I Tried EVERY Boss in Minecraft

I’m about to list every boss in Minecraft right here, right now. Number one, the Ender Dragon. Number two, the Wither. Number three, the Elder Guardian, I guess? Number four, maybe the Warden? Does he count? Number five, I don’t know, an Evoker, maybe? Not really though. Number six, there is no number six.

Only two of those have a boss bar, by the way. So two real bosses and three mobs that could maybe kinda count. Wow, you know, for the best selling game of all time, I kinda wish there were a few more difficult mobs we could fight. So that’s why today I’m fighting the most

Intense bosses I could find in order to bring back that spark of difficulty a boss can bring to the game. We’ll be working our way up the difficulty ladder, starting with some of the simpler offerings and ultimately fighting what is arguably the craziest boss ever coded, the Wither Storm. Oh my gosh.

That is wild. All of these mods will be linked down in the description alongside some honorable mentions if you’re looking for even more boss battle fun. Before we fight anything though, I think we need a baseline. I need to fight Minecraft’s existing bosses to get a good sense of

What we need to beat. So what better way is there than to fight all of them at the same time? What could possibly go wrong? While I do this, I need to tell you about the sponsor for today’s video, Apex Gaming PCs. So let’s get started. If you’ve been feeling like the hardware

In your current computer just doesn’t really put up with the modern world of gaming, then I highly recommend you take a look at Apex Gaming PCs. They’re a PC building company with an excellent selection of hardware for you to choose from. And we’ve gone ahead and put together three preset tiers of computers

For you to start with, all of which are built and tested by Apex and shipped right to your front door or back door or wherever you get packages from. I’m gonna deal with the Wither first. We gotta take this guy down first before anything else. We’re gonna do this systematically.

Hup, hya, hya, hya, hya, whoo, whoo. Yoink and destroyed. All right, sick. First one down. All three tiers have excellent performance in modern games and use hardware from trusted component manufacturers like Nvidia and AMD. Oh boy, here we go. This guy is a little bit of a fish out of water right now,

But you know, it’s fine. He counts, right? Come here. Come here. Stop running. Stop bouncing away. Why are you bouncing? Come here. Get off the edge of this. Get off the edge of the mountain. Oh, you know, that works. Plus, if for whatever reason you don’t like the specs

Of the ones that I chose, you can customize your build with the Apex Configurator to cater to your specific needs. And over here is the evoker. The warden is having a blast over there. Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, whoo, huh, huh. Oh, well, that was easy. Oh, geez.

All of the prices on the Apex website have also recently been lowered by 30% across their entire lineup including my PC builds. They’ve listened to feedback from partners and have decided to make a massive change to their price structure in an effort to give more people access to a high-powered

Gaming computer in 2024. Now we got to deal with the warden, and then I actually have to deal with the Ender Dragon. Hey, buddy. Oh, the Ender Dragon’s right there. What the heck? Whoa. Okay. Just launching as many arrows as I can his way. While I’m fighting this warden,

I might as well try to take out a couple of these crystals. You also now get a lifetime parts and labor warranty, along with completely free returns if you don’t love your new PC. Okay. What if I get on top of one of these towers, Oh my gosh. The warden might

Actually help the dragon. Oh, oh, I dropped my bow. The dragon just killed him. That’s awesome. So with that being said, head on down to the link in the description and get your new PC today. Now is literally a better time than ever before. Got some good damage. Got some good damage.

Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Oh, nailed it. Huge thanks to Apex Gaming PCs for sponsoring this video. I defeated all the bosses. And now you know everything about Apex. Hey. Wow. Multiple bosses at once might be something that Mojang should look into. That was kind of chaotic. But let’s head to the

First bosses on our list from Ultris Boss Expansion. We’re going to start with the Corrupted Enderman, but first I need to prep here. Enchant Knarfy unbreaking three. Power two maybe? I think power two is good. Enchant Knarfy sharpness three. I think that’s good, right? That should be fine.

This is the first of a few bosses in this mod and we’re going to see how good it is. This is also a data pack, by the way. We’re going to start with the corrupted Endermen. Here we go. Hello corrupted enderman how are you? Can I look at you? Am I

Allowed to look at you? I’m still in creative mode that’s why Hey man Oh! Oh! Whaaat? Oh! Okay he’s over here Okay this might actually be way easier than I thought Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! That was just his power up sequence Oh no! Come here. Oh my gosh he withers me

Oh my gosh Oh my gosh he has so much health do you see that? I took down like none of his health Why is he carrying sand? He’s picked up a sand block So this is the corrupted enderman? Okay he’s almost dead He’s almost dead Oh! Oh! Oh! Bro come back!

All I want is to- Oh what’s this? It gives me levitation! I’m gonna get him I’m gonna get him Haaaaaa! Oh! I did it Boom! Ha ha ha! Okay ominous pearl Unbreaking one What does this do? Can I throw it? Merge it with blaze powder or a gold block in a smithing table Ominous pearl Block of gold Command block

Okay so I probably should do blaze powder Ominous pearl Ominous compass Ominous presence located 236 blocks away We’re gonna follow the pearl! A few moments later Oh! I need a tor- Oh? Whaaaaa? Whaaaaa? Lost and forgotten is the advancement we just made Whoa! No you don’t belong here You’re not interesting

This is- this is interesting What? Diamond! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! He moved? What? What? I’m hearing so many noises What the heck? Where did he go? I don’t understand Who! Who! Who! Who! Who! I am not gonna lie I did not expect to see this Who! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Why do they all have armor? Why do they- I can’t see anything and they all have armor Ooo! Oh! This is a new room Uh! Uh! Uh oh! Oh that’s Uh! Can I free the alley? He’s free! Hey little alley How’s it goin? Can I- He has a little light source now Come with me Come with me my friend Come with me He left Alright, come on buddy Now you’re following me That’s right That’s what I thought What are all these sounds I’m hearing? Why is there also so much water? Can we get rid of this water?

What am- What am I hear- Whoa! Oh! Whoa! Wait, oh wait, there’s music playing! Huh, huh, huh! Okay, okay, he drank a potion? I don’t know how he did that, that was kind of magical. Okay, this music is kind of poppin’ though. Okay, okay, whoa, there’s flying, no!

Okay, huh, I thought he just duplicated and there was like, whoa! I don’t even know what to do! Okay, allay buddy, you need to stay safe. I need to protect the allay at all costs. Huh, what is he doing? How do I, okay, he’s like half health, so this isn’t too bad, but oh my gosh, denied, denied. Okay, get out of the way, allay!

Huh, huh, huh, why is he spinning so much? What are you doing? No, no, where is he? I can’t, there’s so many particles! Where did I go? There he is, huh, huh, come on. I did not expect this to happen. Huh, huh, huh. This isn’t even the Sanctum Keeper that I’m hitting. His health isn’t going down if I hit this projection. Take damage, bro, please! Okay, okay, okay, calm, calm down. I need you to calm down. No, stop going behind the posts.

