I Made Every Structure OVERPOWERED in Minecraft Hardcore

Minecraft is full of structures and a lot of them look pretty average so today I’m going to upgrade them adding secret traps brand new loot and making them much much more op and I’m going to start small and simple with the swamp Hut and the igloo then work my way up to the

Bigger and more complex builds throughout the video which is going to require a 100 stacks of diamonds now the swamp Hut is is pretty small and it was added to Minecraft 12 years ago in all of that time it’s not changed one bit except they made a black cat spawn there

So we’re going to Spruce It Up by removing the spruce and giving it a mangrove makeover and you know what else gets a makeover if I say a certain word the button underneath the video beginning with s it’s a pretty new feature and I want you to look at it

Right now because if I say the word subscribe then the Subscribe button should get a rainbow effect and if you’re new here and you press it you’ll get a load of fireworks on your screen you should totally test it out and to transform this swamp Hut I’m not only

Going to need Mangrove wood which which apparently I don’t have any of but I’m also going to need muddy Mangrove roots and to get them I’m going to go out in search of a mangrove swamp I’m not too sure where the nearest one is so we’ve

Got a bit of a journey ahead of us don’t know when that nether Portal’s from but also guys the Subscribe button isn’t the only thing that gives fireworks when you press it because you also get fireworks when you leave a like on the video so

You should try that as well because I do think it looks kind of cool I’m also finding every biome except what I’m looking for and this is actually the ocean Monument where I got the Elder Guardian in my mob collection so there you go now you know where we are but

That’s of no use to me at the moment so I’m going to keep flying through the rain across the world here we go this looks like the kind of place I’m after and now that I’m here I can dig into the side of the tree mine up the logs and

Grab the muddy Mangrove roots with that all sorted I’ll also grab a few of these and then I can build a portal to get home quite a bit faster I should also probably spend a little bit of time repairing this elytra so that’s it is no

Longer broken now as part of this build I’m going to need a few fences and also some stairs and then I’m going to smell clay no I’m not hold on I’ve done that wrong oh hold the phone we’re getting the wrong material instead we’re going

To smell the clay balls so that then I can make the flower pots and I also think if I grab one of these shirts also it’s Shir guys look at it it’s not Shard it’s sh the amount of people that told me up in the comments drove me crazy

Guys it’s not my fault I think they should be called shards but just Google it I promise you I’m using the right terminology anyway I want to take one of these put it with some bricks and then we get a decorated pot only things missing now are a couple of mushrooms

And we’re ready to build this I’m going to expand this pathway over in this direction and I should also connect it up to this building whilst I’m at it and then I’ll expand it around this corner along here and then across this way and this is the spot that the swamp Hut can

Go my name for it is the mangrove Hut and the pl is to have little pillars of the logs like this with the muddy Mangrove roots in between and now I’m going to build the actual hood Parts which means even more pillars upwards and I’m going to grab the normal route

And use these as the walls it really gives it that kind of rundown overgrown feel which is what I kind of expect a building in a swamp to look like Anyway these fences had a bit of decoration normally these would have been Spruce I believe okay never mind they would have

Been Oak I was wrong so these are going to be like this and then because I want to put flowers on top of them as well the little plant pots nicely blend in and they just look like they’re part of it now to add on the roof which is more

Muddy Mangrove followed finally by adding stairs all the way around the outside and there you have it it’s my muddy Mangrove swamp put I think underneath I’ll also make this grass path just to give it a little bit more character and you know what I’ve got an

Even better idea I can grab some mud and some ice to give it that Mangrove swamp feel underneath yeah I quite like how this is looking I reckon the pillars should also have a bit of mud the same for this one then the rest can be grass

Path oh yes it it just brings it together a little more one single ladder is needed so you can actually get into it and after adding a bit of string to protect it from snow the first of the structures is done and I think Mojang should actually add this one to the

Mangrove swamps cuz I think it looks very very cool next I said we’d start with the small structures which means the next one is going to be the igloo I do actually have one of these fairly near my house you can see we’re not far

From The Village at all and here it is pretty standard made of snow little secret compartment underneath although not all Igloo do have that secret spot and I want my Igloo to look like it was Touched By The Hand of Midas if you don’t know what that is it’s from Greek

Mythology where a man wished that everything he touched turned to Gold also as you can see we’ve we’ve got plenty of that in stock at first he thought it was a blessing but he soon realized that it was actually a curse cuz all his food turned to gold all his

Friends turned to Gold if he touched them yeah all of that anyway we’re going to build an igloo that’s made out of gold and the most valuable ice blue ice that’s convenient I need exactly 26 and that’s what I had in the chest and I’d

Also like lava to be part of this build just because an igloo is normally really cold so it’d be quite a cool contrast to have something that’s really hot in there I’ve also got a bed and dripstone don’t ask what I’m going to do with that

But yeah it’s probably going to be a pretty dangerous place to sleep so the iGo can go right here as I said it’s made out of gold and that’s exactly how it looks and we’re going to build the outline which is incredibly easy to do

And I’m also going to dig out the floor because it’s not going to be snow right there no instead it’s going to be a ring of ice with lava inside it followed by more ice and orange stained glass on top here I’m going to have some windows and

