Hello everybody waffle time here and welcome back to episode 5 of our epic gamer infernum series last episode we took on the wall of flesh who despite being infernum oriented wasn’t different at all from the vanilla experience Hunger Game what the the holy I’m out of here nerds which then boosted us into

Hard mode where we took on bosses such as cryogen and queen slime who didn’t give us any trouble or scare us at all you got that oh my God oh thankfully we each have our Pro Gamer prowess to get us through even the murkiest of seas we have many new bosses

To take on now that we’re in hard mode even more infernum experiences to make us want to fold our keyboards directly in half and no more time to waste so let’s Jump Right In shall we oh wait no I can make the Kelvin Catalyst the Kelvin Catalyst it uh it it takes a

While to craft you need every single item all right okay did you get the glacial embra the summon Weapon by any yeah I did oh you did yeah dude here you go baby wa what is that about I get like an orbiting ice Shield using the uh the

Wings the soul of cryogen oh yeah I am yeah very very delicious flat 7% increase all damage very cool pretty pogy wagies oh certainly I need the Avalanche and the snowstorm two plat damn oh it gave me everything okay I ain’t even mad Bo I don’t know if you

Want to fight uh like a mechanical boss I’m down give me one sec to reup on potions and I’ll be good I think I am good on potions okay okay uh I just got to reforge my little cat L and I’ll be good oh my God it’s a [ __ ] Crimson

Mimic I’m stuck in a cave run BR stopid dude F want some Souls of Night mate what the oh my God the mimics on me what is what is that what is that who whoa whoo wo w got a life drain from it that’s pretty neat taking a fat minute to get these

Souls of Night eh H yeah no soul day or what what what oh the perforators I’m going to die dude I’m taking so much damage from everything else don’t die to the perforators bro don’t do it all right dude I’m I’m ready to fight the Destroyer what the [ __ ] man dude I can’t

Cancel the event cuz I can’t TP down there all right I’ll be right back all right bet there’s pirates on the way man Pirates and a Blood Moon I think I’m good I just buffed up I should be good to go holy F oh my God all right hold on

What the [ __ ] is going on my Lord oh my Lord oh oh Jesus Christ oh my God everything is is me up dude it’s not looking good for a brother what the [ __ ] is this did you see that laser man that he did oh he’s going in a circle bro he’s doing

God oh my God oh my god dude I’m I’m stuck I’m stuck oh my God holy [ __ ] it’s like the Empress of light oh dude you’re clean with it though you’re clean with it dude he got nothing on you dude oh my God he’s getting faster oh my God he’s

Hitting me are you back got you I got you I got you I’m back I’m back oh my God so much damage dude oh my God he’s hitting me like I’m about to die I’m at 130 HP I’m going to die too dude oh I

Died no dude you oh my God he’s so fast dude he he’s so fast just run just run just run you got it you got this [ __ ] I’m running dude you got what the [ __ ] is that you got it you got it you got how much longer

Here oh my God oh my God he’s already whooping my ass no no no dude no no dude you got itude 4000 oh my god dude you got this so low where’s he at where’s he at where’s he at where’s he at I’m back woo where’s the [ __ ] of the loot

Let’s go baby God I didn’t get [ __ ] I just got sold of Might bro that’s all I got what the [ __ ] was that that was insane dude dude what dude know how to about the next boss you carried Baby D I did not dude you took like no damage during

First phase second phase it was you just ran in a circle dog it didn’t matter how [ __ ] fast you were running that mother was going to hit us no matter what dude that was so crazy also can we fight the Aquatic Scourge if you don’t mind yeah let’s do it dude are we

Potioning up for this one I’m going to potion up I’ll potion up too I’m scared what the a turtle shell you got a turtle shell yeah I just got two what the hell what’s going on here what’s going on here ladies and gentlemen I thought this thing spawns naturally what the hell

Where is it doesn’t it I just got a gat lator you got a gat lator here what the [ __ ] dude we should be grinding here what was I doing while I was playing range what the hell hold on can I C the summon item un no momento are you

Actually down to make Minecraft content sometime dude I’m I’m so down I’m so down for it dude God hell yeah brother also I got that food to summon the Aquatic scge very nice I just took out a big old chunk of land over to the left

So now ready why did I why I have two turtle shells in a gat ligator too what the no no dude you ready I think I am ready should be easy what the what is that Infinite Flight granted oh I can’t hit him I know I can’t hit him