Take damage, yes, yes, oh, come on. Oh, I did it, oh, I did it, oh, I got him. My allay is alive! Free the Sanctum. Guys, I freed the- spirit bow? So we found the corrupted Enderman, we haven’t seen the Blaze King, the Ultra Wither. Ultra Wither, yikes.

I wanna try the Phantom Swarm. What happens if we do the Phantom Swarm? Oh, oh, oh no. Oh my g- wait, my spirit bow doesn’t- oh no, I- oh my word! Spirit bow, spirit bow. HUH! Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh, there’s so many of them.

Uh oh. HUH! Oh my gosh! Take damage! Yes! Okay, I’m not- I am not hitting anything right now. I am- I am just- OHHH! Take damage! Damage! Take damage! Ugh! I’m a- I’m so little health! What? Okay, okay, they’re taking some more damage. I fell in a cave! There’s a zombie!

Oh, my allay was too close! HUH! HUH! HUH! Why did I choose to grab this allay? It makes everything more difficult. HUH! HUH! HUH! HUH! HUH! HUH! This is insane! This is insane! And I s- OH! Oh, I got it. First try! Oh, dropped a diamond. How is William the

Alley? Did we name him William? Is officially now William the Alley. Don’t you just love the simplicity of this game? The fact that there’s no chaos, no pain, no suffering, nothing that could possibly go wrong- OHHH NO! HUHUHUHUHUHUHU Okay, okay, so this is- I think- oh boy. Okay, this might, I don’t,

I don’t know how this works. This could actually be really, really scary. I don’t know how this works. So this could end, oh, I hit him. He took no damage. Oh, he did take a little bit of damage. He’s just healing though. Okay, okay, okay, I missed.

This is just, this is the ultra wither. It’s like the wither, but it has a command block and I’m really hoping it doesn’t get any worse than that. Ooh! (laughs) What the heck is that? Uh, uh, okay. Okay, we’re fine. Oh my gosh. Okay, whoa! Where’d he go? He’s underwater.

Okay, why did I choose to do this on an island? Calm yourself, sir. We’re at half health. He exploded. Why is there more lasers? I don’t want there to be more lasers. Oh boy, he’s gonna explode. Okay, oh, he’s in second phase now. What, what do I do? So I can’t damage him with the bow now. So I just need to get in there and just attack. I can take it. I can take it. I’m running out of golden apples. Oh my gosh, he explodes so much. Get down here. Take the damage.

Uh oh, he’s stopped again. He stopped again. Why did he stop again? What is happening? Did I break the command block? Let’s go! Enchanted core. Dropped by the ultra wither, when in players inventory they will gain two extra hearts. William! I need to put you in this protective wooden box that will totally be very protective. Come on, yep, yep, yep. Got it. All right, William is in the overworld so that William doesn’t die.

Excellent. The king’s residence. Okay, I think we found something. How do I get in there? Am I just gonna break in? I am on fire! Okay, okay, okay, okay. This is kinda cool. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Ah!

Oh my gosh, there’s so many blazes. Oh my gosh, oh, it’s almost as if I’m in a nether fortress or something, no way. Run for William. Where we at? Aha, there he is. There he is! Uh, do- how do I get him out? Just kinda- we just kinda break him out.

Here we go. Here we go. Hey there, buddy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Ohhhhhh. Hey man. Hey man. Oh boy. Ohhhhhh. That’s a lot of fire. Okay, this isn’t too bad. This isn’t too bad. This is not too bad so far. Ohhhhhh. The fireworks are insane. Ohhhh. Uhhhhh. He’s invisible.

He’s- I’m still so on fire. Whoa. Whoa. Okay. He’s blue fire now. What? I don’t- oh. He- it’s f- it’s following me. The fire! It’s f- it’s an explosive that follows you. This is dealing damage. This is good. This is good. This is good. This is good. This is good. This is good.

We’re fine. We’re fine. Whoa. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. The ground has so many particles. Oh my word. This is so much. Oh is that like a laser? Okay. Huh huh huh. I gotta just tank the damage. Ohhhhhh. Hahahaha. Let’s go. I’m still on fire. Ohhhhhh.

What did we just get? What did we just get? Blaze King’s helmet. It’s an iron helmet. It’s fine. Hahahaha. Take this core William. Enjoy it. It’ll give you some more protection on your journey. Salute. Goodbye William. Alright, Chat, are you guys ready to go to a magic show?

Because I’m ready for a magic show. Aha! We’ve spotted it. It’s there. We’re going to- we’re going to a magic show. Hey man, I’m here to see about a ticket that I got for this. Hey, ho, hey, hey, calm down. Woah, service here, man. Service here is awful. Man, service is

Terrible. I guess I just gotta- I gotta get rid of the receptionist. Whoo. Anyways, uh, tickets? VIP admission list. Am I not on this list? Well, sure hope I get a good seat. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Oh. Now, I am the receptionist. [laughs] Doo, doo, doo, doo. Okay.

Oh, oh, hey man. How’s it going? No, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I’m here for the magic show, okay? I’m here for the magic show. I’m here for the- Oh, there’s an illusioner. Huh, huh, huh, huh. Illusioner needs to die. Huh, huh, huh, huh.

I got the illusioner. And this witch, man. This witch is just- Oh, okay. All right. Okay, hey man. Oh, okay, oh. Okay, I was here to see your show, man! All I wanted is- I just wanted to see your show! Whoa! Bouncy balls! So many bouncy balls! Oh, you’re… you’re

Not a good bunny, are you? I’m gonna get rid of you. Goodbye, bunny. I don’t wanna- I don’t wanna have to- Okay, alright. Okay, these bouncy balls are the- Can I hit them? I can’t hit them. Okay, this is the Conjurer! Hey, man! What are you doing? That arm was wiggling.

Was he taking a rabbit out of his hat? Bro, okay, wait, okay, okay. So can I- okay, I shot him. These bu- oh! Alright, I guess that’s my time to leave. Alright, I’m back! I paid for my ticket! I will get my full… money’s worth, he’s invisible. Why are the bunnies attacking?

Okay, alright, okay, man. Alright, calm down. I’m coming up on the stage! Oh, there’s a- there’s a guy. Oh, did he leave the stage? Did he just leave the stage? These rabbits are the worst! Oh, jeez, dude. I am running out of golden apples. I underestimated how many I needed. Come here!

Where is he going? What the- It’s so disorienting! There he is, he’s behind here. Behind the curtain. Pay no mind to the man behind the curtain! Where’d he go? Where’d he go? There he is. Come here! Take that, take that! I paid for a show! I’m gonna get a show!