This is going to be where the bed is it it looks fine for now but but don’t you worry it won’t stay that way I also fell down we should add some more ice there and then build it up with more gold there there we go that is the exterior

Done and I should also extend the grass pathway so it connects in fact now it looks bad I should under here also have gold you don’t want to be seen dirt in the foundations you want to think that it goes all the way down and in a

Normally glue you get a crafting table and a furnace where we’re going to have a smithing table and a blast furnace and then a soul torch instead of a redstone one and finally some dripstone which I kind of thought were almost like icicles icicles will be an amazing addition to

Minecraft by the way they could just be very similar to point of dripstone and then we’re just going to have these dotted around we’re going to have one right here imagine sleeping in that bed in fact when it goes dark I’ll actually do it it probably look quite funny so

Yeah tonight it’s going to be an exciting night anyway that is the igloo done the golden Igloo I think it looks very very nice indeed much more exciting than this one right here that Mojang added and there’s also sadly no space for a secret tunnel cuz it’s it’s all

Lava I do need to put some string on the roof to protect it from any falling snow and that is the two small structures successfully transformed and now we’re going to move on to the medium ones which is the jungle temple and the Pillager Outpost although before I can

Build them I am going to need more space which means I should probably get rid of some of this mountain and before I can fully do that A promise is a promise I have to sleep in this bed underneath the dripstone I’m sure I’ll be perfectly

Safe even if I am staring death right in the face and now I can actually get busy flattening this terrain and there we go it is is done I know I could terraform the terrain just to make it look a little bit tidier but we’ll worry about that later for now I’m

Also going to expand out this terrain just a little bit more I can also put all of these shovels into this chest I thought it’d be better to use them by trading with the Villagers than risk breaking my netherite shovel now both of my pickaxes can be repaired and the next

Structure that I will build is going to be a new and improved jungle temple however further down the line I’m going to be recreating a nether fortress and instead of using normal Nether Bricks I want to use red nether brick what’s the problem with that well crafting them

Takes a lot of Nether wart we have a decent amount but when you combine that with the blocks that I’ve already got it’s going to be nowhere near enough cuz two Nether wart makes one block and I require over a thousand of them let’s grab a load of Soul Sand some building

Blocks and later on I’ll make it so that it works with redstone but for now I just want to build a really large farm for it and I’ll do it next to my wheat farm let’s flatten off this area it’s nothing like I had to flatten off before

So I don’t mind and right here I’m going to start building the blocks and I’m going to build it in such a way so that it mirrors the farm here that way it will look good and the water should all flow down nicely there’s enough space

Here for 400 Nether wart which if I harvest with fortune 3 will get me an average of 1,800 in total but I’m also going to go and grab some black stained glass so that I have the option to use water if I want to and I’ll also need to

Grab a few Redstone items this glass should be able to hold the water in I’m also going to need a little bit behind like so the concrete will have redstone on to activate these upside down Pistons the onoff switch is going to be right here and with all the Pistons activated

I can add in the ice these Hoppers are the collection and that ladies and gentlemen is that everything’s ready and I can’t do much else until they’ve all grown although some of them have so let’s go and grab them using fortune and all of the extra nether water I got from

That can be used to fill in these gaps and whilst I wait for all of these to grow I’m going to use the time productively and use this tree farm to get a load of Birchwood I reckon I’ve been here long enough let’s go ahead and

Turn it off and as you can see the Birchwood stocks are looking a lot healthier and pretty much all of this has grown so as I said I’m going to manually mine it all with a fortune axe that means I will get more per drop up to seven from one netherwart believe it

Or not and that is much better than if I just use the water to harvest it I can then go ahead and plant all of it back down the Surplus can go into this chest and whilst I wait for all of that to grow I reckon I can now spend a load of

Time farming up Spruce I’ve now run out of bone meal but I have also ended up with plenty of spruce lugs whilst I was doing that all of the nether water has also now grown which means I’ll have more than enough to transform the Fortress later on but in the meantime I

Need to work on the jungle temple transformation to begin with it requires just over seven stacks of Blackstone then I’m going to need a load of redstone items cuz I’m going to build some brand new traps since the ones that are in the vanilla Temple pretty boring

And I’ve almost got every item right here however I need two glow lyen I don’t think I have any of them so I’m going to grabb some shears and then head down this shoot this is my little amethy farm but I can go from here down into a

Cave and the there they go already we’ve seen some both of them can be grabbed and now for the actual item that I need to get loads of gilded Black Stone I only have 23 of it and for this transformation I require 10 Stacks unfortunately because this is an item

That you can only get in bastions there isn’t really any way to farm it so instead I’ll have to do it the old fashioned way which is to head to a Bastion find the block and then mine it and conveniently this is also something you can find in the chests as well as

Stuff like ancient debris I found a decent amount but I’m kind of curious to know if there’s loads more hidden in the walls it’s kind of difficult to tell unless I just mine around unless I quickly head back home and try grabbing some TNT then I can dig a bit of a

