Minecraft but It’s The Myth of Herobrine…

This is Minecraft but it’s the story of Herobrine today we’ll be living Herobrine story from when they first spawned in many years ago from destroying villages to being a full on mystery my goal is to take over all of Minecraft but Herobine wasn’t so powerful right away so what was Herobine

Before the myth and how powerful can he get stay tuned to find out so it all started on day one when I was summoned the villagers really didn’t like me so they kicked me all the way out of the Kingdom I was exiled into a dumpster so

Now we’re going to get our revenge I just got here be evil new ability small scare okay well I am small ear B and I just got here and you see that castle over there we’re going to take over and get our revenge cuz I didn’t do anything

Wrong wait small scare what does this do yo oh it gives us one level oh oh oh there they go oh oh oh okay so I’m going to guess our XP bar then is our evil level wait what is this no evil allowed none of that okay so I’m going to guess

We got to get through there but maybe I get my evil level up a little bit real quick all right let’s start scaring stuff let’s scare you you too chicken get get out of here sheep out of here so does anything happen when I get a lot

More evil levels maybe we’ll get some bigger scares what about the cow oh even works on the cow and you and you let’s get to level 10 there we go oh and at level 10 we can now get a coder I got to go in there sneak in to find coder oh

Let’s start our evil plan then first we actually need to get some wood so we can have some tools I’m just a little hereb but we’re going to grow as we level up now we’re ready okay so we have guards in front of a lock right there and

Clearly they don’t want me in no evil allowed why did they summon me then all good though if we just sneak in by the side here there’s clearly a small entrance right there for a small Herobrine wait what is going on and over wait what’s that sound though let’s real

Quick sneak in oh wait do they have defense mechanisms what is this they’re trying to squish me oh gosh okay we got to time this right then here we go okay okay there’s more defense mechanisms right there let’s just to be careful okay oh what is this okay there is one

Way around just got to break this comob right here and whose school is this oh my goodness hope they’re okay it is request for Revenge guys and we made it okay no damage should be good now just to get out of here and let’s sneak okay

Clearly they don’t want do want to here let me real quick close that and oh gosh the guards are not looking we made it in admin’s home that might be where we find the coder that we unlocked wait there’s people other than villagers here is that Steve there’s Steves everywhere okay so

They don’t like me cuz I don’t belong oh get caught equals Death well that’s not good hold on but we can find a disguise here okay new plan we’re going to go to the store and get a disguise Steve look away oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay look

Away AI look away look away Steve AI I don’t need you oh wait this might work actually right here don’t mind me just making my way to the store this is the benefit of being a very small person and we made it uh and it’s closed apparently

Well they don’t like me here anyway so maybe we can grab some stop all right this is useless o and but this isn’t a fake nose and mustache glasses and what is this right here oh that’s just a heart part of shark yeah that isn’t cool

Wait so do I just like right click this thing oh it worked I’m disguised now this should be a good enough disguise guys is there anything else we can grabb here though uh shards no oh low key a bucket of oxal my friend I’m going save

You they were too unkind to you and I got a free water bucket anything else before we can go out there oh a paint brush what is this for oh it throws paint actually I need some food too here br’s got to eat too you know and I’m

Going to borrow some wood don’t mind me fellow citizens well they’re they’re not really fellow citizens but it’s all good there we go got me some bread I’m disguised now and real quick let me test it if it works with this guy uh sir do you recognize me oh nothing happening

Yes okay so now we’ve unlocked access to just walk around and our evil plan is coming along okay so we’re supposed to get something here since we can just walk straight in guess we’re good um anything in here oh some weed is it like a puzzle oh so the admin wants us to

Complete puzzles to get up to him all right that should be easy let’s open this up real quick come on okay let’s just walk him slowly yes I got him through all right straight this way Mr Cow we just got to do it slowly but surely yes okay he’s through and I

Actually got to figure out this maze I think we got to take him all the way over here here let’s go this way too perfect and now finally it looks like he has to go all the way to the green wait how does he get there oh there we go one

More come on Cal you’re doing amazing nice last one to the gold pressure plates come in yes and the door open oh my goodness okay what is the sound of all those Pistons wake the statues wait what what is this oh wait I have the small scare ability maybe we can wake