Either what’s going on oh there we go what the [ __ ] oh we have to fight him underwater are you kidding me oh my God I’m getting gased out what is going on dude holy [ __ ] [ __ ] what the we have to fight him underwater yeah dude oh my God

I got wiped oh this is not good he is so [ __ ] fast right now actually it’s not that bad underwater you don’t take any poison damage you don’t do you drown still no you don’t ow ow ow ow is so much damage to me man you doing all

Right yeah I’m doing okay dude he leaves out like a poison Trail that’s what’s hitting us when he dashes yeah I can’t really see [ __ ] it’s so dark in here oh my God yeah he’s gassing me out what the hell oh my God how is he hitting me I’m

Drowning wait what why am I why do I Havey why am I drowning do I got to breathe I’m going to go breathe real quick you can TP to me to breathe it like turned off then turned on for me oh my god dude I’m about to die I’m coming

Down I’m coming down oh my God his what the he shot bacteria at me no no no no oh my God I’m going to die dude he I’m poisoned oh my God the [ __ ] was that about how do you do this that was insane waa why did the Twins drop waffles iron

In this why what the hell I feel okay we have Infinite Flight it’s almost like if we take a gills potion and I think there’s a sulfuric one we could buy as well I think we could do it dude I’m taking fat stacks of damage man what the

It’s that poison gas bro every time he dashes and he like farts all over the yeah Arena damn I was I was certain we would just fight him underwater I mean under above ground cuz it was weird I would be drowning sometimes and then it

Would go away yeah I saw that too I had that as well I’m stacked on potions now so I should be uh should be good to go that fight was crazy I did not expect that all I’m going to buff up all right I’m all buffed okay here it goes to flight

Granted this is way better with platforms down here oh it’s too easy now dude oh maybe we should have nerfed ourselves look how easy it is oh look how easy it is I love that the screen keeps changing every 5 seconds is that happening to you too move move more to

The right move more to the right if you’re more on the right it’s you’re more in the biome contact damage with this thing is lethal dude holy [ __ ] I’m about to die already holy [ __ ] my summons are kicking ass I don’t even want to touch that guy

Anymore dude you do so much damage too I’m scared I’m about to die oh my God oh my God what the [ __ ] it instant killed me it insta killed you yes I had like HP I don’t get this I don’t get it dude it’s another Skeletron

Fight where we just have to get in the ass and hope for the best how the [ __ ] do you dodge that dude that was nuts man it’s almost like we need that scuba gear bro the I have Arctic diving gear no you don’t you actually don’t all of your

Mobility is normal when you fight it that’s so odd dude so it’s just a skill issue it’s all it is we’re at can we do the goblin army real quick I need to get something yeah yeah we can do that I’ll do a Blood Stained glove see how that

Goes I’m going to work yeah I’m going to work on my accessories I need to kill um Goblin uh warlocks it will drop a shadow flame accessory for summons damn that was rough dude we were doing so good in the beginning and then he just started doing something

Different [ __ ] us up dude it’s those [ __ ] that like projectile storm did you see that yeah that’s microbial bacteria [ __ ] I think we’re fine though I think we give it a few more shots I got one more lock right here is it the radical burning Strife oh a rogue weapon

This is [ __ ] ass dude what is this let get that accessory baby let’s grind it out let’s get this [ __ ] is the the first Shadow flame yes okay you already got one yes all right all right room what it’s a freaking why there’s a freaking bat here dude 10% increased

Damage shade range down when when you’re hit grants the ability to dodge attacks temporarily increases crit strike chance and summon damage after a Dodge interesting oh God I’m getting slapped oh God I feel like we’re at the point where we just got to go in and try and

Beat this like a thousand times yeah car lanterns are such a clutch right now dude oh they’re great we could probably put a bass statue down there too oh yeah all right I think I’m ready for this battle whenever for five Platinum we could get the Ultima cake grants special

Effects of almost all stations simultaneously [ __ ] I’m down 30 minute duration Dan Pines Falls going on here o is there any way we could Farm the Pirates cuz if we get a discount card we might be able to just yeah D let’s do that let’s uh let’s kill the pirates

Real quick we have like five Maps God damn bummer here we go nice I’m going to I’m going to fight the Slime Gods a few time I think they were a pretty good form of money oh my God why do they have hands damn dude for I honestly forget

You want to just go try this boss yeah let’s go yeah the hell am I doing dude oh where did you put that ultimate cake at that’s what I [ __ ] needed money for oh yeah that makes way more sense so I need to get one too yeah dude you can