Tunnel right through and blow up the Bastion to hopefully reveal a bit more okay guys it worked the plan is working we’ve got loads more okay even even gold I I did know this room existed but I may not have found some of this without the

TNT so I say we just keep going and blast this place wide open also what are you doing here you want some TNT mate there you go I think I just made them all more mad and there’s some stuff I want to grab here so don’t mind me I’m

Just going to get it and TNT was the only way up all righty don’t worry guys I’m just going to keep gather wait does TNT drop it as well oh that makes it even better I’m sure there must be some efficient way to do this but the fact

That TNT drops the item is so so useful and I’m going to use that knowledge to search as much of this place as I can Manish to get nearly a stack and a half from this Bastion this method is also a great way to gather up normal Blackstone

And now it’s on to the next one to hopefully find plenty more that so was a little bit close for comfort but on a positive note at the very least I now have five stacks of this which means that I’m officially halfway and I should probably be more

Careful with the brutes around cuz I don’t want to die I just love spling these guys into lav it’s so easy and this particular Bastion okay well for a start it’s got amazing loot in here and secondly it’s also the one where you get loads and loads of the Gilded Blackstone

All the way around the building so it’s quite easy to get a lot of it just because of how abundant it is and this gives me eight Stacks fantastic okay I’m being followed and on top of that there’s even more lurking around here in this room it’s great that I’m finally

Getting closer and I should probably Buran myself from using this in the future because Gathering up the Gilded Blackstone and exploring the area is quite timec consuming although when you get a chest like this it kind of is quite nice I’m so close to having everything I need and here’s something I

Didn’t realize for a while if you look underneath a chest there is always a piece of gilded black well I just let that one burn but yeah any chest that you might find have the Gilded Black Stone underneath which is just good to know and I also think that combin with

What I have at home I should just about have enough but as I’m heading back I’ll keep my eye out for another Bastion just in case and then we can build the transformed jungle temple which in my opinion looks pretty cool and you know what else looks pretty cool the little

Guy has been watching me for the entire video and this is also the final weekend to get my sb737 Blockhead the timer only has 48 hours left he can even take his sunglasses off and if you don’t get him in time he will be gone forever sorry

Mate that that wasn’t very nice to me was it but if you think you can take care of him better than I can then go to the link at the top of the description which is Blockheads do store and on my way back I found another Bastion this

Will just top me up nicely so that I’ll be completely ready for the build here we are home sweet home I can drop off all this other loot that I got and then I can grab the items in these Sher boxes because it is time to start building the

Transformed jungle temple and in order to build it I actually need to dig out quite a bit of the ground because this is a structure that has a tunnel underneath and of course I’ve got to have a trap down there it’s going to be a pretty evil lava trap but I I still

Think they should add it to the main game even if it would probably be a guaranteed kill for anybody playing Minecraft for the first time now from here I’m actually going to start with the spot that is going to have the trap in so there’s going to be Lava right

There there and then there’s going to need to be some Redstone the Redstone is going to involve sticky pistons like this and they are all going to be extended which will hide the Trap so I’m putting Target blocks along here I I don’t think there really need to be

Target blocks but anyway I’m going with that then this is going to come around and we’re going to have three more like so and these ones actually do need to be Target blocks next I’m going to add in all of the lava and then a redstone torch right here which will activate the

Pistons looks good but it’s not much of a trap because it’s not very well hidden so I’m now going to start building out the floor it’s not really a specific pattern just want to make it look nice and random and to be honest when I’m finished with this jungle temple it

Probably will look like a form of Bastion which may look good in the nether I could call it the jungle Remnant or the Bastion jungle I I don’t know but what I do know is that any good jungle temple has traps hidden around so this Redstone is going to link around

And set off these dispensers but I I don’t want them to just be shooting out arrows like they normally do since this does have a bit of a basy lavy feel to it I’m I’m thinking that we niit back home and head to the Bastion experts which are the piglins now these guys

Love to take the gold from me and in return they always give loads and loads of fire charges so now when you enter this jungle temple you don’t get shot with an arrow you get shot with a fireball yeah I think that seems fitting let’s continue building and I think this

Is the perfect point to hook up the Redstone now both of these levers won’t actually do anything they’re just going to extend some Pistons so that you think something’s happening and you might get some treasure but in reality it it’s just a red herring and from there I’m

Going to add a repeater cuz this is the real one we’re going to add a single piece of redstone dust like that and when we flick this lever bam now who would stand back and flick that lever maybe the clever players but most people will do it like

That although theyve fall the L I’m I’m just a bit more careful so that’s the bottom bit now we mainly just need to work on the tunnel out of here and also the exterior so that it looks nice from the outside I’m also going to grab the

Other buckets of lava and add one there and also one right here just gives it a little bit of light and and gives it a okay you know what I just fell for my own trap guys that’s how you know it’s a good one but yeah I I should probably

Just focus on building this entire thing up that should be the upstairs bit done where the players can kind of come and look out of the windows if they’d like to and then I can top off the roof with a couple of stairs a couple of blocks

And two more stairs and that ladies and gentlemen is it it is now complete and I think it looks pretty cool I think it definitely has a very neish feel to it and inside is even better you do kind of feel like you’re in a Bastion but you