Them up uh Mr villager let’s get this guy away okay now that it’s just us let’s real quick do a quick wake up wake up yes it’s working all right wake you up wake you up and wake you up that’s how it’s done oh the door open perfect

Now we should be able to get to the next level to get what we need and oh gosh is that the admin but he’s storing so loud okay so we should probably not wake him up but this is how we score big guys okay don’t mind me I just going to Tippy

Toe around here very basic parkour get through this chain here oh gosh I will check the barrels I feel like that would wake him up this would be an awful time to do a small scare though it could be a little funny let’s just not jump on top

Okay and to the fourth floor oh what is this are you good yes or no oh that’s the item we need the coder item I can lie and say I’m good right I never did anything wrong let’s go with uh yes would you use the coder for evil

Definitely not yeah definitely it’s not like I have an evil plan or anything to get revenge absolutely not and I passed hey well that was easy and just like that don’t need you stream we get the coder just in case let me block that off

Right there oh and it got us a level 15 so now how do we use a coder oh coder unlocked uses left 11 oh so we can only use this thing 11 times interesting scare and prank 11 villagers and players this is how we get revenge then also I

Didn’t realize there are so many guards leading to the castle I’m going to become king soon enough that being said first it looks like there’s a cod to required spot right there maybe we got a prank him real quick oh and we got a bunch of pranks and scares ideas I’m

Going to BL them for now just so you guys can see how crazy these get but the first one is to temporarily blind a player I have just the idea let’s right click this and welcome to blockbench and now let’s make our first ability of the

Video so how this is going to work is first we’re going to make the texture and I’m going to be sending these to the developers to make sure it works anyways 16 X6 basic Minecraft and I’m thinking we start off with the fire charge it’s got an evil texture to start with let’s

Make it purple and perfect now for the code and to see what we’re making let’s gock confirm in 3 2 1 and this is the Shadow Ball where it’s a projectile with medium speed where its effects are to Blind the Target and have black and dark purple particles I think it’s going to

Get the job done now we got it good old Shadow Ball and so now for our first old prank can’t see us from up here but do I just shoot this go on oh he’s blind sorry buddy and now we’re level 30 one out of 11 done let’s MOG water bucket

All the way down and don’t worry guys my disguise is still here looks like over here we have another coder required spot and it might be for this guy let’s check our list what about this one teleport behind a player and scare him through the window this gives me an idea all

Right no one look at me let me just go inside real quick and let’s use a coder again okay it is time to make our second ability which is going to be the teleport one first let’s start with the icon and for this one I’m thinking just

A simple stick figure that looks like he’s running kind of like teleporting we’ll add some smoke behind him and a slight purple glow Perfect all right let’s go confirm and time to code so for a Teleport it’ll be an instant ability where the speed is God speed cuz you

Know we’re teleporting and the effects are to teleport me forward with a purple particles and with an Enderman teleports sou that should do it so let’s cck confirm in 3 2 1 and we got it good old teleport so what we can do is real quick

Go here there we go and let’s SC it worked hey and now that’s thr out 11 done okay now to see your gues don’t worry I still got my disguise on let’s go deeper into the village this place is huge oh wait this might be the next spot

Right here coder required and where’s the person oh wait are they in here oh they are okay this is the next person we’re going to scare just so we can get that XP level up once it’s that level on the screen right there we can get to the

Castle let’s do idea number three place a giant will be cushioned inside a player’s house this one’s going to be goofy let’s real quick get to coating and now back in block bench we’re going to be starting with a simple little square now let’s add another and stretch

It out to give it some shape next we’ll add a little mouthpiece and we can’t forget about the texture starting with a good pink color and I think it’s missing something and that’s some fun text which is going to be yippe bad effect though all right let’s pish this up a little

Bit before I put it in game but for now let’s get to the code so this is going to be the giant whoopy cushion with the color pink and it’s going to explode when the player is near with a big fart sound of course I think it’s a solid way

To give a scare all feel confirm in 3 2 one and we got it the giant whoopy cushion let’s real quick just teleport in here and now without further Ado I’m going to walk in don’t worry I’m just a fellow villager and I guess what we can

Do is go ahead and place it right there oh wait he triggered it yes it worked oh now we’re level 35 and we got a new phas okay we’re powering up a little closer to getting to the castle next up I think we have one straight down the road where