I’m gonna die first. Um, this could be bad. Oh. What did I get? What did I get? I got BOUNCEY BALLS! Yo! Now I’m the conjurer. Imma conjure myself some bouncy balls. Let’s go! Oh my gosh, wait. Throwing cards? Yeet! Whoa! That’s actually so cool! Whoa! Hey, hey guys, hey

Guys. Is this your card? I need to let this guy out. Just kidding! Throwing card- Oh, I missed. Hold on, hold on. You didn’t hear anything? Throwing card- I missed. I missed again. Hold on. A throwing card! YAH! Was that your card, bro? Just- Bro just got a job.

[what the heck is this noise] Welcome to Origin Realms, the coolest Minecraft server I have literally ever played on. I’ve been playing on this server for three years now, and uh, they do some pretty crazy stuff. Everything you’re about to see is done entirely in vanilla Minecraft with plug-ins and a resource pack,

And uh, that’s right, you can join this server with no mods. So let’s find the boss, shall we? Um, this might be difficult. Thankfully, I am absolutely stacked on this server, so this boss fight hopefully won’t be too hard. [Later] Ayo anyone have a spire I can tp to?

I need it for the video! Thank youuuu! Ahhhh! Ahhh! Oh jeez, oh no! Okay, so you’ll notice that there’s a lot of things happening here. Um, oh, what is- I don’t know what’s going on there. Okay. There’s a lot of custom mobs here. Everything you’re seeing is still vanilla Minecraft though.

Ow, that was annoying. [Scoffs] Okay, let’s go up here. Let’s try to take this thing down. You’re gonna see a lot of custom things in here, uh, but the main thing that we’re gonna wanna focus on is, of course, the boss. HUAH! HAYAH! Oh my gosh, jeez, okay. Ooh, a life! An extra

Life for the boss fight. Yeah, that’s right, we can get extra lives! Hello, I just jumped out here, I didn’t even know you were here. HUAH! Goodbye. [Laughs] Hah, yeah. HUAH! HUAH! Okay, I need to go in here. AHHH! No! Oh my gosh, he came out of nowhere and blew up.

Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, ahh! [Laughs] Okay, get out of here, there you go. Ow, ahh! [Laughs] Yoink, yoink, ooh! Oh no, oh, he got me. Okay, come here. Get out of here, boy. Get out of here, lasso man. Oh, hey-ah! Oh my gosh, no, no, no.

I will not be knocked off the edge. Okay, get out of here, get out of here, that’s right. Just getting to the boss is a boss fight in it of itself. Oh, jeez, there’s a guy shooting at me. Get out of here, guys, get out of here. [Laughs]

Go away, go away, go away, go away, go away, go away. And his head is floating around me, go away. Oh, the strata golem, oh no! There’s not any other lives. [Laughs] Okay, go, go, go, run away, run away. He’s fine, he’s fine, he’s whatever. No! Denied!

I’m almost to the top of the spire. I can do it, I can do it. Hey-ah, hey-ah, skeleton guy. Oh, there’s another golem. Okay, I just gotta run? I just gotta go. Go, go, go, go. [Laughs] Gonna jump in here? Yeah, 360. Okay, so this is gonna be the difficult part.

Yeah, you thought the spire was difficult? This gets crazy. We’re heading in through these doors, here we go. There he is. This is the Marauder! And everything you’re about to see is in vanilla Minecraft. Oh boy, here we go! He’s already coming for me! So I’ve got a couple

Things to take this guy down. Obviously I’ve got the bow and arrow, but I’ve got a sword, I’ve got an axe, I’ve got a few things that will help me with this. Damage doesn’t necessarily take down health as much as it takes down your armor, so I, uh, I should, uh,

I gotta be real careful. So I’ve got some golden apples, I’ve got some, uh, some of these shadow cloaks, which makes me go invisible. For a little bit I can escape, I can recoup some health, and then I can just keep going, I can keep shooting him. This is no speedrun

Today, but I’m trying. I also have a set of tools that is actually based on the Marauder’s Relic that you can get from his drops here, and, uh, it, it spawns in these little guys that are floating around and helping me out. Whoa! Get over here, boy! Oh, jeez.

Huh! Huh! He’s stuck in the corner! Oh, he’s flying! Oh, he’s flying! This is the place where I just have to shoot him with arrows and hope for the best! Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Here he comes, here he comes. Oh, come on. Get my axe going here. Here we go. He’s so close!

It’s so close! Come on! Oh, I’m just gonna go for it. I’m gonna tank the damage. Yes! Yes, I got him! He’s kinda stuck in this corner, but here we go! Here we go, baby. Round two. He pulls off the head of his horse and changes form into his second phase.

Here we go. He’s spawning in little extra-pillager friends to help, to- He’ll take me down! Uh-oh. Huh, huh, huh. Oh, jeez, that was so much health. He-ah! He-ah! He-ah! Uh-oh. Oh, my gosh! Ow! Alright, I’m just gonna shoot at him from this distance. I’m gonna just keep going from way over here.

These arrows are homing arrows, so that’s super helpful. Oh boy. Oh boy, here he comes. These attacks are absolutely wild. He’s- he’s stuck there. Alright, take some damage, boy! Ha-ha! Ha-ha! Ha-ha! No, sir. No, sir. Oh, jeez! Oh, jeez! Oh, I was not watching my health. Okay, well, I’m glad I grabbed those

Lives earlier. Okay! Ha-ha-ha! Alright, I don’t have any more lives, actually. That was the only one. Take that. Oh, no. Okay, I gotta go. Huh, excuse me! Huh-ha! Get out of here, that’s right. Oh, I’m dragged right in the fire! Oh, he’s right there! Ha-ha-ha! Okay, alright, that’s so much

Fire. Get out of here, man! Ah-ha-ha-ha! He’s launching me! Oh boy. Oh boy. Okay. Okay. Huh! Take that. I’m just gonna tank it. I’m just gonna tank some damage here. I’m just gonna go for it. Oh, no! Maybe this was a mistake. There’s so many guys! There’s so many

Guys! What do I do? I’m going in, I’m going, I got him! Ha-ha-ha-ha! I gotta get out of here, man. Get out of here. Oh my gosh! Whoo! Success! I have some of the best armor in the game, and it was still, like, some of the best, some of the most

Difficult boss fighting I’ve done. That was incredible. You can check out Origin Realms with the IP in the description. You don’t need any mods. Go check it out. But let’s move on to the next boss. Hey. Hey. Hey, what are you doing here? Hey, what are you doing here? Oh, okay. Alright.

Yep, he’s gone. Whaaat? Into this giant coliseum we go. Oh, my word. Going up the stairs. Doop-a-doop-a-doop. Oh. Oh boy. Oh gosh. Okay, I’m being chased down right now. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, hey there man. Oh, okay. Oh, this isn’t even Ignis, this is just another thing. What are you?

Okay, okay, you’re freaking terrifying, dude. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Those shields are not my favorite. Okay, okay, oh, there’s another one. Ooh, ooh, ooh, run away, run away. Ignis is above us, but I wanna take these guys down first because that feels like important.