Can’t quite put your finger on it it’s got traps hidden all over the you know what would be really good if I’d made that trap come up to here as well I can’t do it much further because there there open blocks there don’t fall for

Your trap for the for a second time me you can you can fool me once but twice will not happen oh and I completely forgot to add the most important thing hold on hold on Dodge it there we go we through and this one now I’m going to

Put in three gold blocks just as a bit of loop you know for anybody that is brave enough to to come here I’ve also noticed if I put glow l in front the glow L disappears like if I set this off oh it doesn’t there but I I put it there

And I I don’t know where it’s gone maybe I will have burned from the lava okay that explains it not to worry it’s just that I put a lot of effort in getting it and kind of a waste of time now I see and now the next of the structures that

We’re going to transform is the Pillager Outpost I’m going to make it a skull themed one and it’s almost going to look like the kind of thing that you could find underground in an ancient city but instead it’ll be an outpost it’s also going to have a lot of shriekers and

Also a lot of skull catalysts I have a few of them here but probably not enough and in this Shuler box yeah probably not all the ones that I need so to get all the skull Catalyst which is the main thing I need load of need 290 to be

Precise I can use my Warden Farm I built this quite a while ago I don’t know how we do it we’ve got four scull Catalyst but every time a warden dies it drops one and to set this off all I really need to do is just shoot a few arrows

Here and it will Now activate the shrier and as you can see out of the ground craws a warden well you can kind of see it in the darkness in the this this should keep spawning them over and over again but it I don’t know if that is

Actually working properly but not to worry I need 290 skull Catalyst and I can just stand on top of here and it will keep activating the Stree Cen over again and that means wardens will keep spawning and dying from entity cramming up here then the skull Catalyst just

Filter into this chest and it’ll take me about 30 to 40 minutes to get all of the skull Catalyst to that I need I think I’ve now been here long enough and there’s loads of it in the chest now with the those out of the way I do still

Need 52 shriekers and 23 skor sensors as you can see we have all of the shers and all of the sensors that can be found in this Sher box right here and then really the only other items I need are the ones that can be crafted from Deep slate such

As deep slate tiles and then the stairs walls and slab variants I’m also going to need a few skull veins five will do and then because it is still a villager Outpost even if it’s getting a skull makeover so I’m also going to put eight ominous banners on it ominous Banners

Are something something that you only get from Pillager captains or sometimes from raids and my hero of the Village Farm is pretty good for this because it does get your Pillager captains from the bottom so if we fly over we could get a couple from there you know what I I

Can’t really I can take one but I’ll break the machine if I take too many don’t worry though there’s always plan B which is to fly over to my very first raid Farm I don’t know why I didn’t come here to start with because I’m pretty

Sure I made a chest that filters out all of the banners there you go it does I think I blocked it but we’ve got all all of them in here that we’re going to need so let let’s get all eight of them that means I’ve got every single item and I

Can begin building the skull infested Pillager Outpost and to actually do that I’m definitely going to need to expand this pathway from there all the way down to the bottom so that it’s then ready for every single structure to be built next to it so I’ve done the starting

Outline for this and I also need to dig out the entire floor from there I can fill it in with skull Catalyst granted it it probably would have been a lot cheaper just to use the scul blocks but this is just a little little bit more robust you’re not going to accidentally

Break The Floor are you and then I’m going to steadily build the walls upwards and on these little bits here there are going to be skull sensors and skull shers but I’m not going to add them until the end otherwise they’re just going to keep going off while I’m

Building and it’ll it’ll just make everything noisy this is the height of the first floor and this is where it actually is kind of useful to use scull Catalyst because you can see them from the side and you can see them from below and it gives a very a very interesting

Look doesn’t it now to continue building everything upwards you can see from here you can you can look out it’s nice and spacious that’s exactly how it is in The Outpost and we can fill all of this in I don’t know how I feel about the bottom of skull Catalyst like from

The top and the sides they look pretty cool from the bottom it just looks really weird can now continue bringing these walls up even higher and after I’ve added this floor down which makes it the top one I’m now going to add all of the ominous banners and that is where

You’ll be able to tell that it is indeed a Pillager Outpost even if it it doesn’t look like a normal one kind of just going to step back and have a look look yeah you know what it’s definitely coming together it’s definitely got the feel of the Outpost but it’s also very

Skulky as well the roof is going to be made up entirely of skull blocks as you can see and I’m I’m building these up layer by layer and after that it is now time to add all the decorations as at the moment it kind of looks quite bare

To begin with instead of a normal chest at the top it’s instead going to be an Ender Chest I think you know that looks quite cool doesn’t it and then entirely around the outside of the top I’m going to put skull shers this is why it it

Kind of will get noisy if these start getting activated but the good thing is unless I stand on top of one of them it won’t it won’t make a noise however I’m going to add something else that will make it make a noise and that is the

Skull sensors I’m going to have them around the outside they’re going to be along here like so and yeah every time they they DET take the vibration now they’re all going to get set off so it’s going to get noisy obviously because I placed the skull shers they can’t go off

