The ULTIMATE Guide to Multiplayer in Stardew Valley

Congratulations you have friends this means you can partake in a rare form of play called co-op in this mode you can play together in the same world dividing up the tasks amongst the two to four of you for convenience or you could compete to see who is the best farmer of the

Group but how do you set all of this up no worries we’ve got you covered multiplayer in stardy Valley is weird a lot of elements from single player had to be changed to fit in a multiplayer world and it can be difficult to adjust or plan anything out

If you don’t know anything going into it so I’m going to go over everything from settings and gameplay changes to even multiplayer exclusive glitches so that you can be a buddy pilled friend maxer when you drop into multiplayer with your friends before we get too into it I need

To make this clear mobile does not have multiplayer it was never plann to have multiplayer and unless something changes in the future it will not have multiplayer and I would love to eat my words on this it’s uh also not available on PS vaita sorry if you’re playing on

Console or PC though you can play with up to four players and with the release of version 1.6 eight players on PC technically on PC there never was a limit to how many players you could have there’s a value in the preferences file that you can change to be as high as you

Want raising the limit for player counts almost indefinitely or at least as high as the game can handle but now it’s official if you want to play locally this game has split screen a feature that’s unfortunately become very rare nowadays to start split screen you need

A second cabin on the farm either by building one at Robins or starting with one which I’ll go over in a second then go to your options scroll all the way down and select local co-op when creating a game for multiplayer you’ll either be a host or a farmand the host

Is the person that sets up the file and is generally considered the main character once you’re in game the host also has the ability to play on the file on their own if they want whereas the farm hands can only play If The Host is on when creating the file there’s a few

Multiplayer specific options to go through first do you want the extra cabins to be close to the main Farmhouse or separated by choosing close the cabins will all either be to the left or directly below The Farmhouse by choosing separate each map has predetermined spots that the cabins

Will appear in and I’ll show all of them on screen right now once you get started you can always move any of the buildings at Robin’s Place giv you clear out of space for them the second multiplayer option is for your wallet you can either have one

Collective pool of money to add or take from or separate wallets for each player if you choose separate wallets the person who physically buys sells or places an item in the shipping bin will be the one to have their wallet affected all players can use the same shipping

Bin and the game will still keep track of who put in what the third option while it’s not multiplayer exclusive does have some use it’s the profit margin by changing this you’ll make less money from selling items some players choose to do this on multiplayer Farms to balance out being more productive

From having more players at once the game already balances having a lot of players a little bit because everyone needs to buy their own backpack upgrades and get their own tool upgrades and stuff like that but this can add a little extra challenge everything else will be identical to setting up a file

In single player once you start the game anyone on your friends list will be able to see your game and join it alternatively if you’re on PC you’ll get a code in your chat box anyone who uses this code on the join menu will be able

To join your game the reason this code exists is for anyone who doesn’t have the game on Steam and so doesn’t have a friends list to pull from after joining the new players will create their character and be assigned to one of the empty cabins now in setting up a file

Between consoles and PC there’s a couple of small differences on PC it is possible for the host to have both a split screen player and an online player on the file arm and if you’re on Nintendo switch you can only have two players in split screen at one time as

Opposed to four and unfortunately there is no crossplatform play playing in a multiplayer game has a few differences from single player as well the first thing you’ll notice is that time isn’t stopping when you pause while you’re fishing or really at all time is always flowing unless the host uses the SL

Pause command or if you’re in a festival this on its own kind of already balances out the progress of having multiple people make making money since your days are going to be much shorter another major difference is going to bed first of all if you ever want to activate an

Event that exists outside of regular time like going to bed or entering a festival all players need to be ready to do it the only other instance where all players need to agree before progressing is either buying the JoJo membership or completing the community center but

Going back to beds if you just sit in bed you’ll gradually gain energy it’s not super fast but it guarantees that you’re not stuck doing nothing for the whole day because your buddy who has a full energy bar still wants to play out the rest of the day once you’re in the

Multiplayer World playing with other people you can either choose to do things together or do things completely separate it’s up to you and there’s no limitations I will say that it’s nice to have a lot of people work on doing the early chores on the farm together you