Just take a bite out of mine oh that’s a good idea hopefully this works dude God damn that was the most expensive cake I’ve ever had to buy hope that [ __ ] tastes good at least bro are you ready oh I should have waited for you sorry

My good dude we handle this [ __ ] for the first phas doing them stealth strikes going pretty good completely missing my stealth strikes that’s what’s up oh my God how do you [ __ ] Dodge that [ __ ] dude dude I’m at 100 HP now it’s like crazy insane that we can’t go home and

Heal oh my God I’m taking so much damage from the gas oh my god dude you literally just have to run away whenever he does that attack that’s nuts really what way do you run do you like go up or down I went down and it worked all right

Okay okay yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right a dele of acid is quickly up up up go up go up go up oh my God [ __ ] me you can teleport to me if you want to wo oh he’s he’s done for it dude he’s so

Dead he’s so pissed oh my God he’s so [ __ ] upset right now wait dude I’m like really low I’m low too come on baby we got it we got it went the storm the storm oh my God run run there’s a tornado what there’s a [ __ ] tornado

What do you mean dude what are you talking about he killed me in one hit oh dude I’m dead no you’re good you’re healed you’re healed bro please please come here bro please where are you dude where are you dude where are you dude yes I’m being gas I’m [ __ ]

Here it’s good I got him I got him don’t worry Papa’s Got You no dude it’s one hit what am I supposed to do when he spawns an instant kill [ __ ] tornado on my forehead we’re so close oh my god dude I I can’t I cannot tell you how

Actually hurt in real life I am right now how did you die what happened he spawns an instant kill tornado on you dude it kills you in one hit a huge green fart tornado he spawns on you oh Jesus oh my God bro we’ll be okay now

Dude we got it we got it Mr Stark I don’t [ __ ] feel so good dude oh my God that was it’s all right kid Forest what all right we got it I’m in it now dude I’m made it to win it could you give me a motivational uh Speech real

Quick we got it dude we got it man imagine being worried about this thing did you use your uh uh flasks yet your crumbling flas I got my I did your Frost bur is doing fantastic by the way took a big hit that’s okay it’s all right it’s

All right a little tickle you know a little tickle on the wickle I don’t know why I suddenly had zero Health hey man it’s not about how you start it’s how you finish dude I got Max HP again no no all good part of the process you know my friend dude you’re handling

[ __ ] up there bro dude I’m taking care of this yo I got all my Buffs in place this guy got nothing on me oh my God he’s gasing me out oh my God he’s gasing me out oh my God he’s gasing me oh my God oh my

God all right I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good I got holy [ __ ] I have 158 HP dude I’m going to [ __ ] die he ate all my HP for breakfast God this is not good oh my what what dude you got to go up

You got to go up you got to go up what why did you do that please don’t die oh wait why his health bar is still there he’s still alive go back to the oh he’s coming after us oh is that the tornado that’s the

Tornado oh my God it’s where is he where is he where is he where is he I’m out of here oh [ __ ] did you go to the Sea over there dude oh my God he’s after me it’s just a floating head yeah he was a flying head for me too run run Adrian

Oh run run run run run dudee he’s so fast I teleported I can’t teleport to the Sea I’m teleporting to you teleport to me D help me out here man he’s crazy he’s scared oh my God it’s a tornado God no I’m out of here anything but that oh

My God he’s he’s he’s burping he’s [ __ ] flying circles around me where’s the SC he’s on my ass dude he’s on my tornado oh the tornado he got me he got me he got me I’m going to die I’m to die

Me TP to me TP to me TP to me I’m at the his body’s back his body’s back oh my God we’re [ __ ] back I’m at the sea I’m the I died I died I died I died I died I died please Adrian live please live him I have 10

Seconds 10 seconds oh there’s a tornado just run away run away dude you have four Health you have four so fast all right you I took a fat hit shoting bubbles at me man oh my God we’re so back I’m going to die dude oh my God he

Ate all my HP how long do you have I got four okay we’re good we’re good he’s spawning tornado okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good oh no no no no no no no no no no no no adri please live where are you where are you I’m

Dead I’m I’m dead I’m dead dude he’s trying to gas me out run run in a straight line if you have to dude have 5 Seconds 3 seconds 3 I’m here get his ass jump him dude the [ __ ] tornado got me it’s going to get me dude the tornado it killed me again

Please it followed me it follows me wherever I go dude dude I’m scared there’s please please Adrian please you got please you got it you got it dudud I did it yes God damn you’re a [ __ ] beast dude you’re such a beast my throat oh my God