Okay, okay, take that, take that, take that, take that. Take that, take that, take that. I’m just trying to get in there to just deal some, yes. Yes, burning ashes, excellent. Let me try the axe on him. Actually, that’s a great idea. Oh, that’s way better. I probably should have

Done that at the beginning. Okay, I don’t need this guy, but I’m gonna take him down anyways because now that I know the axe strat, yeah. These are so cool, like they’re so cool looking. That blindness is the worst, ah. All right, cool, so they’re taken down

And that means we can go up here and spawn the actual boss. That’s right, that wasn’t the actual boss. Three, two, one, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Okay, here we go. Here we go. Oh, there is music the music is amazing. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Okay, here we go Okay, I cannot shoot him with arrows. I shouldn’t have even tried. I need this fire resistance That was probably smart. Okay. I need to

Punch the purple one who I know a little bit of how this works I didn’t hit it. Well that went well. Okay. I mean this is bad This is so- this is so bad. I don’t even know how I’m gonna do this I don’t know how to defeat Ignis actually

So this could actually end very badly. I dealt damage I dealt damage to him. Let’s go dude Golded Apple. Golden Apple. The music is still going it’s fine. Oh, no, it’s gone. Okay. Uh-oh. Oh no, you can’t escape Yeah. Yeah, but I can block that’s right. I’m stuck. I’m in the

Air. I’m stuck in the air Aha, this is working against you. Haha. Haha. This is okay. Wait. Oh, he’s blue now. Why is he blue now? I need to move. I need to go. I can’t escape still. I’m not supposed to be in the air.

I’m just this is gonna be this is it. I’m gonna defeat him like this somehow Or not. Maybe he’s gonna still defeat me. I glitched it. This is it. This isn’t legit, right? Look at that health bar Oh boy. HOOOOOO! Ah. That’s lava. Still good still good. My

Shield is like dying take that damage take it take the damage. That’s right That’s right. That’s right. That’s right. That’s right. First try no death zero deaths. I’m just them just amazing Ignitium ingot Ignitium I don’t know how to say things sure would be a shame if there was

Another one that suddenly appeared and Did that I oh I’m in the lav- I’m gonna get him this time We’re gonna get him without cheesing it this time. We’re gonna do it. We’re gonna do it first try zero deaths zero problem right now No problems at all. Note to self:

I am not good enough to do this. I’m not- I don’t know what I’m doing Those are terrifying That’s right. That’s right. Ow, he hits you with the shield and then everything hurts. Ah My shield broke. There is- I can’t do it anymore. I can’t- This is just pain

I’m in the- I’m in the wall. I’m in the wall. Take that My conjurer hat is gone. Strength does nothing strength does nothing to this g- Who’s ready for the next mod? Okay, so this is what we’re looking for but we need to find a couple creatures first and that is

What are the creatures we need. We need to gather ourselves eight heavy bones and a an amber curiosity I think is what they’re called. I don’t know. Oh good. There’s two of them here I don’t remember exactly what they’re called, but we need to grab them because

We need to make the thing to spawn the boss. These guys are fighting back. This is this is rough Ow, come here. Come on. Come on. This guy will not there we go. There we go. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay Okie doke. Oh, hey, there’s another guy that we need right here

Excellent. Excellent. I’m gonna just run over here. I’m just gonna we’re just gonna do this So heavy bones obviously drop from these big bird creatures, but the they also drop from a mini boss I’m gonna try to take it down. I don’t know if I can though. There it is.

There’s the dinosaur we need This is this is the guy it’s like a t-rex, but I don’t think that’s what it’s called I don’t remember what it’s called Oh Guess I wasn’t the first one to attack him, I guess there was a little bit more damage being dealt out, but that’s fine

We’ve got the bones that we need We’ve got all eight of them And… we’re gonna… We’re gonna go we gotta we We gotta- we gotta get some of that. Just gonna… build up a bit. And then our goal is to mine things hopefully to get one Hopefully we get it put

Your guesses in the chat How long do you think it’s gonna take for us to get an amber curiosity? How long… On average does archaeological digging take before you actually discover something useful- Amber curiosity surrounded by eight heavy bones gives us the ominous Catalyst suspicious looking item it sure

Is suspicious and you know what it does Volcano. Alright, now- I’m already on fire. We’re scaling this volcano. Here we go. Alright. Here we go. Here we are on top of a volcano And all we need to do is Yeet Boop oh boy. Oh boy here we go. Oh boy there he is.

There’s the guy. This is the Luxtructosaurus I’m in the lava Where did he go? He wandered this way. There he is! There he is! Yeet! Oh my gosh, I can shoot him with a bow, thank goodness. Does it deal damage? It deals a little bit of damage. Oh my word, the sounds!

Oh gosh, oh jeez, there’s giant meteors fallin- Woah, there’s fissures in the ground, bro! Just gonna shoot him with arrows from a distance. And hope that I can actually take some damage down here. We’re dealing a little bit of- Uh oh. OOH! AHHH! Hey man, hey, we can talk about this,

Alright? Okay. We can talk about this. I’m just gonna deal a bunch of damage with a sword. OOOOH! OOOOokay. OOOOH! My water! My water! Water, I got water! I got water! He’s turning it into stone. This guy’s crazy! This guy’s crazy! He’s got like, fire! He just jumps at ya, that’s insane!

Okay, taking just this damage like this, we’re just gonna deal some damage here. Good damage, taking some heavy damage off of the bar. I’m still in this magma. Okay, this is kind of working. This is kind of working. The bow and arrow strat is- I’M BACK IN THE FREAKING MAGMA!

I just- I’m just gonna accept that I’m gonna be in the magma forever. OOOOH! OOOOH! Okay, we’re out of the magma, so that’s a plus. Alright, yay! No magma, I love not being in the magma. This is one of the most intense, ridiculous boss fights, cause he’s just got so much health.

There’s so much falling from the sky! We’re so close, though. Come down here, gimme- let me deal some damage. Yep, that’s right, that’s right, that’s right, that’s right. Dealing the damage, dealing some damage. Oh my gosh, he just keeps doing this. Okay, okay, okay. This area over here looks generally pretty alright.

In theory, he should follow me over here, and then we don’t have to deal with as much magma. Stay behind that tree, that was weird, not being able to see the fire. Oh boy. Okay, we can do this, we’re so close, we’re so close. Come on! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.

There! Yes! We did it! And then he fades away. That was wild. That was so much- look, the world is fine. That was a good one. Let’s go find some of the giant dinosaurs. Okay, so in theory, we can feed it the salad, right? So we’re allowed to We can do this?

Take this. Oh! Oh! Oh, that’s cool! Excellent. Very cool, we gotta move on. Next up, we have the Aether bosses but I’m sick. I got really sick over this week, so I’m getting someone with more energy than I’ve ever had in my entire life. Hey, what- I saw a cloud.

