripley and cheering you on careful with your bombs and we also had $10 coming from Terra Jews who said go Blinky goly chat all right I think that’s all of

Them for now oh no sorry we oh no I had one more we have $100 from wither Beast who said go blink seat chat and I agree with all of you uh they did an incredible job thank you both so much um but yeah if you have any shout

Outs or anything else you want to say to uh yeah I will I will give the mic back to you thank you for uh entertaining me and and allowing me to read those all off for you yeah thank you for all the donations guys holy

Cow um blink do you want to show them a little secret behind the community center oh yes of course I think they’ve earned it let’s go yeah yeah I’ll let you do it all right I’ll go walk with you so somebody hid something behind this community center we don’t know how

It got here but we got this Stone junimo perfect it’s so pretty yeah oh here let’s put in the middle we’ll take a picture right right here there we go perfect but yeah stardew Valley Community has been incredibly supportive for years and they just show up all the

Time and the fact that underscore put on this vanilla challenge um to donate to this amazing cause thank you all so much for all those donations you guys are amazing and uh I’ll just say thank you to turp for being on my couch um we kind

Of had a joke a long time ago me and turp and we said If ever we get into a gdq event I want you on my couch so it’s really cool that she got to be on my couch and I am very award um yeah go blink I just want to

Say thank you thank you to everybody who showed up and supported us uh it means a lot just coming in and you know being super new to Stu a couple years ago and then just seeing how much we’ve grown as a community and how just freaking nice

You all are and welcoming and this game is amazing I think we’re all hyped for 1.6 so I’m definitely excited for the update coming up but I just want to thank you guys and thank you Lee chat thank you tur for being with me and I don’t know I’m just super happy and

Blessed and just thank you for this opportunity gdq yeah thank you to frost fatals for putting on the event and for all the tech checks and everything that you’ve done to organize the event it’s it’s been really a pleasure to be a part of it um thank you to turp for

Commentating thank you for the entire stardew Valley Community and all the donations we’ve received uh during our segment I’m really exciting I’m really excited that Gabby gets to run I’ve been hyping her up for a little while so I’m really excited for that run I hope you

Guys are able to catch it as well and uh yeah if you guys want to find me uh I’m at Le so you can call me lead but it’s l c h a t t o n and I’m on Twitch and uh I’ll let my other two people sign off as

Well go ahead sir oh okay um yeah uh you can find me at twitch. interpreter um with an O at the end I know it’s spelled incorrectly uh and on YouTube sometimes as well but uh yeah thank you for having me I appreciate it

And you can also find me on Twitch as well um Blinky noore all right thanks everyone thanks

Runner introduction starts at 0:00
Run starts at 3:27
Commentary is provided by Terpretor
spef is host

This speedrun was recorded during Frost Fatales 2024, a week long charity speedrun marathon raising money for National Womens Law Center. Frost Fatales 2024 is just one of the many charity marathons organized by Frame Fatales. For more information on Frost Fatales 2024, find us at:

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