Truffles, FINALLY | Stardew Valley 1.5 Beginner’s Guide LP ๐Ÿš Beach Farm Ep.16

Hello everybody and welcome to a brand new story valley video here on the beach farm today is a good luck day it is also traveling martian day and elliot’s birthday robin is working on our house we’re finally expanding and my goodness uh it’s nice not to have to worry about saving up

Money for next season for four seeds because we’re not gonna be planning anything during winter oh we have a crate and a cockle i am on it did i melt my cows no no no let me just milk these guys give them some bets you’re still a baby aren’t you

Come here still a baby and we share scott our first gold quality goat cheese i’m gonna be saving this one you’ll see why later we have two burgers i need to start picking up grass again maybe i’ll do that here we go oh the apple tree is growing it’s

Finally showing some size of growth i actually think the bok choy is ready wow that was fast okay and we have some regular honey the fairy rose gonna take some time to grow i should use speed grow on it i should have but i didn’t gosh i need to organize this mess

I really do look robin’s gonna finish upgrading our house in this part uh once we have a fridge i’ll be able to have some more storage but i’m actually thinking of maybe start working on some of the pathways for my farm like not the general layout just the crafting area

That i am planning to offer my farm with all chefs organized i want to start working on that because whenever i do my crafting area i like to put signs behind the chest telling us what’s in each chest now that we got special orders there is one item

That can only be obtained by doing one special order that i really like to use on my chest because it’s so pretty so i want to get that done like set up my crafting area because once we finish that quest we’ll never see that item again and i

Want to use it i want to use it so badly so yeah that’s going to happen meanwhile i have no idea where to put this let me take you out i guess let’s save this i need to save one bok choy i’ll plant some some flowers screw it uh i’m gonna save

This one i guess i’m gonna put it right here why not play some music okay great tell you what i’m gonna take the hay out of the coop okay no no no here we go and i’m gonna collect some hay oh i only have this much my animals have been eating and i

Haven’t even noticed like there’s so much grass i don’t understand why they don’t go get it usually they go get it and it’s full i’m gonna go check the traveling merchant i’m actually thinking of maybe putting my pick i think that would be a good idea i mean

Fall is the season to spend we’re making we’re gonna make a lot of cash we gotta spend it somewhere cold or for this much lady charge more than sand clint that would have been good if we have a specialty fish but no but i’m done fishing

Oh my gosh i’m so happy should i get this freak roll nah nah wait we have time yeah i think i’m gonna put in my pick why not by the way i really hope i didn’t miss elliot’s i know he leaves his house because it’s not raining he only stays

Inside his house during fall when it’s raining so we are lucky on that but can i still find him because he has to go back to his house at some point right by the way inviting i do fantastic let’s go maybe it’s at library i don’t know we’ll see oh it’s only five

Thousand more than plenty i thought it was ten thousand okay no this is no no no no no uh l it’s not here oh no he’s not out here either let me check his schedule did i miss him already no no no no no don’t tell me

That i like how when you look up elliot from starter valley the first thing that pops up is pretentious guys you got a chill on all this hate towards elliot is that the dogs here you go buddy four hearts dang my legs are safe from sitting on my riding chair all morning

I got you oh by the way we should head up to the mountain because in the last part we finished up the fish tank at the community center so the juramos removed the glistening boulder at the mountain i’m gonna miss the boulder it was pretty hello willie

It’s odd i’m not sure what caused this boulder to disappear a lot of generals a lot of them the stream is flowing from deep within the mountains oh hey do you see that glistening in water sure do yes that’s quality or i don’t know if i want to fish for oil

Fishing for fish is already bad enough we got a copper pan uh i can upgrade my fit if i want to and wear the copper hat this is a fantastic outfit i’m i’m wearing here um yeah you can wear the copper hat well i’m gonna keep collecting some hay

For my animals but it’s going to be exciting to remove these stones from here because then grass is going to be able to like fully grow and spread around give me a lot of hay and this will be it no boy no don’t tell me that