So that’s at least a bonus you know that well a warden can’t spawn anyway otherwise I definitely wouldn’t be building with these but yeah it just adds a bit of decoration around the outside and I can add a little bit of skull here and there just as an extra

Extra touch and that is my skull Outpost complete I think it’s looking pretty cool indeed I’ll just touch up the area around the outside by filling in these gaps with snow and that is the medium structures done which means I can now move on to the big ones now of course I

Did say earlier that as part of the nether fortress transformation I was going to turn all the normal nether brick to be red Nether Bricks and let’s just say I’m glad I prepared an advance by building this Farm because now I can just go into this chest grab all the

Nether wart and craft the 1,000 red Nether Bricks that I need well unfortunately I pretty much run out of these fellas which means grabbing loads of Netherrack and setting it all off smelting in the super smelter that’s every single one that I need in fact I

Actually got quite a few extra from that which is good cuz you never know when they might come in handy and with that out of the way I also need quite a lot of Red netherwart Blocks now You’ think oh maybe I need to take the netherwart

And craft them that’s going to use a even more of them but oh no I’ve got this giant farm that’s been getting me loads and loads of the wood variants as you can see well maybe they’re not in this jet but also yeah the Warped wart and the nether W blocks so there’s

Absolutely no reason to worry about that and then everything else that I need is pretty straightforward I do need a load of nether brick fences but as you can see we’re we’re very well stocked in in that department and as for the 66 buckets of lava that the farm needs I

Can get them from a farm that I built about 6,000 days ago yes I have not won but two massive lava Farms which works with all these cauldrons being below dripstones that are dripping off lava let’s go ahead and press that button and then we just hold right click and yeah

It’ll just keep filling up the buckets and they will keep going into this Soul Sand and because there’s a hopper underneath the Soul Sand the lava buckets keep getting picked up and now that it’s completed these chests are full these chests are not full just from that they’ve been full for some time

I’ve also got the other one over there but I’m not going to use it instead I’ll fill up these three Sher boxes this build is all also going to involve a beacon so let’s craft one of them and the Final Touch is One Singular glow stone so I’m going to start with the

Base and this is going to be a border of Nether wart blocks all the way around the outside and then on the inside of that I can fill in the red nether brick and and yes I know that the nether fortress is one of the biggest structures in Minecraft generally what

I’ve done is I’ve combined three parts of it to make a bit more of a condensed one but you could always imagine what the entire Fortress would look like if it all look like this but yeah that would just take me way too long to do so

This is what the smaller version will look like and you may have been wondering why did I need 60 buckets of lava well Wonder no more because these trenches that I’ve just dug are going to be filled okay well not like that get it right as me remove the snow before you

Place it but yeah these trenches that I’ve built are going to I did it again yeah anyway they are going to be built with are they’re going to be filled should I say with lava as long as I wait for the lava to get rid of the snow I

Don’t really have to worry about anything it’s just slow and steady repeat the same process over and over again again and with this side done the other part is just going to be a mirror image of it it’s also going to be filled with lava I do feel that something like

This really does improve the feel of the Fortress just having lava running through it I don’t know why Minecraft doesn’t add it they could learn a thing or two from this video although in its current state it’s it’s not very safe you could end up walking into it which

Is why on top of it there’s going to be glass you’ll see the lava but you won’t be able to walk into it and then I deci side the glass is just going to be this red nether brick looks quite good you can also see I’ve got a bit of a pattern

Going here with the netherwart it’s also going to go on top that is really going to drive me crazy if I have to keep building it good job it’s it’s not going to go on like that forever cuz it only happens when I’m right next to it and

You know what I also want to do I want to add a secret Sher box right here I not put anything in it just yet but it’ll be very very cool when I do let’s just add a few more of these on and then layer everything up even more with red

Nether brick and this middle bit is a part of the Fortress that you’ve seen many times before it’s the room that kind of separates the outside part of the Fortress to the inside part although in this for it doesn’t anyway we’re going to put lava on top and then you

Can see they’ve got the secret Sher box you would know it’s there and there has to be some good loot in it don’t there what you reckon a couple of netherite ingots I think that’s that’s probably what what it should be so let’s go ahead

And add one two and then I’ll also have a load of gold to go around the outside oh you know what you’d be very glad if you discovered that chest wouldn’t you imagine if it was just like one in a 100 fortresses had something underneath the lava here that would be quite cool

Anyway we we’ll see if they ever had it very unlikely indeed instead I should just focus on building this up even higher and this room is starting to come together we’re kind of just going to have fences alternating with the bricks which is something you do see in this room in

Fortresses yeah it’s getting there I’ll also add the ceiling on top and then I’m also going to build a full Beacon cuz I feel like the ones I’ve got dotted around the world don’t really fit into the scenery very well instead they’re just very very out of place so if I

Build one on top of here it’ll probably look a bit nicer from the outside it looks like it’s built of gold but on the inside there’s there’s a load of iron just to save resources a little bit then the bacon can go on top I do also want a

Bit of red stained glass which I don’t have on me so I’ll grab one of those and now it does look a bit better with the beam being red and finally on top I’m going to add another alternating pattern of fences and blocks so that is this bit