I can’t believe we did that I got a [ __ ] melee and a magic weapon dude I’m not fighting that boss again I’m going to buy the Treasure B it still says one health for me why oh that was horrible why would anyone do that [ __ ]

Was up with that tornado dude dude I had no idea oh my God what was the problem Oh My why was that so hard like honestly dude I was screaming for my life man you’re making me all worried don’t die yeah man I’m yeah dude I’m

Panicking I don’t know what else to say I think I can speak for not not only Adrien and I but for us all when I say that the Aquatic Scourge was eh simply underwhelming not once did Adrien and I die get scared or even get worried about

Not being able to defeat the Aquatic Scourge hopefully soon we’ll meet our match but with a raw amount of testosterone and gamer rage filling our veins that is truly doubtful after our epic gamer Victory Royale against the robot worm as well as the ocean worm we had many different Avenues we could take

To get some succulent succulent game progression we needed to get as many upgrades as we could before the next next mechanical boss if we were to get through the infernum experience without going bald entirely so we yet again hit the drawing board and decided what came

Next it’s so many up which one you want you want skeleton prime or do you want um let’s try the twins all right that’s what I was thinking let’s holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my Godly [ __ ] what the dude they’re they’re you up I don’t even know

Where to go dude spazmatism is already going oh we got to get reder quick I’m get reder I’m getting R oh dude oh my God wait we’re [ __ ] them up dude they are on you dude you are kicking their asses pissed at you dude they want me so

Bad let me I him let me ier him I’m I’m on the sideline man I’m just whipping on the side dude holy [ __ ] holy sh oh my God oh my God Mother of God what the [ __ ] is happening I don’t know I don’t know did we do it is he

Dead what the what happened oh my God he he’s not he’s still alive he’s still alive you okay you okay you okay you okay I’m good my God oh my God full health dude I’m whipping him I’m whipping him I’m whipping him I’m whipping him I got you gang something

Crazy is about to happen just full health we huh oh wait oh wait we did it let’s take on Prime bro what the dude we’re too good we’re too nice at the game man we so good what happened let me um let’s do it oh [ __ ] Contraption of

Dread oh dear God oh he’s on your ass dude n it’s not fair dude we’re taking out his arms really quick oh go I’ve almost got his laser out I need my minions I need my minions oh my god that hurt that damage is nuts we already got

His arms I’m still throwing oh he mad ah he mad can I [ __ ] what is happening right now what the’s happening to my screen what the what is going on right now is your screen shaking yeah like a is going on we’re still doing damage to

Him what is is he giving us a seizure he’s trying to kill us yeah holy [ __ ] holy go run Adrian run brother oh he’s shooting every attack oh my God so low dude thatd be spewing every attack if I was get my ass whipped like this too oh [ __ ] the oh my

God dude God why the does he aquatic skirt so hard man oh my God just threw all my souls in we’re crazy with it huh dude go make yourself some Angel threads baby Brimstone Elemental bro yeah let’s go her up dude Rock her dude one of us is

Doing a ridiculous amount of damage I think it’s you no dudee it’s you dude re up on potions real quick dude I did that all with a greedy ring on on accident really whoops holy [ __ ] no wonder I was dying to the [ __ ] tornadoes in one

Hit wait can we actually get some deess bars real quick I’m going to just Farm them real quick yeah how do we get him wait I think we need to get like an Adamantite or titanium pickaxe you have no idea Robin dude we should go shut the [ __ ] up

Oh my God look at us man look at us where we at ORS wise bro what could I do to help I got ourselves a forge in terms of bars we just need one pick oh no dude we got it we got it I got it you already

Got it let’s just head on yeah I got it I got it let’s just head on to the uh the snow biome and then I can make you like a datus pickaxe oh so sick okay oh dude our shit’s like all corrupted God damn it that’s that’s annoying little

Stanky in you I’ll be right back I’m going to craft you one right now okay I’ll just stay down here you’re such a team player dude use your a pick it looks really cool ooh wow that does look cool thank you very muching way no way dude dude I don’t

Know what we’re just collecting all the cryic ore right yeah I think I got a decent amount for what the [ __ ] is this what the are those dude are get those freaks away from me dude what are those things dude do you want to touch it bro you want to touch it no

Dude I’m locking the [ __ ] doors dude dude consider getting the uh Starlight Wings dog you think datus armor would be good for a rogue I don’t know for a rogue like me oh my God these Golems are crazy they shoot like lasers out of their hands Golems yeah the summons that