Can water a huge field in no time at all and save a lot of energy amongst all of you it’s also a lot easier to work your way through the mind since if someone finds a staircase everyone finds a stair case and if someone has to leave the

Mines to go and restock supplies as long as one person stays in there it won’t get randomized again here is a quick list of everything that’s shared between all players your Farmland the Community Center progress Museum collection the Friendship Boost from completing the bulletin board bundles the Friendship

Boost from the lual although note that all players must add something to the soup and it will actually take the result of the worst item elevator checkpoints in the mines daily luck which which actually gets averaged out between all players individual lucks and golden Walnut progress pretty much everything else is individual experience

Is only granted to the player that performs the action you’ll need to build relationships yourself and you’ll even have your own set of seven star drops to collect speaking of star drops there is one item that’s exclusive to multiplayer the wedding ring this is a craftable recipe bought from the traveling cart it

Allows you to marry the other players and at the trade-off of not having to gain friendship with other players it’s a very expensive recipe needing five aridium bars and one Prismatic Shard to craft but if you do choose to marry each other you’ll both immediately get the

Marriage star drop the next day no need to reach 13 and 1 12 Hearts if you do choose to marry an NPC it’ll work the same as usual just note that if you see the 14 heart cut scene for someone nobody else will be able to see that

Cutscene which Yes means that you cannot get all of the furniture exclusive to to the three different choices in Penny’s 14 heart cutscene now for what you really want to know about multiplayer exploits of course feel free to use them if you want I won’t judge first is duplication of well just about

Everything there’s a little bit of desync between you doing something and the game registering that you did something in multiplayer which means if both you and another player do the same thing at the same time the game will think both of you did it you need a lot

Of wood both of you cut down a tree the same time double the wood you can just straight up duplicate items if you place it on a table and pick it up at the same time then there’s a few systems in the game that just doesn’t account for

Multiplayer let’s look at the carpenter real quick when you buy a building it’ll only check to make sure that you have enough money when you select the building but it won’t charge you until you place it so if another player is say oh buying 50 Bean starters at the same

Time placing the building will only cost whatever money you have left you can also use this trick to place two buildings at the same time for the price of one and all these tricks that work with buildings at Robins will also work with animals since it also does the

Check first and then the charge when you place it and finish this off I’ll leave you with a little fun fact if you are a farmand in a multiplayer world there’s a very small chance that you may be toned deaf which means if you try to play the

Piano in Elliott’s house it’ll be slightly Out Of Tune and if you try to play the harp emote it will also be out of tune other than that it has literally no gameplay effects thank you all for watching hopefully you now understand the ins and outs of multiplayer go out

And have a fun and safe time I’ll see you in the next one and good Night

There’s a lot to consider when creating a multiplayer game, so here’s some pointers to ease you into it! We’ll go over everything from setting up the multiplayer file, to some exploits you can only pull off with two people. Don’t stress about the settings too much, they can all be changed once you’re in game!

0:00 – VHS Intro
0:48 – Who can play multiplayer?
1:47 – Setting up a Multiplayer File
4:09 – Differences from Single Player
7:03 – Multiplayer Exploits

Here’s the lofi Stardew Valley music I use a lot:

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  1. Finding friends.. easy….
    Finding friends that are willing to spend $15 on a game that's only PC OR console to play… Not so much

  2. 7:20 A great use for this is the Qi Fruit quest, me and a friend of mine were like 10 Qi Fruits off on the final day, thus we tried farming them at the same time for like 100 fruits. This worked like 1/10 times, but was enough to save the quest for us 😀

  3. There are some disadvantages on multiplayer. I've been playing with my wife and son for the last weeks.
    One instance that is REALLY annoying is that doing the skull cavern is now REALLY hard. Time doesn't stop when you're eating, so you die much easier. Also, the default "knockback" doesn't work as it does on single player. Monsters keep walking to you even after you hit them.

    One other really annoying thing is that when someone is in a cutscene (and even though I know most of them from heart, my wife and 8 year old son don't, so they have to sloooooooowly read everything) time is not paused. You can pass out at 2 AM if you are in a long-ish cutscene.

    There's a mod that will make you invincible while you're eating and also pause when any player is in a cutscene. We've been using that and it removes those annoying problems without making it that much easier.

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