Done but what about this little area right here well this is going to be one of the thrones that you find in the Fortress and this always has a blaze spawner although I unfortunately don’t have any of the mob spawner blocks available to me to place so for this

Build it’ll sadly have to do without but I’m still going to bring this all the way around I can make it look almost the same it just looks like somebody came and broke the spawner or something like that so that is this bit done and then I

Just need to add the fences around the outside and it is done operation transform the Fortress is complete you walk into it right here then you can go through have a little look in that room and finally go to the throne part I quite like it and now we are on to the

Final one that we’re going to be transforming it’s the desert pyramid and this one is the hardest because it is going to require 100 stacks of diamonds now don’t worry guys cuz right now I have a grand total of two yeah I’ve got two diamonds but don’t worry because in

My Ender Chest I’ve I think I’ve got I’ve got four more and then eight yeah you know what let’s let’s just see how many we’ve got all together I’ll quickly just mine these up 30 that’s not bad what I say I need 100 so I need 99 and a

Half stacks yeah all right we have got a little bit to go but in my world as you can see I have collected up 32,8 4 diamonds so get another 6,00 shouldn’t be that hard especially when you consider that I have Minecraft’s ultimate mining machine the infin which

Has cleared out thousands and thousands and thousands of blocks for me to be able to find diamonds and as amazing as this machine is it’s kind of outdated and newer and better infino has been released you see cubic meter saw me build it to collect netherite and saw

How unfriendly it was for a survival player so he’s made one that is much better much more customizable and much more survival friendly with the resources so I say we build that and use it to collect up all the diamonds that I need for the diamond desert pyramid as I

Said it doesn’t require anywhere near as many resources as the last one but it still needs quite a few so I am going to get busy Collecting and once I craft the stone cutter I have absolutely every item that I need and it’s it’s actually not that much is it cubic meter really has done an awesome job at making this survival friendly and now this does have to be built in a hole down near bedrock and I

Don’t really want to have to spend time digging one but thankfully I don’t have to worry about that because I already have a perimeter right here which is perfect I don’t use this raid Farm anymore it was mainly for XP and I’ve since got a better one so this is the

Place that I will build the new and improved infin it does mean just a little bit of this terrain here needs to be taken away and this bridge doesn’t really matter but I’m going to mine it away just to be safe and also you can

See that this is where I built the first massive mining machine that I made and that did get me a lot of diamonds but how things have definitely moved on so I’m going to start by grabbing some red concrete and red glass and then I’ll build this massive Red Square in order

To run the infino machine this will have to be unloaded if it does get unloaded then you know you’re in the right spot and in order to build this I’m going to start at the bottom and slowly work my way upwards all these Redstone lamps are

One of the ways to see the machine’s progress whilst it’s running and this right here is the bit that splits up the TNT the old infino used mine carts to separate all of them out but this one is so much better because it uses iron nuggets well it it can technically be

Any item which makes it really really cheap to do and this bit of terrain right here is just slightly in the way like I can leave all of that but this bit just needs to be moved out a little bit to make room for a little water

Shoot that will push the TNT along and the stone cutter will help align it and then this must massive platform here is going to be the base of the conveyor that will warp all of the TNT into that wall and th break loads and loads of blocks and that’ll mean that I’ll be

Able to get loads and loads of diamonds and all that’s happening here is I’m just creating a big conveyor of repeating Pistons that just go over and over again in this exact same pattern and there’s also going to be scaffolding that goes all the way along here this is

So that the game doesn’t try and calculate the fall damage for TNT which reduces the lag I know TNT shouldn’t take fall damage but some reason the game decides it wants to calculate it but if you place scaffolding down that solves the problem anyway so yeah all of

This Redstone that I’ve set up will nicely separate out the TNT and it’s the gold pressure plates that are only activated by the iron nuggets that help separate it as well it’s a very very clever system indeed and most of the Redstone down here is now done and it’s

Just a case of transferring the signals upwards using Redstone in some areas and walls in others I’ve now fully built up the TNT convey a bit as you can see and that’s that’s the height that the TNT is going to go for so it does make a taller

Tunnel than the last one I also need to put composters like this with redstone and I also need to use carrots to add a slight bit of compost to the composters and what that does is it changed the signal output that they will now give to a comparator and now comes a very

Important part where I have to add in the barrels but I I I can’t just place them no I have to fill them each one needs to be filled with 20 wooden axes it’s a fairly simple task the only difficult bit is that I I don’t really

Have that much inventory space so let’s clear a little bit more it works best if I craft 40 sticks at a time then all the axes and then fill the barrel and the actual purpose of these axes is just to give the comparators a certain signal strength although I don’t have any now

Cuz I have to put them in here so yeah coming out of these barrels we’re going to have comparators all the other ones have them and then on the layer above I’m going to add even more barrels and they also all need to be filled up with

20 axes although having said said that these Five Barrels here only need 19 in so yeah it’s a minor detail but it’s very important to the machine there we go and this is also the part where I need to write out some books and then