I don’t want to return the purple shorts i i don’t want to i’ll do it later man how do i not have a recycling machine as of yet that is a real mystery oh whatever i’ll just hold on to it yeah whatever you go plant sunflower seeds and yeah

Maybe i can start working on the pathway leading up to the crafting area boom boom hmm i’m gonna use the stone wall quay path which is a new path that we got with a previous update to the game this one it is so pretty especially here on the beach

Farm uh can i make a sign can i i need to collect wood what is going on here oh i have so little maybe i’ll do that tomorrow okay so our crafting area is going to go on With and here is our crafting area dude you’re i’m focused don’t distract me oh i don’t know if i’m gonna be able to play sign it’s eight tiles wide yeah the sign is supposed to be right here are you serious whatever yeah hold on to these tell what since i

Have so much energy i’m just gonna cut down some trees we’ll get our picks soon the hardwood trees are taking forever to grow maybe i should use some fertilizer on them i think i can make it now yeah i can it’s not too hard to make okay i have

Enough signs for everything that i want uh let me make a few more puffs then great let me see leave me alone so we’re gonna have one sign here two here and then another one here and chefs are gonna be below here we’re gonna have a work table and a deconstructor i think

Right next to it and yeah it’s going to be chest table and one more below yeah it’s gonna be this big i need to destroy you do not bother me i away from the grass please gosh i’m gonna deliver that i’m gonna put the stone away season everything away

And yeah it looks like we’re gonna be holding on to a ton of stuff fortune is bad do not care uh we only have one now i’m sorry buddy oh they grew who needs to craft fertilizer let’s get the hard wood these trees are beautiful i have plenty to use with

Another one farm i got another seed some of them are still growing but like it will grow maybe i should visit the secret woods i’m gonna need a ton of artwood and yet here i am i mean i have plenty but we’re gonna need a ton of hardwood like

Even more than this i don’t have space for this gosh let me get the fiber out some stone not the squid ink put it away i’m gonna make some tree fertilizer over here oh i really fertilize them why are they days so long this is not okay

And now i have even more stuff to carry around with me it’s still baby gosh pigs take forever to grow ah we got some eggplants do i need these i certainly do it’s my inventory full no i still have one slot free great i have so many eggplants and i only

Bought one mind you okay crop seven waters i really don’t have anything to do today we’re cutting down trees right we’re gonna go to the forest just gonna cut down a ton of trees and all the eggs gosh i don’t have space for the eggplants

I really don’t i need to make the mill i really need to i know let me go sell a few things here how long until this is ready i have a neck to dump also some milk okay now the sheaves it’s also ready good do you have any regular gold cheese

Saved up because robin loves this and her birthday is coming up i don’t think i do do i need to hold on to it as well this backpack that i’m carrying oh it probably weighs a ton okay we’re going to cut down some trees oh hello i didn’t even take a picture this

Morning well that was the only thing that was on short anyway look at our pathetic designing look we’ll get there baby steps let’s collect the hardwood oh mushroom spawn in secret sure probably looked over here let’s start the season oh we also have chanterelle these are nice

This might be the only place we can find them in the game if you don’t pick the mushroom cave and this is going to be another thing that i have to carry around because i certainly do not have space for this uh i don’t actually i kind of do need it

I need everything i’ll eat the seaweed i guess even though i’m gonna need it as well we don’t even have trees growing i took down everything oh wait we have a few here but my inventory is full i need to go back to my house and put everything away okay you know what

Should i should i even do that i could okay i’m gonna go to pierre and i’m gonna make a big investment and i can only hope i’ll be able to recover from this financially at some point when my crops grow they will grow uh the backpack i just need

A little bit more money i’m gonna sell these mushrooms this mushroom No i want this do i really not have enough you know what sell this and i’m also gonna be selling it’s not enough come on come on oh i’m gonna need to huh okay it’s mine I really hope i don’t regret this and now we got the full upgraded inventory space this is it guys it can get better than this squid kids i can take care of those beasts wizard don’t worry give me the trash that i picked up

