JJ and Mikey Survived 100 Days as ICE in Minecraft – Maizen

The extreme heat wave will continue for many days today it’s 120° make sure to drink plenty of fluids what this temperature is very high Mikey we must turn to ice 120 that’s insane no way it never gets that hot H maybe we should take shelter for a

While I should probably check on Mikey I hope he’s hand in the heat okay wo it’s so hot they weren’t kidding wow it’s never gotten this hot before this is crazy pH it’s hard to focus hang on oh no the fields dried up the water evaporated so all the crops Died let’s find Mikey huh wait is that him that’s Mikey Mikey right he doesn’t look so good are you okay Mikey hello Mikey what’s wrong with him so thirsty no energy water please uh water yes there should be some in here who what the well has gone dry oh

No this is really bad Mikey must be really dehydrated too here I brought some water for my house drink up in fact Mikey you should probably drink up a lot Thanks that’s so much better pH it tastes so delicious you saved me I thought for sure I was a goner thank you JJ wow I’m so glad you’re okay Mikey we got a problem the well ran out of water and now the villagers are all in trouble now

That you mention it the village is really quiet let’s check on everyone okay there’s no time to waste huh let’s see H what Mikey this villager collapsed could it be heat stroke let’s share some water with him yeah drink up okay what about the other houses this one’s empty what about the

Blacksmith h y no Mikey this one’s collapsed too uh-oh here take this water this is bad seriously poor villagers this is a total disaster they need water right away no not this one too here take some huh good job all this running is making me thirsty too things are not looking good Mikey

This Heatwave is a big big problem how much longer will it last wait a second huh Mikey do you see that no oh no hang on that house it’s so hot it caught fire no way oh this is really bad we have to put it out uhoh let’s hurry there’s no

Time to lose come on I can’t reach oh no it’s burning down water we need water but the well is dry what are we supposed to do it’s out of control we can’t give up we have to try it’s spread too far there’s there’s no stopping it there’s

Just too much oh sheesh it grew so fast it’s a lost cause Mikey yeah it’s over yeah it’s already gone oh well hopefully it’s the only one I hope so losing this house is sad but it could definitely be a lot worse we have to protect all the

Others right the entire Village is in danger from this heat I was planning on just taking shelter but we can’t leave everyone else to suffer we have to protect the Village from this heat but what can we even do it’s so hot I can barely move where would we even start

You’re not wrong uhhuh oh I know huh could we refrigerate The Village what how would we even do that well I have something that might help seriously here’s my house Mikey come on in it’s nice over here oh look let me show you the basement down here ready woo I have something down

Here that’ll come in handy what is it I don’t want to spoil the surprise let me see come on mhm just a little bit further behind this door is a big surprise let’s go in open it’s colder in here than I remembered check it out it’s freezing

What is it I thought it would be smart to build this room in case of emergencies oo there’s plenty of ice and water see this is amazing you never know when you might need ice yeah all right there’s nothing more refreshing than ice cold water this could cool The Village

Yeah we can use this ice M to basically refrigerate The Village this should beat the heat until the heat wave is over yeah let’s do it but wait how exactly are we going to cool a whole village I have a plan let’s get this ice up to the surface

Okay here we are let’s build a refrigeration unit somewhere over here which should be able to cool down the entire Village first we’ll build a big row of ice like this got it here we go just like this okay that should be enough well maybe a little

More we’re building a wall see oh this is step one we’ve got this yeah H this wall of ice is going to be huge but how will it cool The Village it will trust me I don’t really see how don’t worry remember this wall is only step

One then what step two we’ll get there if you say so okay I think the wall is big enough for now we have a wall of ice but how will it refrigerate The Village well the secret is this block I’m holding we’re going to use fans oh watch

This okay I’ll place a fan uhhuh it’s working a few more fans will make this Breeze even stronger that’s so cool the fans blow cold air because of the ice oh that’s one row built it makes sense now let’s build a second row okay more fans

I want them to be evenly spaced like the fans in the top row Mikey do you want to place the last one that Breeze feels so nice yeah I’ll add the last one wow this looks awesome check it out the ice cools down the air and the fans blow that air

Across the village it should cool off in no time wow nice check this out Mikey look at what the heat has done to The Village’s crops they’re going to need more than just some cool air the field is all dried up yeah the water evaporated leaving the

Plants to wither up let’s give them some new water like this so they can grow back but that’s ice not water yep okay yeah like that here’s why oh the air is hot enough that the ice will melt into water oh I see that makes sense next up