Add them to the lect turn and make sure it’s on the correct page I’ve got more Redstone lamps here to make another progress bar which will once again help in making sure that the machine doesn’t break on this rail right here I’m going to put a mine Carton and this is going

To act as a player detector because if I add a pressure plate on top you’ll see it keeps activating and that means the game knows that a player is nearby and when the player flies away so the machine can run the mine cart will no longer be loaded and this pressure plate

Will not be activated the machine has two of them and and they kind of just act as safety switches this is where the other player detector is going to go and it’s going to be right by the TNT duper yep we’ve nearly finished but the most dangerous part is ahead because we will

Still need to build the area that produces all the TNT that gets warped into the terrain and now once I’ve added these 10 lanterns every single thing except for the TNT will have been placed down so let’s be very careful nothing should activate it it should all be fine

And with that the machine is done yes it it it looks quite complicated and I will also add all the signs above the lect turns to say what each thing does and I’m also going to mine away a bit more of this wall here just to make sure it’s

Fully out of the way and and nothing interferes there we go I reckon that should be more than enough for mind out and that’s every single one of the signs are sorted I just need to dye it and also make it Glow so it it looks nice

I’m also going to fly to the AFK spot that we need to wait at whilst the machine is running it’s it’s right over here in this exact chunk I’ll just pop back to the storage to upload all of my items and now to put it simply we just

Need to test the machine I’m pretty sure all the settings are correct I’m not going to explain them right now instead I’m just going to add an item here I’m going to turn this down to be zero so it only does a small tunnel just so we can

Make sure it’s it’s working you can see this is flashing this means it’s ready to go we use this and now I think we just fly over here we fly over here and we wait in this chunk I’m going to add some glass walls just to make it a

Little bit safer and whilst I’m in here the machine will be busy working and now the correct amount of time has passed so it should be done and look at this the machine has worked perfectly it’s only done a tiny tunnel as I said it was just

A little test run but already look at all the diamonds and because it’s a taller tunnel look at that it reveals way more diamonds up there it gets more in the sides and it blasts more for me as well look at that I didn’t even mine

The ones in the walls and I already got nearly two stacks that only took me a couple of minutes which is kind of crazy so now it’s time to do the big operation having this set to zero made it a 50 block long tunnel if I change it to 90

It’ll be 500 blocks long and if I also set it so that it repeats itself 15 times that will mean that the tunnel is is going to be 7,500 blocks long and I should have no problem in getting the 100 stacks of diamonds needed well many hours have now

Passed and the Machine has finished and whilst I’ve been here I’ve been getting loads and loads of wool in fact we’re completely overflowing well that’s a a nice byproduct don’t know what I’ll do with at all but it’s it’s kind of cool and now let’s see how the machine has

Done and look at this just look at this a NeverEnding tunnel 7,500 blocks wide reveal in loads and loads of diamonds it goes on and on and on there’s going to be so so much to get here so I will be able to get the 100

Stacks but before I do that I think I should probably get rid of everything I’ve got all of this can safely go into there and if I place down the diamond ores that I’ve found so far I can mine them up with Fortune they’ll repair my silk touch pickaxe a little bit and

These diamonds can be going into a Sher box I’ll also get my pickaxe repaired and with that done I can lower my render distance to help prevent items from despawning and I can begin collecting it’s even revealed new diamonds in this first bit because it’s blasted it for

The second time and it has to be said that it is quite crazy wow got the first stack already that was very very fast this machine really is so much better than the old one I also know I didn’t really explain how the machine works but I’ve already explained it multiple times

In videos like these so if you’d like more information feel free to check them out and in other news I now already have over six stacks of diamonds yeah I’m sure I can get to 100 in no time at all I’ve also noticed that a lot of the

Items in the middle part of the tunnel have despawned around here and I can only guess that whilst the TNT was warping it maybe loads these chunks a little bit and it’s caused some of them to despot I’m not entirely sure cuz at the edge you can see there’s way more

Items so I’m thinking as we get further down the tunnel we may get to a point where there’s a lot more blocks but that’s just a theory again you know what it’s it’s it’s too soon and that is 10 Stacks wow just look at all of those should probably start loading up this

Shuler box and then continue collecting I love it when you can see the terain falling in front of you you’re just just look at it all come tumbling down I don’t think my theory is right cuz there’s still only really loads of items at the sides and then in the middle it’s

A lot more scarce so I’m going to fly all the way to the end and see if there’s any change further down the tunnel yeah I’ve reached the end of the tunnel and all the way through down the middle most of the items have being deleted but then on the sides there’s

Way more so I think it’s in my best interest to stick to the sides I’m not sure why it’s done that because I had the keep item setting switched on but maybe it’s something to do with me running it at a 15 payload I I don’t

Know and look at this I’ve near filled a Sher box I think actually I’m not too far off am I yeah just a few more stacks and sticking to the edge is definitely a good way to get a lot of the diamonds fast even though there are ones if you

Go further in and I’m getting distracted by them the vast majority are at the sides there we go it’s looking pretty awesome isn’t it and that also means we’re over a quarter of the way there and once I’ve mined up these I’ve once again filled up my inventory which means