I had they’re called Golems e c Idol we need two Unholy cores I got it wait oh we can fight it here dude it’s like empty ass space all right you mind if I get a bite of that cake brother all right I buffed up I think I’m ready I’m

Good to go all right ready it’s either going to be easy breezy or it’s going to be the hardest fight in the world I’m ready decent damage to it so far oh god oh it’s locking Us in look at that we’re doing fat stacks of damage but I’m

Taking fat stacks of damage oh my God my sentries are kicking ass holy [ __ ] not bad ow dude the the little skulls that linger are doing work is that yours yeah the little skulls those are mine holy [ __ ] really yeah I’ve been avoiding them this entire time oh yeah I got it from

The from the scourge baby oh [ __ ] took a heavy hit had to heal she’s she’s like right next to me dude perfect dude I’m a Soaker put my sentries near her and my my Golems on you thing baby [ __ ] up yeah go Golems go Golem go Golems go

Golems I’m going to keep it real with you dude I don’t even know what the what the that was so scary we almost got her I almost got hit oh dude dud yeah oh first try dub oh no wait what oh no up top oh no careful oh there’s no way oh

Thank god dude holy good [ __ ] bro good God so easy man that was so easy flame licked shell what the oh I got a um Brimstone Elemental summon thing you want it yeah yeah I did not get [ __ ] for myself looks like I’m hitting the old treasure bags again I got St drop

Anything you need though oh that’s a great question I should probably check I don’t think it does dude I’m looking at it I I’m not seeing anything dude wow no I don’t think it does okay moving on with Adrien and I defeating the Destroyer The Aquatic Scourge the twin

Skeletron Prime as well as the brimstone Elemental that about does it for this episode make absolutely sure to check out Adrian’s perspective over on his channel to witness the full experience of our death by infernum thank you all so much for tuning in to episode 5 of

Our infernum series if you enjoyed this video please be sure to drop a like And subscribe for more content like this as well as leave a comment down in the comment section below to let me know your thoughts on this video also if you’d like be sure to follow my

Instagram and Twitter for future video and stream updates as well as my Facebook page where you can watch all the videos that get demonetized instantly on my YouTube channel all those links are in the description for your convenience thank you all so much again for watching and I’ll be seeing

All of you mechanical freaks in episode 6 Waffle Time number one one Brimstone Elemental Fan Edition out

Hello and welcome to EPISODE 5 of our first time CALAMITY INFERNUM EXPERIENCE. Today, Adrian and I plunge ourselves even further into the HARDMODE INFERNUM EXPERIENCE. We take on the The Aquatic Scourge, who I will have nightmares about for the rest of my life. Soon after we take on not one, not two, but ALL of the mechanical bosses, who are all juiced up like a v8. We upgrade our arsenal before heading to the depths of the underworld to take on the Brimstone Elemental, who we take longer than usual to destroy, simply for viewing purposes. Check out Adrian’s perspective for MORE!
Thank you all so much for watching! If you enjoyed, please be sure to drop a like and subscribe for more content like this, as well as leave a comment to let me know your thoughts on this video! If you guys want more, please do let me know below! Also if you’d like, follow the Instagram and Twitter for future stream and video updates!
#terraria #mod #rage

All credit to DMDOKURO and PinpinNeon for the BANGER TUNES!

Check out ADRIAN’S perspective:

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  1. The aquatic scourge is a menace. In my playthrough I died 50+ times to that motha fucka, his attack patterns are so hard. Glad to see you guys had it no easier!

  2. Yo, quick question, I can't seem to see my friends Calamity effects. Like that ice shield in the beginning of the video, straight up can't see it on my end when my friend wears it. Noticed issues like this a lot in Calamity multiplayer. Anyone know a fix for this?

  3. its crazy that me and my brother started playing calamity revengace last year in summer and still havent finished it, meanwhile you are 1/3 done in a short time

  4. When waffle posts i imediatally stop whatever i was doing to watch wathever masterpiece he dropped, thanks for the good content funny calm and reasonable waffle person

  5. There's actually a special cutscene upon beating your last mechanical boss. Unfortunately, multiplayer Inernum is bugged (Same cause of the seizures) and it doesn't play. Nice work as always!

  6. Adrian being like "I got this man" "AHHHHHHHHH" had me in stitches, you guys have both such a hectic nature that leads to some goddamn entertaining videos

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