Another coder is required oh it’s a guy in the house again let’s see what’s in the ideas oh what if we do use an invisibility cloak to appearer in front of a player and then we scare them I like that let’s go up okay so time to

Make another one where we only need a texture not a model so let’s second iron chest plate and erase everything but the outline and now let’s trace it all in white we can add a little white gem in the middle and we’re all set time for some code this will be the invisibility

Cloak where it’ll be a chest plate type and it affects our invisibility when I equip it and of course cuz I’m here B we got to add some black and purple effects when equipped and white when unequipped that should do it so let’s gock confirm

In 3 2 1 and here it is the invisibility cloak so when we put that on we fully disappear and so for example we can go ahead and just go over here and watch this we’re going to scare him by simply appearing it worked and there they go

Now that’s for we’re done and we’re level 37 on to the next which I see one over there actually oh wait there’s two let’s do that one right there and because I don’t have a disguise anymore we’re going to have to you know real quick walk around a little bit visible

Anything to get that level up reminder that’s the number we’re trying to get to right there oh and there’s two people here hold on there’s a wolf that gets me a little bit of an idea so real quick with the coder let’s right click the

Wolf right click and so I have an idea we’re going to make this into a very buff dog so let’s take the dog and first put it on two legs okay this kind of hurts to see but we got to give him some big muscles there we go and last but not

Least we’ll give him a nice big smell and by that I mean our super scary mouth kind of like ours Perfect all right let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and now let’s give this guy some code this is the buff dog where the type is wool and

The help be2 with super fast speed and the main skills are to bite and Chase a player aka the person right in front of them this should give a good scare and it’s all part of the evil plan so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 oh there it is oh my

Goodness oh my goodness look him go that that that that is terrifying yep yep yep I think that worked 5 out of 11 done and with level 40 we got muscles now amazing time to go invisible again okay we have six more to go and oh my gosh they are

Definitely still looking for me yep no evil allowed I fully agree why did they even summon me don’t worry we’re going to get our revenge luckily they can’t see me oh and they’re just staring at a poster okay but another Cod of required spot is right here okay what can we do

Here to this Farm there’s a guy in there maybe we can teleport in there there we go oh and there’s a group of pigs hold up scare player by smiting a group of pigs near him I think that might be what we got to do here so real quick sir

Let’s real quick get the Cod R in m and let’s get to coding so we’re going to be making a weather control lightning thingy so for this one we need two items one for controlling the weather and one to add lightning to start off though we’ll do the weather and I’ll draw a

Little storm cloud here add some rain and get a big old lightning bolt I like that let’s go confirm and now let’s jump right into the lightning ability which will just be a nice Z shape here in some blue let’s add some glow to it and just

Like that we have a good enough shape we’ll of course clean these up before we put them in game but for now let’s go to end okay so for the weather control one this is going to Simply bring a storm in the world cuz I’m here by himself of

Course I can bring some storms with the sounds of rain and thunder and as for the lightning one this is going to be smiting the target aka the pigs and maybe the player to scare them with the sounds of explosion and thunder I think

This is going to be a great one so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we got it okay he sto he away so what we can do is use the lightning ability on the pigs hopefully he gets us some more levels oh there we go now let’s open up the door

Oh he’s running yep and he’s stuck in the corner amazing let’s make some more real quick perfect oh oh gosh no no no no no why they mad at me okay I’m supposed to be the leader of you guys oh my goodness okay we got away from the

Piglins and also forgot to show off the weather control watch this we can cause rain amazing anyways let’s go back invisible so no one sees me cuz right in front of us we have yet again another Cod required spot this is going to be 7

Out of 11 oh and they really don’t like me here maybe it’s for this guy let’s see what we got on the piece of paper oh this is a fun one grief a player’s house with a bottle of spray paint I think that’s a good idea especially cuz he’s

Right in front of where I was born like why all right let me go right here and let’s get to Cody so for this one let’s start off with the basic Cube model and stretch it up a little bit and now let’s add a label can’t forget about the spray

Nozzle and finally some basic textures perfect we’re all set let’s go confirm and time for some code where this is going to be the spray paint bottle the type is projectile and we’re going to shoot it very fast and where the effects are to spray paint the target aka the