I have 50 stacks of diamonds in total and I should probably now use this opportunity to craft them into blocks just so that I have a bit more space there we go that that does make me look quite Rich doesn’t it and I can get back

To collecting and and I feel like I’m now kind of on the home straight I haven’t even been collecting the diamonds in the middle I’ve just been sticking to the edges it’s definitely sped things up and I’m just going to keep going as fast as I can now once I

Have grabbed these in fact I’ve got it that brings me to 75 stacks and and one Diamond which means I’m getting very close cuz there’s now just 25 Stacks to go I eventually ran out of diamonds at the side so I’ve now just been collect

In the ones in the middle and I think at this point I’ve got enough I think I’ve collected all 100 Stacks yep I needed 11 stacks and nine blocks of diamond I’ve got a spare one and as I’m heading back I might as well grab more diamonds that

I see on the way just to make sure that I’m completely well and truly topped up it’s also a lot easier to see where the ORS are at once you turn the render distance up all right I’m just going to ignore diamonds now I’d love to keep

Mining but we’ve got to press on with the project it feels so terrible just to be seeing them in the ground and just just flying straight past just mining these two won’t hurt but we need to focus now on the project which is to transform a normal desert pyramid into

An extremely op Diamond one here we go back at the invin and also now back home as well and now as well as these diamond blocks I’m also going to need light blue concrete which I have loads of here thanks to last episode then I also need

A bit of black concrete and finally a block of netherite which unfortunately I I don’t have but in this Sher box of treasure we have plenty of ancient debris which I can split up into the furnaces then combine with gold to make a netherite block perfect there’s

Nothing more that I now need so let’s get busy and begin the building project there is just one slot left as you can see for the diamond desert pyramid to go I’m firstly also just going to change these grass blocks to be Diamond so that it looks a little bit better when you

See the grass path it it you know it looks like it goes underground and this is the complete border of the diamond blocks now on the outside it’s all going to be diamond on the inside it’s going to be light blue concrete and the reason for this it’s simply because it would

Require another 400 diamond blocks or another like 60 stacks of diamond just didn’t have time for that so I think diamond on the outside and blue concrete on the inside is a is a nice compromise so in the floor here we’re going to have the pattern that you see in every single

Desert pyamid but in the very very middle we’re going to have a netherite block just to make it a little bit more op there’s going to be pillars right here which is why I’ve left gaps in the floor so I know where they go and I can

Also begin layering up the outer walls as well now you can see why I needed so many diamonds the downstairs bit is also pretty much done now so I can start adding the ceiling to this room which also access the floor to the second room up here I’m going to keep on building

This up and around I’ve got the two entrances here so this is this part finished but I still need to do the front face kind of thing and these two towers that you see on either side the towers are fairly straightforward it’s just getting that pattern correct but

Once you’ve got that you’re then just layering it up and Roofing it off now to do the exact same thing on this side and with that done it’s just time for this middle bit here which I call the face really it’s just a pair of eyes it’s

Very very simple so there you have it the front is done and not only is the front done the entire build is as well so this is my very op desert pyramid I’d love for the entire thing to be diamonds as I said but the time it would take to

Get all of those diamonds on top of what I already got it’s just going to be so many more hours that I just can’t do that but from the outside it looks absolutely amazing and I know I haven’t done every single structure in the game

I mean there’s a lot of them but I decided I wasn’t going to do the underground ones I wasn’t going to do the underwater ones and I wasn’t going to do the end ones Villages have loads of variants so I didn’t want to make a custom Village Woodland Mansions were

Too big they could just be their own video and there was too many Bastian variants as well so I just picked the six that were kind of my favorites that I wanted to transform and if you’d like to download my world to check out those builds my patreon is linked in the

Description that has the new download link and if you’d like to know how I built a farm to get all of this unit to bedrock click the video on screen right now or if you’d like to see how I got all of these rare and impossible blocks

In Minecraft I mean just just look at some of them then click the other video that is on your screen right now

Buy my NEW BlockHead here! https://blockheadz.store/products/sb737

►Obtaining Minecraft’s Rarest Blocks: https://youtu.be/2yBzNzxTGYY?si=MspK429d74gA1-Js

►Download My World Here! https://www.patreon.com/sb737?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

►Or play the world on my server!
JAVA IP: play.penguin.gg
BEDROCK IP: bedrock.penguin.gg Port: 19132

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In this Minecraft video I survive over 8384 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

More 100 Days Episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbf7lS_Ncd7W-Y88KOSKAof

Cubicmetre Infinibore: https://youtu.be/Y3UKMmLWJWE?si=F51PCYzCFhklrFOV

0:00 Small Structures
6:27 Medium Structures
22:15 Large Structures
27:51 Getting 7,000 Diamonds


  1. Here is an idea: either get all of the tropical fish ALL OF THEM or create a museum of all the blocks and items in the game
    If anyone can do this in HARDCORE Minecraft it's you 😎

  2. when you finish this hardcore world, you could do a vanilla+ hardcore series (if you do more hardcore- or even if its just survival) – like beacon overhaul, inventorio, stuff like that

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