Funny you should mention clouds, because that’s where we’re going. – Where are we going? – We’re going to the Aether! Grab all your stuff. – Oh my god, this is amazing! – You’re gonna need it. – Oh, I got gloves? You ever seen Rocky Balboa? Wha-pow!

He’s got a sword! He’s got a sword! I mean, I wasn’t holding a sword, but yeah! Okay. It’s rude. Alright, so how do we do the- how do we do the Nether? So we have to build an Aether portal. Do you know how to build an Aether portal? No. Oh no. Whoa!

I had an item that spawns it in. Dude, why does a sheep look like this? Hold on. Whoa. He’s seen some things, man. What the heck is a golden parachute? Oh, I got one too. And a book of lore. Ooooh! What’s the lore? Oh, oh, you said- what’s that thing?

The best parachute in the Aether. It has 20 uses and is made with golden aero clouds. Okay, cool. That’s pretty neat. There’s a whale? There’s a whale? What the heck? The most majestic creature of the sky. The sky whale. And you see the wild whale in its natural habitat. Not a sea whale.

How do I use the parachute? Wait, knarf, wait. Goodbye. Are you ready? I’m ready. I’m ready. Oh, is this it? Here we go. So, I’m gonna have you open all these chests. Cool. Ooooh, I’m taking the pickaxe. Enchanted darts and golden darts? Wow. What is that? What is this?

Uhh don’t touch it yet. Do you know what it is? Sweat cape. Sweat cape? You got a sweat cape? Knarfy. I’ve- oh, hold on. What the heck? Okay. What was that? Before my bit was so rudely interrupted. I know I’ve got Katie and you’ve got SystemZee, but uh,

Alright, so what are we doing? So, come in here. Come in here. Nothing could possibly go wrong. Nothing could possibly go wrong. Stare at the cube. It’s the cube, Coolment. It’s the cube. I don’t like the cube. [Grunts] WOOOAHHH!! So this is Tyennalgaynene the slider. Perhaps I need

A pickaxe. Oh my god. Oh my god Get him get him make him feel bad Keep keep smacking him the cool thing about this guy is that he only ow he only takes damage from pickaxes take tha- ow Oh god The hit sounds are so good. Yeah, it’s like a BFFFT.

It sounds like a Rocky Balboa movie. Speaking of Rocky OW. I’m gonna punch him with my fist. Hah! Hiyah! With my boxing gloves I don’t think that’s working Speaking of rock can you smell what the rock is cooking, Rock bottom. Rock bottom. Taking all sorts of da- Oh he’s angry. He’s hurt me.

He’s subscribing to Twitch Prime. He’s subscribing to Twitch Prime. Help me! Help! I don’t think he liked that. I don’t think he liked that. He’s a Jeffrey Bezos stan. Come here you son of a gun Hey I got a key. Got unlock it unlock it with the bronze

Key. No, no listen to music Isn’t that stealing? Oh, I’m taking those pants cloud staff Zanite Ring century boots. Yo, you like my blue pants Hold on. Hold on. I’ve got a cloud staff Whoa, they’ve got little smiley faces. I can’t see them. Are these my sons. Did I just have two boys?

They’re amazing. My children. This one’s name is Thomas and this one’s name is Martha. Thomas and Martha Yeah, like Batman’s parents. They’re gonna die. Uh, where to buckaroo? Out. Come on my cloud children. Look at this. Hey man when pigs fly What he did it he did it he did the thing. Fly.

Anyways, I’m going up to this mansion to talk to Jeff Bezos himself. You really like that joke This is a Valkyrie say hi, uh-huh. Say hey lady be nice be nice. How you doing? Oh! Yeah, so the Valkyries are cool. We need to murder ten of them That just feels mean.

All right. Oh! Back! Attack. No if you attack this is where the epic battle music. Oh, they fly Oh, they fly. Oh, they fly. Oh, I’m fighting two at once. Oh, this was mistake. Oh, I’m fighting two at once Oh, oh my god. I’m dying. I’m dying. I’m dying.

I’m doing great. I’m doing- I’m thriving. They can fly now Where did they go? Right there. Oh, dude. They take so much damage Oh got him, what did I get Valkyrie metal? Okay, so we need ten of those Uh oh She’s attacking. She’s attacking. Fight her Uh oh. Helping I’m helping.

Oh, what is happening? Gotem. Let’s go!! Mine faster. Oh, hey here Knarfy Where are you? I’m upstairs. Hold on. Oh Valkyrie music this how many victory medals you have by the way, not enough. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god killed him kill them if you fight back, oh Oh my god.

Alright, I’ve got nine. I have two Beautiful, that’s all we need. Good work team Now, why do we need these medals? Well, if Well, if you’ll just keep coming up here… So we need to find the throne room I don’t know where the throne room is.

Uh, oh, oh, I think I might I just found a double down staircase I found it. Wait, where I’m channeling my energy to teleport. Teleport me. Oh, man. I love my ability. Hey you valkyrie queen Skofjdudul, the Valkyrie Queen. What could you tell me about this place? This is a sanctuary for

Us Valkyries who seek rest. I wish to fight you. Very well then, bring me 10 medals for my support as you move your way, then we’ll see. I’m ready, I have the medals right here. Now then, let’s begin. – Okay. – Let’s begin. She seems very nice. – Oh, yeah.

– Here she bounced the arrow. – Oh no. She doesn’t know I played Minecraft PvP Legacy She doesn’t even know. – That’s right, I’m totally, I’m totally, I’m gonna die. Oh, there’s a ball. – Yeah, it’s my cloud burst. – No, this thing. What’s that thing?

– Hit her with it, hit her with it. – Oh. – She’s chasing me, she’s chasing me. She’s chasing me, Knarfy, help. – I’m trying. Where’s the ball, there’s the ball. – I’m coming, I’m coming. Hit her, hit her. Take her down. – Oh my God, that sword does so much damage.

– Yeah, oh my God. – She’s almost there. – Oh. Did it all by myself. No help whatsoever, let’s go. I kinda wanna see the loot without you first. – What the heck, man? – Whoa. – I fell in. – Whoa. – Gravity help. – Valkyrie boots, let’s go.

– All right, let’s get out of here. – First though, I wanna try the jukebox. -Ayo, you come here often, baby? – Oh. So what are we doing here? – We’re going in. – What is this? You are certainly a brave soul to have entered this chamber. Begone, human! You serve no purpose here. Your presence annoys me. Do you not fear my burning aura? I have nothing to offer you, fool. Leave me at peace.

Perhaps you are ignorant. Do you wish to know who I am? I am the sun spirit, embodiment of the aether’s eternal daylight. As long as I am alive, the sun will never set on this world. You wish to challenge the might of the sun? Are you mad?