Should i even go cut down trees i i have a mission ah let’s try levels 110 i don’t have a pick maybe i shouldn’t have come after all oh there’s a ladder right there but i can’t reach it dang it oh i got a bomb fantastic you are my friends hmm

A lot of friends oh dang now you give me scrolls huh i can’t go down for a year maybe i should just use the elevator levels too you know keep going down until i find the guy or maybe just give up and go to force and cut down trees like i’d originally

Planned 115 there’s nothing 105 nothing 95 uh there’s a few things sure come back dude i don’t like this don’t like this strange bun thank you sir 85 come on level 85. got started i’m out i’m gonna go to the forest my grape wine is ready uh let’s put a blackberry in hmm

Maybe ah another one go on i should save one wine bottle let’s see if i can put anything away anything thank god this is it it’s getting late i still have a little bit of energy though and i have the work totem i’m gonna keep going for a little bit longer

I also have a few mushrooms that i can eat but like we’ve collected a ton of wood so far nothing over here what about up here still growing well some of them grew okay i’m done let’s teleport back Oh what happened what happened is my house ready it is wow look at all this extra space queen of sauce tell me what’s up tortillas how many of you are gnawing on minecraft convenience burrito while watching this program shame on you don’t call me out like that

I only got a kitchen now you might as well wrap your beans in an old wash rag dang now listen up once you try my fresh rustic corn to tortillas you’ll never go back spirits are very happy dang okay we have a fridge we can put food away isn’t this crazy

And we can cook i need to make a fried egg and some mickey roll for because this bundle don’t want to get us started on that already i don’t know let’s see lucky lunch salmon is going to be used for cooking that’s why i saved it so it’s going on the fridge

Nothing here Cookies adam’s bounty coffee it’s gonna go in the fridge parsley soup strange bun and yeah that’s gonna be it really freed up a little bit of chess i could probably use the fridge for storing my tools as well while we’re just starting out i mean why not we don’t have that much ingredients

To cook with at the po at the moment is my pick not ready yet clint is like slacking on me oh my duck grill okay i’m gonna save one egg to make the fried egg to make the um does it show over here it does to make

The monkey roll we need any fish seaweed and rice i don’t have rice i need to buy some i also need to fit one squid kid like if i don’t have my pick how am i gonna do it okay thank you i guess i didn’t even

Turn this into cheese what am i doing ah you guys grew i need to visit clint it’s taking him forever to create my pick i’m missing my pick i need my pick what is he doing so it is i didn’t plant this one did i okay plynton planting planting and using fertilizer

I don’t know they would also spread these like regular trees oh finally you’re done let me put the row in here maybe i should save one of these because it’s artisan goods and it sells for a lot fried egg by the way do i have any like random fish that i can use

Starches i’m gonna save to put on a fish pond i need the flounder too i’m gonna use a shrimp seaweed i just need rice okay let’s get a move on people there’s another quest i didn’t run out of time this one no i didn’t one red mushroom for elliot okay buddy

I’m gonna need some rice thank you that’ll be it gosh darn george hurry up he’s gonna go to church okay tomorrow what do you have some new special orders to pick from i’m excited there’s two that i’m really looking forward to no i don’t want that clint to have my

Pick it is ready didn’t appear i don’t think he did well thank you for the warning anyways at least i got it let me use the minecarts go back home faster so it’s a fried egg and i’m gonna take the salmon out of the fridge for the time being

Right here just so that i don’t use it i want to use the shrimp boom and we got the two items needed for because bundle but we’re just missing the truffle missing the apples for marnie’s bundle the wheat for jodie’s the duck feather why do i feel it’s gonna come down to this

It wasn’t the uranium it wasn’t the octopus it’s the duck feather it’s gonna come down to this item i feel like i need to go check the traveling martian today see what she has for sale maybe a duck feather come on lady oh but i can finally take down this rock here