The well this needs some more water too right the heat dried it all up uhhuh yep wow it’s going to take a lot of ice to fill it up all the way but I have more than enough enough that is a lot mhm you did it good job JJ nice this should

Restore the well once the ice melts it’s definitely getting cooler but it’s still really really hot we should make a pool that’s a great idea Mikey we could be cool and comfortable with a pool let’s do it we’ll start by digging right here perfect that’s a good size maybe a

Little bigger yeah that’s good ni we’re done digging now let’s turn this pit into a pool this is exciting it’s going to be so sweet to have a pool I’d like to make it a bit deeper good thinking not bad it’s starting to look like a pool it looks

Awesome all done woo now we just need to fill it in let’s use ice again all right I can help with that the heat should melt all of this into water pretty quickly yep the pool is almost ready mhm just a couple more ice blocks almost

Done that should do it now we just need to wait for the ice to melt I think everyone in the village is going to love cooling off in the pool mhm I hope they all start feeling better soon yeah check it out the village is cooled down and everyone is feeling better the

Ice melted too we did it yeah this feels great yeah this is fun woohoo and so refreshing yeah oh and check this out the well is full nice mhm all the water we want we can use the well again oh look at the crops they’ve recovered wow

The field is back to normal now everyone in the village will have food yeah all right I think I’ll celebrate by eating some watermelon mhm here oh thanks Down the Hatch everything turned out okay that’s right woohoo well then it seems like we’ll be able to outlast this heat

Wave after all I’m never getting out of this pool I’ll start searching H there’s food but no iron I’m going to look over here now I’ll keep combing through the village okay if I want this bucket I’ve got to go for it uh hey Mikey can you

Focus on Gathering up some blocks for us sure there could you also make us a furnace I can’t I’ll handle it I found some more it’s kind of scary down here what if the lava comes out of nowhere like it did last time all right I think I have what we

Need I can make you a bucket too thanks a lot JJ keep Gathering blocks have some food thanks Mikey let’s get smelting are we going to run out of time or what I’m up on some blocks might as well mine these houses huh I think

Dirt is going to come in handy gather up as much as you can H did you see the lava yet so far so good I hope the iron’s done with a bucket of water we should be able to survive for quite a while that’s right here’s

One and I filled it up I’ll cut some more trees where are you Mikey I’m close to where you just were I’ve got your bucket thanks this is going to be easy but we still can’t goof off right stay focused the lava will be coming up any

Minute come on let’s get to Higher Ground the reason we failed last time was that we were at too low of an elevation we’ll be safer if we start up here mhm good thinking I’ve really stocked up on blocks same 57 in counting I wonder if the lava will swallow up the

Village that’d be so sad maybe it won’t strike after all JJ keep your guard up take this seriously like me I don’t know there’s no sign of it maybe I should head back in the cave no don’t isn’t it worth investigating where the lava is well what oh it’s just a skeleton

Phew oh oh oh there it is huh the skeleton’s attacking me but what’s worse the lava is coming I don’t see anything oh wait I told you think this is high enough it’s a good start how’s the village so far I’ll be up here that’s high Mikey you’re really

Taking things seriously this time our water buckets will keep us safe right I hope so this is bad there’s nowhere to go except up the village is covered we might be in trouble here Mikey let’s keep going up JJ I’ve only got one left uh Mikey

That’s going to be a problem why you’re Tower is going to burn down the village is gone and I only have 64 blocks of dirt left can we even survive this I still have lots of wood oh wait don’t come any closer huh I’m going to try dumping some water

Do it here it goes what’s going to happen do you think this is going to work oh oh check it out it turned into obsidian uh is my wood on fire yep what am I going to do hey Mikey look I see the edge of the lava we’ll make it if we

Can get over there but the lava’s right Rising so fast and I’m out of blocks wait what if we used water to make a path across the lava yes great idea we’ll let it rise a bit more and then we’ll turn it into obsidian after that get ready to run for it genius

We’ll see I am so glad I crafted these buckets I have a feeling my platform’s burning it is it’s all going to come down so hop over to my dirt okay here thanks we could make our way to that Hill keep in mind the lava Rises every 15 seconds stupid platform

No it’s okay you can have half of my blocks you rock what should we do Escape look the lava hasn’t completely flooded that area if we head over there we might make it let’s go hang on is it safe looks like it great so hot this is tough let’s try again okay

Today, JJ and Mikey gonna survive 100 days as ICE in Minecraft! Can Mikey and JJ survive 100 days as ice or cold temperature will defeath them? Watch the rest of the video and find out.

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day

Original Maizen Channel – @maizenofficial

#minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj


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