Do not further insult me with your, or you will feel my wrath. As you wish, your death will be slow and agonizing. Why are you hitting that on me when I’m talking to the sun god? Ow! He’s burning me! I’m on fire! Can I hit him with lightning? Lightning! Lightning!

He’s kicking your butt. Oh, ice ball! Ice ball! I got it! Yes! Get lightning boy! Lightning, lightning sword! That does so much damage! Oh, ice ball! I missed! Ice ball? I missed! Oh no! I couldn’t get behind it in time. You should put out the fire that’s down. Ow!

Oh my god, it doesn’t matter. I got him! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Lightning! Lightning! Lightning! Oh, ice ball! Dang it, you jumped in front of me! Bro got smi- Awwww I done smote that dude. Ice ball! Ice ball! Ice ball! Ice ball! Get it!

Yeah! Good shot! Ice ball. Ice Ball. Ice ball. Ice ball. Ice Ball. Ice ball. Okay. Oh it bounces off the walls. Ice ball. Lightning. Wait no, Knarfy, the ice ball! LIGHTNING!! Ice ball. Ice Ball. Ice ball. Ice ball. Ice Ball. Ice ball. Dang it, Knarfy. It hit me. ICE BALL! ICE BALL!

I will get it, third try’s the charm- wow… Ice ball. Ice Ball. Ice ball. Ice ball. Ice Ball. Ice ball. Ice ball. Ice Ball. Ice ball. Ice ball. Knarfy, Ice Ball. Ice ball. Ice ball. Ice Ball. Ice ball. Get him. Oh ice ball. You got it, you got it, ow.

Oh I missed. I missed! Another ice ball! One HP ice ball, huh? Yeah! A sun altar? Let’s see what’s inside what’s inside? Final chest. This is so cool. Vampire blade? Phoenix boots. Pig slayer? Ice ring. Healing stone. I want to try this pig slayer real quick before we yeah

Yeah, I also have a sun altar. Use to control the looking at day. I don’t think we can do that up here or maybe we can time Woooooah Woooooah Help! Knarfy! I wanna try this pig sword real quick to fight the pig. Pig in sight! Die pig, woah that just- This kills pigs like nobody’s business. No way. You know what I have to say to your pig sword? What? LIGHTNING BOLT! LIGHTNING! Okay, so after a ton of research, a lot

Of testing, and a little bit of courage, I think we’re gonna do this. This is Crackers with a Storm Mod, and it is probably the ultimate boss fight. We start out with this abandoned house. I’m just gonna…can I get in somewhere? Oh, door, hey! Anything in here? There’s a book and Quill.

Day 47. I’m lost in the wilderness with no hope of survival. If you see this, I’m probably already halfway. To Mexico. That’s right. I’m going to Mexico. Why? I don’t know. I also can’t write. Who am I? Done. All right, cool. Gonna just leave that in there.

All right, just gonna climb up on the roof, head on up here, and we’re gonna take this skull and just place it… Oh, spooky scary skeleton. Place it right here. And now I run. Run away! So this is the Wither Storm, and this is just the first phase of it.

There are, in total, I think seven phases. This takes an incredibly long time, but you guys won’t have to watch all of that. I’m just gonna…I’m gonna make it easy for you to watch. During these initial phases, the best thing that I can go do is gear up.

But as you can tell, I’ve already geared up and I’m ready to go. I’ve also got something like a purple shulker box full of useful items. And I should be pretty set with this fight, but I’m also not sure. As you can see, there he goes. He’s wandering off.

I’ve also got this handy dandy telescope that tells me what phase it’s in. The ultimate target… Hello, face! His ultimate target, the direction it’s going, the phase progress and all that. I want to see in this current phase if I can actually damage him. Oh, yeah! Oh boy, oh boy.

Now he’s gonna right for me. Oh, okay. Oh, okay. Oh, okay. So you can deal damage, but it doesn’t really do much. It just kind of makes him angry at you. Okay, okay. all right. I’m running away. I’m gonna load an ender pearl onto this crossbow because that’s a thing that you

Can do in this mod and launch away. Run! Uhhh… Okay. So I guess, I guess we got to wait for the next few phases. What the heck? There’s frogs in the dark oak. What is that? Normal? I don’t know if that’s a normal thing. All right. He’s loading in.

He’s currently at phase one. No longer phase zero. He’s now at phase one. Oh, oh, oh. There it goes off into the sunset. [plane sounds] Where is it going? Where is it going? Anyways, that’s phase one. We’re getting a little beefed up. Tiny bit beefed. And we’re just going to wait around.

He’s going to slowly get more and more menacing. Look at the number of blocks that he’s just absorbing. Like that’s absolutely absurd. Gosh, that’s so cool though. It’s such a neat look. Oh boy. Here we go. We’re in phase three. It’s getting insane. Oh geez. Oh geez. That’s the result of a

Command I did earlier. Oh geez. That’s a little bit more natural. That’s a little more normal. It’s kind of cool though. Oh, the sounds, the sounds are crazy. This sounds are crazy. And there’s still not much I can really do. I can still shoot him with a bow and

He’ll just get mad at me. Oh, oh, oh. We picked me up. Oh, I picked me up. Oh, I can deal some damage to him. Wow. Wait, maybe I could kill him in this state. Maybe I could kill him in this state. Maybe I could kill him like this. Okay, maybe not.

Maybe, maybe I can’t. Maybe I should, maybe I should move. Maybe I should go. I’m going to go. I’m going to go. See ya. Oh boy. Oh boy. I’m going to move. See ya. Bye, buh bye. Okay. I think, I think we survived. I’m a little bit purple, but we’re good. We’re good.

We’re good. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. This is where things get a little bit more crazy. Oh, he’s coming towards me. Okay. I’m just gonna, I’m just gonna dip. Oh my gosh. Oh geez. We can’t even see him behind the tree. Oh geez. Oh, there he is.

There’s going to be a lot of moving around I think today. All right. This is phase four. Awesome. Love to see it. It’s still not much I can do. Here we go. Phase five. Phase five. Can I do anything in phase five? I don’t think I can do anything in phase five yet.

Oh no. The piggies. Oh no. The pigs. The pigs. Oh, goodbye pigs. Oh geez. Stop it. Yes. Yes. Okay. Phase five is cool and all, but it gets even crazier. Oh boy. Yep. Welcome to phase six. This, this is where things get a little bit more interesting because I think I need

To fight something now. Currently I’m looking for something. That’s what I’m looking for. The withered symbiont. That’s what I need to find. So as I’m fighting this, the wither storm will probably ignore me because he thinks I can, I’ll be just handled by this guy over here. There he is. There he is.

Okay. This is not a great place to fight him, but I think I’m just going to have to anyways. That’s so many arrows. That’s so many arrows. Geez. Okay. Can I, I need to wait until he has a spot open on his back. You can’t damage him otherwise.