And finish my crafting area kinda you know the layout can put down the signs right here beautiful oh by the way the mushroom got plenty okay yeah i don’t want anything i’m sorry lady let me go collect the hardwood while i’m here oh okay please tell me his ear he is

Here we go dude we’re racking up those fresh points i have to remember to water my plants that i am not with seawater this time why those wonders for mine i don’t know what you’re on about oh i didn’t even collect the money uh thank you let me go to the mines

I’m a little late now that i think about it i’m still gonna be able to do it i don’t know uh i’ll give it a try though really whoa whoa what happens i’m holding my shears that’s what’s happening gosh there’s nothing here uh 105. please nothing 95 nothing 85 nothing great

Let’s start with level 100 work from there ah yes just need to slay you thank you and it’s done yes i’m out bye-bye maybe i should drink some coffee i don’t know if the wizard tower closes or not at all let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go

If only had a warped totem to force but there’s really no warp totem to the forest is there a traveling martian is closed but as a wizard it’s looking dark i don’t know it doesn’t look like the lights are on okay still up you’re purple now wow

He’s back to normal how is our friendship with the wizard um um here you go still nothing do i not have any fire cords wait oh i’ve been selling them thinking i had some started no i have nothing wow okay i put this away and let’s go to sleep

We need to walk a little bit more to go to bed now it’s blackberry season bushes across the countryside are overflowing with ripe fruit just go outside and see for yourself it’s a good luck diet tell you what i’m gonna grab adam’s bounty gonna grab some coffee

And i’m gonna see if i can pick up some blackberries and maybe make some cash out of them i love blackberries i know i know it is blackberry season the bushes are full of them i want to pick some but i lost my basket can you help

Okay linus i’ll be taking a look around town for it you have some more trees to cut down star is fully grown find me a truffle star find me truffle come on girl like pigs can do it in sand right ah okay sharp polo still no duck feather it’s fine it’s cool

Uh let’s get another duck going okay so i’m gonna eat one anna’s bounty oh it’s cranberry harvest uh if you eat simone’s bounty when you harvest so the blackberry bushes you get more blackberries than normal oh we also got some amaranth ready to go like there’s a ton of foods that can

Help you uh the atoms bounty and helps you with foraging but you can also eat some farmer’s lunch and he will help you with the farming skill when you’re harvesting things oh we’re gonna make so much cash we’re gonna repair the buzz there’s a lot of blackberries on our farm i’m surprised

We have two bushes next to the apple tree we have a crate and that’s about it did you hear that did you hear that i think sarge made us a truffle star you did it i love you girl we can complete this bundle but i’m gonna be going around getting as

Much blackberry as i can okay i mean i do need to plant some stuff in place of the amaranth but we do have the embryo to give to marnie now that is good gonna see if i can find her dude 69. oh there’s a few more here and coffee has ran out

Uh where is marnie it’s monday where did she go on monday maybe she’s up here i don’t know let’s go see here oh we have pierre’s prime produce hello there for an upcoming promotion i’m thinking of offering some high quality vegetables at a slight premium nowhere 50 shopkeep might find 25 gold star

Vegetables ah yeah i don’t know if i want to do that one at least not now and then we have gus famous omelet which just consists of us getting two dozens of eggs so 24 eggs we have 14 days completed i think i’m going to take a quest here

Meaning i’m just going to save all my eggs from now on and not turn them into mayo sure i’m not going to make as much money for the time being but once we complete quest we’ll get some money what’s this uh ghosts okay just one ghost say one of them

I can do that where is marny dude seriously fiance bounty lasts for like a really long time i still have it you know what i still didn’t find linus baskets but if i go over here am i able to see it no yes it’s right over there

And to get there you need to go to the bus stop what you doing over here trying to run away they’re planning their escape like i once had ducks and they were always trying to run away i don’t know if it is because we didn’t