House in red particles I like it let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we got it all right time to do it this HED go on spray paint oh my goodness wait that works and that apparently scares them I mean it’s kind of terrifying 7 out of 11 done and

We’re now level 45 looks like we have another spot over there okay next up the paper says scare a player by cloning yourself this could maybe be a good idea let’s get the coder out again okay so we’re going to be making something to multiply myself so because it’s an

Ability we don’t need a model just an icon let’s first make a player shaped top and now copy it around a few times change how transparent they are and finally a purple glow to the middle one perfect time for the code okay so it’s going to be called a multiply cuz it’s

Going to be making a clone of me five times I mean seeing a bunch of Herobrin should be terrifying so I think it should get the job done so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we got it why am I crouching like that okay anyways so what

We can do real quick is we’re going to do this and quickly go invisible how’s it going buddy it’s five of me go on my minions get them look at them and that’s another evil up with eight out of 11 died oh wait oh no the guard’s going

After them nope nope nope that’s not good this is why we went invisible guys my minions no I should have given them combat abilities well this might be a good time to go over here looks like yet again this is the ninth spot and let’s investigate inside we’re invisible right

Now and it’s just one guy with a bunch of chests holy is there something about chest in here oh wait there is one replace a player’s chest with a mimic okay so we’re going to start with a basic chest and first we’re going to give it a big old tongue and we can’t

Forget about the teeth the more the marrier perfect now let’s give it a little hop animation just a little bounce like that and with that they should be ready for the code let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and now this is the mimic chest cuz it’s mimicing chest of

Course so when the player gets near they’re going to be getting bit by the chest with a red sweep attack that should be solid so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we got it the mimic and now as invisible her Vine we can just go inside

And with this player right here let’s just put this chest right there okay oh there it goes get him and now that’s 9 out of 11 oh and we’re level 50 oh wow that is a big Beacon I feel like I should probably go there soon where the

Heck did that cow come from all right how’s it going buddy oh well thank you thank you for the reminder to subscribe to the channel okay where can we go next oh and right in front of the beacon we have the next code to require what does

The beacon say though close to public Temple of beacons I mean that is a lot of beacons well we’ll get there probably soon enough that being said who is in here oh just this guy all right let me close the door real quick and let’s see

What we have on the list the next one is shape shift and scare player oh maybe that’s why we have this cow right here all right buddy also uh the piglins are still all the way back there let’s go something real quick so this is going to

Be the shap shift ability but we’re just going to kind of make something random let’s start by doing three purple arrows going in a circle and it’s kind of rough so I’m going to probably get an artist R of mine to fix it up and then we’ll just

Drag it in all right for now let’s get to coding so with the code we’re going to call this shape unor shift where the speed is going to be instant and it’s very simple I’m just going to shape shift into the target with these particles should be good enough so let’s

Go confirm in 3 2 1 oh and we got it okay so real quick I’m going to take off the click of invisibility if we right click this we begin the cow okay there we go let’s now just show up as a cow here we go how’s it going apparently

That worked that’s incredible okay and so now that’s 10 out of 11 done and so that leaves just one to go let’s them disappear oh I think this is it right here code required and it’s just a house uh why does it feel like a fake house

Though do I got to do something with it oh attach a balloon to a player’s house that makes them sense now okay then real quick let’s go something up for this what I’m thinking is a giant balloon so what we can do real quick is just take

This Cube attach a string add some color and boom big balloon let’s gock confirm and the code should be pretty easy to where this is the giant balloon where it’ll be the color red and its main effects are to float the house when attached let’s see if this works in 3 2

1 oh and there we have it let’s just sneak up real quick with our weird little Crouch and place it right here yo look at it Go goodbye house I salute you I think that’s a job all done and that’s 11 things done where it took us to level

55 guess the house is gone so what do we do now oh use ability to sneak in the castle oh it’s time then level 55 and oh I got my muscles back I don’t know why I lost them for a little bit let’s put

This guy back in and this will be one of the abilities we used to get in okay so we got to get all the way up there and we have have so many guards along the way so here’s what we have we have weather control why not Let’s Make It

Rain a little bit a spray paint bottle which we can cause a distraction over there there we go and just in case we have the Clones okay I’m just going to run in invisible though and we can’t forget about the teleport if they don’t