He doesn’t take any damage unless it’s his weak spot is exposed. This is such a bad place to be fighting him. Okay. Let me access the weak spot. Let me in. Oh geez. Oh, there’s withered dudes. Oh geez. Oh no. Yes. Weak spot. I got him once. Okay. Okay.

I got him once there. That’s, that’s good. That’s good. That’s a step in the right direction. I brought a smite axe with me for this reason. Why am I fighting everything on a mountain? Why did I choose to do this on a mountain? Okay. I need you to be able

To take damage please. Withered symbiote fight is one of the most tedious fights. I am not very good at this game. So you really need to prep for this. I feel like even if I was really good at Minecraft, this would still be really difficult. Uh oh. Get out of here bro. There.

There. There. He took a bit of damage. Okay. I want to move over here to a place where I can actually like damage him effectively. Can I deal some damage please? Will you let me deal some damage please? Please let me deal some damage. You want me to deal some damage though?

Can I ignore them? Yes. Yes. Yes. Okay. I dealt a good amount. He’s at half health. This is good. I’m sure you can see by now why this takes ages to get done. And I have like the best gear in the game. So this is quite a bit. Let me at him.

Let me at him. Let me at him. Let me at him. Yes. Yes. Oh he’s so close to dying. So many, so many wither skulls. So many wither skulls. So many wither skulls. Why? Why are there so many? Okay. Let me hit you one more time please. Okay. Okay. He summoned guys.

He summoned guys. Can I? Can I get some damage in here? Can I get this final hit? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. That’s what we needed. That’s what we needed. He’s got his little death animation here. Oh, I think he’s might, he might explode. He might explode. Uh, oh, I think we’re good.

Oh, that’s what I’m looking for. That’s what I need. This is the recipe that we need. This is the command block book. Can I get that please? Got it. Got it. Enchanted command block book. All right. Cool. I need to dip. I need to

Get as far away as I can so I can build something very important. He’s still following me. He’s still following me. He’s still following me. Oh my gosh. That is wild. Okay. But that’s not what’s important right now. What’s important right now is crafting some crazy stuff.

First, we need super TNT, uh, which includes the enchanted command block. Super TNT. Perfect. And now I need to figure out how to craft a formidable. Permit a bomb. Super TNT, blaze powder, and gunpowder. Okay. Uh, blaze powder. And formidibomb. Boom. Perfect. This is what we need. 600 seconds until detonation.

Uh, that could be a problem. I need to, I need to, I need to run. Actually, I don’t need to run. I need to place this. Here I go. Here I go. We’re going in. We’re going in. I got to put this kind of generally underneath him, I think. So this goes here.

Sure. That works. Light it. Run. I got to run. I got to go. I got to get as far away from that thing as I possibly can because this is going to get crazy. All right. So the formidibomb is somewhere over there and it’s, oh geez. Oh, my screen. Look at my hands.

What the heck? The screen of the wall. Okay. The bomb is over here somewhere. There. There it is. There it is. He’s picking it up. It’s going in. Oh, geez. I still feel too close. I feel like I need to run. There it is. He’s picking it up. It’s going. It’s going.

This is perfect. This is exactly what I wanted from you. Here it goes. It’s going to explode. Oh, oh no. Oh, my gosh. Look at that. Oh, geez. Oh, geez. Uh oh. Okay. Uhhh… And now I’m dead. I’m fully just dead now. Oh, just kidding. Hey, I’m back. Good morning. Oh, dude.

That was crazy. That was freaking wild. Okay. Okay. That’s okay. That’s where we need to go. Look at this guy. What the heck? What are those? I’m going to jump up on here onto this tentacle, this squishy tentacle, apparently. And this command block is the source of all our problems.

I just need to take it down. I just need to. Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. Okay, run. Okay. Okay. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I didn’t mean to. Is this a new phase? We’re at phase six. Were we in phase- I don’t know, but this

Is going to get crazy. This phase means that he spawns another one of those symbiote guys. There he is. There it is. We got to take him out. Oh, geez. Hey, buddy. I need my shield. And we got to take this guy out. But you’ve already seen this, so we’re

Just going to kind of skip through this part. It’s raining. Why is it raining? No. All right. Rainy withered symbiote fight. Here we go. Yeah. Yes. I got him. I got him. I got him. Okay. This is the second thing that we need. Another command block book. He’s got to do his

Little death dance, though. There it is. The second command block book. All right. I got it. Okay. All right. Next thing we need is a command block tool. So… Oh, I can’t. I need an anvil. That’s why. We’ll go ahead and take this diamond pickaxe, put an enchanted command block book in there,

And we’ll get a command block pickaxe. Excellent. Every cloud has a silver lining. I don’t know what that means, but I guess so. And here we are in the final phase of the Wither Storm, phase seven. He is clearly way more destructive. There’s three heads on every little piece of him there.

And, uh, uh, yeah, he picks me up really quickly. Oh, boy. Okay. And now comes the long, arduous process of waiting for the portal to open. You can also see I’m getting a little… Feeling a little… A little under the weather. But it’s fine. I’ll be able to survive.

There’s another item that I can craft to fix the sickness. Oh, my gosh. This guy’s fast, too. He is so, so quick now. He’s gonna fall… Look at… Look at how fast he’s following me. Look at… Look at that. Look at that. Look how quick he’s coming. I need the golden apple stew.

I need suspicious stews. I don’t know how to make suspicious stews. Man, this takes a long time. This is such a long and arduous and tedious process. But we’re gonna make it. We’re almost there. Jeez, that’s so… It’s so intimidating. I need some small flowers. There’s some right there, but I don’t…

I don’t have those. I need… I need more. I need different ones. Please sheep, flowers? Oh, my gosh. They’re all running from the witherstorm. That’s actually kind of insane. I’ll run with you. I’m running away. The wolf is also running from the witherstorm. I need… I need small flowers. Where are small flowers?

There are no small flowers. There! There! Small flower. Small flower. Small flower. Excellent. Okay. Suspicious stews. Suspicious stews. Got it. Got it. Okay. Okay. Okay. Golden apple stew. Boom. Okay. Suspicious stew. Boom. Got it. Okay. That’s what I needed. That’s what I needed. Oh, my gosh. There’s a panda. Hey, panda.

How’s it going? How’s it going, panda? Even the zombie is running away from the witherstorm. That’s freaking wild. Okay. I need to eat this. All right. Okay. Now, I’m pretty ready. I’m pretty ready for this. All right. Okay. So, this is the second to last phase. We need to wait for the

Portal to open up in his forehead. I know it’s a little odd, but that’s what we need to do. Here we go. Here we go. Okay. Portal. Open. Here we go. Okay. I gotta… I gotta run away. Actually, wait. No, I don’t need to run away. I actually need to get in there.

This is the point where it gets crazier. We’re going in. Launch. Did I make it? Oh, not quite. Oh, I did. Oh, I did. Oh, boy. Here we go. The belly of the beast. I’m in. I need to get rid of these spawners. Oh, jeez. Oh, the sounds are insane.