Have that much water like we had a pond we made a pond for them but a few meters away there’s a mill with a river and i don’t know if they could sense that but they were always trying to run away to go to the mill

They tried to run away so much that my dad called one of them the runaway it was the runaway and quack attack those are my ducks well i don’t know how much this is gonna make me but uh i want to go to the main center and

Donate the items that we have here we can complete another bundle oh it’s so exciting maybe after that i’ll go hit the mines here you go We got a pancake yummy still love the apples or the flower i do have one amaranth look at that which is missing the duck feather tell you what let me go by this bundle here fantastic we’ll have enough by the end of season look with all the cranberries i harvested

We’ll be set let me try to find linus okay totally worth checking here you go buddy oh oh okay we need to put him in the fridge at saloon oh we actually don’t get any reward for completing this we’re just helping out huh kind of feel like i kind of feel like

She’s trying to find money but no no no i’m gonna get a ghost marnie’s quest says time there’s no time limit pretty much oh here you go that was easy come on come on come on there we go done my avatar is full like really i just got the upgrade

I can’t believe i didn’t turn the milk into cheese what am i doing what a waste of time i got so excited after finding the truffle i couldn’t think of anything else but complete the bundle gonna plant these seeds and then i’ll go visit the wizard still nothing okay one heart

Dang that took a while now gonna pick all these tools that i have just laying around also the clothing that i have in chess and furniture too i mean why not and this is all gonna go inside i have two small magnet rings why do you gotta leave me alone god

Ah let’s see if i can organize my chest like ever so slightly i also forgot the ice cream sometimes i just don’t see things got a cut me a break here cut me some slack okay it’s organized on first chest we have some forging stuff second chest is fishing

Third is mining the fourth is artisan goods alongside some miscellaneous that i didn’t have any other place for the fifth chest is for crops and the fridge is for food clothes and tools and with this out of the way i can finally go to sleep look at the money

Look at the money we made and we could have made more if i put the cranberries on preserve jars and kegs but yeah i don’t really have a whole lot of that but this is what i’m gonna be ending today’s video i hope you guys enjoyed it

And i hope you have a wonderful day and until next video goodbye everybody take care

It’s time to build my dream farm, on the beach farm map, in Stardew Valley! This series is kinda like a beginner’s guide, so if you don’t know much about the game, and want to watch someone play to learn some tips and tricks, without any spoilers, you can watch these while you play along ^^

When I start out a new game, I challenge myself to complete the community center before the year ends, so you’ll also get some tips on how I do that.


(Make sure to download the required mods for each mod, they have an asterisk * – all mods require SMAPI and Content Patcher)
– Content Patcher:

โ—‹ Starblue Valley:
โ—‹ Flower Grass (requires More Grass):
* More Grass:
โ—‹ Peachy Objects:
โ—‹ Seasonal Buildings:
โ—‹ Seasonal Tub o Flowers:
โ—‹ Seasonal Cute Characters + Swimwear:
โ—‹ Witch:
โ—‹ Cat:
โ—‹ Farm Animals:
โ—‹ Animated Gemstones (requires Content Patcher Animations):
* Content Patcher Animations (requires Content Patcher):
โ—‹ Flower Dance Mod (requires Generic Mod Config Menu):
* Generic Mod Config Menu:

How to Install Mods:


โค FAQ
Recording Software: GeForce Experience and Audacity
Microphone: Blue Yeti
Editing Software: Sony Vegas Pro and Photoshop
Headphones: RAZER Kraken Kitty Edition Quartz

Operating System: Windows 11
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 Hexa-Core, 3.6GHz 4.2GHz, 36MB Cache
Motherboard: Micro-ATX Gigabyte B450M DS3H
Graphics Card: GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Gaming 8G OC Edition LHR
Physical Memory: 2 TB
RAM: 16 GB
Power Supply: Gigabyte P750GM 750W 80PLUS Gold Full Modular

#StardewValley #SDV #StardewValleyModded #StardewValleyFarm

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