See me we should be good as long as I don’t go un invisible we’ll be fine and the range should make things a little harder to see with particles oh cool glaciers over there all right don’t mind me going to just go inside and get a

Little bit revenge for what they did to me at the start of the story no evil allowed oh yeah don’t mind me just going to make my way through and I honestly we can take off the invisibility cloak and make our way in style all the way over

There oh my goodness this place is so big holy look at this Castle oh gosh okay there’s no more guards up here wait but what are they doing over there no no no no no no no okay invisibility CL wait no they can still see me what is this oh

Gosh oh gosh okay you know what it’s time to multiply go on my minions fight them yes let’s keep multiplying this is how we make our way through these are probably the advanced guards my minions get them attack oh oh oh they’re doing great they’re doing great get them get

Him get him get him time for no invisibility cloak hey good stuff guys all right minions let’s go we got the rest of the people to do oh my gosh there’s so many there’s so many there’s so many holy okay I need some more help we got to multiply even more go on

Minions oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh they’re all focusing on me okay okay okay I got to teleport I got to teleport that could have been bad okay we got to run we got to run holy there’s so many this is why we get more of these guys and what if we

Use a Shadow Ball oh no I hit my own guy bad idea all right here we go again oh my gosh oh my gosh there’s so many there’s so many there’s so many there’s so many go on Legends I am literally just slamming inside okay we got to

Defeat the king and queen oh gosh we got to run back we got to eat bread I need to multiply some more go on why are there so many why are there so many it’s crazy oh wait they’re actually having a great fight in there oh gosh nice stone

Sword is about to break this is not good okay let’s get them in again okay okay okay guys I have lost my sword this is bad I am actually getting pushed all the way back okay let me spawn in some more what if I do this we need the teleport

Oh gosh oh we landed in water we’re good okay what we got to do right now then is real quick run over here m a sword and let’s get that made all right team we got to go back up all right let’s get some more multiplications and here we go

Gold army oh my goodness there’s so many of them let’s just real quick get one of each there we go and I think these might be the last ones all right get the rest of them there they are perfect and now we should be good to go in so we just

Got to defeat the king and queen no evil allow again are they just eating gold they’re throwing gold around all right I’ll take it from here guys where’s the king okay we got servants right there oh and there he is he’s just throwing gold around and the queen too all right here

We go oh and he down us to let’s take down the king oh gosh oh gosh okay okay I’m going to focus on the king for now oh my goodness that actually do pretty good damage do I got to hit both of them oh gosh oh gosh I should brought my

Minions okay let’s run around real quick couple more hits got to take down the king oh gosh oh gosh I might actually lose to them holy what happened to my muscles okay okay oh no no half a heart half a heart this is bad this is bad

Let’s just walk back here okay couple more hits oh and yes we got him and now with them down we can go up to the throne let’s head down oh and we became king and now we got to order St have to leave the castle this is now at level 60

Yo okay actually look like my minions now so we become Up full here Brian where we can get them out by doing this all right let’s get you guys out out of here you get out I pushed them into the wall oh my goodness uh yeah that’s good

Enough you get out you get out and there’s only a few more left oh my goodness look at the armor yo that’s sick all right you got to get out though sorry about this there we go that should be all of them now with everyone out oh

Code canvas to redesign Castle oh so we’re changing everything up here with the NM let’s real quick right click this then okay so we’re going to start with a block and stretch it out now let’s add some legs and some textures and simple enough I think this is perfect we made a

Canvas and when we rightclick this you’ll see what happens let’s click confirm and for the code this is the paint canvas or the type will be furniture and the skills are is that when right clicked it’s going to change the entire build I’m not good enough to actually paint something complex but

We’ll see what the admins do with this so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we got it the paint canvas maybe we should do this outside also we’re definitely getting rid of these guys those aren’t needed anymore as I’m King now of this Castle all right here goes something in

3 2 1 right click oh and it worked yo look at that the new and improved castle where we are going to be making our HQ oh this is sick let’s check it out now looks like some servant stayed and this is nice oh and now we’re level 70 yo

We’re all Royal and stuff oh and now prepare my Army yep and recruit piglins here so we’re in the right spot how do we recruit piglins though oh wait I did not realize they left a lot of gold for us this might be how we do it then okay