So, beds don’t work on the inside of the witherstorm, but respawn anchors do. So, I have a respawn anchor here, and I’m going to place this down when I find what I need to find. Although, I do need to find the thing first. This is wild. This is spooky, bro. It’s so dark.

It’s just so dark. Here we go. This is where I need to be. This is the area. There it is. That’s where I need to be. All right. Doing that. Going to place some glowstone along the path. Getting to this area. There we go. Okay. This is the area. This is the moment.

This is where we take down the witherstorm once and for all. All right, command block. We meet once again. HIYAH! Oh, boy. Okay. I got to move. Oh, jeez. It moved before me. Okay. All right. Here we go. This is where things get interesting. There’s going to be a lot of

Stuff that I need to fight. I’m going to use this smite axe to my advantage. Here we go. All right. All I need to do now is defeat all these mobs, which sounds pretty straightforward. But there’s a few of them. And there’s chickens. Ah! There’s a chicken. All of them have so much

More health than regular mobs. Thankfully, the smite still works. I should really light up this entire battle area. This will be better. Now I can see where all the mobs are going to be. Okay. Is that it? Do I– I guess I just need to jump up here and get this again, right?

Oh, the tentacles didn’t like that. Okay. I guess not yet. Got it. Got it. Got it. Okay. The tentacles didn’t quite limit me from that. Okay, great. Excellent. We’re good. We’re good. We’re good. Command block is at half health. Let’s go. Another chicken. Mooshroom? RIP mooshroom. Oh, geez. Oh, geez. Oh, gosh.

There’s a way there should be a– Okay. Okay. Okay. I feel like I should take out the rest of these guys first. Oh. Oh, the tentacles. They picked me up now. Oh, no. I’m going to destroy it. I’m going to take it down. I’m going to take it down. Okay. You got him.

It’s dead. It’s dead. It’s dead. Oh, geez. I need to not do that. Okay. Chicken. Chicken. No. No. Give me the chicken. There’s a phantom? Where’s the phantom? Phantoms. Okay. Oh, my gosh. That was so much damage. Okay. He’s almost down already. Oh, my word. That was insane. Oh, geez.

Now he’s following me. Now he’s following me. Now he’s following me. Oh, geez. The arrows. Woo. He’s down. He’s down. He’s down. He’s down. He’s down. He’s down. Yeet. Oh, yes. Okay. All right. Does that mean I can get up to the thing now? Come on. Come on. Let me in.

Lemme at em– Yes. Got it. Ooh. Okay. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Okay. This might be the final one. Oh, geez. Hello. Oh no. The heads are awake! Oh he’s down! Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. I got to really just take out all these mobs first.

I got to take out all these random mobs that are just making my life difficult. Dude, the bow is huge. The bow is so helpful. Okay. I need to take out this other head. Yes. Okay. Can I get up there? Can I do this? Is this the final shot?

I think this might be the final shot that I need. Oh, no. No. Oh, no. Oh, shoot. Oh, geez. Whoo. I need to get in there somehow. Ummm… I’m going to perform a trick maneuver. Here we go. Yeet. And now I have this. Oh, no. Wait. Oh, no. Wait. I’m not– Wait.

I’m outside the wither storm now. Wait. That’s not what I meant to do. Oh, no. Uh-oh. Okay, wait. I need to run. Okay, wait. I still haven’t defeated it yet. I need to get back in there. I need to get back in. Wait. I didn’t mean to fall. Trick maneuver didn’t work

Out in my favor, I guess. And I’m going to launch to there. Oh, I’m in. All right. I’m back in. Here we go. I need one more hit. I’m going to try this maneuver again because it went so well the first time. We’re going to try the maneuver again. I can do this.

I can do this. I can do this. Yeet. Boom. Got it. Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh, my gosh. Wait. Whoa. Okay. Hello. Whoa. Whoa. Earth landing everywhere. Okay. Okay. Okay. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Oh, my gosh. Wow. Wow. It’s gone. It’s so quiet. Oh, my gosh. It’s so quiet. Wow. Why is it so quiet?

Jeez, I’ve been listening to WitherStorm sounds for so long. One story ends, another begins. The Withered Nether Star. That’s pretty cool. Nice. Okay. Wait, does this unlock anything? Ah, yep. That’s the one. Very cool. Very nice. Wow. Wow. That was the first time I’ve actually legitimately gone through the whole process.

And wow, that was legitimately really cool. So nice. I would probably say that that is kind of the ultimate boss fight like that. It’s even crazier than the Ender Dragon, obviously, but I think it’s probably crazier than any other thing we showed in this video. So with that, leave a comment down below

And tell me which one was your favorite. I’ll see you next time. Bye. Oh, it takes a while to explode, I guess. Well, hey, I mean… Hey if you watched this entire video with subtitles, you’re my favorite ever 🙂 (They took a long time) – Subtitle Knarfy <3

Minecraft has a total of maybe 5 bosses in the game. Only 2 of which are real bosses with a boss bar. So today, I defeated as many Minecraft bosses as I could.
Mojang, take some notes on these!

🔥 Sponsored by Apex Gaming PCs! Head to their website to check out the new 30% lower pricing structure!
► https://apexpartner.app/redirect/Knarfy

*Bosses Showcased in this Video:*
► Ultris Boss Expansion: https://modrinth.com/datapack/ultris
► The Conjurer: https://modrinth.com/mod/the-conjurer
► Origin Realms: https://originrealms.com (IP: play.originrealms.com)
► Ignis (L_Ender’s Cataclysm): https://modrinth.com/mod/l_enders-cataclysm(cataclysm)
► Aether: https://modrinth.com/mod/aether
► Alex’s Caves: https://modrinth.com/mod/alexs-caves
► Wither Storm: https://modrinth.com/mod/crackers-wither-storm-mod

Bonus Mods with Cool Bosses!
_(We ran out of time and couldn’t include these)_
► Twilight Forest: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-twilight-forest
► The Graveyard: https://modrinth.com/mod/the-graveyard-fabric
► Betweenlands: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/angry-pixel-the-betweenlands-mod
► AdventureZ: https://modrinth.com/mod/adventurez

Thank you @Coolment for having energy!

Edited by Eddie
Finalized by Knarfy

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#knarfy #minecraft #bossfight


  1. I love the Star Wars reference!
    Knarfy: Why is he spinning so much?
    Editor: That’s a good trick!
    Anakin Skywalker: I’ll try spinning, that’s a good trick!
    True Star Wars fans will understand.

  2. Hey Knarfy, I have a quick question. So i know you use the Essential mod, BUT, in some videos, you add more mods other than the Essential mod. So, can you tell me how exactly you add more resource/texture/mod packs to the game including Essential?

    Also congrats on 700k!! 🥳

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