Let’s bring a bunch of gold in and I guess see what Pig we can find time to make an army we’ve come a long way anyways it looks like we’re got to do some Parkour real quick so don’t mind me oh gosh fence parkour okay nice all

Right good stuff what do I do with this one okay I did a bad job there we go nice okay let’s get to the very end here and no piglins yet oh wait no they are and their names are literally piglin so I think these might be the right people

So for them do I just give them gold uh piglin oh now part of my Army yo all right join me guys they even got really cool weapons nice this is how you make a team I had the Herobrine team but they they’re kind of uh they’re not the

Strongest people and this right here though this is how you get a nice team oh they’re following me yes all of you you become part of the team oh well that Portal’s broken I think this might be all we need and now we should be ready

To go back oh and now we got to take the Army to the Village all right everyone this way we can finally get revenge from over there it seems like there’s a lot of angry people this place is huge all right it’s going to be a bit of a walk

Let’s go oh wait there’s still guards all right piglins get them all these guys let’s real quick just do one quick hit for each one this guy and this guy and this guy no more guards and look at them go and honestly to give them some

Help let’s also get some of my own army men go on look at them go they’re getting them all this is the New Order still not to our go XP level though on the screen still got to do a few things where I assume we’re going to be taking

Over all these people including them oh uh I I guess a lot of them are already throwing in the lake or they just got there by themselves anyways go on team here they come oh oh oh they’re about to battle it out no no no no don’t lose

Guys don’t lose come on come on guys there we go I think they’re doing a pretty good job oh and now we got to code and possess all mobs oh I’m going to guess the cow and maybe the seeds count let’s go to one more thing then

Right click but as for the code this is going to be possession where its effects are to turn Target evil and make evil mobs attack players we’re trying to create the most chaos we can should be simple enough and so let’s confirm in 3 2 1 and we got it time for possession

All right so for example this guy right here we now have the possessed cow which attacks Steve but we got to get full chaos we can make every Steve into now a possessed zombes so for example these three guys right here you and you and

You there we go making a full Army by out the service than you chill you get possessed you get possessed feeling like we’ve come a long way as her bride right now oh there’s still some cards left team I need you over here oh wait we get

Evil up oh we’re now level 90 hold up let’s get the rest of these guys now we can use an evil spell apparently oh wait there’s a red one now what does this do do I just do this oh my gosh wait what is going on yo that’s insane guys I

Think we just made the entire Village possessed what the heck my frames they in gone and now we’re going to defeat Hero Steve wait who’s Hero Steve oh my goodness wait where I was more and two looks like we have a final boss let’s fix our frames real quick though I fixed

It now it’s time to defeat full netherite Hero Steve my goodness all right team we’re going in let’s real quick multiply a little bit more go on and let’s fight oh gosh that does so much damage go on team wait where’d he go oh he teleports what is this oh gosh

Okay I need food probably but they’re doing their job yes yes yes my Army is doing it for me go on I have no food so if he hits me one more time I literally lose so let’s let the army guys do their thing okay couple more hits and they got

Him amazing work everyone oh and we’re level 100 now and we got a command block artifact from him wait how do I pick it up oh there we go unlocks a special ability oh what does this do did I just right click it oh we’re Giants holy and

We got a brand new ability item which is the Mega scary ability destroy the world all right Army I guess I’m going to use this from spawning in right there and getting kicked out let’s end this right click and here it comes Ultimate Destruction with a mega magma oh wow oh

Yeah wow that’s destroying everything okay yep yep I think this is a good job guys you know what let’s just do this over and over again until my computer crashes this was the story of Herobrine with me getting kicked out and becoming King of the land and so with that being

Done hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one new video just like this one bye guys

Minecraft but It’s The Story of Herobrine…
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🎨 Thumbnail Inspo: @SquaredMediaAnimations @Craftee

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#Minecraft #But


  1. love your vids Nestor keep your work up i'm a subscriber and i ring the bell i'm still making mine video of flipaclip can yall appreciate it pls pls do not make fun of me i'm trying to earn a subscribe and like if you guys don't want to it okay i don't blame you guys for not subscribing and like you guys just don't want to😊

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